bantu semitic language

The location of Proto-Semitic is deduced as follows: The presence of ancient members of the two oldest Semitic groups (East and West Semitic) in the same region of the Levant, combined with a possible long interval (1003000 years) between the origin of Semitic and the appearance of Akkadian in Sumer, suggests a Semitic origin in the northeast Levant and a later movement of Akkadian eastward into Mesopotamia and Sumer. In other words, pick a spot between Proto East Semitic and Akkadian, and call it a homeland. Mande has no grammatical gender or relevant verb flexion; Grusi languages have both, but sufficiently different from Oti-Volta that one can easily imagine an adult Grusi-speaking learner of an Oti-Volta language deciding to dispense with the details ., Leaving aside the tremendous nonsense of the whole methodology, what seems to have happened is that they have assumed that the evident primary division of Semitic into Akkadian-Eblaite versus The Rest shows that everything is basically derived from Akkadian, or something pretty Akkadian-like, at any rate. After all listik exists alonside sg. (Apologies for brief comment because of internet limitations.). It breaks down rapidly if treated as an actual fact. The Calvert Journal (a daily briefing on the culture and creativity of modern Russia), Arnold Zwickys list of blogs and resources, Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien, American Heritage Dictionary Indo-European Roots Appendix, Andras Rajkis Etymological Dictionary of Arabic, Das Deutsche Wrterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, Trsor de la langue franaise informatis, Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales, Vocabolario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana, RAI Dizionario dOrtografia e di Pronunzia, electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, MacBains Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language (1911 edition), [Modern Greek Dictionary], LBG (Lexikon zur byzantinischen Grzitt = Lexicon of Byzantine Greek), - , Nianyans Turkish Etymological Dictionary. (Though, I concede, apparently wrong given the DNA match with the Natufian culture.). Since when arrival of Ethiopian Semitic from North-East (southern part of Arabian peninsula) became controversial? paperpools There are a few lineages in linguistics that can be said to be basal, and then only over a few centuries, and only because we know the history. in Oti-Volta () there is very noticeably more agreement among nouns than verbs, just as nouns are more borrowable than verbs, it might well be the case that if vocabulary remains from a substratum, verbs might be more liable to survive than nouns. Meinhofs system of classification of the Hamitic languages was based on a belief that speakers of Hamitic became largely coterminous with cattle herding peoples with essentially Caucasian origins, intrinsically different from and superior to the Negroes of Africa. However, in the case of the so-called Nilo-Hamitic languages (a concept he introduced), it was based on the typological feature of gender and a fallacious theory of language mixture. Meinhof did this although earlier work by scholars such as Lepsius and Johnston had substantiated that the languages which he would later dub Nilo-Hamitic were Nilotic languages, with numerous similarities in vocabulary to other Nilotic languages. The first evidence of the script, called Proto-Sinaitic, came to light in the early twentieth century with Sir Flinders Petrie's excavations of Egyptian turquoise mines at Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai; hence the name. I just moved his link here. The classical case is stemmatics. First the authors rarely engage with the literature, failing to describe the errors that presumably characterise the proposals of those who want to argue for the reality of particular phyla. I dont have a text before my eyes to analyze. In northern Canada and Alaska theres another, larger species called the sheefish or inconnu. Lisramic sounds better than Afroasiatic. There is a certain tradition of attempting to derive Latin cattus from Berber kadiis but, plausibility aside, the latter word is in fact Nubian (Nubians are referred to as Berber in Egyptian Arabic, among other names. Ramage ystervark ironpig (also German Stachelschwein, Dutch stekelvarken, Finnish piikkisika etc.). The Proto-Oti-Volta word for fish was (probably) *amf, plural *ami (cf Gulmancma jm, plural jm) which, neatly enough, probably shows a singulative-as-singular; in Western Oti-Volta, the umlaut caused by the plural suffix -i has been introduced into the singular, as often: Toende Kusaal zif, plural zmi. Now, Proto-Albanian was almost certainly spoken inland in the Balkans, and not along the Adriatic, which at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire seems to have been Romance-speaking. There are. (Corpus of the Russian Language) Brick? Linguistically, I think thats where Basque, Minoan and in situ Hattic come from. Unless the study of North African genetics has missed an incursion, it seems like you have to either believe the Berber group of Afroasiatic developed in situ starting at the last glacial maximum, independently of the other branches of Afroasiatic, which were all also developing for 18,000 years, on the basis of a proto-Afroasiatic which was already present in some or all of these places; or that Berbers origin is in a prestige trade language that spread, then later fissured. This is not a feature of the method, it is incompetence in its execution. Semantically I suppose the ones who care about you would work. Fish is on (all) the Swadesh Lists. All I can find is to throw, e.g., Hebrew . @David Eddyshaw, I understadn basal as branched off [from the common root] earlier.. And I like his idea that mathematical methods might be used to prove that a particular question of language relationship is undecidable. This is actually part of the evidence that *h was voiced. I did not know that there are idiots to raise a preliminary classification to the status of thats how the world is. If a percentage of the 50 was a slender reed, some of the 20 is a blade of grass. Not I. It would perhaps be right to say that his views are conservative except where they contradict his own data. Overall progression thus involves an evolution in construction types. But that counts as morphology innit? Dont worry, obscurum per obscurius is the motto of LH. Thats a bit misleading; the *i is there, as expected, only in the so-called primary stems, while the *r is there in both the secondary and primary stems. Wait, if Bangime isnt actually related to Dogon, which of them is related to Basque and which isnt? And I fully believe there were such developments in Africa. Cow certainly isnt; there is a very widespread stem *nag- cow in West Africa, but if I remember right, the Bantu words are thought to be borrowed from Afro-Asiatic. More controversially, donkeys, dogs and guinea-fowl may have been associated with this movement, although perhaps not kept as pastoral species. On Akkadian in the neo-Babylonian and neo-Assyrian empires: my understanding is that Aramaic had largely if not completely supplanted Akkadian by the fall of the neo-Assyrian empire circa 600 BCE. No evidence is offered for this so the case is hard to assess. [] However, [the taxon sample was small]. Gender systems that are familiar from Indo-European and, Miceli, Mazzucchi, Menn, and Goodglass (1983), further proposes that, in contrast with many Indo-European languages, only inflectional substitution can be resorted to in, Lukatela, Gligorijevic, Kostic, & Turvey, 1980, ASIA, WEST | Archaeology of the Near East: The Levant, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, With respect to the relatively greater weight or importance attributed to some traits than to others for defining linguistic areas, the borrowed word-order patterns in the Ethiopian linguistic area provide an instructive example. Motic!!! I learn from Google Translate that Russian has a very cute (but not so spiky) two-letter word for hedgehog. Eric Hamp. I do not know. I like, in principle, the idea that linguistic differentiation occurred earlier and in a different location than the first attestation of each branch. In contrast, they by and large command the inflectional systems of their language by the age of three, irrespective of how morphologically opaque or synthetic these happen to be. what seems to have happened is that they have assumed that the evident primary division of Semitic into Akkadian-Eblaite versus The Rest shows that everything is basically derived from Akkadian, or something pretty Akkadian-like, at any rate. was discussed in these august halls not so long ago. Perhaps I only believed that because of the interlocking logic of my folk etymology.) While fjerkr was sold fresh. Oti-Volta (unlike Atlantic) is unequivocally related to Bantu, and many languages have noun class systems every bit as elaborate: but (again with the human and liquid) exceptions, they mostly dont match, not only with Bantu, but often group-internally. Welsh is quite fond of making singulatives out of plurals, which then oust the original singular form, as with llygoden mouse = Old Irish luch (accusative lochaid), via the perfectly-to-be-expected regular plural form llygod. Good to have confirmation of Early European Farmer ancestry in the Maghreb. Thats a fault known as Word Not In, or WNI: the use of a word in a definition that does not appear in the dictionary. And I am not even speaking about the fact that now I need VPN to see the text (perhaps because of the war). Darwin says explicitly that his methods are the (up to date, in the news) methods of comparative philology. But I am far from insisting that he coined it in the sense of swinoid [confused by Hystrix, porc-epic, Schweinigel, Stachelschwein, porcupine]. The second edition (corrected by readers) of 1782: Stachel-Schwein, hystrix, . BTW, its been a long time (20 years?) Instead, vowel length worked like in Russian or Central Bavarian stressed vowels were longer than unstressed ones, more so in open than in closed syllables; so we usually find stressed vowels in open syllables spelled plene (but not always, because e.g. Yes, textbooks are not good, by maybe we then should be angry at them and not at the paper that merely says a detailed reconstruction of the Proto-Mande language, based on strict methodological principles is necessary. Orbis Latinus Wait. May his pen rest in peace. Comparativist heaven. Cazn is indeed the common name for many species, but theyre all selachimorphs, and I think the term gets applied to any small, edible shark thats harmless to humans. Certainly there is reason for skepticism and continued research. It has a repeating background pattern of blue fading to white and back to blue. That takes care of the supposed reflex of *h. @Ryan, in another thread I mentioned a paper dealing with the same individuals form Morocco. Basically Blench should have been around fifty-plus years ago, when his admirable empiricism might have headed off some of the Greenbergian hyperlumpery at the pass. Turns out it is, just not the way youd think. Yes, thanks. and the Chinese paddlefish seems to be extinct because of the Three Gorges dam. That probably primed my ear more than anything. Has anyone ever proposed that another known branch of IE split before Anatolian? He divides Erythrean into Cushitic, comprising Beja, Agaw, and East-South Cushitic, and North Erythrean, comprising Chadic and Boreafrasian. According to his classification, Boreafrasian consists of Egyptian, Berber, and Semitic. In his font the characters are slightly distinct, but I dont know enough to tell which Unicode symbol, if any, is appropriate here. The Ugaritic writing system also differs from other Canaanite scripts to the extent that it does not consist wholly of consonantal characters, but includes in its graphemic inventory three CV syllabic symbols, representing a glottal stop followed by the vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/. However, freshwater carp, sturgeon, and catfish are important food fishes in certain areas, lthough in the US theres a strong prejudice against carp because they destroy the habitat for sport fishes. Whatever the explanation they propose, researchers agree that there is a clear biological underpinning to the overall developmental stages manifested by children in command of language production irrespective of mother tongue. Contrary to the common misconception that the Ancient Egyptian spoke a semitic language, the root language of ancient Hebrew is Bantu languages. ), Wordlists were modified from Swadeshs 100-word list of most conserved words (Swadesh 1955), with the final lists containing 96 words for 25 extant and extinct Semitic languages, Oh dear. Bozzones law: in Greek, *hj > h, *hi > hi. Its not at all obvious what any substrate languages would have been, though Grusi and Mande must be the likeliest candidates. fiskeri..1. But it is easy to see where this can lead to a wrong result. I dont think its the vowels that are the issue for OSA, because (Voltaire etc.) The Bantu language family. Figure 1 is a schematic model of lumpers and splitters Bouba and Kiki! Strange eo* Welsh accent. But isnt a significant difference between biology and linguistics the fact that its easier to define, more meaningful to determine, basal lineages, because the feedback loop within a given niche enforces some degree of consistency over time. Naturally, even in setting me right on ur-, it was setting me wrong on the origin of aurochs. It continues to surprise me that Blench is so reluctant to see this. (The article itself is behind a paywall.). A similar thing has happened with the loanword pysgodyn fish, though that one seems also to have involved some creative reanalysis of Latin piscatus as a Welsh plural form. It is exciting evidence of prehistoric interplanetary contact! NB: I wrote it this way because I do not know the actual distribution. In Berber it appears with different stem-initial consonants takaust (Ghadames), yaus (Sened, Siwa), ayaus (Medieval Tashelhiyt), qas (Nefusa). If it were spelled urox, I think I would have less of a hard time of it. Im not sure if Im interpreting Fig. Combine that with the apparent prevalence of Natufian Y-haplotypes among Berbers and Somalis, and Im starting to suspect that Militarev got it right after all when he identified Afroasiatic with Natufian, least moves notwithstanding. Are there aspects of Afroasiatic that make it seem likely to have originated earlier or later than such an expansion? and it doesnt mean people arent aware of what the live animal looks like. In fact, in some instances, like derived nominals or the high-register Latinate lexicon of English, children will master derivational processes only well into school age. They offered an interpretation that neolithic tech was first pirated by Morrocans brought to Morocco by diffusion and then more tech came with migration of rights owners. You can still find textbooks that mention Ural-Altaic. Lisramic is the only one based on roots from the languages themselves (*lis tongue; language; Eg. The earliest of these migrants, and those who went farthest to the East, were the Akkadians who, journeying along the Fertile Crescent through Palestine and Syria, and crossing over into Mesopotamia, reached Northern Babylonia ca. Alexander Militarev (2000), based on lexicostatistics, groups Berber with Chadic and both more distantly with Semitic, as against Cushitic and Omotic. but doesnt actually define mr-fochyn sea-pig anywhere. Papers that are merely breathtaking or groundbreaking are not good enough for Nature; if you submit them there, theyll be reassigned to Nature Something so the publisher and the brand still profit, without diluting Natures impact factor if theyre not simply rejected. I wasnt looking hard enough. But. If cattle come from the Levant, as seems to be the mainstream theory today, Nabta Playa seems like an indication Levantine culture or at least technology was spreading thorough much of the area where AA languages are now spoken at an early date. Some is paywalled, but for instance, Ive just searched for one of the titles, Genetic Diversity of the Sudanese, and found a free version. Language Miniatures Temperature is still going to be an important issue, even for the cold blooded. Any statement that English morphology is not overwhelmingly Germanic would be difficult to maintain, given e.g., ablaut in noun plurals and simple past of strong verbs (also construction of simple past of weak verbs with -ed), etc. 2. Head-and-shoulder portrait of Adam Smith: INVISIBLE HAND). any good recent introductions youd recommend? By contrast in Uralic *kala is highly stable, lost only in Permic and, if were counting, Helsinki slang. In dismissing the notion of a separate Nilo-Hamitic language category, in particular, Greenberg was returning to a view widely held a half-century earlier. He consequently rejoined Meinhofs so-called Nilo-Hamitic languages with their appropriate Nilotic siblings. Would-be projectors of a Bantu-like system further back have traditionally argued that this is because languages with less exuberant systems have lost classes. That bad thing is that it is simply less convenient than that page that Ryan criticised. He seems to be on the forefront of this, in Africa and in NE India. These all derived from the same earlier Usually held to be a borrowing from Latin -rius; at the very least, it was probably influenced and reinforced by it. And the separate question of whether these forms go with the vos or t pronoun. The quoted dictionary records this usage for everywhere outside the Southern Cone. * Are Kehf and Kelif cognates, or different terms that both happen to be applied to this site, because these arent typos each term is used in different but formal and presumably accurate places. A Bad Guide That looks pretty plausible; and in that case you would presumably expect to see the phenomenon fairly widely across different language families. @lars Dictionnaires dautrefois yD?s"[-;ra*M]Eg{U= Thats why phylogenetic papers of this genre have one of three conclusions: When some people in your ethnic confederation, like the Khazar Khaganate or the Siberian Khanate, say kala, and some say balk, thats a kalabalik (kalabaliikki). Manessy seems not to have realised that the Atakora is a Sprachbund: we can see this because of Boulba itself, in fact: although its definitely WOV, it shares all but two of the sound changes that Manessy took as diagnostic of Eastern (and one of the other two is shared with the Gurma languages.) With the inspiration provided by the monoconsonantal Egyptian symbols, these people designed a fully phonetic and greatly simplified writing system which consists entirely of symbols for individual consonants. Interesting footnote: There are a number of loans between Latin and Berber, including Berber gittus into Latin cattus, cat I doubt if thats as uncontroversial as he makes it sound. For example, the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol resembling waves of water and used in the Egyptian system as a monoconsonantal symbol with the value /n/was assigned the value /m/ in the Proto-Sinaitic script, as the word for water in the West Semitic language of that script began with /m/. The affixes are certainly morphological now, but they show pretty clear evidence of a former life as clitics. Yes: I think he was actually the first to point out that Bangime is not only not Dogon, but probably not provably related to anything. In the domain of morphology, Miceli, Mazzucchi, Menn, and Goodglass (1983) demonstrate the importance of parametric variation. (I apologize for the extended analogy and Im not sure if its actually appropriate.). That might reflect contamination from ygemde . is often put with Germanic *mati- (English meat, Old Norse matr food, Old High German maz food, meat, etc.) Thats the North American species, evidently recently introduced as described in the abstract. And geese are poultry. Morphology and even phonology can also be borrowed. (Keep in mind these affinities are proxies.). Friedrich Mller named the traditional Hamito-Semitic family in 1876 in his Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft (Outline of Linguistics), and defined it as consisting of a Semitic group plus a Hamitic group containing Egyptian, Berber, and Cushitic; he excluded the Chadic group. Your email address will not be published. Digital Dictionaries of South Asia apparently, from *- or, judging by the stress, the reverse formation from the adj. His argument is that morhological reconstruction simply does not work for Mande, Well, there is comparatively little morphology to reconstruct. Respect! This is a really good summary of the situation: For one thing, he loves to declassify langauges:)). What is the P-S reflex of AA *ramc? Oti-Volta-Land is (mostly) a whole lot safer: long may it remain so. a) cognacy judgments are correct, that consensus can be reached about their accuracy. Now youve got me reading Vydrin on Mande & Niger-Congo Toward a Proto-Mande reconstruction and an etymological dictionary (2016). But its also 23 years old. TypeIt (IPA keyboards, language character sets) This was also supported by the presence of similar mtDNA haplogroups (U6, M1) associated with the back-to-Africa migration, suggesting a continuity between Later Stone Age and Early Neolithic populations in the Maghreb. I wanted to find that publication by Puhvel, the spread of features across already-established language boundaries. Kusaal tm send, Samba Leko (Adamawa) tum. sometimes used as a generic fish word The Hague and Paris; Mouton. There were a few decades in the early and again the mid-late 20th century when either no branch at all was supposed to have split off first (just a perfect starburst), or Anatolian was supposed to be closer to western branches like Italic (implying a more symmetric tree). It was quite instructive as an exercise. The first evidence of the script, labeled Proto-Sinaitic, came to light in the early twentieth century with Sir Flinders Petrie's excavations of Egyptian turquoise mines at Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai; hence the name. Similar results are reported by Kehayia (1990) and Kehayia, Jarema, and Kadzielawa (1990) for Greek, a language in which bare stems are never legal. About derivational morphology it is interesting. But there is always room for more ). The term Hamito-Semitic remains in use in the academic traditions of some European countries, as well as in the official census of the government of India. defined basal as farthest from the thing Im looking at. And I get the degree to which thats true. Gender systems that are familiar from Indo-European and Semitic languages based on sex of an individual are but one of a number of such classifications: masculine and feminine; masculine, feminine, and neuter; common and neuter; animate and inanimate. There seems to be no doubt at all, nevertheless, that Goemai is Chadic. As far as I know, the new & flashy hypothesis that Semitic originated where East & West Semitic met in historical times is textbook wisdom. You have no idea how perfectly that jibes with local stereotypes. I asked his work; he dealt in coal, If the PB form is cognate with the POV, it should have low tone, but its not marked for tone in the lists Ive seen. Of thats how the world is they contradict his own data language ;.., Though Grusi and Mande must be the likeliest candidates evolution in construction types Swadesh.... 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bantu semitic language