It could also be pointed out that the same people that determined the 2mm rule, also operated patients with a sole 140 degree CXA (and symptoms of ME) with C0-T1 fusion, which in my opinion is on the verge of fanaticism. The atlantoaxial instability may also have an acute traumatic origin, which may sometimes require urgent treatment, though in some cases it triggers development of the craniocervical or atlantoaxial instability. Hopefully, this piece will prevail in explaining logical arguments for legitimate findings in CCI and AAI, and therein lead to a gradual decline and prevention for related misdiagnosis. About It mainly consists of the posterior fusion of the affected vertebrae, in this case, the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). J Neurosurg Spine. Josy GF, Daily AT. One patient was told by a famous alternative european neurosurgeon that she has CCI and AAI, and although there is no evidence for current surgery, she would probably be in a wheelchair within a few years and might even die. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Facetal locking with rigid torticollis (Cock Robin syndrome) or similar, in cases where there is no neurological compromise, is less dangerous. If the patients neck often completely locks up due to facetal luxations, then atlantoaxial fixation may certainly be a viable option for treatment, especially if conservative stabiization fails (capsular and alar ligamentous prolotherapy, postural corrections, strengthening of the suboccipital, longus capitis and levator scapulae muscles). Why do they have results tho when they correct the atlas/axis? Imaging will prove brainstem compression on [flexion/extension] MRI, and an increased atlantodental interval on flexion/extension CT or x-ray. Yang SY, Boniello AJ, Poorman CE, Chang AL, Wang S, Passias PG. Early stage) and constant compression (if seen on mri, moderate, if seen on CT, severe) of these structures may occur. If there is a 1mm listhesis, however and the patient has no neurological symptoms and the medulla is utterly free of compression, then performing fusion is completely unnecessary. If the patient is indeed positionally symptomatic, however, and there is compatible imaging evidence, either atlantoaxial fusion, transverse foraminotomy or certain physical therapies may be warranted depending on how severe the findings and symptoms are. Moreover, I have heard numerous similar stories from other patients. This, usually due to trauma, but can also occur gradually due to certain autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, gross congenital hypermobility (such as Ehler Danlos syndrome or Marfan syndrome), or certain congenital syndromes such as Downs syndrome (Yang et al. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. All patients were treated with atlantoaxial plate and screw fixation using techniques described in 1994 and 2004. Basil R. Besh, M.D. But, the patient has no signs of brainstem damage such as positive upper motor neuron signs (Hoffmanns sign, Babinski sign, hyperreflexia, clonus, spasticity, and of course, widespread paresis) nor any clear movement-induced symptoms, meaning in this scenario that neither flexion nor extension would significantly worsen their symptoms, then the diagnosis has no clinical holdingpoints. 2020). It will rarely cause frank luxation, however where the facets dislocate and lock laterally. Common arguments for treatment may be claims that, although the MRI and even upright MRIs are normal, their own DMX scan is positive, or that the MRI, which was deemed normal by the local hospital, in reality shows signs of ruptured ligaments and that this fits with the patients symptoms. 1927;11(1):155157. 2005 Dec;53(4):408-15. Review. One is especially predisposed to this problem if the affected vertebral artery is highly dominant (much higher caliber than its contralateral counterpart) or if the contralateral artery is extremely hypoplastic, or, finally, the contralateral artery terminates as the posterior inferior cerebellar artery rather than at the basilar artery (Josy & Daily, 2015). We have remained at the forefront of medicine by fostering a culture of collaboration, pushing the boundaries of medical research, educating the brightest medical minds and maintaining an unwavering commitment to the diverse communities we serve. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology 2013;33:330337doi: 10.1097/WNO.0b013e318299c292, Alkhotani A. Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea Secondary to Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. 2. I dont recommend MRA. Articles We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Often, by radiologist alone, based on sparsome imaging findings (eg., alar ligament T2 FLAIR hyperintensity or mild to moderate lateral facetal overhangs) and a lacking compatible clinical workup. For example, I have seen patients with 45 degrees of rotation (which is higher than normal) between the C1-2 that had completely normal overlap due to large facets, and I have seen patients with 30 degrees of rotation (which is usually completely normal) with poor overlap and AAI, due to small facetal surfaces. The ligaments holding the bones together can also be injured in trauma, or weakened in certain inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or Downsyndrome. This may not apply for all of them, but it is a common problem which makes this patient group especially susceptible to become perfect victims of medical vulturism. In dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation, instability of the atlantoaxial joint results from a loss of ligamentous support of the axis, often with concurrent aplasia, hypoplasia or dysplasia of the dens. Why would you jump to the worst possible explanation, and especially when lacking apt evidence? The patient had headache, dizziness, fatigue, pain in the arms and chest and often felt difficulty breathing. Uniondale, NY Location HSS Long Island The Omni. Treatment depends on your son/daughters symptoms. What is atlanto-axial instability? In my experience, we would expect to see at least 20mmHg maximum venous pressures. Having a strong neck and good posture helps a lot as well (details on what this entails can be read in my article on atlas instability). Burry et al (1978) documented a rare case of lateral luxation in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, in which the supporting facet had eroded away. PMID: 19769514. Knattlia 2, 3038 As touched upon in the beginning of this article, that prompted me to write this article, is a huge massive influx of patients over the last few years who have been illegitimately diagnosed with AAI or CCI. As stated, although rooted in postural dysfunction, this is not really a problem of pathological instability, and therefore I dont recommend neck fusion to treat this problem. J Neurol Surg B. DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1677706, Perez MA, Bialer OY, Bruce BB, Newman NJ, Biousse V. Primary Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks andIdiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Adapted from Problems with the upper spine in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS) by E. Margolis, B. Henry, B. Sandella and M. Stephens. Testimonials A CTV is preferable, but a general neck CT will also do if you have sensitive kidneys and would like to avoid contrast infusion. If you or your veterinarian is concerned that your Atlantoaxial instability is a congenital neurologic condition predominantly affecting toy breed dogs. Request an appointment or second opinion, refer a patient, find a doctor or view test results with MGfC's secure online services. Albeit still a surgically treated problem. Basilar invagination or dorsal migration of the dens, however, will mainly be evident in flexion but can (especially BI) also be seen in netural imaging. Myran R, Kvistad KA, Nygaard OP, Andresen H, Folvik M, Zwart JA. The problem begins when certain nonsensical articles about CCI and AAI, that do not properly explain relevant clinical correlation nor imaging requirements, but rather, just lists a set of associated symptoms, finds favor in the patient. The most commonly used measures in the radiological evaluation of craniocervical instability and atlantoaxial instability are CXA, Grabb, BDI, BAI, ADI. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Thanks for your help! These cookies do not store any personal information. Supine cervical MRI including T2-w sagittal-oblique sequences at 2mm slice thickness (disc and foraminal health is best evaluated on a supine MRI). Headaches certainly can develop from instability of C1-2. In moderate stages, the MRI will appear abnormal, but the CTV will still appear relatively OK (because the patient tends to be placed on a neck wedge which protracts the head in the CT machine this reduces the compression). Epub 2020 Oct 16. DRAMMEN, NORWAY, Home This is really more of a poor posture/misalignment problem than a case of instability (Larsen 2018), but because it is a legitimate upper cervical problem then I will still mention it in this article. Conveniently, she was sent out to a colleague for very expensive nonsense therapy (again, regardless of lacking serious findings that would require surgery) and sent tens of thousands of euros on stemcell and prolotherapy procedures in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable wheelchair. Her symptoms, however, did not at all change when changing her neck position and she had never had torticollis. The utmost majority of these patients have have normal supine imaging, and many of them also normal or nearly normal upright imaging. The main scope of the below studies is to 1. exclude neurovascular conflict, and 2., to look for legitimate signs of instability be it with or without neurovascular conflicts, in order to determine degree of affliction, prognosis, and treatment plan. Rather, just like with the CXA, it is an indication of the present spinal health status and perhaps also an indicator as to non-surgical prognosis as well as an indicator of likely outcome if nothing is done. I have seen several patients misdiagnosed and become almost paralyzed by anxiety due to an increased Grabb-Oakes measurement where the dens is just barely in tangent with the brainstem, despite zero evidence of actual compression nor signal changes in the brainstem and with normal neurological examinations without any upper motor lesion signs! 2014 Aug;4(3):197-210. Get the latest news, explore events and connect with Mass General. Atlantoaxial instability (AAI) is the term for increased motion at the joint between the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae (the atlas and the axis). It is advisable to obtain just a lateral view first. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Symptoms of VBI develop rapidly in patients with legitimate and adequate degrees of vertebral artery compression when placed in the triggering position. Type three involves anterior subluxation of the entire atlas due to combined full rupture of the TAL and partial rupture of the capsules and other structures. This is no longer true. PMID: 749697; PMCID: PMC1000289. Now, for the record, I told the patient with 115 degrees that she does have CCI but that it is not causing her symptoms. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If there is a translational BDI or BAI that surpasses normal limits, however, which is maximally 12mm for BDI and BAI. In previous epidemiologic studies, the prevalence of atlantoaxial instability in persons with Down syndrome was found to be between 9% and 31%. If you have an atlanto-dens interval (ADI) of 5mm or greater, you have instability by definition. Call 314-362-3577 for Patient Appointments. If you or your veterinarian is concerned that your pet may have AA instability, please schedule a consultation with our Neurologist by calling us at our Manchester or Newington location today. The natural anatomic C1-C2 movement is basically rotation and approximately implies 50% of necks total rotation movement. Mild and often even moderate circumstances of AAI and CCI can be treated with appropriate (specific, not generic) physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that prevent hypermobility. The procedure also comes with various inevitable side effects such as risk of screw failure, severe loss of neck mobility, risk of dural vein puncture as I have seen in several cases of c0-2 fusion, and more. More information about surgical treatment. Lack of signal change in the cord, and especially when it is not being compressed from both sides, is not a case of brainstem compression, Mild to moderate ligamentous compromise in cases where all measurements are normal or nearly normal, and there is no neurovascular compression, is generally NOT a surgical indication nor an indication for aggressive treatment. We can consider that there is atlantoaxial instability or atlantoaxial subluxation (AA subluxation) in cases where there is principally incompetence of the ligamentous elements of the atlantoaxial (C1-C2) joint, which allow a significant increase in the mobility of this area thus considered pathological mobility. At Dr Gilete we are experts in Ehlers Danlos surgery, craniocervical instability EDS,neuro and spine disorders related to EDS and whiplash. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Dysautonomia when standing up is often related to craniovascular problems, whereas difficulty holding the head up suggests mumscular damage. The atlantoaxial subluxation may exist in patients neutral position (without neck movement) or may occur in relation to neck rotation movements (when the patient moves the neck to the right and left). Faris AA, Poser CM, Wilmore DW, et al.. Radiologic visualization of neck vessels in healthy men. In severe (very bad) cases, your son/daughter might need neck surgery. Patient resources for the Down Syndrome Program. 2009 Sep;11(3):326-9. doi: 10.3171/2009.4.SPINE08689. In people with Down syndrome, the ligaments (connections between muscles) are lax or floppy. First, need I mention the notion that there is tremendous money in this patient group, and that if treatment goes wrong, becuase they have already burned their bridges with their GPs, no one will listen nor care? In these cases, the direct signs and indirect signs of atlantoaxial subluxation must be objectified. Craniocervical instability, however, implies an instability between the head and atlantal vertebra (the C1). The atlas can sublux anteriorly, posteriorly, laterally, or vertically. None of these tests would be able to reproduce her symptoms if they were stemming from AAI or CCI. Global Spine J. Sometimes flexion-extension and rotational imaging is necessary. When considering neurogenic JOS, ie., a case where there is main suspicion for neural compromise, I use the chin-tucking test. Sometimes, an X-ray shows AAI when there are no symptoms. It means that the instability is, or will probably, shortly, become bad enough to carry the potential to damage nerves or blood vessels. Although there were no current grounds for surgery? and craniovenous outflow obstruction) will frequently cause severe fatigue, migraine, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, pain in the upper neck/back of the head (this is hypertensive migraine, not atlas pain Larsen et al 2020), POTS, memory loss, cognitive decline or fluctuating cognitive ability, syncopal event, seizures, and even, sometimes, hemi or paraparesis and other stroke-like symptoms. (look for signs of brainstem compression, luxation or near-luxation of the facet joints, loaded CXA and Grabb-oakes, loaded Chamberlains line, translational BDI and BAI. Four broad categories of atlantoaxial problems were observed-atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation in six patients, anterior-posterior atlantoaxial instability caused by ligamentous injury or congenital ligamentous laxity (10 patients), atlantoaxial fracture with or without dislocation (five patients), and atlantooccipital dislocation (two patients). 2011, Dashti et al. Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is a condition that affects the bones in the upper spine or neck under the base of the skull. Dashti SR, Nakaji P, Hu YC, Frei DF, Abla AA, Yao T, et al. It is possible to do it with extension and rotation, etc., but it is usually not necessary. The deep neck flexors should not engage as this lessens the compression. The findings may be quite subtle and are easy to miss outside of dynamic exams. Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is a condition that affects the bones in the upper spine or neck under the base of the skull. This, as significant irritation of the brachial plexus can also cause autonomic coaffection (Larsen et al 2021) and thus derange the function of the phrenic nerves, which in turn control the diaphragm. If the patient has an elevated Grabb-oakes interval of 10mm and low CXA of 130 degrees, there is some horizontalization (upwards deflection) of the medulla, but no compression from both sides. Now, it is true that specialty diagnoses can be missed by local generalists. 1977;59 (1): 37-44. (I will post the before- and after images when I return to Colombia in August, as they are on a separated hard drive). Evaluation of the Cause of Internal Jugular Vein Obstruction on Head and Neck Contrast Enhanced 3D MR Angiography Using Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography. It is commonly believed that instability is what causes the overall symptoms in these patient groups, but this is not the case. Atlas screws are generally placed in the lateral masses. A critical view on the overdiagnosis of AAI/CCI. Rather, she would feel awful in general and felt worsening with stress and arm- & shoulder loading, and being upright vs. lying down. These are typical signs of craniovasculo-hypertensive disorders. In most cases it is convenient to put bone graft, usually autologous, taken from the iliac crest or the patients own rib. Patients with hyperrotation of the atlantoaxial joints can also develop Bow hunters syndrome (BHS). If this X-ray is repeated, the AAI might go away. PMID: 18708935. zen , nal , Avcu S. Flow volumes of internal jugular veins are significantly reduced in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. to analyze our web traffic. Dr. Christopher Williams | 07/09/2020. Get the latest news on COVID-19, the vaccine and care at Mass General. Typically, complete membraneous ruptures of the CVJ may cause dislocation between the head and neck, resulting in positional dissociation between the the two. In 18 patients, dynamic images showed vertical, mobile and at-least partially reducible atlantoaxial dislocation. This article will take a critical look at these diagnoses and elaborate upon the factual structural risks that are seen in atlantoaxial- and craniocervical instabilities, as well as their expected realistic symptoms and triggers. A lot of things that cause temporary results are just placebo. En este folleto, aprender sobre la IAA y cmo afecta a las personas con sndrome de Down. In such a case, to avoid foreseeable medullary damage, one may reasonably opt for fusion as preventative surgery, because the medulla, once damaged, does not always recovery after surgery. Prior to surgery we perform a surgical planning of the intraoperative neuronavigation to confirm the trajectories of screws and special anatomical dispositions of structures. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This is not dangerous, but can cause some popping, restriction in movement, and some pain upon articulation. This will be predominantly evident on a flexion/extension scan, where the basion-dens interval (BDI) will be dynamically increased, and greater than 10-12mm (Ross & Moore, 2015; Deliganis et al. Sometimes, the symptoms may trigger within a few minutes after the test as well, depending on various factors which exceed the scope of this article. 3. <9mm), which overestimate the pathologies and are much misunderstood due to unrealistic consensus of what is normal) will clearly be abnormal, such as the Harris measurement (BAI), basion dens interval (BDI), or Powers ratio. Traditional cases of atlantoaxial instability and craniocervical instability require obvious imaging findings with strong clinical correlation, and, when its criteria are met, are certainly treated (operated) in any skilled and compatible neurosurgical ward. Atlantoaxial instability is an uncommon condition of dogs in which there is abnormal movement in the neck, between the atlas (first cervical vertebra) and axis (second vertebra). Neurosurg Rev. And, although there was zero evidence of brainsstem compression, she did indeed have subluxation of atlantoaxial joints with around 10% of overlap when turning to the side. Dr. Nic Gay and Dr. Masi Reynolds specialize in getting to the root cause of the problem DOI: 10.3171/2015.1.FOCUS14791. Atlantoaxial instability (AAI) is a potential complication of all forms of EDS. Maybe they temporary fix some compression? It should be stressed that C1-C2 fusion, indicated by symptomatology, results in the natural cancellation of C1 over C2 movement so it results in approximately a deficit of 50% of the rotation of the neck. I have seen countless reports from DMX centers where the patient, despite having normal or virtually normal conventional imaging, the patient is delivered reports of laughable quality, typically deeming the whole neck as unstable, despite the images being virtually normal. BDI, ie. Patients with genuine and symptomatic rotational vertebral artery compression will develop symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency when they fully rotate their heads to one or both directions, and may be further worsened if done simultaneous with neck extension (DeKleyn 1927). Often times if surgery is required, the bones between C1 and C2 are fused together, requiring less than 48 hours of an in-hospital stay. This is really one of, if not the worst offender with massive overestimates of craniocervical pathology. The mission of FORM Ortho is to be the preferred provider of orthopedic care and occupational health amongst our community, case managers and primary care physicians. Burry HC, Tweed JM, Robinson RG, Howes R. Lateral subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint in rheumatoid arthritis. The reports I tend to get from these clinics are often laughable and full of guessing and overestimates. This, seriously augmented by poor hinge neck postures (Larsen 2018). We did the Edens, Roos and Morleys tests for thoracic outlet syndrome, which were all positive. This would apply for patients with obvious hypermobility but who do not have clinical triggers compatible with CCI or AAI (induction of symptoms in flexion, extension or rotation, and complete normalization when in neutral). Identifying The Signs Of Cervical Instability. Flexion-extension and cervical rotation on both sides should be evaluated. Look for upright compression of the IJVs), Dynamic CT also works well, but has much more radiation. Curr Neurovasc Res. After hospital discharge, doctors usually control patients at least once a week after discharge on an outpatient basis, to make sure everything is correct before flying back home, thus we recommend to stay in Barcelona after discharge for 10-15 days. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. See my other articles or YouTube videos for howtos. In BI, brutally low clivo-axial angles and Grabb-oakes measurements will also be seen. Epub 2014 May 22. The symptoms will completely resolve when returning to neutral position; usually even a few degrees reduction is enough to normalize flow. Most dogs with AA instability will develop clinical signs within the first 2 years of life, often after a seemingly mild traumatic event. Patients with AAI CCI will be expected to trigger symptoms only with neck movement (being upright alone is not enough) and resolve (fully) when the neck is held still. Atlantoaxial rotary subluxations are overdiagnosed and often not measured properly. That said, one absolutely must eyeball the brainstem to see if there is or is not any legitimate evidence of, or risk of brainstem compression. The patient may seek out their GP or a local neurosurgeon who will, usually, and usually rightfully so, dismiss these claims, as the patients imaging is normal and also lack neurological signs that would fit with neurovascular compromise. TOS increases perfusion rates to the brain, to which the brain is very sensitive and may dysfunction depending on how high the pressures are (Larsen et al 2020), often resulting in severe fatigue, dizziness, headaches and especially occipital headaches/pain (these are hypertensive headaches, not an atlas problem). In patients with Ehler Danlos syndrome, instability is present frequently in several segments, generally C0-C1-C2 (from occipital to axis). One or 2 out of every 100 children with Down syndrome have symptoms of AAI, but doctors do not know the exact number yet. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Exam for bow hunters syndrome is done dynamically, but thats aother exam. Either way, if positive, move on to confirm narrowing of the jugular passage between the styloid process and C1 transverse process on a CT scan. If the X-ray results are abnormal (different than usual), the doctor will order another imaging test, like a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. Privacy policy, Do you really have atlantoaxial and craniocervical instability? Let us look closer at these clinical entities and their associated symptoms, imaging findings, and, importantly, clinical triggers. I will explain the exact mechanism of injury and symptoms in the four main sequela of AAI and CCI. Atlantoaxial (AA) instability or subluxation is most commonly seen as a congenital (present at birth) disorder in small breed dogs such as Yorkies, miniature and toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, Pekingese, and Pomeranians. Type two involves stretching or partial rupture of the transverse atlantal ligament along with capsular damage on one or both sides. The functional result of Claims of three, four or even five-level spondylolisthesis due to a 50 micrometer (0.5mm) difference in alignment, only seen in extension, is simply scaremongering and ridiculous medical practice. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Larger breeds can also be affected, and any dog or cat is at risk of a very similar acquired injury if they sustain trauma, such as being hit by a car. You mention to test for craniovascular pathologies, we should get a Doppler examination of the carotid and cerebral arteries done, and a CT angiogram done. Now, what if there is no frank compression nor clinically medullary signs and triggers, but there is a very small space both infront and behind the medulla that has been gradually getting worse. Specialist imaging research to help diagnosis. 1963;13(5):386396. The ligaments supporting these joints are quite strong, but if they become This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Styloidogenic jugular venous compression syndrome: diagnosis and treatment: case report. To the best of my knowledge, I was the first person to document the notion that this was, in essence, a postural phenomenon that is induced due to poor posture over a long period of time (Larsen 2018). In my experience, although I usually disagree with their diagnoses, is that Medserena in London has the absolute best upright imaging quality in the world. She was never evaluated for clinical correlation for these alleged findings, ie., no one evaluated if these findings had actual compatibility with her clinical symptoms and, especially, triggers. Risk in asymptomatic patients: If the patient has craniovertebral dissociation either due to anterior or superior migration of the head in relation to the cervical column, one may argue that there is a risk for traction injury to the brains blood supply even in cases where the patient has no obvious induction of symptoms upon flexion-, extension or rotation, and has no imaging that demonstrates neurovascular conflict (eg., BHS or positional brainstem compression). That affects the bones in the triggering position up is often related to craniovascular problems, difficulty! Is done dynamically, but thats aother exam some pain upon articulation you can opt-out if you wish Dr we. T, et al.. Radiologic visualization of neck vessels in healthy men pain. Postures ( Larsen 2018 ) using techniques described in 1994 and 2004 these,... 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May affect your browsing experience brutally low clivo-axial angles and Grabb-oakes measurements also! Supine imaging, and many of them also normal or nearly normal upright imaging Andresen H, Folvik M Zwart... Are overdiagnosed and often not measured properly 2005 Dec ; 53 ( 4 ):408-15. Review your.! Limits, however, which is maximally 12mm for BDI and BAI Gay and dr. Masi Reynolds specialize getting! On both sides online services can sublux anteriorly, posteriorly, laterally, or vertically there are no.. Have instability by definition the IJVs ), dynamic images showed vertical, mobile and at-least partially atlantoaxial! Is usually not necessary condition predominantly affecting toy breed dogs, posteriorly,,! Aai ) is a condition that affects the bones in the upper spine or under... Sagittal-Oblique sequences at 2mm slice thickness ( disc and foraminal health is best evaluated on a supine MRI ) dogs. Completely resolve when returning to neutral position atlantoaxial instability specialist usually even a few degrees reduction enough. Sy, Boniello AJ, Poorman CE, Chang al, Wang S, PG.
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