During your recovery at home, your healthcare provider will instruct you to: During the first two weeks after surgery, you may need to ask someone to help you prepare meals or do household chores. Im about 10 days away from my first appointment but this has been helpful. I came down with full weight on my bad leg. Someone to chat with a little about what's going on would be great. My foot is doing a lot better. I am 12 days post op and I was getting up from a chair, lost my balance and put my full weight on the injured leg. I am 12 days post op and just had a pretty scary fall. Let me know how it goes with you. Stiffness, swelling, scarring and toe drift is normal. Slower Healing: The healing process for traditional bunion surgery can be painful. Better Choices For Hip Surgery - And Faster Healing And Recovery, Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones: Review Of Orthopedic Surgery Android Apps. Rob, I agree with Rick - lots of people experience a little slip during that period and its scary to think you might have screwed up (I had the same experience). Thankful for this blog. Felt good!m. Still need some strengthening, but life is almost back to normal now other than not yet back into sports. I had my hard cast taken off about a week, but it had an extreme sharp edge on it that went against my calf and had to come off, so i was put in a boot. Its more swollen now, but initial pain went down, except for my lower, inner Achilles area that originally hurt the most. Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft Am now 4 weeks post surgery. Live up north where I was holed up. My healing was going well and I managed to not put any pressure on the affected leg until today. It will ensure that the bone is reformed, forming the right aligned toe. Eric_Mark_1 hello,, I'm on week 3 of bunion surgery, I tripped while using the stairs and put full weight on my affected leg, it's been 12 hours and I still feel swelling on feet bottom and sometimes pressure against the operated area. The casts and boots provided are designed to be very protective of your healing Achilles and they do work. Taydra - Im surprised the folks who put your cast on didnt tell you how to ice. It took me FOREVER to find these posts, but im so glad i did! My docs office hasnt returned my call yet so Im hoping thats a good thing. When I asked about the tears or ripping feeling in my leg, he mentioned theres a good chance I overstretched my calf muscles as theyre so tight. Last night I slipped and put all weight on nwb foot. Yikes! Called the doctor and he told he thinks i am fine but i am stressing the hell out. Id have to think youre good that far out. For background, I fully ruptured my Achilles tendon in the first week of August and had surgery roughly a week later. Yes it hurt like hell to walk heel first very soon after surgery and I know I cried A LOT but my orthopedist made me do it. TaraH, I rolled my ankle at day 43 while in a protective boot, felt sharp pain, went back to my surgeon to get checked out. I guess I figured there will be some pain and aches along this recovery. That one hurt a little. How was it the first time you stepped on it? KG do you sleep in your boot? Also the cast and stocking are black so I have no idea how to tell for sure. 90% tear at the top at the muscle playing tennis. Thoughts anyone? I was happy my wife found this website. slight burn and throb. The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. We all heal at our own pace. When I checked out my ankle, I noticed that my incision point was bleeding quite a bit, and that is where I felt pain. I just fell today off my knee scooter! But maybe I'll feel differently a year from now. Also I started wearing a compression sock as soon as I could get one on without discomfort. Right now my achilles is in no pain. Bunionplasty refers to the method with which the skin is handled to limit scarring for a more aesthetic result. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. Scary. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use I have the same experience as most on here as I had a quick jolt of pain that rain up the back of my leg for about thirty seconds and then it decreased significantly with little aching now. I had my surgery and am in splint, friend accidentally hit my toes when giving me a pillow and I felt pain through my lower leg for a few seconds called my mother who has had this surgery before and said should be fine, after all, if our toes were a major issue they would have them covered and not let them stick out. Dr. Noman Siddiqui was one of the first surgeons in the United States to correct bunions through minimally invasive bunion correction. Physio has given me some low pressure exercises to do daily and is encouraging me to put around 10% of pressure on the injured leg, when I walk. And the first stages of bone healing happen once the bones are squeezed together. Yikes! Overcorrection is also a risk, but much less common. By the way, this may not appear as using my partner's email, he just got notice that the email was invalid--I'm typing this on my computer, not his. Due to both the pain and the potentially bulky or rigid footwear that may be required, sleeping can be difficult, so it is important to take pain medication as soon as you feel sensation in your foot following your operation. Let us know how it goes. The first 3 weeks coming to terms with it, Click here for the Group Marathon Tracker. I was still in the Jones splint. I was worrying too about getting out ahead of the rush. Just gotta trust the process and keep doing my physio exercises. I think I rolled it some when I also instinctively collapsed my foot inwards some to avoid putting weight on it as I fell. Back to square one. Two days ago, I did it again. !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. Pain better now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no Wishing you all the best. I am five weeks post op, and have had a couple of incidents with the knee scooter. I immediately went inside and iced it down. I did something similar even earlier in my recovery, twice. Different procedures are available for bunions of varying severity. Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. Did any of you do therapeutic pool therapy, and at what point? I didnt hear/feel anything, and sounds like you didnt either, so I bet its just a little scare. I had just stood up to open my window and on my way back to my chair I tripped of my bag. I am 61 and WAS in good shape before the surgery. Im a little worried I did some damage or worse re-tore the Achilles. The pain was ongoing for a couple of hours but it was no where near the pain of the initial rupture or the few days after surgery. The surgical screws are made from titanium or high-grade surgical stainless steel. I had them take a pic and it looked like shredded pork in there. If your injury is slightly above the ankle & is held together with titanium hardware after a few weeks(Id say at least 5 to 6 weeks) its proabably Ok. Im guessing the pain is from is from the trauma of putting weight on it. Reading this makes me feel better about what just happened. I did LV. They can put their entire weight on their affected foot with only the assistance of a surgical boot. I'd love to have others to communicate with. Had surgery on 4-9 pain has been bad nwb so so Im in a hard boot. Rick, The doc removed one of the two heel lifts in my boot today so im getting a bit of a stretch now. I'm nervous because my right leg looks like a twig due to inactivity and I can't walk yet. Was moving around the house with my crutches, and one of my crutches gave way after I placed it on a piece of material that was lying on the floor tiles. This seems to be the little oasis we all find after googling accidentally put weight on foot after achilles surgery..ha! Its really great. I am seeing my doctor in a few days but I am terribly worried that I screwed the whole thing up. Of course instinctively caught myself for a split second on post op foot. Im 2 weeks in to this and accidentally put weight on the wrong foot in a near fall from my knee scooter. For another data point, I did the same thing 4-5 days ago. I had a full Achilles tendon rupture, I am now 2 weeks 5 days post op. Taking everything slow and steady to make sure I dont hurt myself again. I know I had 2, the 2nd worst than the first as I had fallen off my knee scooter and caught myself with my casted footouch! One of the nicest theyve seen lol. She was spotted with a bandage on her foot last week whilst leaving the doctors. 3rd patient in my surgeons 16 year career that this happened to. All in all I'd say things couldn't be going better. Thanks to all of those who have posted the messages on their experiences and outcomes! I am 11 days post op (tore Achilles playing soccer), and have an appointment with my Doc tomorrow to assess healing of stitches so that I can be moved into a moon boot with heel lifts. It still hurts like hell 30 minutes later.. have it elevated and have taken pain meds. Katie is now said to be learning to walk again following the latest procedure. Successful bunion surgery recovery is largely down to how well you follow your surgeons advice. God speed to everyone else going through this journey. Gonna follow through with my Dr. in a few days just to be safe. I have my follow up in two days. My skin towards the bottom of my incision was softer due to getting it wet in the shower, and when I looked it was bleeding. Glad you are doing better! It will be 10 weeks after my first surgery. I have it elevated. Put me in a big boot, stitches out on Thursday. Long game. Our number one complication is irritation from the retained hardware or screw. There was a slight initial pain (gone after a minute or 2) but it was fine this morning, and there isnt any swelling. So today I walked with my boot and elevated heels pretty much all day. new orleans paddle boat to zoo; who has an eagle patronus; apple cider vinegar went up my nose; Right now 4 hrs later it still stings burns. Im in my 4 week post-op and yet in the cast. I slipped off my scooter and slammed my surgical foot on the floor at exactly 2 weeks post op. Glad to find these posts. If it starts to hurt worse or you notice any other weird symptoms that were not present before you fell, I would be concerned. Also had me push into his hand and was able to give some force. Just being able to walk without assistance was a great feeling. Maybe my head is playing games with and I am very worried that I have re-ruptured my Achilles. Light stretching and so on. He had no concerns. It had already taken a lot of out of me the last 3 weeks, dont know if i will be able to prolong that.. Pray for me. Wow, reading these posts have given me a big sigh of relief. What to Look for in a Shoe to Wear After Bunion Surgery?Arch Support. With adequate arch support, youll find it much easier to increase your mobility while decreasing the amount of pain you feel when moving.Adjustability. Finding a pair of post-op shoes that you can easily adjust and navigate around your bandages is one of the most critical things.Rocker Bottom Shoes. Extra Depth. Rounder Toe-Boxes. More items It hurt like crazy when I did it, but I immediately elevated and iced it and the pain dissipated. I have my follow up in two days Im hoping I didnt do anything to ruin my progress. And the day after my surgery in a splint my crutches slipped and i accidentally caught my fall with my injured foot. There was immediate pain and tightness as if I had over extended the Achilles and I immediately sat down and raised the leg up. Have hard cast on, lost my balance and for a couple of seconds hopped on toe touch foot. Worried I reruptured now and am debating moving my check up to Monday to give me peace of mind. Notice how enlarged the bunion joint has become due to the extra bone growth around the joint. Thanks! Too be sure he said I could take an MRI, but seeing as I felt no pain about 30 mins after the intial fall happened and the fact that he diagnosed I was fine, I decided there was no point. In severe cases mostly involving more elderly patients, resection arthroplasty is often performed by removing the bottom of the toe joint with the big toe left immobilized entirely. thankfully, I did not. She hasnt had any of the types of fall or dramatic slips described by many on this blog. UPDATE: Called the Drs. I purchased a knee scooter which Instinctively I fully extended my bad leg and used only my heel to plant. Theyre inevitable. Full blow absorbed on my repaired foot, hurt pretty bad tingling and throbbing on the interior and posterior heal. Im in a cast for another 3 weeks till I see the doc to get it off. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. He said he could have pulled me off the operating table by my foot and it wouldnt have come apart. 6 more wks of nwb. I do risk by doing it and I probably should just put it on when doing any waking. It caused a little bleeding at my scar (where I still had a scab from the stitches being removed)and lots of swelling. He also tested my ability to resist upward pressure on the foot, and because there was some, he was fairly confident that I was fine. I felt a pop (but it wasnt the same snap that I felt when I initially ruptured my achilles) I didnt feel the punch in the calf that I felt initially either. Anyone else have that feeling? Should I buy a night splint or something? Like davidk said above, I think it was the calf muscle contracting. I also purchased a sleep/ relaxation boot when Im relaxing on sofa . She thinks Im overreacting. Mine hurt like heck after I fell on it, but since the pain went away I wasnt too concerned that I did anything serious. It happens so fast Im honestly not sure if I landed flat footed or stepped Forwards. I say it because I literally didnt put my foot on the ground so Im not sure how I re-ruptured it. I went in to see him and he touched everywhere and checked and there were no gaps or anything and he said I was fine. If you feel you cant do something then dont try doing it, or at least ask for help. Patients are in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have their sutures removed. Its just a really weird feeling. Can also feel my tendon and everything feels like its right where it needs to be lol. At this point I still ice most of the day. WebMost patients are very pleased with their post-op recovery period after Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery. I had a sharp pain for about 30 seconds, but the shock from being worried about a re-rupture was worse. I see my Dr. on the 13th looking forward to what Read our editorial policy. I had a bunionectomy on my left foot Tuesday..it's now Sunday. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. I just read your story! I had a ruptured achilles but due to the way it ruptured I ended up having to do a FHL transfer to support it as well which causes more non weight bearing time. Are you not yet FWB in your boot? Well, I had my appointment today and everything is in tact. WebThe amount of pain experienced after bunion surgery is different from one person to the next. Several bones or bone pieces are intended to be held together with screws. As such, doing complete nwb feels impossible. Like you all, I had instant shock, but its since went away. Immediately after I put he warp and boot back on elevated and iced it, but for the remainder of the night and into this morning the tightness in the back of calf and heel have me so worries that I really messed something up.. so frustrated with myself. If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. How is your foot feeling now, and your wrist and your hip? I saw the Dr and everything was / is still ok. Im in the boot during the day and normally have to sleep in a splint, but have not been the past few nights. Read Also: Orthopedic Boots For Broken Foot. Post-operation, you likely require crutches, casts, and/or rigid footgear, as recommended by your surgeon. The shock, trauma, and pain are the main things you feel and you arent expecting so thats what you have to deal with. Been very diligent about not bearing weight on the injured foot. I did the same thing while on the Knee Scooter. I fould that keeping the leg elevated and using ice periodically also really helped keep the swelling down over the first several weeks. Thanks everyone for the reassurance that we will all get thru this. In fact mine stayed tight, almost to the point of a mild cramp for days. A full Achilles tendon rupture, I think that reading the experiences of others give. First surgery first time you stepped on it as I could get one on without discomfort damage or re-tore... 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