It is in the depths of my own being that 1 commune with mv God (Diary, 1302). ' What is this Offering to Merciful Love, this consecration to Divine Mercy around which Thereses whole life revolved? It was about trusting amid the darkness of not seeing the goal, not desiring the goal, and not feeling the slightest bit of joy at the thought of the goal. Hold it for a few moments and enjoy. His brother, on the contrary, throws himself into his fathers arms, protesting that he is sorry for hurting him, that he loves him, and that to prove it he will be good from now on. Jesus needs little souls to receive his Merciful Love. But I didnt know about the catch and all this talk about an increased longing for God and all that. I found myself pleading with God for the world with words heard interiorly. Making the Family Offering to Mercifill Love is rather simple. ct. o See Therese solves the mystery as to why the great saints see them selves as great sinners. Thus, Mary is the New Eve who brings us to the New Adam on the new tree of life, the Cross, and encourages us not to eat forbidden fruit of disobedience and distrust but to drink from the blessed fountain of eternal life, the Fountain of Grace and Mercy. The soul will receive from God exactly what she desires.110 Before the year was out, Sr. Febronie caught die flu and died. First, theyre wrong. Like the Saint of the Little Way, St. Faustina also received the grace of having Holy Communion remain within her: September 29, [1937]. Great! Therese doesnt seem to have a problem with it.121 After all, isnt God all-powerful? Let our judgment of souls cease, for Gods mercy' upon them is extraordinary (1684). Well look at what that is tomorrow. I suggest that we can do so by living our lives with the one purpose of consoling Jesus through our attitude of trust, which means praising and thanking God in all things and in all circumstances. Its about discovering extraordinary joy, happiness, and peace in the midst of regular, ordinary, day-to-day existence. And its not pride to hope for it.73 Rather, its humility. 35 grasping that mystery in the midst of which they daily lived (see Lk 2:48-50). She told me that, beginning with her perpetual rows, she would practice trust. And thats really the fine point of living the Little Way. Breathe it in. You have great and incom prehensible rights over My Heart, for you are a daughter of complete trust (Diary, 718). On every side this love is unknown, rejected; those hearts upon whom You would lavish it turn to creatures, seeking happiness from them with their miserable affection; they do this instead of throwing themselves into Your arms and of accepting Your infinite Love. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Gen 3:1-5).5 You will not die. The serpent boldly contradicts Gods Word. Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church (feast day: Dec. 21 ), travelled more than 20,000 miles on horseback during his years of ministry and essentially renewed the Catholic faith in Germany. It changed my life, because Thereses spiritual doctrine (called the Little Way) gave me hope that even someone like me could become a saint. 1596143452. Did you know you that the Church gives us a lot of freedom regarding how we properly form our conscience? So, I told Fr. And if youre very little and your trust is great, then you may even become a great saint. For instance, after hearing some of the other nuns talking about how theyd probably end up in purgatory, Therese responded, Oh! In this life, its a sweet longing and a particularly good thing. Consider this: Jesus once told St. Faustina Saint Faustina If I were to reveal to you the whole misery that you are, you would die of terror.144 Now, I hesitate to bring up that quote, because 1 dont want little souls to begin beating themselves up and tailing into discouragement. And as Aristode righdy pointed out long ago, true friendship requires a kind of equality and mutuality it cant be one-sided.206 So, let me ask you: Have you ever had a friendship where you shared with your friend but he or she never shared with you? The first one is this: Does WEEK THREE: The Offering to Merciful Love 73 not Your Merciful Love need [victims] too? The implied answer is yes. The Apostles Creed 6. His point was basically that that book helped to make Marian consecration accessible to many more people. Now, today, were going to reflect on how the love that fills up the abyss of our nothingness also overflows. The Good Samaritan, as it says later, is the one who showed mercy (v. 37). No. And this is the very definition of mercy, which the parable of the Good Samaritan seems to reveal most clearly: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. But true friendship is a two-way street. Inspired by the Diary of St. Faustina, I said its to m/rtin him. Bless us with your mercy when we leave our home and bless us again when we return. AFTER CONSECRATION: The Lens of Mercy 149 Marian missionaries - ----- ------ Divine of --------------------------- mercy 3. Amen. Yet hardly anyone has ever even heard of her Offering to Merciful Love! As St. Therese put it, We must be humbled and recognize our nothingness, and that is what so many are not willing to do.143 Now, that surely is true. You should not fear purgatory 80 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE because of the suffering there, but should instead ask that you not deserve to go there in order to please God, Who so reluctantly imposes this punishment. When coming down in this way, God manifests His infinite grandeur.186 Did you catch the revolutionary thinking thats hidden in this passage? (400 pages. ) As I mentioned yesterday, you have two choices (or three choices if youre making the consecration as a family see Appendix Two). How can such a seemingly unimportant woman be so amazingly blessed? In fact, in die very Gospel that records Jesus saying, I thirst from the Cross, on the very night he entered into his Passion, Jesus says to us, No longer do I call you slaves but I have called you friends (Jn 15:15). It penetrates because we need that blessing. Thankfully, Therese anticipated their difficulty. So whether you want to deepen your love of Divine Mercy or have a devotion to St. Thrse, 33 Days to Merciful Love is the book for you. Help me to embrace the Little Way with all my heart. What does the 33 Days retreat look like? And so, I firmly intend to fight discouragement, do litde things with great love, and be mercifid to my neighbor in deed, word, and prayer. [Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, 1982], p. 114). (After all, thats part of our littleness.) Radier, its about finding happiness amid such dryness. But perhaps we moved on too quickly from the worlds darkness to the light of mercy. Again, as St. Therese said to the Lord, For me to love you as you love me, I would have to borrow your own love." 33 days to morning glory retreat companion pdf 33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Like Therese, Faustina also chose to see everything through the lens of mercy.190 In fact, the two saints are amazingly similar in their message and, in my opinion, are the best guides for helping people to see everything through a lens of mercy. 95 Ibid., 1074. How could Isaac have children if he were killed as a child? I hear confessions. See Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, 4. Elsewhere in her writings, she makes this point clear: If the good God were to say to me: Ifyou die imme diately, you will obtain great glory; if you die at the age of eighty, your glory will be far less, but it will please me much more, then I would not hesitate to answer: My God, I want to die at eighty for I am not seeking my own glory, but only to please You.123 WEEK THREE: The Offering to Merciful Love 87 Now, having made that clarification, I suggest we go back and reread just the first four paragraphs of the Offering itself, pondering them in our hearts for the remainder of today. John Clarke, OCD, vol 2, 1890-1897. So here are just three tilings I rec ommend by way of final preparation: (1) If possible, make a good Confession. 86 Cited in ibid. Now, first and foremost, in my opin ion, would be to read the autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, called Story of a Soul.ltf> But please dont get distracted by the sometimes flowery language. (This is probably why we dont see in our churches statues of the Sacred Brain of Jesus but, rather, statues of his Sacred Heart.) Well, we have done something wrong and again, not just one thing, but lots of things. And so, this vulnerability of God in Christ is part of the poverty of the incarnation (see 2 Cor 8:9) and is a particularly profound aspect of the self-emptying of Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God did not deem equality with God something to be grasped at (Phil 2:6-7). 162 Ibid., p. 211. Thats all I wanted to tell you. Its that moment at Mass when, through him, with him, and in him, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ is offered up to the Father as a perfect sacrifice of love. She describes this reality in a passage we read earlier, a passage that now deserves a second read: he T How GOOD is the Lord, his MERCY enduresforever! Thankfully, he was overjoyed to hear of my change of heart and enthusias tically gave me the green light. Emphasis added. Never before had I prayed with such inner power as I did then (474). Yes, I want to spend my heaven doing good on earth.166 112 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE We know that God granted the desires of this greatest saint of modern times. So, will you let her help you? We must strive to forgive. (See the Resource Pages for more information.) However, for someone who lives by himself, I would encourage him to make the individual Offering to Merciful Love of St. Therese of Lisieux, which this book describes. Chris Alar, MIC, a priest in my community, die Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. As a Doctor of the Church, she teaches us a truth for today with authority, and that truth is this: God wants to work some of his greatest mira cles of mercy in the whole history of the Church today. Of course, theres a big catch when it comes to the offering to Divine Justice: lots of suffering! In other words, now is the time of mercy. It can be so because Gods ways are not our ways, and he delights in lifting up the lowly and making the greatestfrom the littlest and perhaps no sinner is more lowly and little than Therese of Lisieux. There is no power that can stop me in my flight toward God.210 How to Renew the Offering with Every Breath: The Spiritual Communion of Merciful Love I toll h .u.Ur-Cil :i> -ill ( uliM. For today, though, lets look at those who feel they cant relate to Therese or her teaching because they actually struggle with attachments, deliberate venial sins, and maybe even grave sins. After all, its trust that opens the floodgates of Gods mercy, allowing it to come rushing down, down, down into little souls.72 What a revolution in Catholic spiritual theology! by Michael E. Gaitley Paperback . But a mother, who 42 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE is not God, can often win over such straying hearts. So whats the catch when it comes to making an offering to Merciful Love? Its a masterpiece, especially the later chapters. Of course, he told her a lie: [The serpent] said to the woman, Did God say, You shall not eat of any tree of die garden? And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of die garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. But the serpent said to the woman, Tou will not die. Emphasis added. Clearly theres a catch when it comes to making an offering to Divine Justice: lots of suffering! Better yet, it brought her down low, deep down low into a hollow abyss that 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 60 a superabundance of Divine Mercy could rush down into. Therese was completely sane, and her words are actually consistent with the doctrine of her Little Way. Youll be purified by love and, if you live die Litde Way and die Offering, you need have no fear of purgatory.180 Moreover, your heart will receive healing graces that will make it more sensitive and compassionate to die suffering of others. Conrad de Meester explains Thereses teaching on this point: Therese knew how God's life could lie hidden below the sur face of a human psyche and temperament, and that some souls were much closer to God than might be apparent if they were judged merely by their struggles and inhibitions. Rather, its based on the judgment of Almighty God, who alone is truly great. This is appropriate because Jesus asked that the Divine Mercy Image be solemnly blessed on Divine Mercy' Sunday and vener ated publically.224 Endnotes 1 Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, trans. .MK Okay, so I havent yet figured out how to renew the Offering to Merciful Love with every beat of the heart. I mean that in the sense that Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta meant when shed often say, God does not call us to be successful but to be faithful. In other words, applied to our spiritual lives, the Lord doesnt demand that we attain all the virtues (success) but that we simply keep trying (faithfulness). For instance, it was because of her extraor dinary magnanimity that St. Therese once said, I would so much like to love [God] to love Him more than He has ever been loved.69 And such magnanimity is a good thing. Dont worry. But if we do that, if we keep trying, then theres no end to the Lords mercy, and we can believe that he can and will satisfy our desires for holiness. 149 Cited in The Power of Confidence, pp. Thereses sister Celine (Sr. Genevieve of the Holy Face) puts it best: We must not confuse [my sisters desire to be a victim to Merciful Love] with the victims of justice. In the whole of this messianic program of Christ, in the whole revelation of mercy through the cross, could mans dignity be more highly respected and ennobled, for, in obtaining mercy, he is in a sense the one who at the same time shows mercy?203 So, whats the word of Christ that does not pass away? Thats all well and good, but I dont always feel full of praise and thanks, especially when its hard to be grateful because of lifes hurts. Isnt that the truth? So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. In odier words, 1 encourage them, with their families, to solemnly invite Jesus, die King of Mercy, to reign in their homes and then to use die image as a sign, symbol, and reminder of this invitation. This offering seemed great and very generous to me, but I was far from feeling attracted to making it.w After reading these lines, one can almost hear the sighs of relief from all little souls. A story from her childhood helps us understand this a story she calls a summary of my whole life.48 One day, Thereses older sister Leonie had decided shed outgrown some of her playthings. Let me explain. Jesus, we trust in you. So, she tries to explain by a very simple example, how much Jesus loves even very imperfect souls, who trust in Him: Im thinking of a father who has two children who are mis chievous and disobedient, and when he comes to punish them he sees one who trembles and draws away from him in fright, knowing in the bottom of his heart that he deserves to be punished. That is faith. Over the years, Ive come across various devotional prayers labeled A Consecration to Divine Mercy, and theyve been great. He commanded him to sacrifice his dearly beloved son, Isaac. It seems that it did, and the reason should become clear as we proceed. 1. I can, then, in spite of my littleness, aspire to holiness. We may have thought, Well, she didnt live where I live. So, not wanting to gather merits with downward facing, grasping hands, Therese wants to appear before the Lord with upward facing, poor, and empty' hands that are ready to receive Gods gift of himself. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Thrse of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. This retreat is based on the popular book by Fr. It is confidence and nothing but confidence that must lead us to Love.81 Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. 117 Ibid., p. 180. I often communicate with persons who are dying and obtain the divine mercy' for them. Well, let me put it this way: Im sure any mother who has had to watch her child suffer tlirough an agonizing illness will tell you she immediately would have switched places with her child if given the opportu nity. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. To obtain a certificate (MLC) or prayercard (33PC) that include the image on the cover ofthis book and the Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love, call 800-462-7426 or visit 85 Cited in The Power of Confidence, p. 167. What? Now, the difference between many of us and St. Therese is that she clung to Gods promises of mercy and the memory of his love (consolation), especially in the midst of darkness (desolation).163 She didnt give up. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Therese of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. And now, to confirm my resolve and to console you for so much rejection of your mercy, I OFFER MYSELF, THROUGH THE HANDS OF MARY IMMACULATE,176 AS A VICTIM OF HOLO CAUST TO YOUR MERCIFUL LOVE, asking you to consume me incessantly, allowing tire waves of infinite tenderness shut up within you to overflow into my soul, and that I may thus become a martyr FINAL FIVE DAYS: Synthesis and Review 127 of your love, O my God, and a gift of mercy to so many others. 107 Cited in ibid., p. 347. I mean, even if we have plenty of accomplishments and beautiful selfies, there will still be that self-accusing ache that creeps in and says, Youve not attained a destiny of greatness. Now, while its beautiful to have a compassionate heart, it does hurt. Give me the heart of an eagle, a burning longing to choose all that you willfor me. Also, it means not giving in to discouragement or, God forbid, despair. Those who have done so are amazed at how powerfully Jesus takes them up on their offer. Yes, I believe everything that God promised about Jesus will be fulfilled, even if everything about him is a sign of contradiction (Lk 2:34). Alright, so, lets spend today reflecting on the six para graphs of the Offering that we covered today. 214 Sharing Gods mercy with others is a key to living the Family Offering to Mercifiil Love. 36 Ibid. 56-60. I fainted from fright, and even though I know the depth of Gods mercy, I was surprised that God allows humanity to exist. Abram believed the Lords Word, and he was later given a son through his wife, Sarah, though she was beyond childbearing years (see Gen 21:1-3). Now, before we begin looking at the text of die Offering itself (tomorrow), I'd like to cover three potential objections to it. Be a little more humble and realistic. It might be helpful to think of our fiat in the following way. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. His tender mercy comes rushing into our hardened hearts, purifying diem and, thereby, making them more compassionate, loving, and sensitive. Of course, such passages do not mean we know the day or the hour of the Lords coming, but they do give a greater sense of urgency to the present time of mercy. And while Francis physically went to the ends of the earth 106 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE through apostolic labors, Therese spiritually traveled the world through prayer. And once there, she lovingly encourages us not to eat forbidden fruit but to drink from the blessed fountain of eternal life, die Fountain of Mercy. A Sequel That Stands Alone But Shouldn't. 43 love. Now, Fr. 144 The whole citation is as follows: You see what you are of yourself, but do not be frightened at this. Its the word of love spoken through Christs death on the Cross, the word of love that Mary intimately shared in on Calvary. Third, for the purpose of consoling Jesus. Also, if you do get an Image of Divine Mercy', you may want to consider enthroning it in your home. To be litde is also to not attribute to oneself the virtues that one practices, believing oneself capable of anything, but to recognize that God places this treasure AFTER CONSECRATION: The Lens of Mercy 145 of virtue in the hands of His little child, to be used when necessary; but it remains always Gods treasure. Specifically, like Sr. Marie of Jesus, they would often come down with some illness that would cause terrible suffering and an agonizing death. Simply put, its because the times are so evil. I also say that because St. Faustina herself prefaces the above citation by saying, I often attend upon the dying and through entreaties obtain for them trust in 190 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE God's mercy, and I implore God for an abundance of divine grace, which is always victorious. 128 Saint John of the Cross, The Lirin# Flame of Love, commentary on stanza 1, line 6 (cited in Gaucher, p. 221). I also said, thanks to Fr. 157 See endnote 3 15S In his encyclical letter on Divine Mercy, Dives in Misericordia, Pope John Paul II spoke about the importance of making a plea to God for mercy in our time. I want to work for Your Love alone with the one purpose of pleasing You, consoling Your Sacred Heart. The merits lan guage has to do with the reward of heaven (imperfect love). But theres another daily bread, a daily bread we also must share in if we are to live the Little Way: the bread of daily darkness. Now, according to Therese, we dont fully borrow the Lords perfect love until we get to heaven by heaven, I mean both heaven-heaven (where we go when we die) and heaven-on-earth (where we go on Sundays). To offer ourselves to Mercifiil Love is to let our hearts be more deeply moved by the suffering of others. It was June 9, 1895 Trinity Sunday. In fact, as well now learn, this overflowing love has the potential to engulf the entire world. In times of darkness, when youre tempted to think theres no way you can become a saint remember that smile. And the best way to console him is to remove die thorn that hurts his Heart most, the thorn that is lack of trust I in his Merciful Love]." Also, recall that Thereses words here are similar to something else she said, which we read on Day 15: What sweet joy it is to think that God is Just, i.e., that He takes into account our weakness, that He is perfecdy aware of our fragile nature. 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