Fun M2C paranoia on

M2Cers are typically paranoid about any direct comparisons between M2C and the Heartland models of Book of Mormon geography. They have reason to be. 

Direct comparisons expose their basic belief that the prophets were wrong about the New York Cumorah. Comparisons also expose the way they manipulate the text to find “correspondences” to Mayan culture that every actual Mayan expert knows are illusory, if not delusional. 

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course. People can believe whatever they want.

But of all the M2Cers, the ones who run MormonDialog are among the most paranoid of all. 

People have been sending me links to this page:

(I’ll post some choice excerpts below because the moderators there have a habit of deleting posts they don’t like.)

The M2Cers apparently think that anyone who posts about Heartland on their site must be me in disguise, using another name(s).

And yet, I haven’t posted anything there in years, either in my name or another name.

What the M2Cers don’t realize is that Latter-day Saints around the world are discovering the logical and factual fallacies that underly the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory. They’re speaking up on social media.

Only an M2Cer would think this is threatening. Heartlanders are happy for people to explore multiple working hypotheses and make informed decisions, but that approach is anathema to M2Cers.

M2Cers need to get ready. They should start by re-examining the premises behind M2C itself.


Sample posts from some of the anonymous, paranoid clowns at Mormondialog:

  On 11/28/2022 at 3:41 PM, OGHoosier said:

I am sorry to have brought this upon you 

They’re back …

Or perhaps I should have written ‘he’?

I note that the various blogs linked to by our one-post drive-bys are all the work of a single man: jonathan3d, who claims on one of his 36(!) blogs that ‘the Gospel Topics Essays, the Saints book, Book of Mormon Central, and the Ensign openly teach things that, in past generations, were taught only by critics and apostates’.

Edited Tuesday at 08:05 PM by Hamba Tuhan

  On 12/6/2022 at 7:39 PM, Hamba Tuhan said:

They’re back …

Or perhaps I should have written ‘he’?

I note that the various blogs linked to by our one-post drive-bys are all the work of a single man: jonathan3d, who claims on one of his 36(!) blogs that ‘the Gospel Topics Essays, the Saints book, Book of Mormon Central, and the Ensign openly teach things that, in past generations, were taught only by critics and apostates’.

It is Jonathan Neville (his picture is in the “about” section and see one here ) though the style is his from what I remember and he is known for prolific posting in this topic, so I was pretty sure even before I checked.  My guess is the posters are all him, but I suppose he could have persuaded some friends to come along with him. 

Edited Wednesday at 04:31 AM by Calm

Even their “Senior Admin” is anonymous, which makes sense because of his paranoia.

Just fyi all the heart lander supporters in this thread were 1 person with about 12 sock puppets I had to kill.  


  On 12/7/2022 at 10:52 AM, Nemesis said:

Just fyi all the heart lander supporters in this thread were 1 person with about 12 sock puppets I had to kill.

Ha! I was right. 

Source: About Central America