Yesterday we had a wonderful missionary training webinar. One of the topics was Elder Boyd K. Packer’s famous talk about teamwork and being equally yoked together.
The Church posted a video version of the talk here:
It is well worth watching and pondering.
In thinking about being equally yoked together, we remember what Elder Quentin L. Cook taught a year ago.
With our all-inclusive doctrine, we can be an oasis of unity and celebrate diversity. Unity and diversity are not opposites. We can achieve greater unity as we foster an atmosphere of inclusion and respect for diversity.
(2020, October, Quentin L. Cook, ‘Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity,’ General Conference, November 2020, ¶ 22)
On this blog, we discuss not education per se, but the factual, rational, and doctrinal background for what is being taught.
There are obvious differences of opinion about Church history and Book of Mormon historicity. Some Latter-day Saints still believe what Joseph and Oliver taught about the translation and the New York Cumorah. Others do not.
Yet there is no reason for these differences of opinion to leave us unequally yoked.
According to the Gospel Topics entry on Book of Mormon Geography, the Church has no position on geography issues. That is an explicit declaration that no theories are, or should be, favored over others.
Yet the dominant LDS intellectuals consistently and persistently defy the Church’s statement. Instead, they exclude faithful interpretations of the facts that contradict their preferred M2C and SITH theories.
Everyone in the Church would benefit by being equally yoked and working together.
If you work for, follow, or donate to any of the M2C citation cartel,* or know someone who does, let the M2C and SITH promoters know that whether or not you agree with their views, you want them to recognize and accommodate alternative faithful perspectives.
Every Latter-day Saint who is an engaged learner deserves to make informed decisions about these issues. Being informed starts with knowing the facts, but just as important, they need to know about alternative working hypotheses.
Especially the ones the M2C citation cartel censors.
* The M2C citation cartel includes Book of Mormon Central and its owner,, FairLatterdaysaints, the Interpreter Foundation, BYU Studies, Meridian Magazine, etc.
Source: Book of Mormon Concensus
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They Do Walk Circumspectly Before God – Helaman 15:5
Paul Anderson Paul Anderson
4 years ago
5 And I would that ye should behold that the more part of them are in the path of their duty, and they do walk circumspectly before God, and they do observe to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments according to the law of Moses.
(Helaman 15:5)
As the Lamanite prophet Samuel called the Nephites to repentance, he asked them to consider the impact of the gospel on his people. The Lamanites, who for much of their history had lived wickedly, were now “[walking] circumspectly before God,” and keeping His commandments.Through Moses, the Lord had counseled the children of Israel: “In all things that I have said unto you be circumspect” (Exodus 23:13).
CIRCUMSPECT when you think of a Man and Women who have been Married in the Temple, let’s include those not married in the Temple, men go one way and the women go the opposite direction creating a huge gulf between them, how do they come together and become as one? The answer is Circumspect. When a man and woman who are opposite one another they have discussed all issues and at one point they come to full agreement on that subject, at the that point they are Circumspect at which time the Holy Ghost Ratifies their Agreement and they become One with God.
There is a word we use in the English language that symbolizes Jesus Christ our Savior’s way, Lead me GUIDE Me walk beside me help me find the way
I Am a Child of God
1. I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parent’s kind and dear.
2. I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.
3. I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will,
I’ll live with him once more.
4. I am a child of God.
His promises are sure;
Celestial glory shall be mine
If I can but endure.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday
And Control on the other hand, or should we say Satan’s way, is so often done in very subtle ways. Thus, they remain hidden, or should I say undetected.
Study the words and meanings below that depict control noun
the power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events.
“the whole operation is under the control of a production manager”
Synonyms: jurisdiction, sway, power, authority, command, dominance, government, mastery, leadership, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, ascendancy; charge, management, direction, supervision, superintendence
“the U.S. retained control over the islands”
The power to direct
A device that regulates or controls;
To hold in check
To direct
To verify
4.To exercise authority or influence over:
5.To bring one’s emotions under control:
6.To keep the mechanical operation of (a device) within proper parameters:
The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge:
The act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled:
The continuous exercise of authority over a political unit:
The keeping of one’s thoughts and emotions to oneself:
Below is a list of the different operations of God and of Satan
REPENTENCE is the Key to “God’s Gift of Infinite Healing” Read Alma Chapter 5; Alma teaches Repentance in a beautiful way.
Control is the vehicle for all evil done to us. Hate is the Lack of Control that those who are against us experience
GUIDE is both Good and Evil
I hope and Pray what I have shared makes sence
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