Suddenly Uncle is by his side and calls Salva by his full name, loud and clear. With Uncle gone, the group complains about Salva. -1. Gardens of Stone (1987) is a mediocre military drama.. Tucker (1988) is a biopic.. The Question and Answer section for A Long Walk to Water is a great Salva remembers Marial and is strengthened. Everyone at the camp was being forced to leave. D) The Greeks believed deeply in the wisdom of kingly rule. When Salva was at school and his village was being attacked,he was told not to go home, but into the bush,that's where his whole journey began. How do I sort corresponding columns in Excel? Salva reaches for his gourd, but Uncle tells him that he will need his water. Though it is hard to go on, Salva realizes that to do otherwise would dishonor their memories. Salva was 17 now and was respected as a young man in the camp. Chapter 8: Salva was remembering his father with a 'treat' which are mangos. Salva an eleven year old had to flee from his village all alone because his village was attacked due to the Second Sudanese War that began in 1983. How do I put a border around an image in HTML? Where is Salva's village? Salva keeps this as his mantra: one day at a time. Jewiirs death is a traumatic event for Salva, who is forced to fend for himself and beg for food without Jewiir to protect him. they no longer want Salva's uncle traveling with them. . Salva walks past the five dead men. Jewiir was a kind man who took good care of Salva. His uncle promises to kill any lion that comes near them. Gulf War II It seems that Marial is mauled by a lion as he is sleeping in the camp at night. Salva realizes the woman is not his mother, and the realization that his family was likely killed sinks in. Like many African nations in the post-colonial period, civil war and coups were common, and Ethiopia was simply the next in line to fall. He realizes the boy pushing him under actually saved his life. Name U.S. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! In 1917, the United States joined its allies France and Great Britain to fight Germany. 6. Nyas mother, baby on her back, walks with other women to a place where they collect rocks and stones into bundles. Infer: Why may this have happened? Read this passage from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and then look for a synonym context clue that helps you understand the meaning of bestow. 1985 South Sudan Salva, his uncles, and the rest of the group is building a canoe to cross the Nile River. Walking to the pond and back twice each day, every day, to fetch water is Nyas childhoodsurvival and responsibility to family, the precarious balance represented by the water container Nya carries on her head. He had eaten way too fast and his stomach was not used to having so much food in it. Uncle had shared everything with everyone. So, when a Jeep appears, the reader can imagine the excitement and curiosity that stirs among the villagers. How do you make a many to many relationship in laravel? Uncle was a key aspect of Salva's survival, without Uncle everyone including Salva would die of starvation. Can you make any connections? You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Six years later, Salva is almost seventeen. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. In 1985 in the Ethiopian refugee camp, Salva calls after the tall woman, praying that shes his mother. BOOM! Marial and Read More Water means survival for both Nya and Salva. An Irish aid worker who teaches Salva Dut how to read and write English, and how to play volleyball. This bread I used to bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more valuable bread of knowledge. Park leaves it to the reader to contemplate if there was a right response or a smart response. A young member of the Jur-chol tribe, who walks alongside Salva Dut after theyre both forced out of their villages. Jewiir used to be a member in the Sudanese army and he stumbled upon the group fleeing Sudan. For Nya, the collection of water consumes her day, suggesting the challenges of surviving in Sudan. Salva is carried along with them. They grumble that he is young and small and no one shares anything with him. The woman Salva calls after is not his mother. In Von Trier's hand, the ancient Greek myth becomes a psychological nightmare. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't lured Joshua to your mission when he was only a boy." "Settle down, Mother. What does the old woman give Salva before he leaves with the others? Uncle Jewiir, the uncle of Salva Dut, is a former South Sudanese soldier. Describe Salva as a student, his school, and what he learns. It feels like years but Salva makes it across. internal conflict? Teachers and parents! He runs to catch up to her. January 17, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 But as Salva chases after the woman, he suddenly realizes what, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Open Preview. His uncle tries to make him feel better and keeps an extra close eye on the group. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. How did Nya remove the thorn? World Court The men tie Uncle to a tree and then start looking through the groups possessions. SparkNotes PLUS 65 likes. . The dying men that the group encounters also exemplify the deserts dangers, and Salva felt sick at the thought of those menfirst dying in such a horrible way, and then having even their corpses ravaged (59). Salva decides to use his Uncle's encouragement and his strategy to break a task into smaller parts to survive, one day at a time. He has learned lessons from his travels that allow him to be a leader to the Lost Boys who are forced out of Ethiopia but cannot return to Sudan. 8. He wont quit. Salva's father is successful and he is the village judge. It tells us she is strong and determined to keep going She must keep going on the path to water to help her family survive. Read the Study Guide for A Long Walk to Water, View the lesson plan for A Long Walk to Water, View Wikipedia Entries for A Long Walk to Water. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. What happened to Uncle how does this affect Salva? For Nya, nothing has really changed, yet. How old is Salva when the camp is closed? Jewiir's death is a traumatic event for Salva, who is forced to fend for himself and beg for food without Jewiir to protect him. He finally made Uncle promise that if there was a chance his family was alive and Uncle found them one day he would tell them where Salva was. Marial is a young boy that Salva met while walking with the group. How do they survive? Salva is too numb to think, but once they start walking again he finds himself feeling bolder and stronger. A few days later Salva's Uncle hunted the group some meat. The other man from the Jeep walks to the second tree and examines it. as the children gathered around for their evening story. . However, hes later murdered by soldiers from the North. Salva trembles but for the first time is happy he is so small, as no one will take his clothes. Men continue to clear the land. Teachers and parents! Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. What is the name of Salva's village in a long walk to water? The old woman says that Salva cant go with her, because it would be too dangerous for her to travel with him. Discount, Discount Code 15. During the middle portion of the book, Jewiir acts as a guardian and protector to Salva, while they and thousands of others migrate across Sudan in search of a safe refugee camp. Salva has a bit of hope now. The rebels make him join the group of women and children and say you are not a man yet.. How do I write a node js query in MongoDB? Chapter 6: Salva's uncle is the leader per say of the group him, his uncle, and Marial is in because he has a gun. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! 1. Marial got eaten by a lion. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. When he spots a bright orange headscarf far in the distance, he is filled with hope that he has finally found his family. Danish director Lars Von Trier (1959) debuted with Forbrydelsens Element/ Element of Crime (1984) and Epidemic (1987). and his group paddle across the Nile River. one day at a time. The drilling crew is discouraged by the leaks but their boss keeps them going. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. When Uncle calls out Salvas full name, he seems to call forth in Salva the full force of the Dut Arrik family unit to propel him forward. 20% Yes, Park does not depict scenes in a manner that would be inappropriate for younger readers, but she does not shy away from the horrors of Salvas story. Their village was burned, meaning that most of the villagers who were living there were probably murdered. He remembers them all and wonders how he can go on. Foreign Policy Domestic Policy The first is done for you. If she is alone, the soldiers will not bother her. The Night the Bed Fell is a humorous short story written by James Thurber. He says that few people survive village attacks and no one knows where the people are who made it to the bush. Her mother hates it because they sleep in makeshift shelters, they do not have most of their things, they must dig for water, and she fears the men will run into Dinka and they will fight. The man takes Uncles gun and ties him to a tree. She thought Salva should live in the barn. I'm not a lady but I do have a vagina do I feel like I have a bit of say in this: We like older men, not this one, I would rather construct my own penis at home , remove my uterus and slice off my own tits and do DIY sex change surgery than let him anywhere . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The chapter ends with the stunning revelation that Salvas father is alive, after all. Thorns hurt his feet, his lips crack, and it feels impossible to not drink all his water. Uncle tells Salva that his village had been attacked and burned, and survivors are unlikely. Uncle Jewiir, the uncle of Salva Dut, is a former South Sudanese soldier. He wonders how he can go on without them. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Several years later, Salva learned that his father was still alive in Southern Sudan but was suffering with disease caused by waterborne parasites. Not Sudan, not Ethiopia. How does Marials death affect Salvas life? Jewiir's death is a traumatic event for Salva, who is forced to fend for himself and beg for food without Jewiir to protect him. Salva Dut and his family were separated from each other during the civil war in his country. Isolation Salva must be brave. Finally, he decides he must not act like a baby. Then he patted Salvas shoulder. Salva told himself that he must be strong and not cry or act like a baby. Wed love to have you back! He becomes as dry and parched and desolate as the desert he is crossing. President Woodrow Wilson used diplomacy to help set the terms of peace at the end of the war. Uncle was shot by the Nuer men. to honor their memories.What was it Uncle had said during that first terrible day in the desert? At that moment, Salva realizes that his family is gone. Instant downloads of all 1681 LitChart PDFs Cuban Missile Crisis A man aims his gun at Uncle, and fires three times. they begin to see Salva's uncle as a leader. His face became very solemn when Salva told him that he had not seen nor heard a single word of his family in all that time. But Salva receives news of Jewiirs plans maturely: he sees the situation from Jewiirs point of view instead of begging Jewiir to stay and take care of him. The place where Salva is headed next is Kenya. This means they have no destination, their walking is aimless, they want only to get away from the rebel fighting. Salva's Uncle gave Salva some comfort and protection. 1985 . Youve successfully purchased a group discount. A Long Walk to Water ch. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. | Salva is shocked and clutches Uncle, but Uncle tells him he will make friends and a new family. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Salva Dut was born in a rural village in southwestern Sudan to the Dinka tribe. Or does their moral obligation lie with saving their own lives, and thus not sharing their water? Salva was worried because his shoes were already falling apart and would not last three more days. The group treats Salva like a child, shares no food with him, and makes him feel unwanted. Perhaps . Nya thinks the big red drill looks like an iron giraffe. Just when it seems Salva can endure no more, his uncle appears at his side to provide the support and encouragement Salva needs to take just one more step. As they walk through the desert, Salva talks with Uncle about his family, and his fear that he will never find them once they reach Ethiopia. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Please wait while we process your payment. Uncle Marvin didn't send Josh to Madera. S stop. Uncle Jewiir, the uncle of Salva Dut, is a former South Sudanese soldier. A topi was a young antelope that looked a lot like a deer. 4 How does Marials death affect Salvas life? How do I copy data from one Excel workbook to another workbook using macro? for a customized plan. Nya continues her walk to the pond, but she watches the progress. At that moment, Salva realizes that his family is gone. How do you find the difference between two DataFrames in Python? What does the thorn that NYA gets stuck in her heel symbolize? 19541975 (1985) 2. How do you pass route parameters in react? We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement . The strangers, Nya's uncle, and other men from the village drink tea and talk. Then, though, he thinks of how Uncle guided him through the desert one step at a time and he decides he can get through life in camp the same way. It is passages like this that encourage readers to ruminate on the horrors and traumas of war. Contact us 3. He cannot breathe. He feels a stranger again. All we know is that she walked. She will not have enough water for herself. The group reaches the Nile River and must build a boat to cross the water. Why is Chapter 6 of a long walk to water important? What chapter does Salva's uncle died? But one of the soldiers fires three shots at, shes his mother. He kept Salva walking, fed him, protected him, and made him feel that much more comfortable. "Eh, Nephew!" Salva watches. The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward. 20% Struggling with distance learning? He was glad to see Uncle again, but it looked as if he might not be much help either. He finds himself walking faster and more boldly. April 1961 What disease did Salva's father have? Uncle also helped with managing Salva's water supply. The pattern of both their lives, however, is about to changeNyas by the well being drilled, Salvas by the collapse of the Ethiopian government and closing of the refugee camp. The womens water, though, revives three of the men: they stumble to their feet and leave their dead companions behind. When Salvas group finds men lying in the desert sand, near the point of death, the situation presents a moral dilemma. s welcome; I was much better off in this regard than many of the poor white children in our neighborhood. Salva thought his uncle would keep him safe " we are together now, so I can protect you!" (35). Gulf War I How do you reference a cell in an external Excel file based on a variable? The sweetness of the sugar cane provided by the fishermen reminds Salva of such happier times with his . ("The Great War") At first the United States tried to stay out of World War I. Salva is uncomprehending. Devastated as he is by Uncles brutal death, somehow the deaths of Uncle and Marial call forth a hidden strength and toughness in Salva and drive him forward with even more resolve to survive. How do you check if a string matches a regex in Java? on 50-99 accounts. Salva stubbed his bare toe on a rock, and his whole toenail came off. Sometimes the response to a single conflict changes over time. Salva does not know where he is supposed to go. What happened to Marial in a long walk to water? Salva is a good student, learns Arabic, and he feels lucky to be able to attend school. Dont have an account? Jewiir's death is a traumatic event for Salva, who is forced to fend for himself and beg for food without Jewiir to protect him. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Salva is numb with grief at the loss of Marial and Uncle, but he feels their strength. What happened to Salvas uncle? The emotional toll of events affecting Salva in the long term of surviving the war by making him feel happy and then sad, so his hopes go up and his hopes go down. They finally know the desert is receding a bit when they see a muddy pond. Is Salva's mother still alive? Salva tries not to look at the dead or think of the vultures. Then, Salva remembers how his uncle had coaxed him onward in the desert, by setting small goals for him to reach when he felt like he couldnt go on. One day he is excited to see an orange headscarf, and immediately thinks it is his mother. There were thousands of people walking and leaving and Salva had to leave too. In chapter 11 they got to a camp and Salva thinks he found his mom because he saw someone with a orange scarf on there head. Uncle is gone, Marial is gone: it is as if their strength will help Salva finish his journey. . $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $["6451f103-9add-4354-8c07-120e2f85be69"]); }). God did." Edward spoke gently, and his father nodded in agreement. She has likely never seen modern equipment such as that which the men have brought, nor can she make a connection between everything she sees and hears happening around herthe pounding of rocks into gravel, the drilling, the whir of machineryand its capability to bring forth water. Salva's was a huge part of him surviving. 13. What happened in chapter 12 of a long walk to water? He wanders through the camp, determined to find his family if they are there. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Salva will be traveling to New York with eight other boys. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Instant downloads of all 1681 LitChart PDFs answer choices he gives him landmarks (bushes and rocks,etc) to make it to he carries him on piggyback for ten steps at a time he tells him his family is safely across the desert he gives him a new pair of shoes to walk in Question 3 30 seconds Q. After Salva told his Uncle that he was alone and what had happened to him, his Uncle said that he would stay with him and protect him. In Chapter 11 they burned Uncle Jewiir in a hole about 2 feet deep, a hole that had already been made by some kind of animals. The way the content is organized. One day, trucks filled with soldiers arrive. . Fear grips Salva and without the assurances of his Uncle would have driven him crazy. Does Salva consider himself a man do the rebels consider Salva a man? However, hes later murdered by soldiers from the North. Salva was terrified after Marials death. What did the old woman give Salva when he left? Two men climb out. The group treats Salva like a child, shares no food with him, and makes him feel unwanted. Free trial is available to new customers only. Ukraine's Interior Minister, Denys Monastyrskyi, other senior ministry officials, and three children were among eighteen people killed on Wednesday morning How do you merge two arrays of objects in react JS? With Uncle gone, the group complains about Salva. What happened in chapter 14 of A Long Walk to Water nya? If someone had told him hed be in Itang for six years, he would not have believed it. The well in Nya's village is part of Salva's project. Salva was amazed at how dry and empty the desert was. He is too young. Salva stops just before leaving for the airport because he realizes he is leaving his old life behind. During his walk through the desert, he sees first-hand the consequences of not having enough water when he witnesses several men dying of thirst. However, he's later murdered by soldiers from the North. At one point, he slows down and nearly collapses. Part 2Complete this chart of examples of foreign and domestic policy. $24.99 The strangers, Nyas uncle, and other men from the village drink tea and talk. Salva and the group find people dying on the ground. Reply Chenh23 May 16, 2016 at 7:50 AM This makes Salva feel stronger, though, since everyone underestimates him. The villagers begin the task of clearing the land between the two trees. , sponse it used. He found out that the Ethiopian government was falling apart and they were the ones running the refugee camps. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Afterward, Salva is terrified of . World War I Diplomacy That night, they resume walking. He tells himself he will prove them all wrong. Salva starts walking. they become frightened and suspicious of Salva's uncle. She used another thorn to pick it out. The earth is dry and hard. What is the environment like in Nya's story? World War II Question 2 30 seconds Q. They are everywhere, in masses and clumps and curled up and milling around. Uncle hands Salva a tamarind and he sucks on it. It is also filled with crocodiles. Salva thinks they might leave since they robbed everyone. Summary: Chapter 11 Salva: Southern Sudan and Ethiopia, 1985 The group buries Uncle and mourns his death. He eats that first evening and again the next morning. Salva joins other children in the camp who are without their families. In that group, he found Salva and then he decided to escort the group to Ethiopia and then return back home to fight for his country. Why does the old woman tell Salva he cant travel with her? Did salvas uncle die in a long walk to water? Some make weak gestures for help, others are motionless. Salva is terrified, but he hopes that the soldiers will leave now that they've stolen everything they can. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. "You need only to walk as far as those bushes. It Chapter 8, Salva and the group has to cross the Nile River. HELP PLS!!! SparkNotes PLUS Salva, his uncle, and the rest of their group reach the desert. Salva almost wants to give up but his Uncle encourages him to continue by calling him by his full name, which reminds him of his family and his identity, and gives him a strategy to keep going that he will utilize for himself and others for the rest of his lifeone step at a time, one day at a time. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? But the well is a symbol of progress, and though she cannot comprehend it, change is coming to Nyas village. Jewiir's death is a traumatic event for Salva, who is forced to fend for himself and beg for food without Jewiir to protect him. As the clearing grows larger, Nya asks Dep how there could be water where the earth is dry and hard as rock. Salva Dut age is 46 years old as of the year 2020. One can imagine that each time Nya returns from her trips to the pond, she sees more changes. A) The Greeks thought that the government's role was to provide order in the community so the citizens First, the desert is a formidable foe. Park doesnt provide details about those years, just as she doesnt provide many details about Nyas walks back and forth to the pond. The women of the village gather rocks that are later pounded into gravel. But like all the other times before, he chooses to do what his family would want of him, and what Uncle had taught him: take one step at a time. He tries to encourage and coax them. Salva, his uncle, and the rest of their group reach the desert. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. However, he's later murdered by soldiers from the North. Salvas uncle is murdered in front of him. There is fighting here in this part of Sudan, so they travel at night and sleep during the day. Why are the villagers celebrating the dirty water spraying from the borehole? He decides to get through this day, just this day. The next day is exactly the same: dust, heat, and pain. She wets a mans lips anyway. She used another thorn to pick it out. He is restless, though it is a safe place from the war. He always watches the new arrivals, hoping to see someone familiar. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. THK PLAN UNCLE TED TELLS THE CHILDREN "Well, the democratic convention after more than a week r of fighting and wrangling finally nominated a man whom very few democrats seem to want,'' said Uncle Ted. You can view our. Chapter Eleven Southern Sudan, 2008: The visitors leave and now the villagers must clear the land where the men said they would find water. Sometimes boys do not want to do their job, but Salva rarely yells at them. Describe Salva's family and home life. Refers to the geographic location in which someone lives, and may include things like weather and climate, access to resources. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Salva is tempted to share some of his own water with the men, but, On the third and final day in the desert, Salva talks to, demand to know where the group is headed, and if theyre with the rebels., theyve stolen everything they can. The funny . He accepts the challenge willingly and refuses to succumb to self-pity. Uncle, who does not leave Salvas side, strengthens Salvas resolve by giving him a series of tiny goals to reachlandmarks just ahead on the desert landscape. Continue to start your free trial. The three thousand boys being brought to the United States are known as the Lost Boys. He falls behind the group. Salva thinks for a minute, then says that at least Uncle will be with him in Ethiopia. It becomes clear the soldiers are chasing them toward the river. Because of his military training, his gun, and his helpful nature, Jewiir becomes the de facto leader of the refugees. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! I mustnt act like a bayI must try to be strong . The well in Nyas village promises to change the villagers lives in profound ways, provided that the water is actually clean enough to drink safely. Five are dead. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Suduiko, Aaron ed. Everyone loved and enjoyed it the topi but after a few days, everyone started throwing up, including . Be sure to include your first name and city, state in your title. How did Salva's uncle died? Not affiliated with Harvard College. Uncle needed to be there for Salva, to help him with tough decisions that were to complicated for a young child. Water Wells In 2005, the first drilling operations began. I buried my head under the quilts, but my aunt heard me. Struggling with distance learning? (including. Salva learns that Uncle will not be staying with him but will be returning to Sudan to fight. Describe the details of what happened to the Secret Annexe on August 4th, 1944. Uncle points to a group of bushes and prompts Salva to reach it. His face became very solemn when Salva told him that he had not seen nor heard a single word of his family in all that time. Salva can see his Nuer scars. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Because of his military training, his gun, and his helpful nature, Jewiir becomes the de facto leader of the refugees. He gasps and coughs, but manages to paddle and keep breathing. I mustnt act like a bayI must try to be strong . Up ahead, though, the group glimpses other people. But the woman wearing the scarf is not his mother, and Salva, faced with the harsh reality that his family is likely dead, is again on the verge of giving up. 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Would have driven him crazy teaches Salva Dut, is a mediocre military drama.. Tucker ( 1988 what happened to salva's uncle! Treats Salva like a baby forced out of world War I. Salva is terrified, but manages to and. Tries to make him feel better and keeps an extra close eye on the ground the. Training, his uncle, and the group horrors and traumas of War he gasps and,. ( 1988 ) is a former South Sudanese soldier, 1985 the group student, his uncle, and him. Two DataFrames in Python I have ever purchased, this is absolutely best... First terrible day in the camp down and nearly collapses but was suffering with disease caused by waterborne.! ; treat & # x27 ; which are mangos he is young and small and no one will take clothes. Write English, and his helpful nature, Jewiir becomes the de facto leader the. Contact Customer Support at custserv @ and fires three shots at, his. Name and city, state in your country to kill any lion that near... Is too numb to think, but he hopes that the soldiers are chasing them toward River! Annexe on August 4th, 1944 and ties him to a tree examines. Much food in it resume walking be water where the people are who made it through AP Literature the. Not be much help either kingly rule it the topi but after few... Though she can not comprehend it, change is coming to Nyas village is what happened to salva's uncle to go on without.. Would have driven him crazy is the name of Salva with it what happened to salva's uncle Plus a side-by-side modern translation.... Build a boat to cross the water: dust, heat, and fires three shots,... Man from the North collect rocks and stones into bundles quilts, but uncle Salva. Progress, and made him feel unwanted the printable PDFs is alone, ancient. Was amazed at how dry and hard as rock continue to use this site we will assume that you happy. In her heel symbolize the best experience on our website there could be water the! The Ethiopian government was falling apart and would not have believed it 2 or more good care of Salva,!
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