t9 mobile hotspot not working

The light and the display show everything the way they should. What other carriers availble after sim unlock ? -carrier unlocked What would be the purpose of TTL modification on a dedicated hotspot device like this, since devices are designed to be tethered to it anyway? It phones home to the following URL, with the following syntax:https://fota.pintracview.com/fota/T9/check_update.php?carrier=&rev=&imei=, So for example, my T9 was reporting to check_update.php?carrier=tmobile&rev=891 when it was on firmware revision R717F21.FR.891. After flashing a modified boot image during my process of troubleshooting (viewed boot logs over UART by hooking it up to an arduino), I managed to hard-brick the device, and now the screen and LEDs stay off and when I plug it in it goes straight to Qualcomm Emergency Download Mode (EDL mode). On the Roku, also do a network reset. Other than that ssh problem, great forum. These were give away throw-away devices long past end of life anyhow. But it appears that the one can increase the usage limit, simply by typing in a larger number. Make sure mobile data on your mobile device is enabled, Reset your cellular data connection and restart your mobile hotspot, Troubleshoot your mobile device's internet connection, your mobile device can't access the internet, Troubleshoot your computer's internet connection, reset your network configuration settings. -modified the OTA upgrade script to not work and added TTL modification script ServerAuthName TMOFOTA1 Apn settings are the same as I had Configured to use Verizon apn. I somehow softbricked it, but holding down the reset button with the cover off while it was powered up did the trick. How can I find other available connections? I was able to downgrade to 891 but when trying to factory reset I get a pop up with Enter your service code message. I have tried factory reset via back panel button but I get same results each time. [ 0.000000] ** NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE I really want the T9 to auto turn on whenever its plugged in (car turned on) without me turning it on manually. Please help, can i apply the unlock code through terminal? I have tried all the firmware FR891 and down but the factory reset fix problem still remains. 7. echo iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -i $INTERFACE -j TTL ttl-set $TTL>>/etc/init.d/ttl.sh -rooted JTAG pads on the PCB, unless you can get EDL write working, but this will be a hassle and probably require some soldering. Can anyone point to the advantages/features of any of the updated firmware? Hmm somehow my hotspot did OTA and was bricked, LCD gets stuck at WELCOME message and never even starts up the hotspot. echo Setting TTL on $INTERFACE to $TTL=65. ServerPort 443 Neither the author of this post or Franklin engineers will do that. The Franklin T10 Mobile Hotspot is a powerful 4G LTE solution for home, small business, and more. how does one _prevent_ OTA firmware updates? Any ideas? Whether it's a nearby public WiFi hotspot or a second cellular connection (preferably from a different carrier), Speedify helps you get uninerrupted and fast Internet connectivity. Pingback: Mobile Hotspot Login Admin | Get Latest Information, How do you increase the number of connected devices? Adding settings put global tether_dun_required 0 over adb doesn't seem to work. been poking at 2026. it seems they included both public and private keys for the settings file in the OTA. On your device, go to your wifi settings and connect to the network. This was already referred to at the top of the article: Over the years, Ive had to buy three modems from PCs for People (Franklin R850, Coolpad, Franklin R717) for this reason. I searched everywhere in that tar file and cant find the hotspot_cfg.bin file to do the next step. My best guess was the following but it spit out an error on my macbook pro running MacOS 11: Mobile.hotspot page is working but no information is available on the page. Id imagine they would have changed the address the unit calls home to as well. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Franklin (secondary) bootloader (seems to take care of rest of POST and preliminary system checks. Thank you! can you write a guide for this? All this time later and I cant figure out how to get the unlock code. As long as you're connected to more than one Internet source, chances are you will not get disconnected completely from the Internet, thanks to Speedify'sautomatic failover protection. All this information has proven very useful and educational. I have t9 unlocked. Does anyone know how to access it now? I now see that DIAG can be enabled from the following page: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. I downgrade to 891 version, then use the command you provided, everytime after i excute the SSH command, then shows: I am able to use the hotspot with sprint now, but have been unable to get the band priority table in hidden>Lte menu area to populate. Great minds think alike, I guess, since I tried this very tool to no avail :/ Now Im beyond even trying to reflash system.img as I said above because I accidentally flashed a modified boot.img. Thanks in advance. Initial version was _891 , later updated to FR.1311 but still getting below message , Also tried to reset the device but didnt work . Dont use DEScrypt linux passwords. the cellular connection speed is slow - 2G, 3G. This is done by updating the UsbMode setting value from 9025 to 902D, saving, then rebooting the device. 4. echo ip6tables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -o $INTERFACE -j HL hl-set $TTL>>/etc/init.d/ttl.sh Once you ssh into the device, you can a) change the password by using the passwd command. Never for wifi working after multiple factory resets. If so, what is the point of having a data usage limit screen on the modem? Qualcomm Primary Bootloader(contains EDL protocol for reflashing franklin/vendor-specific bootloader, verifies and bootstraps secondary bootloader. I thought I saw that was relatively easy. ServerAddress https://omadm.iot.t-mobile.com:443/omadm-server/dm12 In this video, we show you how to set up your mobile hotspot from T-Mobile's Project 10Million program. Product. fota.pintracview.com, as well as did you disable OTA update? -added APN for visible wireless and set it to active Can you downgrade the firmware. I can only research devices I have in hand. Have you tried resetting to factory default? We analyzed different products available online and put a List of Top Ten Best Hotspot Reviews. I seem to remember previous test-drive sims doing a lock and binding the previous coolpad hotspots to only work with tmobile as well. Crapforgot what I set the admin password that defaults to admin to when I did this. I never activated it. Its a mobile hotspot from Wingtech Group (Hong Kong) with FCC ID 2APXW-TMOHS1. On the Mac running Catalina, the command for sha1sum is shasum so the command is slightly changed to: export IMEI=YOURIMEIGOESHERE Itll only work if I downgrade to 891. this is my imei pls help me with the on lock code REDACTED, pls give me unlock code my imei is REDACTED pls help me i am stell waitting, pls as you have my imei pls give me code becouse you put my imei REDACTED. I hope the author of this post or Franklin engineers will give a way to select, deselect, and order bands. The open source application of Isfahan University locator has been developed for locating and getting acquainted with different locations of Isfahan University for the students of this university. A couple Velcro ties, a toothpick, and some folded cardstock, and now the power button is pinned down. Any advice on how to keep it from auto-updating to 2602 on the first boot? This modem was shipped as 20GB limit. anything I can do to use it as a hotspot? Am I supposed to pull that image off the hotspot? Is this possible to do, and if so how do I actually get into the directory? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 3) There is a screen on the r717, see attached photo (https://files.videohelp.com/u/61125/usage.jpg) that sets data usage limit. This will lose any stored WiFi passwords, but won't do anything else that effects its operation. 4. crontab -e Hi Tried above steps , generated the code it says below message . Note this seems to work on firmware version 891 and below, but it may not work on newer firmwares. When accessing mobile.hotspot > Settings I am prompted with a login screen. Sadly, I cant get root password to work. [ 0.000000] ** I have the code necessary but not sure where to begin and not very familiar with Putty or others. I got mine unlocked, SSH accessed, Heres a tmobile support link for the new device: https://www.t-mobile.com/support/devices/mobile-internet/t-mobile-hotspot. I downgrade to 1311 and I unlocked my deviced but now there showsNO SERVICE AVALIABLE no matter what which simcard I changed.. simcard still working before I downgreade. 4. chmod 755 /etc/init.d/startup.sh webpst enable SSH? Ive been trying to find where/how to edit APN settings that arent available in the web GUI. You will need to contact your service provider to unlock the SIM. its a 4 digit pin which i never set. search for OTA file names cp to a backup and rm ? I would really like a complete factory image to help me troubleshoot once I manage to reflash the secondary bootloader through EDL (boot.img, this is included in the ota files Chris provided). When I try to flash the boot.img to boot with EDL Tools using NPRG9x07.mbn as the loader it accepts the programmer (loader), returns the serial number, and then errors out with a python traceback This even happens when I try to dump partitions. Incorrect Unlock Code I downloaded 891 .enc file from Mega, converted .enc to .tar as instructed, but Im not sure what you mean by rootfs files once Im in the files. There might be more things you can change with fastboot getvar all as well if that doesnt work. This article will help you understand why this mobile hotspot connected but no Internet error happens, how to easily troubleshoot and, most important, how to avoid this in the future. 2. Newshaa Market is an application for ordering a variety of products and natural and herbal drinks that users can register and pay for their order online. You can also connect up to eight Wi-Fi capable devices to the t is recommended to use the latest versions of Internet browsers. Right now T-Mobile send the new device is not T9 Franklin. This didnt harden security for end users in any way any of us will ever notice. The drawback is there is no service or help if you have a problem. You may be connected to the hotspot but can't access any websites with your browser. So no wifi means a bad unit. Activates Wifi radios, battery management, other device-specific systems, then loads tertiary android bootloader) However, also seems to contain the linux kernel itself that the following android bootloader loads into RAM (further research required, Im very uncertain about this process), 3. If so, you probably want to avoid spending the same amount of time troubleshooting and fixing it the next time it happens. Any tips? T9 reports 5 bars. However, I did find out that you can enter fastboot mode by shorting the two small pads on the PCB next to the display connector while powering on (you might have to pop off the metal EMI shield). For me I need to use this to remotely manage door lock access codes. This issue applies to both Windows and Mac operating systems, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices. Seems to work ok so far. Hi, Id like to request for the unlock code too. Extracted your modified 1311, but now wondering how to actually flash it? https://mega.nz/folder/FJ8wWYAJ#Q1oUEtIUJrtjB1atkOAXrA. In the above, replace YOURIMEIGOESHERE with the IMEI number of the T9 Hotspot. [ 0.000000] ** I put the Visible sim in a phone and get 45-50 mbps. Sometimes, something as simple as moving your mobile device to a location where you have more signal bars will boost the mobile signal enough to resolve hotspot internet connection issues. [ 0.000000] ** trace_printk() being used. Nevermind, I figured it out.thanks for the help. But meh. Also when I connect to the T9 Wifi I am told there is no internet. HotSpot is on, I go to Control Panel and look at Network Connection and my HotSpot is listed as running. On newer OTAs, you can still enable ADB but it needs to be done manually from the /data/configs/mobileap_cfg.xml file. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for T-Mobile Franklin T9 4G LTE Portable Mobile Broadband WiFi Hotspot Not Tested at the best online prices at eBay! When I tried to unlock it again manually like I did last time, it said my unlock code is incorrect, which I double checked it was the correct one that I used last time successfully. My Franklin auto updated last night. BTW, the default SIM PIN for GSMA is 1111, but it sounds like you cant even enter the PIN. Is there a way to make T9 turn on automatically anytime it gets power over USB? What about "Connected, no Internet access"? Make sure you're placing your laptop or computer as close to the mobile hotspot as possible. this is the IMEI: ADMIN REMOVED. ClientAuthType DIGEST. Hands down, this has to be one of my favorite IoT devices I have had the pleasure of playing with. On the Franklin r850, I was able to use another post that showed how to bypass the MSL/password (using html trick that you mentioned). It seems like no one has resolved the blocking of updates though right? I am currently downloading FR.891 to see if a rollback works. When I try to upload the firmware file from Mega, it uploads until about 20% and then errors out with the message Error occurred at file sending. Ive factory reset the device and tried both usb and wifi to upload but no luck. If I use Putty for ssh, is this command run at the top level directory and then logoff? You can apply a blank password. if you are resetting yours allot and playing with targets etc to prevent it from updatting edit /etc/hosts and add As someone who has this device as part of my postpaid plan Im glad to see the firmware available for download. Allocating extra memory. or SIM card, please make sure Thanks, You have to type in terminal [emailprotected], This page is really helpful but still I am stuck at my problem. Issues with a connected mobile hotspot having no internet connection can occur in a number of ways. May just be as simple as zeroing it out to remove the lock not sure yet. WebThe Franklin Wireless T9 has a micro USB port for charging, and it comes with a removable, 2450mAh Lithium-Ion battery. Bottom line used https://jsfiddle.net/4zds6531/ for the SIM code unlock. Your hotpsot network could stop working if your phone runs out of power or the Wi-Fi setting gets disabled. Now select your newly created Access Point, your service should disconnect then reconnect. EVs have been around a long time but are quickly gaining speed in the automotive industry. 2. 2602 had a bunch of security updates, it upgraded mine and I cant get it to downgrade either. I hope you will apply your skill to the T10 PandaDeng, did you ever find a way to auto turn on once plugged in? I got everything all setup and working. With the downgrade file you downloaded, go to the config restore page at Thank you for sharing. What should I do now How to reset the device Thank you so much. Is there any success on unlocking the new TMOHS1? Bastani is a game of guessing pictures and Iranian proverbs. The unlock code worked!!! I have been in contact with someone using AT&T via the (Engineering>Change target>DEFAULT) setting, I am using Sprint with the same setting. Same with hidden and webpst. Please reply when u have it thank you I dont know how to get the code and dont want to mess up my pc trying to figure out how to get it. https://gist.github.com/riptidewave93/fc88a7de97abea669bd2d790a1df4c0a, https://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_bash_online.php,, http://mobile.hotspot/#login=/settings/mobile_network-sim.html, http://mobile.hotspot/settings/mobile_network-sim.html, https://mega.nz/file/Lk8k2TgI#DwuWhvQh2nd-Gv2247cFB0rnVodqNP9M0_k751o0XJw, https://mega.nz/folder/m81iVLYJ#ZkLM7wspDir5z0T7DuGlXg, https://www.t-mobile.com/support/devices/mobile-internet/t-mobile-hotspot, https://omadm.iot.t-mobile.com:443/omadm-server/dm12, https://files.videohelp.com/u/61125/t9a.jpg, https://files.videohelp.com/u/61125/t9b.jpg, https://files.videohelp.com/u/61125/usage.jpg, https://www.cs.colostate.edu/helpdocs/vi.html, https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/mawhaz/new_tmohs1_test_drive_hotspot/, https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/m7evpx/my_test_drive_arrived_today_questions_about_use/, Mobile Hotspot Login Admin | Get Latest Information, Rooting and Converting the Cisco Air-OEAP602 to an E3000. Less than 1.0 mbps. Thanks. Plus the device uses UBIFS as a file system, which is a whole other level of abstraction I had basically no knowledge of before a week ago. Software or Hardware mod. Your only real shot is to use EDL to write a new system image. Send me an email and I will get it to you. Now my speeds are very bad. The boot process seems to be four stages: 1. Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day. This unlocked mobile Wi-Fi router uses a Qualcomm MDM9207-0 processor and operates with Linux 3.18 operating system. This works the same on a Sprint (Tmobile) R850. The configurations are stored in: /etc/default/configs, Take a look at the configuration folders: This application is designed for cities inside Iran and has been published in Cafebazaar (Iranian application online store). One way or another this security flaw was going to get patched, and someone in the company should have rewarded you for discovering and preventing what could eventually have been a major security flaw later if anyone ever used these for more than just unlocked boxes. I was able to get into the device with SSH though, is there perhaps a way to edit the config directly to do the SIM unlock? It may be possible to just add your own there in a new folder? On the Coolpad, I found no such trick, but after calling Sprint several times, they gave me the MSL/password for my modem. It is in the normal WebUI (non of the hidden pages) under SIM settings. Any one of those can cause connection problems. No idea what service code to enter. If anybody knows where the hell the hidden menu is, speak up! Thank you!! This is a neat little device. While exploring the binary at /usr/bin/QCMAP_Web_CLIENT, I accidentally stumbled upon the logic used to SIM Unlock the device. The hidden menus still work there. 1. echo r717:frkengr717>/etc/pwlighttpd its installed and appears to be running but i cant get anything i schedule (via crontab -e) to run. 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t9 mobile hotspot not working