st croix sheep pros and cons

Its important to have an animal thats pure or unaltered for sacrifice in observance of many holidays. I grew up on a 100-acre sheep farm in Maine, was an active member in 4H, and I showed my flock across New England and at the national show in Louisville, Kentucky. Katahdin sheep and Dorper are bred as meat sheep breeds. , here's my honest evaluation of the St. Croix breed - A ewes wool will pay her winter feed bill. Do you want to earn multiple income streams from your flock. Both the Horned and Polled Dorset are medium-sized sheep with superior muscle composition and a decent body length. They like large groups of lambs on each farm, prefer solid colors, registered and must be enrolled in the scrapie program. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Sheep require a minimum . And yet, despite the careful mathematical calculations of profit margins, and scientific research on varieties and methods, and the technical ins and out of any pursuit, there is also that most incalculable of all variables: passion. Raising chickens? You can also use them for multiple income streams thanks to their excellent meat and milk production. Led by Kim Lucas, who pioneered the concept of Buyer Agency on the island, the agents at Island Life, by design, embody the . The Teeswater has a lean meat with a good meat to bone ratio and light bone. Sheep production does not require elaborate facilities and equipment. There is so much culture in the world and too often we miss most of it due to geographic limitations. You may be surprised to learn it's easy to train sheep. A mature Dorper . 509-688-5168 Ralph Jost Wild Rose St. Croix 21720 N Spotted Rd, Deer Park, Washington 99006. The desire to climb mandates the use of a bale ring to prevent excessive waste. Your in-laws might want to visit for extended periods of time! Salty air can take its toll on your things, especially electronics. The hair coat, which eliminates the need for shearing, is part of this adaptation. If you decide to start living in St. Thomas, then you are going to be living in a U.S. territory. There are three sections worth considering staying: Cane Bay, Frederiksted, and Christiansted. Most parasite resistant sheep breed! Required fields are marked *, Get access to the entire library, Pioneer's only discounts, and live aftershow chats! 1. This is a very good article to read and understand the secrets of Raising Katahdin Sheep. much as graze. A Katahdin ewe will average between 140-180 pounds, while Dorper ewes will average 160-200 pounds. You may also search using the map below. Read more and see the photo gallery here. of Grants Pass. When comparing weights, keep in mind we live in north central Missouri. Which brings me to the first reason I do not enhance St. Croix sheep. When the pastures are poor, hair animals hold their body condition much better. I love sheep manure for plants. You can overcome this by making sure your walls are high enough, and that there is nothing in their enclosure that they can climb onto. Many ethnic groups want a much different lamb or goat than has been marketed in the past. If you'd care to discuss I - Unlike my goats, Apparently, Momma Kathadin doesnt wait around to see what happens when Mr. Coyote shows up for dinner. To learn more about St Croix sheep or to find a breeder near you, visit the St. Croix Hair Sheep Breeders website. However, they have the same sweet faces and disposition of Saanen goats. havea regular customer who has a fruit orchardin CA. I've decided to let them fall in love only once a year. The capital, Charlotte Amalie is located on St Thomas. Not a Pioneer? Fact: While its true that Barbados and St. Croix are small animals (ewes 80-110 pounds), few commercial breeders raise them. - No docking, unless Im sorry I cannot help you. Three groups of sheep are managed separately: 1) breeding and pregnant ewes and rams; 2) lambing and lactating ewes and lambs; and 3) growing lambs (market lambs and replacements). Now you have a good idea of the pros and cons of both Dorper and Katahdin sheep, which one is right for your homestead? If they each produce two lambs and the St. Croix lambs hit 70 pounds at 150 days and the Suffolk lambs hit 120 at the same age, the Suffolk wins. What Needle Felting Supplies Do You Use for Sculpting? Most Muslims prefer intact ram lambs without tails being docked. After living in the city, we found a town where we could afford enough land (not a farm, just a big yard) to start experimenting with homesteading. Libyans prefer old worn out buck goats for their stronger flavor. 8. Hi Ben, we do have an update they are not here anymore! The St. Croix sheep are a hair sheep breed which means they grow a fine coat of hair in the autumn to winter months rather wool and it is shed each spring time. St. Croix have also gained popularity due to their long breeding period and the breeds ability to raise lambs without assistance. As we disperse all our crossbreeds, weve found the crossbred cull ewes with a wool coat have sold for 50-75percentof what comparable weight hair ewes bring. uncommonly resistant to foot rot, prolapse, and parasites. Photographs: Dr. Jerry Fitch, Extension Sheep Specialist . Podcast update on that coming soon! Yes, Quality: Good tanned hides have been likened to a deer skin quality. Dorper lambs have amazing growth rates when young. As with any young growing animal, the weight gains of a Katahdin lamb increase as the protein and digestibility of the forage increases. Akbash. Our flock is content to sleep outside in the coldest weather and will have unmelted snow on their backs like a wool animal. . Answer: Pros. Cost - Sheep aren't cheap. The meat has a mild flavor, good grain and produce a lean meat. I went to the St Croix line in 2008. and I currently run around 250 head. My name is Joe and Im the owner of a site where I share information and tips about raising sheep for fun, for show, and for profit. We are in the process of installing another 10,000 feet of electric fence on 25 acres that will result in another nine paddocks. This, alongside their easy-going dietary needs, really cut down the cost of keeping them. Originally publishedin sheep! Here are a few of the not so great things about sheep that you should know about. Your email address will not be published. Work with your states department of agriculture if youre interested in export sales. Purebred lambs can reach a weight of 19.9 kgs at 8 weeks old. Join Here, Wild Harvest The Whitetail Accelerator Course. I just recentky discovered your Youtube channel and now your blog. 3,600 posts. Log in. My email is ~Ann, Your email address will not be published. These are the toughest sheep you will find anywhere in the US. Hi! List of the Pros of Living in St. Thomas. This combination of characteristics makes the breed an excellent choice for low input meat production. May-June lambs on pasture alone (10-13percentprotein and 60-65percent DOM) will average 45 pounds. The majority of ewe lambs are sold as registered breeding stock; the majority of ram lambs are sold for slaughter. My favorite vlog of yours was about your new animals, goats and sheep. They are prized for their lambing ability and their carcasses that are lean and meaty. Due to "con" number Breeders Association. This is a very old article and I do not have the contact info for John. It is bred as non-fat tailed sheep for top meat production. play midwife, and those little guys get up and bounce right away. St. Croix - more affordable (but still expensive), poor economy, Anquilla landfill and Hovensa - not the most scenic sites on the island however the F'sted sunsets are magnificent. St. Croix rams offer an impressive and exotic looking mane of long white hair around their shoulders and chests, giving them a strong and imperial presence. If you have kids, sheep can make a wonderful family pet. Unlike any other domesticated livestock cattle, goats, buffalo, you name it we created a set of conditions that put sheep at increased risk of infestation by blowflies by making its tail so heavy that it can't lift it out of the way of its elimination and then . Your email address will not be published. wonderful pets, lawn mowers and weed eaters. Plans for the future include a larger lambing/working shed-currently under construction, later lambing to reduce cold weather losses (10percentdeath loss for everything combined, stillborn, drowning in water tank, mashed, runts, etc. Anyone have any experience with specific breeds? and my phone Is there any way to contact him? swears they're the best organic weed eaters he's ever used. These sheep are typically white in color, though there are known variations such as light brown, tan and black or white with black or brown spots. Three ewes needed assistance lambing (one got it, the other two didnt and lost their lambs), one of which was 8 years old. These include: Dorper sheep dont produce much milk or wool, which means raising them for meat is your only option. A type of hair breed, Katahdin sheep originate in the United States. They can provide you with information pertaining to regulations, health requirements and local export brokers. My primary occupation is in business management. After being on island for over a year, I thought it was about time to compile a list of both the pros and cons of living on St. Croix. They range from 6'8 to 7 in length; Medium, Medium-Light, or Medium-Heavy in power, and Extra-Fast to Fast in action. The Dorset has white wool and the Persian has a black head. Although they are one of the newest sheep breeds introduced in America, Katahdin sheep have quickly become a popular choice. He Grazing animals put on weight quickly in preparation for the long winters. As mentioned earlier, theres no price discount for Katahdin sheep or Dorper sheep in central Missouri. For example, we consider time spent worming, shearing, docking and trimming hooves as merely maintaining an operation. unavailability of shearers and then having to practically give away the they don't jump on you, run over you, or jump on cars and over fences. When it comes down to it, the choice of whether to add Dorper sheep or Katahdin sheep to your homestead is more about personal preference. While there are far fewer cons than there are pros for keeping Dorper sheep, you do need to consider the potential downsides. The thickness of a Katahdin sheeps winter coat will vary among individuals, but it needs to shed completely for an A or AA coat classification, which is the norm. As a bit of trivia, the majority of cull ewes the U.S. exports go to the Mexico City area. After being in the business of raising wool sheep of various kinds for two decades, I decided in 2005 to start with hair sheep. The sheep and I (Lynne Vanderlinden) live in Cave Junction (extreme SW), Oregon, outside of Grants Pass. Consider the pros and cons featured above before making your decision. } You can even crossbreed them to develop unique varieties for your farm or homestead. Pros and Cons, We feel this has contributed to the introduction with the Turkish Boz Shepherd Livestock Guardian dogs that seemed more like bringing together old friends. At lower latitudes (down south), summer daylight periods are shorter, the temperature higher, grass growth is slower and is lower in protein and higher fiber. In short order, it just leaves their system. If Aside from the obvious (they taste good), they make To be successful, you must sell quality, and I stress quality animals; send anything else to slaughter. This may or may not be the case in other states. Your email address will not be published. For registered breeding stock, permanent wooly fibers are a no-no. (Weve heard them all.). That is something a good monitoring plan will help with. Some breeders cross with heavier hair sheep breeds Flock owners with less than 50 animals have a difficult time getting someone to shear unless they pool their animals with neighbors. The Team at Retire in the VI and St Croix Island Life Real Estate is comprised of a bright and fun group of folks who share a love of St Croix and a desire to help others realize their dream of establishing a home here. Over time, Caribbean Hair sheep became well adapted to the heat and humidity of their environment. Two breeds, the Barbados Blackbelly and the St. Croix,are also found in North America. They are so much cleaner than woolies. The St Croix sheep are also very calm, have good flocking instinct and show little aggression to the dogs. Unfortunately, as the percentage of Dorper increases, more wool is found in their coat and some animals lose some of their shedding ability. I sincerely doubt that a statistically average St. Croix ewe, bred to a St. Croix ram, is going to produce more pounds of lamb than a statistically average Suffolk ewe bred to a Suffolk ram. document.write(OT); you want lots of sheep in a short period of time and have a lot of In 2001, my friend with Polypay paid $2 to shear $.50 worth of wool per animal. The sheep proliferated as subsistence livestock and were also valued for the manure critical to sugar cane production. I know there is a good market for hair sheep lambs as well. To be honest, every breed has it's pros and cons, and Dorper vs. St Croix is not different . Locals of the island refer to themselves as Crucians. No We find its seldom necessary to trim hooves. Dorset ewes weigh between 150 and 200 pounds, while rams can weigh up to 275 pounds. Senepol. Barbados Blackbelly and St. Croix sheep. I've been told that Dorper grow faster but are open to parasites. Because of differences in numbers and kinds of hair . Katahdin sheep will strip the bark from cedars, pines and any deciduous tree that has smooth, immature bark. ML="e@fycsptg"; Aside from the obvious (they taste good), they make Noise - Loud bleating, cud chewing, and even just digesting may well be audible from inside your home if your sheep are right outside. Sheep naturally run from you. Is there anything more suburban than lawnmowers? We normally worm our lambs 3-4 times a summer and the ewes not at all. Hi, we are looking at beginning a small flock of hair sheep. Sheep provide two sources of cash income: lamb and wool. for(j=0;j

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st croix sheep pros and cons