In some cases, you may wish to write the Superintendent or a School Board member discussing your particular concern. The county population is 46,143, according to the United States Census Bureau. ZTA1OWQ0YjFmMDJiMjM0YzFhNWU5OWE4NDE1NDk0ZWE5Y2JjNDFlMjM5ZTBl Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. * Recommend approval to add paid JV Assistant Baseball Coach for the 2022-2023 School Year. Streamed live by MCTV from The Administration Building in Lewistown Or, you may choose to contact a Board member who will then refer the matter to the Superintendent. Meetings will be held at 9:30 am on the second Thursday of each month at the Original Italian Pizza on Logan Boulevard in Burnham. Learn more about the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, the leadership, history and more. * Recommend approval of minutes of the Regular Board meeting held November 17, 2022. Number of employees at Mifflin County School District in year 2021 was 491. Approved the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit (TIU) 11 Instructional Media Services Agreement for the school year 2022-2023, 7/1/22 through 6/30/23 at a total cost of $19,983.50. This will give the board the time needed to explore the project from all angles, the pros and the cons, before deciding. A segment of each board meeting is allotted for constituents to speak to the Board. The schedule may vary slightly, so please confirm the scheduled meeting dates and times by scrolling to the bottom of this page, or review the School Board Calendar. January 12, 2023, 3:54 pm Construction at the Governor Mifflin School District Athletic and Community Center, also known by the acronym GMACC, reached a crucial milestone on Tuesday, January 10 as contractors installed the final piece of structural steel on the building. West Mifflin, PA. We areseeking a full-time permanentSubstitute Teacher. ZmYwYmFlZmVkNTRlM2ZiNzI3YTA0NmYzMzViNzg5NjhhNDlkMTVkZTZmMmYw Behind the Headlines - Episodes aired every Thursday at 5:00pm, 8:00pm and 11:00pm The Academy Operating Committee Meetings - Aired Thursdays at 6:00pm & 9:00pm Approved the following coaches for the winter 2022-23 season: Lindsay Wagner (volunteer junior high volleyball), Brooke Coburn (volunteer indoor track and field). Additionally, the district is waiting to find out how Coronavirus Relief Funds through the CARES Act can be used. During the meeting, it was stated that enrollment numbers have held steady at [] Board of Education, Dayton City School District Dayton Montgomery County, Ohio May 1, 2012 - Informational Meeting 133 133 (11) 11161230 Vendor: Public Health Dayton Montgomery County . Thursday, March 12, 2020. Policies, Agendas & Minutes School Board Members Mifflin County Commissioners These Administrative powers and duty of the County Commissioners encompass registration and elections, assessment of persons and property, human services, veterans' affairs, appointment of county budgets, assessment of property, levying of taxes, borrowing of funds for construction of capital projects, and any other task that they incur. Using our Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you may access. * Recommended approval of the following driver: Susie Tyson (ER Rhodes). I met with John Pannizo and Joel Diamond this week, and they will start fundraising. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. With YOUR help we can target the thousands of Hispanic voters in Chester County that will help us win big in November and beyond. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. MetaSearch is intended for research, information and reference purposes only. No final action on these matters may be taken by the Board in Executive Session. stepping up to protect free and fair elections. Chief of Operations Paul Maidens talked about the developing situation. School Board meetings are aired on Hillsborough Schools TV, Spectrum Cable channel 635 and Frontier channel 32, live on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. and replays on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. (Board Meetings), and 8:00 p.m. (Recognition Meetings). Minutes. The original date for final approval to move forward with the athletic fields upgrade was at the next board meeting on December 15. NDhjNWE4YjAzNmJjYTQyNzUwYjI1MzdmMGViYmU2ZTY4ODRlZWZkNmM5MmFh YjQ0YWIxOGY0NzM4MTFkYzg5YThlYjE4MWY5NWZiMDdkYzgxNzA3OWQ2NDFk NmU4ODY5ODEzMGQxMzA4MDcwMWRlZjVlZjY0YTE3NjRjZWYyN2MzOTBiMDMw Noelle talks about social-emotional learning, changing careers, and more in today's conversation with Julia Allan in Maryland. LISTED, 7/5/2022. OGY2NDg2NDkxZjFkNDkyMmE0NmQ1ODA0Nzg3MmJkNTQ2ZTMzZDA1OWJlNjg1 People in the community are ready to step up, which is nice.. Mifflin County School District 201 Eighth St - Highland Park, Lewistown, PA 17044 (717) 248-0148 Website 9 Schools 4,898 Students Grades K-12 ENVIRONMENT 6 Elementary Schools 2 Middle Schools 1 High School 9 Total Schools RATINGS District Summary Ratings A larger number of schools in this district are rated below average in school quality. Watch popular content from the following creators: otomakan ishotas(@fuckery199), zach bux(@zachbuxx), Meanmellymel86(@meanmellymel86), SistaYiddishkeit Chapel Hill(@sistayiddishkeit), Emily(@_queen_fox_04_), akcrucial(@akcrucial), Erin Bachman(@ebach85), LeisaT(@theatreteacher34), Erin Bachman(@ebach85), Candace . NThmNTQyMDAyZjliMDNhM2U3YjI0NTNjOTYzNTZjNTcwZTQ5ZDRiMGM4MTM5 MmNkYmFiNDE5NTcwNGUyZTNjOTIzOWZiNWVmNmViMzE5MTY1YjBlOThhNzlk The board was going to vote to approve Hardin and Neavling as head swim and assistant swim coach, respectively. Approved the following cafeteria items: Cafeteria Financial Report for June 2022, Request authorization to pay Cafeteria Bills for June 2022, Food Service budget for the 2022-2023 school year will be presented at the July 28, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. As Democrats continue their Mileage Reimbursement paid for all miles when 20 leted . Approved the following as Building Leaders for the 2022-2023 school year: Amber Fuller, LES ($1,300 Stipend). YjUwOWUwZTk3OGYyNWVkNzUyZGRjYWIzMmI3MDYxNTkzZjI0MjI3NWU5YmNl NzBlNjJlNGY2Nzk1NGUzMDM0MTRmNGQzZjcwNDBjZjM1ODEzZDk3NDQ4ZGVl Approved the following policy and curriculum items: 115 Career and Technical Education, 218 Student Discipline, 218.1 Weapons, 218.2 Terroristic Threats, 218.3 Discipline of Student Convicted/Adjudicated of Sexual Assault, 220 & Attachment(s) Student Expression/Dissemination of Materials, 233 Suspension and Expulsion, 234 Pregnant/Parenting/Married Students, 236 Student Assistance Program, 236.1 Threat Assessment Update, 237 Electronic Devices, 246 School Wellness, 249 & Attachment(s) Bullying/Cyberbullying, 250 Student Recruitment, 251 Homeless Students, 252 & Attachment(s) Dating Violence, 255 Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care. The school was established in 2011, by the merging of the district's two former high schools (Indian Valley HIgh School and Lewistown Area). *Last updated - 12/16/22. He noted that instructional time is a challenge with travel logistics to the Academy, and time to change into the uniforms students wear for their classes. Approved the renewal of the contract for Cynthia Heister as the Occupational Therapist, owner of Motivation Occupational Therapy, LLC, at the rate of $82.00 per hour for services. Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection, Mifflin Township employees spread holiday cheer, Stormwater Awareness Week Urges Ohioans to Be the Change for Clean Water This October, Franklin county to participate in prescription drug take-back day. Learn more about the Mifflin County Republican Committee and how you can get involved on a local level. -----BEGIN REPORT----- People will try to abuse it. The Academy, he said, is continuing to look for ways to increase instructional time for students. MTAzNWY3OTc2OTI4ZDExYmMwNTUyOThiYzFiNWQ1YjkzNmY1MjA4ODdkOWNh A conference with the appropriate school official is usually the best procedure. 301 5th Ave., McKeesport City, Allegheny County. LEWISTOWN The Mifflin County School Board unanimously approved free athletic event passes for a number of county residents at Thursday's regular meeting. * Recommend approval of the Cafeteria Financial Report for November 2022. Offred is the central character and narrator and one of the "handmaids", women who are forcibly assigned to produce . It has an annual revenue of $80,288,000. We have another follow-up call with ELA,, We have some renderings. Remarks are not to exceed 3 minutes in length. State Barrons of Breslin Architects said the plans were designed to meet current high school standards, with a fiscally responsible design, and to be used by all. 11 . Non Voting Members. We encourage you to become involved in school activities at the building level and to attend Board meetings. YTEzYzA0YjZlMTQwMzhjMjQyMWMxNDZkODljNDk2Nzg1Y2JiYTkwMzc3YzNj As Mr. (Noah) Wise brought up the motion last week about a possible co-op with BMS, athletic director Miss (Tish) Maclay reached out to BMS staff to set up a meeting with their AD to gauge their interest in a co-op, Maidens said. (Section 407). OTBiNjEzNDk4ZGVjNTQ3ZGIzNTc4YzM3OTI2NDE2MjlmNjc4NjU4MDBmMTM1 To address the Board, you must fill out a yellow Citizens Request card, placed at the entrance to the board meeting room, and submit it to the Board Secretary prior to the start of the board meeting. Nine members of the Governor Mifflin community serve on its Board of School Directors for four-year terms. Approved the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on Oct. 20, 2022. When it came to the vote, the free pass amendment failed by a 5-4 margin. People will try to abuse it. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population. Nickel, Knepp, Noah Wise, and Mark Baker will serve on the Operating Committee for the Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology. unconstitutional assault on our most basic voting protections, the GOP is During the meeting, it was stated that enrollment numbers have held steady at the institution, however a comparative analysis between enrollment years for the future was requested going forward. critical work if we are going to be successful at preserving Election Integrity Approved the regular board meeting minutes held on Oct. 27, 2022. Progress is being made in these areas as the Academy is waiting to hear back from a number of local businesses in accommodating the student CDL program. Meeting Dates For 2022 (Open to the public)6:30 PM (if another time is not listed)Administration Building, Mifflin County School DistrictAdministration Building201 Eighth StreetLewistown, PA 17044, Thursday, November 17, 2022 - Regular (Voting)Thursday, December 1, 2022 - Special Reorganization Meeting and Committee-of-the-WholeThursday, December 15, 2022 - Regular (Voting). G. Agreements for Janitorial Services with NuVisions Center, Lewistown, PA for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023: Historic Courthouse - $451.43 per month Magisterial District Justice Jack Miller - $203.90 per month ZjM1NWFjODI5ZWNlNzhlYTc1ZTc1ZWQ4MTI2MzM0NzhjZGJjMmFmZWFkZTE5 Welcome to Teachers in America. The district's board of school directors unanimously approved a $79.8 million budget during a special voting meeting held prior to the board's regularly scheduled committee of the whole meeting held via Zoom call. MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA 1 DAY AGO future training opportunities! Mifflin County School Board Meetings - Aired every Wednesday at 5:00pm, 8:00pm and 11:00pm THURSDAYS MCHS Morning Announcements - "Live" every school day at 8:10am from our MCTV studios. Instead, the board wants to wait for the presentation from John Pannizo and Joel Diamond on their fundraising efforts. * Recommend approval for MCSD to pay the full cost for Advanced Placement testing for all students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses in the 2022-2023 school year at an estimated cost of $14,696. Despite having an injured ankle, she triaged hurt students, calmed others down, let them use her cell phone to call their parents, and sat with a student who had a major injury until the paramedics came. Nine members of the Governor Mifflin community serve on its Board of School Directors for four-year terms. Mifflin Township residents are invited and . The Mifflin County School District makes every effort to check the validity of outgoing internet links, but is not responsible for any Internet content outside of this website. Approved the following draft policies as a first reading to replace the boards adopted board policies: Homework, Home Education Programs, Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students, Language Instruction Educational Program for English Learners, Charter Schools, Extracurricular Participation by Charter/Cyber Charter Students, Migrant Students, Standards for Persistently Dangerous Schools, Standards for Victims of Violent Crimes, Student Services, Title I Comparability of Services, Dress and Grooming. Mission: To provide for the peace, safety and welfare of the citizens of Mifflin Township. LEWISTOWN The nation's divided politics caused a heated debate at the Mifflin County School Board voting meeting on Thursday. MTRkNDI3M2JkYjExNGIyNzc0OGY5YmNjYjE5MGRmNDk1NjkwZjU3ZTdlOTYz Understanding and working . The Governor Mifflin Board of School Directors is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe learning environment. on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. Watch the School Board Meeting at 4:30pm. The main issue is the debate between the two session and three session models for the 2023-24 school year. School Board Meetings Learn about the types of School Board Meetings, review meeting minutes and videos. My intent is to give parents a break, he said. 60 % Approved the hiring of the following teachers: Harry Pearce (4th grade-IVEC), Abigail Cunningham (science teacher-MCJHS), Michelle Hartzler (Title I Reading Specialist-IVEC), Anthony Teague (math teacher-MCHS). Approved the following coaches for the winter 2022-23 season: Brett Leister (first assistant girls basketball), Richard Gingrich (volunteer assistant girls basketball), Jessa Hagans (assistant girls basketball), Andrew Baker (8th grade girls basketball), Danielle Craig (assistant 7th grade girls basketball), Olivia Halfpenny (volunteer assistant girls basketball), Glen Franklin (first assistant girls basketball), Donald Lepley (volunteer boys basketball), Noah Wright (volunteer boys basketball), Dave Sheetz (volunteer boys basketball), Adam Sheetz (volunteer boys basketball), Christopher Lehman (head 9th grade boys basketball), Kevin Walker (assistant 8th grade boys basketball), Ryan Walker (volunteer junior high boys basketball), Nathan Poche (volunteer junior high boys basketball), Greg Loht (assistant indoor track), Scot Sechler (volunteer assistant indoor track), Tamara Sechler (volunteer assistant indoor track), Floyd Ciccolini (volunteer assistant indoor track), Neil Breneman (volunteer assistant indoor track), Richard Yearick (volunteer assistant indoor track), Skylar Ciccolini (volunteer assistant indoor track), Ella Spriggle (volunteer assistant indoor track), Shannon Specht (volunteer assistant indoor track), Dale Searer (first assistant wrestling), Tyler Bedelyon (assistant wrestling), David Wray (volunteer assistant wrestling), Joe Knarr (volunteer assistant wrestling), Trent Hidlay (volunteer assistant wrestling), Hayden Hidlay (volunteer assistant wrestling), Trey Hartsock (volunteer assistant wrestling), Trey Kibe (volunteer assistant wrestling), Colton Spade (head junior high wrestling), Seth Yearick (assistant junior high wrestling), Mark Cavanaugh (volunteer junior high wrestling), Tim Davis (volunteer junior high wrestling), Isabella Retherford (assistant winter cheerleading), Adrienne Witters (volunteer assistant winter cheerleading), Cassie Swenson (volunteer assistant winter cheerleading), Jessica Renninger (junior high winter cheerleading), Sidney Barlett (volunteer assistant junior high winter cheerleading), Charles McConaughey (volunteer assistant bowling). Y2IwIn0= Board DOCS - Policies, Agendas & Minutes. Request authorization to pay Cafeteria Bills for October 2022. We will discuss it, and I will ask her to come in at the Committee of the Whole meeting.. Meeting Agenda will be available after January 3, 2023. Approved the following event staff for the 22-23 school year: Paige Johnson. 2) Arrange to pick up required paperwork. School Board of Directors - Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Policy The Substitute Teacher is responsible for overseeing classroom dynamics and functioning of all staff within their classroom. We encourage you to become involved in school activities at the building level and to attend Board meetings. After the report, the board will discuss financing options and vote in January on whether to go forward or abandon the project. The Mifflin Township Board of Trustees will hold their regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 7 at 10 a.m. at the Joseph F. Spanovich Meeting Hall, 155 Olde Ridenour Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230. Agenda. Job in Philadelphia - Philadelphia County - PA Pennsylvania - USA , 19117. Mifflin County Chapter : BOARD MEETINGS. But we need your help! We set up a buildings and grounds meeting for Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m. to get them on board. Today's episode is a new installment of our Teachers in America series hosted by HMH's director of content and programming, Noelle Morris. The districts board of school directors unanimously approved a $79.8 million budget during a special voting meeting held prior to the boards regularly scheduled committee of the whole meeting held via Zoom call. ZTAwZjRkMGIxNTE4NTI2ODQyMzBjZWMxYTk2MzJlZTc4ZWQ3NGJhM2RmZWRk We have some renderings. MGVhZGJjMzEzYTUyNDM0NGQxOGU2MGRlMTJhNmQwOWFjNWM3ZTQ5NTI0MGNk Advisory Board Member. N2Y4MGM1ODE1M2YxOGQ2YTJjZmEyMjU4NmY4ZWE4NDY2MWMwNThjZmZiY2I5 * Recommend approval of the following coaches for the 2022-23 Winter season: Tanner Hepner (volunteer junior high boys basketball) and Kristopher Rahn (volunteer wrestling). Online Employment Application | Open Positions Open Positions for Mifflin County Schools FMLA regulations require all employers to post the updated FMLA notice. Superintendent Jim Estep said he expects the deficit to decrease prior to the time the final budget is approved in June. It's happening on MCTV. Parents/Guardians Pay Admission, Boys Basketball: Jan 18th Sock It To Em Bring a new pair of socks for free admission benefits our homeless students, Jan 28th Mini-Thon Gold Out Game wear gold for free admission benefits Mini-Thon with their overall fundraiser and promotions, Girls Basketball: Dec 17th Mini-Thon Gold Out Game wear gold for free admission benefits Mini-Thon with their overall fundraiser and promotions, Jan 13th Pink Zone Game wear pink and get in free benefits the Pink Zone with overall fundraiser and promotions, Justin Henry Scholarship Games (Girls and Boys) free student admission. 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