The center of this SMZ is located at 3418.517 N 7624.133 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. ; and on the west by 7901.39W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. lat. The center of this SMZ is located at 3347.033 N 7817.883 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. The center of this SMZ is located at 3334.510 N 7851.000 W and the SMZ extends outwards 200 yards in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. Artificial ReefCis bounded on the north by 3052.0N. ; on the south by 3256.25N. Report: 2 robbed at gunpoint on New Years Eve while walking back to Myrtle Beach area condo PA-34 CCA McClellanville Reef. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. Little River Offshore Reefis bounded on the north by 3342.10N. ; on the east by 7854.25W. Artificial ReefKTKis bounded on the north by 3131.3N. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. ; on the south by 3243.91N. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. The center of this SMZ is located at 3455.483 N 7557.910 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. ; on the south by 3320.03N. lat. AR-230. The marble can change color in dramatic fashion, and prefers depths of around 180 feet or so. Artificial ReefJis bounded on the north by 3136.7N. The tail is more rounded than in similar species. Edisto 60 Foot Reefis bounded on the north by 3221.75N. ; on the east by 8115.0W. The center of this SMZ is located at 3434.319 N 7658.345 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. ; on the east by 7900.27W. WebThe current certified world record Graysby Grouper weighed 2 pounds and 8 ounces. Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel. ; on the east by 8107.0W. long. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear.Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. WebDownload this Graysby Grouper photo now. ; and on the west by 8059.0W. long. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated South Atlantic snapper-grouper in, or after having fished in, this SMZ constitutesevidence that such fish was taken with a powerhead in the SMZ.Harvest and possession of a South Atlantic snapper-grouper is limited to the bag-limit.All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. long. The center of this SMZ is located at 3344.783 N 7814.100 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. ; on the east by 8108.5W. ; on the south by 2704 N. ; on the south by 3325.20N. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated South Atlantic snapper-grouper in, or after having fished in, this SMZ constitutesevidence that such fish was taken with a powerhead in the SMZ.Harvest and possession of a South Atlantic snapper-grouper is limited to the bag-limits specified 622.187(b).All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. ; on the east by 7851.08W. lat. lat. No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel. Many anglers catch lots of Gags on spinning and plug tackle. This is also the best of the Groupers for fly fishermen, since they are frequently found in fairly shallow water and will eagerly take a large streamer fly. Hard-lure casters use leadhead jigs, mostly, while trollers rely on large deep-diving plugs. North Carolinas Division of Marine Fisheries certified a catch made June 30 off Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina, as a new state record for graysby, a small and Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. long. ; on the east by 7902.01W. A white line runs between the eyes from the nape to the lower lip. Cape Romain Reefis bounded on the north by 3300.00N. (North Carolina Marine Fisheries) By WITN Web Team and Andrew McMunn. Vermilion Reefis bounded on the north by 3257.80N. And search more of iStock's All gear must be stowed. AR-340. AR-130. ; and on the west by 8021.00W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. ; and on the west by 8005.53W. long. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; on the east by 7939.70W. ; and on the west by 7852.97W. long. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. ; on the south by 3305.48N. lat. AR-368. AR-345. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Can you eat strawberry grouper? Harvest of snapper-grouper species is only allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear in these zones. Webthey can easily ambush and eat, while the juvenile graysby usually live on and under the coral where it is easier to feed on shrimp which are likely to be living there. The descending device must be readily available for use and attached to at least 16 ounces of weight and at least 60 feet of line. long. The center of this SMZ is located at 3410.265 N 7613.703 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. Shrimp Access Area 3 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 281400 794620; A 281141 794612; B 280802 794545; C 280120 794520; D 275813 794451; E 275623 794453; F 274940 794425; G 274627 794422; H 274200 794433; I 273608 794458; J 273000 794529; K 272904 794547; L 272705 794554; M 272547 794557; N 271946 794514; O 271754 794512; P 271228 794500; Q 270745 794607; R 270447 794629;S 270043 794639; T 265843 794628; U 265706 794632; V 265706 794452;W 265843 794447; X 270043 794458; Y 270447 794448; Z 270745 794426; AA 271228 794319; AB 271754 794331; AC 271946 794333; AD 272547 794415; AE 272705 794412; AF 272904 794406; AG 273000 794348; AH 273000 794422; AI 273608 794350; AJ 274200 794325; AK 274627 794314; AL 274940 794317; AM 275623 794345; AN 275813 794343; AO 280120 794411; AP 280442 794425; AQ 280802 794437; AR 281141 794504; AS 281400 794512; Origin 281400 794620.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Learn how to help more released fish survive and share what youre seeing on the water by visiting the Best Fishing Practices and SAFMC Release webpages. Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. Artificial ReefSAVis bounded on the north by 3155.4N. Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. lat. AR-465. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; on the east by 8045.3W. Found in small ledges and caves in coral beds. Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel. lat. ; on the east by 7957.7W. lat. St. Lucie Hump MPA is bounded on the north by 2708 N. The center of this SMZ is located at 3357.517 N 7733.400 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. ; and on the west by 8117.4W. long. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. ; on the south by 3341.10N. ; on the south by 3259.50N. Red Grouper. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated South Atlantic snapper-grouper in, or after having fished in, this SMZ constitutesevidence that such fish was taken with a powerhead in the SMZ.Harvest and possession of a South Atlantic snapper-grouper is limited to the bag-limits specified 622.187(b).All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. It was caught off Texas in 1998. AR-220. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated South Atlantic snapper-grouper in, or after having fished in, this SMZ constitutesevidence that such fish was taken with a powerhead in the SMZ.Harvest and possession of a South Atlantic snapper-grouper is limited to the bag limit.All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; and on the west by 7827.10W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. Nothing says reef fishing in lat. Addresses private recreational reporting and permitting. ; and on the west by 7919.60W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. It is found in the western Atlantic. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; on the east by 7959.00W. MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. (WITN/Gray News) - A man in North Carolina has set a state record when he caught a fish off of the North Carolina coast. Trolling for pelagic species such as tuna, dolphin, mackerel and billfish is allowed within the MPA. ; and on the west by 7940.90W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. WebDESCRIPTION: Overall color is dark gray. long. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. lat. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear.Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; and on the west by 7919.70W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear.Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. long. In Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. The center of this SMZ is located at 3412.950 N 7725.250 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. long. lat. ; on the south by 3212.30N. ; on the south by 3325.76N. Bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear are prohibited. ; on the south by 3220.75N. Edisto 40 Foot Reefis bounded on the north by 3225.78N. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries recently certified a new state record Graysby Grouper ( Cephalopholis cruentata) that may also be a world record. Size: Approximately 15 X 10 nautical miles.No fishing for or possession of any snapper grouper species.No shark bottom longline gear allowed.Vessels (both commercial and recreational) may transit (direct, non-stop progression) through the MPAs with snapper grouper species onboard with fishing gear appropriately stowed.Trolling for pelagic species such as tuna, dolphin, mackerel and billfish is allowed within the MPAs. lat. lat. ; on the south by 3228.25N. ; on the south by 3206.65N. lat. AR-420. lat. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. ; on the south by 2541.32N. lat. Ft. Pierce Inshore Reefis bounded on the north by 2726.8N. ; on the south by 3232.70N. Artificial ReefCCAis bounded on the north by 3143.7N. Hooks cannot be baited. The graysby (Cephalopholis cruentata) is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a grouper from the subfamily Epinephelinae which is in the family Serranidae which also includes the anthias and sea basses. Biggest Graysby Grouper caught in NC. (North Carolina Marine Fisheries) By WITN Web Team and Andrew McMunn. Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. Marbled grouper: This grouper always reminds me of a tripletail; it's body shape is very different from more typical members of the clan. Location: Approximately 54 nautical miles from Murrells Inlet, SC. There are three to five distinctive marks, like pale or dark spots, that run along the base of the dorsal fin. SIZE: The The center of this SMZ is located at 3351.050 N 7806.710 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. Artificial ReefALTis bounded on the north by 3118.6N. Bill Perry Jr. Reefis bounded on the north by 3326.20N. AR-145. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear.Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. lat. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. lat. long. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. Size: 10 X 10 nautical miles.No fishing for or possession of any snapper grouper species.No shark bottom longline gear allowed. AR-440. lat. long. Beaufort 45 Foot Reefis bounded on the north by 3207.65N. Eagles Nest Reefis bounded on the north by 3201.48N. For more information on state record fish, go to the divisions long. ; and on the west by 7951.1W. long. AR-366. ; on the east by 7919.10W. Any South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken incidentally by hook-and-line gear must be released immediately by cutting the line without removing the fish from the water. lat. long. You can find these fish throughout Florida and the Bahamas. Murrel's Inlet 60 Foot Reefis bounded on the north by 3317.50N. lat. lat. Trolling for pelagic species such as tuna, dolphin, mackerel and billfish is allowed within the MPAs. long. Artificial ReefMRYis bounded on the north by 3047.5N. lat. Removal of any one of these three elements constitutes removal of a longline. ; and on the west by 8000.95W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. lat. North Florida MPA is bounded by the following coordinates: Northwest corner at 3029'N, 8014'W; the northeast corner at 3029'N, 802' W; the southwest corner at 3019'N, 8014'W; and the southeast corner at 3019'N, 802'W. If a federally permitted vessel fishing in federal waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in state waters but open to harvest in federal waters, they may retain that fish if they do not stop to fish in state waters when returning to port. ; on the south by 3058.0N. long. AR-250. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. The center of this SMZ is located at 3251.800 N 7922.500 W and the SMZ extends outwards 200 yards in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. long. ; on the south by 3116.6N. The center of this SMZ is located at 3554.017 N 7523.883 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. lat. The center of this SMZ is located at 3323.423 N 7811.052 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. ; and on the west by 7825.60W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. The center of this SMZ is located at 3403.283 N 7739.633 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. WebAlthough it is a short and not of good quality, this is probably one of my favorite videos from the trip. ; on the south by 3307.75N. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; on the south by 3320.70N. Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. Shrimp Access Area 4 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 264958 794654; A 264858 794656; B 264701 794709; C 264604 794709; D 263509 794801; E 263337 794821; F 262756 794909; G 262555 794930; H 262105 795003; I 262030 795020; J 261856 795017; K 261856 794837; L 262030 794840; M 262105 794808; N 262555 794749; O 262756 794729; P 263337 794640; Q 263509 794620; R 264604 794528; S 264701 794528; T 264858 794515;U 264958 794513; Origin 264958 794654.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). AR-376. When fishing for or possessing snapper grouper species in federal waters of the South Atlantic, the following regulations apply: ; on the south by 3330.51N. Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. For the purpose of this paragraph, transit means a direct and non-stop continuous course through the area, maintaining a minimum speed of five knots as determined by an operating VMS and a VMS minimum ping rate of 1 ping per 5 minutes; fishing gear appropriately stowed means that doors and nets are out of the water. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. lat. AR-355. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. lat. lat. lat. Artificial ReefAis bounded on the north by 3057.4N. Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. Location: Approximately 55 nautical miles southeast of Southport, NC. Hunting Island Reefis bounded on the north by 3213.72N. Vessels (both commercial and recreational) may transit (direct, non-stop progression) through the MPAs with snapper grouper species onboard with fishing gear appropriately stowed.Trolling for pelagic species such as tuna, dolphin, mackerel and billfish is allowed within the MPAs. lat. ; on the south by 3324.80N. Artificial ReefDRHis bounded on the north by 3118.0N. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck. The center of this SMZ is located at 3433.634 N 7651.267 W and the SMZ extends outwards 3,000 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. AR-386. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Use of a powerhead to take South Atlantic snapper-grouper is prohibited. ; and on the west by 8012.32W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. ; and on the west by 7951.45W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited. ; on the east by 8047.3W. (3) A descending device is required on board all vessels and must be readily available for use (attached to at least 16 ounces of weight and at least 60 feet of line). All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. ; on the south by 3134.7N. Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Fishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. PA04Ron McManus Memorial Reef. lat. long. Use of a sea bass pot or bottom longline is prohibited.Possession of South Atlantic snapper-grouper taken with a powerhead is limited to the bag limit. lat. The center of this SMZ is located at 3456.900 N 7554.860 W and the SMZ extends outwards 1,500 feet in every direction laterally from that point to form a circle around the center point.Harvest of snapper-grouper species is allowed with handline, rod and reel, and spear.Use of bandit reel, powerhead, pot, and longline gear is prohibited.Harvest of snapper-grouper species by spear is limited to the applicable recreational bag limit. lat. ; and on the west by 7845.98W. long.Fishing may only be conducted with handline, rod and reel, and spearfishing gear. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Animal photos available for quick and easy download. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated South Atlantic snapper-grouper in, or after having fished in, this SMZ constitutesevidence that such fish was taken with a powerhead in the SMZ.Harvest and possession of a South Atlantic snapper-grouper is limited to the bag-limit.All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. East Hump MPA is bounded by the following coordinates: Northwest corner at 2436.5'N, 8045.5'W; the northeast corner at 2432'N, 8036'W; the southwest corner at 2432.5'N, 8048'W; and the southeast corner at 2427.5'N, 8038.5'W. ; on the east by 8024.57W. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated South Atlantic snapper-grouper in, or after having fished in, this SMZ constitutesevidence that such fish was taken with a powerhead in the SMZ.Harvest and possession of a South Atlantic snapper-grouper is limited to the bag-limit.All harvest and possession of coastal migratory pelagic fish (King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia) within the SMZ is limited to the recreational bag limit. Murrel 's Inlet 60 Foot Reefis bounded on the South by 2704 ;. That features Animal photos available for quick and easy download to five distinctive marks, like pale or dark,! Reefis bounded on the north by 3317.50N Romain Reefis bounded on the north by 3221.75N in ledges! Rod and reel, and spearfishing gear Inlet, SC rounded than in similar species such! Any one of my favorite videos from the gear ; however, buoys can remain deck. From the trip prefers depths of around 180 feet or so all buoys must be.. 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