It is best to confront the inappropriate behavior away from the offender or outside of the situation. Moreover, take each question as it comes will full focus and attention on it only. John then took the rehabilitated man back to the Boston court three weeks later where the reformed man was released after paying a small fine. Choice d allows the officer to hold the offender account- able through rules and conditions, but when asked, the officer will volunteer resources to provide assistance. direct them to services to help them such as substance abuse or mental health treatment, medical care, training, or employment assistance as ordered by the court. 3. It is best to provide explicit details about your day and provide your initial notes to your supervisor when you are questioned regard- ing any actions you may have done. The Probation officer exam comprises of multiple sections. The freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to assem- bly are all provided by the First Amendment. Choice c is not a respon- sible action for a parole officer. Choice c is incorrect because being on parole is not a legal discrimination category. Choice b is not an option because you might be in the police department's way, and this is really its responsibility. It is vital that offenders be given supervision conditions that can be accomplished. These tests are administered by local police departments as part of the recruiting and hiring process for employees. Examination Date: January 17 February 10Exam Registration Deadline: January 13, 2023 -Registration Period is now closedExamination Fee:$100. You start conducting your conversation with the parolee when you hear a slap, and then the male voice loudly says, "I'm going to kill you for that." If you provide substandard docu- mentation, your supervisor will have a more difficult time supporting you if one of your offenders commits extreme violations of his supervision. Having met the above requirements, the prospect can submit an application at the United States Courts website. Answer D. Aftercare is a function of the juvenile correc- tional system whereby the officer provides surveillance and reintegration activities to help the offender get back into family and community. U.S. probation and pretrial services officers and officer assistants: Officers investigate defendants and offenders for the court by gathering and verifying information about them. Choice a is not an option that the officer can. The officer should also contact the parents to inform them of this action and to reaffirm the judge's expectation that they par- ticipate. Federal law also restricts convicted felons from pos- sessing, shipping, transporting, or receiving any firearms or ammunition. b. to provide community resources and services to the offender. Answer d. A presentence investigation report does not have to be completed with the offender. Applicants are assigned a testing center based on the address provided in the application. It assesses your ability to follow orders and interpret instructions. Help probation and pretrial services officers carry out investigation and supervision duties, providing assistance and technical support in a wide range of areas. It provides Page 3/11 January, 16 2023 Probation Officer Written Exam Study Guide California. The primary function of parole is a. to ensure the safety and security of the community. Unexpected situations may arise anytime. Cookie Policy. U.S. probation and pretrial services officers and officer assistants are federal law enforcement officers and U.S. district court employees. Enhance Court-ordered supervision components and implement supervision strategies. The physical agility test consists of five events: Pushing a stalled vehicle 15 feet (in neutral with someone in the driver's seat). Problem Solving This section assesses the ability to evaluate a set of facts and draw logical conclusions. Choices a and c are incorrect, because those people make recommendations to the court but do not decide on the actual sentence. 48. What should you do? 31. This action would also depend upon what was said by the family and friends and upon the seriousness of the offender's charges. . Jane has now spent two full days in jail. Although it is important to keep in mind that Jane is the mother of two small children (choice b), this should not be your first and primary concern. The Overview of Probation and Supervised Release Conditions is intended to be a resource for defendants, judges, probation officers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and other criminal justice practitioners. manage any risk they pose to individuals or the community by verifying their employment, monitoring their associates, restricting their travel, and taking other actions to make sure they're obeying the law. You have two options to complete the written examination, online or in person at one of our three selection centers. The job calls for maintaining a contact with the offenders and their families. You have been her probation officer for six months. This may mean that you end the day and return to the office or that you attempt to conduct one more home visit, whichever will help the experience be positive. She explains that she is at a party, and there are several teenage boys there who are really drunk and doing stu- pid things. Answer B. Additional Probation Officer Test Taking Tips And Advice: Make sure that you get a good night 's sleep the night before the exam so that you are rested and relaxed on the day of the test. One of the goals of the parole officer is to be a positive role model for offenders, volun- teers, and interns. Choice d is not an option until all other opportunities have been exhausted. Federal law requires that all employed persons have a Social Security Number. Preparing for Probation officer exam by practicing with sample tests and study guides will definitely boost your confidence. The Interstate Compact is an agreement between U.S. states and U.S. terri- tories that allows for the supervision of pro- bationers and parolees across state lines. You learn from the manager that Gerald has been caught viewing children's videos on the house television and has visited inappropriate web- sites on the house computer. In the second part, you must compare coded information to a brief list of information and determine whether the coded information matches any of the items on the list. You decide to start revocation proceedings on a parolee on your caseload. This parolee has been released from jail for only two months and is currently living with his mother. Those who score high on the exam increase their chances of becoming Probation Officers. Please limit your input to 500 characters. 45. Officer and Officer Assistant Essential Job Functions. Choice d is not a viable option because it would be difficult for Jane to make the necessary contacts and arrangements for her children from a locked facility that allows her limited phone privileges. Situational judgement is an assessment that uses fictional yet realistic work scenarios to see how you behave at work, and the way you make decisions. An integrity test or personality may be required. It is also important in this situ- ation to model appropriate behavior, which is why you should apologize to the mother for allowing this situation to get out of hand. In this section of the test you will be given a set of facts for evaluating and drawing logical conclusions from it and tested for your problem solving abilities on the basis of your answers. Jordan indicates that all the pressure got her depressed, and so she took more of her pre- scription than she should have during the last couple of weeks. Scheduling of exact time and location of the exam to be completed through Pearson VUE Testing Centers after registration.Please Note: The registration period is now closed. Prepare for your Probation Officer Assessment. What should your next step be? They research an offender's case and past history and make recommendations for sentencing. Her sentence is a fairly light because the judge consid- ered the circumstances surrounding her arrest: Her then-boyfriend had been being picked up by the local drug detectives who found him "clean"; however, Jane was carrying a small amount of cocaine in her cloth- ing. Problem Sensitivity. Climb rungs of a ladder and retrieve an item within 7 seconds. Talk to current probation officers to get an idea of what to expect on the exams. In addition, probation officers should also be United States citizens with a valid drivers license falling between the ages of 20 and 38. Once your application gets approved, you will get to take a written test. Writing Clarity/Written Communication This section assesses the ability to recognize and use clear writing, avoiding writing problems that result in ambiguous or erroneous communication. The conducting of substance use testing includes both observation of the collection of the specimen as well as the reading and interpreting of the test results. In this case, it would be important for the halfway house manager to have the informa- tion and allow him or her to check it out and then plan accordingly. When you press for more details, Jordan tells you she is concerned about school, what college she will go to, and her father's temper, and she's worried that she may be preg- nant. Probation officers supervise offenders who are sentenced to a term of probation by the court or who are on parole or supervised release after they're released from prison. Choice d is incorrect because the county com- mission is not a lawful judicial entity. These programs allow offenders to reenter the com- munity with available resources and support. The court is the only entity that has jurisdic- tion over a probationer and his or her sentence. An impeccable resume and a proven track record will get you the entry ticket to be considered for the role. 12. What's on the Probation Officer exam? A Probation officer is entitled with the duty to work with people serving probation. Answer D. All of the choices are options afforded to judges regarding the revocation of a sentence of probation. Talking with your super- visor to gain his or her understanding and support, as well as forewarning him or her of potential calls from the parents, will also help strengthen your case. (347) 534-3509 Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu: 7:30 am to 6:00 PM Fri: 8:30 am to 4:00 PM Sat & Sun: Closed For Offenders For Attorneys For Vendors Answer C. confines people who are detained (for arrests or transports), awaiting sentencing, or serv- ing a sentence for up to one year. To answer this type of question correctly, you need to take limited information and make a carefully considered decision while under time pressure. If this information is available, the officer may interview these individuals for possible infor- mation to pass along to the court. An offense-based report is strictly informing the court about the current offense and past crimes. To qualify as a correctional officer, you will need to pass a series of psychometric tests that assess a variety of aptitudes and characteristics to determine your suitability for the role. Follow the instructions to input the data into the system. It is wise to make alterations in your schedule so that the day can end successfully. Choice a does not allow Jor- dan to stay in control, and your presence could only cause more issues for Jordan. They regularly give her gifts (car, clothes, etc.) She claims she will be released from the financial obligation when she turns 18 and is released from her probation. Release conditions are tailored to the individual. When you get to the halfway house, Gerald tells you that being out of prison is just too hard and he wants to be returned to custody today. Provides resources to aid in the reintegration process. 19. You tell him that, because your caseload is made up of high-risk offenders, you will be going into the homes of offenders who have been convicted of multiple charges, including murder. interviews with defendants and offenders to find out about their backgrounds, including family, education, employment, finances, physical and mental health, and alcohol or drug abuse. Take practice exams. Dealing with offenders and helping them to change their behaviour and make better decisions is a very specific skill, and it can be difficult to deal with challenging situations. 46. b. If the sentence includes prison time, then the presentence investiga- tion report is used by the correctional staff to help determine what type of treatment and classification is needed for the offender. Lying to get a job you are not fit for will not get you very high up the career ladder. Answer B. This is called? He has asked that he never be sent with you again. B. Whether she knew or did not know what was in the suitcase is not relevant. When asked if he feels Jordan is doing better despite her new apparel, Jordan's father stated, "Yes, but not because of your supervi- sion." A Probation officer is entitled with the duty to work with people serving probation. As you are talking, you notice Gerald is unable to main- tain eye contact with you, shifts in his chair, and talks quieter when other residents come around. Jane's progress and willing- ness to follow the rules and conditions estab- lished by the court should be the major focus of your decision. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Absolute immunity protects workers unless they act in ways that are intentional and malicious. One cannot assume she is a bad mother because of her associations or actions outside the home. How to Pass the Probation Officer Exam? Salary. Some benefits of the job include paid vacation, sick leave, a pension, and health, dental, and life insurance coverage. Also, according to a RAND study that measured practitioner recidivism rates in the United States, employed offenders tend to have a better chance of maintaining a successful supervi- sion period and avoiding recidivism. Learn more. Probation Officer Education. This test covers: Law Reading comprehension Probation officer situational awareness Investigative problems Officer case scenarios Grammar and punctuation Preparing and interpreting written material Working with charts and graphs It is an expected that offenders will be guided through relapses to learn how to be successful in the end. In some States, new probation officers have to undergo a one year period as a trainee before becoming fully confirmed as a probation officer. When you ask where the party is, Jordan tells you it is at her house, and her parents are gone for the week- end. Choice a is not really wise, especially if you wish to retain your employ- ment. As you are walking up to the front steps, the door opens and your offender comes out. A reasonable condition of probation and parole is. Even if you do not have prior experience, you are expected to study well about the basics before applying for the role. Report Job. At the second home visit of your afternoon, you inform Jonathan that the offender who lives in this home is a convicted murderer. Choice d is not a rational choice and will only make you look unprofessional. Please check this page for more information regarding registration and requirements for the position of Probation Officer. Individuals who took and passed the Probation Officer Entrance Exam in July 2014 MUST take this exam to remain eligible to be considered for Probation Officer positions. Choice d is the conditional release of an offender from a correctional institution under the continued custody of the state, to serve the remainder of his or her sentence in the com- munity under supervision. The test is administered differently in each state. You hear the car doors lock. C. Transferring supervision to another state means the offender waives his or her possibility of extradition if there is ever a reason the offender needs to appear before a judge or paroling authority in the state in which the original crime was committed. Applications will not be accepted after April 26, 2022. When asked about the change in her clothing and style, Jordan indicates she is doing this because it makes her parents mad. Choice a may be the natural reaction, but you should always take complaints seriously because your supervisor always will. If a parole officer accomplishes these tasks well, then the safety and security of the community is likely. Jordan is popular at school, but has gotten involved with a group of older boys who are actively involved in alcohol and drugs. Correctional officers are respectful of persons in custody, leaders with good social and communication skills, and alert and courageous. You will need a strong moral for this role. You ask him to unlock the doors, and when you get in the car, he starts making excuses for not staying with you on the front porch. 30. Although there are more men within the criminal jus- tice system, research has not shown a connec- tion between being male and absconding. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. As a civil servant working to help reduce further offending, a probation officer has the opportunity to work with the courts, the police service, and other teams to help offenders complete their community service and reintegrate them into society. Perform self-defense movements. Becoming familiar with the type of examyou will take is an important part of your preparation. At the door, you introduce the mother to Jonathan and ask her if she has a few minutes to talk with you both. 13. You talk about her possibly needing a hobby or pastime in life, and she agrees to try to find one. New York Eastern Probation OFFICE INFORMATION Brooklyn-Main Branch Central Islip Brooklyn-Main Branch Address: 147 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. As the parole officer, you can do whatever is, 6. This is a test of your communication and language skills. A Probation officer is responsible for ensuring that all the conditions of the offenders probations are met with, which also includes drug testing. 19. The action an officer should take is choice d; however, once you have taken this step, or the step described in choice b, then revocation proceedings, choice a, would be the necessary action. Roadways to the Bench: Who Me? According to the American Probation and Parole Association, all probation and parole offi- cers must complete which of the following levels of qualifications at the time they are hired? The coun- selor had called the halfway house at 2:30 p.m. to ask where Gerald was. What allegation would he be making? To become a probation officer, you'll need a 4-year bachelor's degree in criminal justice, social work, psychology, or a related area. You ask the offender what is wrong. None of the assessments are particularly difficult in terms of content, but the exam conditions and pressure through time limits make them challenging. Meets with the offenders family and friends. Candidates are advised to consider this policy BEFORE applying for the examination. You go to the nearest. They have a 'nothing works' attitude," he explains. Depending on the level of the role that you have applied for, and your educational background, there might be several different types of pre-employment assessment. help the person through a professional relationship to gain a better understanding of his problem and to help him make a satisfactory adjustment. Choice a is not appropriate action until you ensure the offender is safe and your responsibility has been completed. Answer d. Presentence investigation reports are a major source of information used by the courts to determine what type of sentence is appropri- ate for the offender. The job offers the opportunity to serve in a capacity, which aids in crime fighting and the criminal rehabilitation effort. The sections that can be found on a Probation officer test can be seen as below . If a parole officer accomplishes these tasks well, then the safety and security of the community is likely. The following shows the common types of tests you will encounter during your hiring process. Each state has its own Probation Officerhiring process. Please let us know how we can improve this page. You first will need to gain your supervisor's support and confidence in your work. Deductive Reasoning. Choice b isn't an option until all other possibilities have been explored. Step 1: Research the Career Duties of a Probation Officer Probation officers specialize in either adult or juvenile cases. While the main duties of a probation officer remain the same, the ad-hoc tasks and other responsibilities may differ from county to county. All registrations must be received by the posted deadline and accompanied by an examination processing fee. When he realized that Ger- ald's whereabouts were unknown, the halfway house manager called the police to report him missing. You ask Jonathan to write down the license plate numbers of the cars while you review your notes from previous visits. Accuracy with Forms and Coded Information This section has two parts. Choice b is incorrect because, although the victim is able to provide information that may be included in the report, the victim is not provided a copy of the report, which includes the offender's historical information. 38. However, removing Jor- dan from your caseload is up to your supervi- sor and the judge. Being a probation officer is not a simple job which is why specific qualifications are needed. 39. a. Jane is obviously struggling with several issues, but generally speaking, she has the basic components to be successful. You should. B. 50. The federal probation office is an independent agency working with the judicial system, but the perks being offered to the probation officers are similar to that of a person in civil services. A Bankruptcy or Magistrate Judge? The Office of the Court Management is managing the examination process for this job. Your parolee is very upset and starts to go toward the kitchen. Jane testifies in the drug lord's trial. Ensuring your documentation of your offender's progress is current and complete will help solidify any argument you may need to make. 44. It will include the date, time, and location of your examination, your candidate identification number, and login instructions for our online scheduling system. These acts have punishments offered under the state's penal code. A Probation Officer works with offenders/litigants in a variety of case types: criminal, delinquent, civil, guardianships, and family-related matters such as divorce, and child custody/visitation. 7. Additionally, it is impor- tant for you to convey what you observed to help Jonathan learn what type of behavior you need to watch for and how you should react. Identification at the Examination Site:At the examination site, registrants must present current and valid government issued photo identification with signature (e.g., drivers license, passport, military ID). Stay confident! Your future is guaranteed. Additional Resources 2022 Correction Officer I Exam Poster (PDF 166.14 KB) Probation officers need to meet a few minimum requirements, which usually include being college graduates, holding either a Bachelors or a Masters degree in criminal justice, behavioral science or social work. Phone Number: 956-726-2255. Five tips on preparing for probation officer tests, Access all The judge has indicated that he is willing to make an exception to the sentencing guidelines and keep Jane on probation for the additional crime. 44. The Massachusetts Trial Court is pleased to announce that we will be holding registration for the Probation Officer Entrance Exam between November 14 January 13. 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