To me 50 yards is the max ethical range of buckshot. It was a lot of work to put together but I think the results are worth it. Here it might be better to use a slug. JOHN: Yeah. however, I do not recommend firing a load of buckshot at a deers head. Your previous content has been restored. Because they have a poor sectional density, they shed their energy fast, both in the air and in the target.For close shots, aim for the shoulder, straight up the leg to hit the heart and lungs. 18 to 22 inches penetration in gelatin is the norm. hembree1 Predator Master Registered: 02/08/11 Posts: 88 . A hit in this instance is a hit to the target that would be counted for qualification at FLETC. I agree,that's the gun I use and it's a killer. Buckshot has greater recoil to contend with but the trade off is excellent wound potential. Jordan enjoys giving his time and resources to help others and has spent 15 years volunteering in a boy's mentoring program He is and will always be an American Patriot. I noted exactly what you did. I don't like the risk of getting a gut shot or poorly wounded deer just because they were at 50 yards. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 10 Things to Remember When Buying a Tactical Flashlight. Most people arming themselves against violent criminals prefer lethality. 00 and 000 buck pattern into 15" patterns. Hornady has an 8-pellet load that pops out at a smoking 1,600 fps, and groups nearly half that of other common lads. In my experience patterning buckshot, premium loads pattern better and, not surprisingly, 12 and 15 pellet loads of 00 buck put more hits on the target than does a 9-pellet load. Back before the days of screw in chokes we deer hunted brair patches and cedar thickets with with hounds and shotguns. Some of the best tactical loads are produced exclusively in 00 buckshot. I will take her target shooting, but I am curious if anyone can tell me what to expect. The best was with a plain Jane improve cylinder and Federal Flight control wad 00 buckshot. -CB]. Each shotshell type was shot (10) times at (10) individual targets. probably about 10% so a 25 yard pattern would be about 27.5". This gave the reasonable expectation that all shots taken during the dispersion testing were aimed at the center-of-mass of the FLETC Transitional Target II. Thats how animals run off wounded, never to be found. Its an extended Full choke, and inside you can see five rings indicating steps down from bore diameter to Full. I remember the Howard Hawks Western El Dorado starring John Wayne and co-starring a young James Caan as Mississippi. John Waynes character, Cole Thornton, attempts to aid Mississippi by giving him shooting lessons, only to find his skills deplorable. One of my favorite buckshot loads, Remingtons 3-inch Premier 00 with 15 pellets is, of course, no longer made. Larger spheres travel further and penetrate further into soft tissue than smaller spheres at any given velocity. Even with reduced-recoil 00 buckshot, the 1 inch per yard pattern seems improbable. My "comfort zone" is 20-35 yards, but I have dropped several past 35 yards. Buckshot pellets are significantly larger than birdshot. By Woody Published on October 11, 2013 in Ammunition Brass Fetcher Ballistic Testing recently conducted an eye-opening ballistic gelatin test of buckshot at 50 yards distance. This shotgun is a version of what the NYPD highway officers carry. When I began deer hunting we ran deer with dogs and used only shot guns with buck shot. With spherical shotgun pellets, the only way to increase sectional density is to increase the pellet size. For defense against people my max range with 00 buck is 15 yards and slugs 35-50 yards. Buckshot patterns fall apart quickly. And by best here, I am talking about 40 yard patterns for deer, not across-the-bedroom patterns for home defense. That is not hard to do since I have patterned my factory choke at 60 yards with 000b 3.5 with 75% in a 3ft circle. For home defense #00 buckshot seems the best choice. It has also been proposed that, at distances beyond 25 yards, the pellets would not have sufficient energy to stop a suspect or, for instance, penetrate their leather coat. This test consists of firing a .177 caliber steel sphere (BB) into the gelatin block at 590 feet per second (fps) +/- 15 fps. If I were interested in animal control or something like that, would I take a shot at 50 on something? The suddenness of the event will degrade any shooters accuracy and the hit probability of a single projectile weapon will be correspondingly low. Safe to say I wouldn't be afraid to try to kill a deer with these loads at that range (40 yards). The name's Jordan, but friends call me Jordy. Deformed #4 buckshot was excluded from the testing due to its inability to meet the gelatin penetration criteria at muzzle velocity. Dispersion of buckshot pattern with distance. GENERALY no one should need a very long shot inside their home or apartment. In my Remington's, I shoot a Carlson's turkey choke, and 100% of the pattern is in a 20" circle at 40 yards, with 00 and 000 all going in a 15" circle. Specs: Gauge 12 Gauge. Then at 50, the #00 was penetrating about where the #1 was at 25. Reading The Results The vast majority of police shootings are close-in affairs. The maximum effective range of buckshot is 50 yards. CHRIS: What does it do?, yeah. Wait, will or can? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Recoil can also be increase with velocity. But, I digress. As such, we recommend #4 buckshot for self-defense only if using plated and heavily-buffered shotshells and the anticipated range of engagement does not exceed 10 yards. Size, penetration, and energy all make buckshot more lethal than birdshot. Mean radius is defined as the average of the straight line distances between the Center-of-Shot-Group and each shot (USARIEM TECHNICAL NOTE TN-01/2 STATISTICAL MEASURES OF MARKSMANSHIP Richard F. Johnson Military Performance Division February 2001 U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine) and was determined by utilizing OnTarget TDS software (OnTarget TDS). Using harder lead, or even nickel or copper-plated buckshot, reduces deformation, keeping the buckshot more true in flight. Are you using a Vang Comp barrel and some low-recoil 8-pellet or something? . The measurements were taken using the two widest pellets of the 00 buckshot load. I tried several buckshot tubes with regular wadding buckshot, patterns were acceptable to 50 yards. It would no doubt perform even better with high quality buffered loads. just fewer pellets. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They all had at least one pellet in the spine as well as several in the lungs, so every deer went down on the spot. We headed out to the range to find out with three representative shotguns. You will have the entire neck in your pattern, twice the lethal coverage. All between 35 and 60 yards. Shooting again at 25 yards, the 18-inch-barreled 500 created a 6.5-inch pattern while the 14-inch-barreled 590A1 produced a 14-inch pattern. Some folks call them hermaphrodites while others swear that they're antlered does. My Benelli M2 with the IC choke will put it in 5"-7" patterns. Lots of little holes by themselves do not work better than one big hole. Federal Premium LE133 00 low recoil buckshot, 8-pellet 2. Of course, do you want to use a shotgun beyond 25 yards? I use BB, F buck, and #4 Buck for hunting Coyotes. Winchester 2 is equal to the 2 Remington loads. But, it was a dandy. Modified choke, by the way, shoots very good patterns with many different loads. Ergo why smaller shot needs to be harder to perform equally to larger shot. Posted December 6, 2008. A Packable Lever Action: The Chiappa 1892 Alaskan Takedown, Think First, Shoot Second: A Pistol Drill to Mess With Your Head. As always, some barrels are happier with certain loads. For self-defense indoors or in environments that physically cannot exceed 10 yards distance, we recommend #4 plated buckshot at 1250 ft/sec or higher muzzle velocity. No point in hitting him with a few more pellets if none of them have the juice to keep going and kill whatever you are shooting at. Believe it or not, there is a fairly good way to measure the killing power of a bullet. Another common type of buckshot is #0 buck. Absolutely, and Id expect to hit it, at least with enough to probably put it down. The results chart is telling: Hit the link for the full article, pictures, and analysis, including the tutorial on back-boring. Posted September 15, 2013 in Ammunition by Steve Johnson with 19 CommentsTags: shotgun. Going to order some Federal 2.75" 000 and some more REmington 000 and an LM choke instead of a CYL choke and hit the patterning board again. FULL is even worse. Two boards totaling . Hunting maybe, but that was not his focus. In many reduced-sized patrol cars, a shorter barrel only makes sense because a traditional 18- or 20-inch-barreled shotgun is simply too big to fit in the passenger compartment. I tested a total of eight loads. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. The 00 buckshot (plated, pattern-controlled) load maintains a hit probability of 50+% out to 52 yards, which is the limiting factor in maximum effective range because the individual pellets are sufficiently massive and have a high enough velocity to retain terminal effectiveness to a distance of 104 yards. Size, penetration, and energy all make buckshot more lethal than birdshot. Beyond about 30 to 50 yards, the spread from most shotguns becomes too unpredictable to reliably guarantee that any of the pellets will hit the intended target. Buckshot is designed to take deer at moderate range, an animal about the size and weight of an average human male. 12 and 20 gauge hollow point slugs Slug pros: Lethal at longer distances: Buckshot is ideal for shots inside 25 yards, 50 at a stretch with appropriate shot+choke+shooter combo. The idea you need to have a short barrel is foolish, you gain a slight amount of maneuverability for a great sacrifice in accuracy and effectiveness. This means: A) devastating ballistic impact on target; and B) youve got to aim the shotgun. GDubya Registered Joined Mar 25, 2010 1,630 Posts This isn't very scientific, but the tightest patterning choke I had was an IC Benelli OEM choke that looked all grooved up inside. The buffered, extra-hard buckshot is contained within a two-piece wad with full-length cuts made to the shotcup. . 00 Wolf 12 Gauge Ammo 2 3/4" 00 Power Buckshot 9 Pellets Our Price: $6 (WYMT) - Pikeville Medical Center's Leonard Lawson Cancer Center is expanding after an announcement by Congressman Hal Rogers and Gov The shotgun barrel patterned very well using buckshot , birdshot, and the Winchester PDX1 ammunition 12 Gauge Remington Magnum Buckshot . Now hear me out, aiming for the shoulder takes the pattern, and spreads it out between the heart and lungs, the backbone, and the neck. In fact, at 25 yards, the 14-inch-barreled 590A1 produced a pattern 1-inch smaller than the 500. This minimum velocity was found in Phase I, the terminal ballistics portion of the testing. Moving to a IMP MOD choke, it patterns around 10"-15" inches. The main one is simple: Triple-aught is the most-effective size of buckshot. Overall, it looks fairly tight but you obviously have some fliers that didn't strike the target. Package Quantity: 100. [up] I've used turkey chokes before and got good buckshot patterns.However,the 2 best chokes I've shot for buckshot have been the Patternmaster and Kick's Buck Kicker. pellets and more speed in a 3 or 3 inch shell, but most people dont like them. Most buckshot gives up its energy well within 100 yards or less. He also has a Rem 870 with a Vang barrel and you have to aim that thing like a rifle. Most used full chokes and my guns always shot best with #1 buck. No, I really havent Woody, but this is an interesting post, thank you. Penetration is key. Nothing spectacular, but it worked for m first 6 deer. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. There are four target zones on a deer for buckshot: the lungs, the spine, the neck, and the head. Out to 50, you are still lethal, youre still getting the majority of the pellets onto someone, if thats what youre shooting at, but youre starting to lose ones off of the target which, depending on what youve got going on, is a problem. I should mention that the stock of the Mossberg 500 prevented me from getting down on the bead sights as much as I wouldve liked, so I tended to shoot a little high using the same center-mass target. The remaining shotshells were shot at 40 yards distance. Here are five of the craziest-looking "antlered does" we've seen in recent years. Shots were fired from a standing position off a makeshift monopod. JOHN: So, still potentially lethal absolutely. Heres some news: It just doesnt work like that. I am sure many dead deer would argue that yes buckshot is lethal at 50 yards. I have never seen a choke quite like it. It doesnt have the energy or penetration to break the spine past that point either. Anything bigger puts a serious wallop on your shoulder and the shorter ones seem to work fine. What load? if you are shooting a good patterning, full power load of 12 gauge 00 or 000 buckshot, 50 yards is about the max. Brass Fetcher Ballistic Testing recently conducted an eye-opening ballistic gelatin test of buckshot at 50 yards distance. Dont do that its dangerous and unethical to shoot something you dont clearly see. Witness Protection 870: The 12.5-Inch Short-Barreled US Marshals Shotgun. I just found this; thank you! 50 feet-- penetration: same lack of penetration. The impact velocity versus penetration depth in ballistic gelatin for all evaluated buckshot types are below in Figure 10. One most common type of buckshot is #00 buck. Most buckshot loads vary in velocity between 1,100 and 1,600 fps. There are also frangible slugs made for home defense. Since there is no difference in the long range performance of the two shells, we recommend the Federal LE132 1B load to maximize range and minimize recoil for the defensive shotgun. At 30 it shot about a three inch group. Hornady Zombie @ 21ft. This brings me to the next target zone, the neck. Using a modified choke, . The patterns were a single hole out to 20 feet. And Benny should chime in on this but it has always been my impression that OO is going to pattern tighter than OOO. All objects lose velocity as they travel through the air. With a 12 gauge shotgun and a selection of ammo from 9s to buck and slugs you can shoot anything on Earth that walks or flies. We didnt test it because birdshot lacks sufficient energy to penetrate at distances beyond close range and is not carried in serious social shotguns. To many pellets can ruin the effectiveness of the ones you hit with. The final shotgun was a Remington 870. Shot Size 00 Buck. The rule at play here is killing power. At 25 yards, figure a decent barrel will "pattern" around 30" which is larger than the average human. A very small, tight pattern with 000 or 00 buckshot is quite effective, but the smaller the pattern, the greater the possibility of a complete miss. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I know Mossberg's are usually HUGE, and Vang's barrels have a very gentle constriction, so they are a different animal all togather. All that John Shaft, shoot-from-the-hip, Hollywood crap is just thatcrap. The spine and neck are great targets. Posted: 12/22/2018 6:14:17 PM EST [#1] The 15 yd is smaller than 10 yds , thats pretty impressive ! Regular reader Jim in NC recently suggested I write more about buckshot, adding that I should not dismiss buckshot deer hunters as a bunch of knuckle dragging rednecks who should be shooting driven pheasants with Holland and Hollands. Hardly. If you have a personal-defense shotgun or one assigned to you, go out with the load you intend to carry and pattern the shotgun. I tried laying the buckshot in pairs in 3 stacks and the patterns were . The Dixie Tri-Ball has 3 60 caliber lead balls in it going about 1,00 fps. What would the range be for 00 buckshot with a Rem 870 mod choke? This is typical "cheapo" buckshot that does not use plated shot or buffering material to limit shot deformation. Perhapse I can improve. That they 're antlered does 8-pellet load that pops out at a smoking fps! In gelatin is the max ethical range of buckshot at 50, the 14-inch-barreled 590A1 a!: hit the link for the Full article, pictures, and the.! 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