berkeley rent board forms

Elgstrand is Mayor Jesse Arreguns legislative analyst, and Saenz Hood and Marasovic are repeat candidates who ran for the rent board in 2022. This extension applies to requests for both electronic ballots and paper ballots (which are intended for individuals without internet access). Stefan Elgstrand: The housing crisis makes maintaining roots in Berkeley increasingly unaffordable and unattainable for too many. Provide us a copy of the lease signed by yourself and the tenant. Voting is open to any Berkeley resident at least thirteen years old* including college/university students who are out-of-town for summer break, unhoused individuals, and noncitizens who fully supports tenants rights and affordable housing. Each member of the Berkeley Rent Board slate needs to submit at least 30 donations of at least $10 from registered Berkeley voter by Friday, or else theyll be locked out of public financing! Marrero: Our communities need to be informed on what the Rent Board services are and why they are important and related to their daily lives. 2022. Many challenges lie ahead, and I wish to tackle them. The rents are way too high; elderly and disabled tenants are struggling to age in place with dignity; gentrification is pushing long-term residents out of the city, thus changing the character of our beautiful, diverse city into something I frankly dont want to be a part of. My team and I have kept the clinic financially solvent through the pandemic by balancing the needs of the less fortunate with private cash-pay clients. Every election year since 1994, the Rent Board Convention selects the progressive, pro-tenant slate for the seats up for election on the Berkeley Rent Board. As a Berkeley Tenant Union steering committee member, I listened to their concerns while answering our hotline. Fill out this form to have your donation matched 6-to-1 by the City! Housing is a human right. July 15, 2022 Rent Board Amends the Rules and Regulations re Housing Inventory Reporting Requirements After a public hearing on July 12, 2022, the Rent Board's Rules and Regulations were amended by the Rent Board's Commission to add Part 13, titled "Reporting Obligations Under Rent Ordinance Section 37.15". The Berkeley Tenant Protection Ordinance protects Berkeley tenants, including subtenants and subleases, in "Rental Units" from landlord harassment. While theres work to do in our city on all of these fronts, I believe my passion in working towards progressive change in the challenging world of Berkeley governance has prepared me to serve in this important role. I am also concerned for the ability of elderly and disabled Berkeley tenants to age in place with dignity. The rent board needs to explore if mediation can be used more frequently so that both tenants and small landlords have an opportunity to express, and reconcile, their positions. STORM: Mudslides Reservoirs filling Sewage in the Bay | PEOPLE'S PARK: Court ruling nears | COVID: What to know | WE'RE HIRING: Public safety reporter. Donate to Berkeleysideand support independent local journalism. The next Board will be in charge of implementing what could likely be the first expansion of local rent control and eviction protections in Berkeley in over 40 years., Wed like to thank all the candidates, the Convention organizers, and the hundreds of voters who participated in this years Convention, said Planning Committee Co-Chair Matthew Lewis. Donate to Berkeleysideand support independent local journalism. Its up to us to make sure theyre elected! I think its fairly obvious to tenants in Berkeley that the rental ecosystem is deeply unfair. Voters should make sure to check both their spam and promotions folders to ensure they do not miss their ballot. Mizell, who graduated from UC Berkeley in May, is the Chair of the Citys Reimagining Public Safety Task Force, Vice-Chair of the Citys Police Accountability Board, and a former Executive Vice President of the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC). Report a change of ownership, mailing address, or status of a previously registered unit. If you are using this form to register a rental unit, you must ALSO file a VR. You can come to the Ashby BART Station parking lot in South Berkeley THIS THURSDAY (8/11) between 4:30PM and 9PM to drop off checks and sign the matching funds forms. Landlords need to be aware that they can not harass tenants. 3. Your donation goes beyond supporting our journalism. The reporters and editors at Berkeleyside are dedicated to covering our city and providing you with the information you need to be an informed citizen. Mizell: I was once known for my height. 4. If you value what you get from Berkeleyside, please join us with atax-deductible donationso we can continue doing the local reporting that matters to you. I research laws and regulations on a regular basis, write and present recommendations with a strong probability of success. Marrero: Tenants are protected from unjust evictions by the Eviction for Good Cause Ordinance. A guide for looking up rent ceilings and understanding other information about units in the Rent Board's new data base. Their win represents a crucial victory for all tenants and all Berkeley residents who care about tenants rights and affordable housing. Living Trust Declaration for Owner-Occupancy Exemption, Must be filed with an ARS when claiming an exemption of owner-occupancy for properties that are owned as a revocable living trust. Fill out the RSVP form and indicate in the last question that you cant make this lit drop. Be Prepared as Heavy Storms Hit Berkeley! (Public financing matches donations 6:1. Latest News The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1% Persons with disabilities need to know of their rights to accommodations and their rights under the elevator ordinance. If you still cannot find your ballot, then please email Soli Alpert; Nathan Mizell; Vanessa Danielle Marrero; Ida Martinac; Negeene Mosaed; What We Support; Tenant Resources; Endorsements; Donate; Search: . Folks can also get the word out by sharing the Facebook event. Last year, I wrote my first play. This shortage is not evenly distributed; we have built far less of our RHNA targets for middle- and low-income housing than for market-rate. {{#label}}{{label}}: {{/label}}{{message}}. Under the Ordinance, the AGA must be calculated at 65% of the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose region as published by the U.S. Department of Labor. The board consists of Leah Simon-Weisberg, Alpert, James Chang, Xavier Johnson, Andy Kelley, Paola Laverde, Mari Mendonca, John Selawsky and Dominique Walker. It also helps your family, friends and Berkeley neighbors have access to reliable, independent reporting. Click on the link to see whether or not you were selected in the Waitlist 2022 random draw: If an applicant is selected, they can register on the following portal that will allow them access to update any of their information. Meet your Rent Stabilization Board candidates in Berkeleys November 2022 election. If you donate $20, the candidate receives $120.) This extension applies to requests for both electronic ballots and paper ballots (which are intended for individuals without internet access). And be sure to vote for the pro-tenant Right to Housing Slate who will protect your rights on the Rent Board. I have worked to secure millions of dollars in rental assistance, helping tenants and small property owners weather through the financial uncertainties caused by the pandemic. Voters had through Monday, August 8 to cast their ballot, and ultimately selected Mizell as the final candidate. I plan to closely monitor any court decision that may affect Berkeleysmoratorium. If any candidate fails to do so, they will be locked out out of public financing, putting them at a massive disadvantage. The 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Convention took place onWednesday, June 29 via Zoom. I currently serve on two large California-based nonprofit organization boards both focused on educational outcomes and support services. My goal would be to increase the channels of outreach and find more creative ways to communicate the role the rent board plays in the Berkeley community. ). Soli Alpert, the only incumbent in the race, is the only candidate on the tenants slate to have raised more than $2,000. Economic challenges are squeezing tenants and small landlords. We will continue this planing and start rolling out information and services as soon as we have enough details to have confidence we are providing accurate advice. As a one-time Berkeley housing provider, and now a current Berkeley tenant, my aim is to be an advocate for incentivizing housing opportunities. The 2022 Right to Housing Slate is comprised of Soli Alpert, Negeene Mosaed, Ida Martinac, Nathan Mizell, and Vanessa Danielle Marrero. This year, there will be FIVE seats up for election. Now more than ever we need leaders with a proven record of defending rent control and fighting for housing security. I have a very strong background in outreach and I plan to use my skills to bridge the divide between landlords and tenants by educating both about the resources that the rent board provides. Berkeley Rent Board Thats why were publishing questionnaires with local candidates. I will demonstrate effective, collaborative, transparent and fiduciary public organizational management using data-informed practices. Martinac: If I did, I wouldnt be running for this position! I feel the pulse of our streets and thats the foundation of legitimate representation. Rental property business owners can access the rent board for information on their rights. Mizell: In a word, no. working families, and especially single moms like myself. Want to drop literature but cant make the time for the big lit drops? Ms. Moran responded by stating that she had documentation, but refused to provide the Committee any documentation, or even an address. The 2022 Convention took place the evening of Wednesday, June 29. Nonprofit news. Be Prepared as Heavy Storms Hit Berkeley! Phone: 510-452-4541, To track your ballot status visit: Well be dropping literature till 1PM! Election Day (November 8) is rapidly approaching and voting started on October 10! The 2022 Convention was sponsored by the Berkeley Tenants Union, Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, Healthy Black Families, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, the Center for Independent Living, and the new Berkeley Progressive Alliance. Both of my parents are 5-foot-7. Those who attempted to discredit me were themselves discredited. 2023 Under the Berkeley Tenant Protection Ordinance, Rental Units consist of any part of property rented for residential use or occupancy by a tenant. Yet, due to the density and demand, its even more unhealthy. If you donate $20, the candidate receives $120. Ballot requests were due Monday, July 11. Vanessa Marrero: Housing is a human right! 13.76.080, including the requirement to file a vacancy registration form at the start of a new tenancy commencing on or after January 1, 1996. Berkeleyside relies on reader support to remain free for everyone in our community. Beyond direct events, I believe an accessible public dashboard should be created to track major cases of negligence in addressing needed repairs and habitability issues. Thursday 4:30-9PM @ Ashby BART: Give a Small Donation so the Rent Board Slate Can Use Public Financing and Get on the Ballot! Mizell: As a member of the Police Accountability Board, the issue of visibility and outreach is a recurring question in my work in the city. Well have free pizza for all volunteers! More info: Rental Assistance Program (The City of Berkeley is discussing reinstating the Rental Assistance funding as part of discussions on "antidisplacement" in Summer 2017) SEEDS Community Resolution Center (Mediation) 2530 San Pablo Ave. Suite A Berkeley, CA 94702 Telephone: (510) 548-2377 Evict This Four years later and I hadnt grown since middle school and I decided to quit organized basketball to focus exclusively on student leadership issues. Nonprofit news. City of Berkeley information related to rental units Affordable Housing Resources: Includes information about Below Market Rate (BMR) units, and a link to the list of properties with BMR units. BUILDING PERMIT FORMS Applications Accelerated Plan Check Request Address Assignment Request Application Extension Request Application for alternative materials, design and methods of construction (AMMR) Authorization of Agent to Act on Behalf of Property Owner Im honored to join these four remarkable individuals on the slate, said Mizell. My anti-displacement, anti-discrimination work and experience addressing disability-related issues are needed on the rent board. * by Saturday, July 16 (i.e. Paid for by Soli Alpert for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1451431; Nathan Mizell for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1455516; Vanessa Danielle Marrero for Rent Board 2022 FPPC . Watch a recording. My favorite systems right now are Pathfinder 2e and Monster of the Week. Q&As with rent board candidates follow. The vacancy tax is necessary in the city of Berkeley, we have too many vacant units that are creating scarcity and increasing rents. Marasovic: Outreach needs to be conducted in a manner most likely to reach the tenants and property owners impacted. Voting is open to any Berkeley resident at least thirteen years old* including college/university students who are out-of-town for summer break, unhoused individuals, and noncitizens who fully supports tenants rights and affordable housing. Throughout the moratorium the board has offered counseling and referrals to services for small landlords who need help navigating the new environment, including connecting them with the state rental assistance program to pay rent debt. If two separate units in your building submit complaint forms within six months of each other, the City of Berkeleys Code Enforcement staff will investigate the complaint. Based on this formula, the Berkeley Rent Board has adopted the 2023 AGA of 4.4%. If there is no response or repair in a reasonable time, tenants can request a free housing inspection from the City at (510) 981-5444, or call the Rent Board at (510) 981-7368 (RENT) for further counseling and possible remedies. The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1%, 2023 Adjustments of Relocation Assistance Payments. Voting is open to any Berkeley resident at least thirteen years old* including college/university students who are out-of-town for summer break, unhoused individuals, and noncitizens who fully supports tenants rights and affordable housing. Something went wrong. We need to improve and modernize our online and social media outreach so that we can connect with those folks as well, without giving up our current effective methods. Tenants have until May 31, 2023, or one year from when the state of emergency ends, whichever is sooner, to pay back-rent from March 17, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021. In addition watching arecording of the Convention, you can also read candidates writtenquestionnaire responsesand read the sponsoring organizationsratings and evaluations of the candidates. Only those applicants who were selected in the lottery will be able to register by clicking on the following link: Login - My Housing Nathan Mizell: I am running because Berkeley residents deserve progressive, pro-tenant leadership on the rent board. (In order to run for or hold public office in Berkeley, an individual must live in Berkeley.) Please click the button to the right to visit the Rent Board Meetings page for more information. . The current members of the 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Slate are Negeene Mosaed, Soli Alpert, Ida Martinac, and Vanessa Danielle Marrero. This also includes common areas such as private decks, balconies, and porches of units. That's why we're publishing questionnaires with local candidates. We need to amplify our efforts through a formal Communication and Outreach Plan with goals across platforms like promoting the Tip of the Month in social media, continue holding information webinars and to have a strong staffing plan for the Public Information Unit to implement and sustain services. Marasovic: At my first position as a mental health worker, after I reported a co-worker, and his associates, for molesting children, no action was taken. The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1%, 2023 Adjustments of Relocation Assistance Payments. After voting in the 2022 Convention concluded, the Convention Planning Committee was informed that Ms. Moran might no longer live in Berkeley. While we are still in the midst of this pandemic, there will come a day where this will end. Berkeley Rent Board I am a progressive, pro-tenant candidate chosen by the 2022 Rent Board Convention. To submit a written communication for the Boards consideration and inclusion in the public record, please email with the Subject line in this format: RENT BOARD MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM. Please observe a 150-word limit. My grandparents and mother lived in Berkeley in the 1960s. This is acutely true in Berkeley where a large percentage of the population is students who are first time renters. To register a Measure MM unit that has never been registered with the Rent Board, change a unit's status, claim an exemption, or report a change of ownership/mailing address. PUBLIC ADVISORY: THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH VIDEOCONFERENCE AND TELECONFERENCE Information and tools for understanding, calculating, and implementing the 2023 AGA. Drop literature but cant make the time for the Rent Board Convention took place onWednesday, June 29 Zoom... 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berkeley rent board forms