Because I encourage people to use the Joseph Smith Papers as much as possible (these original documents are a tremendously important resource), there are some quirks you need to know about when you use the web page.
One is when you look up the term “Cumorah.”
There are 3 issues:
1. Only a few results appear.
2. Additional results are difficult to find.
3. The editorial notes promote the M2C narrative and obscure key points about Cumorah being an ancient name for the hill in New York where Moroni buried the plates.
Few results.
If you do a search on the Joseph Smith Papers for “Cumorah,” you get only 11 references to original documents and 5 to commentary. Here’s a link to the results I got when I did the search. (The references are listed below in section 2 of this post).
Eleven references are not very many. Plus, many of these are duplicates. Five of the eleven are all to the same letter Joseph wrote, which is now D&C 128. Another reference is to the Book of Mormon itself. Yet another is to the hymn by W.W. Phelps that was dropped from LDS hymnals in 1930.
This leaves only 4 original references to Cumorah: (i) the reference to the 1834 Zelph account that was compiled from several sources; (ii) Orson Pratt’s 1840 pamphlet; (iii) a reference to Lucy Mack Smith’s 1845 history that was later crossed out; and (iv) a reference to President Cowdery’s 1835 Letter VIII.
This small number of references may lead readers and researchers to the conclusion that Cumorah was barely mentioned and not until “late” (to use the phrase favored by the M2C* citation cartel). At first glance, this seems to support the M2C argument that the “New York hill” was not really the ancient hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6, and that some early members merely applied the name to the hill, thereby establishing a false tradition that Joseph himself adopted because he was an ignorant speculator. Seriously, that’s what the M2C proponents are teaching their students.
The employees working for the Joseph Smith Papers and the Church History Department were mostly educated at BYU/CES and have close relationships with the M2C proponents at BYU/CES. Consequently, most of them favor M2C, and this editorial preference shows up repeatedly throughout the notes in the Joseph Smith Papers and the publications of the Church History Department. It even influences their treatment of Cumorah, as I’ll show below.
Additional results hard to find.
Your search for “Cumorah” does not produce alternate spellings or even hyphenated versions. This means that a key link doesn’t show up in the search, which I’ll explain in the section of this post below that discusses Lucy Mack Smith.
Another difficulty is that multiple references in one document don’t show up, except as a sort of footnote to the latest search result from that reference, like this:
This search result is listed as “History, 1834-1836, page 101.” This looks like a reference to some historian’s version of events.
99% of readers would never know that this link goes to a copy of President Cowdery’s Letter VIII that was also republished multiple times during Joseph Smith’s lifetime, at least twice at his direction.
Worse, most readers do not notice the additional references at the bottom. The link is worded as “Show only results from this document (7).” If you click on it, the link takes you to another page (this one).
This is not a user-friendly approach. First, the language is confusing because it implies that the default is to show all results from all documents, but that is not the case. We are looking at one result from the specified document.
A user-friendly link would allow you to expand the results, not replace all the other references you’re looking at. This is normal practice for hyperlinks. The note should say something such as “Show additional results (7) from this document.” Then readers could click on that and see how many more references to “Cumorah” there are in the Joseph Smith Papers.
Consequently, not only do readers not learn that this reference is to President Cowdery’s Letter VIII, they don’t learn the additional references are from Letter VII. You have to be well-versed in President Cowdery’s letters to understand what you’re looking at here.
Of course, the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers could easily fix this, but their M2C bias makes sure that won’t happen.
They don’t even include “Cumorah” in the glossary of terms.
I’ll discuss additional problems with the notes in the section below.
Search results.
Here is the list of search results. The duplicates in the search results are marked in red below. These all involve the letter that became D&C 128.
1. Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, circa August 1829–circa January 1830, Page 421
2. Collection of Sacred Hymns, 1835, Page 22
15. Gold plates
Lucy Mack Smith.
Joseph’s mother, Lucy Mack Smith, provided some very important references to Cumorah. The one that shows up in the search results says this: “up to the time when he took <it> out of the stone <cement> b0x in the hill of cumorah which took place the mor[n]ing that Mr Knight [Joseph Knight Sr.] missed his horse and waggon”
If you read just this one, it doesn’t specify when Cumorah was named. It could have been named later, as a false tradition, the way the M2C intellectuals want us to think.
But look at the other reference to Lucy Mack Smith’s book (which you have to click on the link below the first one to read). Lucy says Moroni said this to Joseph:
“you must tell your father of this for he will believe every word you say the record is on a side hill on the Hill of Cumorah 3 miles from this place remove the Grass and moss and you will find a large flat stone pry that up and you will find the record under it laying on 4 pillars <of cement>— then the angel left him”
Now we have Moroni himself calling the hill Cumorah.
The M2C intellectuals and the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers don’t tell readers about this reference. I’ve seen explanations from them that this passage came late and reflects Lucy’s later adoption of the false tradition about the New York Cumorah.
As I’ve shown in other places, the M2C intellectuals often cite Lucy’s work with approval when they think it confirms their biases, but they never cite it when it contradicts their biases–as it usually does.
Here’s another reference to Lucy’s book that doesn’t come up in the search results because of the spelling issue. In this one, she actually quotes Joseph with quotation marks. The incident Lucy is relating occurred before Joseph even obtained the plates, so long before he translated the term Cumorah in 1829.
“Stop, father, Stop.” said Joseph, “it was the angel of the Lord— as I passed by the hill of Cumorah, where the plates are, the angel of the Lord met me and said, that I had not been engaged enough in the work of the Lord; that the time had come for the record to <be> brought forth.”
Of course, the M2C intellectuals and the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers disregard this account, even though it’s in quotation marks, because it is “late” and reflects Lucy’s adoption of the false tradition of the New York Cumorah.
But those of us who accept the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah find these examples from Lucy’s history to be highly credible and reliable.
*M2C is the acronym for the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory promoted by intellectuals at BYU, CES and the Correlation Departement, as well as the citation cartel that suppresses information that contradicts M2C.
Source: Letter VII