Cumorah depository – Edward Stevenson’s account

Edward Stevenson, an ancestor of Elder Gary Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve, interviewed David Whitmer in 1877. In his Reminiscences, Stevenson quoted Brigham Young’s statement about the depository of Nephite records inside the Hill Cumorah in New York.

This is the depository that Moron described in Mormon 6:6.

Stevenson wrote,

It was likewise stated to me by David Whitmer in the year 1877 that Oliver Cowdery told him that the Prophet Joseph and himself had seen this room and that it was filled with treasure, and on a table therein were the breastplate and the sword of Laban, as well as the portion of gold plates not yet translated, and that these plates were bound by three small gold rings, and would also be translated, as was the first portion in the days of Joseph. When they are translated much useful information will be brought to light.

You can read it here:

The existence of the depository of Nephite records in the New York Cumorah was attested by several of Joseph’s contemporaries. 

Yet we never hears about it in books such as Saints or in any modern Church manuals, artwork, etc.

Why is that?

Because of M2C.

A New York depository contradicts M2C because the M2C intellectuals and their followers believe the “real” Cumorah is in southern Mexico.

For that reason, the M2C intellectuals claim David Whitmer was wrong. Brigham Young was wrong. Heber C. Kimball was wrong. Wilford Woodruff was wrong. Ultimately, they claim Oliver Cowdery was wrong.

There’s a fun new film coming out about the Witnesses.

It is being produced by M2C intellectuals. It will be fascinating to see how they treat this topic.

Source: Letter VII

5 thoughts on “Cumorah depository – Edward Stevenson’s account

  1. It’s interesting that they state in the “witness” trailer that “there is no other evidence for the historical record other than the book of plates itself”. What about the testimony of the prophet Joseph, himself? In a letter written in his own Words to Emma, about “roaming over the mounds across the plains of the Nephites”, during the Zion’s Camp March, “picking up there skulls and bones as a divine witness to their authenticity” and Zelph’s Mound and the revelation that he had regarding Zelph’s own circumstances, regarding his death and the arrow head that was found lodged in his rib cage ? The very arrow that The LDS Church has to this day locked up in a vault? What about that evidence? Along with the Hopewell and Adena culture artifacts, fortifications, and the fact that the brethren took Zelph’s thy bone with them and buried it again. What about All the copper mines and artifacts that have been discovered in the 10’s and 100’s of thousands in the crops, fields and other locations that turned up as they turned the earth, to set up homes, shops, and industry all across the heartland and east coast and Great Lakes regions of North America? There is no denying that these things were found. That people to this day all over this region have thousands of artifacts that are sitting in collections in drawyers, cabinets, lining the walls of large rooms just to show off and house these large collections. How can they come out and deny that these things are not so? And that they are not just the very evidence that the record itself from those plates purports to say will come forth and speak and Bare Witness From the dust of the earth and out of the ground will truth come forth? Why are not these “ Scholars” being called out to show and reveal that these things actually exist and are real and Authentic? That they support what Joseph said and what the text in the record says.
    I still just don’t get how they can put it out there ( The Witness film) and at the same time not address those questions? And the fact that those things all exist and do show evidence that supports the text.
    Please help me see how the Brethren are not challenging them on these things.

    1. I completely agreed. How can the Brethren, keep quiet and say nothing to ‘recognize and accept the ‘many’ prophetic voices of ‘many’ prophets who have spoken and testified as living proof concerning North America as a Choice above all other land with peoples who lived and died here. Prophets, just as they are prophets. Do they not hear them — why are they not willing to ‘follow the prophets as we members are asked to do? Are we members the only ones who are commanded to ‘follow the prophets and not them????? I ‘feel’, especially our Nephite, Lamanite, and Mulekite families crying from the dust to be recognized as peoples who dwelled in a God-given ‘choice’ land. They deserve to have us know where they lived, just as we know where those in Israel lived. Are we not all from the same house and family!
      I am very, very concerned that they seem unwilling to disregard prophets, just as themselves, instead are allowing MC2 to get a firmer and firmer hold on unknowing innocent members. I was a seminary teacher for 17 years and not once did anyone say, not one thing about North America and it’s prophetic history.
      Keep going. Don’t give up. We need you not to quit. May we all pray daily that our, at the top Brethren see the importance of ‘following the prophets’ prophetic voices ‘from the dust’, just as they ask us to do. Carole Atkinson, a dedicated follower of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the great Plan of Salvation and Christ’s atonement. What would we be or do without Him, His atonement and that great plan!

  2. Sad that this account supports a New York Cumorah but then, a few pages later, becomes a proto-M2C proponent by mentioning Palenque and Central America.

  3. in the movie trailer at the 1:23 mark Susan Easton Black states the Oliver was not only the 2nd Elder but that he was also made a counselor to the 1st Presidency. Where could she have gotten that title? I’ve heard it from other sources as well. Becoming a counselor to the 1st presidency seems such a silly title. Was she mistaken?

    1. Yes, she misspoke. I’m sure she knows the history. Many Church members today don’t know there was a position titled Assistant President of the Church. Hyrum Smith had this calling when he was martyred. As Assistant President, Oliver Cowdery was senior in authority to the two counselors in the First Presidency.

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