I like and respect the people on this escapade, but seriously…
This has the makings for another classic in literature. Don Quixote, the sequel.
Check it out:
Warren Aston (Brisbane, Australia) The Best Scout sud today, Kirk Magleby (American Fork, Utah, USA), Executive Director of book of Mormon Central, Javier Tovar (Atotonilco de Tula, Mexico) renowned archaeologist sud and Douglas Christensen (Twin Falls, EU) Director of book of Mormon Archaeology news, are currently working on, in the state of veracruz, Mexico for the purpose of: (1.) to follow up the issue of book of Mormon central done in October 2016 That investigated seven potential sites for the hill ramah / Cumorah. (2.) consolidate the criteria for the hill ramah / Cumorah. (3.) to develop a model for future expeditions to other sites of interest. (4.) determine the probability that the hill lookout or the cerro san martín pajapan is the hill ramah / Cumorah. #Bruce #SUD #LDS #JESUS CHRIST #LIBRODEMORMÓN
Source: About Central America