Changes in Come Follow Me

Some people wonder about the changes I mentioned in this blog recently.

The point of my post was that the manuals are not doctrine, they are subject to change at any time without notice, and even the Brethren don’t always know what they contain before they are published.

I don’t know why anyone would give credence to lesson manuals, books such as Saints, and other such materials regarding topics in which these things contradict the teachings of the scriptures, General Conference addresses, and original documents from Church history.

Web page links can change at any time, so if you couldn’t find the links I provided, here are the two screen captures so you can see them.

The original manual:

The revised manual:

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

2 thoughts on “Changes in Come Follow Me

  1. Thank you for the clarification. I always believed the curse was being cut off from the Lord, or in others, the inability to make covenants with the God of the Land and return to His presence.

  2. Users of Book of Mormon 2020 Come, Follow Me–For Individuals and Families (Version 10/17) are invited to submit comments, corrections, and errors to as listed on page ii of the manual.

    I’m starting with the seer stone translation method on page 3 which refers to the Gospel Topics Essays on Book of Mormon Translation which is flawed. About 1/3 of the artwork and videos are flawed with Mesoamerican artwork. I don’t see any of that changing anytime soon.

    By the time we hit Alma 22 (June) and 3 Nephi 11 we’ll see the BYU fantasy map passed out just like 4 years ago and 4 years before that.

    Hopefully, folks will follow President Nelson’s admonition and read the JSH in the PGP and see that it references the U&T 6 times–no references to a seer stone for the method of translation.

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