We have found that by you asking questions of yourself, is the best way to learn. Asking questions and then receiving a direct answer doesn’t allow you time to explore and discover. You should ask the question of yourself and then go to work to find the answer. We give you these questions for that reason. Yes we can help you with our opinion of the answers, but finding these answers yourself will really excite you and stick with you. We suggest you get started by taking our “Book of Mormon Quiz” found HERE. Once you are able to answer those questions, the ones below will seem much easier.
Basic Questions to know if you want to be a certified member of the Moroni’s America Club! (Not Literally)
Where do YOU think the Book of Mormon happened?
Where do YOU think Lehi Landed in North America?
Where do YOU think the idea of the Book of Mormon in Guatemala began?
Where do YOU think the city Zarahemla was located?
Do YOU think there is one or two hill Cumorah’s?
Where do YOU think the second Nephite temple was built?
Where do YOU think the first Nephite temple was built?
Where do YOU think the third Nephite temple was built?
Where do YOU think the river Sidon is located in North America?
What four US rivers make up the “Narrow Strip of Wilderness?
Where is the “Narrow Neck of Land” located?
The city Nephi is located in what city of the United States?
What County and State is the ancient city of Manti located?
Onandagus is a descendant of what Indian Tribe?
Name four men on Zions Camp who wrote in their journal about Zelph.
What state of the US is the Land Bountiful located?
Name three states that the “Plains of the Nephites are found in.
Who was the first Native American born in the Promised Land?
There is one mention of “snow” in the Book of Mormon, where is it located?
Name four animals that are required for the Nephites to keep the Law of Moses.
Is there evidence of ancient horses in the United States?
What state can you find ancient copper mines dating about 3200 BC?
How tall are the tallest mounds found in the United States?
Who was the author of the Times and Seasons articles that linked Zarahemla with Guatemala?
Which body of water in the US is known as the “Sea West North”?
The “Great City” built by the Narrow Neck of Land was where?
Questions to ask friends and acquaintances
We want your questions. We know you have personally received many answers to questions about the Book of Mormon. We want to include some of those questions that would benefit our readers. Please submit your questions to: riannelson@aol.com
This LINK will give you the comparative facts between the Mesoamerica and Moroni’s America Theory
7 thoughts on “Basic Questions”
If that is the land of the Nephites and the land of the Lamanites. How do you explain Tulum and other ruins in Mexico that are pictured in the older copies of the Book of Mormon?
Did you know those pictures do not date to the time of the Book of Mormon? The Mayan civilization was around 900 AD. The Indian Mounds in the Eastern United States date to the Jareties and the Nephites timeframes.
Tulum was built about 800- 1000 years after Moroni lived. It’s just an easily recognized symbol of Ancient American culture. We also want to be careful about labeling the Mississippian burial mounds the people of the Book of Mormon. The hill cumorah in New York is known to be part of a complex range of well established glacial phenomenon found in that region. It was not built. It was already there.
Absolutely correct, Rachel. The Mississipians came after the Hopewell, who came after the Adena. Joseph Smith knew the difference, too. He identified as Nephite the burial mounds we now know as Hopewell, and as Jaredite the mounds we now know as Adena.
I don’t think anyone proposes that the Hill Cumorah in New York was man-made. The strategic value of Cumorah was partly due to the numerous other drumlins in the area. Contrary to what some people say, these are not piles of gravel. They include solid clay that can be hollowed out, which is why Mormon stored the Nephite records in the man-made room inside the Hill Cumorah in New York, as Brigham Young and others explained when they related what Oliver Cowdery told them about the multiple visits he and Joseph made to the repository.
What information is there concerning who lived west of Missouri and IA during the time of the Nephites, Mulekites, Lamanites and Jaredites? And/or later?
Some of the expeditions in Alma 63 could have ended up Westward instead of Northward. as there were many ships built with many leaving that area.
Are the Lamanites and/or Gadianton Robbers the only ones Brigham Young ever mentioned as being in the Rocky Mountains?
I have always felt that their have been many other dwellers that covered all of the US — who ‘may/ have eventually traveled southward in to Mexico, etc.
You will find a lot of information on the blog of Rian Nelson here: bofm.blog
Here is a great article that may help you. https://www.bofm.blog/2018/05/25/hinterlands-lamanites-in-north-south-and-central-america/
Love all the information