Learn, unlearn, relearn

All the way back in 1970, Alvin Toffler provided an insight that is even more relevant today:

“By instructing students how to learn, unlearn and relearn, a powerful new dimension can be added to education…Tomorrow’s illiterate will not be the man who can’t read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.”

now usually quoted as ‘The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn’
Future Shock (1970)

Technically, there are problems with this statement. For example, those who cannot read in the 21st century are still illiterate. But Toffler’s claim suggests that a person with obsolete knowledge has just as much a disadvantage as a person who cannot read. Maybe more so.

The learn, unlearn, relearn paradigm explains not only how we improve by adapting to rapidly changing knowledge and understanding, but also how we improve by converting to different ways of thinking and believing.

The paradigm can be applied in two ways. People learn (school, from parents, peers, school, etc.) When new knowledge comes along, if they are flexible and open, they unlearn what they had learned and relearn the new knowledge.

Everyone in the world has learned, from a young age, a framework for understanding the world. They learn language, customs, culture, and values, often (but not always) within a particular religious context.

As we mature, we learn new things that force us into a choice: we can incorporate new things into our existing framework, or we can unlearn that framework to adapt to the new things.

A couple of scriptures help apply these ideas:

54 And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received—
(Doctrine and Covenants 84:54)

1 Now, behold, I say unto you, that because you delivered up those writings which you had power given unto you to translate by the means of the Urim and Thummim, into the hands of a wicked man, you have lost them.
2 And you also lost your gift at the same time, and your mind became darkened.
3 Nevertheless, it is now restored unto you again; therefore see that you are faithful and continue on unto the finishing of the remainder of the work of translation as you have begun.
(Doctrine and Covenants 10:1–3)

the end

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus

Our M2C and SITH friends

Just a quick note to remind readers here that we respect other Church members who still believe M2C and SITH. They are our friends and colleagues. We’re all working together to improve ourselves, our associates and loved ones, and our society, local, national and international.

We want to work with everyone to clarify the message of the Restoration and to make it relevant and operative in the world.

We seek the pursuit of truth to support of the teachings of the prophets.

We don’t mind if others disagree with our explanations and conclusions. We’re happy for everyone to believe whatever they want. We don’t seek contention, but we also don’t avoid it when necessary to discuss important issues and clarify distinctions.

We recognize that people often disagree over interpretations of the exact same data because people see different movies on the same screen. It’s an inherent human condition, driven by our mental filters, and it is often difficult for people to change filters.

On this blog, we appreciate and embrace fine scholarship, no matter the source or implications.

What we oppose is censorship, academic bullying, logical thinking and factual errors, tradition for tradition’s sake, and intolerance of alternative perspectives, interpretations, and conclusions. We ignore anonymous trolls and don’t waste our time responding to criticisms we’ve already addressed.

We encourage feedback through email and dialog.

To be crystal clear, we appreciate and respect the work of Book of Mormon Central, the Interpreter, BYU Studies, the Maxwell Institute, the Church History Department, and anyone else who studies these issues, whether independently or as part of an organization. We’re happy to refer people to their work and we use and cite it ourselves.

However, we think that M2C and SITH have unduly influenced and even corrupted much of the academic work we see, but that is not a reflection on any individuals. We focus on ideas, not people. We’re eager for new and better information and ideas, and we like nothing more than to change our minds in response to such.

We embrace this approach:

“Be kind regarding human frailty—your own as well as that of those who serve with you in a Church led by volunteer, mortal men and women. Except in the case of His only perfect Begotten Son, imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but He deals with it. So should we. And when you see imperfection, remember that the limitation is not in the divinity of the work. As one gifted writer has suggested, when the infinite fulness is poured forth, it is not the oil’s fault if there is some loss because finite vessels can’t quite contain it all. Those finite vessels include you and me, so be patient and kind and forgiving.” 

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, May 2013 Ensign

Source: About Central America

Books to read – Ronald Barney

People ask me what books I read, so I’m going to mention a few. These will be brief observations, not full book reviews.

Today’s book is by Ronald O. Barney, titled Joseph Smith: History, Methods & Memory.

This is a terrific book. As the title suggests, Barney discusses the methodology of history, exploring the challenges of relying on memory to figure out what has happened in the past. He provides an insightful overview of the historical context of Joseph Smith’s life, reviews the evidence for Joseph’s foundational experiences, and discusses Joseph as a man and a prophet.
Barney writes from a faithful perspective with refreshing candor. He summarizes the book’s purpose in the Introduction here.
“This work is an attempt to reemphasize the techniques refined for generations by the historical community that may help readers of the Mormon past to better negotiate the conflicted historical record…. the issues addressed are so fundamental that despite the use from time to time of academic dialogue, all interested in Joseph Smith should recognize the necessity of treating the primary themes in a manner other than simply devotional or critical formulations.”
I have made dozens of notes in the margins of this book that I refer to as I finish my current projects. Barney’s book is a very useful tool for self-assessment of my writing about Church history. 
As readers here know, I have a different take on several aspects of Church history than what we read in the predominant critical and apologetic materials. I disagree with some of the assertions made in the editorial portions of the Joseph Smith Papers, which in some cases reflect an overly enthusiastic desire to change long-held beliefs, but I welcome the approach of re-evaluating traditions in light of new evidence. 
Barney writes, “Inevitably, in this generations’ access to material regarding JS and early Mormonism discussed in this work, a transformation of thinking will be required due to traditions previously based on limited understanding. And, it is probably the case that in the future new insights, if not new documentation, will amend the scope of what we present think we know about the prophet.”
That is a critical reminder that just when we think we know it all, we discover we maybe don’t know as much as we did. My note in the margin here is simple: “Transformation of thinking–but it assumes BY et al did not have this info.” 
That’s a reminder to me that, as Barney also points out, some of the material we think of as essential may have never been recorded at all. Much of what was taught by Brigham Young and his associates who knew Joseph personally could have been what Joseph himself taught them, even though we don’t have a specific record of those teachings. Actually, “could have been” is a misnomer. I think it’s fair to say that BY and his associates certainly knew more about what Joseph taught than the record shows.  
For those interested in Church history and analysis of historical sources, Barney’s book is the best I’ve seen so far at explaining the strengths and weaknesses of both the sources and the methodology of interpreting those sources.
The cover explains that Barney served for 34 years as an archivist and historian in the History Department in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is a former associate editor of the Joseph Smith Papers and creator and executive producer of the Joseph Smith Papers documentary television series.

Source: About Central America

Censorship by Hugh Nibley

In 1955, Hugh Nibley wrote a series titled “The Way of the Church” that explored …

In the March issue, he discussed censorship.

I doubt Brother Nibley intended this article as a guide for future generations of Church historians and self-appointed “experts” on the Book of Mormon, but these two groups of intellectuals have managed to adopt each of the techniques Nibley discussed.

The Way of the Church
Part 1:
   Controlling the Past -III
 by Hugh Nibley, Ph.D.
Improvement Era 58 (Mar. 1955), 152-4, 166, 168
WHEN Joseph Smith announced that the very first words of the Bible had been edited and their meaning changed by “an old Jew without any authority,” he knew whereof he spoke.[1] Not that the manipulation of that particular passage has been definitely proven—there is not yet enough evidence, one way or the other—but that the common practice of such manipulation has of recent years become an established fact, thanks to the labors of Kahle and others. The work of the Masoretes, far from being, as it was meant to be, the final and definitive fixing of the sacred text for all time, simply laid the groundwork for new and daring “reconstructions.”…
Censorship example from Nibley’s article

Here’s how the Saints book “reconstructed” Joseph Smith–History, 1:52. 
Nibley continued. The rigorous and arbitrary censorship of ancient texts belongs to the common heritage of all the “people of the book,” being an established routine in every age. Antiochus ordered all copies of the Jewish scriptures burned, and pronounced the death penalty on anyone guilty of possessing a copy…
Good luck getting caught with a copy of Letter VII if you work for Book of Mormon Central, the Interpreter, BYU, CES, or Meridian Magazine. Whatever you do, don’t read the packet on Cumorah.
Nibley continued. A subtle and very effective form of censorship is the silent treatment. “It is permitted,” writes St. Augustine, “for the purpose of building up religion in things pertaining to piety, when necessary, to conceal whatever appears to need concealing; but it is not permitted to lie, of course, and so one may not conceal by way of lying.”[21]  The distinction is too fine, for silence can be very mendacious. 
To accommodate M2C intellectuals such as those who run Book of Mormon Central, Volume 1 of Saints managed to censor Cumorah completely from Church history. 
The Gospel Topics entry on Book of Mormon Geography also de-correlated Cumorah by not even mentioning it.
Since its inception, Book of Mormon Central has censored alternatives to M2C. That makes sense, because it is merely a front for its corporate owner, Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum (http://bmaf.org/) which has promoted M2C for decades.
Fortunately, we all have access to the Joseph Smith Papers, which are awesome. Some of the notes promote M2C and SITH, but otherwise the material is outstanding in every way.
The Church History Library is also awesome.
And, we always have the scriptures and the teachings of the prophets. As long as you don’t get sidetracked into the commentaries, especially the commentaries that change the wording of the texts, you’ll be in good shape.

Source: About Central America

Trip to Fayette references

Readers continue to ask me for the references regarding the trip from Harmony to Fayette, during which Joseph, Oliver and David met the divine messenger who was taking the abridged plates to Cumorah.

Rather than sending a separate file, I put the references in a link on my lettervii blog here:


Now you can easily refer people to these references. I’ll update/add more as I get time.

Source: About Central America

M2C/SITH believers are poorly educated

Most people realize that you can’t solve a problem if you can’t discuss it honestly. And you can’t have honest conversations when people don’t share relevant knowledge about the topic. Most people are more concerned about confirming their biases than about making informed decisions.

In the Church today, you’ll find lots of members who are convinced that M2C and SITH are “true.” If you talk with them for just a few minutes, you’ll discover they are poorly educated. It’s “zeal without knowledge” in the worst sense.

By “poorly educated” I mean they are taught only selected facts, mingled with the theories of the M2C and SITH intellectuals. They are never taught all the relevant facts of Church history, let alone the relevant extrinsic evidence, but they think they are educated.

I know this personally because for decades, I relied on what the “experts” in CES and BYU had taught me. I had to educate myself because the M2C citation cartel is impervious to alternative interpretations and perspectives.

The worst of the lot, Book of Mormon Central, continues to censor anything that contradicts or even challenges M2C and SITH.

I’m not writing about those few Latter-day Saints who have made informed decisions. We can all believe whatever we want. People who make informed decisions based on identical facts can still completely disagree. That’s a separate topic we will discuss later. Here, I’m discussing people who do not make informed decisions because they are uninformed, or misinformed.

Often, the more ignorant they are, the more strongly they are convinced they are right.

If you’re among the many Latter-day Saints who

– accept M2C and SITH


– have never heard of Letter VII,
– don’t realize the Gospel Topics Essays don’t even quote what Joseph and Oliver taught, and
– think that Saints is accurate and complete history,

you ought to educate yourself so you can make informed decisions.

Today, much of this conversation takes place online, and the conversations are dominated by the most ignorant people in society, which are young people. That’s not an insult; it’s just a fact. All adults have been 20-something. By the time we’re 40, we realize how ignorant we were when we were 20. As we age, we gain experience and knowledge.

College kids typically think they know a lot, but all they know is what their professors have told them and what they’ve read (which was written by someone else). Most of them stick with whatever they’ve been taught because they trust and admire their professors.  This seems to be especially true among LDS, whose teachers in CES and BYU have a special fiduciary responsibility that, in many cases, they breach by poorly educating their students.

I’ve discussed these issues with many Church members, all around the world. Most readers here have seen examples on online in social media, publications such as Meridian Magazine, etc. Let’s look at some specific examples.

Many members are learning Church history from the Saints books. These books, particularly volume 1, were written to accommodate both M2C and SITH. The authors created fake history to achieve their objectives. Not only did they censor Cumorah, but they replaced the original language in source documents with new terms that reflect their revisionist history.

Here’s one of many examples:

Consequently, current and future generations of members of the Church are indoctrinated into this revisionist history instead of learning the actual history.

The tragedy: Church historians are fully aware of these problems yet refuse to correct at least the digital versions of these books.

Based on the
Times and Seasons

M2C believers are likewise poorly educated. Apart from the handful of M2C scholars (and their employees) who have been promoting M2C and know better, their followers simply do not know the facts of Church history and relevant sciences.

The basic premise of M2C is that Joseph Smith was an ignorant speculator who misled the Church about the New York Cumorah until he read the Stephens and Catherwood travel books about Central America in 1841 and then wrote about them in anonymous editorials in the 1842 Times and Seasons.

These editorials led certain scholars to develop interpretations of the text that “fit” Mesoamerica. Then they scoured Mayan culture to find “correspondences” that “fit” the Book of Mormon text, but they usually make them fit only by changing the definition of Book of Mormon terms (e.g., a “horse” means a “tapir,” a “tower” means a “massive stone pyramid,” “north means “west,” etc.).

Based on the
Times and Seasons

Ironically, the editorials say nothing about Cumorah. Letter VII was published by Joseph’s brothers before and after these editorials were published. Numerous prophets and apostles have reaffirmed Letter VII’s teaching of the New York Cumorah.

[If any readers here are ignorant of this, here’s a summary:

The only conflict between the anonymous editorials and the New York Cumorah is in the minds of the M2C scholars and their followers.

Consequently, M2C scholars have successfully kept their followers ignorant of Letter VII. They have employed the Academic Cycle and managed to de-correlate the New York Cumorah from recent Church publications, manuals, videos, etc.

Based on the Times and Seasons

The most fun example is the blatant revisionist history in Saints. The most colorful example is the fantasy map BYU uses to teach students that the Book of Mormon took place in a fictional setting, based on the M2C interpretation. There are plenty of examples to go around.

M2C believers are taught that these Times and Seasons articles outweigh the teachings of the prophets. They are never taught that Joseph never acknowledged, cited, or even referred to these articles. Lately, they are never taught that D&C 128:20 even exists.

Historians disagree about the extent to which Joseph participated in the Times and Seasons during 1842, and that’s fine. Some of us think he was the nominal editor based on content and other evidence. Others think he was the active editor, based on the boilerplate at the end of each issue that said the paper was Edited, Printed and Published by Joseph Smith, Jr.

Everyone agrees that Joseph was merely the nominal printer, meaning he did not operate the printing press. Everyone agrees that throughout his life, Joseph wrote very little himself; even the “History of Joseph Smith” was written by his scribes, as was most of his own journal.

Nevertheless, the M2C intellectuals insist Joseph was the active editor of the Times and Seasons, personally writing the anonymous editorials and personally approving of everything published in the paper. Their followers accept this, having no idea about the facts the contradict this theory.

An awesome aspect of all of this is that even the M2C intellectuals disagree with some of the major points of these editorials.

Here’s a passage from one of the anonymous editorials that no M2C intellectuals accept. If Lehi actually landed south of Panama, then M2C doesn’t work.

When we read in the Book of Mormon that Jared and his brother came on to this continent from the confusion and scattering at the Tower, and lived here more than a thousand years, and covered the whole continent from sea to sea, with towns and cities; and that Lehi went down by the Red Sea to the great Southern Ocean, and crossed over to this land and landed a little south of the Isthmus of Darien, and improved the country according to the word of the Lord, as a branch of the house of Israel, and then read such a goodly traditionary account, as the one below, we can not but think the Lord has a hand in bringing to pass his strange act, and proving the Book of Mormon true in the eyes of all the people.
(Times and Seasons III.22:922 ¶2)

More later.

Source: About Central America

The Millennium Probably To Dawn in America

It’s July 6th. Over the weekend, Americans celebrated the 4th of July, which is our Independence Day.

This is a good time to consider what Jonathan Edwards wrote in 1758 about America and the “more glorious work that should be in the latter ages of the Christian church.”

I posted it here:



Separately, here’s a useful suggestion: turn off the news for a day or two.

The news industry has a business model that requires people to watch and read regularly. The more viewers and readers they get, the more money they get from advertisers. You are paying their salaries every time you tune in to their shows or click on their web pages.

The media knows people will watch and read more if they are alarmed, angry, upset, afraid, etc., so they focus on events that generate these emotions. In many cases, they create news to generate these emotions. The pundits do nothing but generate these emotions. They frame everything as a competition between left and right, anti- and pro-Trump, etc.

It’s outrage theater and we’re better off doing something other than paying for the performances.

Turn off the news, go exercise, and be grateful for all the blessings God has given you.

Source: About Central America

Moroni’s America – the Prince of America

The 4th of July is a good time to review what Elder Orson Hyde taught about Moroni. Speaking on the 4th of July in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Elder Hyde reiterated the teachings of the prophets that Moroni revealed to Joseph Smith “the history of the early inhabitants of this country.”

An Address by Elder Orson Hyde, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1854.
(1854, OH Celebration • JD 6:367)

In those early and perilous times, our men were few, and our resources limited. 

Poverty was among the most potent enemies we had to encounter; yet our arms were successful; and it may not be amiss to ask here, by whose power victory so often perched on our banner? 

It was by the agency of that same angel of God that appeared unto Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the history of the early inhabitants of this country, whose mounds, bones, and remains of towns, cities, and fortifications speak from the dust in the ears of the living with the voice of undeniable truth. 

This same angel presides over the destinies of America, and feels a lively interest in all our doings. 

He was in the camp of Washington; and, by an invisible hand, led on our fathers to conquest and victory; and all this to open and prepare the way for the Church and kingdom of God to be established on the western hemisphere, for the redemption of Israel and the salvation of the world. …

Under the guardianship of this same angel, or Prince of America, have the United States grown, increased, and flourished, like the sturdy oak by the rivers of water.
(Orson Hyde, JD 6:368)
For more information, here’s a great resource:

Source: About Central America

Persuasion by small steps

It’s a small step to say Oliver Cowdery was just expressing his opinion in Letter VII when he wrote that it was a fact that the Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is the hill in western New York from which Joseph obtained the plates.
It’s another small step to say Joseph Smith adopted a false tradition when he republished Letter VII and wrote D&C 128:20.
Then another small step to say the prophets who reaffirmed the New York Cumorah were merely expressing their private, incorrect opinions, including in General Conference.
Yet another step to say Joseph and Oliver were wrong about the translation of the Book of Mormon.
Another small steop to say Joseph never even used the plates.
And so it goes.
This is how persuasion works:


During the Korean War, captured American soldiers found themselves in POW camps run by Chinese Communists. The Chinese treated captives quite differently than their allies, the North Koreans, who favored savagery and harsh punishment to gain compliance
7:54 AM · Jun 14, 2020Twitter Web App
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The Red Chinese engaged in what they called “lenient policy,” which was a sophisticated psychological assault on their captives. After the war, American psychologists questioned the returning prisoners intensively, because of the unsettling success of the Chinese program
The Chinese were very effective in getting Americans to inform on one another, in contrast to the behavior of American POWs in WWII. For this reason, escape plans were quickly uncovered and escape attempts themselves were rarely successful.
When an escape did occur, the Chinese usually recovered the man easily by offering a mere bag of rice to anyone turning him in. In fact, nearly all American prisoners in the Chinese camps are said to have collaborated with the enemy in one form or another.
How did the Chinese get compliance from the American POWS? These men were trained to provide only name, rank, serial number. Short of torture, how could the captors hope to get such men to give military information, turn in fellow prisoners, or publicly denounce their country?
The Chinese answer was to start small and build. Prisoners were asked to make statements so mildly anti-American or pro-Communist as to seem inconsequential “The United States is not perfect.” “In a Communist country, unemployment is not a problem.”
Once they complied with these minor requests, the men were pushed to submit to more substantive ones. A man who had agreed that the United States is not perfect might be asked provide examples. He might then be asked to make a list of “problems with America” and sign his name
Later, he might be asked to read his list in a discussion group with other prisoners. “After all, it’s what you really believe, isn’t it?” Still later he might be asked to write an essay expanding on his list and discussing these problems in greater detail
The Chinese might then use his name and his essay in an anti-American radio broadcast beamed not only to the entire camp, but to other POW camps in North Korea, as well as to American forces in South Korea.
Suddenly he would find himself a “collaborator.” Aware that he had written the essay without any threats or coercion, a man would change his image of himself to be consistent with the deed and with the new collaborator label, resulting in more extensive acts of collaboration
The majority collaborated by doing things which seemed trivial to them but which the Chinese were able to turn to their own advantage. This was particularly effective in eliciting confessions, self-criticism, and information during interrogation.
The majority of the men believed the Chinese story that the United States had used germ warfare, and many felt that their own forces had been the initial aggressors in starting the war. Similar inroads had been made in the political attitudes of the men:
Many expressed antipathy toward the Chinese Communists but at the same time praised them for “the fine job they have done in China.” Others stated that “although communism won’t work in America, I think it’s a good thing for Asia.”
Our best evidence of another man’s true feelings and beliefs is their behavior, not their words. What the Chinese knew is that a man uses this same evidence to know what he himself is like. He observes his behavior to understand his own beliefs, values, and attitudes

Source: About Central America