Globle game
If you play, here’s a clue for today’s answer:
Source: About Central America
"Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon in North America
"Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon in North America
"Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon in North America
If you play, here’s a clue for today’s answer:
Source: About Central America
Sometimes people seem to think historians can figure out exactly what actually happened in history.
They can’t.
A better way to understand the pursuit is in terms of probabilities.
That’s why I support the approach of multiple working hypotheses. We can assemble known historical facts, separate out assumptions, inferences, biases, traditions, etc., and then derive a variety of working hypotheses, or explanations, to which people can assign probabilities according to their own life experience.
At least during mortality, we will never know what actually happened.
Think about it: we don’t even know who played the drums on the Beatles’ 1968 song Dear Prudence, despite detailed analysis by experts.
In a brilliant essay that everyone should read, LDS historian Richard Bushman explained the challenge of interpreting historical events.
it is disconcerting to observe the oscillations in historical fashion and to recognize how one’s own times affect the view of the past. Anyone unfamiliar with the writing of history may wonder why historians are such vacillating creatures. Are not the facts the facts and is not the historian’s task no more than to lay them out in clear order? Why the continual variations in opinion? It seems reasonable that, once told, the story need only be amended as new facts come to light.
The reason for the variations is that history is made by historians. The facts are not fixed in predetermined form merely awaiting discovery and description. They do not force themselves on the historian; he selects and molds them. Indeed he cannot avoid sculpturing the past simply because the records contain so very many facts, all heaped together without recognizable shape. The historian must select certain ones and form them into a convincing story. Inevitably scholars come up with differing accounts of the same event.[1]
[1]Richard L. Bushman, “Faithful History,” in Dialogue,
Source: Book of Mormon Concensus
Rick Bennett at Gospel Tangents interviewed me in December. Part 1 of the interview is now available on youtube here:
An introduction to Jonathan Edwards for Latter-day Saints is here:
I’ve been adding a lot of material to my Jonathan Edwards database, which I’ll publish eventually. An earlier version is available online here:
Source: About Central America
Lots of cool things underway that we’ll discuss as the year unfolds. Here are a few things we’ll consider.
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Cumorah: land of many waters |
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Joseph F. Smith’s account of interview with David Whitmer |
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Stevenson’s account of interview with David Whitmer |
Oliver Cowdery’s explanation of the fact of Cumorah
Source: About Central America
The most-viewed resources on this blog have always been the Post about President Ivins and the Page on the BYU Packet on Cumorah.
That remained true in 2022 as well.
Overall, the blog had over 200,000 views, not counting the reposts at moronisamerica, amazon, and other sites.
The top 5 most-viewed posts on this blog for 2022, in reverse order.
5. Reminiscences of Edward Stevenson
4. The First Presidency taught…
3. More about Cumorah’s casualties
2. Abraham Lincoln on extinct giants
1. The Hill Cumorah by President Anthony W. Ivins
The top 5 most-viewed pages on this blog for 2022, in reverse order.
5. Cumorah’s cave by Cameron Packer
4. The Two Sets of Plates schematic
3. President Ivins on the New York Cumorah
2. Trip to Fayette references
1. BYU packet on Cumorah
Source: Letter VII
These are the posts I thought were the most important from 2022, with my reasons.
5. Nationalism, M2C, critics, and other topics
Intellectual debate on issues is useful and important. Unfortunately, many LDS intellectuals have dodged debate by raising red herrings (such as nationalism) and straw man arguments.
4. The Tragedy of Book of Mormon Central (3 parts)
I like the idea of independent LDS scholars explaining our faith in as many different ways as they can. For that reason, I embrace the concept of Book of Mormon Central (BMC).
Unfortunately, due to the ideology of its principals, BMC is a multimillion dollar operation that (in my opinion) deliberately misleads its donors by professing neutrality on Book of Mormon geography issues while aggressive and exclusively promoting M2C. BMC further misleads its English audience by promoting a detailed M2C geography on its Spanish language page. BMC uses the millions of dollars it raises to compete with official Church media for attention, such as with its “Come Follow Me” videos and ScripturePlus app, all in an effort to promote M2C (and SITH) while excluding alternative faithful interpretations of the text and the teachings of the prophets.
I still hope for the day when BMC will seek to unite, instead of divide, Latter-day Saints by welcoming and accommodating multiple working faithful hypotheses.
3. Original Manuscript: Vol 5 of JSP, but full of agenda-driven content
The Joseph Smith Papers project is outstanding in every way, except for one serious flaw: the editors have chosen to promote modern theories and interpretations at the expense of objective historical analysis. The notes and even some editorial decisions have been made to promote two theories in particular (SITH and M2C). That narrative poisoning seeped into the Saints books and the Gospel Topics Essays, among other things. These problems were foreseeable and could have been avoided, but it’s not to late to improve the editorial content by removing the modern theories and observing a more accurate narrative present (i.e., reporting what the historical figures recorded instead of modern spin).
2. The Rising Generation, SITH and the GTE
The impact of SITH and the GTE on the rising generation seems obvious, but many of the hired LDS intellectuals treat the GTE as scripture, defying the original (and stated) purpose of those essays. Some think these intellectuals defend the GTE because they wrote the GTE. Regardless, the GTE have been revised in the past and should be revised again.
1. Already given: 116 pages and Cumorah
The whole Cumorah issues remains perplexing. We have a citation cartel of like-minded LDS intellectuals who continue to resort to sophistry and rationalization to repudiate the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah, solely to protect their personal theories about M2C. While problems of academic arrogance, defensiveness and intransigence is well-known in many (if not all) areas of academic endeavor, it’s inexcusable in this context.
It’s one thing to repudiate the teachings of the prophets; scholars have done that for generations, even at BYU. As long as the scholars explain their reasoning, people can make up their own minds. But it’s another thing for Latter-day Saint scholars to use their fiduciary positions at BYU to censor the teachings of the prophets so their students cannot even make informed decisions. Yet this is the current position of the citation cartel scholars.
Fortunately, the Maxwell Institute and BYU Studies have moved away from the citation cartel, somewhat (although BYU Studies still features the Sorenson/Welch M2C maps and other materials).
Source: About Central America
September 2023 is the 200th anniversary of Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith.
During that visit, Moroni told Joseph that
“the record is on a side hill on the Hill of Cumorah 3 miles from this place remove the Grass and moss and you will find a large flat stone pry that up and you will find the record under it laying on 4 pillars of cement— then the angel left him.”
During that visit, Moroni also explained what the record was about and where it was written:
He [Moroni] then proceeded and gave a general account of the promises made to the fathers, and also gave a history of the aborigenes of this country, and said they were literal descendants of Abraham. He represented them as once being an enlightned and intelligent people, possessing a correct knowledge of the gospel, and the plan of restoration and redemption. He said this history was written and deposited not far from that place, and that it was our brother’s privilege, if obedient to the commandments of the Lord, to obtain and translate the same by the means of the Urim and Thummim, which were deposited for that purpose with the record.
Earlier this month the BBC published a travel article about “The US’ 2,000-year-old mystery mounds.”
Heading: “Constructed by a mysterious civilisation that left no written records, the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks are a testament to indigenous sophistication.”
All of these all these prehistoric ceremonial earthworks in Ohio were created by what is now called the Hopewell Culture, a network of Native American societies that gathered from as far away as Montana and the Gulf of Mexico between roughly 100 BCE and 500 CE and were connected by a series of trade routes. Their earthworks in Ohio consist of shapes – like circles, squares and octagons – that were often connected to each other. Archaeologists are only now beginning to understand the sophistication of these engineering marvels.
Of course, 100 BCE is about the time when Mosiah discovered the people of Zarahemla and taught them a written language, which led to the flourishing of Nephite society. Many Latter-day Saints think Mosiah left from eastern Tennessee and joined the people of Zarahemla in present-day Illinois. From there, the civilization expanded eastward into Indiana and Ohio. Eventually, around 400 AD, fleeing from Lamanite attacks, the Nephite civilization retreated to western New York where the survivors were killed off by the Lamanites. All of this aligns with the archaeological record.
The article notes:
The US Department of the Interior has nominated eight of Hopewell’s earthworks for consideration in 2023 as a Unesco World Heritage site. These include The Great Circle and The Octagon in Newark, Ohio, as well Ohio’s first state park, Fort Ancient (not an actual fort). The other five are part of the Hopewell Culture National Historical Park: Mound City, Hopeton Earthworks, High Bank Works, Hopewell Mound Group and Seip Earthworks.
While a Unesco designation wouldn’t entail the return of land or reparations, it does mean greater local representation and education about Ohio’s Native American history.
It would be fitting if, during the year of the 200th anniversary of Moroni’s visit, these historic sites finally receive Unesco recognition.
Source: Letter VII
The top 5 posts on this blog in 2022, starting with #5.
BTW, to be clear, these are the top 10 in terms of views, not my top 10 favorite. I never know why a particular post attracts more page views than another, but in some cases, it’s because my critics, especially my goofy critics, pass it around as part of their outrage theater performance.
I’ll post my own top 5 favorites later this week.
5. Markets and Power (the credentialed class of the Bible and today)
4. Clarity vs confusion – George Q. Cannon
3. Books to Read – Vision in a Seer Stone
2. Understanding Church History by Study and Faith – part 2
1. Original Manuscript: Vol 5 of JSP, but full of agenda-driven content
Source: About Central America
Continuing the top ten most viewed blog posts on this blog for 2022.
9. M2C citation cartel: Hanna Seriac and Brant Gardner
8. What if the prophets were correct about Cumorah?
7. The Rising Generation, SITH and the GTE
6. Multiple hypotheses-Cumorah
Source: About Central America