Blast from the past

I posted on this blog for the first time on June 18, 2014. The post was titled “John L. Sorenson’s 37 objections to North America.”

At the time, I assumed that Brother Sorenson didn’t actually write these 37 objections, but I have since been informed that he actually did.

I’ve also been informed that Brother Sorenson asked that his article be taken down, and so I was going to take down my post about it. But lo and behold, the article it is still on display at BMAF, “a division of Book of Mormon Central,” here:

In honor of the BMAF-BMC conference this weekend, aka the Provo Comic Con, I’m revisiting my post from last June.

John L. Sorenson’s 37 objections to North America

John L. Sorenson is a retired BYU Professor who has authored 200 books and articles, many of them dealing with Book of Mormon historicity, geography and anthropology. His latest, titled Mormon’s Codex, summarizes his life’s work in this field. Wikipedia has a useful bio here.

In subsequent posts, I’ll address Mormon’s Codex, but recently someone cited Sorenson’s list of 37 reasons why the Book of Mormon could not have included North America, and I wanted to comment on them.

Sorenson’s list is a nice summary of the orthodox interpretation of North American archaeology and anthropology that was driven by the Manifest Destiny approach to the North American Indians in the 1800s. I can’t tell if Sorenson was writing from ignorance or malice, but since I know him, I’ll go with ignorance. After all, even Dr. Roger Kennedy, the former director of the Smithsonian’s American History Museum, wrote a book titled Hidden Cities–The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilizations. He wrote this: “Few realize that some of the oldest, largest, and most complex structures of ancient archaeology were built of earth, clay, and stone right here in America, in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. From 6,000 years ago until quite recently, North America was home to some of the most highly advanced and well organized civilizations in the world–complete with cities, roads and commerce.”

So I’ll assume Sorenson was just ignorant, or that he wrote his list before Dr. Kennedy wrote his book in 1991. But the list was cited by Gregory Smith as recently as January 2014, so apparently some BYU people still think it is relevant. I’ll address Gregory Smith in a separate post.

So here are my comments on Sorenson.

A Whole Bunch of Reasons Why Book of Mormon Geography
Could Not Have Included North America
by John L. Sorenson
1. The “promised land” occupied by the Nephites was characterized for many centuries as an area of “civilization.” As indicated by archaeology and related studies, no place in North America in the period of  Book of Mormon history contained any cultures at the level of “civilization.” This statement represents the orthodox view that supported not only Manifest Destiny but the genocide of American Indians prophesied by the Book of Mormon. Andrew Jackson signed the “Removal Act” on May 28, 1830, almost two months after the LDS Church was organized and about a year after the translation of the Book of Mormon. In fact, the Hopewell and Adena civilizations were extensive and highly sophisticated, with some of the largest and most elaborate earthworks in the entire world. Exact dimensions and shapes were replicated at great distances. They were aligned with celestial events, a feat requiring civilization under any definition. Here’s an example. “Seventeen centuries ago, Newark, Ohio, was a major center for a remarkable ancient culture. Here, American Indians built the largest geometric earthwork complex in the world. Enormous enclosures connected by walled roadways were spread across more than four square miles. ”
2. The population of Book of Mormon lands over much of the period of its history totaled from hundreds of thousands up to millions. The areas of North America touted as occupied by Nephites, Lamanites and Jaredites cannot be shown from objective evidence to have been anywhere near that level. he Way back in 1894, the Bureau of Ethnology published a map of 100,000 mound sites, “many with complexes containing 2 to 100 mounds.” New mounds are discovered every year. One recent estimate by a non-LDS scholar is that “over 1,000,000 mounds once existed.” There were over than two million people are buried in mounds in Illinois alone, dating from around 2,000 years ago.
3. Many “cities” and even “great cities” are reported by the Nephite record between 1500 BC and AD 400. Not a single such city has been documented in North America in that period. The extensive, sophisticated Hopewell civilization included walled cities connected by roads, including the great Hopewell road between Chilicothe and Newark. Around 200,000 Hopewell structures and sites were leveled by settlers, but in some cases, the mounds were preserved, such Circleville, Ohio, which was built within the walls of the ancient city.
4. Intensive agriculture is indicated as the economic means of support, according to the record. Agriculture only on a limited scale was employed by inhabitants of North America before AD 400. A “limited scale” is a relative term (as is “intensive agriculture”) and certainly ancient agriculture everywhere in the world was on a “limited scale” compared with modern agriculture, but the Hopewell and Adena people lived in defined communities supported by agriculture.  
5. Multiple kinds of grains were cultivated by the Nephites as their subsistence mainstay.
In the Book of Mormon period, as far as is known, only limited grain crops of corn/maize were cultivated in North America. “As far as is known” is a rhetorical technique that implies “no one knows” about multiple grain crops in North America, when it really means “as far as is known by the author of these objections.” In fact, every food required by the law of Moses was grown in Hopewell areas (which is not true of Mesoamerica) and multiple “kinds of grains” were grown in North America.
6. “Flocks” and “herds” were raised at times by the Nephites and Jaredites (at least). There is absolutely no evidence for any degree of animal husbandry in ancient North America. Categorical objections are disproven by a single example, such as the turkeys and dogs in North America referred to here:
7. Many major public buildings, many of them of a religious nature, are referred to in the scripture as characteristic of their settlements. In the Book of Mormon period there is no evidence of any such structures in North America. It’s true that 200,000 structures were destroyed by the European invaders, but the extensive earthworks that survive, as well as those documented by Squire and Davis, were both public and religious.
8. Major wars were fought among Book of Mormon peoples for well over 1,000 years; they involved over hundreds of thousands of combatants. In North America in the relevant period there is no evidence of warfare on any significant scale. There are massive burial sites with mixtures of bones and arrowheads throughout the Hopewell area, dating to the Book of Mormon period. The Zelph mound is one of many examples.
9. Swords and “cimeters” (scimitars) are particularly referred to as weapons in the Book of Mormon period. Neither in archaeology or art are any such weapons identified in North American cultures. There are such swords and scimitars in museums around North America, dating to Book of Mormon times.
10. Armor and shields also were in common use according to the record. Evidence for those features is also entirely lacking in North America before AD 400. There are metal breastplates and headplates in museums around North America, dating to Book of Mormon times.
11. Large-scale fortifications (of particular types) are described as being used by Book of Mormon peoples, but those types, nor in fact any such large-scale defensive structures, are not known in North America in Book of Mormon times. There are such fortifications at many sites around North America, dating to Book of Mormon times.
12. Roads and highways were described by the Nephite record as being built near the time of Christ. North American archaeology reveals nothing of the sort. The Great Hopewell Road, currently being excavated by the Ohio State Archaeologist, is an elevated highway stretching 60 miles that was around 100 feet wide. There are others, although most roads and highways have been destroyed for farmland.
13. “Towers,” obviously tall, bulky structures of earth or stone, were features in some Book of Mormon cities. Such constructions were absent before AD 400 in North America. There are many such towers at sites around North America, dating to Book of Mormon times.
14. People of Book of Mormon areas were frequently literate, in fact several scripts are reported. No North American cultures have been shown to have had any system of writing whatsoever. The Book of Mormon text explicitly states that the elite were instructed in writing, which is common in ancient societies, and that the Lamanites were intent on destroying written records. The largest non-Lamanite group, the people of Zarahemla, specifically had no written records. The Mesoamerican “system of writing” has zero correlation to Hebrew or Egyptian languages. If writing among the Nephites was as ubiquitous as it was among the Mayans, the Nephite history would be documented in stones and murals instead of metal plates.
15. At least the Nephites are said to have possessed “many” books covering many subjects. No ancient North American books at all are evidenced. There are no “Nephite” books anywhere apart from the Book of Mormon, except for the depository that Oliver Cowdery described in the Hill Cumorah in New York.
16. The Nephites followed several different calendar systems. In North America even a single calendar is only uncertainly known. The syntax of this objection is difficult to understand, but the earthworks of Newark and other sites were elaborate calendars.
17. According to the Nephite record several kinds of metals were worked in the original settlement areas (land of Nephi and Jaredite areas). No true metallurgy is evidenced in North America during the Book of Mormon era. Several museums in North American contain examples of metallurgy dating to Book of Mormon times, and there are photos and records of iron plates and tools, found by archaeologists dating to Book of Mormon times, that have “disappeared” from museums. The Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis has evidence of smelting dating to Book of Mormon times.
18. A substantial number of priests, prophets, and other occupational specialists (including “thousands” of idle people in the land of  Zarahemla—Alma 60: 22) are mentioned. No more than a mere handful of (“idle”) people occupying specialist roles are in evidence in any ancient culture in North America. These categorical “objections” ignore the fact of the massive earthworks created to monitor celestial events. There are many ceremonial earthworks, as well. These required engineering and abundant labor not required for agriculture.
19. There is no mention nor even hint of cold, snow or ice in the Book of Mormon account of its peoples. In the Great Lakes or Prairie regions winter storms are and were so common that it is unthinkable that they would not be a prominent mentioned feature of the climate. The quotations from Isaiah that refer to snow would make no sense if people didn’t know about snow, but the “nature of the climate” that led to diseases could easily include cold and snow. Besides, the mountains of Mesoamerica are also cold; it snows in Guatemala even today, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how much the climate has changed in the last 2,000 years.
20. It is obvious from the description of the great catastrophe at the crucifixion of the Savior that volcanism must be involved as a natural cause (of at least the “darkness”). In eastern North America that is out of the question; there are no volcanoes there. Massive earthquakes documented in North America (specifically along the Mississippi River) have caused such darkness over several days, as documented in the 1800s.
21. The river Sidon is a major drainage feature that runs hundreds of miles from south to north from the highlands of the land of Nephi through the “narrow strip of wilderness” past Manti and Zarahemla to the sea. No river in North America even remotely qualifies. The Book of Mormon doesn’t say the River Sidon runs from south to north, so this is a false premise. 
22. The battle of Alma’s Nephite army on the riverbank (Alma 2) has them wade across the river Sidon to battle a combined Lamanite/Amlicite force. The idea of wading across the Mississippi is obviously absurd. What is considered “obviously absurd” was a common practice anciently at the area near Nauvoo, which is the first “crossable” area of the Mississippi north of the Gulf of Mexico. This is why there are remnants of ancient civilizations in this area, dating to Nephite times.
23. The Lehite party in their ship landed on the shore of the (west) sea in the “land of first inheritance” (Alma 22: 28). Any attempt to make that point anywhere but on the Pacific coast of North America requires fantastic twisting of the obvious meaning of the distances and other geographical language. What requires “fantastic twisting” is claiming that the Nephites didn’t know north, south, east and west, along with insisting that the only seas mentioned in the Book of Mormon are the Pacific and Atlantic. Any large lake, such as the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, qualified as seas to the Nephites. 
23. From the borders of the (immediate) land of Nephi to Zarahemla via the waters of Mormon, land of Helam and valley of Alma, took Alma’s party about 21 days. No plausible rate of travel can make that distance more than 250 miles. No suggested “Nephi” to “Zarahemla” distance in North America comes close to that. Most if not all of these objections based on geography are inferences built on assumptions not required by the text. Even groups traveling by foot could use rivers for part of the journey, which would make travel over hundreds of miles easy.
24. The land of Zarahemla is said to be “nearly surrounded by water” (i.e., seas). No North American geography qualifies. The “i.e., seas” here is another example of strained inferences. Land can be surrounded by rivers as well as seas and lakes.
25. The land northward supported a population of millions (Ether 15: 2) in late Jaredite times. Not only is it manifestly absurd that any “land northward” around the Great Lakes, given the climatic conditions there, could have supported even one-hundredth as many people, but also the archaeology of that region shows only a tiny fraction of the history’s stated number ever to have dwelt there, let alone in Jaredite times when no one lived there but a few hunting tribes. The archaeological record of early settlers describes massive civilizations, including in the Detroit area.
26. Book of Mormon references allow that the “narrow pass” or “narrow passage” between the lands northward and southward was within the narrow neck of land and constitute the sole feasible way for large parties to go northward/southward. No North American geographical arrangement comes close to such an arrangement. Another inference built on assumptions not required by the text.
27. The hill Ramah/Cumorah of the Book of Mormon lay north of the narrow pass/neck, yet the hill in New York state is not so situated. The hill where Joseph found the plates is actually north of most of the Hopewell civilization.
28. King Limhi’s exploring party  (sent from the land of Nephi to find Zarahemla) traversed the narrow neck/narrow pass without even realizing it, for they returned having been to the final Jaredite battleground (at hill Ramah) but supposed that they had only found the ruins of Zarahemla. Anywhere in North America this is impossible.Again, the description of geography in the text could fit many places in North America.
29. The kingdom dominated by the Lamanite king (Alma 22: 27) extended from east sea to the west sea. No North American correlation comes close to fitting with those conditions. Again, the description of geography in the text could fit many places in North America.
30. The hill Cumorah in New York could not plausibly have been a refuge for the 23 survivors of the final battle who were found atop it on the day after the great battle. Had they so much as sneezed their presence would have been detected by the Lamanites. Anyone who has visited the site knows that it is plenty large to hide this many people.
31. Had New York’s hill been the site of the final battle, the 230,000 Nephite dead (not to mention a large number of Lamanite dead—up to half a million total corpses) would have left behind over half a million weapons. Remains on any such scale would have become obvious long since to archaeologists. In fact no weapons of the right period have been found near the place. Many arrowheads have been found in this area, but there are many famous, well-documented battles in history that have not left behind such evidence. For example, wouldn’t the victorious Lamanites have collected useable weapons and armor for use elsewhere? This is common practice in battle.
32. The notion that Lehi’s party sailed around Africa and northward through the South and North Atlantic not only has no historical analogs whatever, but given the winds and currents, it was probably impossible in ancient times and has never been duplicated in modern times.Actually, this is the only plausible route from the Middle East to the Americas and has been replicated by a modern copy of a Phoenician ship from 600 BC.
33. From the land of Nephi Mosiah led his party “down [across a mountainous narrow strip of wilderness] into the land which is called the land of Zarahemla” (distant no more than c. 200 miles; see 23 above). In North America, it is impossible to find such a place. Again, the description of geography in the text could fit many places in North America.
34. West of Zarahemla was the land of Melek (Alma 8: 3-6), “west by the borders of the wilderness.” (That wilderness was adjacent on one side to the land of Zarahemla {Alma 22: 28} and on the other to the west sea {Alma 22: 28}.) No North American area comes close to such an arrangement. Again, the description of geography in the text could fit many places in North America.
35. The Nephites had inhabited the land Bountiful, even from east [sea] unto the west sea, and thus had hemmed in the Lamanites on the south that they could occupy no lands farther north (Alma 22: 33). These statements are meaningless in North America. Again, the description of geography in the text could fit many places in North America.
36. The Nephites gathered all their people (nearly a quarter of a million of them) to the land of Cumorah (Mormon 6: 3-4) for their final battle. Anyone who has spent a winter  in western New York, let alone four of them, must wonder how they survived in their tents and what so many people might have eaten (there is no mention of manna!) Indian tribes thrived in this area for thousands of years until the Europeans came. Indians taught the Europeans how to survive here!
37. Any attempt to put a land northward in, say, Ontario, must face the fact that there is no trace of anything approaching what the Book of Mormon represents as Jaredite society in that area. There are ancient ruins in this area, including the extensive ancient civilization that has been built over in the Detroit area.

So what do you think?

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Who is the judge?

In the Federalist Papers, number 10, James Madison made an important observation:

“No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.  With equal, nay with greater reason, a body of men are unfit to be both judges and parties at the same time.”

Madison wrote about the advantages of a republic over a democracy, but the principle applies to many power structures, including academia.

For decades, one group of people–LDS scholars and educators who promote the Mesoamerican two-Cumorahs theory–has been allowed to be “both judges and parties” on the question of Book of Mormon geography. They have used their control over LDS scholarly publications to confirm their biases about their Mesoamerican two-Cumorahs theory and to exclude publication or even fair consideration of alternatives. This continues today, as I’ve discussed many times on this blog. Look at Book of Mormon Central, for example, which promotes the Mesoamerican two-Cumorahs theory to the exclusion of any other. They won’t even let their readers know that growing numbers of Church members believe there is one Cumorah and it is in New York.

Thanks to the Internet, the two-Cumorahs advocates are losing control of the narrative.

People throughout the Church (and the world outside the Church) are discovering that there are faithful alternatives to the Mesoamerican two-Cumorahs theory.

Those whose faith as been challenged “because of this theory” of two-Cumorahs (to use Joseph Fielding Smith’s phrase) now have alternatives.

Today it is you who is the judge. 

You can make up your own mind, based on all the evidence. You are not bound by the theories of proponents of the Mesoamerican two-Cumorahs theory.

If you know people who have lost their faith in the Book of Mormon because of the Mesoamerican two-Cumorahs theory–and there are plenty of them, as Joseph Fielding Smith warned–you should share with them the teachings of Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith and so many others. Start with affirming the one Cumorah in New York and go from there.

You may find, as I have, that people who have long been estranged from the Church experience renewed interest when they hear that there is evidence to support what Joseph and Oliver said from the outset.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Earthquake zones

I’ve been discussing nuclear energy risks with an environmental science class and the topic of the U.S. came up.

This map from the US Geological Survey is interesting from a Book of Mormon perspective. Here’s the explanation from that site: “n the Central and Eastern United States, earthquakes are felt over a broader area than comparable-size quakes in the Western United States because of differences in geology. Although only of magnitude 6, the earthquake that occurred near Saint Louis in 1895 affected a larger area than the 1994 magnitude 6.7 Northridge, California, quake, which caused $40 billion in damage and economic losses and killed 67 people. A repeat of the 1895 earthquake could prove disastrous for the Midwest, where structures are not as earthquake resistant as those in California.”
Those of us who believe the Book of Mormon took place in North America (Moroni’s America, Heartland, etc.) think the land of Zarahemla was roughly today’s Illinois and Iowa, while the land Bountiful was roughly Indiana and Ohio. The Lamanite land southward was below the Ohio River, with the city of Nephi in southeastern Tennessee. 
Most of the Nephites lived along rivers (or seas we call lakes today). It’s pretty easy to see how an earthquake in this area would have caused the damage described in 3 Nephi, when combined with the tornadoes.
There is a lot more information here:
I’ve discussed all of this before in more detail, but this was a reminder and I posted it here for further consideration.

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus

Two Comic Cons and Beating a Dead Tapir

I’m conflicted between two similar events next week. I have friends going to both. I’ve attended both in the past. I think it’s going to boil down to when Weird Al Yankovic makes his appearance.*

Maybe some of the readers here are trying to decide as well, so here are my thoughts.

The Salt Lake Comic Con is March 17-18, 2017. Here’s the link:

The Provo Comic Con is March 18, 2017. Here’s the link:

Ooops, did I write Provo Comic Con? I meant the BMAF Conference. Sorry.

I got confused because there are both serious and comical elements at each event.

Comic con SLC has serious panels about the industry but also lots of people dressed up in costumes having fun.

Comic con Provo has serious panels about the Book of Mormon but also people having fun by beating dead tapirs.

One of the big conflicts is on Saturday morning:

Comic Con Salt Lake: “Finding Habitable Planets in Outer Space.”
Comic Con Provo: “The Search for Ramah/Cumorah in Veracruz.”

Because we’re far more likely to find habitable planets in outer space than to find Cumorah in Mexico, I guess I’ll have to go to the Salt Lake Comic Con. But I would also like to hear about the comical search for Cumorah in Mexico.

Here’s my guess. They’ll make up a bunch of “requirements” for Cumorah that are not in the text of the Book of Mormon but are only satisfied by Veracruz, Mexico. Then they’ll claim they found the hill (mountain) that fits their requirements. I appreciate clever circular reasoning as well as the next person, but I’ve heard this before. I’ve heard it for decades. They’re beating a dead horse tapir.

Another fun event at Comic Con Provo would be “Frauds and Hoaxes: the Michigan Relics.” This is another event beating a dead horse tapir that I’m sorry to miss.

Everyone knows there were fraudulent Michigan relics related to Soper and Savage, etc. What no one seems to talk about is the artifacts found in Michigan before Soper and Savage were even born; i.e., what were those guys copying? If there was an answer to that, I’d skip the Salt Lake Comic Con and attend the Provo Comic Con. But I think we all know we’re not going to hear that answer at either Comic Con, so I’ll have to stick with Salt Lake Comic Con.



*Weird Al is appearing Friday at noon, so technically it’s not a conflict. But the real Walking Dead event is at noon Saturday in Salt Lake, and I’d rather see that than the Walking Dead Mesoamerican/Two Cumorahs theory on display in Provo.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

The Wentworth letter

If we were living in the United States in 1842, right about now we’d be receiving our copy of the March 1, 1842, Times and Seasons. This issue contains the Wentworth letter, which contains the Articles of Faith.

You can find this issue online here:

You can also see the entire letter here:

There’s an excellent historical introduction here:

I have a 40-page chapter on the Wentworth Letter in my upcoming book, The Editors: Joseph, William, and Don Carlos Smith. We’re going to release it at the conference on April 6.

Here’s an excerpt from that chapter:

The Wentworth letter relates to the authorship of the 900 words because it is a crucial piece of evidence regarding Joseph Smith’s thinking at a critical time. Recall that the thank-you note to John Bernhisel was written and mailed in November, 1841. This is the note that supposedly endorsed a Mesoamerican setting for the Book of Mormon. If Joseph had anything to do with the Bernhisel note (which I don’t think he did), than one would expect him to be consistent in March 1842. Instead of explicitly rejecting Orson Pratt’s hemispheric model, Joseph would have embraced it, or at least limited it to Central America. He could have condensed it and still kept Pratt’s original concept.
But he didn’t. 

Instead, he replaced it with the clarification that the “remnant” of the Book of Mormon people are “the Indians who now inhabit this country.”

Because this point is so crucial, some promoters of the Mesoamerican theory have insisted that when Joseph wrote to Mr. Wentworth and referred to “this country,” he actually meant all of North and South America. That debate is beyond the scope of this book, but there are plenty of online references for anyone interested in following it. 

For my purposes here, it seems unlikely that Joseph was thinking about how someone trying to promote a Mesoamerican setting in the twenty-first century might interpret the phrase. He was writing to a fellow resident of Illinois, knowing the article was intended for publication in the United States. Certainly Mr. Wentworth would understand the phrase to refer to the country in which he and Joseph both lived. If Joseph wanted to convey a hemispheric idea to Wentworth, he would have written “the Indians who live in North and South America” or similar words.


The Wentworth letter is an amazing accomplishment, and not only because of the Articles of Faith. It is a succinct explanation of the history of the Church and Joseph’s own experiences.


Where you can’t see the entire letter is in the lesson manual Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith. The reason: the manual edited the Wentworth letter to omit Joseph’s explanation that the Lamanites are the American Indians living in “this country.”

I discussed the Wentworth letter here, in the context of Orson Pratt’s pamphlet about Church history:

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

How paradigms shift

In the world of science, a consensus among scientists is based on theories that seem to explain natural phenomena the best. When a change in consensus develops, it almost always starts with an individual or a small group. The new idea or theory takes a while to catch the interest of others, and even longer to persuade them to move from the old theories to the new theories.

While the consensus is moving, there are fewer people who have moved to the new idea than there are in the group who still adheres to the old consensus. It’s a transitional phase leading to a tipping point where the majority shift over.

Right now, as of March 2017, the change in consensus about Book of Mormon geography is in the transitional phase. More and more people are abandoning the Mesoamerican theory in favor of the North American setting. Most people probably don’t think about the issue much, but among those who do, most are changing. The last ones to change will probably be the ones who have promoted that theory during their careers.

When we see a shift in a paradigm or consensus, the way you can judge movement in one direction is how many are moving from the minority (North American) position to the majority (Mesoamerican) position, and how many are moving the other way.

In my case, I moved from siding with the majority for several decades to siding with the minority over two years ago. Maybe it’s my own confirmation bias, but in my experience, hundreds of other LDS people have also gone from Mesoamerica to North America. There are actually thousands who have done so in recent years, starting before I joined their ranks. I’m actually unaware of anyone who has moved from the North American setting to the Mesoamerican setting once they are aware of the facts and evidence.

This is a classic pattern leading to a tipping point. The only thing that matters is the direction of movement in the face of new information about Church history, the sciences, and the basic premise of the two-Cumorahs theory.

At this point it’s only a question of when, not whether, the Mesoamerican theory will become a minority position and, ultimately, a footnote in Church history.

It’s also important to recognize there are smart, educated, faithful people on all sides of the Book of Mormon geography question. It’s not a matter of intelligence or testimony. Well-informed, smart people are on multiple sides of many different issues. The question of Book of Mormon geography is mostly a matter of choice among priorities, as well as access to information.

Everyone who chooses a position for whatever reason (the most common reason being what one was taught) and then engages in confirmation bias will become more and more convinced about the chosen position and less and less able to understand the other side.

The intellectual history of this topic strongly favors the Mesoamerican theory because it has been around for decades and has become the consensus view of LDS scholars and educators, which means that most people in the Church have been taught a version of the Mesoamerican theory.

That paradigm has prevailed largely by suppressing and ignoring aspects of Church history that undermine the premise of the Mesoamerican theory; i.e., the two-Cumorahs theory. For example, how many members of the Church today have ever read Letter VII? Although it was published in every Church magazine through the Improvement Era, it has never been published in the Ensign. It is not mentioned in any Church manuals that I’m aware of. And yet, it is one of the most persuasive items on this topic.

Which is why it has been ignored and suppressed, and why there are now LDS scholars and educators seeking to persuade members to disbelieve what Oliver Cowdery wrote about Cumorah.

More information is better than less, so the effort to ignore and suppress Letter VII is doomed to failure. That’s another reason why I think the tipping point in favor of the North American setting is fast approaching.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

George Albert Smith on Cumorah

President George Albert Smith, speaking as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve in General Conference, April 1906, discussed his visit to Cumorah.

“We visited the Hill Cumorah and were accorded the courtesy of going thereon by the wife of Mr. George Sampson, a brother of Admiral Wm. Sampson, who before his death owned the property. When we went up there and looked around, we felt that we were standing on holy ground. The brethren located, as near as they thought was possible, the place from which the plates of the Book of Mormon were taken by the Prophet. We were delighted to be there. Looking over the surrounding country we remembered that two great races of people had wound up their existence in the vicinity, had fought their last fight, and that hundreds of thousands had been slain within sight of that hill. Evidence of the great battles that have been fought there in days gone by are manifest in the numerous spear and arrow-heads that have been found by farmers while plowing in that neighborhood. We were fortunate enough to obtain a few of the arrowheads.” (George Albert Smith, Conference Report, April 1906, Third Day—Morning Session p. 56).

As readers here know, lots of war implements have been found on and near Cumorah.

President Smith’s address was published in the Deseret News on June 30, 1906, here:


I think it’s cool to see what the modern prophets and apostles have said about Cumorah, but as I’ve discussed before, there are LDS scholars who want members of the Church to reject Letter VII and the New York Cumorah. They are saying we cannot pay attention to what modern prophets and apostles have said about Cumorah, with only two exceptions: currently living Apostles and Presidents of the Church when speaking as President. So far as I know, no one in these two categories has mentioned Cumorah publicly.

In other words, these LDS scholars reject anything said or written

1) by modern apostles who have passed away and

2) by Presidents of the Church before they became President.

If that sounds weird to you, you’re not alone. It sounds weird to me as well, but that’s what they’re saying. According to these LDS scholars, you’re supposed to disbelieve what George Albert Smith said in General Conference because he was not President of the Church at the time.

The passage I quoted above was cited at, where it elicited a classic response from a Mesoamerican advocate. It follows the standard Mesomania format; i.e., 1) establish fake criteria designed to describe Mesoamerica that don’t exist in New York, 2) deny the evidence that does exist in North America, and 3) ask why the Book of Mormon doesn’t mention snow (it doesn’t mention weather at all, with one exception, and it never mentions volcanoes, jungles, jade or jaguars (or any other Mesoamerican species.) You have to read it to believe it: They even posted clips from “In Search of Ancient Cumorah.” It’s awesome.

Source: Letter VII