The case for Mesoamerica?

Last week Kirk Magleby, Executive Director of Book of Mormon Central and one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet, wrote an important blog post titled “The Case for Mesoamerica.”

Kirk discusses 11 criteria or parameters that he thinks make a case for Mesoamerica. In my view, he’s done as good a job as possible making his case. But when I read his analysis, I was reminded of a quotation from John Kenneth Galbraith: “Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.”

In this post, I show how Kirk’s 11 criteria make an even stronger case for the North American setting that I call Moroni’s America.

Logo for Book of Mormon Central
The Mayan glyph represents M2C

To be sure, Kirk is not making a case for Mesoamerica alone, but for the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory (M2C). This is a key point that he doesn’t mention, but Kirk is a long-time advocate of the two-Cumorahs theory, which holds that the “real Cumorah” of Mormon 6:6 is in Mexico, not in New York.

Like other M2C promoters, Kirk claims the prophets have erred when they have taught that Cumorah is in New York. He thinks they were merely expressing their opinions. Each was speaking as a man, and each was wrong because the M2C intellectuals know better than the prophets.

Kirk thinks President Ezra Taft Benson was also wrong when he declared that “The learned may feel the prophet is only inspired when he agrees with them, otherwise the prophet is just giving his opinion—speaking as a man…”

For this reason, at the end of this post I add a 12th criterion that completely disqualifies Mesoamerica if you accept Kirk’s 11 criteria.

I greatly respect Kirk and appreciate all he does. He’s the most rational and fair of the M2C promoters I know, so I wanted to call attention to his post.

Plus, he’s not teaching at BYU/CES, so he’s not violating the trust of the students and parents who send their kids to be taught the gospel, and instead discover instructors who teach their students to disbelieve the teachings of the prophets as mere opinions of men.

Readers of this blog should know what the M2C intellectuals think, and Kirk makes their case better than anyone else because he generally avoids the intellectual arrogance that characterizes most of the work of the M2C citation cartel.

Don’t forget, I always encourage people to read the material from the M2C citation cartel, even though they continually seek to censor and suppress my views and the facts I present.

Someday, I hope Kirk will be amenable to allowing a side-by-side comparison and discussion on Book of Mormon Central’s web page, and I think if it was up to Kirk he’d do it tomorrow, but when you look at the forces he’s dealing with there, you can see why this hasn’t happened yet and probably never will.

The M2C intellectuals are literally afraid to let people compare their theories to the material we discuss on this blog.

Kirk starts by making a good point about the urban legends in Mormonism, such as Lehi’s landing in Chile and the purported “baptismal fonts” throughout Latin America (and the rest of the world, for that matter). Kirk summarizes this point this way: “In 1975 I was in New York City on a research project and a well-educated fellow asked me at Church if I was one of those ‘naive people who think every hole in the ground is a baptismal font.'”

That’s an excellent summary of confirmation bias.

Unfortunately, Kirk doesn’t recognize that his entire approach is based on confirmation bias. I’ll explain as I make comments below. Kirk’s original material is in blue, my comments in black.

A couple of days before Christmas, 1974, I visited John L. Sorenson in the American Fork, UT home he built while I was in the mission field. In about five minutes he convinced me that the New World portions of the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica (southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize). More than forty years later, scientific advances have made his logic even more compelling. 

This is as perfect an expression of confirmation bias as you’ll find anywhere. The exact same scientific advances have led Brother Sorenson’s non-LDS peers to become even more skeptical of the Mesoamerican connection to the Book of Mormon, as we saw in a recent interview that I discussed here:

Brother Sorenson convinced Kirk in 5 minutes, but realize that Kirk had returned from a mission to Peru where he had spent some extra time searching for Book of Mormon evidence. If he hadn’t already done so, he was at least predisposed to accepting Brother Sorenson’s rejection of the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah and the North American setting.

It took Brother Sorenson longer than 5 minutes to convince me of the Mesoamerican setting, but he succeeded. For decades I sought to confirm my biases in favor of M2C the way Kirk still is. But eventually a confluence of facts made M2C untenable for me.

I don’t know if Kirk has ever seriously considered these facts. I wish he would, although it is well known that confirmation bias overwhelms facts for most people. I think Kirk has the most open mind of any of the M2C intellectuals because while he has a lot of costs sunk into M2C, he doesn’t have as many as the BYU/CES/COB employees who continue to promote M2C, as I discussed here.

Theoretically, fewer sunk costs mean more objectivity and a more open mind. That’s why “ordinary” members of the Church, once they learn about Letter VII and the teachings of the prophets, readily accept those teachings and reject M2C.

M2C survives only because the M2C intellectuals have (i) imprinted M2C on the minds of LDS students for decades and (ii) successfully suppressed Letter VII and the teachings of the prophets.

These intellectuals rationalize their approach by insisting that their academic standards are so rigorous that they must be correct, which means that the prophets must be wrong about Cumorah. They think that ordinary members are too naive to appreciate both points so they are better off not even knowing what the prophets have taught, or how the sciences validate what the prophets have taught.

With all this in mind, let’s look at Kirk’s 11 criteria and see if they make a case for Mesoamerica (M2C) or North America (Moroni’s America, or MA).

Size.  Book of Mormon travel times, expressed in days, limit how large or small the Nephite known world could possibly have been. 

[While I generally agree with this statement, I also recognize that Mormon only gave us less than 1% of the history and that he expressly declined to even discuss their shipping and building of ships and the activities of the people outside of the specific areas he mentions. What we have in 1,000 years of history is a few accounts of people traveling, mostly between the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla, each of which are vague areas of indeterminate size. I don’t think the limits Kirk claims are required by the text.]

Most serious students [in good M2C fashion, Kirk uses the rhetorical trick of framing anyone who disagrees with him as “not serious.” You see this trick throughout the publications of the citation cartel.] of the text are comfortable with a Nephite world having a maximum extent in the 1,000 kilometer range. 

[Why does Kirk specify 1,000 km? Because of the next sentence.]

Mesoamerica is right in this sweet spot. 

[There it is. The basic M2C approach is to start by answering the question–the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica–and then finding ways to justify the answer. I’ve pointed out that the corporate mission of Book of Mormon Central (and by extension, the entire citation cartel) is “to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican codex.” That’s the bias they constantly seek to confirm. It’s the exact opposite of a serious academic inquiry, which is why the citation cartel uses peer approval instead of actual peer review of their work.]

1,044 Air Kilometers
Kaminaljuyú to Teotihuacan

The distance from Kaminaljuyú (candidate for the southern city of Nephi) to Teotihuacan (candidate for Jacobugath in the extreme north) is 1,044 air kilometers. 

[My proposed geography, described in Moroni’s America, generally fits within the same “size” as Kirk’s approach. It turns out that the distance from Chattanooga, TN (city of Nephi) to Palmyra, NY (Cumorah) is about 1,116 air kilometers, only about 70 km farther than his estimate. But that’s a coincidence because I don’t agree with Kirk’s approach of deciding exactly how far a Nephite could travel in a day. There are too many variables to decide these things with precision. But the point is, even using Kirk’s criteria, his observations about size are as much a case for Moroni’s America as they are a case for Mesoamerica. I score this criterion a tie.]

Middle America Oriented Generally

Orientation. Dozens of references in the text describe Book of Mormon lands oriented generally in a northward/southward direction. Plotting the continental divide (in red) from Alaska to Chile shows that the principal landmass in the Western Hemisphere oriented generally northward/southward as opposed to north/south is Middle America.

BYU Studies map showing M2C
with east/west orientation

[I’m not really sure what point Kirk is making here. Sorenson insists the Nephites didn’t use the terms north and south the way we do because Mesoamerica is oriented east/west. Kirk apparently disagrees with Sorenson on this point, but just look at his first graphic. It shows how Central America is mostly east/west.

The infamous BYU Studies maps of M2C show the same thing.

Close-up showing east/west

In fact, of all the Americas (apart from Panama), the only section that is clearly not “northward/southward” is Mesoamerica.

It seems to me that the northward/southward descriptions disqualify Mesoamerica more than anywhere else in the western hemisphere (apart from Panama). In fact, Brother Sorenson himself recognized that, which is why he concocted the “north means west” theory in his books.

Now, if you look at Moroni’s America, you see that the land northward is always northward of the land southward. This holds true throughout the text, even when they are referring to different areas.

For example, we think that when Mormon made his treaties with the Lamanites, they were using the continental divide south of the Great Lakes. This way, everyone knew which side of the border they were on based on which direction the streams were flowing. They used the northward/southward distinction, but they referred to different boundaries than earlier chapters in the Book of Mormon.

In Moroni’s America, it all makes perfect sense, without the Sorenson-like contortions, or Kirk’s characterization of an east/west orientation as actually northward/southward.

Even if you don’t agree that the Orientation parameter excludes Mesoamerica, the problems with Mesoamerica that Brother Sorenson points out lead me to score this criterion in favor of  Moroni’s America.

Southern Mesoamerica with the Usumacinta River in Red

Geography. The text consistently mentions an East Sea and a West Sea in the Land Southward, with a major river running through the center of the land between both coasts and the whole nearly surrounded by water. Mesoamerica explicitly fits this description.

You notice here that Kirk shows the Usumacinta River as the River Sidon. When you read the M2C citation cartel literature, you see on ongoing debate about whether Sidon is this river or the Grijalva. They all insist the river Sidon flows north even though the text never says it does.

I agree there is a north-flowing river from the land of Nephi to the land of Zarahemla, but it’s called the Tennessee river. That’s not the river that flows past the city of Zarahemla, though; that one is the Sidon, today called the Upper Mississippi.

I agree that Kirk makes a case for Mesoamerica here, so I won’t get into the details of the assumptions he makes. They don’t matter because Moroni’s America fits all these criteria even better than Mesoamerica. The lower Mississippi River is the west sea south, as readers here know by now.

Notice, the text says surrounded by water, but the M2C intellectuals always assume that means surrounded by seas. That’s their interpretation, not what the text says.

In Moroni’s America, these territories were surrounded by water. Water includes seas, lakes, rivers, and even marshes. There was a “small neck of land,” not a narrow neck or a narrow neck of land, between the two regions surrounded by water.

The point of this post is not to explain all the geography; we’re just evaulating Kirk’s criteria. I score the geography as a case for both M2C and MA.

Topography. The Book of Mormon describes mountains, hills, and valleys with significant elevation differences between them. Mesoamerica has highly varied landforms with elevations ranging from sea level to 5,600 meters.

I agree that the Book of Mormon describes mountains, hills and valleys, but the text also refers to plains (e.g., Alma 52:20). This is a critical element of topography, so why doesn’t Kirk list plains?

Easy answer.

Because Joseph Smith said the plains of the Nephites were in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, not in Mesoamerica.

Mountains are not even mentioned in the New World until the book of Helaman. This means that all the accounts of wars in Alma took place in areas that had plains but not mountains (at least, none that are mentioned). Look at Kirk’s map of the Sidon river again. Notice how mountainous the area is. Then ask yourself, if you’re Mormon describing the wars in Alma, why are you talking about plains and not mountains?

The “plains” of the Nephites in Mesoamerica

You see the green areas on Kirk’s map. These are lowlands. Why doesn’t Kirk characterize the lowlands of Yucatan as “plains”?

The definition of a “plain” is “a large area of flat land with few trees.” I’ve spent some time in Yucatan and when you climb to the tops of the temples there and look over the countryside, you see nothing but trees.

The land might be flat, but it’s anything but a “plain.” It’s a jungle, not a plain.

Furthermore, nothing in the text quantifies the elevation of the hills and mountains, let alone supports an inference that Mormon was writing about mountains 5,600 meters high. The difference between a mountain and a hill is relative, not specific. Traditionally in English, a mountain was considered any hill taller than 1,000 feet. (BTW, the summit of the hill Cumorah in New York is 707 feet.) In southern Illinois (land of Zarahemla) there are hills higher than 1,000 feet. D&C 117:8 refers to the “mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman,” an area only a few hundred feet high today.

Overall, I score this criterion as a strong case for Moroni’s America and a case against Mesoamerica.

Climate. The Book of Mormon describes armies going to battle dressed in loin cloths around the new year Alma 43:4, 20. Mesoamerica’s tropical climate works well with this narrative.

The text doesn’t tell us when the “new year” began. Let’s say they lived the law of Moses and started the new year at Passover, which was March 30-April 7 this year. Or maybe Rosh Hashanah, which is Sept. 9-11 this year. Or they might have counted from the time of a significant event, such as the ascension of a king. Or, maybe, they started after the winter solstice. We simply don’t know.

But it doesn’t matter because in the same chapter, the Nephites were wearing “thick clothing.” Later, the Lamanites themselves wore “garments of skins, yea, very thick garments.” A tropical climate does not work well with thick clothing and very thick garments. I got sunstroke in Peru in the jungle by the Amazon once just because I was wearing Levis, and that was at a higher elevation than Mesoamerica.

Last of the Mohicans

I realize the Mayans wore protecting clothing to fight wars, made of plant material but sometimes covered with animal skins. Maybe that’s “thick clothing.” But is it “very thick” as the text states?

Anyone can decide for themselves, but none of this matters because actual native Americans fighting in the French and Indian war, right in the “land northward” of Moroni’s America, also fought in loin cloths.

Plus, Alma 46:40 refers to “some seasons of the year.” In Mesoamerica, there are two seasons: rainy and dry. Otherwise, the climate is always the same. Not so in Moroni’s America, where fevers have long been “very frequent” at “some seasons” because the climate changes, as the people in Nauvoo knew all too well.

The climate criteria doesn’t exclude Mesoamerica, but it makes a stronger case for North America than it does for Mesoamerica.

Geology. Earth scientists who study the Book of Mormon generally conclude that the natural disasters described in the text are best accounted for by a combination of seismic and volcanic activity. Mesoamerica is a land of both earthquakes and volcanoes.

Kirk doesn’t explain why we should care how “earth scientists” interpret the text when Mormon lived in the area and wrote the text without ever once mentioning or even describing volcanoes. This criterion makes a case against Mesoamerica.

Besides, every event described in the text has actually happened within recorded history in the valleys of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. This criteria makes a strong case for Moroni’s America. The absence of volcanoes in the text makes this a case against Mesoamerica.

Demography. The Nephite/Jaredite text describes dense populations in the millions Ether 15:2. Mesoamerica had  dense populations in the millions during Book of Mormon times. For dramatic recent corroboration, see the blog article “LiDAR.”

The logical fallacies here are two-fold, but in my view, the LiDAR data excludes Mesoamerica as even a possible setting for the Book of Mormon, as I explained here:

To Kirk’s point, it’s not the “Nephite/Jaredite” text that describes populations in the millions; it’s only the Jaredite text, and it’s only one verse in which Coriantumr is reflecting on the history of his people.

2. He saw that there had been slain by the sword already nearly two millions of his people, and he began to sorrow in his heart; yea, there had been slain two millions of mighty men, and also their wives and their children.

Two million men, plus their wives and their children, (let’s say a total of 6 million) “had been slain,” but over what period of time? Coriantumr fought for two years of unending wars before being imprisoned for a year. His sons rescued him. He returned to battle but was wounded and spent two years recovering. This is six years of bloody wars already. Then, in the wilderness of Akish, “many thousands” fell by the sword. There were more battles, then Coriantumr took his army into the wilderness for two years to acquire strength. That was followed by a series of bloody wars of indeterminate periods, until the final battles at Ramah/Cumorah. They spent 4 more years gathering the people. But if we do the math, based on the numbers Moroni gives us, the final battle took a week and involved fewer than 10,000 people.

If Coriantumr was referring only to the deaths that happened during his lifetime, and he lived say 60 years, that would be around 100,000 killed per year. That’s consistent with the only description we have; i.e., “many thousands” killed in a significant battle. Maybe he was referring to those killed over 30 years, so 200,000 per year. Or maybe, as I think, he was referring to all his people killed throughout their history, going back generations. “He began to remember the words which Ether had spoken unto him.” (Ether 15:1). Coriantumr’s ancestors rejected previous prophets who had prophesied of the destruction of the people if they didn’t repent. I think Coriantumr was reflecting on all his people who had been killed, going back generations. This means the population at any given time would have been much smaller than the millions killed over their history.

Of course, up until Ramah, people were surviving the wars. We simply cannot say from the text how many Jaredites there were.

And the number of Jaredites has essentially no relevance to the number of Nephites there were. I think the estimates of millions of Nephites/Lamanites is not even suggested by the text, let alone required by it.

The numbers actually spelled out in the text are consistent with the archaeology and anthropology of Moroni’s America, so in my view, this criterion makes a strong case for Moroni’s America, but I can see the logic in Kirk’s case for Mesoamerica so I’ll score it even.

Civilization. The Book of Mormon unambiguously describes what cultural anthropologists call “state level society” aka high civilization. See the blog article entitled “State Level Society.” In the Western Hemisphere, only Mesoamerica achieved this degree of cultural sophistication during Book of Mormon times.

I addressed this point here:

In my view, this criterion doesn’t necessary exclude Mesoamerica, but it makes a stronger case for Moroni’s America.

Literacy. The Book of Mormon clearly describes widespread literacy Mosiah 2:8 with multiple writing systems. In the Americas, only Mesoamerica had widespread literacy with multiple scripts in use during Book of Mormon times.

This has always seemed like a bizarre argument to me. The M2C intellectuals have changed their mind on this over the years. Originally, they recognized that most of the Book of Mormon people were illiterate; i.e., the more numerous people of Zarahemla, who were illiterate for hundreds of years before Mosiah taught them language, and the Lamanites who sought to destroy written records from at least the time of Enos through Moroni. Once, the Nephites taught the Lamanites to write, but this was so remarkable that Mormon made special mention of it.

None of that matters, though, because the language used in Mesoamerica was definitely neither Hebrew nor Egyptian, which was the language used by the Book of Mormon people. If you go to China today and you don’t speak, read or write Chinese, you are effectively illiterate even if you can read and write in English. The presence of a unique Mayan writing system is zero evidence of the existence of a group of Hebrews in Mesoamerica.

The only engraved stone mentioned in the text is the one Coriantumr left with the people of Zarahemla, and they couldn’t even read it. There were no engraved stone records of kings and conquests like we find in Mesoamerica.

What we should be looking for is a widespread, sophisticated society that left no writing. As Moroni said, if the Lamanites found the records they would destroy them. Presumably they were successful with all the records except the ones Moroni and Mormon hid in the hill Cumorah.

What we should be looking for is what we actually find in Moroni’s America. I score this a case for MA and a case against M2C.

Architecture. The Nephites built with stone Alma 48:8 and cement Helaman 3:7, 9, 11, materials that tend to preserve well in archaeological contexts. Stone and cement as building materials are attested in Mesoamerican archaeology. See the blog article “Top 10 Archaeological Evidences for the Book of Mormon.”

Here Kirk identifies the sole reference anywhere in the text to building with stone. Let’s take a look:

Yea, he had been strengthening the armies of the Nephites, and erecting small forts, or places of resort; throwing up banks of earth round about to enclose his armies, and also building walls of stone to encircle them about, round about their cities and the borders of their lands; yea, all round about the land.

The Nephites “erected” small forts. As a verb, the term means to “build, construct or put up.” As an adjective, the term means “upright, straight, perpendicular.” The context, then, indicates building with timber, as in Alma 50:

2 And upon the top of these ridges of earth he caused that there should be timbers, yea, works of timbers built up to the height of a man, round about the cities.

3 And he caused that upon those works of timbers there should be a frame of pickets built upon the timbers round about; and they were strong and high.

Alma 53:4 describes it this way:

4 And he caused that they should build a breastwork of timbers upon the inner bank of the ditch; and they cast up [erected] dirt out of the ditch against the breastwork of timbers; and thus they did cause the Lamanites to labor until they had encircled the city of Bountiful round about with a strong wall of timbers and earth, to an exceeding height.

The Nephites built defenses primarily with earth and timber, but they “also” built “walls of stone” around their cities and borders. Such walls of stone are common throughout human societies, of course. When new people come in, they either use the same walls or tear them down to make new walls or houses or roads.

Nowhere in the text does anyone build anything other than a wall out of stone. Certainly no massive stone pyramids.

Kirk emphasizes that “Stone and cement as building materials are attested in Mesoamerican archaeology.”

But this is a case against Mesoamerica.

The text never once mentions building with stone and cement. Instead, it mentions building with wood and cement. In fact, they only used cement once, and then only to let trees to grow so “that in time they might have timber to build their houses, yea, their cities, and their temples, and their synagogues, and their sanctuaries, and all manner of their buildings.” Hel. 3:9.

Here we see that they built all their buildings out of wood, not stone.

In Moroni’s America, we find that the people living in the Book of Mormon time frame built primarily with earth and timber, but also sometimes with cement. After all, the only known Nephite cement was the cement Moroni used on the hill Cumorah in New York.

This criterion makes a strong case against Mesoamerica and a strong case for Moroni’s America.

Chronology. The Book of Mormon chronicles events from ca. 2,300 BC to AD 421. Plausible Mesoamerican settings are attested archaeologically in those time frames. Some of the temporal correspondences are striking as in the blog article “75 BC.”

Humans were living throughout the Earth between 2,300 B.C and AD 421. This is true of Mesoamerica and Moroni’s America both, as archaeologists have long known. I agree with Kirk that this makes a case for Mesoamerica–the case against Mesoamerica would be zero human habitation there during this time frame–but makes just as much a case for Moroni’s America (or anywhere else in the world where people were living during those periods). I score this criterion even for both settings.

Metallurgy in Book of Mormon times is well attested in the Andes. Seeds from the Levant or Arabia would thrive in Baja California. Some statements by Joseph Smith and his contemporaries do refer to the modern United States of America. Some Book of Mormon passages can be interpreted to lend support to an “intimate” aka small-scale geographic model. Viewed comprehensively, though, the preponderance of contextual clues in the Book of Mormon text favor a Mesoamerican setting which is why most LDS scholars today look for correlations in that area.

I like the way Kirk acknowledges some evidence that contradicts M2C. But he left out criterion #12, which for me is the most important.

Criterion #12: Cumorah is in New York. 

Well, if we believe the prophets, it’s in New York.

Kirk and the other M2C intellectuals teach that the prophets have all been wrong about Cumorah. They teach that President Cowdery lied when he said it was a fact that the final battles took place in the mile-wide valley west of the hill in New York where Joseph found the plates. They teach that all the prophets who have quoted Letter VII and testified that Cumorah is in New York were wrong. They were merely expressing their opinions, according to Kirk.

I couldn’t disagree more with the M2C intellectuals on this point.

Why do these intellectuals repudiate the prophets? Why do teachers at BYU and CES, and employees in the Church Office Building, insist the prophets are wrong?

Solely to defend their Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory.

BYU Studies map that teaches
the prophets are wrong about Cumorah

Kirk didn’t address Cumorah, but it is implicit in everything he wrote in his case for Mesoamerica. You can see it right here in the BYU Studies map of M2C.

It’s also in the fantasy map being taught throughout CES and BYU.

By itself, the New York Cumorah doesn’t exclude any other possible geography. It is consistent with the hemispheric model or any limited geography model that includes the New York Cumorah.

The M2C intellectuals insist the prophets are wrong solely because they have painted themselves into a Mesoamerican corner that requires that the prophets are wrong!

The prophets have consistently and persistently taught two things:

1. Cumorah is in New York.
2. We don’t know for sure where the other events took place.

The M2C intellectuals seek to conflate those teachings and thereby deceive members of the Church into thinking the prophets have never taught that Cumorah is in New York.

This is reckless and inexcusable, in my view. I think all the M2C intellectuals who teach that the prophets are wrong are violating the trust that has been placed on them, and they should change their minds ASAP.

They can keep Mesoamerica if they want, but they can’t continue to repudiate the prophets about the New York Cumorah.

Even if you reject the specific, repeated teachings of the prophets, the relevant archaeology, anthropology, and geology all point to Cumorah as the area where a significant civilization from Ohio vanished around 400 A.D.

But in my view, there is no point in having prophets if we say they are wrong when we disagree with them. 

And I hope that someday, Kirk and maybe some of the other M2C intellectuals will agree with that.

Then we will all be united, supporting the prophets and declaring to the world that Cumorah is in New York, that there is abundant evidence of the Book of Mormon established by non-LDS scientists, and that therefore everyone in the world needs to take the Book of Mormon seriously.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Yanny/Laurel and the Book of Mormon

The Yanny/Laurel phenomenon illustrates fascinating aspects of human perception and psychology. If you haven’t tried it yet, you can see it on my main twitter feed:

 Basically, people hear different words from the same recording depending on which frequency they are most attuned to. Yesterday afternoon I heard “Yanny.” This morning I’m hearing “Laurel.” Maybe that means my hearing changes during the day, or maybe it is temperature driven.

At any rate, there are lots of explanations on the Internet right now. Steven Pinker summarized it this way:

The illusion teaches much about perception: Sensory input is ambiguous; brain groups elements into coherent guess about worldly source; locks onto guess, perceives elements accordingly. 1st guess may be arbitrary; futile to explain why people differ.

Here’s one what allows you to hear both words:

How does this relate to the Book of Mormon?

We have faithful members of the Church looking at exactly the same evidence and reading exactly the same scriptures yet reaching different conclusions about the geography, anthropology, archaeology, etc.

Here’s a comparison table. See which version of the evidence you “hear” as you go through the list.

To decide whether you think Cumorah (Mormon 6:6) is in New York or elsewhere, you can check the box next to each proposition. 1-17 are statements of historical fact; i.e., people involved made these statements. 18-20 are conclusions. 

1. When Moroni first visited Joseph Smith, he said the record was “written and deposited” not far from Joseph’s home. (Letter IV)
2. Joseph Smith obtained the original set of plates from a stone box Moroni constructed out of stone and cement in the Hill Cumorah in New York.
3. Mormon said he buried all the Nephite records in the Hill Cumorah (Morm. 6:6), which was the scene of the final battles of the Nephites, except for the plates he gave to his son Moroni to finish the record.
4. Orson Pratt explained that Moroni deposited the plates in “a department of the hill separate from the great, sacred depository of the numerous volumes hid up by his father.”
5. Brigham Young said Oliver told him that he (Oliver) and Joseph had made at least two visits to a room in the Hill Cumorah in New York that contained piles of records and ancient Nephite artifacts.
6. Heber C. Kimball talked about Father Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and others seeing records upon records piled upon tables in the hill Cumorah.
7. When Joseph and Oliver finished translating the original set of plates in Harmony, PA, Joseph gave the plates to a divine messenger who took them to Cumorah.
8. In Fayette, NY, Joseph and Oliver translated the plates of Nephi.
9. Oliver Cowdery said it was a fact that the valley west of the Hill Cumorah in New York was the location of the final battles of the Nephites and Jaredites (Letter VII).
10. Joseph Smith had his scribes to copy Oliver’s letters, including Letter VII, into his journal as part of his history.
11. Joseph Smith gave express permission to Benjamin Winchester to republish Oliver’s letters, including Letter VII, in his 1841 newspaper called the Gospel Reflector.
12. Joseph Smith gave Don Carlos Oliver’s letters, including Letter VII, to republish in the Church newspaper called the Times and Seasons (T&S) in 1840-41.
13. Letter VII was republished in the Millennial Star and the Improvement Era and in an 1844 pamphlet in England.
14. D&C 128:20 reads, “And again, what do we hear? Glad tidings from Cumorah! Moroni, an angel from heaven, declaring the fulfilment of the prophets—the book to be revealed,” followed by references to other events that took place in New York.
15. To date, apart from Moroni’s stone box and the plates and other objects Joseph Smith possessed and showed to the Witnesses, no artifact or archaeological site that can be directly linked to the Book of Mormon has been found anywhere.
16. Every LDS who was alive during Joseph Smith’s lifetime, and several prophets and apostles since, accepted the New York hill Cumorah as the scene of the final battles, including in General Conference addresses. No General Conference address has ever claimed Cumorah was anywhere but in New York.
17. As an Apostle and Church Historian, Joseph Fielding Smith said the two-Cumorah theory caused members to become confused and disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. He reiterated this when he was President of the Quorum of the Twelve in the 1950s in his book Doctrines of Salvation.
18. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were merely speculating about the location of Cumorah. They were wrong and they misled the Church.
19. Joseph Fielding Smith was wrong when he criticized the two-Cumorahs theory and maintained that Cumorah is in New York.
20. Anthony Ivins, Marion G. Romney, and Mark E. Peterson were all wrong when they spoke in General Conference about Cumorah being in New York.


Those who think Cumorah is in New York agree with 1-17 and disagree with 18-20.
Those who think Cumorah is elsewhere, as taught by BYU/CES and the Correlation Department, disagree with some or all of 1-17 and agree with 18-20.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

While I was gone…

When I was in Europe, people told me about a particularly egregious No-wise published by Book of Mormon Central America. Because it was republished by the M2C citation cartel, and because it is such a wonderful compilation of the work of the M2C intellectuals, I decided to go ahead and address it here:


For over two years, I’ve thought about responding to a book on Church history that I first found interesting and then found disastrous. I’ve been reluctant to do so because the authors are nice guys who undoubtedly have good intentions.

But so far as I can tell, people are accepting the authors’ opinions without question. Basically they’re saying Joseph didn’t really use the plates to translate the Book of Mormon. Instead, the plates remained covered up while Joseph merely read the translation off the stone in the hat.

This view is taking over the Church History Department and the Joseph Smith Papers. I’ve heard it at BYU Education Week. Presumably the Correlation Department endorses this view and it will show up in the curriculum. It’s already in the new Church videos.

Because of a few things that have happened recently, it’s time for me to discuss the book in detail. I’ll post an analysis next week.

As always, I welcome comments and input by email. I continue to learn a lot from readers!

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

No-wise # 431 – if you tell a lie often enough

No-wise #431 is maybe my favorite No-wise so far. As a compilation of the “best of” the sophistry that Book of Mormon Central (BOMC) has been perpetrating for years, it is an awesome display of confirmation bias.

No-wise graphic focusing on Central America to promote
the corporate goal of Book of Mormon Central America

This No-wise is part of the pattern of deception that we continue to see. BOMC typically quotes from anti-Mormon references while omitting the teachings of the prophets, and this No-wise is a prime example.

You can see it here:

It has been republished throughout the citation cartel.

When people told me about this No-wise, I was out of the country and didn’t have time to look at it. Now that I have, I’m reminded of a well-known quotation:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State [i.e., the M2C citation cartel] can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels

In this case, the truth is the greatest enemy of M2C (the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory) which BOMC promotes by teaching that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah. To persuade people to accept M2C, BOMC intentionally deceives members of the Church with material such as No-wise #431.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but BOMC has used these tactics since its inception. That’s why we call them Book of Mormon Central America (BOMCA).

BTW, remember that whenever you read a BOMCA No-wise, it is designed to fulfill the goal of their corporate owner BMAF:

Our goals are (1) to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican codex,

They are expressly, by their own admission, not interested in pursuing the truth. Instead, they are completely dedicated to pursuing the M2C agenda.

I’ve offered to do a quick peer review of BOMCA’s material before they release it, but for some reason they’ve rejected my offer. Instead, I’ll illustrate what my peer review would have looked like for this No-wise. These comments reflect solely my own opinion.

The original text of the No-wise is in black, with my comments in red and my emphasis in bold. Some of the more detailed points I put in my own footnotes, designated by capital letters (e.g., nA.). It’s easy to go to the footnotes by searching the page in your browser for the capital letter with an “n” before it and a period after it.

The Know

Readers of the Book of Mormon may wonder, at times, where in the Americas the events described took place. [The “Americas” is a term used by the revisionist historians to promote M2C. If you do a search in the Joseph Smith Papers for the term “Americas,” you get 13 results. All of them are in the notes written by the revisionist historians who are helping the citation cartel promote M2C. In other posts I’ve shown how the revisionist historians are deceiving Church members by replacing what Moroni actually told Joseph (he referred to “this country” and “this continent,” as well as Cumorah) by instead teaching that Moroni referred vaguely to “the Americas.”]
Were the Nephites and Lamanites spread throughout both North and South America or did Book of Mormon events occur within a more confined area? nA. Where did Lehi’s ship land? Where were famous Book of Mormon cities, like Zarahemla and Bountiful, or the epic battlefields of the Nephites and Lamanites, such as Cumorah?
Interest in answering these questions began almost immediately after the Book of Mormon was published. [According to Joseph Smith,nB. Moroni instructed him about these questions even before he got the plates. Joseph’s mother verified that Moroni told Joseph these things, including the name and location of Cumorah, long before he got the plates. M2C intellectuals don’t want people to know this because they insist Joseph was too ignorant to know anything about Book of Mormon locations, so he had to learn from a travel book (see below) and eventually be corrected by the latter-day intellectuals at BYU/CES.] 
Only months later, a group of missionaries, including Oliver Cowdery, were apparently telling people in Ohio that Lehi “landed on the coast of Chile.”1 
[This is a delightful reference that illustrates the way BOMC tries to sow confusion. The No-wise cites a facsimile of the article that’s difficult to read, but you can find it here: Just search the page for “Chili” and you’ll see the reference. Notice that this newspaper account is highly critical and mocks the missionaries. It claims these missionaries told people someone stole some of their plates of gold (an apparent misunderstanding of the lost 116 pages). The article doesn’t say which of the missionaries taught about “Chili” but Parley P. Pratt and his brother Orson did later say that, which I addressed here. Pratt clearly delineated between the speculative nature of the Chile landing and the certain location of Cumorah in New York.
More important is what BOMC doesn’t tell readers. Parley P. Pratt recorded Elder Cowdery’s speech to the Lamanites during this same mission to Ohio. Elder Cowdery taught that “This Book, which contained these things, was hid in the earth by Moroni, in a hill called by him Cumorah, which hill is now in the state of New York, near the village of Palmyra, in Ontario County.” (Autobiography of P.P. Pratt p 56-61, online here.)
Whenever you read material published by the M2C citation cartel, you will see examples of them quoting from anti-Mormon references while omitting the teachings of the prophets that contradict M2C.]
A couple of years later, W. W. Phelps linked the land of Desolation to the mid-western United States, ranging from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains.2 The next year, Phelps got a hold of reports about ancient ruins in Guatemala with stones “cemented by mortar,” and argued that this find was “good testimony in favor of the Book of Mormon,” specifically the account in Helaman 3:3–11.3
[M2C intellectuals cite Phelps almost as often as they cite early anti-Mormon literature because Phelps wrote a lot of speculative material linking the Book of Mormon to Central America. He was helping to edit the 1842 Times and Seasons in Nauvoo, a topic we’ll discuss below. But he was never called as an apostle or prophet. If we stick with the words of the prophets, we avoid the confusion that enables M2C because the prophets have consistently and repeatedly made two points clear: (1) Cumorah is in New York and (ii) we don’t know for sure where the other events took place.]
Clearly, for early Latter-day Saints, events in the Book of Mormon were believed to have spanned the entire Western Hemisphere. 
[Rhetoricians use “clearly” to fool readers into thinking their point is actually clear, but look at how this sentence is worded. It uses the passive voice with an indefinite “early LDS” so it cannot be falsified. Available writings show that some early LDS believed the Book of Mormon took place throughout the hemisphere, but that was not a universal belief, as demonstrated by the disparity between the theories of Lehi landing in Chile and him landing in Panama.]
Any and all ancient or pre-Columbian ruins and artifacts found throughout North, Central, and South America (known as a “hemispheric” geography approach) were quickly accepted as evidence of Book of Mormon peoples. [Again, this is a broad generalization that reflects the expressed opinions of a handful of writers, including whoever wrote anonymous articles in the Times and Seasons.]
Even Joseph Smith was not above the fray. [“Fray” is an ideal characterization of the way the M2C intellectuals like to frame the discussion. A “fray” is “a usually disorderly or protracted fight, struggle, or dispute.” M2C intellectuals frame the questions this way because it enables them to (i) cast doubt on the teachings of the prophets and (ii) portray themselves as the only ones “qualified for the ministry” of resolving the “dispute.” Those of us who accept the teachings of the prophets think Joseph was well above the fray. He was perfectly consistent and confident. He never once linked the Book of Mormon to anyplace other than North America, and everything he said or wrote put the Book of Mormon in North America, with Cumorah in New York, as we’ll see below.]
In a letter to Emma while marching with Zion’s camp in 1834, Joseph Smith described their travels as “wandering over the plains of the Nephites” and “picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity.”4
[Note what this excerpt omits. Here is the full quotation: “wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionaly the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity.” Joseph was not merely picking up bones as proof; he was recounting the history of the Book of Mormon while crossing Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Every person who participated on Zion’s Camp who ever wrote about Cumorah affirmed that it was in New York. No one ever questioned that key point.
In nC. below, I examine the spin in footnote 4. The Joseph Smith Papers have devolved into part of the M2C citation cartel, and this note is a good example.]
Years later, Joseph Smith received a book on Central American ruins as a gift. In a letter thanking the giver, he stated that it “corresponds with & supports the testimony of the Book of Mormon.”5 
[Joseph purportedly wrote this letter just a few days after purportedly receiving these two volumes of travel books that are over 600 pages long. The letter is not in Joseph’s handwriting; it is not even signed by him. Apart from this letter, there is no evidence that Joseph ever read or cared about these books. I think the historical evidence demonstrates that Wilford Woodruff composed the letter. Woodruff wrote about reading these travel books during his trip from New York, where he got them, and Nauvoo. I’ve explained all of this in detail on several blog posts and in Chapter 7 of my book, The Editors: Joseph, William and Don Carlos Smith. Before BOMC refused to publish my rebuttals to their criticisms of my work, I donated an early version of Chapter 7, which you can read in their archive here:
The M2C dogma that Joseph Smith read these two travel books within a few days and relied on them to change his mind from what Moroni had taught him about the Nephites is laughable on its face, but that’s what the M2C intellectuals want people to believe. The evidence of Wilford Woodruff’s authorship is overwheming. As Woodruff noted a few months later, Joseph barely had time to sign his name to important documents prepared  by others. In this case, Joseph didn’t even bother to sign his name to a purportedly personal letter.
Footnote 5 goes to an article in the Interpreter, a charter member of the M2C citation cartel. I’ve discussed all of this in considerable detail on my blog that peer reviews Interpreter articles. For example, see here:
You can see much more detail on this by searching for “Bernhisel” on that blog.]
In 1842, while Joseph Smith was the editor, the Times and Seasons published several articles highlighting ruins in Central America as evidence for the Book of Mormon.6 
[Note 6 is awesome. I’ve addressed all of these references in detail in my blogs and books, which you can see by searching for key words on the blogs. Here’s an example: 
The issue boils down to whether Joseph Smith wrote anonymous, speculative articles. Everyone agrees that the boilerplate at the end of the Times and Seasons during much of 1842 said that the paper was printed, edited and published by Joseph Smith. Everyone also agrees that Joseph did not spend his time in the print shop setting type and operating the printing press. IOW, he was not literally the printer. He was the nominal printer; i.e., the printer in name only. Likewise, he was merely the nominal editor. There is zero historical evidence that he actually did any editing of the newspaper. To the contrary, there are specific times when he didn’t even know what the paper contained until after it was printed, which I’ve documented in my blogs and books about Nauvoo (The Lost City of Zarahemla, Brought to Light, and The Editors). This historical evidence is available for anyone to see, but the M2C intellectuals ignore it completely because it contradicts their narrative. 
Basically, I think William Smith was the acting editor of the Times and Seasons. Everyone acknowledges he was editing and publishing the Wasp from the same print shop and that the two papers shared editorial content. I think William published the anonymous editorials he got from Benjamin Winchester partly because Winchester had been silenced and partly because William and W.W. Phelps also edited those anonymous editorials. I think Joseph had nothing to do with them and resigned after the infamous (and anonymous) “Zarahemla” article was published in October 1842 because he realized these things could be attributed to him so long as his name was on the paper. There’s a lot more involved, which I’ve explained in detail for anyone to see.]
Like his peers, the Prophet evidently believed that all ancient ruins and artifacts spanning across the American continents were evidence of Book of Mormon lands and peoples.
[Truly awesome rhetoric. First, who was a “peer” of Joseph Smith when it came to the Book of Mormon? The only possible peer was President Cowdery, who was present for most of the translation, who handled the plates, who entered Mormon’s depository of Nephite records, and who received all the Priesthood keys together with Joseph Smith. And yet, the M2C intellectuals adamantly reject what President Cowdery taught (Letter VII and elsewhere). 
The M2C intellectuals claim they know what Joseph “evidently believed” based on these anonymous articles that made claims even the M2C intellectuals reject (such as the claim that Zarahemla was in Quirigua and that the post-classic Mayan ruins were built by Nephites). In fact, all the statements that can be directly attributed to Joseph, or that were specifically endorsed by him, point to North America and the New York Cumorah. M2C survives only by characterizing Joseph as an ignorant speculator who misled the Church, a characterization that I completely reject on principle and also because it is not supported by actual evidence.]
Although most early Latter-day Saints had a hemispheric understanding of Book of Mormon geography, there was no universally accepted model of Book of Mormon lands, and different opinions persisted about several topics. For example, while the idea that Lehi landed in Chile would grow to become a widespread tradition in the Church,7 under Joseph Smith’s editorship, the Times and Seasons stated that Lehi “landed a little south of the Isthmus of Darien,” that is, just south of Panama.8 In 1842, Parley P. Pratt seemed to place Desolation in Central America, contrary to Phelps earlier identification.9
[This reflects the two things that the prophets have consistently and repeatedly taught; i.e., (i) that Cumorah (Mormon 6:6) is in New York and (ii) we don’t know for sure where the other events took place.]
Careful analysis of early writings on Book of Mormon geography reveals a diversity of ideas and opinions on the location of nearly every Book of Mormon place.10 [Except Cumorah, which the M2C intellectuals won’t tell you.]
By 1890, President George Q. Cannon noted there were several different and conflicting Book of Mormon geographies in circulation, and “no two of them … agree on all points.” President Cannon then made clear that the First Presidency did not endorse any of these maps because, “The word of the Lord or the translation of other ancient records is required to clear up many points now so obscure.”11 
[President Cannon’s 1890 comment is correct and consistent with all the teachings of the prophets. But so are the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah, which is a separate issue. In fact, President Cannon’s fellow counselor in the First Presidency, Joseph F. Smith, republished Letter VII in the Improvement Era in 1899, which you can see here:
This is yet another example of the consistent teachings of the prophets that (i) Cumorah is in New York and (ii) we don’t know where the other events took place. M2C intellectuals keep confusing people by conflating these two separate points. I’ve explained this in more detail here: 

The Why

The number of maps has only grown over the course of the 20th and into the 21st century as many have continued to propose various models.12 While questions of geography are far from settled, our understanding of the book’s physical setting has improved thanks to the increasingly more rigorous work of many scholars interested in questions of Book of Mormon geography. For example, today most proposals focus only on a specific area or region of the American continent, because more careful study has made it clear that the scope of Book of Mormon lands must be limited.13
[This is a striking claim. Those of us who accept what the prophets have taught about the New York Cumorah, Zelph, and Joseph’s letter to Emma think Joseph Smith himself limited the lands of the Book of Mormon to North America; specifically, the territory of the United States circa 1842. It was the early speculators and latter-day intellectuals who concocted the hemispheric and M2C geographies.]
But through all of this the Church has continued to maintain a stance of neutrality, as expressed by President Cannon in 1890.14 
[See how the M2C intellectuals try to cause confusion about Cumorah? Here they don’t even acknowledge President Smith’s republication of Letter VII in 1899.]
Even the location of the final Nephite and Jaredite battles has been considered uncertain.15 
[We knew they would cite the phony fax as soon as we saw the title of this No-wise. This fax was plagiarized from the Encyclopedia of Mormonism article on Cumorah written by David Palmer, who cites his own book to cast doubt on the teachings of the prophets. It is not only circular reasoning, but it is deceptive and unscholarly to create doctrine this way. I’ve addressed all of this in detail here 
Nothing said on the topic by Church leaders, past or present—Joseph Smith included—is recognized as revelation. As apostle John A. Widtsoe said, “As far as can be learned, Joseph Smith, translator of the book, did not say where, on the American continent, Book of Mormon activities occurred.”16
[This gets to the fundamental point made by the M2C intellectuals. Notice how they refer here to “revelation.” They reject what the prophets have consistently and repeatedly taught, including in General Conference, so long as the prophets have not specifically claimed a revelation. If that’s the standard, then why do we bother with General Conference, the handbook of instructions, etc? The intellectuals claim that anything taught by the prophets that disagrees with their M2C dogma is merely the opinion of men. Of this point, President Benson taught, The learned may feel the prophet is only inspired when he agrees with them, otherwise the prophet is just giving his opinion—speaking as a man…

The M2C intellectuals claim to be the authorities on the Book of Mormon. Some of them have told me that we should follow them, not the prophets, on these issues. They’ve told me that when the Brethren have questions about the Book of Mormon, they call the people at Book of Mormon Central for answers.
Before you choose the intellectuals over the prophets, consider carefully what the prophets have actually taught. You should start with Letter VII and then consider this post:
For me, when the prophets speak in General Conference and specifically testify and witness that their teachings are true, I accept their teachings. But if you’re an M2C intellectual, you reject their teachings as mere opinions. 
In fact, the M2C intellectuals look down on the prophets because they don’t have the academic credentials that the intellectuals claim gives them the authority to determine what Joseph Smith thought, and to determine that the prophets are wrong. 
Even while remaining officially neutral, however, several Church leaders have encouraged appropriate and diligent study of the topic, even recommending how to properly study it out. 
[Coming from Book of Mormon Central America, this statement drips with irony. BOMCA refuses to allow alternative viewpoints–including those of the prophets–on their web site. This No-wise itself is a perfect example of quoting anti-Mormon sources and omitting what the prophets have taught. 
To study something means to assess all the facts and evidence, using sound reasoning, considering multiple perspectives and interpretations. That is the antithesis of BOMCA’s approach. Instead, they carefully select evidence that supports their corporate mission of framing the Book of Mormon as a Mayan text and suppress contrary evidence. They refuse to allow even a dialog about alternative ideas. In my view, their approach is intentionally deceitful and should be called out at every opportunity.]
President Cannon, for instance, wrote, “there can be no harm result from the study of the geography of this continent at the time it was settled by Nephites, drawing all the information possible from the record which has been translated for our benefit.”17 Elder James E. Talmage said:
The fact is, the Book of Mormon does not give us precise and definite information whereby we can locate those places with certainty. I encourage and recommend all possible investigation, comparison and research in this matter. The more thinkers, investigators, workers we have in the field the better; but our brethren who devote themselves to that kind of research should remember that they must speak with caution and not declare as demonstrated truths points that are not really proved.18
Ultimately, as several leaders have stressed, while the subject is of interest and has value, readers should not let it distract them from true purpose of the Book of Mormon. Elder Russell M. Nelson explained that he has “read much that has been written about” the Book of Mormon, including studies of “its language structure or its records of weapons, geography, animal life, techniques of buildings, or systems of weights and measures.” Yet, “Interesting as these matters may be, study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ.”19
[All LDS believers heartily agree with President Nelson’s statement here. The reason we love the Book of Mormon is because it teaches about Christ.
But the quotation is a non sequitur to this article, which seeks to persuade people to disbelieve the prophets. 
The Title Page itself says the Book of Mormon is intended to convince people that Jesus is the Christ. That purpose is thwarted when we have M2C intellectuals openly repudiating the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah. 
President Cowdery and Joseph Smith thought it was important to establish the New York Cumorah as a fact to counter the anti-Mormon claims that the book was fiction. Now the M2C intellectuals use those same anti-Mormon sources to counter the claims of the prophets.]

Further Reading

Matthew Roper, “Limited Geography and the Book of Mormon: Historical Antecedents and Early Interpretations,” FARMS Review 16, no. 2 (2004): 225–275.
John E. Clark, “Book of Mormon Geography,” in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4 vols., ed. Daniel H. Ludlow (New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing, 1992), 1:176–179.
John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book, rev. ed. (Provo, UT: FARMS, 1992).
  • 1.The Golden Bible, or, Campbellism Improved,” Observer and Telegraph (Hudson, Ohio), November 18, 1830, spelling modernized.
  • 2.W. W. Phelps, “The Far West,” The Evening and the Morning Star 1, no. 5, October 1832.
  • 3.W. W. Phelps, “Discovery of Ancient Ruins in Central America,” The Evening and the Morning Star, 1, no. 9, February 1833; spelling and capitalization altered.
  • 4.Joseph Smith to Emma Smith, June 4, 1834, pp. 57–58, online at Many historians believe this is alluding to the Zelph incident. For more information, see Book of Mormon Central, “Who Was Zelph? (Helaman 6:6),” KnoWhy 336 (July 7, 2017).
  • 5.Joseph Smith to John M. Berhnisel, November 16, 1841, online at See Matthew Roper, “John Bernhisel’s Gift to a Prophet: Incidents of Travel in Central America and the Book of Mormon,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 16 (2015): 207–253.
  • 6.Traits of the Mosaic History, Found among the Azteca Nations,” Times and Seasons 3, no. 16, June 15, 1842, 818–820; “American Antiquities,” Times and Seasons 3, no. 18, July 15, 1842, 858–860; “Extract from Stephens’ ‘Incidents of Travel in Central America’,” Times and Seasons 3, no. 22, September 15, 1842, 911–915; “Facts are Stubborn Things,” Times and Seasons 3, no. 22, September 15, 1842, 921–922; “Zarahemla,” Times and Seasons 3, no. 23, October 1, 1842, 927–928. Motivated by geographical theories which are contradicted by these articles, some have tried to distance Joseph Smith from their authorship and publication. Both historical and statistical analysis, however, strongly support Joseph’s involvement with these articles. See Matthew Roper, “Joseph Smith, Revelation, and Book of Mormon Geography,” FARMS Review 22, no. 2 (2010): 70–83; Matthew Roper, Paul J. Fields, Atul Nepal, “Joseph Smith, the Times and Seasons, and Central American Ruins,” Journal of Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 84–97; Neal Rappleye, “‘War of Words and Tumult of Opinions’: the Battle for Joseph Smith’s Words in Book of Mormon Geography,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 11 (2014): 37–95; Matthew Roper, “Joseph Smith, Central American Ruins, and the Book of Mormon,” in Approaching Antiquity: Joseph Smith and the Ancient World, ed. Lincoln Blumell, Matthew J. Grey, and Andrew H. Hedges (Salt Lake City and Provo, UT: Deseret Book and BYU Religious Studies Center, 2015), 141–162; Matthew Roper, Paul Fields, and Larry Bassist, “Zarahemla Revisited: Neville’s Newest Novel,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 17 (2016): 13–61.
  • 7.The popularity of this tradition was largely due to Orson Pratt and Fredrick G. Williams. Orson Pratt was heard teaching that Lehi “came across the water into South America” as early as 1832. See B. Stokely, “The Orators of Mormon,” Catholic Telegraph 1, April 14, 1832. Pratt’s views on Book of Mormon geography became widespread and influential with the release of the 1879 edition of the Book of Mormon, which included footnotes, written by Pratt, making external correlations to Book of Mormon places. In a footnote to the phrase “we did arrive to the promised land” in 1 Nephi 18:23, Pratt noted, “believed to be on the coast of Chile, S. America” (spelling modernized). See Joseph Smith Jr., trans., The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon (Liverpool, Eng.: William Budge, 1879), 47. Fredrick G. Williams copied a highly specific statement that Lehi landed “in Chile thirty degrees south Latitude” (spelling modernized), which later was believed to be a revelation from Joseph Smith. The actual origins of the statement, however, are murky and unclear. See Fredrick G. Williams III, “Did Lehi Land in Chile? An Assessment of the Frederick G. Williams Statement,” FARMS Preliminary Report (1988); Frederick G. Williams, “Did Lehi Land in Chile?,” in Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch (Salt Lake City and Provo, UT: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992), 57–61.
  • 8.Facts are Stubborn Things,” Times and Seasons, 3, no. 22, September 15, 1842, 922.
  • 9.Parley P. Pratt, “Ruins in Central America,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 2, no. 11, March 1842, 161–165.
  • 10.Matthew Roper, “Limited Geography and the Book of Mormon: Historical Antecedents and Early Interpretations,” FARMS Review 16, no. 2 (2004): 225–275, esp. pp. 254–255.
  • 11.George Q. Cannon, “Editorial Thoughts: The Book of Mormon Geography,” Juvenile Instructor 25, no. 1 (1890): 18.
  • 12.For comparison of 60 different proposals, see John L. Sorenson, The Geography of the Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book (Provo, UT: FARMS, 1992), 37–206.
  • 13.See John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Map (Provo, UT: FARMS, 2000), 55–81. Already in 1903, some were disputing proposals for Book of Mormon geography on the grounds that “students could not reconcile the statements as to time consumed in traveling from one place to another with Zarahemla being at the point claimed by him.” See “Book of Mormon Students Meet: Interesting Convention Held in Provo Saturday and Sunday,” Deseret Evening News, May 25, 1903; reprinted in Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 22, no. 2 (2013): 109. In 1909, B. H. Roberts suggested, “the physical description relative to the contour of the lands occupied by the Jaredites and Nephites … can be found between Mexico and Yucatan with the Isthmus of Tehuantepec between,” but ultimately continued to promote a hemispheric view. B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God, 3 vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News, 1909), 3:502–503. Even in the 19th century, there was precedent for limiting the scope of Book of Mormon geography. See Roper, “Limited Geography,” 242–255, 260–265.
  • 14.See Roper, “Limited Geography,” 255–260; “Is there a revealed Book of Mormon geography?” FairMormon AnswersWiki, online at
  • 15.In a Fax sent from the office of the First Presidency, April 23, 1993, F. Michael Watson—then secretary to the First Presidency, said, “While some Latter-day Saints have looked for possible locations and explanations [for Book of Mormon geography] because the New York Hill Cumorah does not readily fit the Book of Mormon description of Cumorah, there are no conclusive connections between the Book of Mormon text and any specific site.” See “Did the First Presidency identify the New York ‘Hill Cumorah’ as the site of the Nephite final battles?” FairMormon AnswersWiki, online at Elder John A. Widtsoe, of the Quorum of the Twelve and President Harold B. Lee also considered the location of the final Nephite battles an open question. See John A. Widtsoe, “Evidences and Reconciliations: Is Book of Mormon Geography Known?,” Improvement Era 53, no. 7 (July 1950): 547; Harold B. Lee, “Loyalty,” address to religious educators, 8 July 1966; in Charge to Religious Educators, 2nd ed. (Salt Lake City: Church Educational System and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1982), 65; quoted online at See also David A. Palmer, “Cumorah,” in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4 vols., ed. Daniel H. Ludlow (New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing, 1992), 1:346–347; Rex C. Reeve Jr., “Cumorah, Hill” in Book of Mormon Reference Companion, ed. Dennis L. Largey (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 2003), 222–224.
  • 16.Widtsoe, “Is Book of Mormon Geography Known?,” 547.
  • 17.Cannon, “Book of Mormon Geography,” 19.
  • 18.James E. Talmage, Conference Report, April 1929, 44. Also consider Widtsoe, “Is Book of Mormon Geography Known?,” 547: “Students must depend, chiefly, upon existing natural monuments, such as mountains, rivers, lakes, or ocean beaches, and try to identify them with similar places mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Ruins of early cities are also used as clues by the investigator. Usually, an ideal map is drawn based upon geographical facts mentioned in the book. Then a search is made for existing areas complying with the map. All such studies are legitimate, but the conclusions drawn from them, though they may be correct, must at the best be held as intelligent conjectures.”
  • 19.Russell M. Nelson, “A Testimony of the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, November 1999, online at


nA. This is clever sophistry because it presents a false choice. On its face, the question seems to contrast the hemispheric vs limited geography models, which is fine, but that’s not really what it says. There are statements from Church leaders that place descendants of Lehi throughout the hemisphere, which M2C’ers use to confuse people about what the prophets have actually said about Cumorah. The question of the location of the descendants of the Nephites and Lamanites (and Jaredites) is entirely separate from the question of where the events took place.

nB. In describing Moroni’s first visit, Joseph wrote, I was also informed concerning the aboriginal inhabitants of this country [America] and shown who they were, and from whence they came; a brief sketch of their origin, progress, civilization, laws, governments, of their righteousness and iniquity, and the blessings of God being finally withdrawn from them as a people, was [also] made known unto me; I was also told where were deposited some plates on which were engraven an abridgment of the records of the ancient prophets that had existed on this continent.” See the Wentworth letter, here:

nC. Comments on footnote 4.

 4. Joseph Smith to Emma Smith, June 4, 1834, pp. 57–58, online at Many historians believe this is alluding to the Zelph incident. For more information, see Book of Mormon Central, “Who Was Zelph? (Helaman 6:6),” KnoWhy 336 (July 7, 2017).

We don’t know who the unidentified “many historians” are, as if the number of them makes a difference anyway, but how could Joseph have been alluding to the Zelph incident when he wrote of wandering over the plains? Zelph was one event, but Joseph wrote of recounting occasionally (i.e., more than once) the history of the Book of Mormon. We can infer that these “many historians” are the revisionist M2C historians at the Joseph Smith Papers because they have inserted a note to Joseph’s letter to Emma. Note 14 reads:
On 3 June, the Camp of Israel passed through the vicinity of what is now Valley City, Illinois, where several members of the camp climbed a large mound. At the top, they uncovered the skeletal remains of an individual JS reportedly identified as Zelph, a “white Lamanite.” Archeologists [sic] have since identified the mound as Naples–Russell Mound #8 and have classified it as a Hopewell burial mound of the Middle Woodland period of the North American pre-Columbian era (roughly 50 BC to AD 250). (Godfrey, “The Zelph Story,” 31, 34; Farnsworth, “Lamanitish Arrows,” 25–48.) 
The Joseph Smith Papers have devolved into part of the M2C citation cartel, and this note is a good example. They cite Godfrey’s article, which, because it was published by BYU Studies, predictably promotes M2C by portraying Joseph as a confused speculator who misled the Church until the latter-day intellectuals rescued the Church by promoting M2C. E.g., Godfrey wrote, evidently Joseph Smiths views on this matter were open to further knowledge. Thus in 1834 when Zelph was found Joseph believed that the portion of America over which they had just traveled was the plains of the Nephites and that their bones were proof of the Book of Mormon’s authenticity. By 1842 he evidently believed that the events in most of Nephite history took place in Central America.”
Those of us who accept the teachings of the prophets reject the M2C narrative about Joseph Smith being confused and learning about the Book of Mormon from a travel book, but our views are never acknowledged, let alone explained, by the M2C citation cartel. For example, Donald Q. Cannon wrote “Zelph Revisited” nC., a reference omitted from the Joseph Smith Papers and BOMCA. Brother Cannon concluded, The journal accounts of Joseph Smith’s activities and his letter indicate that he believed that Book of Mormon history, or at least a part of it, transpired in North America. What does one do with such a prophetic statement? Some have dismissed it as a joke or playful exercise of Joseph’s imagination. 19 Others have chosen to emphasize discrepancies and possible contradictions in the source accounts, thereby discrediting what Joseph Smith said. 20
It seems to me that either approach carries heavy risks. When one chooses to state that Joseph Smith can’t be taken seriously on p.109] this issue, the door is opened to question his statements on other issues. Where does it stop? Does the First Vision, with the discrepancies in the primary source accounts, also come under the doubt and skepticism applied here to Zelph? Why can’t we simply take Joseph Smith at his word?”

Donald Q. Cannon, “Zelph Revisited,” Regional Studies in the Latter-day Saint Church History: Illinois, edited by H. Dean Garret (Provo, Utah: Department of Church History and Doctrine, Brigham Young University (1995): 57-109. Available online at gospel link, here:

BTW, I previously addressed No-wise #336 here: A BOMCA employee, Zander, posted a typical comment there, to which I responded.]

Source: About Central America

Back in Utah – Make Cumorah Great Again

After nearly 3 weeks in France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Greece, we’re back in Utah. We learned a ton and I’ll incorporate it in my blogs, books and videos going forward.

Making Cumorah Great Again in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
We ran into other LDS there, as we did everywhere
we went

We’re going to be doing some fun things in the next few months. I’m hoping to see M2C retired, one way or another, by September 22, 2018. This will be the 190th anniversary of the time when Joseph got the plates back after having lost the 116 pages.

I think that’s a pretty good symbol of reclaiming the Book of Mormon from the clutches of the M2C intellectuals.

Awesome sculpture in La Rochelle, France, my first
city on my mission many years ago. Speaking of art,
so far this year I have two gallery exhibitions scheduled
for my paintings (dates and locations to be announced soon).

It’s also a good target date because it would mean that, starting this fall, BYU/CES would stop teaching LDS students that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, by September 2018, the M2C intellectuals would at least embrace the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah? Based on my experiences over the last 3 years, I doubt that’s going to happen. Nevertheless, hope springs eternal.

On a personal level, I really like my fellow Saints who continue to teach M2C and I think they along with all the other Saints would experience tremendous joy at becoming united in following the prophets, finally.

My reluctant pessimism is because of sunk costs, as I explained on my consensus blog here:

Golfing with Italy’s Stromboli in the background. Its last major
eruption was in 2013, but it’s still active, as you can see.
We also went hiking on Mt. Etna in Sicily, where the
last major eruption was in 2015.

I also posted some info about Cumorah and the Joseph Smith papers on the Letter VII blog, here:

We’re at an awesome point in world and Church history and I hope we LDS put an end to the nonsense about Mesoamerica/two-Cumorahs so we can get on with using the Book of Mormon in a powerful, persuasive way to bring the Gospel to the world.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Sunk costs and M2C

I think the greatest obstacle to reaching consensus among Mormons regarding Book of Mormon geography is sunk costs.

Any believing Mormon who wanted to understand Book of Mormon geography and was starting from scratch would start with the teachings of the prophets. This means Cumorah is in New York. The New York Cumorah has been taught so clearly, so persistently and so consistently for over 150 years by Church leaders in official publications and General Conference that it is really not subject to interpretation.

That is, if we’re starting from scratch. IOW, if we don’t have sunk costs.

With Cumorah in New York, there are many possible options for other Book of Mormon locations, which is why the Brethren have never taken a firm position on that question. The Brethren have consistently taught both that (i) Cumorah is in New York, and (ii) beyond Cumorah, we can’t yet say for sure where other sites are.

If we were starting from scratch, we would start with the prophets’ teachings about Cumorah in New York and then assess the text in light of relevant archaeology, anthropology, geology, geography. (I think we’d end up agreeing on something close to Moroni’s America, but I’m happy to consider any theory of geography that is consistent with the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.)

But in reality, of course, most LDS do not start from scratch. From a young age (or from the time they joined the Church), their minds have been imprinted by M2C.

Because the M2C intellectuals have invested so much time, effort and resources into developing and promoting the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory, they have done everything possible to establish M2C in the Church. They teach it at BYU and CES. The Correlation Department enforces M2C throughout the Church.

And because of these sunk costs, the psychology of the M2C intellectuals prevents them from abandoning their theories.

And yet, this is an irrational approach.

Their past time, effort and resources are “sunk costs” that can’t be recovered, whether they continue to promote M2C or not.

Worse, the more time and effort they spend on M2C in the future, the more unrecoverable investment they are sinking into M2C. 

In economics, the term “sunk costs” refers to money that has been spent and cannot be retrieved. Theoretically, people should ignore sunk costs. “Don’t cry over spilt milk,” etc.

But in reality, people have trouble ignoring sunk costs.

In his book Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics, Richard H. Thaler explains how he has collected dozens of examples of people paying attention to sunk costs, even though they should not. A friend pays $1,000 to join a tennis club and develops tennis elbow, but keeps playing anyway (aggravating the injury) because he “invested” the $1,000. “Humans have trouble with this concept… sunk costs linger and become another SIF {supposedly irrelevant factor)… Paying $100 for a ticket to a concert that you do not attend feels a lot like losing $100.”

Sunk cost fallacy: people keep wearing shoes that don’t fit
because they spent a lot of money on them.

In another example, suppose you pay for a pair of shoes you can’t return, but they don’t fit. “The more you paid, the more pain you will bear before you stop wearing them, and the longer they will take up room in your closet.”

In the same way, health club membership fees “can help me overcome my inertia… attendance at the club jumps the month after the bill arrives, then tails off over time until the next bill arrives.” This is called “payment depreciation,” showing that the effects of sunk costs wear off over time, but right after the costs are sunk, people try to keep from “losing” their investment by using their club memberships.

Imagine the situation of the M2C intellectuals who have spent years obtaining a PhD in an M2C-related field such as Mesoamerican studies. Put yourself in their place. You have written articles and books on the subject. You have taught classes and seminars, spoken at professional conferences, etc. Maybe most significantly, you have taught thousands of LDS youth at BYU or CES that the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica.

Such efforts are enormous costs, not only in time and money, but also in self-image and reputation.

Then, after years of effort, you come across Letter VII. You read the consistent, persistent teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah. Because of the sunk costs fallacy, you attribute all of that to the “mere opinions” of the prophets.

But then you realize that President Ezra Taft Benson was talking about you when he said, in General Conference, The learned may feel the prophet is only inspired when he agrees with them, otherwise the prophet is just giving his opinion—speaking as a man…

What do you do now?

The sunk costs problem was famously described by Leo Tolstoy at the beginning of chapter 14 in What Is Art? I’ll organize it for clarity:

I KNOW that most men, not only those considered clever,
but even those who are very clever and capable of understanding most difficult scientific, mathematical or philosophic problems
can very seldom discern (or accept) even the simplest and most obvious truth
if it be such as to oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions they have formed, perhaps with much difficulty, 
(i) of which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues,
(ii) which they have proudly taught to others, and
(iii) which they woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.

All three of the costs Tolstoy listed here have been sunk, at great expense, by the M2C intellectuals at BYU/CES.

The remedy, of course, is recognizing that sunk costs are sunk. But that is very, very difficult for people even in everyday activities such as buying shoes that don’t fit or tickets to an event we can’t attend.

To some degree, perhaps the remedy involves a degree of humility and deference to the prophets.

Nevertheless, the difficult of the remedy is not a justification for continuing to sink more costs.

In my view, any Latter-day Saint who continues to teach M2C, without at least also telling students/readers about the teachings of the prophets regarding the New York Cumorah in Letter VII and General Conference, is being dishonest and is violating his/her position of trust. 

I realize this is all easy for me to say. When I realized M2C was not only irrational and counterfactual, but constituted a direct repudiation of the prophets, I didn’t have much of a sunk costs problem. True, I had spent a lot of time reading, and hundreds, probably thousands, of dollars buying, publications from the citation cartel (BYU Studies, FARMS, Interpreter, etc.). I had taught M2C on my mission and in Church callings. Psychologically, I had the same inertia against change that everyone does. 

But for me, it was well worth it to align my views to what the prophets have taught about the New York Cumorah.

It has been a bonus to realize that the text itself, as well as archaeology, anthropology, geology and geography, corroborate and support what the prophets have taught, while at the same time they contradict M2C.

All I ask here is that everyone involved with teaching or studying the Book of Mormon take a moment to think about whether we are teaching something because of the sunk costs fallacy.

By now, the only excuse for teaching M2C is the irrational effort to justify (and reclaim) sunk costs.

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus

Cumorah in the Joseph Smith Papers

I just returned from nearly 3 weeks in Europe, which is why I haven’t posted anything for a while. Now there’s a huge backlog of material to cover.

Because I encourage people to use the Joseph Smith Papers as much as possible (these original documents are a tremendously important resource), there are some quirks you need to know about when you use the web page.

One is when you look up the term “Cumorah.”

There are 3 issues:
1. Only a few results appear.
2. Additional results are difficult to find.
3. The editorial notes promote the M2C narrative and obscure key points about Cumorah being an ancient name for the hill in New York where Moroni buried the plates.

Few results.

If you do a search on the Joseph Smith Papers for “Cumorah,” you get only 11 references to original documents and 5 to commentary. Here’s a link to the results I got when I did the search. (The references are listed below in section 2 of this post).

Eleven references are not very many. Plus, many of these are duplicates. Five of the eleven are all to the same letter Joseph wrote, which is now D&C 128. Another reference is to the Book of Mormon itself. Yet another is to the hymn by W.W. Phelps that was dropped from LDS hymnals in 1930. 

This leaves only 4 original references to Cumorah: (i) the reference to the 1834 Zelph account that was compiled from several sources; (ii) Orson Pratt’s 1840 pamphlet; (iii) a reference to Lucy Mack Smith’s 1845 history that was later crossed out; and (iv) a reference to President Cowdery’s 1835 Letter VIII.

This small number of references may lead readers and researchers to the conclusion that Cumorah was barely mentioned and not until “late” (to use the phrase favored by the M2C* citation cartel). At first glance, this seems to support the M2C argument that the “New York hill” was not really the ancient hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6, and that some early members merely applied the name to the hill, thereby establishing a false tradition that Joseph himself adopted because he was an ignorant speculator. Seriously, that’s what the M2C proponents are teaching their students.

The employees working for the Joseph Smith Papers and the Church History Department were mostly educated at BYU/CES and have close relationships with the M2C proponents at BYU/CES. Consequently, most of them favor M2C, and this editorial preference shows up repeatedly throughout the notes in the Joseph Smith Papers and the publications of the Church History Department. It even influences their treatment of Cumorah, as I’ll show below.

Additional results hard to find.

Your search for “Cumorah” does not produce alternate spellings or even hyphenated versions. This means that a key link doesn’t show up in the search, which I’ll explain in the section of this post below that discusses Lucy Mack Smith.

Another difficulty is that multiple references in one document don’t show up, except as a sort of footnote to the latest search result from that reference, like this:

This search result is listed as “History, 1834-1836, page 101.” This looks like a reference to some historian’s version of events.

99% of readers would never know that this link goes to a copy of President Cowdery’s Letter VIII that was also republished multiple times during Joseph Smith’s lifetime, at least twice at his direction.

Worse, most readers do not notice the additional references at the bottom. The link is worded as “Show only results from this document (7).” If you click on it, the link takes you to another page (this one).

This is not a user-friendly approach. First, the language is confusing because it implies that the default is to show all results from all documents, but that is not the case. We are looking at one result from the specified document.

A user-friendly link would allow you to expand the results, not replace all the other references you’re looking at. This is normal practice for hyperlinks. The note should say something such as “Show additional results (7) from this document.” Then readers could click on that and see how many more references to “Cumorah” there are in the Joseph Smith Papers.

Consequently, not only do readers not learn that this reference is to President Cowdery’s Letter VIII, they don’t learn the additional references are from Letter VII. You have to be well-versed in President Cowdery’s letters to understand what you’re looking at here.

Of course, the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers could easily fix this, but their M2C bias makes sure that won’t happen.

They don’t even include “Cumorah” in the glossary of terms.

I’ll discuss additional problems with the notes in the section below.

Search results.

Here is the list of search results. The duplicates in the search results are marked in red below. These all involve the letter that became D&C 128.

1. Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, circa August 1829–circa January 1830, Page 421

[text of the Book of Mormon]

2. Collection of Sacred Hymns, 1835, Page 22

[discontinued hymn by W.W. Phelps]

[compilation of Zelph accounts]

[Pratt pamphlet that quoted from Letter VII. This pamphlet includes this statement that is omitted from the search results because it was one of two references, so we only see the second. “At length, the Nephites were driven before their enemies, a great distance to the north, and north-east; and having gathered their whole nation together, both men, women, and children, they encamped on, and round about the hill Cumorah, where the records were found, which is in the State of New York, about two hundred miles west of the city of Albany.”
In this same pamphlet, Orson Pratt claimed the Lamanites lived in South America while the Nephites lived in North America. He claimed the final battles started at “the Isthmus of Darien” and proceeded north to New York. This is the so-called “hemispheric model.”
M2C proponents like to reject Pratt’s comments about Cumorah in New York because they also reject his comments about the hemispheric model. The obvious logical fallacy of the M2C approach has two elements. First, Orson Pratt included some reliable information in the pamphlet; we don’t reject all of it just because some of it doesn’t work. Second, and more importantly, Joseph Smith used this pamphlet as a source for the Wentworth letter, but in doing so, he completely deleted all of Pratt’s hemispheric rhetoric and stated simply that the descendants of Lehi are the Indians in this country. This is consistent with D&C 28, 30 and 32, wherein the Lord designates the Indians in New York and Ohio as Lamanites.]

[discussed in a separate section below]

[President Cowdery’s Letter VIII. Here’s where unsuspecting readers and researches don’t see that it was President Cowdery who wrote this reference to Cumorah. We also don’t know see the references in Letter VII unless we click on the link below this reference, and then search through the original source until we find where Letter VII begins. 
After describing the “hill in New York” from which Joseph obtained the plates, President Cowdery writes, “By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the book of Mormon120 you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah. (it is printed Camorah, which is an error.) In this vally fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites.” 
The editorial comments in the Joseph Smith Papers don’t give any guidance to readers about the significance of the Letter VII explanations of Cumorah. Click on the “Historical Introduction” to see how they try to frame the inclusion of these letters as the work of Oliver Cowdery. Here’s the link:
In their Editorial Note prior to the letters, the editors don’t even mention Letter VII or the significance of what it contains. See it here:]

[NOTE: the search results below all involve editorial notes.]

[The note reads: “JS identified this angel as Moroni. Corrill named Moroni in chapter I as the person who buried the gold plates in the hill named Cumorah. ([JS], Editorial, Elders’ Journal, July 1838, 42–43.)”  This page in the Elders’ Journal is found here: Joseph didn’t name the hill here. 
However, Corrill mentioned Cumorah here: In that passage, Corrill wrote, “They [Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer Jr., and Ziba Peterson] had with them a new revelation, which they said had been translated from certain golden plates that had been deposited in a hill, (anciently called Camorah,) in the township of Manchester, Ontario county, New York.” This reference doesn’t show up directly in the Cumorah search results because of the phonetic spelling, but it is a very important reference because it indicates that Corrill remembered Cowdery and the others saying the hill was called Cumorah anciently.]

[The note (20) reads, “Various individuals, some of whom personally knew JS, recounted decades later having been shown, either in vision or in literal experience, buried Nephite records. (See Packer, “Cumorah’s Cave,” 50–57.) ” 
It is standard M2C dogma to characterize these accounts as relating merely a “vision” of a hill in Mexico. However, Brigham Young and others placed the experience directly in New York. 
This patriarchal blessing by Oliver to Joseph Smith to which this note pertains says, “The records of past ages and generations, and the histories of ancient days shall he bring forth: even the record of the Nephites shall he again obtain,19 with all those hid up by Mormon,20 and others who were righteous, and many others, till he is overwhelmed with knowledge.” Oliver said Joseph would “again obtain” the record of the Nephites together with those records hid up by Mormon. I infer that Joseph and Oliver had previously obtained all these records when the moved them from the Hill Cumorah, probably back to the Hill Shim. I also infer that Joseph and Oliver intended one day to return and get those records but never could before Joseph was killed.]

[The note reads, “The plates were buried in present-day Manchester, Ontario County, New York, in what is now known as the Hill Cumorah.” Notice the M2C editorial slant here. We just saw that Corrill said the hill was called Cumorah anciently, but the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers ignore that. Instead, they refer to the hill by labeling it as “what is now known as the Hill Cumorah.” This supports the M2C narrative that the hill in New York was not the ancient Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 but merely a hill that some early LDS mistakenly named Cumorah.

[The note reads, “JS reported learning of gold plates buried in hill in township and visited site, now known as Hill Cumorah, annually, 1823–1827.” Again, the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers repeat the M2C revision of history by framing the name as a modern invention.]


Lucy Mack Smith.

Joseph’s mother, Lucy Mack Smith, provided some very important references to Cumorah. The one that shows up in the search results says this: “up to the time when he took <​it​> out of the stone <​cement​> b0x in the hill of cumorah which took place the mor[n]ing that Mr Knight [Joseph Knight Sr.] missed his horse and waggon”

If you read just this one, it doesn’t specify when Cumorah was named. It could have been named later, as a false tradition, the way the M2C intellectuals want us to think.

But look at the other reference to Lucy Mack Smith’s book (which you have to click on the link below the first one to read). Lucy says Moroni said this to Joseph:

“you must tell your father of this for he will believe every word you say the record is on a side hill on the Hill of Cumorah 3 miles from this place remove the Grass and moss and you will find a large flat stone pry that up and you will find the record under it laying on 4 pillars <​of cement​>— then the angel left him”

Now we have Moroni himself calling the hill Cumorah.

The M2C intellectuals and the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers don’t tell readers about this reference. I’ve seen explanations from them that this passage came late and reflects Lucy’s later adoption of the false tradition about the New York Cumorah.

As I’ve shown in other places, the M2C intellectuals often cite Lucy’s work with approval when they think it confirms their biases, but they never cite it when it contradicts their biases–as it usually does.

Here’s another reference to Lucy’s book that doesn’t come up in the search results because of the spelling issue. In this one, she actually quotes Joseph with quotation marks. The incident Lucy is relating occurred before Joseph even obtained the plates, so long before he translated the term Cumorah in 1829.

“Stop, father, Stop.” said Joseph, “it was the angel of the Lord— as I passed by the hill of Cumorah, where the plates are, the angel of the Lord met me and said, that I had not been engaged enough in the work of the Lord; that the time had come for the record to <​be​> brought forth.”

Of course, the M2C intellectuals and the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers disregard this account, even though it’s in quotation marks, because it is “late” and reflects Lucy’s adoption of the false tradition of the New York Cumorah.

But those of us who accept the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah find these examples from Lucy’s history to be highly credible and reliable. 


*M2C is the acronym for the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory promoted by intellectuals at BYU, CES and the Correlation Departement, as well as the citation cartel that suppresses information that contradicts M2C.

Source: Letter VII

Stumbling over the truth

Winston Churchill reportedly observed of a former Prime Minister, “Occasionally he stumbled over the truth but he always picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.”

Many M2C’ers* stumble over the truth that Cumorah is in New York, but they always pick themselves up and hurry on as if nothing had happened. 

Hurry is the operative word.

The M2C intellectuals are so convinced that the prophets are wrong that they won’t take a moment to consider all the evidence that supports what the prophets have taught. Nothing can change the minds of the M2C promoters at BYU, CES, and COB Departments.

They deem Letter VII and the consistent, repeated teachings of the prophets as mere “opinions” that they can ignore and reject as they diligently work to establish M2C as the Church’s position.

But more and more members of the Church are stumbling over the truth about they New York Cumorah. 

They are stopping to think: “Do I want to follow the scholars when they teach the prophets are wrong?”

The answer is obvious when they read Letter VII and all the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah. 

As they learn what the prophets have taught, Church members come to realize that M2C was based on a mistake in Church history. They make the decision to follow the prophets instead of the scholars.

* M2C is the acronym for the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory that certain LDS intellectuals have been teaching for decades. 

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

BMAF criticism-my response

[Note: while I’m out of the country, we’re re-posting the most popular posts from the last few years]

[Note: This post is from my blog on peer reviews of M2C material, here: I’m posting it here because the M2C citation cartel refuses to publish my responses to their criticism. They don’t want their readers to even know about, let alone consider, evidence and argument that contradicts M2C.

I love the critics for lots of reasons, but my one of my favorite reasons is how terrified they are of having an actual dialog, a public side-by-side comparison, etc.]
This post is my response to an article by Joe V. Andersen that was initially posted on the BMAF web page. Although this didn’t appear in the Interpreter, so far as I know, Book of Mormon Central added it to their archive. Which isn’t surprising, since Book of Mormon Central is a front for the AAF (Ancient America Foundation), and BMAF is a “division” of Book of Mormon Central. They’re all Mesoamerican advocates, so the names and organizations are distinctions without a difference.

Whenever you see Book of Mormon Central, think Book of Mormon Central America and you’ll know what they’re really up to.

Here, one of the charter members of the Council of Springville offers his review of Moroni’s America. In the interest of civility, I’ve been refraining from naming names, but it’s impossible to post this article and my peer-review comments without mentioning Joe. Joe’s a great guy. I like him a lot. We just agree to disagree, and I enjoy his comments in a friendly manner. I trust he does the same.

Overall, I found the paper a reiteration of everything I’ve seen in the past from the Mesoamerican proponents:

1. Outright repudiation of modern prophets and apostles.
2. An insistence on a particular interpretation of the text supported by such adverbs as clearly, obviously, etc.
3. Straw man arguments against positions I haven’t taken.

Here it is, with my peer-review comments in red:

Response to Jonathan Neville’s Two Books: Moroni’s America: The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon and Letter VII
Copyright © 2016 by Joe V. Andersen
[First, my thanks to Joe for all the time he spent analyzing and reviewing Moroni’s America. I suppose I should also thank the Meso club known as BMAF—a division of the supposedly neutral Book of Mormon Central, itself a front for the Meso club known as Ancient America Foundation—for posting it on the site. Any publicity is good publicity, and I want more people to know about the alternatives to the Meso theory. That said, I caution readers that Joe has set up a straw man argument. He misrepresents what I wrote and my basic argument about Letter VII.]
Jonathan Neville in his new book, Moroni’s America: The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon,[i] erroneously claims that Mesoamericanists look under the wrong light of the 1842 articles in the Times and Seasons for their light and knowledge of the geography of the Book of Mormon. [Not sure why this is erroneous. Most Meso books include these articles as support, if not the primary origin of the Meso theory, and some Meso LDS scholars continue to use the articles in their presentations today.] He proposes, “When we read the Book of Mormon under the light Joseph [Smith] and Oliver [Cowdery] provided, we see it in a completely new way” (p. xi). Neville further states, among other things, that we need modern revelation to match real-world locations with Book of Mormon locations (p. 11). [Agreed.] To support his thinking, he relies heavily upon his proposal that Oliver Cowdery received revelation to the effect that the location of the Hill Cumorah in New York is the location of the final battles of the Book of Mormon people. [Except I don’t propose Oliver received revelation. While we don’t have a record that he or Joseph received revelation specifically about the battles on the west side of the hill in New York, that doesn’t mean they didn’t receive revelation. But it doesn’t matter whether they did or not receive such a revelation because they visited Mormon’s record repository in the Hill Cumorah in New York.] He cites Cowdery’sLetter No. VII: Oliver Cowdery’s Message to the World about the Hill Cumorah[ii] in an attempt to show that Cowdery received revelation about the Hill Cumorah’s location in Palmyra, New York, which he claims is the same hill Ramah/Cumorah described in the Book of Mormon. [I’m not attempting to show Oliver received revelation. This is a red herring argument.]
Neville makes the following foundational statements at the beginning of Moroni’s America:[iii]
·         “What we need is a reliable starting point—a reliable pin in the map. That’s why we need modern revelation” (p. 11).
·         “Oliver Cowdery explicitly and unequivocally located the hill Cumorah in New York. . . I stick a . . . pin in the map in western New York” (p. 12; Letter VII, pp. 57–65).
·         “D&C 125:3 says, in part, ‘Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.’ This verse is not conclusive about geography, but it doesn’t need to be. The Lord named the site Zarahemla. I want to see if it fits so I stick a pin in eastern Iowa, along the Mississippi River across from Nauvoo [Montrose, Iowa]” (p. 12).
·         “There it is. Book of Mormon geography in a nutshell” (p. 12).
And that is his “modern revelation?” [Sure, I accept the D&C as modern revelation, and it refers to both Cumorah and Zarahemla.] His book contains myriads of “new ways” of justifying the North American setting for the Book of Mormon, claiming that when readers look at this new way (new revelation, see p. 13 referencing the ninth article of faith about future revelation) through the lenses of Joseph and Oliver, the following examples of some of the geographical facts are “revealed”:
·         That Joseph Smith was buried “in an ancient Nephite cemetery in Nauvoo across the river from Nauvoo” (see p. xi).
·         That Montrose, Iowa, located on the west side of the Mississippi across from Nauvoo, is the Book of Mormon city of Zarahemla (p. 12).
·         That “sea west in Alma 22:27 had to be the lower Mississippi River,” meaning south of the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers (pp. 34 and 36).
·         That the west sea was also Lake Michigan (pp. 37, 189).
·         That the west sea was also Lake Erie (pp. 312–315).
·         “That head of the river is also where the river Sidon flows into the sea west” (p. 46).
·         That “perhaps the entire section from the Missouri to the Ohio River, is the head of Sidon” (p. 279). But more likely “head of Sidon . . . refers to a confluence of rivers [in this case the Illinois and Missouri]” (p. 46).
·         That Lake Ontario is the east sea (p. 265).
·         That the east sea is also the Atlantic Ocean (p. 36).
·         That the narrow strip of wilderness is the full length of the Ohio and Missouri rivers (p. 19), including the Mississippi between its confluence with the Ohio and Missouri rivers (p. 53).
  • That the east sea is also the Mississippi River/Sidon (see pp. 164–65) and that “Moroni had fortified the land of Jershon, and presumably the sea, or mighty river, it bordered” (p. 169. Thus, according to Neville, Jershon is located on the east side of Sidon/Mississippi (p. 169) and not near the east sea as required by the Book of Mormon.
·         That the terms “down” or “up” mean “simply moving with or against a river current” (p. 39).
·         That Jershon is located on the east side of Sidon/Mississippi and not near the east sea (p. 169), unless, as Neville claims, the east sea is also the Mississippi River/Sidon (see pp. 164–5) and “Moroni had fortified the land of Jershon, and presumably the sea, or mighty river, it bordered” (p. 169.
·         That Manti was located near Huntsville, Missouri, on the west side of Sidon/Mississippi (p. 143; 100 air miles from Zarahemla/Montrose and 250 miles from the Ohio and Mississippi confluence).
·         That Joseph Smith “could have” used the term “sea” for a “mighty river” (p. 34).
·         That “Mormon could have described it [the mighty river] as a sea” (p. 35).
·         That the Hill Cumorah in upstate New York is the original hill Cumorah of the Book of Mormon (p. 12).
·         That to “march” could have involved “riding horses” or using “canoes or boats” (pp. 196–97).
·         That when Mormon carried his son Moroni to the land of Zarahemla, it was likely in “a boat, like a canoe” (p. 240).
·         That when Christ appeared at city Bountiful, He “may have appeared in the vicinity of Lake Ontario. Perhaps it was in the same place as the Kirtland temple” (p. 235).
·         That Chattanooga, Tennessee, was the location of the city of Nephi (p. 127).
·         That the Ohio River is the east sea—near the Mississippi where Antionum was located (pp. 169–70). Therefore, somehow the narrow strip of wilderness was also the east sea?
·         That when Zoram and his army crossed the Mississippi River going from Zarahemla to the head of Sidon to intercept the Lamanite army returning from capturing Nephites from the area of Ammonihah, “they could have waded, swam, or used boats. They could have even constructed a bridge” (p. 41).
There are many more “new things” that are “revealed” by this new way of looking through the lenses of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, provided, of course, that we look through the lenses the way that Neville does. [Of course, I don’t claim any of these listed items are revelation. These are simply conclusions that follow from the two pins in the map that I accept as revelation. That’s why we canonize scriptures.] His book is clearly not “clarification revelation” but semantic antics and elastic Chiastics. When the Mississippi River can at once be the river Sidon, the west sea, the east sea, and the narrow strip of wilderness—according to his “plausible interpretation” of the text of the Book of Mormon—then something is askew with this new “revelation” from Oliver Cowdery and Jonathan Neville. [Ha-ha, calm down, Joe. J The preceding sentence indicates that Joe either has not read carefully or is intentionally misleading his readers here. I’ll assume Joe just didn’t read carefully.] However, Neville did set up his own “cya” defense by implying that his book was not revelation. At page xi, he says, “I frame each element as a proposal or plausible interpretation. Feel free to agree or disagree. . . . Well-informed decisions tend to be better than uninformed decisions.”
Not only do I feel free to disagree but also I am compelled to disagree strongly with his new light of “plausible interpretive revelation.” [This is Joe’s term, not mine. I don’t think that term is even coherent. Revelation is not “plausible” or “implausible.” If that’s how we’re supposed to interpret the scriptures, why would we canonize them?] I submit that Zarahemla being located west of the Mississippi, and hence west of the west sea and across from Nauvoo, and that the Mississippi River being the river Sidon and the west sea are totally wrong and impossible if we stick to the literal text of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon describes nothing west of the west sea except more water, unless of course a sea is not a sea but is a river, the Mississippi. On page 164 (referring to Alma 27:22), Neville states, “The text changes the normal usage here; instead of a river, the people refer to the sea: ‘on the east by the sea.’” Incredible! But Neville has to twist meanings like this to justify the North American setting. I hope to make readers of this article and of the Book of Mormon better informed so they will be better able to see through the semantic and chiastic smokescreen created in Neville’s book, Moroni’s America[It would help Joe’s readers if they can distinguish between Joe’s own interpretation and what I actually wrote. Coining a phrase such as “plausible interpretive revelation” is hardly illuminating.]
In responding to Neville’s book, subtitled The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon, I will not be doing so under the “light of the 1842 Times and Seasons articles” as claimed by Neville. I have never maintained that these articles are the basis of the New World geography of the Book of Mormon being located in Central America. [Fair enough, but if so, then Joe is in a minority among Meso proponents.] Rather, they are only indicators of what Joseph Smith probably believed prior to his death because he knew of them and because he never publicly or officially rejected of corrected those statements. [This inference is not supported by any actual evidence; why require Joseph to specifically reject or correct anonymous statements he had nothing to do with in the first place, that were far from his areas of focus, and that no one could have taken seriously anyway (except 20th century Meso scholars)?] The most important issue is, therefore, whether Joseph Smith—or any President of the Church thereafter—has received, by revelation, knowledge of the location of the geography of the Book of Mormon. If it is by revelation, then there should be no disagreement, at least for the main body of the Church, including its entire leadership. [I agree with this.] If the Prophet and the Quorum of the Twelve cannot declare that Joseph Smith or any other prophet has received a definitive revelation about the location of the Book of Mormon, then such revelation has not happened. [I don’t follow this. This is a strange requirement to impose on Church leaders. First, though, consider that Oliver Cowdery was the Assistant President of the Church when he wrote Letter VII. Joseph was the President when he assisted and had the letter copied into his own history as part of his story. To retroactively reject their clear statement because they didn’t claim a separate revelation on the question is irrational. Second, Oliver told several people about the visit to Mormon’s record repository in the hill. Brigham Young related it in Journal of Discourses specifically so it would not be forgotten. Why impose a requirement of a formal recorded revelation on Joseph and Oliver when they had visited the very place Mormon mentioned in Mormon 6:6? Third, we can agree that the Prophet and Q12 have not officially declared that Cumorah is in New York, but JFS, as President of Q12, reaffirmed it. If President Nelson reaffirmed it today, would Joe and the other Meso advocates continue to reject it? Why should Church leaders reiterate what a previous President of the Q12 has said?]
The very facts of the existence of Neville’s books, of the many Central American books and theories, and of over a hundred other models and theories of its geography are evidence that its geography has never been revealed, and it surely is not revealed by the Lord in Neville’s books. [Of course. The only thing that was established during Joseph’s lifetime was the site of Cumorah. From there, any number of possibilities exist, ranging from a local New York setting, all the way to a hemispheric model. The only possibility excluded is that Cumorah is anywhere but in New York.] Let us not confuse revelation from the Lord through proper channels with personal insights, beliefs, and discoveries. It is the light of the Book of Mormon that first, last, and always must shine through. The Book of Mormon sheds its own light on its own geography. Let us stick to the plain meaning of the words of the text. [This is an ironic statement from Joe. I made it plain I framed each element as a proposal or plausible interpretation. Joe’s the one who coined the phrase “plausible interpretive revelation.” So Joe is really arguing with himself here.]
Rather than address every issue raised by Neville in his book, I will concentrate on the following issues:
1.      Definitions of such words as “sea,” “wilderness,” and “river,” as used by Nephi and confirmed by known historical areas as described within the Book of Mormon, should be the basis for how these words are used throughout the Book of Mormon.
2.      Was the location of the geography of the Book of Mormon received by revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith, or were his statements based on his beliefs at the time?
3.      Does the text of the Book of Mormon control and trump all other geographical statements?
4.      How does a reader determine the location of the city of Zarahemla from the text of the Book of Mormon? Or is it possible for a reader to know for certain where the city of Zarahemla could not have been located?
5.      Was the Mississippi River fordable on foot (a) between Nauvoo, Illinois and Montrose, Iowa? (b) near its head—the confluence of the Ohio with the Mississippi, according to Neville, as required by Alma 43 and 44? and (c) “away up beyond Manti” as discussed in Alma 16:6–7?
6.        Was the narrow strip of wilderness that extended “from the east sea to the west sea” a series of rivers—the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers? Or was it a series of mountains and other terrestrial features?[1]
Joseph Smith stated (1) that the Book of Mormon “was the most correct of any book on earth”[iv] [just to be clear, although I agree with the idea, this is actually Wilford Woodruff’s summary of a day’s teachings, not a direct quotation, and of course the statement doesn’t state or imply that the Book of Mormon is perfect, as even Moroni acknowledged.] and (2) “that it says what it means and means what it says.” [v] [The footnote gives an obscure reference, but presumably it refers to the essay titled “Latter Day Saints,” attributed to Joseph Smith, which includes this sentence: “Believing the Bible to say what it means and mean what it says.”] Surely it was not translated by revelation so that only “scholars” could understand it. [Definitely! Yet Joe participated in the conclave I call the Council of Springville, which was convened so scholars could interpret the difficult passages.] It shouldn’t take intricate chiastic structures—although they are fascinating and helpful—to understand it. It was translated into the English language by Joseph Smith so that unsophisticated readers could understand it. [Hmm, how many “unsophisticated readers” can understand Isaiah? Or even the Isaiah chapters in the Book of Mormon? It is the Hebrew parallelisms that are evidence of its antiquity. That, and the lack of punctuation in the original text. The addition of punctuation and the division into chapter and verse, have caused lots of confusion about meaning. The Hebrew parallel structure is clearer, actually.]
Thus, the Book of Mormon, including its geography, should be able to be understood by even the ordinary, reasonable reader by simply (1) understanding the words used in the Book of Mormon in their most common and ordinary way—e.g., a sea is a sea not a river,[Joe is now arguing that the King James Version (KJV) is not understandable, yet the Book of Mormon translation uses the KJV] and (2) by not making unreliable and unsupportable assumptions—like the Mississippi River is the river Sidon, Lehi landed in South America, the intended interpretation of Alma 22:32 is “from the east sea to the west sea,” or the hill Cumorah in upstate new York is the same hill as the Jaredite hill Ramah—and then, come hell or high water, making all other geographic indicators in the Book of Mormon fit those predetermined assumptions. [This is a fascinating insight into Joe’s approach. Oliver’s Letter VII statement of fact about Cumorah and Ramah is, according to Joe, merely an “unreliable and unsupportable assumption.” This is what anti-Mormons say about everything Oliver wrote.]
The Book of Mormon contains no deceptions. Mormon intended to mislead no one. He particularly desired his future Lamanite brethren to understand it. Mormon, Moroni, and Joseph Smith used words and language we can all understand. [True, just like the King James Version of the Bible. Everyone understands that perfectly. No need to analyze the text at all. Except if that’s the case, why don’t even the members of the Meso clubs BMAF and AAF agree with one another? Not to mention the untold Christian denominations that rely on the KJV.]
I. Defnitions within the Book of Mormon Itself
Because there are so many definitions and alternate definitions of words in the various dictionaries and because the difficult process of translating from one language to another is so fraught with issues in establishing a consistent meaning for words and phrases, I propose that the most reasonable method of identifying how Mormon, Nephi, Moroni, and other writers of the Book of Mormon used various words and phrases can best be obtained from seeing how these words and phrases were used within the context of a known historical background. [Sounds good.]
The most logical “known historical background” is associated with Lehi and his followers in the Old World. For example, Book of Mormon analysts [I think Joe means “scholars” such as those who participated in the Council of Springville, including Joe] have no disputations about Nephi’s meanings in 1 Nephi of such terms as “up,” “down,” “river,” “wilderness,” “sea,” “Bountiful,” “east,” “mountains,” etc. Readers can compare those meanings with the known geographical area from Jerusalem to the Red Sea and then down the east side of the Red Sea to Nahom and then east to the land Bountiful. The meanings of such terms in 1 Nephi will then give us indications of how those terms should be understood throughout the Book of Mormon. (All references in this section refer to 1 Nephi.) [Wait. I thought we were going to see how the words and phrases were used within the context of a known historical background, which I thought mean the KJV. Certainly the Old Testament at least, from Nephi’s perspective, but also the New Testament, from Joseph’s. After all, both are quoted extensively in the text. Now we’re limiting the meaning of the terms to how certain terms were used by Nephi on the Arabian peninsula? ]
Up/Down: Unless specifically identified otherwise, these words are always used in terms of elevation—for example, “up” to Jerusalem, elevation 2,200 feet, and “down” to the valley of Lemuel, near sea level (2:5, 3:9, 4:1). Thus, the Book of Mormon never indicates that “up” or “down” ever followed the flow of a river as proposed by Neville (pp. 39–40). [I agree that up or down refers to elevation; my point in the book is that over undulating terrain, the only way you can determine if you’re going up or down is by reference to running water. There are no mountains mentioned in the entire book of Alma, for example; how were people to know if they were going up or down except by reference to water?]
Wilderness: “Wilderness” is used to refer to areas that included deserts, forests, and mountains. Lehi departed from Jerusalem “into the wilderness” and “traveled in the wilderness in the borders which are nearer the Red Sea” (see 2:4–5). He even lived in the wilderness (7:5). Thus, “wilderness” is not defined as an uninhabited river as claimed by Neville (p. 52). The area between Jerusalem and Bountiful is an area that includes mostly mountains, even though the word “mountain” is used only one time until Bountiful. Historically, this entire area was sparsely inhabited with isolated settlements along the incense trail. “Wilderness” is never used to refer to a river as claimed by Neville (p. 19), although Lehi and his followers camped by the river Laman and crossed it on foot during their journey in the wilderness (16:12). [I pointed out in the book that the river I propose as the narrow strip of wilderness—the Ohio River—frequently runs dry in late summer (before dams/dikes) and therefore was a “strip of wilderness” exactly as described in the text; i.e., an uninhabited area. I’m not sure how they could have referred to a river as wilderness in the Arabian Peninsula; it would be like labeling a strip of water in the middle of the ocean as a river. When the entire area is a wilderness, you don’t have a narrow strip. But in North America along the Ohio River, the land is lush and productive—except for the riverbeds whether they are dry or full of water.]
Journey: “Journey” principally is associated with traveling on foot on land, and that is how it is used in describing Lehi’s “journey” in the wilderness from Jerusalem to land Bountiful. [The word merely means to travel. It originally meant a day’s travel, coming from the Old French, derived from Latin. It has nothing to do with land or water; you can “journey” from London to Paris, which involves crossing the English Channel. Obviously if you’re crossing the Arabian Peninsula, you’re not going to journey by water. But Paul took a journey Rome by boat (Romans 1:10), which is how he traveled to Greece as well, and he planned a journey into Spain (Romans 15:24).]
Travel: “Travel” means foot travel unless otherwise indicated. There is never an indication in the Book of Mormon that the Nephites or the Lamanites or any other –ites ever traveled by boat up or down a stream or river. [Several references to shipping, even though Mormon mentioned he couldn’t give an account of their shipping and their building of ships. I infer he took it for granted; i.e., he assumed everyone would know people traveled by rivers, as all ancient societies have.]
Sojourn: “Sojourn” means temporary residences between travels. Therefore, when the Book of Mormon says, “And thus . . . we did sojourn in the wilderness for the space of many years, yea even eight years in the wilderness” (17:3–4), it is talking about the time from Jerusalem when they first entered into the wilderness and sojourned to Bountiful (16:6, 13, 17, 33, and 17:1).
Sea: “Sea” is always used only in its primary definitional sense—a large body of sea water of ocean level and connected to an ocean. It is never confused with or identified as a river or a lake (18:8, 17:48, 17:5, 16:14, 2:5). [Of course, this is circular reasoning; if Mormon used the term to describe a mighty river, then he didn’t use it only for an ocean-level body of sea water. If KJV translates the Hebrew term for mighty river as sea, why couldn’t Joseph Smith? Nowhere does the text connect a “sea” with an “ocean” or say anything about sea water. I thought we were going to stick with the text.]
Seashore: “Seashore” always has reference to a sea and never a river or lake (17:6). For example, the followers of Lehi in the Old World did not dwell by the seashore of river Laman but “by the side of a river” (2:6). [So they were along a river and not at the sea. Not sure how this is relevant.]
Shore: “Shore” provides references to the Red Sea and not to a river or a lake (2:5). [Of course, the KJV refers to the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and in acts 27:39, “they discovered a certain creek with a shore.”]
River: “River” refers to running water in a defined streambed that empties into a sea, such as the river of Laman (2:8–9). It is never referred to as a wilderness. However, sometimes it refers to being located within a landed wilderness. [Of course, Isaiah and Nephi refer to rivers being a wilderness (2 Ne. 7:2) and men going over dry shod (2 Nephi 21:15). If we think Nephi quoted relevant Isaiah verses, then why couldn’t these apply?]
East/eastward: “East” and “eastward” are always used as correct cardinal directions (17:1, 16:13). Therefore, Lehi and his followers knew and followed cardinal directions. [Okay, but the Meso rationale about a different system is not entirely irrational.]
Bountiful: “Bountiful” is described as a relatively small area bordering a sea with fertile lands between the sea and nearby mountains, which area contains fruit, honey, trees, and iron ore (17:5–16, 18:6). [Yes, but is it a proper noun or a description? The text doesn’t say. It could be either or both.]
Mountain: “Mountain” is used in its primary sense as in general, a mountaindenotes an elevation higher and larger than a hill (16:30, 18:3, 17:7). The trail Lehi followed in the Old World is mostly within very large mountainous terrains. [Unless he
Near: “Near” means very close by (4:7).
All: “All” means the sum total of the specified unit as in “all the house of Ishmael” (7:22).
Borders: “Borders” means the edge of a described area (1:2–5, 1:2–8) and not like the dividing line between countries. [In the Old Testament, numerous borders are described, including the Jordan River, and Sidon in the north.]
The following is a synopsis of these terms as they are used by Nephi in 1 Nephi while they were in the Old World. Hopefully, it will help readers have a feeling for how these words are used throughout the Book of Mormon. Again, primary points of analysis here suggest plainly that the above words are clearly understood as they apply to the Old World. Clearly, they should have the same meanings when Lehi and his followers arrive in the New World: [Whenever you see the terms “plainly” or “clearly,” you know you’re reading a basic logical thinking error, because the argument relies solely on the author’s own definition of terms.]
Lehi took nothing with him save it were his family, and provisions, and tents, and departed into the wilderness. He came down by the borders near the shore of the Red Sea, and he traveled in the borders which are nearer the Red Sea. When he had traveled three days in the wilderness, he pitched his tent in a valley by the side of a river of water. He called the name of the river, Laman, and it emptied into the Red Sea; and the valley was in the borders near the mouth thereof. Father saw that the river emptied into the fountain of the Red Sea. Nephi and my brethren took our journey in the wilderness with our tents to go up to the land of Jerusalem. I went forth and as I came near unto the house of Laban I beheld; he was drunken with wine. We took the plates of brass and the servant of Laban and departed into the wilderness and journeyed unto the tent of our father. The Lord did soften the heart of Ishmael, and also his household, insomuch that they took their journey with us down into the wilderness to the tent of our father. And all the house of Ishmael had come down unto the tent of my father.
We did take our tents and depart into the wilderness, across the river Laman. We traveled for the space of four days, nearly a south-southeast direction. After we had traveled for the space of many days, we did pitch our tents for the space of a time that we might again rest ourselves and obtain food for our families. I did go forth up into the top of the mountain, according to the directions which were given upon the ball. We did again take our journey, traveling nearly the same course as in the beginning, and after we had traveled for the space of many days we did pitch our tents again, that we might tarry for the space of a time. Ishmael died, and was buried in the place called Nahom.
We did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly east-ward from that time forth, and we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness.
And thus . . . we did sojourn for the space of many years, yea, even eight [total]years in the wilderness. And we did come to the land which we called Bountiful, because of its much fruit and also wild honey. And we beheld the sea, which we called Irreantum, which being interpreted, is many waters. And we did pitch our tents by the seashore. After I, Nephi, had been in the land Bountiful for the space of many days, the voice of the Lord came unto me saying: Arise and get thee into the mountain. I arose and went up into the mountain. And the Lord told me whither I should go to find ore that I might make tools. And they were angry with me and were desirous to throw me into the depths of the sea. (Synthesized from 1 Nephi.)
The entire area from Jerusalem to Bountiful was considered the wilderness in which they sojourned for the space of eight years. It consisted of pockets of dwelling places, mountains, rivers, and deserts, all of which can be confirmed when readers look at Google Earth of this area. [Of course, Joe here assumes he knows where Lehi traveled. Had he traveled along the coast, or inland of the mountains, where the Frankincense trail is, he would not be traveling near mountains but not through them.]
Neville claims that because no mention of mountains is made in the New World until in Helaman—and then mountainous references pertained only to the Gadianton robbers—there were no large mountains where the Nephites lived:
The absence of mountains suggests that when we’re searching for the setting of the Book of Mormon, we would look not for terrain dominated by tall, steep mountains, but instead for a place characterized by hills and rivers and valleys, with ample flat area suitable for growing crops. (p. 209)
It does not follow that because the word “mountain” was not mentioned that that meant there were no mountains or that they were only large hills. [True, as far as it goes; absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But in the context, the failure to mention mountains is significant. Notice that Nephi describes the entire journey from crossing the river Laman to Bountiful in only 37 verses (of which many have to do with him breaking the bow). Yet even in these 35 verses, he refers to mountains three times. Mountains are also significant in the Isaiah quotations. But in the New World, he never once mentions mountains. Nobody does in Mosiah all the way to the end of Alma, even though describe other natural features.] The word “mountain” is used only once in the sojourning of Lehi from Jerusalem to Bountiful, [but twice when they get to Bountiful] and then there is no indication of its size:

And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did go forth up into the top of the mountain, according to the directions which were given upon the ball. (1 Nephi 16:30)

And yet the entire area from Jerusalem to and including Bountiful was totally involved with mountains. [Not if you follow the frankincense trail through the desert.] These were no small mountains like at Adam-ondi-Ahmon (elevation 270 feet; see p. 210). These were steep, tall, and rugged mountains. It was such a treacherous mountainous terrain that it required the Liahona to guide them through it. [Or to guide them through the desert and its blowing sands, which makes more sense.] Nahom was at an elevation of over 5,000 feet, and there were mountains in the area in excess of 7,000 feet. This mountainous terrain is never referred to by Nephi—with the one exception. Does that mean it was not mountainous or that they were only large hills along a river? Of course not! [A good example of the fallacy of the “plainly” argument—and the exclamation point doesn’t make it any stronger an argument. It’s pure guesswork that Lehi traveled through the mountains.]
The mountains and hills referred to in Helaman where the Gadianton robbers lived and from which they sallied forth were more likely similar to those along Lehi’s route to Bountiful. [More likely similar? The author in Helaman had never been to the Arabian peninsula. He had no basis for comparison. To people living in the Midwest, the mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman are mountains. It’s a relative term, on a continuum with hills.] These were the mountains located between the land of Zarahemla and the land of Nephi within the narrow strip of wilderness from where the robbers inflicted harm to both the Lamanites and Nephites as they sallied forth to take over the cities and lands of Nephi and Zarahemla.  [Here’s a fascinating interpolation. The “narrow strip of wilderness” is mentioned exactly once in the text, in Alma 22. It is never mentioned in connection with the robbers. Now does the text say the mountains separated the land of Zarahemla from the land of Nephi. Joe is just making this up.]
Here are some photos of the mountainous terrain along the route from Jerusalem to Bountiful, Oman:
[Omitted here]

Notice the descriptive language used in 3 Nephi 4:1 as Lehi and his followers coped with the mountainous terrain suggested by the preceding photos: [I don’t see anything in these photos that compares with the Americas except maybe the Chilean mountains. I don’t know how Joe explains how anyone could “sally forth” out of mountains such as these. Descending such mountains can hardly be characterized as a “brief outbreak” or “an action of rushing.”] 
And it came to pass that in the latter end of the eighteenth year those armies of robbers had prepared for battle, and began to come down and to sally forth from the hills, and out of the mountains, and the wilderness, and their strongholds,and their secret places, and began to take possession of the lands, both which were in the land south [of the narrow strip of wilderness] and which were in the land north [of the narrow strip of wilderness], and began to take possession of all the lands which had been deserted by the Nephites, [as well as the Lamanites (see 3 Nephi 3:14 and 3 Nephi 6:2)] and the cities which had been left desolate.(Emphasis added.)
Now notice how Neville describes that scene:
These mountains are habitable; the robbers dwell “upon” them in hiding places. Yet they are in close proximity to the Nephite communities. The robbers can “sally forth” out of them, a term that means a sudden rushing out, as from a hiding place. . . These mountains would have to be in proximity to rivers, yet also in an area that supports extensive agriculture. . . The description in the text implies something more like “large hills” than “the largest eminences on the globe.” (See p. 210.)
[Exactly. Unlike the mountains in Joe’s photos, those in the text were habitable. The term “sally forth” precludes any kind of tall, massive mountains like those Joe describes. Additional synonyms for “sally forth” include a jaunt, an outburst, a sortie. These are not what an army does from such huge mountains.]
These robbers were not “river pirates” hiding in caves (p. 210). These were not hills along the banks of a river but were large areas where armies had been training and living. [If we’re sticking with the text, the text does not say they were not along a river, and does not say they were “large areas where armies had been training.” The text does not say how many robbers there were.]
And there were so many of the robber armies that they were able to occupy the lands and the cities of the Nephites and the Lamanites (3 Nephi 3:14) [not sure what verse Joe meant to cite here, but v. 14 doesn’t say or imply this.] on both sides of the narrow strip of wilderness from whence the robbers had come (3 Nephi 3:17). [not sure what verse Joe meant to cite here, but v. 17 doesn’t say or imply this. Of course, nothing in 3 Nephi or Helaman mentions the narrow strip of wilderness.] These events were not happening from the Ohio/narrow-strip-of-water wilderness to Chattanooga, Tennessee—two hundred miles south and across the Tennessee River—to take over the city of Nephi! Nor were the robbers sallying forth from the Ohio—northwestward 250 miles—to take over the city of Zarahemla/Montrose! How much more illogical and invalid could Neville’s descriptions be worded? [ha-ha, yeah, had I written anything of the sort, I’d agree with Joe. But since it is Joe making up the narrow strip of wilderness in these verses, and since I’ve stuck with the text, I can’t respond to whatever it is Joe is imagining here.]
These mountains, first mentioned in Helaman 11:25 in the year 13 BC, were the same mountains mentioned after the destruction at Christ’s crucifixion. [This is interesting because no mountains are mentioned after the destruction.] That being the case, then they must have been the same mountains between the lands Zarahemla/Nephi that must have existed at the time when Mosiah I and those who followed him traveled through when they crossed the narrow strip of wilderness from Nephi and went down to the land of Zarahemla about 200 BC: [This is a series of cascading assumptions that have no basis in the text.]
And it came to pass that he did according as the Lord had commanded him. And they departed out of the land into the [narrow strip of] wilderness, as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord; and they were led by many preachings and prophesyings. And they were admonished continually by the word of God; and they were led by the power of his arm, through the [narrow strip of] wilderness until they came down into the land which is called the land of Zarahemla. (Omni 1:13; emphasis added)
[Those brackets are not mine, but Joe’s. He retranslates the text often, which is why he is confused when I stick with the actual text.]
They were not sailing down the Ohio River as Neville would have us believe:
When Mosiah left the land of Nephi, he went “down” into the land of Zarahemla. (Omni 1:13) This means he went down river. Zeniff came “up” out of the land of Zarahemla; i.e., he went upstream. (Mosiah7:9) (p. 40)
That is not what the text says. [I didn’t quote the text. I explained my interpretation that the only way you know you’re going up or down is by reference to running water.] Never are there any indications or questions in the New World about the use of these terms that are explained at the first of this section. For example, never is a sea confused with a river. A river is never deemed the major portion of a wilderness. The only means of travel or journeying mentioned was by foot. [I’ve already addressed this circular reasoning in the definition phase.] The New World Book of Mormon people generally never followed a river or used a river as the primary means of transportation—at least as far as described in the Book of Mormon itself. They knew and followed cardinal directions. [Actually, they rarely followed cardinal directions. They refer to “northward” and “southward,” just like the Old Testament. These are vague descriptions, of course; no one would know where to go if you told him/her to go “northward.” Such general directions make sense, though, when you’re referring to river traffic.] When Mosiah went down out of the wilderness into Zarahemla, he came down out of the same mountains that were later occupied by the Gadianton robbers. [Pure fabrication.] In the interest of honesty and full disclosure to his brethren, Mormon and Moroni would have told their readers of any differences in meaning of these and other words than those that the ordinary reader would understand. There is no deception in the Book of Mormon. [I agree. But it is misleading to add terms to the text that are not there.]
II. Joseph Smith’s Understanding of the Geography of the Book of Mormon
The geography of the Book of Mormon began September 21, 1823, when the Angel Moroni appeared to seventeen-year-old Joseph Smith and told him that the gold plates contained a history of “former inhabitants of this continent.”
There is no question but that by 1830, Joseph Smith and most members considered the term “this continent” to mean North and South America. [The “plainly” fallacy repeated. Here, it’s worse because no evidence is even offered.] The belief was that the land southward described in the Book of Mormon was South America; the narrow neck of land was the Isthmus of Panama; and the Jaredite land northward was North America, with the hill “Ramah” located near Joseph’s home—which later became known as the Hill Cumorah. [This was the belief of Orson Pratt and…. Not sure who else. Maybe Parley? Who else?] Joseph Smith never stated or maintained that this hemispheric understanding of the geography of the Book of Mormon was received by him by revelation. He never said that Moroni told him that Panama was the narrow neck of land or, for that matter, that the hill “Cumorah” was the same hill where the Jaredites were destroyed. [First, notice the fallacy here that, at most, Joe can say there are no extant records of Joseph stating a hemispheric understanding of the term “this continent.” But we know there were early records we don’t have, and no one took verbatim notes of everything Joseph said. Even the quotation Joe started this paper with—the “most correct book” quotation—is merely a summary of a days’ worth of instruction. Second, we don’t know that Joseph never told Oliver Cowdery that Moroni explained—or showed in a vision—that the New York hill was both Cumorah and Ramah. Most of the historical details in Oliver’s 8 letters could only have come from Joseph, and many of the details are unique to these letters; i.e., these letters are the only evidence we have of these events. If Joe’s argument is that we can only rely on what Joseph wrote in his own handwriting, we have a much bigger problem than what Oliver wrote.]
In his book, Letter VII,[vi] Neville quotes the entire letter from Oliver Cowdery, which is the basis for the initial belief by Joseph Smith and others that the Hill Cumorah in upstate New York was the area of the last battles of the Nephites and Lamanites and also of the Jaredites. [This is quite a claim, but it is contradicted by historical evidence. Joseph’s mother said Joseph referred to the hill as Cumorah even before he got the plates. Oliver referred to it as Cumorah during his 1830-31 missionary journey to the Lamanites. David Whitmer heard the term Cumorah before the Book of Mormon was even completely translated. So Oliver’s 1835 letter can hardly be the “basis for the initial belief by Joseph Smith” about Cumorah.] Oliver Cowdery did not claim that Moroni told him this fact. He did not claim that Moroni told Joseph Smith this fact either. Cowdery’s statements were clearly those that he personally believed in, and they were extrapolated from his understanding of his reading of the Book of Mormon—but not by revelation. [The “plainly” fallacy arises again. Oliver stated it was a fact that the battles took place in the valley west of Cumorah. He didn’t explain how he knew, but he did say Joseph helped him write this history. He was the Assistant President of the Church at the time. He’d been in the presence of John the Baptist, Peter, James and John, Moroni, and others. In a few months, he would be present when Moses, Elijah, Elias, and the Savior Himself appeared in the temple. But more relevant to this particular situation, he and Joseph had been in Mormon’s record repository in the hill. It wasn’t a question about needing a revelation.] In fact, Oliver Cowdery even declared that there was no current revelation about the Hill Cumorah being the place of those final battles:
Here may be seen, where once sunk to nought the pride and strength of two mighty nations, and here may be contemplated in solitude, while nothing but the faithful record of Mormon and Moroni is now extant to inform us of the fact, scenes of misery and distress. (See page 64 of Neville’s Letter VI: Oliver Cowdery’s Message to the World about the Hill Cumorah; emphasis added.)
[Who else could inform us of the fact besides Mormon and Moroni? They were the only two who kept the record. There were no other survivors besides Moroni.]
There is no claim to revelation here. Cowdery is clearly relying on his reading of the record and not on statements from Moroni or revelation from the Lord. [I need to change the description of the fallacy from “plainly” to “clearly,” since that’s the term Joe is using more frequently. Oliver is emphasizing that only Mormon and Moroni could have informed us of the fact that here may be seen, and here may be contemplated. Here is the hill Cumorah in New York.] And until about 1842, Joseph assented to the theory that the hill in upstate New York was the hill Cumorah of the Book of Mormon, and Joseph even proposed various possible Book of Mormon locations in conformity with this belief, most of which are set out in Moroni’s America[Even under Joe’s theory that Joseph knew nothing, Joseph wasn’t assenting to a theory; he assented to what Oliver expressed stated was a fact. But more importantly, Joseph helped Oliver write these letters. He had them copied into his own history. And as I mentioned, the other historical evidence shows that Joseph knew about Cumorah in New York even before the Book of Mormon was published.]
The foundational “pin” that I propose and adhere to is that if something is received by revelation from the Lord, then it was, and still is, true and will be supported by our current Prophet in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And because the Isthmus of Panama has been proven that it could not have been the narrow neck of land—and Neville and Meldrum agree with this proposition—then Joseph Smith’s initial beliefs about the geography of the Book of Mormon were clearly not by revelation, regardless of any statements to the contrary made by anyone. [I don’t follow this at all. Joseph never said or implied that Panama was the narrow neck of land.] This conclusion, of course, must also include all geographical statements made by Oliver Cowdery, even if he was quoting the Prophet Joseph Smith himself.
The questions that must be answered are therefore the following: (1) Did Joseph Smith ever receive revelation that Panama was, or was not, the narrow neck of land? If so, when and where? (2) Did he ever receive revelation that Zarahemla was located in Guatemala? If so, when and where? (3) Did he ever receive revelation that the river Sidon was the Mississippi River? Or the river Grijalva? Or the river Usumacinta? If so, when and where? Did he ever receive revelation that the ancient city of Zarahemla was located near Montrose, Iowa? or Guatemala City (Kaminaljuyu)? or that the Hill Cumorah in New York was the same hill where the last battles of the Jaredites and Nephites/Lamanites were fought? If so, when and where?
[The test Joe establishes here would invalidate most of what Joseph Smith taught. We don’t even know when and where the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored. We don’t know when and where Joseph learned much, and may most, of the things he taught, including everything regarding the temple. Joe knows what Joseph’s mother said about Cumorah, as well as what David Whitmer said, both of which predated the publication of the Book of Mormon. And as I have mentioned already, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery visited Mormon’s record repository in the New York hill, so what more revelation would they need?]
Statements of belief are one thing. Revelation from the Lord through His authorized prophet is another.
Neville so much as admits on pages 321–323 that revelation as to the geography of the Book of Mormon has not been received. He cites statements from General Authorities as follows:
1.      According to Anthony W. Ivins, “The Church says we are just waiting until we discover the truth” [about the geography of the Book of Mormon]. [vii]
2.      James E. Talmage said, “I encourage and recommend all possible investigation, comparison and research [about Book of Mormon geography] . . . But our brethren who devote themselves to that kind of research should remember that they must speak with caution and not declare as demonstrated truths points that are not really proved.”[viii]
3.      John A. Widtsoe added, “Out of the studies of faithful Latter-day Saints may yet come a unity of opinion concerning Book of Mormon geography.”[ix]
4.      Anthony W. Ivins further declared, “Where was the land of Zarahemla? Where was the City of Zarahemla? . . . There has never been anything yet set forth that definitely settles [those questions].”[x]
[Notice that none of these men questioned the New York setting for Cumorah, which Joseph Fielding Smith reaffirmed as an Apostle and later as President of the Quorum of the Twelve. Beyond that one pin in the map, they have remained neutral. But they are always referring to the future when we will discover the truth and come to a unity of opinion. IMO, until we recognize the New York Cumorah—which, after all, is pretty basic—the rest will not happen.]
Until someone on behalf of the First Presidency of the Church can affirmatively state the answers to New World Book of Mormon geographic questions—with chapter and verse or by direct revelation through the current prophet—then it must be concluded that the answers must be in the negative and, therefore, the Prophet Joseph Smith never received revelation as to the geography of the Book of Mormon. Had he received such revelation, then there would be no conflict among believers as there is today. [This paragraph repeats the same logical fallacies Joe has already stated many times. What more could Joseph have done to establish the New York setting for Cumorah, for example? His scribe, the man who wrote the entire Book of Mormon, most of the Book of Moses, and the first detailed history of the Church, included the details about Cumorah. Oliver was the Assistant President of the Church at the time. Joseph helped Oliver write the letters, had his scribe copy them verbatim into his own history, and saw them published in the Messenger and Advocate, the Gospel Reflector, and the Times and Seasons. Letter VII was better established through repetition than most of the formal revelations. Joe makes a good point about conflict among believers, but not the one he thinks he makes. During Joseph’s lifetime, and during the lifetime of all of his contemporaries, there was never a doubt that Cumorah was in New York. The “conflict among believers” came only after RLDS scholars developed the two-Cumorah theory, and then LDS scholars picked it up and developed it over the objection of Joseph Fielding Smith. So to the extent there is “conflict among believers,” it can hardly be blamed on Joseph Smith not being clear.]
The conclusion follows, therefore, that all of Joseph Smith’s geographic statements must have been based upon his personal beliefs at the time the statements were made. What necessarily follows from this conclusion is that all geographic statements made by anyone, even to the current date, are based on personal beliefs and not on revelation.  [Neither conclusion follows because the initial premise is false.]
The Lord has not revealed the geographic location of the events of the Book of Mormon yet, undoubtedly for a wise purpose. The only exception to this is Moroni’s declaration that it took place “on this continent.” [Where do we first learn of Moroni’s declaration about “this continent?” It is in Joseph’s 1838 History. But long before that, Oliver Cowdery and W.W. Phelps were using the phrase to describe the Book of Mormon people. But the first detailed account of what Moroni told Joseph Smith is in Letter IV, first published in February 1835. Again, Joseph helped write these letters. Here’s what Letter IV says: “He [Moroni] then proceeded and gave a general account of the promises made to the fathers, and also gave a history of the aborigines of this country, and said they were literal descendants of Abraham. He represented them as once being an enlightened and intelligent people, possessing a cerrect [correct] knowledge of the gospel, and the plan of restoration and redemption. He said this history was written and deposited not far from that place [Joseph’s home], and that it was our brother’s privilege, if obedient to the commandments of the Lord, to obtain, and translate the same.” So the first explanation of Moroni’s instructions said the book was a history of the aborigines of this countrynot this continent. During the early 1800s, the phrase “this continent” was used both for the North American continent, primarily meaning the U.S., and the “western continent,” or North and South America combined. But “this country” has never been used to refer to all of North and South America. Besides, Moroni told Joseph the record was “written and deposited” not far from his home. He didn’t say it was written thousands of miles away and then hauled up to the hill where it was deposited. If we’re going to use the “clearly” argument, it’s difficult to get much more clear than this.]
The prophecy about the new Jerusalem being located upon this land is not a geographical statement about where the Book of Mormon events took place but a prophecy about the future location of the New Jerusalem upon this continent. [That’s one interpretation, but everyone can decide whether that interpretation makes more sense than what Ether wrote and what Christ said when he visited the people after his resurrection.]
III. Does the Text Control All Conflicting Geographic Statements?
One objective of the response to that question is to suggest that all writers and students of the Book of Mormon interested in this subject should study the Book of Mormon without reliance on any person’s statements or beliefs in its geography and then should rely exclusively on the text and any corroborating archaeological, geographical, and geological evidence. [I can’t follow this statement. Let’s get the response to the question before determining what the objectives are. If this is one objective, what are the others?]
Even Rod Meldrum and Bruce Porter have stated the following:
·         “Anything that Church authorities—including Joseph Smith—have said about ‘Book of Mormon geography’ is irrelevant if it conflicts with what is in the Book of Mormon itself.”[xi]
·         “Joseph Smith stated that the scriptures ‘say what they mean and mean what they say.’”[xii]
In other words, if the Book of Mormon says “a sea,” it is a sea and not a river or a lake.[This circular reasoning begs the question. We all agree the text says “sea.” But what is a “sea” in this context? The text draws extensively from the KJV. How can we not consider the KJV in determining what the text means? The Book of Mormon authors themselves invoked the Old Testament, so we should be able to as well. Others can disagree, of course, but considering the KJV seems fundamental to me.] If it talks about crossing a river, then it means on foot unless otherwise stated as when Lehi, the Jaredites, and the Mulekites crossed the sea in vessels. [That’s purely speculation, and not very good speculation at that.] If it says “mountain,” it is more than just a large hill. [But “a large hill” is a definition of the term “mountain,” not only in common usage but in the scriptures themselves.] If it says “wilderness,” it is not a river. If Mormon meant “a river,” he would have said “a river.” [I’ve already gone over this one in detail.]
Some Book of Mormon analysts claim that Joseph Smith stated that Zarahemla was located at Montrose, Iowa, as proposed by Neville as one of his “revealed” foundational “pins” (see p. 12). Other analysts claim that Joseph Smith wrote the articles in the Times and Seasons wherein he stated that Zarahemla was located in Guatemala. Whether Joseph Smith actually made such statements is irrelevant because they are geographic in nature and hence not made by revelation.
[Wait a minute. Now we’re equating anonymous articles in the Times and Seasons with canonized scripture?] As noted, Anthony W. Ivins even declared that the location of the city of Zarahemla had not been revealed (p. 321). [This is not what Ivins said. He said “There has never been anything yet set forth that definitely settles that question.” As I wrote in Moroni’s America, D&C 125 is ambiguous. I used it as the basis for a hypothesis, that’s all. And, it turns out, it’s an ideal location for Zarahemla that makes the rest of the text fit. But I’ve never said it “definitely settles that question.”] And Oliver Cowdery said that “nothing but the faithful record of Mormon and Moroni is extant to inform us” of these geographic facts.[xiii] [Wow. That’s not at all what Oliver said.] The conflict is irreconcilable. Therefore, the location of the city must be determined not from any such statements but from the text itself, and then it must be corroborated by valid physical evidence.
[Look at this logic. First, Joe paraphrases Elder Ivins to say “the location of the city of Zarahemla had not been revealed.” But let’s take Joe’s paraphrase as accurate. Next Joe says that location “must be determined… from the text itself.” But the text is a revelation, and he just said the location had not been revealed. Therefore, by Joe’s own logic, the text cannot tell us the location of Zarahemla.
This is the kind of nonsense from Mesoamerican advocates that I have to continually deal with.
The whole point of looking at modern revelation—primarily the D&C, but also the Pearl of Great Price—is that the Book of Mormon alone does not reveal its setting. And yet, we have Joe and other Mesoamerican advocates insisting we can’t look at modern revelation. Instead, they insist we have to look at the text itself—right after telling us the text doesn’t reveal the setting. It’s difficult to imagine a more bankrupt framework than this—but all the Mesoamerican advocates do it. And that’s why this issue isn’t any closer to resolution than it was in the 1920s when this all started.
Let me say it again. Joe and all the other Mesoamerican advocates insist that we figure out the Book of Mormon geography from the text. But they also quote Church leaders to say the location hasn’t been revealed. If it hasn’t been revealed, then by definition it isn’t in the Book of Mormon.
This is why I call for a reassessment of what we do know. Joseph and Oliver said the Hill Cumorah was in New York. They didn’t claim revelation specifically on that, but why would they when they had visited Mormon’s repository in that hill? They had translated and written Mormon 6:6. It doesn’t take additional revelation to know that if you’ve been in the room that contained the records, and Mormon said he put them in the Hill Cumorah, that you’ve been in the Hill Cumorah.
The Mesoamerican argument is like saying that Joseph needed a revelation to know how much the plates weighed. He hefted them himself; he didn’t need Moroni to tell him how much they weighed, and he never claimed any such revelation.
In my view, the actual experience of visiting the repository on multiple occasions is far more credible than a revelation would have been anyway. As we’ve seen, anti-Mormons reject claims of revelation, and they reject the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, but they can’t reject the existence of the Book of Mormon. In like manner, Joseph and Oliver knew from personal experience that the Hill Cumorah was in New York. It was a reality that they made clear in Letter VII. That’s why Joseph had Oliver’s Letter VII republished and put in his history, so it would never be lost. That’s why no one disputed the location of Cumorah while Joseph was alive, and none of his contemporaries did, either. It was a known fact, and Brigham Young made a point of putting it in the Journal of Discourses so the Saints would never forget it.
But LDS scholars have rejected all of this in favor of the two-Cumorah theory.
I think this is a critical issue that every member of the Church ought to consider. We can’t have it both ways. Either Joseph and Oliver were reliable and dependable and correct about Cumorah, or modern LDS scholars are correct about Cumorah. In which case, the scholars better explain why we’re supposed to accept everything Oliver wrote about the early events in Church history except those few paragraphs from Letter VII.]
If one cannot affirmatively prove where Zarahemla was located, then does the Book of Mormon text give sufficient information to preclude specific areas from being Zarahemla? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” [Do I need to point out that Joe just said the location has not been revealed, but now he’s claiming it is revealed in the Book of Mormon?]
IV. What Are the Parameters, from the Text, to Locate Where the City of Zarahemla Was Located or Where It Could Not Have Been Located?
According to the Book of Mormon itself, the city of Zarahemla must be located as follows:
1.            West of the river Sidon (Alma 2:34; Alma 2:15).
2.            Northerly of the city/land of Nephi (Alma 22:24, 27, Alma 50:7).
3.            North of the land of Manti (Alma 17:1).
4.            North of the narrow strip of wilderness (Alma 22:27).
5.            Lower in elevation than the city of Nephi (Mosiah 28:1–7).
[I was fine up to here. The book of Mosiah never mentions the city of Zarahemla. Unless I’ve missed something, the city doesn’t show up until Alma 2. There’s a big difference between the land of Zarahemla and the city of Zarahemla that I usually don’t see recognized in this type of analysis. I agree that the land of Zarahemla is lower than the city of Nephi, but whether the city of Zarahemla is higher or lower, the text doesn’t say.]
6.            Northerly and lower in elevation than Gideon (Alma 62:7).
7.            Northerly and lower than Minon (Alma 2:24).
8.            Jershon and Antionum must be located east of Zarahemla and near the east sea (Alma 27:22, 31:3).
9.            Jershon must be located down in elevation and east from the area near Manti, and east from Zarahemla (Alma 27:26).
10.        The river Sidon must be fordable on foot near but south of the city of Zarahemla (Alma 2:27–34).
11.        The river Sidon must be easily fordable on foot by large armies near the head of Sidon, which head must be located south of Manti, and Manti must be located south of Zarahemla (Alma 43, 44).
Any proposed location for the city of Zarahemla must conform to all of these conditions. Neville’s model possibly complies with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and perhaps 6 and 7, but it definitely does not satisfy the requirements of 8, 9, 10, and 11. [Obviously, I disagree, as I made clear in the book. But reasonable people can disagree about all of these passages, and I’m fine with agreeing to disagree. I always welcome other interpretations, so long as we’re keeping Cumorah in New York.]
V. Was the Mississippi River Fordable on Foot?
One of the most significant features of Book of Mormon geography is the river Sidon. Thus, any model for Book of Mormon geography must reflect a major river.
As the proponents of the Heartland Model developed their Book of Mormon geography, they naturally realized the absolute necessity of identifying a river they could label as the river Sidon. In the setting for the Heartland Model, the territory from the Great Lakes on the north to the Gulf of Mexico on the south, the only possible candidate for the river Sidon was the Mississippi River, even though it flowed from north to south rather than south to north as had been stipulated for the river Sidon for the previous 170 years or so.[The idea of a south to north flowing river Sidon is a complete fallacy. It’s based on a series of assumptions, not on the text itself, as I’m sure Joe is about to demonstrate.]
Readers of Neville’s Moroni’s America should be prepared to deal with issues associated with the Mississippi as the Book of Mormon’s primary river, the Sidon. Mesoamericanists agree that Book of Mormon warfare accounts associated with the Sidon “paint a clear picture” of the Sidon as a relatively shallow river at certain points so the warring parties could cross it on foot. If the Mississippi is the Sidon, analysts should naturally expect that it could be crossed on foot during Book of Mormon times. But was the Mississippi fordable on foot? A careful examination of the Sidon content of the Book of Mormon in relation to the geography and topography of the Mississippi answers that question.
A. (No. 10 above) The river Sidon Must Be Fordable on Foot near, but South of, the City of Zarahemla (Alma 2:27–34).[xiv] (See my article at endnote 14.)
If the city of Zarahemla was located near Montrose, Iowa, as proposed by Neville and supported by other proponents of the Heartland Model, then the Mississippi River—their river Sidon—must have been fordable on foot across the Des Moines Rapids as claimed by Rod Meldrum and Jonathan Neville. Meldrum stated the following in 2015:
We also know that the river between Nauvoo and Zarahemla was shallow enough to allow crossing on foot both anciently and in the Nauvoo period, making this one of the most strategic locations in North America.[xv]

Neville agrees with Meldrum’s statement in an email sent to me on April 21, 2016: “Actually, the rapids here are the first place the River can be crossed on foot north of the Gulf of Mexico.”

There is no scientific or historical evidence to support this claim. No one has ever crossed the Mississippi on foot at the forty-five-hundred-feet-wide Des Moines rapids, [really? How could anyone know that no one has ever crossed on foot? I could have done it myself not long ago. You can cross in the winter, as the Saints did, when it is frozen. The average depth (before the dams and locks) was only about 2.4 feet. That’s average.]including especially the thousands of soldiers who would have crossed it and fought in it on foot if the Mississippi were the Sidon. Those outcomes are an impossibility as explained in my short article entitled, “Crossing the Mississippi River on Foot,” a copy of which is located at endnote14. If the Mississippi River between Nauvoo and Montrose, Iowa, was crossable on foot, then why did Brigham Young not cross it on foot when the Saints left Nauvoo? Why did the Mormon pioneers always ferry people and wagons across the Mississippi? [If the water is 2 feet deep, you’re not going to want to wade through it or drive wagons through it. The question is not the preferable way to cross, but whether it’s possible to cross on foot. It’s undoubtedly possible. The raids are 11 miles long, and historically, sometimes they were so shallow even canoes couldn’t navigate over them.] Or why did Brigham Young and the Saints wait until winter to cross the Mississippi on frozen ice when they first vacated Nauvoo? [You mean, when they crossed on foot?]
The Army Corps of Engineers made the following statement regarding the Des Moines Rapids:

The difficulty of navigation . . . lies not so much in the shallowness of the channel or the thread of the current as in its unevenness of bottom, insufficient width [of the otherwise navigable chains of channels within the rapids], tortuous direction, and great velocity. The influence of those features is exaggerated by cross-surface and under currents, and by east and west winds.[xvi]

Alma 2 and 3 discuss the battle between the Nephites and the Amlicite/Lamanite armies and their crossing of the river Sidon several times on foot. Without a doubt, contrary to what Neville claims on page 151 of Moroni’s America, the Amlicite/Lamanite army did not “follow the Nephites into” the Mississippi (Sidon) river near Montrose, Iowa, or near Gideon—or anywhere in the Mississippi River for that matter (see Alma 2:24–27). At page 151, Neville states the following:
Because the Lamanites “came upon” the Nephites as the Nephites were crossing the river, the Lamanites had to be behind the Nephites, following them into the river (emphasis added).
This is his personal definition and is not what the scripture states or means. [Ha-ha, everything we write about the scriptures is our own interpretation. Joe here claims he knows what Mormon meant, but then he offers a variety of non-exclusive connotations.]The synonyms for “come upon” as suggested in a thesaurus are “bump into,” “chance,” “encounter,” “meet,” and “come across,” none of which requires catching up from behind.[xvii]
Neville continues, “An interesting feature of the Mississippi River is the numerous islands that form in the channel. Here’s an example.” Neville then presents the following visual to his readers.
JVA Neville image 41 of Mississippi River.jpg
Following that visual, Neville says the following:
This section of the river, located just north of my proposed Gideon, is 2.5 miles wide at its widest point. What is now farmland to the east (right) of the current river is part of the historic channel, which is over five miles wide.
With this in mind, the description in Alma of a battle taking place while crossing the [Mississippi] river makes perfect sense. (See pages 151–53 of Moroni’s America.)
It makes perfect nonsense. Neville further stated in his email to me, “The Lamanite/Amlicite army was moving all night,” and “I think they were on the east side the entire time until the fight on the river.” [I didn’t realize our personal communications would be published on the Internet. Good to know. And a good warning to anyone who wants to engage with the Mesoamerican scholars.]
To Jonathan I say, “I am sorry but that analysis is, to use your word, ‘goofy.’” In this instance, that’s another way of reflecting the adjectives “unscholarly,” “illogical,” and “invalid” as I attempt to deal with his Mississippi River comments associated with pages 151–53 of Moroni’s America. Neville talks about the Mesoamericanists taking scriptures out of context and adding inferences that are not proper and so forth. However, his analysis in this instance is far more egregious than any he has cited of the Mesoamericanists. [I’m curious what criteria Joe uses to measure relative levels of egregiousness, but in this case, Joe insists these spies crossed the river twice, even though the text says nothing of the sort.] The Book of Mormon text absolutely does not say what he claims it means. And the events of Alma 2 absolutely could not have happened in the Mississippi River. [Okay, maybe I need to change the “clearly” fallacy to “absolutely” from now on.]
By his own admission in his email to me, he stated that the Des Moines “rapids here are the first place the River can be crossed on foot north of the Gulf of Mexico.” His proposed crossing of the Mississippi River, 2.5 miles north of his proposed Gideon, is located 23 miles south of the end of the rapids at Keokuk. Therefore, by his own admission, it is impossible to cross the Mississippi on foot, regardless of an island in the middle of it. Note also that there has never been an island or large sandbar in the middle of the Des Moines Rapids. Naturally, I recommend checking facts before making conclusions.  [The Des Moines Rapids are a permanent feature. The sandbars are periodic, and shift constantly. They are passable when the water level is low, but not normally. Again, it’s important to remember that today’s Mississippi is not the same river it was 2,000 years ago because of the dams, locks, and reservoirs. But as recently as July 2012, a 100-mile stretch of the North Platte River in Nebraska dried up. That same year, the Mississippi was 55 feet below what it had been the year before—and this is with all the Army Corps of Engineers projects. I’ve met people who said in their childhood, the Ohio River dried up enough you could walk across it, and the Ohio River is by far the biggest tributary to the lower Mississippi. So definitely, I recommend checking facts before making conclusions. J]
Neville further states the following on pages 152–53 (my comments are bracketed):
As I read this, Alma was crossing the river when the Lamanites attacked. The battle ensued on the river; i.e., on one of these islands in the middle of the river [the Book of Mormon does not say this]. Alma then cleared the west bank of the island [the Book of Mormon does not say this; it says “the bank which was [located] on the west of the river Sidon”—not west of an island] so his people could “have room to cross and contend with the [enemy] on the west side of the river” (Alma 2:34) This fits the text, which distinuishes beween “ground, or rather the bank, which was on the west of the river”—the ground Alma cleared—and the “west side of the river,” where Alma wanted to fight the battle. [This is Neville’s conjecture but not what the scripture says. How did the Lamanites/Amlicites ever get to the west bank of the Sidon ahead of Alma in the first place?] [The text doesn’t say they did.]
The scripture says “when they had all crossed the river Sidon,” which I take to mean all the combatants, not just all the Nephites. [Neville might believe this, but the scripture does not say it.] Alma wisely saw that he had to lure the Lamanites to the west side; [does not say this] the last thing he would want is the Lamanites and Amlicites to return where they came from. [Why? Alma would have wanted them to go home rather than fight them.] Once he got them on the west bank, he could prevent them from returning home. Instead, he scattered them on the west and north. [All this is so much conjecture and guessing. Why not stick to what Joseph’s translation says?] [Joe says this because I’ve called him out on his own additions to the text—such as the examples in this analysis we’ve seen already—but I’ve not added anything here. I’ve made inferences from the text, same as Joe and everyone else who reads the text. The description is ambiguous, as we would expect in an abridgment.]
Just imagine that! About forty thousand Nephites, Lamanites—being so numerous they could not be counted (Alma 2:35) [an imaginary number, of course]—and Amlicites all converging on foot that morning on an island in the middle of the Mississippi River and Alma “luring” Amlici and the Lamanites to the west side of the island—which did not exist in the rapids—so he could kill him and toss his body into the Mississippi River so that he could then climb upon the west bank of the river. Of course, he then had to help all the other combatant Lamanites out of the Mississippi River upon the west bank so he could then scatter them to the west and north to Hermounts! Neville should have written the Book of Mormon. His version is far more entertaining, and he apparently thinks he knows a lot more about the “facts” than Mormon did. Neville even knows where Alma wanted to fight the battle all along, not at Gideon, not on the island, but upon the west bank of the Mississippi—after they crossed the Mississippi and the island! The outcomes of Neville’s analysis are reflective of what he told me in his email about my explanations: “This is just goofy.” [Good to see Joe is emotionally involved here.]
And if Minon were located on the east side of the Mississippi 24 miles south of Gideon as claimed by Neville (153), what about all those fleeing farmers and their wives, children, and flocks. Did they also cross the 4,500 ft. wide Mississippi? On foot? And maybe even ahead of the Amlicites? Maybe the scouts did not have to tell Alma about the fleeing people from Minon because the people were fleeing ahead of the Lamanites and already had passed by Alma’s camp at Gideon. Why did Alma, instead of racing to beat the Amlicites to the city of Zarahemla, not stay in Gideon and, while his army was fresh, lay ambush against the Lamanites? The Amlicites would have been exhausted, having traveled and fought all the first day, fled twenty-four more miles to Minon by midnight, and then turned around and, during the night, marched back twenty-four miles to Gideon, according to Neville. Alma would have had a great tactical and strategic advantage. Why flee from them? Why not protect the fleeing farmers, wives, children, and flocks right there? Or another possibility, if the Lamanites/Amlicites were behind Alma by twenty-four miles, why did Alma not simply beat them to the river, cross the river, climb the west bank of the river, and then kill them as they attempted to climb out of the Mississippi?
What a bunch of “goofy” nonsense. Minon was located on the west side of river Sidon opposite Gideon. Let’s stick to the text of the Book of Mormon. And let’s stick to reality and the factual and historical impossibility of crossing the Mississippi on foot. [This is all entertaining, but the text never says Minon was on the west of the river. That’s Joe’s interpretation, which he arrives at by adding a parenthetical that Alma’s spies crossed the river twice and forgot to tell Alma.]
Therefore, the fact that the warring armies of Alma 2 were not able to have crossed the Mississippi on foot at the Des Moines Rapids results in the following outcomes: (1) the Mississippi River is not the river Sidon and (2) Montrose, Iowa, is not the city of Zarahemla. [If you want to believe no one has ever crossed the Mississippi on foot, and that’s the whole case, then we can demonstrate people have crossed it on foot. Is that really all Joe’s argument boils down to?]
B. (No. 11 above) The River Sidon Must Be Easily Fordable on Foot near Its Head as Required by Alma 43–44
[The rest of this paper is a series of interpretations of the text that I don’t agree with. The entire effort to attempt to figure out Book of Mormon geography from the text contradicts Joe’s basic thesis that the geography has never been revealed.
That’s why I consider Joe’s approach a fool’s errand. I think anyone who tries to determine a setting for the Book of Mormon without using at least the Cumorah pin in the map is wasting his/her time.
Without the pins in the map provided by modern revelation (or additional revelation from the Prophet or from currently unknown documents), resolution of Book of Mormon geography is literally impossible. No two people can independently come up with the same abstract map, simply because the text is too vague.
So not only does Joe’s effort contradict his own thesis, but it demonstrates the futility of trying to come up with an abstract map.
I invite anyone who is interested to consider Joe’s interpretation, as well as mine in Moroni’s America. I don’t recommend taking Joe’s word for what I’ve written, however; as I’ve shown, he misrepresents my positions. So read Joe’s, read mine, read anyone else’s you want. Then make up your own mind.]

[i]. Jonathan Neville, Moroni’s America: The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon(n.p.: Digital Legend, 2015), xi.
[ii]Jonathan Neville, Letter VII: Oliver Cowdery’s Message to the World about the Hill Cumorah (n.p.: Digital Legend, 2015).
[iii]. Emphasis added. All page numbers in parentheses in this article refer to Moroni’s Americaunless otherwise noted, and all Book of Mormon quotations are shown in italics.
[iv]. “Introduction,” The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981).
[v]Larry E. Dahl and Donald Q. Cannon, eds., Encyclopedia of Joseph Smith’s Teachings (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1997), under “Scriptures.”
[vi]. Jonathan Neville, Letter VII (Salt Lake City: Digital Legend, 2016).
[vii]. Anthony W. Ivins, Conference Report, April 1929, 16; Neville, Moroni’s America, 321.
[viii]. James E. Talmage, Conference Report, April 1929, 44; Neville, Moroni’s America, 321; emphasis added.
[ix]. John A. Widtsoe, “Evidences and Reconciliations: Is Book of Mormon Geography Known?” Improvement Era 53, July 1950, 547; John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Map (Provo, UT: The Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2000), 7; Neville, Moroni’s America, 322.
[x]. Ivins, Conference Report, April 1929, 16; Neville, Moroni’s America, 321; emphasis added.
[xi]Quotation attributed originally to John L. Sorenson but endorsed by Bruce Porter and Rod Meldrum, Prophecies and Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States of America(Mendon, NY: Digital Legend, 2009), 2.
[xii]Porter and Meldrum, Prophecies and Promises, 126.
[xiii]. Neville, Letter VII, 64.
[xiv]. Here is the text of a short article I wrote entitled “Crossing the Mississippi River on Foot”:
Just swimming across the Mississippi river is a dangerous and foolish matter. Many try; few succeed in their foolish attempts to swim the Mississippi. (See Patrick B. Anderson, “Many Try, Few Succeed in Foolish Attempts to Swim River,” August 25, 2012, [accessed May 26, 2016].)
In spite of the evidence that few swimmers, even strong ones, can successfully swim the Mississippi, Rod Meldrum claims that the Mississippi river could easily have been crossed on foot at the Des Moines Rapids.
Could the Mississippi River be crossed on foot, and are its banks sufficient to allow battles to be held on them?
Remember that the Mississippi today is much wider and deeper than it was in the days before dams, locks and levies, making it still a large river, but much more shallow. In fact, the river at Nauvoo was actually shallow enough to cross on foot! This area was called the Des Moines rapids and riverboats had to off-load their cargo to pass these rapids prior to the building of locks/dams across the river. The Des Moines Rapids are known historically to have been less than 2.4 feet deep, making this the first location upstream from the Gulf of Mexico where the mighty Mississippi could be crossed on foot! Certainly this would make this area a strategic location for any ancient civilization, as access to both sides of the river was easily attainable. (See Rod Meldrum, “The Mississippi; Could It Have Been River Sidon?” The Firm Foundation, June 4, 2010, [accessed May 26, 2016].)
But not on foot! With the exception of crossing the river when frozen over, there is no evidence that I can find of anyone, even native Americans, who crossed the Mississippi River on foot. Certainly access to both sides of the Mississippi river in this area was never “easily attainable” and then only by boat. The above claim by Meldrum is baseless and without any corroboration.
For thousands of years, the mighty Mississippi—because of its phenomenal volume of water and annual flooding—has changed course many times:
Timeline of outflow course changes:
c. 5000 BC: The last Ice Age ended; world sea level became what it is now.
c. 2500 BC: Bayou Teche became the main course of the Mississippi.
c. 800 BC: The Mississippi diverted farther east.
c. AD 200: Bayou Lafourche became the main course of the Mississippi.
c. AD 1000: The Mississippi’s present course took over.
It is common knowledge that almost every year for the past thousands of years there has been some kind of a flood on the Mississippi, and each flood has left boulders, trees, sandbars, and debris scattered in the river, making navigation of the river ever more dangerous.
Rod Meldrum fails to recognize this and further fails to apprise his readers of the following statement on page 278 of his above-referenced report by the Army Corps of Engineers regarding crossing the Des Moines Rapids:
The difficulty of navigation lies not so much in the shallowness of the channel or the thread of the current as in its unevenness of bottom, insufficient width [of the otherwise navigable chains of channels within the rapids], tortuous directions and great velocity. The influence of those features is exaggerated by cross surface and under currents and by the east and west winds. (See Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, by United States Army Corps of Engineers,
Neville agrees with Meldrum’s statement in an email sent to me on April 21, 2016:
Actually, the rapids here are the first place the River can be crossed on foot north of the Gulf of Mexico. The photo below is a modern scene, the result of the dam and lock system. The average depth of the Mississippi before the dam was 2.4 feet, meaning it was even more shallow in the summer. I recommend checking facts before reaching conclusions.
He is correct about the photo of the Mississippi near Keokuk that I had attached to my article, “Book of Mormon Objective Geographic Standard No. 1.” I thank him for bringing that to my attention and have deleted it from my article as it is anachronistic. However, he is not correct in the following conclusions: (1) that travelers could have crossed the Des Moines Rapids on foot, (2) that the Amlicites fought the Nephites in the Mississippi River, or (3) that the Amlicite/Lamanite armies followed the Nephites into the river. No one has ever fought a battle on foot in the Mississippi River. That the Amlicites and Lamanite armies were located on the west bank of the river Sidon that second day is sure. That they tried to keep Alma and the Nephites in the river Sidon is also sure because that is what the scripture says. But that this could have happened in the Mississippi River is totally, to use Neville’s word about parts of my article, “goofy” (a less-than-scholarly synonym for “unscholarly,” “illogical,” or “invalid”).
The following is a description in 1870 of the difficulty of crossing the Mississippi River at the Des Moines Rapids in a boat, let along on foot. These rapids started at Montrose, Iowa, and ended eleven miles downriver near Keokuk, Illinois.
The fall in eleven miles is twenty-two feet; average width of Mississippi river, four thousand five hundred feet; its mean depth, two and four-tenths feet; and its mean surface velocity is two and eighty-eight hundredths feet per second. The tortuous, uncertain channel over these rapids precludes the possibility of any craft navigating them in low water. Even if the channel itself was wide and deep, no pilot would dare to undertake to pass them at night. (See J. E. Griffith, “The Des Moines Rapids of the Mississippi River, and Its Improvements,” The Annals of Iowa, 1870, No. 2 [1870], 149–54.)
The forced removal of Native Americans from the eastern part of the United States during the infamous Trail of Tears march shows the treacherousness of crossing of the Mississippi near the area of Nauvoo. They did not cross on foot but were ferried across the Mississippi:
Two thirds of the ill-equipped Cherokee that were trapped beside the frozen Mississippi River still remembered a half-century later the hundreds of sick and dying in wagons or lying on the frozen ground with only a single blanket provided by the government to each Indian for shelter from the cold wind. Falling temperatures caused the surface of the river to freeze before all the detachments could be ferried across. The ice prevented both boat and horses from moving. Besides the cold, there was starvation and malnutrition. Weakened by the hunger, the Cherokee became easy victims of disease, particularly cholera, smallpox and dysentery. Many died on both sides of the river waiting for [the] journey to resume. (See “Trail of Tears Across the Mississippi Valley,” [accessed May 26, 2016].)
Crossing the Mississippi River on foot anywhere, at any time—except perhaps near its headwaters in Minnesota and except when the Mormons crossed it on foot when it was frozen over—was impossible. Without a doubt, contrary to what Neville claims on page 151 of his book, Moroni’s America, the Amlicite/Lamanite army did not “follow the Nephites into” the Mississippi/Sidon river near Montrose, Iowa, or near Gideon—or anywhere in the Mississippi River for that matter. At pages 151–53, Neville says, “Because the Lamanites ‘came upon’ the Nephites as the Nephites were crossing the river, the Lamaniteshad to be behind the Nephites, following them into the river” (emphasis added).
There is no such definition of the term “came upon.” This is his personal definition and is not what the scripture states or means. The synonyms suggested in a thesaurus are “bump into,” “chance,” “encounter,” “meet,” “come across,” all of which do not require catching up from behind.
Neville continues:
An interesting feature of the Mississippi River is the numerous islands that form in the channel. Here’s an example.
This section of the river, located just north of my proposed Gideon, is 2.5 miles wide, from bank to bank. The island in the channel is about 1.5 miles wide at its widest point. With this in mind, the desription in Alma of a battle taking place while crossing the [Mississippi] river makes perfect sense. (See Jonathan Neville, Moroni’s America: The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon (n.p.: Digital Legend, 2016), 151–53.)
Neville further stated the following in an email to me “The Lamanite/Amlicite army was moving all night,” and “I think they were on the east side the entire time until the fight on the river.” He later said of my statements, “Why don’t we stick to the text.”
I am sorry, Jonathon, but that statement is, to use your word, “goofy.” It makes about as much sense as the Heartland geographic model claiming that all events described in the Book of Mormon ocurred exclusively in the Eastern United States. (I am not talking about the completion of prophesies and promises to the covenant English Gentiles upon the most favored nation—the United States—among other nations the Lord promised He would establish on “this continent, North and South America”).
Neville talks about the Mesoamericanists taking scriptures out of context and adding inferences that are not proper and so forth. This one of his is far more egregious than any he has cited of the Mesoamericanists. The text absolutely does not say what he claims it means. And the events absolutely could not have happened in the Mississippi River.
By his own admission in his email to me, he stated that the Des Moines “rapids here are the first place the River can be crossed on foot north of the Gulf of Mexico.” His proposed crossing of the Mississippi River, 2.5 miles north of his proposed Gideon, is located 23 miles south of the end of the rapids at Keokuk and therefore, by his own admission, impossible to cross the Mississippi on foot, regardless of an island in the middle of it. Note also that there has never been an island or large sandbar in the middle of the Des Moines Rapids. “I recommend checking facts before making conclusions.”
Neville further states the on page 152:
As I read this, Alma was crossing the river when the Lamanites attacked. The battle ensued on the river; i.e., on one of these islands in the middle of the river [does not say this]. Alma then cleared the west bank of the island [does not say this. It says “the bank which was (located) on the west of the river Sidon” not west of an island] so his people could “have room to cross and contend with the [enemy] on the west side of the river” (Alma 2:34). This fits the text, which distinguishes beween “ground, or rather the bank, which was on the west of the river”—the ground Alma cleared—and the “west side of the river,” where Alma wanted to fight the battle. [This is his conjecture but not what the scripture says. How did the Lamanites/Amlicites ever get to the west bank of the Sidon ahead of Alma in the first place?]
The scripture says “when they had all crossed the river Sidon,” which I take to mean all the combatants, not just all the Nephites, [Neville might believe this, but the scripture does not say it] Alma wisely saw that he had to lure the Lamanites to the west side; [does not say this] the last thing he would want is the Lamanites and Amlicites to return where they came from. Once he got them on the west bank he could prevent them from returning home. Instead, he scattered them on the west and north. [All this is so much conjecture and guessing. Why not stick to what Joseph’s translation says?]
Just imagine that! About forty thousand Nephites, Lamanites—so numerous they could not be counted (Alma 2:35), and Amlicites all converging on foot that morning on an island in the middle of the Mississippi River and Alma “luring” Amlici to the west side of the island—which did not exist in the rapids—so he could kill him and toss his body into the Mississippi River so that he could then climb upon the west bank of the river. Of course, he then had to help all the other combatant Lamanites out of the Mississippi River upon the west bank so he could then scatter them to the west and north to Hermounts! Neville should have written the Book of Mormon. His version is far more entertaining, and he knows a lot more about the “facts” than Mormon did. He even knows where Alma wanted to fight the battle all along—not on the island but upon the west bank of the Mississippi—after they crossed the Mississippi and the island! Like Neville told me in the email “This is just goofy.”
And what about all those fleeing farmers and their wives, children, and flocks. Did they also cross the Mississippi—maybe even ahead of the Amlicites? Maybe the scouts did not have to tell Alma about the fleeing people from Minon because the people were fleeing ahead of the Lamanites and already had passed by Alma’s camp at Gideon. Why did Alma, instead of racing to beat the Amlicites to the city of Zarahemla, not stay in Gideon and, while his army was fresh, lay ambush against the Lamanites? The Amlicites would have been exhausted, having traveled and fought all the first day, fled twenty-fur more miles to Minon by midnight, and then turned around and, during the night, marched back twenty-four miles to Gideon, according to Neville. Alma would have had a great tactical and stratigic advantage. Why flee from them? Why not protect the fleeing farmers and their wives right there? Or another possibility, if the Lamanites/Amlicites were behind Alma by twenty-four miles, why did Alma not simply beat them to the river, cross the river, climb the west bank of the river, and then kill them as they attempted to climb out of the Mississippi? What a bunch of “goofy” nonsense. Let’s stick to the text of the Book of Mormon. And let’s stick to reality and the factual and historical impossibility of crossing the Mississippi on foot.
I agree with what Gregory L. Smith says as he summarizes his analysis of Neville’s interpretation of Alma 22:27:
There is no common interpretive rule or principle that guides Neville’s exegesis—instead, he seems to pick and choose depending on the needs of the North American model. . . .
In conclusion, I am reluctant to accept Neville’s chiastic argument based upon Alma 22:27 on at least three grounds: (1) the existence of the chiasmus is dubious; (2) its presence in Neville’s reading leads to conclusions at variance with the Book of Mormon text, many of which make the actors’ military choices nonsensical; and (3) Neville’s reading requires him to make ad hocassumptions and leaps at least as large [or larger] as those he roundly condemns in others.
Neville’s production of a map and detailed explanation for how it was produced represent a major step forward for Heartland advocates. Unfortunately, an examination of even a few verses reveals this model’s errors, ad hoc assumptions, and ignored details. These flaws suggest the need to begin again, and this would be best done via an internal model justified on its own terms without reference to any real-world location. (See Gregory L. Smith, “‘From the Sea East Even to the Sea West’: Thoughts on a Proposed Book of Mormon Chiasm Describing Geography in Alma 22:27,”Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, vol. 19 [2016], 378.)
Bottom line: Because the Mississippi River could not have been crossed on foot at or near Montrose, Iowa, then the Mississippi River could not have been the river Sidon of the Book of Mormon.
[xv]See article entitled “Zarahemla, Iowa Archaeological Excavation,” (accessed May 23, 2016).
[xvi]. See Report of the Chief of Engineers Accompanying Report of the Secretary of War(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1867), 278,; emphasis added (accessed May 23, 2016).
[xvii]. See (accessed May 23, 2016).

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Elder Holland’s powerful talk to a room full of unbelievers

[Note: while I’m out of the country, we’re re-posting the most popular posts from the last few years]

Last Wednesday evening at the Chiasmus Jubilee, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve gave one of the most powerful talks I’ve ever heard. It was in the auditorium of the Joseph Smith Building, which seats over 850 people. The room was full of BYU faculty, students, scholars, and other interested people.

The entire talk is available now at mormonnewsroom here. For brevity sake, I’ll refer to the Deseret News report here, titled “Elder Holland on Book of Mormon: ‘Engaging the head as well as the heart’.”

The article is a nice summary of Elder Holland’s talk, but it overlooked a key point he made which I discuss below.

First, I note that Elder Holland began his talk by expressing deep appreciation for the work of faithful scholars at BYU and throughout the Church. It was a fitting tribute after the evening’s celebration of Brother Welch’s discovery of chiasmus in the Book of Mormon and the widespread impact that has had on building testimony and encouraging additional faithful research. Non-LDS scholars were present in support of Brother Welch’s exemplary long-time collaboration with scholars around the world.

I’ll proceed by quoting from the Deseret News article, with my observations in red

Elder Holland reminded guests that the spirit of revelation — including one’s testimony of the Book of Mormon — comes through a process of “engaging the head as well as the heart,” with “the force of fact as well as the force of feeling.” He prefaced this by reminding us about Oliver Cowdery and D&C 8:2, “I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost.” He also pointed out that “truth borne by the Holy Spirit comes with, in effect, two manifestations, two witnesses if you will-the force of fact as well as the force of feeling.”

He added: “Our testimonies aren’t dependent on evidence. We still need always and forever that spiritual confirmation in the heart of which we’ve all spoken. But to not seek for and not to acknowledge intellectual, documentable support for our belief, when it is available, is to needlessly limit an otherwise incomparably strong theological position and deny us a persuasive vocabulary in the latter-day arena of religious investigation in a sectarian debate.” Elder Holland said that we are sometimes not as bold as we could be about this evidence, which made me think about whether I need to be more bold myself. He also quoted from Austin Farrer 1965 observation about rational argument (as BYU President Kevin Worthen had also done earlier that evening): “[T]hough argument does not create conviction, the lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.”

Elder Holland cited the Apostle Paul’s expression of faith being “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

“For me, the classic example of substance that I hope for and the evidence of things I have not seen is the 531 pages of the Book of Mormon, which come from a sheath of gold plates that some people saw and handled and hefted, but I haven’t seen or handled or hefted, and neither have you,” Elder Holland said.

“Nevertheless, the reality of those plates — the substance of them, if you will — and the evidence that comes from them in the form of the Book of Mormon is at the heart, at the very center, of the hope and testimony and conviction of this work that is unshakably within me forever.” Elder Holland also described Martin Harris’ experience, when he responded to the visitation of the angel with the plates by shouting, “’tis enough, ’tis enough. mine eyes have beheld, mine eyes have beheld.”

That’s the end of the article’s coverage of the talk, and it’s great. But it missed what I think was the most powerful lesson of the talk.

After reviewing examples of evidence, including the testimony of the eight witnesses, Elder Holland quoted Mark 16:14. This was Christ’s first meeting with the eleven apostles after his resurrection.

“Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.”

He said “The message is that if members of the Godhead go to the trouble of providing “many infallible proofs” of truth, then surely we are honor bound to affirm and declare that truth and may be upbraided if we do not.”

I did some research. This verse has been cited only twice in General Conference according to, once by Elder Carlos Asay and once by President James E. Faust, and only President Faust recognized that the Savior upbraided the eleven. This is significant because he upbraided them for rejecting eyewitnesses and having a hard heart against those witnesses.

As far as I can discover, Elder Holland has never quoted this verse prior to this Chiasmus Jubilee talk, at least not in any of his books and talks included on Gospelink.

So I wondered, why quote Mark 16:14 at this time, in this place, to this audience?

The first thought: Maybe Elder Holland was appealing to the non-LDS scholars in the room, as well as other nonmembers who might hear or read his talk in the future, who have not accepted the testimonies of the twelve official witnesses to the Book of Mormon (Joseph Smith, the Three Witnesses, and the Eight Witnesses). Maybe he was suggesting they, too, should believe these witnesses who testified of what they had actually seen.

But I don’t think that was what he had in mind for three reasons.

First, he is much too kind and gentle to compare the non-LDS scholars in that room that night to the Apostles the Savior was upbraiding for their unbelief in the witnesses of his resurrection. Besides, these good non-LDS scholars are all firm believers in the Bible and they love the Lord.

Second, if the focus of the talk was on non-LDS people, there are plenty of other scriptures about people not believing evidence; Mark 16:14 is unique because Mark shows how the Savior upbraided his closest and most faithful and trusted followers, the Apostles themselves, for their unbelief.

Third, his audience in that room that night contained only a few non-LDS people. The audience consisted mostly of prominent LDS scholars and educators at BYU and in the Church, along with students and other LDS people assembled to celebrate evidence that supports the Book of Mormon.

Then it dawned on me.

I was sitting in the midst of over 800 people who, in fact, “believe not them which had seen” and testified about important facts regarding the Book of Mormon.

This was a room full of some of the most faithful and committed members of the Church, many of them entrusted with the heavy responsibility to educate the youth of the Church at BYU and through CES, and yet nearly all of them “believe not” a fundamental witness from Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery about the Book of Mormon; i.e., their teaching that the Hill Cumorah was in New York.

(I say “nearly all of them” because some people in the audience I knew do accept Letter VII. I’ll estimate maybe 50 out of the 850 present. BYU students present have all been taught not to believe Letter VII, but fortunately at least some of them reject what their BYU professors are teaching about this.)

In this setting, at this time, Elder Holland’s audience consisted of many of the closest and most faithful and trusted followers in the Church today. (I know, I was also present, but I’m not claiming to be anywhere near on a par with the other people in that room.) I think he quoted Mark 16:14 to this audience–after discussing the witnesses to the Book of Mormon–at least in part to call their attention to their disbelief in what Joseph and Oliver taught.

I doubt this has occurred to a single one of them, but maybe this blog post will help.

Consider this list of LDS speakers on the program. These are all good men, highly skilled and faithful and dedicated, with a variety of academic specialties and backgrounds, with strong testimonies and years of dedicated service, but they have one thing in common: they have specifically rejected what Joseph and Oliver said in Letter VII.

Robert F. Smith
John W. Welch
Noel B. Reynolds
Daniel C. Peterson
Taylor Halverson
Stephen Smoot

Others present in the room, some of them having presented earlier in the Jubilee, have done likewise:

Neal Rappleye
Matt Roper
Kerry Hull
Kirk Magleby

There were other scholars and educators present that I won’t name, and as I said, there were a few people in the room who do accept what Joseph and Oliver taught in Letter VII, but the ones I listed not only “believe not” what Joseph and Oliver wrote, they strongly oppose it. 

Consider the sponsors of the event.

Book of Mormon Central, Official Sponsor of the Chiasmus Jubilee, and the Interpreter Foundation, Official Co-Sponsor, have published articles specifically opposing Letter VII and its implications.

BYU Studies , the other Official Sponsor of the Chiasmus Jubilee, continues to feature, on its main web page, maps and other material that reject Letter VII.

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, another Official Co-Sponsor, published a book that ridicules what Joseph and Oliver taught by saying, “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd.” Of course, among the Latter-day Saints who “insisted” this–who went further and stated it was a fact–were Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith.

I hope this post is not perceived (or later characterized) as some sort of attack. It’s not. As I’ve always said, I respect and admire the people I’ve listed here and their work. I like all of them. Their ongoing disbelief in what Joseph and Oliver taught is inexplicable to me.* 

Some may reject my interpretation of what Elder Holland meant, which is fine. Before they spend time trying to come up with an alternative interpretation, though, I suggest they ask themselves what they think about Letter VII and why. Is their rejection of what Joseph and Oliver taught based on confirmation bias? I.e., are they seeking to hold onto a belief in the Mesoamerican and two-Cumorahs theory? If so, why?

Some may claim that Elder Holland doesn’t know about Letter VII and what Joseph and Oliver taught, or how the disbelief in what they taught is affecting the Church. Do you seriously want to make that assumption?

Some may not see the importance of Letter VII. For that, I suggest you consider the abstract map of Book of Mormon lands that BYU is now requiring every new BYU student learn, and which was presented at the event right before Elder Holland spoke. That map teaches every BYU student that Joseph and Oliver were wrong about an important issue. It’s the first step on a slippery slope that no member of the Church should take, let alone be required to take.

I think Mark 16:14 provides an insightful and profound explanation of the situation here. The Savior was appearing to his apostles for the first time after his resurrection. They would go forward from this meeting and “preach the gospel to every creature” with great power and faith.

But first, he upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe the witnesses the Lord had provided. They had to conquer their unbelief and hardness of heart, and they weren’t doing it on their own. We may infer they had justified their unbelief somehow. They had their reasons. Their rationalizations. Maybe they even thought they had facts. Everyone does.

And yet, their disbelief and hardness of heart prevented them from accomplishing their callings. The matter was so important that the Savior Himself came to them to upbraid them.

Their justifications didn’t matter then, any more than the justifications for disbelieving Letter VII matter today.

We know from Brigham Young and others that Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith were eyewitnesses to Mormon’s record depository in the Hill Cumorah. That’s how they could speak of Cumorah as a fact years later when they wrote Letter VII. They were witnesses to Cumorah as much as they were to the plates themselves.

For too long, modern LDS scholars and educators have rejected the witness of Joseph and Oliver as “manifestly absurd,” as the book I quoted claimed.

I hope Elder Holland’s talk will motivate these faithful, capable, and talented scholars to reconsider their justifications and cease their disbelief.

As Joseph taught, “there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it—” (D&C 123:12)

Imagine how many blinders would fall from the eyes of the people in the world if our LDS scholars and educators–and their students and readers–would accept and embrace and work to vindicate the testimonies of Joseph and Oliver about the Hill Cumorah and related issues instead of opposing them because of disbelief and hardness of heart. 

I think it will happen. It’s just a matter of when, and I hope it’s sooner rather than later.

* It is inexplicable in the sense that they should know better by now.

I realize that the Mesoamerican and two-Cumorahs theories originated with RLDS scholars in the 1920s. The theories were developed further by LDS scholars who, in part, relied on the anonymous articles in the 1842 Times and Seasons. It was fueled, as well, by such works as David A. Palmer’s book, In Search of Cumorah, which established phony “requirements” for Cumorah that contradicted what Joseph and Oliver taught. Palmer wrote the entry on Cumorah in the Encyclopedia of Mormonismthat contains this deeply unfortunate claim: “Because the New York site does not readily fit the Book of Mormon description of Book of Mormon geography, some Latter-day Saints have looked for other possible explanations and locations, including Mesoamerica.” Palmer cited his own book in that article, of course, and then someone plagiarized it for a phony fax from the “Office of the First Presidency” which the Conclave (FairMormon, FARMS, Book of Mormon Central, etc.) has used ever since to support their Mesomania. It’s a cascade of errors that should have been discarded long ago, but it persists partly because of inertia and partly because so many scholars and educators have invested so much time, energy, and personal credibility into the Mesoamerican setting that they strongly resist changing their minds, even to the point of unbelief in what Joseph and Oliver plainly taught.

But we should be way past academic pride by now.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars