M2C web part 4 – Why EME matters

We all get to decide for ourselves whom to follow: the prophets or the intellectuals. We have our agency, and we seek our own inspiration on this as on everything.

But, as President Nelson taught in the last General Conference, I know that good inspiration is based upon good information.”

The M2C scholars at BYU and CES have methodically deprived members of the Church of good information. 

That’s really my only problem with what they’re doing. Disagreeing about the significance, relevance, or interpretation of the information is fair, but censoring it is not.

The easy way, which most people take, is to defer to the experts. We’re all busy. We all have our own interests and priorities. It’s only rational to let the experts do the work and tell us what to think.

Plus, we have the 14th Article of Faith.

On top of that, all is well in Zion; Zion prospereth. The Church is building more temples. The economy along the Wasatch front is fantastic. People are building bigger and better houses, buying new cars and boats, going on vacations. Unemployment is low.

BYU and CES students (and missionaries) accept the fantasy map of the Book of Mormon without questioning it. Book of Mormon Central, FairMormon, and the Interpreter have all the answers; after all, they’ve been hired by Church leaders to guide the Church.

And now we have EME (the Early Modern English theory).

I know a lot of people think Book of Mormon historicity/geography is a peripheral issue.

As the famous exclamation goes, “What difference does it make?”

In a sense, I completely agree; most of what we do in the Church is focused on service and striving to become more like Christ. We all agree with that.

Yet the Book of Mormon is the instrument the Lord prepared for us to accomplish His work. The divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon is central to the message of the restored Gospel.

There are billions of people on the planet who have never heard of the Restoration, but most of those who have heard about it have rejected it as not believable.

In my view, many LDS scholars have impeded the work by confusing the message of the Book of Mormon by creating and promoting the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory (M2C). We were warned about this by Joseph Fielding Smith and other leaders, and the evidence of the fulfillment of those warnings is all around us–except maybe not along the Wasatch front?

To recap this series, we’re looking at how the M2C web has distorted and corrupted LDS scholarship, creating a bubble within which these scholars work. They have successfully brought many Church members into their bubble, mainly by using (and I think abusing) their positions of trust at BYU and CES.

Most of the time in this blog I have focused on the issue of the New York Cumorah, which is a bright line. Remember, M2C is founded on the premise that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah. If the prophets are correct, then M2C is false. It’s that simple.*

But the problem is far more extensive than just the New York Cumorah.

Mesomania has led many LDS scholars to doubt what Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery said and taught because they assume M2C and then frame everything else to fit or at least accommodate M2C. The latest example is the idea that Joseph didn’t even translate the Book of Mormon, which I’ll discuss in part 5.

Other examples of real-world impact are these:

– BookofMormonCentral deceiving readers and donors (and Church leaders) into thinking it is neutral on geography issues, when really its goal is “to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican codex.”

– BookofMormonCentral and FairMormon censoring the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah and related evidence that supports and corroborates the teachings of the prophets, while also sowing confusion among the Saints on this topic to promote M2C.

– The Joseph Smith Papers skewing the search function and tailoring the notes to accommodate M2C.

– The Church History Department publishing revisionist Church history in the otherwise awesome book Saints solely to accommodate M2C.

– The Church Correlation Department editing the Joseph Smith lesson manual, commissioning and distributing exclusively M2C artwork, and many other activities to promote M2C.

We’ll eventually explore each of those examples, starting with EME in part 5.
* The New York Cumorah says nothing about Book of Mormon geography other than that Cumorah is in New York. Other events in the Book of Mormon could have taken place anywhere. But if the prophets are correct, there is only one Cumorah and it is in New York.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 3 – Late War influence

The majority of the billions of people on this planet have never heard of the Book of Mormon. (I suggested this is a great blessing and opportunity here.) As members of the Church assigned to help gather Israel and bring people to Christ, we should be thinking about our message from the perspective of these billions of people.

Most of those who have heard about the Church or the Book of Mormon still know virtually nothing about it–again, a tremendous blessing and opportunity. But about half of those who do know something have negative impressions.

One of the reasons for these negative impressions, IMO, is that so many of the responses to the arguments made by our critics have consisted of confirmation bias designed to satisfy believers. To some degree, I suppose, those responses have been effective for that purpose. They confirm the biases of those who already want to believe.

In my view, though, these responses are unpersuasive to impartial observers, to say nothing of the critics.

I propose that we could do a much better job sharing the Book of Mormon and bringing people to Christ if we took a more realistic approach to the way we frame our positions. A key element is believing the words of the prophets.

A fine example of this is the response to The Late War and other pseudo-biblical books. The principal responders have been members of the M2C citation cartel, such as FairMormon* and the Interpreter.

They are writing from within the M2C bubble to others within that bubble, which is fine for people living in that bubble. But the billions of people I mentioned above are well outside the M2C bubble and are highly unlikely to ever enter it.

It’s for those billions (and anyone else who is outside the M2C bubble) that I have worked through The Late War issue.

As these billions of people begin to learn about the Book of Mormon, they will search the Internet for more information. In no time, they will come across the critics who cite The Late War as a reason to disbelieve the Book of Mormon. If the only responses from Church members that they can find are those published so far by the M2C citation cartel, I think unbiased investigators will find the critics more persuasive for the reasons I explain below.

When the critics are more persuasive, people are unlikely to give the Book of Mormon serious consideration. That’s an outcome we must work to avoid to give the billions of people in the world a fair chance to accept the Gospel.

The basic response from the M2C citation cartel has been to deny that Joseph read The Late War, to question the methodology of the critics, to find alternate sources for the similarities, and to claim that Joseph didn’t even translate the Book of Mormon into English. I’ll discuss the problems with each of these in more detail below, but first I’ll review part 2 of this series and explain my biases and assumptions.

In part 2 I discussed the historical context of The Late War, including its formatting similarities to the Book of Mormon and its endorsement by Professor Mitchill, to whom Martin Harris took the copy of the characters transcribed from the plates by Joseph Smith. I think this context makes it highly unlikely that Joseph was unaware of The Late War.

Today in part 3 we will look at what I consider textual influences of The Late War and other pseudo-biblical texts.

To reiterate, here are my biases:

1. I think Joseph Smith actually translated the engravings on the plates by using the Nephite interpreters and studying it out in his mind. (e.g., D&C 8:1; 9:8; 10:41, 45)

2. I think he used the Urim and Thummim to articulate his understanding of the engravings, dictating in his own language and dialect, which was a product of his life experience and education. (e.g., D&C 1:24)

3. I think he was familiar with The Late War and other similar books, but he did not copy their language, syntax or themes. Instead, these books became part of his mental language bank, including his vocabulary and manner of speech.

Of course, I think my biases are confirmed by the evidence, as I’ll explain below.

My biases drive my methodology, so I’ll explain how I approach this issue.

When there are multiple ways to interpret the evidence (as there always are), I lean toward interpretations that are consistent with and that corroborate what the prophets have said. 

In legal terms, I give greater weight to what the prophets have said than to what others have said, which means that in case of a conflict or discrepancy, I defer to the prophets. 

By prophets, I mean Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, who were the founding prophets of this dispensation. It was these two, together, who received all the Priesthood keys. The line of authority of every holder of the Priesthood today goes directly from President Cowdery to Peter, James and John, for example.**    

I give greater weight to canonized works than to uncanonized works, but I haven’t found any conflicts between these with respect to the words of the prophets.

Here are two examples of my methodology.

1. The only part of the Book of Mormon that Joseph said was “a literal translation” is the Title Page. 

(He also said the Title Page was a “genuine and literal translation” as I’ve discussed elsewhere.)

I infer from this that the rest of the translation was not “literal” in the same sense, even though it was true, correct, accurate, etc.

There can be a significant difference between a “literal” translation and an “idiomatic” translation. Here is a simple example of the difference:

“I have coldness” is a literal translation from French j’ai froid, but “I’m cold” is the idiomatic translation. The idiomatic translation is accurate, but the translator uses his/her own natural speech patterns in the second language instead of a word-for-word literal translation.

Because Joseph said only that the Title Page was a literal translation, I infer that he made an idiomatic translation of the rest of the text, rendering it into his own speech patterns by drawing from his mental language bank.***

2. D&C 1:24 tells us that the Lord worked with Joseph’s own idioms.

Behold, I am God and have spoken it; these commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding.

Some have told me this passage applies only to the Doctrine and Covenants and not the Book of Mormon, but Joseph received some of the sections in the D&C before he translated one word of the Book of Mormon. Based on D&C 1:24, I infer that Joseph translated the text “after the manner of his language.”

This means we have two reasons to conclude that Joseph performed an idiomatic translation.****

People are free to disagree with my inferences, of course. I set them forth here precisely so people can decide whether or not to agree. I’m always interested in considering others’ perspectives. For this analysis, though, you have my biases and methodology.

You may wonder, if Joseph translated the text “after the manner of his language,” why did he need the Urim and Thummim (the Nephite interpreters)? I think the interpreters themselves operate by drawing on the prophet’s own mental language base.

Joseph was taught by Moroni for four years before he obtained the plates. He explained he was familiar with the people, their modes of travel, etc. He studied the engravings for months before he began dictating to Martin Harris. The Lord explained to Oliver that he had to do more than ask; he had to work out the translation in his mind. Certainly that instruction applied to Joseph as well.

Anyone who has translated from one language to another knows how many variations come to mind during the process. I think the interpreters solidified his thoughts so he could read the text coherently, but they did not give him new syntax or terminology; they drew on Joseph’s mental language base.

This is different from the gift of tongues, for example, that allows people to speak and understand other languages. (People experience the gift of tongues without any need for a device, but that’s a topic for another time.)

Critics have pointed to parallels between The Late War and the Book of Mormon such as these:

     The Late War Book of Mormon
Location Quotation Quotation Location

27-28 … near Moravian Town … And it came to pass … the army … were under … a chief warrior, whom they called Tecumseh […] smote their chief warrior [Tecumseh], and slew him… he fell to the earth. … people of Morianton … And it came to pass … the army … was led by a man whose name was Teancum […] they did pursue Teancumand slew him … he was dead, and had gone the way of all the earth. Alma 50:33,35, Alma 62:36-37
6-7 sent forth a Proclamation, … abroad … And it came to pass, that a great multitude flocked to the … standard of Columbia…they came in battle array against the … sent a proclamation throughout … the land; … And it came to pass that thousands did flock unto his standard [of liberty] … they … went down with their armies … against the Alma 61-62
51:3-10 it came to pass that the husbandmen … gathered together, and pitched their tents, [and] assembled together … And the people shouted with a loud voice, … it came to pass that … the people gathered themselves together … And … pitched their tents… ye should assemble yourselves together … And they all cried with one voice, … Mosiah 2-4

The Late War is one of the four pseudo-biblical texts involved here. The others are The American Revolution, The First Book of Napoleon, and The First Book of the American Chronicles of the Times. I detailed these in part 2.

LDS defenders such as FairMormon have accurately pointed out how the critics extracted phrases from different passages and stitched them together to compose these similarities. They have also shown that some of these phrases are common with the Bible and/or other sources.

For the details, see their analysis here:

These exchanges provide enough evidence to confirm whichever bias you have. 

If you think the Book of Mormon is fiction, then the critics have given you some comparisons that will confirm your bias.

If you think the Book of Mormon is not fiction, then FairMormon has raised enough questions about the comparison to confirm your bias.

But what if you don’t have a bias one way or the other?

Let’s say you are an investigator, one of the billions of people who have never heard of the Book of Mormon. Someone tells you about it and you are interested. You do some quick research on the Internet and come across the CES Letter or another critic who claims the Book of Mormon is fiction, copied from The Late War. You read about the similarities such as the ones I posted above.

I think anyone who sees these similarities would find them persuasive on their face; i.e., they would conclude that Joseph copied from The Late War.

(BTW, these similarities are even more unsettling for long-time Church members who don’t realize there were other books published before the Book of Mormon that also used the “Ancient Historical Style” that sought to emulate biblical language. Imagine how they feel when it is anti-Mormons who first tell them about it. Far better, IMO, to educate the Saints about these issues directly in Church, CES, BYU, etc.)

Back to the objective investigator.

You ask the missionaries or your friend about these similarities. They refer you to the FairMormon response I linked to above.

Do you find it persuasive?

Possibly. But not likely.

Here’s why.

The critics did not know about The Late War before doing their analysis of 100,000+ books. The similarities to The Late War popped out of their statistical study.  Then they did their qualitative analysis and came up with their lists of similarities in theme and language. That’s a persuasive framing.

Now, let’s look at how FairMormon responded, again from the perspective of an objective investigator.

1. FairMormon criticized the critics’ methodology, but is that a plausible defense? I don’t think so because the critics’ methodology did, after all, lead them to The Late War which contains all these similarities. Plus, it was objective; they assessed over 100,000 books.

I rate this defense as unpersuasive.

2. FairMormon also points out that there is no proof Joseph ever read The Late War. This is technically true, but if there was such evidence, it would not have taken a statistical study of 100,000+ books to find the book. The problem here is that we have no proof that Joseph ever read anything prior to translating the Book of Mormon, except for the Bible.

It seems highly implausible that he never read anything else. During the long winter nights in upstate New York, what were people doing other than reading and discussing issues? Joseph himself wrote that, between the ages of 12 and 15, he was concerned with the situation of the world of mankind. Although he was not skilled as a writer, he definitely was not illiterate, despite his lack of formal education.

As I showed in part 2, the historical and cultural context makes it unlikely that Joseph never read The Late War. Plus, the formatting similarities and the connection with Professor Mitchill at least suggest a direct connection.

I rate this defense as unpersuasive.

3. Next, FairMormon goes through a few of the similarities, showing how they were cut and pasted together to create phony similarities such as those I showed above. This is a persuasive defense, to an extent. Many of the phrases also appear in the Bible; i.e., they are common to both the Book of Mormon and The Late War. Everyone agrees that Joseph read the Bible and was influenced by it. The Book of Mormon contains many direct quotations from the Bible, so it is not problematic to have Biblical phrases show up in the text, even if they also appear in The Late War

I rate this defense as persuasive as far as it goes, but inadequate and ultimately unpersuasive.

Why inadequate? Because there are many passages common between The Late War and the Book of Mormon that are not found in the Bible.

I’ll discuss specific examples below, but let’s say that FairMormon or others show that these passages are also found in books other than the pseudo-biblical texts. As we already saw, there is no evidence that Joseph read any books other than the Bible. Thus we are left assessing the relative probabilities of his having read The Late War and other pseudo-biblical texts vs. the other books.

Given the historical context, The Late War is surely one of the books Joseph was most likely to have read. Plus, any alternative books are cited as sources would have to include all of the passages that are common between The Late War and the Book of Mormon, which also means they were written in the “Ancient Historical Style.” And there are only a few of those–the very ones we are discussing here. 

4. FairMormon links to Stanford Carmack’s Interpreter article about Early Modern English (EME). Brother Carmack has done an extensive statistical analysis that shows clearly different and unique syntax in the Book of Mormon that is not found in the Bible, The Late War, or the other pseudo-biblical books. This syntax cannot be explained by the theory that Joseph copied from the other books.

I rate this defense as persuasive as far as it goes, but inadequate.

The reason? Brother Carmack’s argument effectively proves there are distinctive elements in the Book of Mormon that could not have been copied, but there remain distinctive elements that are common between the Book of Mormon and the pseudo-biblical books that are not found in the Bible. This leaves us with the same problem that argument 3 left; i.e., how to explain the indisputably common elements?

In part 4 of this M2C web series I’ll discuss Brother Carmack’s argument in more detail. Here, I want to evaluate the elements that are common between the Book of Mormon and the pseudo-biblical texts. In my view, these corroborate the teachings of Joseph Smith and the D&C that I mentioned at the outset.

That is, they show that the pseudo-biblical texts added to Joseph’s mental language bank, the resource he drew upon to dictate his translation of the Book of Mormon and the other revelations that comprise our standard works.

The critics’ lists of similarities between The Late War and the Book of Mormon are rightly criticized for being concocted. True, some of the phrases are identical; that’s what makes these lists persuasive to people who want to believe the Book of Mormon is fiction. But that is mere confirmation bias because many of these phrases are also found in the Bible, which is an acknowledged source for both books.

In other words, these terms and phrases were in Joseph’s mental language bank, but because he could have acquired them from the Bible, they are not really persuasive evidence that he acquired them from the pseudo-biblical books. Any impartial investigator would be able to understand this.

What is more problematic are the unusual Book of Mormon terms and phrases that are not found in the Bible but are found in The Late War and other pseudo-biblical texts. These appear seemingly at random throughout the Book of Mormon. In many cases they also appear in Joseph’s other revelatory work, including the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

Proponents of the EME theory suggest that Joseph was not the original translator into English. This means the English text was not his; i.e., he was learning as he read from the stone. I disagree for he reasons I’ll explain in part 4, but EME proponents could argue that Joseph acquired these terms and phrases when he dictated the Book of Mormon, independent of the pseudo-biblical books.

I doubt an impartial investigator would find that explanation persuasive. I’m skeptical that many believers would find it persuasive, but I’ll defer my discussion of that to Part 4 when I focus on EME.

Here, I offer an explanation that I think is persuasive to impartial investigators, believers, and maybe even critics.

The accumulation of these examples makes a strong case for the pseudo-biblical books as the source of Joseph’s mental language bank, while also refuting claims of intentional copying or plagiarism.

In the interest of time and space I’ll provide only a few examples out of many more I have found.

1. Methought and go and declare. The term methought doesn’t appear in the Bible, but it appears in the Book of Mormon and the First Book of Napoleon. The term also appears in Shakespeare and other writings, so its mere appearance in the Book of Mormon could be coincidental and unconnected to the pseudo-biblical books.

But consider the context and the related word combination go and declare.

1 Nephi 8:4-5 – But behold, Laman and Lemuel, I fear exceedingly because of you; for behold, methought [me thought in the 1830 edition] I saw in my dream, [in my dream is not in the 1830 edition] a dark and dreary wilderness. And it came to pass that I saw a man, and he was dressed in a white robe; and he came and stood before me.
Alma 36:22 – Yea, methought I saw, even as our father Lehi saw, God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there.
Napoleon, p. 116 – Methought I heard the murmuring of her water brooks… And lo! I asked the angel whence arose the great fury of the bull? And he spake, and said unto me…. Now the angel said, to the intent that I might shew thee all these things art thou brought hither, go, therefore, and declare all that thou hast seen to the people of Albion.
Note 1: In all 3 references, methought is used in connection with a vision and interaction with an angel. Alma even hearkens back to Lehi’s original vision (which was presumably included in the Book of Lehi that Martin Harris lost, which is interesting as well because Joseph had not translated 1 Nephi when he translated Alma).
Note 2: Napoleon has the angel instructing the narrator to “go and declare” what he has seen. In the Book of Mormon, Nephi explains that this is what his father Lehi did after his first vision:
1 Nephi 1:18 Therefore, I would that ye should know, that after the Lord had shown so many marvelous things unto my father, Lehi, yea, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, behold he went forth among the people, and began to prophesy and to declare unto them concerning the things which he had both seen and heard.
The way Nephi summarized his father’s record, it appears Lehi took his own initiative, but that’s not the normal pattern. This raises an intriguing possibility that in the Book of Lehi, the Lord told Lehi to go and declare these things, which would be another link to the following verses.
Note 3: The word combination in Napoleon (go and declare) is not found in the Bible, but it is found throughout the Book of Mormon, as well as in the D&C and the books of Moses and Abraham. Here are some examples.
Alma 37:47 Go unto this people and declare the word, and be sober.
Alma 43:1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them.
3 Nephi 11:41 Therefore, go forth unto this people, and declare the words which I have spoken, unto the ends of the earth.
D&C 31:6 Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word,
Moses 8:19 And the Lord ordained Noah after his own order, and commanded him that he should go forth and declare his Gospel unto the children of men, 
Abraham 3:15 And the Lord said unto me: Abraham, I show these things unto thee before ye go into Egypt, that ye may declare all these words.
The only comparable passages I found in the Bible are two from Isaiah, but neither takes the same form as Napoleon and Joseph Smith’s work.
Isaiah 48:20 (Also 1 Nephi 20:20) Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the earth; 
Isaiah 21:6 For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth. 
Conclusion: Looking solely at the Book of Mormon and Napoleon, we see the identical non-biblical term methought, but this is a term used in Shakespeare and many other sources–a similarity so weak that I haven’t seen anyone focus on this term as a connection. The common context of a vision or dream and an angelic guide makes it a stronger connection, but not close enough for plagiarism.
But when we look at methought together with the equally non-biblical “go and declare” word combination, we see connections not only with the Book of Mormon, but also the D&C, Moses and Abraham. This tells me both methought and go and declare were within Joseph Smith’s mental language bank, and they didn’t get there from reading the Bible. 
I score this as good evidence that Joseph read Napoleon and stored some of its language in his mental language bank, which he drew upon to articulate his translation and revelations.
2. Troubled in. This phrase occurs only four times in the scriptures:
Ezekiel 27:35 – they shall be troubled in their countenance
Alma 22:3 – I have been somewhat troubled in mind
Mosiah 26:10 – Alma was troubled in his spirit
John 13:21 – When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit
It’s fair to say John 13:21 was in Joseph’s mental language bank so he could draw on it to render Mosiah 26:10. 
Ezekiel is unique.
So is Alma 22:3. 
Or is it?
The Alma phrase appears in the pseudo-biblical texts.
Am Rev, 7:13 – And when the Sanhedrim of the provinces were told that Guy the king’s governor was minded to go against the hold that Ethan and Benedict had taken, they were troubled in their minds.
Am Rev, 55:14 – yet he was not easy, but was troubled in his mind.
Late War, p. 44 – Carden opened his mouth, for he was troubled in his mind
Late War,p. 211 – when the lords… and the wise men of Britain, heard all the tribulations that befell them in the land of Columbia, they were troubled in their minds.
Conclusion: Because only the BofM and the pseudo-biblical texts use troubled and minds together, I think the phrase entered Joseph’s mind when he read the pseudo-biblical texts. Of course, the context of these passage is too different to constitute plagiarism.
Note: Napoleon uses the phrase “grieved and troubled in spirit,” which is common with both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. 
3. Go not out. This is an example of the type of distinct phrases that occur in the BofM and the pseudo-biblical texts but not in the Bible. These phrases stand out.  
Of course it’s possible they originated independently from another source, even if not the Bible. Considered individually, they might be considered coincidences. I don’t know how many such distinct phrases it would take to move them out of the coincidence category; I suppose that’s up to each individual. 
I think there are enough of them to conclude that Joseph added these phrases to his mental language bank when he read the pseudo-biblical texts.
Moroni 8:27 – I will write unto you again if I go not out soon against the Lamanites
Late war, p. 13 2:9 – if, peradventure, the people of Columbia go not out to battle against the king.
Late war, 3:24 – Therefore, I command that ye go not out to battle, but every man remain in his own house.
The context of all three passages is going to battle. Am.Rev. uses a similar phrase in this context: “so the host of the people of the provinces remained in the camp, and went not out.”
Note: The Bible does use the phrase “goeth not out” but not in the context of battle. (Psalms 17:1 – prayer; Prov. 31:18 – candle; Matt. 17:21 – evil spirit). It also uses the phrase “went not out” 3 times in the Old Testament (Num. 11:26, Josh. 8:17, and Job 31:34), which I infer is the source for the Am.Rev passage. Neither the Book of Mormon nor The Late War use either phrase.
4. Inasmuch. This term appears in the Bible 7 times, but it much more common in the Book of Mormon, the D&C, The Late War, and The American Revolution. Here are the stats:
OT (2x), NT (7x),  BofM (25x), D&C (112x), PofGP (3x), Am Rev (62x), Late War (26x).
The relative frequency suggests an influence; i.e., Joseph’s mental language bank frequently produced the term in a manner similar to the way it is used in the pseudo-biblical books.
From a qualitative perspective, Inasmuch is used with slain in Late War, AmRev and BofM, but never in the Bible.
Alma 43:46 And they were doing that which they felt was the duty which they owed to their God; for the Lord had said unto them, and also unto their fathers, that: Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies.
Ether 11:8-9 And the people began to repent of their iniquity; and inasmuch as they did the Lord did have mercy on them. 9 And it came to pass that Shiblom was slain, and Seth was brought into captivity, and did dwell in captivity all his days.
Late War 30:11 – Inasmuch as there were slain and maimed of the king three score souls…
Late War 48:20 – Inasmuch as the slain and wounded of the king that day, were about four hundred…
AmRev 31:1 the servants of the king were slain and taken captive at Bennington, he was sore troubled; inasmuch as the fame thereof would damp the ardour [sic] of the warriors of Britain.
AmRev 41:7 And the people were discomfited, inasmuch as the men of Britain environed them round about; and there were slain of the people of the Provinces, about one hundred men.
AmRev 47:36 not many of them were slain, inasmuch as they were in a place of defence
AmRev 54:24 they were soon slain by the horsemen… and the tories were sore amazed, inasmuch as they regarded not their words…
One of the two usages of “inasmuch” in the Old Testament uses slay:
Deut. 19:6 Let the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer, while his heart is hot, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him; whereas he was not worth of death, inasmuch as he hated him not in time past.
I don’t think this verse is a plausible origin of the previous examples because it’s a different word in a different context. 
The seven instances of inasmuch in the New Testament are isolated, don’t refer to slain, and differ substantially in the usage.
Look at Joseph’s repetitive use of inasmuch in these passages:
1 Nephi 2
20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands.
21 And inasmuch as thy brethren shall rebel against thee, they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.
22 And inasmuch as thou shalt keep my commandments, thou shalt be made a ruler and a teacher over thy brethren.
Alma 9
13 Behold, do ye not remember the words which he spake unto Lehi, saying that: 
Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land? And again it is said that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.
14 Now I would that ye should remember, that 
inasmuch as the Lamanites have not kept the commandments of God, they have been cut off from the presence of the Lord.
D&C 1
25 And inasmuch as they erred it might be made known;
26 And inasmuch as they sought wisdom they might be instructed;
27 And inasmuch as they sinned they might be chastened, that they might repent;
28 And inasmuch as they were humble they might be made strong, and blessed from on high, and receive knowledge from time to time.
D&C 48
2 And inasmuch as ye have lands, ye shall impart to the eastern brethren;
3 And inasmuch as ye have not lands, let them buy for the present time in those regions round about
D&C 52
4 And inasmuch as they are faithful unto me, it shall be made known unto them what they shall do;
5 And it shall also, inasmuch as they are faithful, be made known unto them the land of your inheritance.
6 And inasmuch as they are not faithful, they shall be cut off, even as I will, as seemeth me good.
D&C 104 has too many to show here.
The Late War includes such passages as this.
Chapter 1
9 Inasmuch as they hearkened not unto the voice of moderation, when the cry of the people of Columbia was, Peace! peace!
10 Inasmuch as they permitted not the tall ships of Columbia to sail in peace on the waters of the mighty deep; saying in their hearts, Of these will we make spoil, and they shall be given unto the king.
11 Inasmuch as they robbed the ships of Columbia of the strong men that wrought therein, and took them for their own use, even as a man taketh his ox or his ass.
12 Inasmuch as they kept the men stolen from the ships of Columbia in bondage many years, and caused them to fight the battles of the king, even against their own brethren!
We see similar repetition in Am Rev. Several times, inasmuch is used multiple times in one verse, or in sequential verses, or in two out of three short verses, such as this:
52:19 Now when George, the chief captain, had received the letters, he was astonished; inasmuch, as he had surely believed that Benedict was a true man, and immoveable as the rock on the seashore! For had not the princes of the Provinces dignified him with great honor? inasmuch as he had shewn himself a valiant man in battle.
23:3 Howbeit, they soon returned to the place from whence they came, inasmuch as they were informed that the people of the province of Jersey were united with George, the chief captain, and were come out against them, even a very great multitude.
23:4 For the husbandmen had left the care of their flocks to the lads of their household; and they thirsted after revenge, inasmuch as the men of the host of Britain had deceived them.
I think Joseph’s usage cannot be explained by referring to the Bible, but it can be explained by inferring that he read the pseudo-biblical books and absorbed their language patterns into his own mental language bank. The context of the various passages is far too diverse to constitute plagiarism.
5. Exceedingly rejoiced. This unusual phrase appears only in the Book of Mormon and The Late War. There is one close phrase in the Bible but has different syntax and meaning.
Psalms 68:3 But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God; yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
This is an injunction to do something in the future. Now, compare that to the passages from the Book of Mormon and The Late War.
1 Nephi 17:6 notwithstanding we had suffered many afflictions and much difficulty, yea, even so much that we cannot write them all, we were exceedingly rejoiced when we came to the seashore
Mosiah 29:39 they were exceedingly rejoiced because of the liberty which had been granted unto them.
Alma 45:1 Behold, now it came to pass that the people of Nephi were exceedingly rejoiced, because the Lord had again delivered them out of the hands of their enemies; therefore they gave thanks unto the Lord their God; yea, and they did fast much and pray much, and they did worship God with exceedingly great joy.
Alma 59:1 after Moroni had received and had read Helaman’s epistle, he was exceedingly rejoiced because of the welfare, yea, the exceeding success which Helaman had had…
You can see how different the phrase is from the passage in Psalms. Now look how the identical phrase is used in The Late War.
Late War, p. 64 – And all the people were exceedingly rejoiced at the valiant acts of Lawrence.
Late War, p. 175 – Then were the children of Columbia exceedingly rejoiced; yea, their hearts were made glad
Late War, p. 184 – Now when the men of Columbia heard that Ross, the chief captain of the king, was slain, and the host of Britain was compelled to flee from before the city, they were exceedingly rejoiced

Not only are the terms identical, but the context is similar; i.e. freedom and deliverance.
This is a good example of the type of distinctive term one’s memory would file away into one’s mental language bank for later retrieval. That’s what I think happened with Joseph Smith.
I have accumulated many more examples, too many to list here. I think the examples I’ve provided support my interpretation of the facts as I’ve set them out.
If anyone is still reading and wants more examples, feel free to email me at lostzarahemla@gmail, with Late War in the subject.
I can’t resist sharing three more items, though. 
6. Exquisite. One fascinating one is the term exquisite, which is not found in the Bible but is found in the Book of Mormon, the D&C, and JS-History 1:31. Where would Joseph have learned such a term?
Both The Late War and The American Revolution use the word exquisite
[Note: you won’t find exquisite if you use BYU’s wordfinder because the compilers inexplicably omitted a footnote in The Late War from their index and they completely omitted the last section of The American Revolution, a poem titled “The Columbiad” that contains some important elements (including the word exquisite). The footnote in the Late War is marked by an asterisk in 48:34 and it reads in part, “His poetry is so exquisite, and his descriptions so pathetic, that we cannot resist the pleasure of presenting his stanzas to our readers.” The poetry printed in the footnote is The Star-Spangled Banner, which makes this footnote memorable for anyone who read the book. That is, I think Joseph would have naturally noticed this term when he read The Late War. I can imagine him asking his parents what it meant. Maybe the term solidified in his mind when he read it again in The American Revolution.]
7. Opposite. Surprisingly, this term does not appear anywhere in the Bible, but it does show up in three of the key verses in the Book of Mormon and the D&C.
Alma 41:12 And now behold, is the meaning of the word restoration to take a thing of a natural state and place it in an unnatural state, or to place it in a state opposite to its nature?
Alma 42:16 Now, repentance could not come unto men except there were a punishment, which also was eternal as the life of the soul should be, affixed opposite to the plan of happiness, which was as eternal also as the life of the soul.
Doctrine and Covenants 125:3 Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.
There are forms of the verb oppose in the Bible and other scriptures, but not this adjective. Now look how the term appears in the pseudo-biblical texts. None of these are used in a philosophical context the way Alma uses it, but they describe physical placement that supports the philosophical metaphor. Thus, it makes sense that Joseph drew the philosophical terminology from his mental language bank after acquiring it from the pseudo-biblical texts. 
AmRev, p. 94. this lord and the fifteen hundred men that were with him, gat upon the hill; and the men of Britain were encamped opposite to the hill. 
p. 227 11. Nevertheless, they were saved ; and it was a deliverance that should not be forgotten. And when the sun arose, the soldiers departed ; and came to the house of Samuel that stood by the side of the river, opposite to the city : and the boats came to the shore and took them all in. 
p. 271 14. Now the servants of the king of Britain were encamped on one side of the river Savannah, and the people of the Provinces under Lincoln, a chief captain, were on the other side thereof, even at the Black Swamp opposite to Augusta. 
p. 288.  9. Then they pitched their tents on the banks of the river, even Ashley river, opposite to the city. 
p. 80. The armies of king Albanus had multiplied like unto the sands of the sea, and covered the whole coast opposite to the land of Gaul, he was exceeding wroth.
The Late War doesn’t use “opposite to” but just “opposite” the way it is used in D&C 125.
14:28 which lieth upon the opposite side of the river, 
28:4 was encamped upon the opposite side of the lake, 
47:3 who were upon the opposite side of the water.
50:39 Joshua lived at a place called East Hampton, being at the east end of long Island, near Gardner’s Island, opposite New London.

8. Now the number of. The phrase “the number of” is common in the Bible, but it is never preceded by “now.” The entire phrase now the number of” appears 6 times in the Book of Mormon. This indicates it was in Joseph’s mental language bank, but how did it get there? 
The identical entire phrase appears 2 times in The Late War and 5 times in American Revolution, which I consider good evidence that these are the sources. 
This example raises the larger issue of the term now. “Now” is used in the Book of Mormon nearly as many times as it is used in the entire Bible, meaning its usage is disproportionately frequent. The phrase “And now” appears 648 times in the 1830 edition and 98 times in the D&C, but only 83 times in the Old Testament and 33 times in the New Testament.
In that sense, the addition of “now” to this phrase might not be unexpected. Joseph seemed to use “now” gratuitously throughout his revelatory writings. The word appears 10 times each in D&C 10 and 128 and Moses 1, for example, and nearly as frequently in other passages. He added the phrase “And now” to Matthew 24:28 in the revised version (JS-Matthew 1:27).
Apart from his frequent use of the term, distinctive usages and combinations of now were part of Joseph’s mental language bank. Because they don’t appear in the Bible, we wonder how they got there. Are these random combinations, or had he read them somewhere else?
Let’s look at the phrase now the number of. Recall, it is not found in the Bible. Because it is distinctive and repeated 6 times in the Book of Mormon, I think its presence in the pseudo-biblical texts is significant as a probable source for Joseph’s mental language bank. 
Note 1: As you read through these examples, you may notice the variation between the singular was and the plural were following the phrase. This mixed usage occurs in the Bible as well as in both the Book of Mormon and in Am Rev, so I don’t consider it significant.
Note 2. Both the Book of Mormon and The Late War refer to the number of prisoners, but the Bible never does. Neither the Bible nor the Book of Mormon refer to the number of men, which is the most common usage in the pseudo-biblical texts. This detail contradicts claims of plagiarism or intentional copying. 
Note 3. All the usages of “now” in these passages are gratuitous, meaning they are not necessary to the meaning. This is the same pattern we see in the D&C and PofGP, indicating it was part of Joseph’s speech pattern. Because this usage is not in the Bible, I think the most plausible source for its presence in Joseph’s mental language bank is these pseudo-biblical texts. 
Late War, p. 49 – Now the number of the men of Columbia that fell into their hands that day, were about five hundred; and the slain and wounded about an hundred two score and ten.
p. 120. Now the number of prisoners captured by the army of Harrison that day were about six hundred.

Am Rev p. 73 – Now the number of the men was thirteen thousand.

p. 92 – 9. Now the number of the soldiers of the king of Britain, who were warring with the people of the provinces, were fifty and five thousand fighting men- prepared with all the instruments for war.
p. 285 – Now the number of the men in the garrison, was about three thousand, who were mighty men of valor
p. 320 – 20. Now the number of men who followed after Nathaniel were about two thousand,
p. 329 – Now the number of the men who went forth to fight with the men of Britain, were about four thousand four hundred
Alma 52:40 And now the number of prisoners who were taken exceeded more than the number of those who had been slain, yea, more than those who had been slain on both sides.
Alma 3:1 And it came to pass that the Nephites who were not slain by the weapons of war, after having buried those who had been slain—now the number of the slain were not numbered, because of the greatness of their number—after they had finished burying their dead they all returned to their lands, and to their houses, and their wives, and their children.
Alma 44:21 Now the number of their dead was not numbered because of the greatness of the number; yea, the number of their dead was exceedingly great, both on the Nephites and on the Lamanites.
Ether 6:20 And accordingly the people were gathered together. Now the number of the sons and the daughters of the brother of Jared were twenty and two souls; and the number of sons and daughters of Jared were twelve, he having four sons.
Ether 3:1 And it came to pass that the brother of Jared, (now the number of the vessels which had been prepared was eight) went forth unto the amount, which they called the mount Shelem, because of its exceeding height, and did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones; and they were white and clear, even as transparent glass; and he did carry them in his hands upon the top of the mount, and cried again unto the Lord, saying:
3 Nephi 12:1 And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words unto Nephi, and to those who had been called, (now the number of them who had been called, and received power and authority to baptize, was twelve) and behold, he stretched forth his hand unto the multitude, and cried unto them, saying: 
The term “now” deserves more study, but the examples I’ve shown here support the thesis that Joseph’s use of the phrase “now the number of” could not have come from the Bible, that it likely entered his mental language bank from these pseudo-biblical texts, and that his propensity for using the word “now” shows that all of his revelatory works drew from his mental language bank.
Several of these quotations include the phrase “and it came to pass.” I won’t take the time to expand on this phrase here, other than to note that other variations of “it came to pass” show links to the pseudo-biblical texts.
The phrase “behold it came to pass” does not appear in the Bible, but it appears in the Book of Mormon 28 times. It is also in the first verse of the First Book of Napoleon:
“And behold it came to pass, in these latter days, that an evil spirit arose on the face of the earth, and greatly troubled the sons of men.”
Again it came to pass: Bible (0 times) BofM (1 time) Napoleon (1)
But it came to pass: Bible (8 times) BofM (24 times) Napoleon (1) AmRev (1)
Note: The following “now” phrases are found in the Bible, all of Joseph’s revelatory writings, and the pseudo-biblical books, but they are disproportionately common in Joseph’s works. The Book of Mormon contains only about 24% of the words in the scriptures, but about 74% of the instances of these phrases. 
and now (860 total uses)
Old Testament (83)
New Testament (33)
Book of Mormon (648) (73%)
Doctrine and Covenants (98)
Pearl of Great Price (12)
now behold (199 uses)
Old Testament (14)
New Testament (3)
Book of Mormon (148) (74%)
Doctrine and Covenants (31)
Pearl of Great Price (3)
That’s all for now!


*The official name of the organization is FairMormon, but I refer to them as FairlyMormon because, IMO, their adherence and fidelity to M2C leads them to mislead members of the Church and investigators. See https://fairlymormon.blogspot.com/

**We usually show the line of authority going through the Three Witnesses who ordained the original Quorum of the Twelve, but Oliver was the only one of the Three Witnesses who received his Priesthood directly from Peter, James and John, and the historical record shows Oliver ordaining many, if not most, of the original Quorum himself. 

***The nature of the translation has been much studied and debated. Here I’m merely pointing out that what Joseph said is corroborated by what we see when we analyze the influence of The Late War and other pseudo-biblical texts.

****Ironically, an idiomatic translation lends credence to the M2C position that the original text was a Mayan codex, but that Joseph didn’t translate it literally so we have “horses” instead of “tapirs” and no mention of jaguars, jade and jungles. There are other reasons to reject that approach, starting with the Hill Cumorah in New York, that I don’t discuss in this analysis of The Late War.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Correcting an error

In Canada recently, President Nelson made this comment about the name of the Church:

“We’re correcting an error that has crept in over the ages.”

When I read that I thought, “Wouldn’t it be awesome to correct another error that has crept in? The error being the repudiation by the M2C intellectuals of the prophets’ consistent and persistent teaching that the Hill Cumorah is in New York.”

We’ll see.

There’s still time for the M2C intellectuals to correct the error, but they don’t seem to be inclined to do so.

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus


Lately some bloggers have been telling their readers that I have been calling the M2C intellectuals apostates.

To be clear: I don’t think they are apostates.

I have always expressed my sincere admiration and respect for these faithful scholars and teachers and employees who have done so much good through their research and writing on LDS topics. They are good people who are surely doing what they think is right.

Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want (Article of Faith 11). I don’t care what anyone (other than the prophets) thinks about where the Book of Mormon took place. Certainly disagreements about that topic don’t rise to the level of apostasy, and I’ve never said otherwise.

On what basis do M2C intellectuals and their followers accuse me of calling them apostates?

Simply because I have pointed out that the M2C intellectuals have repudiated the teachings of the prophets that the Hill Cumorah is in New York.

They all freely acknowledge this. They justify their position by saying the prophets were only speaking as men, not as prophets, and that they were expressing their personal opinions which, according to the M2C intellectuals, were wrong. To which I respond by quoting President Ezra Taft Benson: “The learned may feel the prophet is only inspired when he agrees with them, otherwise the prophet is just giving his opinion—speaking as a man.” 

None of this is controversial or new. I’m not speaking for the M2C intellectuals or putting words in their mouths. They have made their position clear for decades now. If I have misstated any of their positions or am wrong about any of this, I’ve openly called for them to send me a correction. They have my email and phone number. I’ve spoken with many of them. They all recognize that the fundamental tenet of M2C is that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah.

After all, that’s why it’s called M2C; The Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory.

Their belief in M2C doesn’t make them apostates, at least not in my opinion. I simply disagree with them, and I think we can all agree to disagree about this specific topic.

Anyone who reads my work knows that my main objection is not that the M2C intellectuals have repudiated the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah, but that they don’t give their students and readers the information they need to make an informed choice about what to believe.

Another point: There should be no contention in the Church. Years ago I offered to discontinue blogging in exchange for full disclosure about the teachings of the prophets and the evidence that supports those teachings. The M2C intellectuals refused.

My offer remains open.

Although I oppose contention, we learn from 3 Nephi that the only way to avoid contention is to follow the prophets. Yet right now our M2C intellectuals repudiate what the prophets have taught about the New York Cumorah. I think if everyone in the Church agreed to accept what the prophets have taught, we would have no more contention about this issue. And I think most Church members would accept what the prophets have taught if they knew what the prophets have taught.

Consequently, all I seek is full disclosure of actual Church history and the teachings of the prophets.

I think the M2C intellectuals realize that such disclosure would cause members of the Church to reject M2C, which is why they resist full disclosure.

In fact, the same bloggers who claimed I called the M2C intellectuals apostates were themselves unaware of important facts about Church history and relevant sciences, precisely because they have relied on the M2C intellectuals and the M2C citation cartel, and consequently they live inside the M2C bubble.

Here are some of the specific things I object to:

– Students at BYU and CES (seminary and institute) are never told what the prophets have actually taught about the New York Cumorah.

– Keeping students ignorant is not enough, however. The students at BYU and CES are being taught to understand the Book of Mormon with a fantasy map that specifically and explicitly repudiates what the prophets have taught about the New York Cumorah.

– The Church History Department has edited Saints and other materials to omit references that show Moroni taught Joseph the hill in New York was actually the Hill Cumorah and that the Lamanites were the ancestors of the Indians living in New York, Ohio, and Missouri.

– The M2C intellectuals, working through the M2C citation cartel including BYU Studies, the Interpreter, and FairMormon, continue to censor, suppress, and oppose information and ideas that support the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah. When such information does appear, they sow confusion to obfuscate the consistent and persistent teachings of the prophets on this topic, often by conflating the Cumorah teachings with the equally consistent and persistent teaching that we don’t know where the other events in the Book of Mormon took place.

Because I don’t think M2C intellectuals and their followers are apostates, why would they accuse me of calling them that?

I’m not a mind-reader, but lately they have explained that they actually think they have been hired by the prophets and apostles to guide the Church.

I’ve been told that because some of them have important Church callings–one of them is a Patriarch in his Stake, for example–I should accept what they teach.

Given this mindset, it’s easy to see why they would bristle at criticism. But who, other than the real prophets and apostles and the M2C intellectuals, thinks their Church calling entitles them to speak for God?

I’m 100% fine with the prophets and apostles making this claim.

I’m 0% fine with the M2C intellectuals making this claim.

I do give the M2C intellectuals credit for clever thinking, though. What intellectuals would not love to be in a position where his/her ideas are immune from criticism? What intellectual does not want his/her students to adopt his/her ideas and spread them throughout their careers? That’s how the academic cycle functions.

By claiming divine approval of M2C, the M2C intellectuals have taken academic arrogance to the ultimate level.

See the 14th Article of Faith: http://bookofmormonwars.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-14th-article-of-faith.html

Finally, let’s do a thought experiment.

Let’s say President Nelson visits the Hill Cumorah in New York on September 22, 2018, to commemorate the 190th anniversary of the day when Joseph got the plates the second time. Let’s say he reads Letter VII or any of the other teachings of his predecessors about the New York Cumorah, and he says he reaffirms those teachings.

How would the M2C intellectuals respond?

We already know, because they’ve already responded to all of President Nelson’s predecessors. They would say he was merely speaking as a man, giving his private opinion, relying on a false folk tradition, etc.

Now, let’s say President Nelson visits the Hill Cumorah in New York on September 22, 2018, to commemorate the 190th anniversary of the day when Joseph got the plates the second time. Let’s say he reads Letter VII or any of the other teachings of his predecessors about the New York Cumorah, and he says he repudiates those teachings because the Hill Cumorah is actually in Mexico.

How would I respond?

We already know, because I’ve already responded to all of President Nelson’s predecessors. I would say I accept what the prophets teach, and I would align my thinking to President Nelson’s.

It really is no more complicated than this.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 2 – The Late War context

Some readers are wondering about this latest series of blogs focusing on the M2C web. Why am I spending so much time getting into such detail about something so obscure as Early Modern English? And what does it have to do with M2C?

I’ll explain with a parable.

There was a baker in a village in rural France whose reputation extended all the way to Paris. Her specialty was a cake that incorporated nuts, fruits, creams, and several spices. Some of the ingredients she prepared over several days before adding them to the mix at just the right time to achieve the  combination of moistness, softness, and crustiness that made her cake unique.

Someone sent one of her cakes to the King, but by the time it arrived, it had dried out. He asked his top scholars to study the cake so they could replicate it and make one that he could enjoy fresh without having to travel to the village.

After months of study, the experts determined that the chemistry involved was so complex that no village baker could have possibly produced such a cake. The idea that baker had produced the cake was obviously a naive folk legend. Instead, the cake had to be the work of unknown alchemists of exceptional skill whose work could only be understood after several more years of study–all to be funded by taxing the King’s subjects, of course.

Regarding the Book of Mormon, we have a simple explanation by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Moroni visited Joseph Smith and “gave a history of the aborigines of this country, and said they were literal descendants of Abraham…. He said this history was written and deposited not far from that place, and that it was our brother’s privilege, if obedient to the commandments of the Lord, to obtain and translate the same by the means of the Urim and Thummim, which were deposited for that purpose with the record.” 
Like the King’s scholars in France, our LDS scholars at BYU and CES are teaching that this story is impossible. 
True, Moroni did visit Joseph. But that’s the only thing we can believe.
According to the intellectuals, the history referred to was not of the aborigines of this country; it was a history of a still-undiscovered group of Hebrew Mayans, living in Mesoamerica. 
They were not literal descendants of Abraham; their ancestors migrated from Asia thousands of years before Adam and Eve were created. 
The history was not “written not far from” Joseph’s home; it was written thousands of miles away in Mesoamerica, and then Moroni hauled it to an obscure hill in New York where Joseph found it. 
Joseph didn’t translate the record with the Urim and Thummim; instead, he put a stone in a hat and read the words that appeared. 
For that matter, Joseph never even used the plates; they remained under a cloth or outdoors the entire time he was reading from the stone. 
Joseph couldn’t have been the original English translator anyway because the language in the text is much too sophisticated for Joseph and statistical analysis shows it is a form of Early Modern English that had to have been somehow translated in the 1500s. 
Joseph was not the translator; he was merely the transmitter of someone else’s translation.
Thanks to our M2C intellectuals and their followers employed at CES, BYU, and COB (Church Office Building, meaning the History, Curriculum, and Correlation Departments), this is the explanation being taught to the youth in the Church and to the world at large, including visitors at Temple Square. And we wonder why so many youth are confused and leaving the Church? Why conversion rates continue to decline? Why the main areas of Church growth are where people don’t speak English and don’t have access to the Internet? 
Certainly, there are a lot of great things happening in the Church, all around the world. But if we’re realistic, we must recognize that many of the challenges faced by the Church today could be resolved by simply believing what Joseph and Oliver and the rest of the modern prophets have taught.
But that’s not all.
Joseph taught that the mounds in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, along with the artifacts they contained, were left by the Nephites and were evidence of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon. He and Oliver described the hill Cumorah from which Joseph obtained the plates and said Moroni had named it anciently. They wrote that “At about one mile west rises another ridge of less height, running parallel with the former, leaving a beautiful vale between. the fact, that here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed.” 
In addition, Mormon, “by divine appointment, abridged from those records, in his own style and language, a short account … which he deposited, as he says, on the 529th page, all the records in this same hill, Cumorah and after gave his small record to his son Moroni, who, as appears from the same, finished, after witnessing the extinction of his people as a nation.”
Joseph and Oliver (and others) actually visited the depository of Nephite records and artifacts in the hill Cumorah in New York. They spoke about it to Brigham Young and others.
Yet our M2C intellectuals say all of this is impossible, too. 
BYU’s infamous fantasy map
of the Book of Mormon that
teaches students the prophets
are wrong
Through CES and BYU, they teach our youth that the hill Cumorah cannot be in New York. Instead, it is somewhere in southern Mexico, or, lately, that it is located on a fantasy map. 
They teach that Mormon’s depository of records could not have been in “the hill in New York.” 
They teach that Joseph and Oliver were merely speculating when they taught that Cumorah was in the New York Cumorah and that they misled the Church for decades, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference who testified that their false opinions were true. 
This condition continued until they, the M2C intellectuals, came along to set the Church straight.
These intellectuals claim the modern prophets have hired them, the intellectuals, to guide the Church on all these matters. 
That’s why they are justified in revising Church history to censor the earliest accounts and purge these false folk traditions about Cumorah, the Lamanites, and the North American setting. 
Plus, they say, Mesoamerica is found in the Book of Mormon text. It’s all there–the volcanoes, the jungles, jaguars and jade, the tapirs and stone pyramids and all the rest–but you have to be trained in the Mesoamerican ministry to “see” it. Joseph and Oliver and the rest of the prophets were too naive to understand.
Now, I admire and respect all these M2C intellectuals and their followers as brothers and sister in the Gospel. None of what I write is personal. I’m sure they think they’re doing the right thing, following the evidence where they think it leads, etc. I just think they embarked on a fool’s errand based on a mistake in Church history, and now they’ve been confirming that bias for so long they don’t even realize what they’ve done or the bubble they’ve created and now live within.
I’m focused on the words on the pages published by the M2C citation cartel, the images and maps and videos they create, the things they teach to thousands of LDS youth throughout the Church, and what they present to the world.
I fully recognize that I might be wrong about all of this. Maybe the intellectuals are right about M2C, after all. Maybe they do know more than the prophets and we should follow them instead of the prophets.
But as I’ve examined the logic and facts used to support the M2C teachings, I find them far less persuasive than the account given by Joseph and Oliver and the prophets. I think the evidence from all the sciences, and the text itself, corroborate and support what the prophets have taught, not what the M2C citation cartel is teaching.
It’s easy to get caught up in semantic arguments, and much of the debate is really nothing more than good old confirmation bias. But the Early Modern English theory gives us a fresh case study in how these intellectuals arrive at their theories, and I wanted to examine it for myself. 
If no one else cares to follow along as I explain, I’ve at least satisfied myself that Joseph and Oliver were telling the truth.
And the M2C intellectuals are not.


Naturally, critics of the Book of Mormon have always sought to discredit its divine authenticity. They say it is fictional because Joseph (and/or others) wrote it and/or copied it from one or more sources.

Faithful LDS refute those claims with semantic arguments. They write blogs, post comments on Facebook and other social media, read and write books and articles, etc., all focusing on semantics, word choice, statistical analysis, etc.

KEY POINT: The intellectual debate over the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon is essentially an exercise in confirmation bias. There is “evidence” to support whatever you want to believe. 

Most participants in these discussions forget this key point. Their own confirmation bias blinds them to others’ perspectives. Anyone who wants to understand the issues thoroughly should be able to at least articulate contrary positions, using the facts and arguments of the various proponents.

Lawyers learn this in their first year at law school, but anyone who analytically observes the world realizes that those with whom we disagree are not merely ignorant or stupid. Everyone has different biochemistry and brain structure, different family and religious and social backgrounds, all of which (and more) lead to different biases we seek to confirm.

That said, I think it’s possible to break through confirmation bias if we heed the words of the prophets and the scriptures. That’s why we have prophets, after all.

In my view, these prophetic sources explain the evidence in such a way as to corroborate what Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery said all along.

This is why it is so destructive to have M2C intellectuals teaching the world (including LDS youth) that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah–and all the other things I listed above.

People taught by M2C intellectuals and their followers come to view the Book of Mormon through the lens of M2C. My term for this condition is Mesomania. Mesomania leads one to interpret the text as a Mayan codex, complete with volcanoes, the three Js: jaguars, jungles and jade, etc.

M2C is promoted by a group of intellectuals who live in an intellectual bubble that I refer to as the citation cartel. Once you escape the M2C bubble, you begin to realize how pervasive it is.

I know how this works from personal experience, because for decades I, too, had Mesomania. I learned it through CES and BYU. Like the M2C intellectuals, for decades I could “not unsee” Mesoamerica when I read the Book of Mormon. I even accepted the premise that the prophets were wrong about the New York Cumorah.

But then I learned more about what the prophets have actually taught. I learned about Letter VII and its widespread distribution while Joseph Smith was alive. I learned about the archaeology, anthropology, geology and geography that supports and corroborates the teachings of the prophets.

Now, the influence of M2C on LDS intellectual pursuits is more obvious to me than ever. In this blog series about the M2C web, I’m going to look at several aspects of this problem, including the treatment of The Late War, the Early Modern English theory (EME), and the revisionist Church history in Saints.

NOTE: This post about The Late War includes references from multiple perspectives. Many LDS do not want to know what critics say. If that describes you, that’s fine, but I suggest you skip this rest of post. I’m writing for those who want to understand why the critics say what they do, how LDS defenders have responded, and what I think is the best way to understand all the evidence.

Background on The Late War

A few years ago, a couple of critics of the Church did an analysis of over 100,000 books published before 1830, searching for connections with the Book of Mormon. They concluded that a book called The Late War, originally published in 1816, had the most similarities to the Book of Mormon. The Late War is a narrative of the War of 1812, written in a style that emulates the King James Bible. This style has been called a “pseudo-Archaic,” “pseudo-Biblical” or “Ancient Historical” style.

These critics claimed there were so many similarities of language and theme between The Late War and the Book of Mormon that Joseph Smith must have copied from The Late War when he created the Book of Mormon. Other critics have made similar comparisons, including the CES Letter which as been read by (and believed by) many thousands of Church members and investigators.

Faithful LDS writers responded by claiming that critics manipulated the texts to find comparisons, that there is no evidence Joseph ever read The Late War, that distinctive phrases are actually common with other sources, and that the differences between the two books outweigh the similarities such that that there is little to no relationship between them.

(Citations to many of these articles on both sides are found at the end of this post.)

The latest response to The Late War is the theory that the Book of Mormon is written in Early Modern English (EME), a form of the language that predates the King James Version. This means that Joseph Smith could not have copied either the KJV Bible or The Late War and other books written in a pseudo-Biblical style. As the article explains, “There are a number of archaic features of complementation missing from the four pseudo-biblical writings in this domain. This argues against Joseph having been the author or English language translator of the Book of Mormon.”

The conclusion of EME? Joseph didn’t translate the Book of Mormon at all. Instead, he merely used a seer stone to read a translation performed by some unknown person 300-400 years earlier.

In part 4 of this series I’ll explain why I completely disagree with the EME theory

The way we all interpret the evidence is driven by the bias we seek to confirm. When it comes to the Book of Mormon, if you’re a critic, you focus on facts that you think confirm your disbelief. If you’re a believer, you focus on facts you think confirm your belief.

To be clear, I’ll explain my biases up front.

1. I think Joseph Smith actually translated the engravings on the plates by using the Nephite interpreters and studying it out in his mind. (e.g., D&C 8:1; 9:8; 10:41, 45)

2. I think he used the Urim and Thummim to articulate his understanding of the engravings, dictating in his own language and dialect, which was a product of his life experience and education. (e.g., D&C 1:24)

3. I think he was familiar with The Late War and other similar books, but he did not copy their language, syntax or themes. Instead, these books became part of his mental language base, including his vocabulary and manner of speech.

Of course, I think my biases are confirmed by the evidence, as I’ll explain below.

However, I recognize that my biases differ from the prevailing biases shared by LDS scholars, especially among the M2C intellectuals. But those differences, in turn, are driven by the differences between our views regarding Joseph Smith.

That is, I think Joseph knew a lot about the Book of Mormon and its peoples.

M2C intellectuals think Joseph knew next to nothing about them, and therefore they claim to know more about the Book of Mormon and its peoples than Joseph did. For a while now, they’ve been saying Joseph didn’t even use the plates. Now they’re saying Joseph didn’t even translate.

If The Late War issue is new to you, you can see some of the comparisons set forth in the web pages I listed at the end of this post.*

There are undeniable similarities between The Late War and the Book of Mormon. The critics and defenders have focused on the nature of these similarities and what they mean, but they are all arguments about semantics and linguistics. I’ll discuss the semantic arguments in part 3, and the linguistic arguments in part 4, including Early Modern English, but let’s start by looking at the non-semantic similarities.

First, think of the historical and geographical context. In May, 1814, during the War of 1812, the British invaded the town of Pultneyville, NY, located only 17 miles due north of Palmyra on the shores of Lake Ontario. The British ships fired on the town, British troops invaded, and both the local militia and the British suffered casualties.

Joseph and his family moved from Vermont to Palmyra in the winter of 1816-7, less than three years after the nearby British invasion. As a 12-year-old boy, Joseph surely would have known about the War of 1812. It seems unimaginable that he and his siblings would not have been taught about it and read about it. The Late War was written and published specifically for school children. It was published in several editions starting in 1816.

Even if Joseph and every member of his family never read or saw The Late War, it seems even more unlikely that Martin Harris and other residents of Palmyra had never read it. And how likely is it that no copies were available to Joseph and his contemporaries between 1816 and 1829?

That’s the historical context. Now let’s look at the practical similarities.

In this series of images to the left, we see the first three pages of each book, starting with the Book of Mormon.

In both cases, we have a Title Page, a Copyright Page, and a Preface.

I’ve looked at other books from this period and there is considerable variation among them. Most have a table of contents in the first few pages, for example.

I’m sure there are other books of this vintage that follow the same form as the Book of Mormon and The Late War, but these two books are unusually similar, as you can see.

The first page in each book is a Title Page with a long, detailed title.

The author and printer are listed, along with the location of the printer and the date printed.

Obviously, the formatting is different. I’m not saying the Book of Mormon is an exact copy by any means. But we can all see the similarity between the two.

Both have the word “The” above the main title. The main title is followed by a multi-line subtitle.

Notice how the title page of The Late War reads, “Written in the Ancient Historical Style.” This is Hunt’s description of his effort to mimic the style of the King James Version.

The Late War also contains “a sketch of the late Algerine War.” The term “sketch” is interesting because it’s the term Joseph Smith used in the Wentworth Letter when he described Moroni’s visit.

I was informed also concerning the aboriginal inhabitants of this country, and shown who they were, and from whence they came;—a brief sketch of their origin, progress, civilization, laws, governments, of their righteousness and iniquity, and the blessings of God being finally withdrawn from them as a people, was made known unto me.

The second page in each book is the full Copyright certificate.

I took these images from online databases.

You can see a copy of the original Book of Mormon in the Joseph Smith Papers here:

An 1819 edition of The Late War is available here:

Again, these two books are not unique in having the entire copyright notice printed on the second page.

However, many books I looked at simply state “copyright secured” or something similar. Some don’t have a copyright on the second page at all.

The point is, Joseph was not required to print the entire copyright notice on the obverse side of the title page.

But he did.

Just like G. J. Hunt did when he published The Late War.

Both copyrights were filed in district courts in New York, albeit in different districts. Both copyright notices fill the entire page, with the Book of Mormon using a smaller font to avoid extending to a second page.

The third page in each book is a Preface. Some books of the period had prefaces, while others did not.

In both books, the word PREFACE is in all caps, followed by a period and set off with a line from the text below it.

Obviously, the text of the preface is different in each book. Joseph’s preface to the Book of Mormon is one long paragraph of four long sentences, while the preface to The Late War includes numbered paragraphs.

Still, the formatting we see here shows some commonality in design.

Maybe Grandin, the printer in Palmyra, decided how the Book of Mormon should be arranged. Perhaps Grandin showed Joseph other books to get ideas of how he wanted the Book of Mormon to be printed.

But it seems unlikely that Grandin would have told Joseph he needed a Preface.

Instead, Joseph apparently decided he needed to explain what happened to the lost manuscript. Perhaps Grandin suggested he do so in a Preface.

However, it seems just as plausible to me that Joseph didn’t need Grandin’s suggestions. Had he read The Late War, as I think he surely did given his proximity in time and place to the events of that war, he could have gotten the idea of writing his explanation as a preface from that book

One counterpoint to the possibility that Joseph followed the formatting of The Late War is the placement of the testimony of the Three and Eight Witnesses at the end of the book.

The Late War, by contrast, includes two endorsements at the beginning, immediately following the Preface. That might have seemed a more logical place for the testimony of the witnesses.

On the other hand, the final pages of The Late War include a list of the officers of the American Bible Society, an endorsement of sorts of the goal of The Late War to encourage more Bible reading. That could be considered comparable to the endorsement by the eleven witnesses.

There may have been other practical reasons why Joseph put the testimony of the witnesses at the end of the book, such as something having to do with printing, timing, composition, etc.

But the endorsements of The Late War raise another interesting point.

The first endorsement was written by Samuel L. Mitchill, the professor in New York to whom Martin Harris took the characters Joseph had copied from the plates.

This could have been a coincidence, of course. But others have suggested that, given Professor Mitchill’s strong endorsement of The Late War, perhaps Martin and Joseph hoped for a similar endorsement.

That seems likely to me.

We don’t know exactly what Martin showed Professor Mitchill, but we assume it included a translation of the characters as well as the copy of the characters themselves. This would have been Joseph’s first attempts to translate the characters into English, and perhaps he sought Mitchill’s approval of the type of language he was using.

Surely Joseph would have been pleased to procure an endorsement from the prominent Professor Mitchill similar to the one Mitchill gave to The Late War:

“Your Chronicle of events deserves to be mentioned in the list of useful publications. It will answer as a document of constant and ready reference. The reception of it into schools, will render familiar to children the chief actions in the contest, and teach them, at the same time, to respect their country and its institutions.
“It seems to me one of the best attempts to imitate the biblical style; and if the perusal of it can induce young persons to relish and love the sacred books whose language you have imitated, it will be the strongest of all recommendations.”

Had Joseph obtained such an endorsement, it would have helped public acceptance of the Book of Mormon, to put it mildly.

These practical considerations give context to the semantic and linguistic issues.

The Late War was not the first book to imitate the Biblical style. Three specific prior books also have relevance to understanding the semantic issues.

The First Book of Napoleon, published in London in 1809, uses a pseudo-Biblical style to describe Napoleon’s history. You can see it here:

The first verse gives an idea of its style: “And behold it came to pass, in these latter days, that an evil spirit arose on the face of the earth, and greatly troubled the sons of men.”

Another book, The American Revolution by Richard Snowden, published in Baltimore in 1796, was “Written in Scriptural, or Ancient Historical Style,” according to its title page. You can see The American Revolution here:

Recall that the title page of The Late War also claimed it was written in the “Ancient Historical Style.” Another example of how The Late War is derivative of The American Revolution are these passages:

Am Rev, p. 320 – the destroying engines, that were used to batter down the walls of strong holds, and the men stood ready, as they were wont to do when the engine is ready to vomit out its thunders.

Late War, p. 318 – the destroying engines began to vomit their thunders upon the servants of the king.

Such passages are not evidence of joint authorship, but they do indicate influence, whether intentional or not. These similar passages were derived from a common Biblical source, because neither passage highlighted in red appears in the Bible. It seems reasonable to infer that The Late War copied at least these phrases from The American Revolution.

The fourth book is John Leacock’s The First Book of the American Chronicles of the Times, published in 1774-5.

All four books are available on BYU’s WordCruncher library, an outstanding reference that you can download here:

If you look at the lists prepared by the critics, you’ll see lots of superficial similarities between The Late War and the Book of Mormon (similar to the comparison I just made between The American Revolution and The Late War, actually). The counter argument is that these lists are heavily manipulated to make the similarities seem more obvious. For example, critics combine isolated phrases from different pages to compose something that also appears in the Book of Mormon.

People seeking to confirm their bias that the Book of Mormon is fiction are satisfied with the misleading and superficial similarities. They are uninterested in counter arguments and contradictory evidence.

People seeking to confirm their bias that the Book of Mormon is not fiction are satisfied with the explanation that the similarities are contrived. They, too, are uninterested in counter arguments and contradictory evidence.

Others, who may be troubled by the similarities but still seek to confirm their bias that the Book of Mormon is not fiction are satisfied with the EME explanation. This is the claim that the syntax is so complex and different between the Book of Mormon and both the Bible and the pseudo-biblical texts that Joseph didn’t copy from any of these sources. In fact, statistical analysis shows that the syntax is so complex that it could only have been produced by someone intimately familiar with EME, which predates the King James Version. That is, Joseph himself could not have produced the Book of Mormon.

I think the statistical evidence is a powerful argument that Joseph did not copy The Late War (or the Bible), but I also think that the EME theory goes too far.

I have a different explanation of all the evidence.

I think Joseph read and was familiar with the Bible as well as The Late War and other pseudo-biblical books for the practical reasons explained in this post.

I think these books, as well as the Bible, contributed to Joseph’s mental language base. That’s what Part 3 of my series on the M2C web covers.

But I also think Joseph did not directly copy from or plagiarize those books when he dictated the Book of Mormon, partly because the similarities compiled by the critics are contrived, but more because of the statistical syntax evidence compiled by Carmack and Skousen, which demonstrates distinct syntax in the Book of Mormon text in many cases that is not found in either the Bible or the pseudo-biblical texts. (That said, I do think Joseph copied passages from the KJV Bible because he recognized them when he was translating the plates, but that’s a topic for another day.)

I also think Joseph was the first and only translator of the ancient Nephite records into English and that what appears to be EME is actually Joseph’s own dialect and manner of speech. That’s the topic of part 4 of my series on the M2C web.
* List of books written in the Biblical style:


List of comparisons by the critics.




Some of the rebuttals to these comparisons:






Source: Book of Mormon Wars

In our hearts first

In my passport I noticed this quotation from Dwight D. Eisenhower:

Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America.

I’d like to paraphrase that for the Church.

Whatever Latter-day Saints hope to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of the Latter-day Saints. 

This applies to every aspect of establishing Zion. Because this blog focuses on the Book of Mormon, I’ll narrow the quotation even more: If we expect the world to accept the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, we Latter-day Saints better accept its divine authenticity first. 

Because I think we have to accept the prophets to establish the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, this means we as Latter-day Saints should all embrace the teachings of the prophets that Cumorah is in New York.

Also, because the M2C intellectuals repudiate the prophets regarding the New York Cumorah, I think M2C is impeding our efforts to take the Book of Mormon to the world.

Imagine if every member of the Church was aligned with the prophets on the Cumorah question. That would be one connection between the Book of Mormon and the actual New World that would unify our message to the world about the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus

The M2C web-now Joseph didn’t even translate the plates

The Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory (M2C) has spun an enormous web.

M2C started as an innocent thought experiment on how to vindicate what people mistakenly believed that Joseph Smith taught in anonymous articles in the 1842 Times and Seasons.

M2C web

Based on these anonymous articles, these experts simply assumed the Book of Mormon took place in Central America. Then they calculated that New York was too far away, so the prophets were wrong abut that being the location of Cumorah.*

Now Mesomania has reached the point where M2C intellectuals are teaching that Joseph Smith didn’t even translate the Book of Mormon.

The intellectual genealogy of M2C is a fascinating topic that I’ve discussed before, as long-time readers know. In upcoming posts, I’ll discuss how the M2C web has captured Church history, including the new book Saints and ideas about Joseph’s use of the plates.

The latest fad is the Early Modern English theory (EME).

For several reasons, I’ve been reluctant to comment on EME, which has been put forth by Royal Skousen and Stanford Carmack, but it has reached a stage where I’m going to go ahead and explain what I think, FWIW.

I greatly admire and respect Brothers Skousen and Carmack. They are awesome people and outstanding scholars, meticulous and thorough and faithful. I often rely on and cite Brother Skousen’s work on the Original and Printers Manuscript of the Book of Mormon. Plus, I’m very grateful to Book of Mormon Central for making his work available to the public. You can see it here:
and here


In recent years, Brother Carmack has developed a theory that the text of the Book of Mormon was dictated in Early Modern English, a form of English that predates the King James Bible. The idea is that Joseph didn’t merely copy the King James Bible, and he didn’t try to emulate Biblical language the way books such as The Late War did, but instead he didn’t translate the Nephite plates at all.

According to the EME theory, Joseph merely read the seer stone in the hat. The stone displayed the translation that had been accomplished by an unknown person using language that predated Joseph by 300-400 years.

I’m simplifying, of course, and you can read all the detailed articles in the Interpreter if you want. But I think you see the problem already.

Now we’re supposed to believe that not only did Joseph not use the plates (the latest fad in revisionist Church history), but he didn’t even translate them.

This is a critical component of the M2C web because it further supports the M2C position that Joseph knew nothing about the Book of Mormon. Or, if he knew anything, he surely knew much less than today’s M2C intellectuals know.

Therefore, pursuant to the 14th Article of Faith, we need to follow today’s scholars even when they disagree with what Joseph Smith (and the revelations) taught.

Readers here know about the M2C citation cartel. Prominent participants in the cartel include BYU Studies (edited by John W. (Jack) Welch) and the Interpreter (founded and edited by Dan Peterson). Brothers Welch and Peterson have long been among the most prominent and forceful proponents of M2C. They, along with John Sorenson and their followers, have taught M2C throughout the Church. They, more than anyone, have woven the M2C web.

Envision the M2C web as a filter. Anything that fits M2C can pass through unharmed, but anything that contradicts M2C, including the teachings of the prophets, is trapped, quarantined, and sucked dry.

To mix metaphors, without the enduring and adamant support of M2C by Brothers Welch and Peterson, M2C would dissipate like the morning dew.

Not only do they have highly influential positions at BYU Studies and the Interpreter, but they are long-time BYU faculty. They are two of the most prominent of the scholars who have been hired by the prophets to guide the Church, pursuant to the 14th Article of Faith.

To be sure, BYU Studies and the Interpreter produce a lot of important and useful scholarly material that is unrelated to M2C and is therefore not tainted by Mesomania. I encourage people to read both journals, as well as the other publications of the M2C citation cartel.

However, we have to be vigilant when BYU Studies and the Interpreter combine to enthusiastically embrace something. The reason?

M2C is founded on the premise that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah. 

Therefore, the M2C citation cartel does everything possible to support this premise. 

In September, BYU Studies and the Interpreter are sponsoring a lecture by Brothers Skousen and Carmack to introduce their latest book about Early Modern English. This prompted me to discuss it on this blog.

IMO, the Early Modern English theory, however it originated, is part of the M2C web and is being used to support M2C.

According to the cartel, anyone who believes what the prophets have taught about Cumorah believes in a notion that is “manifestly absurd” and “worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie.” John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex.

According to the cartel, all the prophets who have taught that Cumorah is in New York were ignorant speculators who misled the Church by repeating a false folk tradition. This includes Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith, James E. Talmage, etc., all the way down to President Marion G. Romney and Elder Mark E. Petersen, both of whom declared in General Conference that Cumorah was in New York.

But the M2C citation cartel has a dilemma. How do they persuade members (and leaders) of the Church that the prophets have all been wrong?

The M2C academic cycle

The academic cycle explains how M2C has permeated the Church overall, but let’s look in more detail on how it works.

1. They start by censoring the teachings of the prophets. This requires the coordinated efforts of the M2C citation cartel, plus the Church History, Curriculum and Correlation Departments. That’s why we never see the teachings of the prophets about Cumorah in the curriculum, in lesson manuals, or on display in visitors centers. That’s why the new Church history book Saints edits out all the early references to Cumorah, changes the wording of the original documents, etc.
It’s basically censorship.

2. The problem is, the teachings of the prophets are widely available in older publications. We can read about it in Jesus the Christ, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, Doctrines of Salvation, , in early Church publications, and the addresses in General Conference. None of those books or other sources are on the missionary reading lists any longer, though. Few if any of the youth in the Church have read these or even know about them.

Even fewer Church members read old General Conference addresses. Sure, they’re available on lds.org–they’re part of the historical record, after all–but people barely read the current General Conference addresses.

Little by little, as older generations die off, the teachings of the prophets about Cumorah will continue to fade into oblivion.

Really, the biggest problem for M2C is Letter VII, which is found right in Joseph Smith’s personal history, which means it’s available in the Joseph Smith Papers. It’s not impossible that the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers will decide to purge Letter VII from the documents if too many people start reading it, the way the Correlation Department purged a critical passage from the Wentworth letter in the Joseph Smith lesson manual, but we can hope that doesn’t happen. Meanwhile, Letter VII is pretty well buried in the Joseph Smith Papers, with no editorial comments calling attention to i.

3. What does an M2C intellectual do with people who somehow discover what the prophets have taught about Cumorah?

Thanks to the Internet, censorship cannot succeed. Some people, on their own, will find out what the prophets have taught.

The M2C intellectuals start by claiming the prophets were only expressing their opinions, and they were wrong. Even CES and BYU teachers tell this to any students who dare to ask how M2C can be reconciled with the teachings of the prophets.

Some Church members know that President Ezra Taft Benson specifically warned against this rationalization, when he said, ““The learned may feel the prophet is only inspired when he agrees with them, otherwise the prophet is just giving his opinion—speaking as a man.” 

You’ll never see a member of the M2C citation cartel mingle their philosophy with this teaching from a prophet. How could they?

But never fear, they have more arrows in their quiver.

4. The next fallback is the one taken by Fairly Mormon and the Correlation Department; i.e., they say the prophets have never actually taught that Cumorah is in New York. In other words, who do you believe, Fairly Mormon and the Correlation Department, or your lying eyes?

They accomplish this by conflating two separate issues.

The prophets have always taught that while Cumorah is in New York, we don’t know for sure where other Book of Mormon events took place. This is a perfectly reasonable position to take that is also perfectly consistent with the New York Cumorah.

But the M2C intellectuals mingle the two teachings to confuse people. They explain that the prophets were actually not even expressing their opinions (to avoid President Benson’s observation) but that they were merely articulating possibilities about the geography, including the New York Cumorah.

This is the current position that you will be told if you inquire directly to Church leaders and you receive the response from the Correlation Department that I discussed before.

That’s a long introduction, but it leads directly to the Early Modern English theory.

To avoid contradicting the prophets, M2C is now positioned to say the prophets never knew anything!

This is a multi-step process as well, but it requires you to believe that Joseph Smith did not know that much about the Book of Mormon. That’s how he could be fooled into accepting the erroneous folk tradition that the hill Cumorah was in New York.

In fact, M2C scholars are now teaching that Joseph didn’t even translate the plates after all.

The latest thinking about the translation is that Joseph didn’t use the plates. You’ll hear this from M2C intellectuals as well as Church historians. Missionaries serving at Church history sites have been told to explain this to people who ask about the translation. The new Church films about Harmony and Fayette depict this revisionist history.

Forget what the D&C says about translating the engravings or working it out in the mind. Forget what Oliver Cowdery and Lucy Mack Smith said about Joseph looking at the plates through the interpreters. Now we’re being told to believe that the plates sat covered in a cloth the entire time (except when they were out in the woods), serving a sort of talisman to somehow build faith. Joseph merely read what was written on a stone that he put in a hat.

Then along comes the Early Modern English theory that Joseph merely read a translation that was performed by someone else, living 300 to 400 years before Joseph.

The bottom line of all this: Joseph knew less about the Book of Mormon than today’s scholars, who have been hired by the prophet to guide the Church. 

Therefore, if the scholars teach M2C, M2C is what we are to believe. If the scholars say Joseph didn’t use the plates, we have to believe that. If the scholars say Joseph didn’t even translate the Book of Mormon, we have to believe that.

If we wonder what to think about the scriptures or the teachings of the prophets, we should turn to Dan Peterson’s Interpreter to have all these things interpreted for us.

IMO, neither M2C nor the revisionist Church history fits the facts or the revelations.

Tomorrow I’ll explain why, with respect to EME.

* The M2C intellectuals concocted the idea that there are really two Cumorahs. The one in New York, according to M2C, is not the Cumorah of Mormon 6:6; i.e., Moroni had to haul the plates from the “real Cumorah” which is somewhere in Mexico to New York.

The belief in M2C (which I call Mesomania) has led LDS intellectuals to not only repudiate the prophets, but to revise Church history and engage in Orwellian tactics to perpetrate and perpetuate M2C.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Richard Lloyd Anderson and President Cowdery’s letters

The much-loved Richard Lloyd Anderson passed away on August 12, 2018. He was perhaps best known for his work on the Three Witnesses, including his book, Investigating the Three Witnesses. He was working on the Oliver Cowdery Papers at the time of his death at age 92.

That’s an awesome legacy.

He wrote many articles over the years. One, published in the Improvement Era in 1970, was titled “Confirming Records of Moroni’s Coming.” In it, Brother Anderson explained the important role President Cowdery’s letters play in our understanding of Church history.

You can read his article here:


In the article, Brother Anderson notes this:

“The first published history of the coming of Moroni appeared in letter form in the Messenger and Advocate in 1835. [Note: this is Letter IV.] Its author was Oliver Cowdery, but its wealth of detail must be attributed largely to the Prophet.”

Whether Oliver relied on the notebook he had when he first met Joseph in 1829 in Harmony, or whether Joseph related the details in 1834-5 when he helped Oliver write the eight letters, it does seem apparent that, as Brother Anderson said, “the details must be attributed largely to” Joseph Smith.

One long-overlooked detail from Letter IV is that when Moroni first told Joseph about the Nephite record, he said it was “written and deposited” not far from Joseph’s home near Palmyra. For Mormon and Moroni to have written the abridgment not far from Joseph’s home, they would have had to have lived not far from Joseph’s home.

Which, of course, is what all the prophets have taught; i.e., that the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is the very hill in New York from which Joseph obtained the record.

Source: Letter VII

Great news from Fairly Mormon

I haven’t had a chance to comment much on the annual conference of Fairly Mormon (aka FairMormon) that I attended in early August, but there was an important bit of great news that I hadn’t thought about before in this way.

Elder Kevin Pearson of the Seventy gave an excellent presentation, as reported in this press release:


He showed this slide. The press release explains what he said.

Elder Pearson said the Church’s effort to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world presents a “massive challenge” due to a lack of awareness of the Church.

He said as many as 6.6 billion people of the 7.6 billion who inhabit the earth have never heard about the gospel. 

At first glance, that might seem like a problem. Nearly 200 years after the Restoration and to this day, most of the world’s population has heard nothing about it.

But really it’s more of an opportunity and blessing, because it means that 6.6 billion people have never be confused by M2C.

IOW, we members of the Church have an opportunity to get our story straight on the Book of Mormon before most of the world hears about it for the first time. 

30 years ago this coming October General Conference, President Ezra Taft Benson gave an awesome challenge when he declared,

The Book of Mormon is the instrument that God designed to “sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out [His] elect.” (Moses 7:62.) This sacred volume of scripture needs to become more central in our preaching, our teaching, and our missionary work.

He quoted Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s words: “Few men on earth, either in or out of the Church, have caught the vision of what the Book of Mormon is all about.  … The Book of Mormon shall so affect men that the whole earth and all its peoples will have been influenced and governed by it. … There is no greater issue ever to confront mankind in modern times than this: Is the Book of Mormon the mind and will and voice of God to all men?”

(Note: other speakers at that conference included Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, and M. Russell Ballard.)

If we really believe this–if we really believe that the Book of Mormon is intended for everyone on Earth–we better figure out how we are going to present it to the world.

BYU fantasy map of the
Book of Mormon–the worst
possible way to persuade the
world that the book is true.

Are we going to stick with the M2C intellectuals and teach the world what CES and BYU are teaching our youth?

That is, are we going to tell the world that the Book of Mormon took place in a fantasy land?

Are we going to tell the world that our own prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah?

As of right now, from all I can see, the answer appears to be yes.

It seems obvious how well that’s going to work out.

The contrast in explanations below demonstrates the clarity of the prophets vs. the confusion of the M2C intellectuals.

Put yourself in the place of a prospective investigator. Two young people knock on your door–let’s say they are Hare Krishna to give us a sense of how Mormon missionaries appear to people in other cultures–and ask you to read their holy book. They testify to you that it is the word of God.

You: “What is it about?”
Them: “It’s an inspired translation of one-thousand years of sacred history that is found nowhere else.”
You think: sounds interesting.
You: “Who were the people? Where did they live?”
Them: “Well… you just have to read it and pray about it and you will know it is true.”

If you’re like most people, busy and already satisfied with your religion, you’ll probably end the conversation there, just as most investigators do. But maybe you’ll cut them some slack.

You think: they misunderstood me.
You: “No, I mean, what people does the book talk about? Where did they live?”
Them: “They lived between 600 BC and 400 AD in the western hemisphere.”
You think: Cool, I’ve always liked archaeology.
You: “You mean the Inca? the Aztecs?”
Them: “Well… we’re not sure. Mostly we think they were Mayans.”
You’ve recently read about Mayans in the news, so you say: “Don’t we know all about the Mayans? You said this history of yours is found nowhere else.”
Them: “Yes, it’s the sacred history of people who lived among the Mayans but were not actually Mayans.”
You (increasingly skeptical): “Where exactly did the people in your book live?”
They pull out a fantasy map, the one from BYU or CES.
Them: “We don’t know where they lived in the real world, but the book describes a place such as this.”

If you made it this far with them, you’ll end the conversation now. As nice as they are, these young people are obviously deluded.

But maybe your curiosity prompts you to look them up on the Internet. You discover that, in fact, their prophets did once explain that the book described two civilizations, both of which had final wars of extermination in western New York. That’s intriguing, but it’s not what these young visitors told you about Mayans. Maybe you look a little more. If you do, you soon discover that the scholars in this religion say the prophets were wrong.

You think, if their own scholars don’t believe their prophets, why should I?
And you lose all interest.

Now, compare that with this scenario.

You: “What is it about?”
Them: “It’s an inspired translation of one-thousand years of sacred history that is found nowhere else.”
You think: sounds interesting.
You: “Who were the people? Where did they live?”
Them: “They were the ancestors of the Native Americans in the Eastern United States. They were divided into two great nations. One destroyed the other at a battleground in western New York.”
You: “I’ve never heard of this before.”
Them: “They left behind vast earthworks and artifacts in museums across the United States, but no written records. Except this.” They hold up the book.
Now, you have something specific and real to latch onto. You take the book from them.

They say, “It describes how Jesus Christ visited the people after his resurrection…”

Confusion vs. clarity. 

We understand why academics prefer the confusion, the endless semantic debates, the constant search for more highly selective “correspondences” to confirm their biases.

But most people in the world don’t share their Mesomania. Investigators are not going to invest time and energy trying to make sense of M2C and the never-ending debates among the M2C scholars about their various “models” of Book of Mormon geography.

Most people in the world don’t care about all the details, so long as they have clarity and reality.

This is exactly the type of clarity that prophets have long provided regarding the Book of Mormon. It is why Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery wrote Letter VII and why Joseph had it republished in all the Church newspapers.

Here is the clarity taught by the prophets.

1. Cumorah is in New York.
2. We don’t know where the rest of the events took place because there are so many plausible locations, but that doesn’t matter because we do have one sure touchstone between the Book of Mormon and the New World to rely upon.

Living as I am now in a country that has an even smaller percentage of LDS than the world as a whole, the scope of President Benson’s challenge is all the more daunting. It’s one thing to talk about the Book of Mormon to my Catholic neighbors, but what about my Hindu and Muslim neighbors?

In the world today, there are over 1 billion Hindus, nearly 1.8 billion Muslims, about 1 billion Buddhists and believers in other Asian and African traditional religions. There are about 1.2 billion nonreligious and agnostics/atheists. Plus, of course, 2.4 billion Christians. Most Christians who have heard of the Book of Mormon have already rejected it (and have leaders who strongly oppose it).

As Elder Pearson pointed out, most of these people have never heard of the Book of Mormon, the restored Gospel, etc. Many of them have barely heard of Jesus Christ.

Do we really think the best way to approach them is to tell them we have a sacred record of real people but we have no idea where they lived or who they were?

Or, worse, that we can only explain the Book of Mormon by referring to a fantasy map?

It’s an absurd proposition.

And it’s all the more absurd because our own scriptures declare who the Lamanites were and where their descendants live; i.e., New York, Ohio, and the Midwest (D&C 28, 30, 32). Our own prophets have consistently and persistently declared that both the Jaredites and the Nephites fought wars of annihilation that culminated in western New York.

But instead of sharing this clarity–this crystal clear clarity from the prophets–the M2C intellectuals have generated a mass of confusion with illusory correspondences to Mayan culture.

Elder Pearson also pointed out that “Of the remaining 1.0 billion people who likely have heard of the Church, approximately half have an unfavorable impression about us.”

There are a lot of factors involved with that unfavorable impression that I don’t have time to get into. People debate religious precepts, interpretations of the Bible, social issues, etc.

But fundamentally, when our message to the world about our unique scriptures, the Book of Mormon, is that our own prophets were wrong about where it took place so we explain it with a fantasy map, how can we expect anyone to take us seriously?

Ironically, Fairly Mormon is one of the major contributors to this mass of confusion.

More later…

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C is built upon sand

In my last post, I noted the importance of establishing the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

I stipulate this may not be important for the tiny percentage of people in the world who are raised LDS or who receive the gift of a spiritual witness powerful enough to break through their traditions. Here I’m discussing the reason for the gap between what is currently happening with the Book of Mormon in the world and what could be happening.

The Book of Mormon is the instrument God provided to gather Israel and to convince the world that Jesus is the Christ. Is it accomplishing that task? Little by little, sure, but I think there is a major impediment that is preventing much more widespread acceptance of the Book of Mormon.

God’s loving involvement with the lives of people everywhere in the world not only vindicates the faith of religious believers, but confirms their individual biases that their religions traditions–the source of their belief in God–are true.

Think of an example of God’s intervention in your life–maybe an answer to a prayer, a miraculous healing, or a chance encounter with someone that changes both of your lives. Whether you are LDS, Catholic, Hindu, Muslim, Pentecostal, or anything else, that intervention will confirm your bias that your religion is true. Your religion taught you that God has this power, so when the power was made manifest, it “proved” your religion is true, at least to your satisfaction.

During Christ’s ministry, the people were deeply attached to their respective traditions. How did Christ break through the powerful psychology of confirmation bias?

He broke through by doing things no one else could do. He performed miracles that shattered preconceptions and long-held traditions and biases. True, even the miracles were not persuasive enough to break through the confirmation bias of everyone, but they were persuasive enough to convince many people that their traditions were false and that they should at least listen to what Christ had to say.

In our day, the Book of Mormon is a tangible miracle that can be persuasive enough to break through confirmation bias psychology. When its divine authenticity is established, it can fulfill its role as the instrument God prepared to gather Israel and convince people that Jesus is the Christ.

Joseph discussed this point with the members of Zion’s Camp as they crossed the plains of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. They observed the mounds and artifacts of the Hopewell Indians, which Joseph said were left by the Nephites and constituted evidence of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon. About a year later, Joseph and Oliver Cowdery wrote and published Letter VII, which firmly established the New York hill as the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6.

Since then, many modern prophets have reaffirmed the New York Cumorah. The prophets have consistently and persistently taught that:

1. Cumorah is in New York.

2. We don’t know where the other events took place. (This makes sense because there are so many plausible locations for Book of Mormon sites, and because so long as we know where one Book of Mormon site in the New World is located, it’s not necessary to know the other sites to establish the divine authenticity of the book.)

The key point is that Cumorah is a sure, known connection between the Book of Mormon and the modern world, firmly established by the modern prophets. 

D&C 1:38 “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”

Because it is based on the clear, unambiguous teachings of the modern prophets, the New York Cumorah is the house built upon a rock (Matthew 7:24-5; 3 Nephi 14:24-5).

By contrast, because it is premised on the repudiation of the modern prophets, M2C is the house built upon sand. (Matthew 7:26-7; 3 Nephi 14:26-7).

By teaching that the prophets were wrong, and that we actually have nothing but academic speculation to connect the Book of Mormon to the real world, M2C jettisoned the one sure touchstone between the Book of Mormon and reality in the New World. 

Look at what M2C has done already.

Unmoored from its prophetic anchor in the New York Cumorah, the Book of Mormon has been cast adrift into a morass of speculation, semantics, and confusion. Now it is heading directly into the shadows of a “metaphorical” understanding, which is a euphemism for labeling it as fiction.

BYU fantasy map, based on M2C
interpretation of the Book of Mormon,
teaches students that the prophets are
wrong about the Hill Cumorah
in New York

Because they insist the prophets are wrong, the M2C intellectuals have persuaded CES and BYU to teach the youth that the Book of Mormon took place in an imaginary fantasy world based on the M2C interpretation of the text.

By repudiating the prophets, the M2C intellectuals have, even if inadvertently, accomplished what anti-Mormons have long sought.

They’ve detached the Book of Mormon from the real world.

I realize the M2C citation cartel has produced all kinds of books and articles that appear scholarly, peer-reviewed, etc. But to anyone who doesn’t share the M2C bias–to anyone outside the M2C bubble–these materials are transparent confirmation bias.

Lists of carefully selected attributes of Mayan culture that “correspond” to carefully framed interpretations (and interpolations) of the text do not constitute persuasive evidence to anyone who doesn’t already accept M2C because of their faith in the M2C intellectuals.

To the contrary, experts on ancient Mesoamerica, whether LDS or not, who don’t share the M2C bias find the work of the M2C citation cartel unpersuasive at best.

People outside the M2C bubble, both LDS and otherwise, know this. Ask any missionary. All their investigators ask about evidence for the Book of Mormon.

The missionaries tell their investigators to pray about it. That’s a fine answer, but we all know that investigators go to the Internet the moment the missionaries leave the house.

On the Internet, investigators quickly learn that (i) no non-LDS Mayan expert sees connections between the Book of Mormon and the ancient Mayans; (ii) there is a conflict between the LDS prophets and the M2C intellectuals (e.g., here); and (iii) the most aggressive opponents to the New York Cumorah are the M2C intellectuals themselves.

Think how different it would be for investigators (and missionaries) if the M2C intellectuals aligned themselves with the prophets!

The M2C intellectuals have years of practice finding ways to repudiate the prophets. They say Cumorah is a “clean hill,” that there is no archaeology to support the Book of Mormon events in Ohio and New York, etc. I’ve addressed all of these arguments on the merits in this blog and other places. The bottom line, as Joseph Smith himself observed, is that the evidence for the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon is seen in the mounds and artifacts that are currently on display throughout the Midwestern and Eastern United States. There is no scientific need (or justification) to repudiate the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.

I also realize the M2C intellectuals don’t like it when I point out they’ve repudiated the prophets. They prefer the explanation that the prophets weren’t speaking as prophets when they taught the Hill Cumorah is in New York; i.e., they were merely speaking as men, and they were wrong because the M2C intellectuals know better.

As the saying goes, that’s an exception you could drive a Mack truck through. Any time a prophet teaches something you don’t like, or you disagree with, just say he’s speaking as a man and you’re home free. Outside of the M2C bubble, I can’t see many LDS accepting that approach.

And imagine a missionary explaining this to an investigator.

Missionary: “We have a living prophet.”
Investigator: “But according to the Internet, your own scholars think your prophets were wrong about the Hill Cumorah in New York.”
Missionary (to himself): Hmm, that’s a good point. That’s what my CES/BYU teachers told me.
Missionary (to investigator): “A prophet is only a prophet when he’s speaking as a prophet.”
Investigator: “So you can pick and choose what you want to believe?”
Missionary: “Yes. Well, not really. We still believe most of what the prophets teach…”

By repudiating the prophets, the M2C intellectuals are throwing away a critically important aspect of the Book of Mormon. This is having disastrous consequences that seem to be the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about.

How can people accept the Book of Mormon as a divine translation of an authentic history of real people when we can’t confidently tell them of one single connection between the text and the New World setting?

No one had this problem while Joseph Smith was alive. Everyone knew Cumorah was in New York. In fact, no one had this problem until a few decades ago, when M2C intellectuals began using the Academic cycle to persuade vulnerable students that the prophets were wrong.

It continues to amaze me that millions of people come to our visitors centers in Salt Lake City and Palmyra, New York, only to learn that the prophets were wrong when they said the Hill Cumorah was in New York.

It’s confusing enough to show Mesoamerican imagery in every Church building and publication. But on top of that, visitors see M2C being explicitly taught on Temple Square, a direct repudiation of the teachings of the prophets. Sooner or later, the CES/BYU fantasy maps will make their way into Church buildings and media and visitors centers (as they already have in the Palmyra, New York, chapel).

When we reach that point, how can we expect anyone to accept the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon?

I realize that the M2C intellectuals and their followers believe the “correspondences” they’ve found in Mesoamerica affirm their spiritual beliefs in the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. And that’s fine. It’s natural for people to confirm their biases, regardless of what they are.

If people want to believe the Book of Mormon took place in Baja California, or Peru, or Chile, or Panama, or Guatemala, or Mesoamerica, or Eritrea, or Malaysia, and they can confirm their bias by evidence that is meaningful to them, that’s great. They are reconciling their faith with their reality, as they see it.

But obviously, this only works for those who already believe the Book of Mormon because the Lord has given them the spiritual gift of exceedingly great faith, as Moroni explained.

Those who have been given a different spiritual gift–say, the gift of knowledge or of wisdom–are unlikely to overcome their own confirmation bias without a tangible miracle.

That tangible miracle should be the Book of Mormon.

A house built on stone is a tangible miracle–especially when it is the modern prophets who have identified the stone, in this case, the New York Cumorah.

But M2C has demolished the house built on stone and replaced it with a house built on sand.

Until we return to the teachings of the prophets, there is no tangible miracle for the people of the world to accept.

If/when we apply the teachings of the prophets to establish the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, starting with the New York Cumorah, we can break through the psychology of confirmation bias that currently prevents people throughout the world from seriously considering what that means in their lives. 

Source: Book of Mormon Wars