Why Saints censors key history

I’m very enthusiastic about the renewed emphasis on Church history. Everyone is reading Saints, which is awesome.

But there is another aspect of the tragedy of Saints to consider.

Because the book censors all references to the New York Cumorah, it reinforces skepticism about Church history.

Think about this: a book titled “The Standard of Truth” deliberately censors a key teaching of the founding prophets, their contemporaries and their successors.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time to correct this censorship in the digital editions, but that correction will not happen as long as M2C* prevails.

Imagine how much more powerful the book Saints would be if it educated the Latter-day Saints about these historical facts instead of censoring them.

Remember that the top two reasons Millennials give for leaving the Church are

– “I felt judged or misunderstood.”
– [tied for first] “I did not trust the Church leadership to tell the truth surrounding controversial or historical issues.”


Saints is making the problem even worse by reinforcing the perception that the Church doesn’t tell the truth about its history.

As a result of the pervasive censorship about the New York Cumorah, critics of the Church know more about this problem than most members do. E.g., http://www.utlm.org/onlineresources/cumorah.htm

Imagine what the youth of the Church (and investigators) think when they learn the truth about the New York Cumorah from critics instead of their CES/BYU teachers (and the missionaries).

Thanks to our M2C intellectuals, we have Visitors Centers, Institute and Seminary manuals, BYU/CES, and the Church History Department all teaching that Cumorah cannot be in New York. Instead, they tell people that there are “two Cumorahs.” They say the “real Cumorah” is in Mexico, while the “hill in New York” was falsely named Cumorah by early Church members, thereby creating a false tradition that Joseph Smith passively adopted.

And now Saints solidifies M2C by censoring all references to the New York Cumorah.

The M2C promoters don’t even tell students that the prophets and apostles have taught the New York Cumorah consistently for 180 years, including in General Conference. When a student finds out and asks about it, their BYU/CES teachers claim the prophets and apostles were wrong.

It’s a double-whammy.

First, through their censorship of Letter VII and the New York Cumorah generally, the M2C intellectuals (and Saints) don’t tell the truth about what prior Church leaders have taught, thereby reinforcing the main reason why Millennials leave the Church.

Second, the M2C intellectuals claim the prophets and apostles are wrong, which, if true, leads people to wonder why we have prophets and apostles in the first place. What can possibly be more destructive to faith than having BYU/CES teachers telling students the prophets and apostles are wrong?


Here is a table of examples of censorship in the first volume of Saints. There are more examples, and there will be more in the next three volumes, but this gives you an idea of the magnitude of the problem.

Treatment in Saints
Justification by M2C intellectuals
During his first visit to Joseph, Moroni “proceeded and gave a general account of the promises made to the fathers, and also gave a history of the aborigenes of this country… He said this history was written and deposited not far from that place” [meaning Joseph’s home].

Saints changed all references to “this country” and “this continent” to the generic term “the Americas” to accommodate M2C. 
None of the original documents used the term “the Americas” in connection with the Book of Mormon.
Oliver and Joseph were wrong. 
They either didn’t quote Moroni correctly, or when Moroni said “this country” he really meant Mesoamerica. 
Also, Moroni didn’t mean the record was written not far from Joseph’s home; it was actually written in Mesoamerica.
Moroni told Joseph the hill was named Cumorah even before Joseph got the plates.
Lucy Mack Smith described an event that occurred when Joseph was returning from Manchester in 1827, before he got the plates. He was late coming home, and his parents questioned him about where he was. He explained he’d had a sever chastisement and his father became angry, wanting to know who had harassed Joseph. Lucy reported Joseph’s response in a direct quotation.
“Stop, father, Stop.” said Joseph, “it was the angel of the Lord— as I passed by the hill of Cumorah, where the plates are, the angel of the Lord met me and said, that I had not been engaged enough in the work of the Lord…”
Note: In the Joseph Smith Papers, this passage isn’t even indexed under “Cumorah” so readers can’t find it when they search for Cumorah.
Lucy Mack Smith was wrong. 
She must have been confused, or she conflated her account with the false tradition about the New York Cumorah started by Oliver Cowdery or someone else.
When David Whitmer was taking Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery from Harmony, PA, to Fayette, NY, he met a divine messenger who said he was taking the plates to Cumorah.
During the interview, Whitmer said he, Oliver and Joseph were riding in a wagon on the way to Fayette when a man appeared next to the wagon. I invited him to ride if he was going our way. But he said very pleasantly, “No, I am going to Cumorah.’ This name was something new to me, I did not know what Cumorah meant. We all gazed at him and at each other, and as I looked round enquiringly of Joseph the old man instantly disappeared, so that I did not see him again….It was the messenger who had the plates, who had taken them from Joseph just prior to our starting from Harmony.”
Millennial Star (Vol. 40, No. 49, Dec. 9, 1878, p. 769, online here, scroll down to Dec. 9 and open the first file) titled “Report of Elders Orson Pratt and Joseph F. Smith.”
another example of censorship of this account is here:

This account was also censored in the recent Church films about Harmony and Fayette. 
It was also censored and even changed in the book Opening the Heavens, edited by brother John W. Welch, who is also Editor-in-Chief of BYU Studies and Chairman of Book of Mormon Central.
David Whitmer was wrong. 
Although he repeated this account multiple times with a lot of detail, David was either mistaken, confused, or conflated this account with the false tradition about the New York Cumorah.
This account was given in a formal and public report to the Quorum of the Twelve by two Apostles, but Church members today should not ever be told about it.
During the mission to the Lamanites, Oliver Cowdery explained that it was Moroni who named the hill in New York Cumorah.
“This Book, which contained these things, was hid in the earth by Moroni, in a hill called by him, Cumorah, which hill is now in the State of New York, near the village of Palmyra, in Ontario county.”
Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt, p. 57
By the way, Saints doesn’t even quote the revelations that called Oliver, Parley and others (D&C 28, 30, 32) on the mission to the Lamanites. Instead, Saints substitutes “American Indians” for “Lamanites” in this passage: “The revelation then called Oliver to go nearly a thousand miles to the western edge of the United States to preach the restored gospel to American Indians, who were remnants of the house of Israel…. The Lord called Peter Whitmer, Jr., Ziba Peterson, and Parley Pratt to join Oliver on the mission to the west.” 

The Joseph Smith Papers goes so far as to use quotation marks to distance the intellectuals from the revelations: The link between the Book of Mormon peoples and the American Indians appears in connection with the mission of Oliver Cowdery and others to preach to the “Lamanites” in 1830–1831.”

Parley P. Pratt was wrong. 
He either mis-remembered when he wrote his journal, or he was repeating the false tradition.
Speaking of the mission to the Lamanites, notice how Saints and the Joseph Smith Papers change the terminology of the revelations to American Indians instead of Lamanites
Why this change? The American Indians are genetically distinct from the Mayans, so the revelations contradict M2C.
President Cowdery explained it was a fact that the Hill Cumorah in New York is the same one Mormon described in Mormon 6:6. This account was published in the Messenger and Advocate, the Millennial Star, the Times and Seasons, the Prophet and the Gospel Reflector. Joseph had his scribes copy it into his own history, where we can read it today in the Joseph Smith Papers.
“At about one mile west rises another ridge of less height, running parallel with the former, leaving a beautiful vale between. The soil is of the first quality for the country, and under a state of cultivation, which gives a prospect at once imposing, when one reflects on the fact, that here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed….
[Mormon], by divine appointment, abridged from those records, in his own style and language, a short account of the more important and prominent items, from the days of Lehi to his own time, after which he deposited, as he says, on the 529th page, all the records in this same hill, Cumorah and after gave his small record to his son Moroni, who, as appears from the same, finished, after witnessing the extinction of his people as a nation.
This hill, by the Jaredites, was called Ramah: by it, or around it pitched the famous army of Coriantumr their tents.
In this same spot, in full view from the top of this same hill, one may gaze with astonishment upon the ground which was twice covered with the dead and dying of our fellow men. Here may be seen where once sunk to nought the pride and strength of two mighty nations; and here may be contemplated, in solitude, while nothing but the faithful record of Mormon and Moroni is now extant to inform us of the fact…
In this vale lie commingled, in one mass of ruin the ashes of thousands, and in this vale was destined to consume the fair forms and vigerous systems of tens of thousands of the human race—blood mixed with blood, flesh with flesh, bones with bones and dust with dust!”
President Cowdery was wrong. He was elaborating on the false tradition.
Joseph Smith was wrong when he passively adopted this false tradition when he made sure this account was republished throughout the Church while he was alive.
Every apostle and prophet who has taught this was wrong.
No prophet or apostle has ever questioned or repudiated his predecessors’ teaching about the New York Cumorah.
Only the M2C intellectuals, who have been hired to guide the Church, know the truth; i.e., that the real Cumorah is in Mesoamerica.

* M2C is the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 8 – new development

I’m suspending my series on the M2C web because I’ve stumbled upon a treasure trove of original material that, as far as I can tell, has never been digitized and indexed. I have to go through it manually. I think you’ll find it fascinating and highly relevant to the translation issues and Early Modern English.

The material doesn’t appear in the Joseph Smith papers. It’s not in my usual sources (Dan Vogel, Dale Broadhurst (http://olivercowdery.com/, centerplace.org, the M2C citation cartel, etc).

This all started as a chapter in my next book. I was writing about the Early Modern English fad, along with the translation generally. Now there is so much material that I can only summarize it in the book, but I’ll probably write a separate more detailed book for people who like references.

I’m going to present it for the first time publicly at the Book of Mormon Evidence Conference in Sandy, Utah, on Sept. 28-9.

I hope to see you at the conference.

Title Page, Part One of Volume 3

BTW, the timing is perfect. It’s just a few days after the BYU Studies event in Provo on Sept. 25. This is the one where Brothers Skousen and Carmack are introducing their new book the Critical Text series. I’ll discuss that at the conference on the 28th and 29th.

I hope everyone is familiar with the Critical Text project. It is phenomenal. I refer to it all the time. My only problem with it is the Early Modern English theory, as we’ve been discussing.

Here’s the main web page: http://criticaltext.byustudies.byu.edu/

I’ve gone through most of these books in detail, including Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 3. Part 3 of Volume 3 is the book they are going to be discussing on September 25.

Maybe they’ll address the points I’ve discussed in this series on the M2C web and EME-OT. Maybe they’ll address the new material I’m working on right now.

I hope they do, but I doubt they will.

My other talk at the conference is on Saints, the new Church history book. It’s going to be epic.


Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 7 – EME-OT and 2 Nephi 27

People are asking me why I am commenting on the Early Modern English theory. After all, Brothers Skousen and Carmack are experts in these areas.

making assumptions about Joseph’s dialectal usage

I repeat that I greatly admire and respect them and their work, overall. I just think they’ve made a major mistake on the Earty Modern English issue.

Here’s a passage from p. 13 of Part One of Volume 3 that explains their position that I disagree with.

It reads:

In quite a few cases, the Book of Mormon usage is restricted to Early Modern English and died out by the 1700s. One surprising finding is that nearly all the Book of Mormon usage that many have thought to be simply Joseph Smith’s Upstate New York dialect has actually been identified as Early Modern English. In other words, the original Book of Mormon text is archaic English (dating from Early Modern English) rather than Joseph Smith’s dialectical English.

[I don’t think anyone can say what Joseph Smith’s dialectal English was apart from the text of the Book of Mormon, because we don’t have an electronic recording of it. Brothers Skousen and Carmack assume Joseph’s dialect can be reconstructed from his brief writings, but no one speaks the way they write, as I’ve discussed before. Certainly we can’t discern a particular dialect from examining ngrams of published works.]

This important finding will be thoroughly discussed in part 3 of volume 3 of the critical text. There Stanford Carmack and I will consider virtually all the strange words, phrases, and syntax from the original Book of Mormon text, most of which have never been edited out of the text but which fit best as examples of Early Modern English usage rather than Joseph Smith’s dialectal usage from the early 1800s.

Well, we’ll see.


BTW, Here are two specific points you might find interesting.

One of the rationales for the revisionist history that has Joseph simply reading the English words off the seer stone instead of translating is an interpretation of certain passages from 2 Nephi 27, as Brother Carmack lists them in Part 1 of Volume 3:
11- the words of the book … shall be read by the power of Christ
19 – the Lord God will deliver again the book and the words thereof to him that is not learned
20 – wherefore thou shalt read the words which I shall give unto thee
22 – when thou has read the words which I have commanded thee
24 – the Lord shall say unto him that shall read the words that shall be delivered him

I can see how some people interpret these passages to mean Joseph was merely reading the words on the seer stone; i.e., that he didn’t actually translate the Nephite records, but simply read the translation that had been accomplished by someone else who, inexplicably, used Early Modern English. This is what I call the EME-OT theory; i.e., the Early Modern English-Other Translator theory. 

However, that strikes me as an implausible interpretation for all the reasons I’ve been discussing, as well as the reasons I’ll explain at the conference on Sept 28-9.

In the meantime, I wanted to address this specific theory about reading the words. Here are the verses from 2 Nephi 27, with my commentary:

5 For behold, the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. For behold, ye have closed your eyes, and ye have rejected the prophets; and your rulers, and the seers hath he covered because of your iniquity.

[When the M2C intellectuals tell me (and others) that they don’t care what the “dead prophets” have said about the New York Cumorah because the current prophets and apostles haven’t specifically reaffirmed the New York Cumorah (the last time an apostle taught it in General Conference was 1978, 40 years ago), I think of this passage. 

Here Nephi tells us that when we reject the prophets, the Lord covers the seers. Beginning around 1978, LDS intellectuals began specifically and overtly rejecting the prophets’ teachings about the Hill Cumorah, and most Church members since then have gone along with them thanks to the Academic Cycle and the M2C employees at CES. BYU and COB. According to verse 5, we should therefore expect the seers to be “covered” on this topic.]

6 And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall bring forth unto you the words of a book, and they shall be the words of them which have slumbered.

[Notice here that Nephi does not say “shall bring forth unto you the words of this book.” This is additional evidence of the two sets of plates; i.e., that the plates of Nephi (D&C 10), which we call the small plates, were not part of the set of plates Moroni put in his stone box on the hill Cumorah. Joseph never had the plates of Nephi when he was in Harmony. Had Martin Harris not lost the 116 pages, Joseph would never have received the plates of Nephi in Fayette. Today we would have had what Joseph called “the Original Book of Mormon,” not the combination of part of the abridgment plus the plates of Nephi which we have instead.

Speaking of D&C 10, notice how in verse 45 the Lord told Joseph “it is wisdom in me that you should translate this first part of the engravings of Nephi, and send forth in this work.” The reference to “this work” relates back to D&C 9:1, when the Lord told Oliver to continue “until you have finished this record,” meaning the plates Joseph got from Moroni’s stone box. Once they finished those plates, the Harmony plates, there would be “other records” to translate; i.e., the plates of Nephi they didn’t have yet (and didn’t even know about until Joseph received D&C 10). 

Notice also that the Lord told Joseph to “translate” the “engravings of Nephi.” He didn’t say read someone else’s translation. He didn’t say “just leave the plates under a cloth, because you don’t need them.” He told Joseph to translate the engravings. 

7 And behold the book shall be sealed; and in the book shall be a revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the ending thereof.

Again, this is not the book Nephi was writing; it did not include 2 Nephi 27. This book is yet to come forth, of course.

8 Wherefore, because of the things which are sealed up, the things which are sealed shall not be delivered in the day of the wickedness and abominations of the people. Wherefore the book shall be kept from them.

We still live in the day of wickedness and abominations, so the book is kept from us.

9 But the book shall be delivered unto a man, and he shall deliver the words of the book, which are the words of those who have slumbered in the dust, and he shall deliver these words unto another;

The physical book was delivered to Joseph by Moroni. Joseph then delivered the words of the book to Oliver Cowdery (meaning, he translated the words and dictated them). 

10 But the words which are sealed he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book. For the book shall be sealed by the power of God, and the revelation which was sealed shall be kept in the book until the own due time of the Lord, that they may come forth; for behold, they reveal all things from the foundation of the world unto the end thereof.

Joseph never delivered the book; i.e., he never gave over the plates, except to the witnesses. 

11 And the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth.

This is yet future, but certain.

12 Wherefore, at that day when the book shall be delivered unto the man of whom I have spoken, the book shall be hid from the eyes of the world, that the eyes of none shall behold it save it be that three witnesses shall behold it, by the power of God, besides him to whom the book shall be delivered; and they shall testify to the truth of the book and the things therein.

Here are the 2 witnesses.

13 And there is none other which shall view it, save it be a few according to the will of God, to bear testimony of his word unto the children of men; for the Lord God hath said that the words of the faithful should speak as if it were from the dead.

This deserves a little comment. This has always seemed a little strange; why would verse 12 specify three witnesses, only to have verse 13 say “a few” would also view it? Usually we interpret this to mean the eight witnesses, but I think they more likely handled the plates of Nephi instead of the Harmony plates (the abridged plates), for all the reasons I’ve explained. But there were “a few” others who saw the Harmony plates, including Josiah Stowell and Mary Whitmer. They did bear testimony of the word. Alternatively, maybe the eight witnesses would have handled the Harmony plates, including the sealed portion, had Martin Harris not lost the 116 pages, in which case Joseph would not have needed the plates of Nephi.

14 Wherefore, the Lord God will proceed to bring forth the words of the book; and in the mouth of as many witnesses as seemeth him good will he establish his word; and wo be unto him that rejecteth the word of God!

15 But behold, it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall say unto him to whom he shall deliver the book: Take these words which are not sealed and deliver them to another, that he may show them unto the learned, saying: Read this, I pray thee. And the learned shall say: Bring hither the book, and I will read them.

Notice, the Lord did not tell Joseph to take the words on the seer stone; instead, he told him to take the words of the engravings, which is what Joseph gave Martin to take to New York. Obviously, had these “words” consisted of an Early Modern English translation, the professors in New York could have read them. 

BTW, some people think Joseph didn’t know about this prophecy until after Martin Harris returned from New York, but President Cowdery’s letters explain that Moroni told Joseph about this prophecy the first night he visited him. 

16 And now, because of the glory of the world and to get gain will they say this, and not for the glory of God.

17 And the man shall say: I cannot bring the book, for it is sealed.

18 Then shall the learned say: I cannot read it.

Anthon couldn’t read the engravings, but he could have read Early Modern English if that was what Martin Harris had taken him; i.e., if the term “words” in verse 15 means EME. 

19 Wherefore it shall come to pass, that the Lord God will deliver again the book and the words thereof to him that is not learned; and the man that is not learned shall say: I am not learned.

This is Joseph saying he’s not learned. It’s not clear what it means by “deliver again,” because we don’t have a record of Joseph giving up the book when Martin Harris left for New York.

20 Then shall the Lord God say unto him: The learned shall not read them, for they have rejected them, and I am able to do mine own work; wherefore thou shalt read the words which I shall give unto thee.

Joseph has to read the words that the learned could not read; i.e., the engravings. Here, though, the passage could also refer to the words the Lord would “give” Joseph through the Urim and Thummim.

21 Touch not the things which are sealed, for I will bring them forth in mine own due time; for I will show unto the children of men that I am able to do mine own work.

We don’t know exactly how they were sealed, but apparently they were not sealed in a matter that prevented Joseph from getting into them if he wanted to, so the Lord had to tell him not to touch them. Of course, all of this is inconsistent with the now-popular opinion that Joseph never used the plates.

22 Wherefore, when thou hast read the words which I have commanded thee, and obtained the witnesses which I have promised unto thee, then shalt thou seal up the book again, and hide it up unto me, that I may preserve the words which thou hast not read, until I shall see fit in mine own wisdom to reveal all things unto the children of men.

Brigham Young explained that Joseph returned the plates to the depository in the Hill Cumorah, which is consistent with this passage. Those would have been the plates Joseph showed to the Eight Witnesses; i.e., the original plates of Nephi. Joseph also explained in JS-H 1:60 that he gave the plates to the messenger “according to arrangements.” Those would have been the Harmony plates he gave to the messenger before leaving Harmony.  

23 For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith.

Once we have the faith to accept the teachings of the prophets and of the Book of Mormon, we will get the rest of the plates.

24 And again it shall come to pass that the Lord shall say unto him that shall read the words that shall be delivered him:

This is consistent with Joseph reading the engravings that were delivered to him. 

25 Forasmuch as this people draw near unto me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their hearts far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men

26 Therefore, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, yea, a marvelous work and a wonder, for the wisdom of their wise and learned shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent shall be hid.

The conflict between the prophets and the intellectuals will be resolved in favor of the prophets. Including on the issue of the New York Cumorah.


Source: Book of Mormon Wars

A Mole at the Ensign?

Ensign, Sept. 2018

The September Ensign/Liahona includes an awesome article on the last page titled “Led by Living Prophets.”

Everyone should read it.

We have to wonder if there’s a mole working at the Ensign to persuade members of the Church–including the M2C intellectuals–to follow the prophets.

A few more articles such as this and we might end up with more members of the Church aligning with the prophets instead of the intellectuals.

Next, we hope the mole somehow gets Letter VII republished in the Ensign/Liahona, the way it was republished in the Times and Seasons, the Gospel Reflector, the Millennial Star, The Prophet, and The Improvement Era. It is also in the Joseph Smith Papers, but hardly anyone knows it.


Ensign, Jan. 1973

The current Ensign/Liahona article is an excerpt from a talk given by Elder Mark E. Petersen in General Conference in October, 1972.

It was published in the Ensign in January, 1973.

Six years later, Elder Petersen gave a talk in General Conference titled “The Last Words of Moroni.”

You can read and listen to it here:

As we’ve come to expect by now, the M2C intellectuals say he was wrong. But remember that Elder Petersen was merely reaffirming the consistent and persistent teachings all of his Apostolic predecessors; i.e., that the Hill Cumorah is in New York.

Here are key excerpts from the current Ensign/Liahona, along with additional excerpts from Elder Petersen’s 1972 talk in blue and his 1978 talk in purple, interspersed with statements from our M2C intellectuals, all in pink.

It’s one of many examples of how this issues gives us a clear choice between scholars and prophets.

Which set of teachings do you believe?

Always when the Lord has had a people on the earth whom He has recognized as His own, He has led them by living prophets to whom He has given guidance from heaven. …

Who can worship intelligently if kept in ignorance?

Human beings are slow to learn the ways of the Lord, and particularly are they dilatory in accepting the fact that although He is willing to communicate with them, His method of doing so is through inspired living men whom He designates as prophets.

Paul told the Ephesians that the church of Jesus Christ was built upon a foundation of apostles and prophets, with the Savior himself as the chief cornerstone. (See Eph. 2:20.)

Who were the prophets of that day?

The Twelve were included, of course. 

Moroni’s father was commander of the armies of this ancient people, known as Nephites. His name was Mormon. The war of which we speak took place here in America some four hundred years after Christ. (See Morm. 6.)

As the fighting neared its end, Mormon gathered the remnant of his forces about a hill which they called Cumorah, located in what is now the western part of the state of New York.

Their enemies, known as Lamanites, came against them on this hill. 

There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd… a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.

Since the Savior commanded his people to become perfect as their Father in heaven (see Matt. 5:48), he set up his church to provide the means by which this could be accomplished. Hence, he gave them apostles and prophets.

When finished with the record, Moroni was to hide it up in that same Hill Cumorah which was their battlefield. It would come forth in modern times as the Book of Mormon, named after Moroni’s father, the historian who compiled it.

The Hill in New York, mistakenly named Cumorah by early Saints

The name stuck and over the years the tradition developed that the hill was the site of the last Nephite battles.

The primary issue at stake for Latter-day Saints is how to correlate the traditional concept that the last battles were fought in New York with the newer concept that they were fought in Mexico.

These inspired men were in the church also to preserve unity among the saints and to heal divisions in the flock “that we henceforth be no more … tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine. …” (Eph. 4:14.)

In Isaiah’s day it was the people who turned away from God. The Lord did not turn from the people.

Since the 1950s, opinion among Book of Mormon scholars has increasingly trended toward the realization that the Nephite Cumorah and the Hill in New York cannot be the same.

It was the same in the Savior’s day. Do you recall that he said to those about him: “… how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” (Matt. 23:37.)

God does not abandon his people. It is the people who abandon God.

It is true that a number of Church leaders in the past expressed the opinion that the hill in New York is the same hill described in the Book of Mormon. Statements from Joseph Smith or others on geography are not binding on the Church

We solemnly testify that communication between heaven and earth has been reestablished in our day. We declare that God is not isolated from the world.

He speaks, eloquently, to his living prophets and through them to the world at large.

Had not the Lord said to them, as he says to us now, that America is a choice land and that those who live here must obey God or be swept off?

In closing his record, and knowing that it would come to us, Moroni pleaded with us, the modern inhabitants of this land, to escape the kind of tragic end which had obliterated his people.

Mormon then wrote directly to us as modern Americans who now occupy this promised land and said: “How can ye stand before the power of God, except ye shall repent and turn from your evil ways?

So this is the message of Moroni. He came back from the dead to deliver it—in these modern times.

His people were Americans, too. His words constituted a people-to-people message, ancient Americans speaking to modern Americans. 

The last words of Moroni! Dare we forget them? God grant that we never will, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

The Tragedy of Saints

When I first heard about the new book series titled Saints, I was enthusiastic. It was being organized and written in an interesting narrative style. There is a tremendous need for a clear, concise, accurate and well-documented source for Church history, especially among non-English readers who don’t read English.

Saints fills that need very well. I’m still enthusiastic about the book series. I support the series and encourage everyone to read it. Everyone involved with Saints has done phenomenal work and deserve our gratitude for a job well done.

But… in subtle yet unmistakable ways, and probably unintentionally in many respects, Saints pushes revisionist Church history.

I think this is a tragedy.

To help people see what has happened, I’m publishing a series of comments on Saints, coming from a faithful perspective. I’m providing the original sources and significant events readers will not find in Saints.

I’ll cover each chapter, first on a blog and eventually in print and e-book. Here is the blog:


You may think it’s much too late to address these issues now that the books have all been translated and printed, but I haven’t waited until now. I raised these issues over a year ago with people in charge of Saints, but they decided to proceed with the M2C narrative anyway.

In reality, the print versions don’t matter that much. Most readers will get digital copies. Here in Africa, everyone reads e-books. That’s true in India and China and most of the world, actually.

So there’s hope.

Digital editions of Saints in all languages can be edited to educate readers about the teachings of the prophets and delete or edit the existing content accordingly.

The book series is designed to allow people to access Church history in terms of breadth and depth, as this chart shows.

Theoretically, this design allows Church members to learn as much as they want in both directions. As such, it is a wonderful resource. I strongly support the book series and its objectives.

Fortunately, the books cite original sources.

Unfortunately, those sources are still in English.

More unfortunately, the narrative leads readers to accept a particular point of view that I call revisionist Church history. Saints omits key events, changes terminology, includes phony quotations, and obscures important elements in Church history. All of this undermines the objective of educating and inoculating members of the Church and investigators.

Because it is being heavily promoted and translated into 40+ languages, Saints will cement revisionist Church history as the standard. Readers will never learn of key events in Church history that have been the basis of prophetic teachings since the Church was organized.

Even before it was published, I had concerns about Saints because many of the people involved are  within the M2C bubble. They don’t realize it; they just assume M2C. And they don’t seek or accept input from outside that bubble.

If you ask, most Church historians have a stock answer. They will tell you they are not in the M2C bubble because they don’t have an opinion about Book of Mormon geography. They’ll say they’re neutral, that the issue doesn’t matter, etc.

But if it didn’t matter, they wouldn’t have revised Church history the way they have.

In fact, they’ll say they carefully avoided addressing the issue when they wrote Saints.

But as you’ll see in my commentary, “carefully avoided” means “deliberately changed” the history. Saints changes wording and omits references to censor what early Church leaders said about the New York Cumorah and related issues.

I’m not reading minds; I don’t care about motivations, anyway. I’m just looking at the words on the page.

Saints was written to accommodate M2C.

Think about this. To “avoid” the issue of Book of Mormon geography they had to revise and censor Church history. 

What does that tell you about the original sources?

It tells you that the original sources support and affirm the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.

People inside the M2C bubble don’t want Church members to know what the prophets have taught, and they successfully wrote Saints to accomplish this, all the while pretending it’s not an important issue.

That’s why it’s a tragedy.

Church history is fascinating and faith-affirming, but many Church members don’t know much more than the basics. This makes them susceptible to claims by critics that the original accounts are wrong.

Such critics come from both outside and inside the Church.

The old History of the Church was helpful, but ultimately misleading and incomplete. For example, its editors converted third-person accounts into fictitious first-person narrative by Joseph Smith.*

More recent publications favor the revisionist Church history that teaches Joseph never actually used the plates, Joseph and Oliver were wrong about the New York Cumorah, and lately that Joseph didn’t actually translate the plates after all (the Early Modern English-Other Translator theory).

I disagree with the revisionist historians because I think the evidence supports what the original prophets taught. Plus, all of their successors have affirmed these teachings.

Church members are best served by the truth. Then they are immune to the critics, whether they come from outside or inside the Church. Revising Church history to accommodate M2C and other theories is not helpful.

People are going to tell me that I’m wrong to criticize Saints because it has been “approved by the Brethren.”

First, I fully support the Brethren in everything they do. There has been a tremendous need for an accurate Church history in multiple languages. Saints is an important, even critical project.

Second, the books were written by employees, not Church leaders. I realize that some employees like the 14th Article of Faith, but I don’t think most of them do, and I don’t either.

Third, Saints is not scripture. It is not the teaching of the prophets. When it contradicts the teachings of the prophets, or misleads readers about what the prophets have taught, I don’t think it is above criticism.

Fourth, the Brethren necessarily and understandably trust and defer to the experts. It’s not their fault when the experts mislead the Brethren or don’t give them multiple points of view to consider before making decisions.

Fifth, if it turns out that the Brethren have decided to repudiate the teachings of their predecessors, then I’ll support them. But I’m not going to support the intellectuals who have decided to repudiate the teachings of the prophets the way they have in Saints.

Here’s an example of what I’m writing about.

The series Saints has four volumes. The respective titles are passages from Joseph Smith’s famous Wentworth letter, as shown below. But this is especially ironic because the Wentworth letter is one of the most notorious examples of M2C censorship.

Here’s the relevant excerpt from the Wentworth letter.

Our missionaries are going forth to different nations, and in Germany, Palestine, New Holland, Australia, the East Indies, and other places, the Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear; till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.

The Correlation Department censored a key passage from the Wentworth letter in the lesson manual, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith.

See http://www.lettervii.com/2018/07/editing-wentworth-letter.html

Regardless of any rationale behind this censorship, the result is the same as we see in the editorial decisions in Saints; i.e., people don’t want members of the Church to read the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah and related issues because those teachings contradict M2C.

I reiterate that I love the book series. I think Saints will make a big difference for people throughout the world.

I just think it’s a tragedy that for purposes unrelated to accuracy, we’re getting revisionist Church history that accommodates the M2C intellectuals but leaves readers confused and disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon.

* The most famous example of this remains in the Introduction to the Book of Mormon:

Concerning this record the Prophet Joseph Smith said: “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”

Joseph never said that. The statement was Wilford Woodruff’s summary of what Joseph said during an entire day, and Woodruff didn’t put it in quotations.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Spiderman and CES letter response

Over the years, a lot of people have asked me to respond to the CES Letter. I know plenty of people who have left the Church, gone inactive, or stopped investigating because of the CES Letter.

I haven’t addressed it publicly because I’d find myself between CES Letter and the M2C citation cartel (FairMormon, BookofMormonCentral, BYUStudies, Interpreter, etc.). Because I haven’t been hired by the Church to guide the Saints the way the M2C citation cartel claims to have been, the 14th Article of Faith doesn’t apply to me. Fortunately.

To the extent that my explanations would make sense, the critics could deflect them by simply pointing back to the cartel as the true guides of the Church.

Seriously, as long as our own intellectuals are teaching that the prophets are wrong, what more harm can the CES Letter do anyway? 

BYU fantasy map teaching that the prophets
are wrong about the New York Cumorah

Does anyone think reading the CES Letter is worse than having students attend CES or BYU only to be taught the Book of Mormon by reference to a fantasy map that repudiates the teachings of the prophets?

I actually think it’s worse for a member of the Church to attend CES or BYU and be taught that the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica than it is for a member of the Church to read the CES Letter. At least the CES Letter is clear about its assumptions.

CES and BYU don’t explain to students that M2C is based on the premise that the prophets are wrong. Nor do they tell students what the prophets have actually taught.

To be sure, the cartel has responded to the CES Letter.  There has been some give and take between the cartel and the CES Letter, leaving the whole thing in somewhat of a stalemate in which all sides can confirm their own biases.

The question is, what would unbiased observers think? 

We’re talking about the vast majority of the billions of people on the planet. Most don’t care, but if you knew nothing about the Church except the CES Letter and the responses from the M2C citation cartel, which would you find more persuasive?

Temple Square Visitors Center teaching M2C

Frankly, I find many of the cartel’s responses unpersuasive, but I’m not in the M2C bubble, and I assume those answers satisfy people who live in that bubble.

Not that I agree with the CES Letter, either. I think the author raised some good questions that many people have, and, if I shared his assumptions, I’d probably agree with him. If I shared the M2C assumptions, I’d be in the M2C bubble and I’d agree with them. I’d be stuck making the same unpersuasive answers that the cartel has provided. In both cases, it’s bias confirmation.

One thing the CES Letter and the M2C citation cartel agree on: the belief that the scholars are right whenever they disagree with the prophets.

Spiderman with CES letter label (lower right)

The CES Letter is in the news because of a Spiderman comic that put a CES Letter label on the superhero’s costume.

LDS Living has made sure that tens of thousands of Church members and their families will learn about the CES Letter if they already haven’t.


Their article links to this one in the hollywood reporter:


I doubt many LDS have read the hollywoodreporter, but now they will. (I used to read it all the time for work, but haven’t looked at it in years until now.)

In case there are any LDS or critics who haven’t read the CES Letter, the Beehive Slate featured it as a major headline.
http://beehiveslate.com/ linked to businessinsider.


So far, the news hasn’t arrived here in Africa, but I suppose it will soon enough. I suppose everyone in the world will know about the CES Letter. It’s an impressive feat of persuasion by the person who slipped it in. Removing it was even more impressive, considering all the coverage it has received.

Back to the question of my response.

Until LDS scholars decide to accept the teachings of the prophets, including the ones they disagree with, a response is futile.

Still, I’ll explain my approach and then give an example of how I would respond.

The CES Letter is an exercise in bias confirmation, as most such argumentation is. Its logic is generally sound. If you accept the premises, the conclusions follow. What you really have to do is assess the premises.

That’s what I’ve been doing with CES Letter, the M2C citation cartel, and other issues I haven’t addressed publicly.

Here are the results from the M2C citation cartel.

1. M2C premise: Joseph wrote the anonymous articles in the 1842 Times and Seasons that provided the foundation for the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory. Joseph was an ignorant speculator who  changed his mind about Book of Mormon geography and thereby confused, if not misled, the Church until LDS scholars rescued everyone with the M2C theory.

IMO, the facts contradict that premise on many levels, but basically I think Benjamin Winchester wrote the articles, that William Smith was the acting editor of the paper, and that W.W. Phelps was helping to edit. Joseph had nothing to do with them and, once they were published, he resigned as nominal editor. Consequently, these anonymous articles have zero prophetic authority and the entire M2C theory is based on a mistake in Church history.

2. M2C premise: The Hill Cumorah cannot be in New York and therefore all the prophets who taught that have been wrong.

IMO, the facts corroborate the New York Cumorah, both in terms of Church history and modern archaeology, anthropology, geology, etc. Oliver and Joseph actually visited Mormon’s depository of records in the New York Cumorah, so when Oliver wrote Letter VII and stated it was a fact that the final battles took place there, he had good reason to do so. Joseph concurred by having Letter VII copied into his personal history as part of his life story and by having it reprinted in all the Church newspapers while he was alive.

3. M2C premise: there was only one set of plates, and the inexplicable events in Church history are the product of faulty memory, naive folk beliefs, and general confusion.

IMO, there were two separate sets of plates, which explains most of the otherwise inexplicable events and shows the original participants were telling the truth.

4. M2C premise: Joseph never actually used the plates.

IMO, the evidence from Joseph and Oliver, as well as the canonized revelations, shows Joseph did use the plates.

5. M2C premise: Joseph didn’t even translate the ancient record because the text is archaic and sophisticated Early Modern English.

I’ve been addressing this premise in detail in the latest series on the blog.

This is a long way of saying that I believe what Joseph and Oliver taught, and I think the evidence corroborates what they said, not what the M2C citation cartel or the CES Letter say.

One example.

The CES Letter made a point about The Late War. I’m told it now just links back to the previous study, and I assume that’s because the data from the Early Modern English theory (EME) goes a long way to prove that Joseph didn’t copy The Late War.

That’s the type of research that is beneficial for everyone. Lets get the facts out and eliminate faulty premises whenever we can.

The problem that remains is two-fold.

First, the M2C citation cartel responded to The Late War by claiming Joseph never read the book, a claim I consider unpersuasive for all the reasons I’ve given. When I read through the FairMormon responses in detail, I wonder if anyone outside the M2C bubble believes what they’re saying. As long as these “guides for the Church” claim The Late War had no influence on Joseph Smith, unbiased observers are going to lean toward believing Joseph was influenced, and maybe copied some of The Late War into the Book of Mormon.

(By now, readers know that I think Joseph did read The Late War, adding its language to his own mental language bank, which naturally came out through his speech when he dictated the Book of Mormon. But that’s not copying or even using the book.)

Second, EME does show that the syntax in the Book of Mormon is, in many respects, unlike that in the Bible or The Late War. That defeats the claim of plagiarism or copying. But EME goes further and claims that the Book of Mormon text is too sophisticated and archaic for Joseph to have been the translator.

Consequently, the M2C citation cartel have now managed to persuade at least people in the M2C bubble of these three key points:

1. The prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah.
2. The prophets are wrong about Joseph translating the Book of Mormon.
3. The prophets are wrong about Joseph even using the plates.

Every whack against the ties between the prophets and the Latter-day Saints weakens the remaining ties.

As long as we have a scholars vs. prophets problem going on at BYU, CES and COB, the CES Letter vs. prophets is a secondary concern.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 7 – Bread lines and translation

We all know that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery said Joseph translated the plates. I think the evidence corroborates their claim.

Others disagree.

Critics who insist Joseph couldn’t have translated the text from an ancient record fall into two categories:

1. Unbelievers who say the text is a crude copy or imitation of the Bible, The Late War, and other pseudo-biblical texts, written in the 19th century. 

2. Believers who say the text is too sophisticated to have been the product of the uneducated Joseph Smith living in the 19th century. This is EME-OT (the Early Modern English-Other Translator theory).

Today we’ll look at more evidence for why I believe Joseph and Oliver.

BTW, I didn’t mention this in previous parts of this series, but if you go to the Wikipedia article on The Late War, you’ll see this:

Association with the Book of Mormon[edit]

In the 21st century, speculation arose that The Late War influenced the 1830 work The Book of Mormon. Believers in a miraculous origin for the Book of Mormon dismiss that claim.[1][4]

I’m a wikipedia editor and I thought about making a change here by inserting “some” before believers, and then adding this sentence at the end. “Other believers agree that The Late War, along with other books, naturally influenced Joseph Smith, but that the text is his actual idiomatic translation of ancient records.”

But I don’t have a citation (yet) and anyway, I looked at footnote 4, a reference to FairMormon’s unpersuasive response. I figured they would object to my changes because of the 14th Article of Faith. Far better to have the people at FairMormon themselves make the change, assuming they can overcome their cognitive dissonance and stop making the unbelievable argument that The Late War had nothing to do with Joseph’s dictation. Seriously, does anyone outside the M2C bubble believe that?

BTW 2: I uploaded a video explanation of my take on EME-OT here:
Subscribers already got a notice, so if you want such a notice, just subscribe to my youtube channel.

I’m all in favor of academics, study, research, publication, etc. But often we can learn more from the real world if we simply open our eyes.

Recently I stood in a bread line that explained how Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon.

We were lined up because the bakery had just brought a rack of baguettes out of the oven. The worker behind the counter was doling them out. People were taking 3, 4, 5 at a time. The bread was hot, almost too hot to handle, so long paper sacks were stacked on the counter. You had to slip the bread into each one so you could carry it.

Because I’m living in Mauritius, the people in front of and behind me were all Mauritians, descendants of immigrants from India, Senegal, and Madagascar, mostly. Our island was discovered by the Portuguese in 1507, settled by the Dutch in 1598 (the Dutch named the island after the Dutch Prince Mauritius), seized by the French in  1715, surrendered to the British in 1810, and granted independence in 1968. The French brought in slaves from Africa. When the British abolished slavery in 1835, they imported indentured servants and soldiers from India.

English is the official language of Mauritius, but everyone speaks French and Morisien, a form of Creole that is mostly French with a mixture of English and various African and South Asian languages that developed as a common language among immigrants. Mauritians speak Morisien at home, French at work, and English and French in school, although they mix everything everywhere.

Back to the bakery. Everyone was speaking Morisien, their unique and unwritten language.* And I thought, some future linguist would deny that anyone ever spoke Morisien because he/she wouldn’t find any evidence by doing n-grams of published books.

That’s one of the basic fallacies of EME-OT (the Early Modern English-Other Translator theory). 

In the real world even today, few local dialects are published. They have to be dictated to be authentic, anyway. The Book of Mormon is a rare example of a long dictated text. It’s really the only one of its kind. (I’ve heard people compare it with the Koran, but that took 23 years to complete, not 3 months.)

The Lord explained that he gave these commandments to his servants “after the manner of their language” (D&C 1:24). For many believers, that settles the matter. It did for me for a long time.

But then EME-OT came along and we were confronted with faithful LDS scholars who said D&C 1:24 was wrong, or at least misunderstood and misapplied with respect to the Book of Mormon.

Whenever the intellectuals say the revelations or the prophets are wrong, I follow the adage “Trust, but verify.” I mean, trust the prophets, but verify what they teach when challenged by the intellectuals.

Once again we ask, what does the evidence support? The prophets or the scholars?

The answer is in the bread line.

Everyone in line was waiting for French bread, even though Mauritius has not been ruled by France for over 200 years. French baguettes in Mauritius are an example of how cultural artifacts endure. The same is true of language artifacts.

Consider this sentence: “I took a digital photograph of a blue tattooed avatar eating lemon sorbet while kowtowing to a jaguar in a canyon swamped by a tsunami.” 

Here are the origins of the words.

“I took [Norse] a digital [Latin] photograph [Greek] of a blue [French] tattooed [Samoan] avatar [Hindi] eating [Dutch] lemon [Arabic] sorbet [Turkish] while kowtowing [Chinese] to a jaguar [Portuguese] in a canyon [Spanish] swamped [Norse] by a tsunami [Japanese].”

We don’t think consciously about the origins of the words before we speak them. We acquired our vocabulary from our parents and social environment, who acquired their language from their parents, etc. We build on that by reading books (I’m thinking 19th century) and maybe attending school.

Like English, Morisien, and every other language and local dialect, Joseph’s dialect was a combination of numerous sources: his parents, siblings, people in the community such as preachers and teachers, plus books he read.

Some people think Joseph read only the Bible. Others think he read every book in the libraries in western New York (because they claim Joseph extracted ideas and doctrines from a wide variety of books).

Common experience and the available evidence tells me that both extremes are highly unlikely. Instead, I think Joseph read a few books on topics that interested him, including The Late War, which explained the war of 1812 and was published in New York in several editions between 1816 and 1819. In those years, the Smiths were living in Palmyra among veterans of the war. Recall that the British had invaded Pultneyville, just a few miles north of Palmyra, so the war was fresh on the minds of the people Joseph grew up with.

In 1832, Joseph reminisced about this time of his life in his brief hand-written journal:  thus from the age of twelve years to fifteen I pondered many things in my heart concerning the sittuation of the world of mankind 

His journal naturally focuses on religious issues, but what boy his age, pondering the “world of mankind,” would be uninterested in a recent war that included an invasion not far from his home? Plus, Joseph wrote that At about the age of twelve years my mind become seriously imprest with regard to the all importent concerns of for the wellfare of my immortal Soul which led me to searching the scriptures believeing as I was taught, that they contained the word of God thus applying myself to them and my intimate acquaintance with those of differant denominations led me to marvel excedingly…”

We see he was taught to believe the scriptures. His claim that he was “searching the scriptures” is given some context by his mother in her dictated history. She described how the family would gather around Joseph, “giving the most profound attention to a boy, nineteen <eighteen> years of age, who had never read the Bible through in his life; for he was much less inclined to the perusals of books then any of the rest of our children, but far more given to meditation and deep study.”

Notice, he was not a Biblical scholar. He didn’t read the entire Bible, but we know he read at least the book of James. Joseph didn’t refuse to read, either; he was “less inclined” to peruse books, but he studied deeply.

In previous parts of this series, I showed the influence of The Late War and other books. I showed also showed examples of the Early Modern English syntax appearing in other dictated passages, including the D&C, the PofGP, and Lucy’s History.

In this part, I’ll look at the likely source of unique terms in the Book of Mormon.

Of the 5,673 unique words in the Book of Mormon, about 1,700 of them are used only once. Another nearly 800 are used only twice. This means nearly half of the unique words are used only once or twice. On top of that, there are unique word combinations, phrases, etc.

If, as I think, Joseph actually translated the ancient record, where did he learn these words and phrases?

1. Adieu. The word adieu appears once in all the scriptures, in Jacob 7:27. How did a French word appear in the text of the Book of Mormon?

FairMormon explains that adieu was a common English term used by Mark Twain in 1905, Chaucer in 1374, and Shakespeare in 1609. It even appears in the original unpublished draft of the Declaration of Independence. That’s not a bad explanation–well, it’s definitely overkill and comes across as highly defensive–but none of it explains how Joseph Smith, living in rural western New York, learned the term.

I think a simpler explanation is that Joseph Smith’s aunt used the term in a poem she wrote shortly before she died in 1794. Lucy included a copy in her History.

“My friends, I bid you all adieu;

The Lord hath called, and I must go;

What is more likely?

1. Joseph Smith’s mother shared her dying sister’s poem with the family.
2. Joseph Smith obtained Thomas Jefferson’s unpublished draft of the Declaration of Independence.

This is so obvious one has to wonder why FairMormon would not use this simple explanation. We aren’t mind readers, so we have to infer that they either (i) didn’t know about Lucy’s History or (ii) don’t want to acknowledge her influence on Joseph’s dialect. (Okay, there is third option: maybe they just prefer long, complicated, unpersuasive explanations.)

Think about this when you consider which alternative is more plausible. FairMormon consists of anonymous contributors, many of them employed by the Church directly or indirectly, which makes them authoritative under the 14th Article of Faith. Could they really be unaware of Lucy’s History?

Just asking.

And don’t worry, I realize that’s a gratuitous comment and I won’t discuss FairMormon again here. But you can see why so many people find their explanations more confusing than useful. And we haven’t even gotten to the real gems in their explanations of M2C.

2. Tremendous slaughter. This phrase appears only once in the Book of Mormon. The term tremendous appears only 3 times in the scriptures, all in the Book of Mormon:

Alma 28:2 And thus there was a tremendous battle; yea, even such an one as never had been known among all the people in the land from the time Lehi left Jerusalem; yea, and tens of thousands of the Lamanites were slain and scattered abroad.

3 Yea, and also there was a tremendous slaughter among the people of Nephi; nevertheless, the Lamanites were driven and scattered, and the people of Nephi returned again to their land.

Mormon 8:2
2 And now it came to pass that after the great and tremendous battle at Cumorah, behold, the Nephites who had escaped into the country southward were hunted by the Lamanites, until they were all destroyed.

Joseph could not have learned the term tremendous from the Bible. However, the term does appear in The Late War nine times, always as an adjective modifying noise, thunder or roar; e.g., “the battle continued with tremendous roar.”

This is the kind of similarity that feeds both critics who claimed Joseph copied The Late War, and defenders who claim the usage is so different Joseph couldn’t have read The Late War.

I think the evidence could be used to confirm either bias, but an unbiased observer would note that the context is similar, suggesting Joseph may have read the book, but the specific application is so different in the Book of Mormon that it’s a most an influence. Or, as I say, a deposit into Joseph’s mental language base.

How so I resolve this one?

I read Lucy’s History.

Near the beginning of her History, Lucy explained “I have a sketch of my father’s life, written by himself, in which is detailed an account of his several campaigns and many of his advenures while in the army: From this I extract the following.—”

She puts the account in quotations, but it’s not clear whether she read the account to her scribe or handed it over to be copied. Either way, part of the quoted account of her father (Joseph’s grandfather) is this:

“The above engagement commenced early in the morning, and continued until about 3. o.clock P. M.; in which half of our men were either killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. In consequence of this tremendous slaughter, we were compelled to send to Fort Edwards for men in order to assist in carrying our wounded; which were about 80 in number.” 

There it is, Joseph’s exact phrase, taken from his grandfather’s biography.

Next, we wonder if there is any evidence Joseph knew about his grandfather’s biography. By now, you’re probably figuring there is, and you’re right. I’m going to share a long passage from Lucy’s History.

Joseph told him that he was apprehensive of a mob being there that night, and, that they must prepare themselves to drive them away: but the first thing to be attended to, was to secure the record and breast plate. In view of this it was determined, that a portion of the hearth should be taken up, and, that the Record and breast plate should be burried under the same, and then the hearth be relaid to prevent suspicion.
This was accordingly done as speedily as possible; but the hearth was scarcely relaid, when a large company of men, well armed, came rushing up to the house. Joseph threw upen the doors, and taking a hint from the stratagem of his grandfather Mack [Solomon Mack Sr.], hallooed as if he had a legion at hand; meanwhile giving the word of command with great emphasis; while all the male portion of the family from the father down to little Carlos [Don Carlos Smith], ran out of the house with such fury upon the mob, that it struck them with terror and dismay, and they fled before the little Spartan band into the woods, where they despersed themselves to their several homes.

There are all kinds of interesting things in here I’d like to discuss, but let’s just look at two.

First, the bolded passage relates back to an account in Lucy’s father’s biography you can read in the next section of this post. Here, Lucy makes the point that he “took a hint” from his own family history. That’s solid evidence that his parents shared his grandfather’s biography with him. Hence, I think this is the deposit of tremendous slaughter into Joseph’s mental language bank.

Elsewhere in her history, Lucy uses tremendous 3 more times and tremendously once. I take that as good evidence that the term was part of the language Joseph inherited. To read it in The Late War may have cemented it, but he likely heard the word as a child long before he read The Late War.

Second is another rare Book of Mormon term from Joseph’s grandfather’s biography: stratagem.

3. Stratagem. This term appears 8 times in the Book of Mormon, once in Joseph Smith-History, and zero times in the Bible or pseudo texts (The Late War, etc.).  Lucy uses it 5 times in her History. This, I think, is another solid deposit of family dialect into Joseph’s mental language bank.

Here is Joseph Smith-History, 1:60 “For no sooner was it known that I had them, than the most strenuous exertions were used to get them from me. Every stratagem that could be invented was resorted to for that purpose.”

Here is the passage from Joseph’s grandfather’s biography, related by Lucy: I saw my danger, and, that there was no way to escape unless I could do it by stratagem. So I rushed upon them, calling in the meantime at the top of my voice, ‘rush on! rush on my boys! we’ll have the devils.’

Here is another use by Lucy: but by various stratagems one we succeeded in keeping them out of their hands

I find this highly persuasive in terms of showing that Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon in his own dialect.

I did a google n-gram on the term. You can enlarge it by clicking on it.

You’ll notice that the term was not common ever, but it is documented as far back as the early 1500s. That means it could support the EME-OT theory.

The term appeared to die out in the early 1700s. (Remember this data reflects published books, not how actual people actually spoke.) But then it revived with a substantial peak around 1760.

Lucy was born in 1775, which means she probably began reading serious literature around 1790. That was about where the second modern peak was. If Lucy didn’t learn the term from her parents (see the caveat below), she could easily have learned it from reading.

Although I don’t think n-grams are all that useful for assessing any particular local dialect, here we see that an EME term became popular again in the timeframe of Joseph and his parents.

There are a lot more examples, too many to describe in this blog, but I went through my methodology so you can do the same, according to your interest. There are more examples in my next book, too.

Here, I need to mention a caveat. If I believed that the Book of Mormon is actually an Early Modern English text that Joseph didn’t translate because he was not an expert in EME, then I would seek to confirm my bias with an alternative explanation.

I would tell myself that because Lucy dictated her history after Joseph’s death, she herself must have been influenced by the EME in the text. IOW, she read the Book of Mormon. She read the term tremendous in three different verses. Therefore, the term became part of her vocabulary, and she merely parroted it back when she dictated her history. And, she undoubtedly borrowed the Book of Mormon phrase and attributed it to her father.

I fully expect the EME-OT intellectuals to adopt some rationalization along these lines. Confirmation bias is that strong.

I think most people would recognize how unrealistic that position would be, but my response would not be merely an appeal to common sense. First, I would point to the n-gram above. Then I would point out that Lucy never, or hardly ever, used such common Book of Mormon language as behold, thou, wherefore, etc., except when she was explicitly quoting scripture (and she never used “it came to pass”). Next, I would point to what Lucy said about the reason why she dictated her history:

People are often enquiring of me the particulars of Joseph’s getting the plates seeing the angels at first and many other thing which Joseph never wrote or published I have told over many things pertaining to these matters to different persons to gratify their curiosity indeed have almost destroyed my lungs giving these recitals to those who felt anxious to hear them I have now concluded to write down every particular as far as possible and if those who wish to read them will help me a little they can have it all in one piece to read at their leasure

This indicates she had repeated these accounts for a long time. Historians will quibble with some of the details Lucy related and, if they have an EME bias, will use those quibbles to cast doubt on anything that contradicts EME. And it’s also true that Lucy’s first draft varied in many respects from her second, corrected draft.

Because of my bias, I weigh the evidence in favor of the proposition that Joseph and Oliver told the truth and that the scriptures are accurate; i.e., that the Lord revealed these things according to the manner of language of his servants.

Here are a few more interesting examples.

4. Watery grave. This term appears only in the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 18:18), The Late War, and Lucy’s History. Joseph couldn’t have learned it from the Bible, but he could have from either of the other sources.

5. Anxious. This term appears only twice in all the scriptures: Mosiah 29:38 (became exceedingly anxious) and D&C 121:27 (awaited with anxious expectation). It appears twice in First Book of Napoleon but not in the other pseudo texts (with anxious eye, anxious nights).

Lucy uses it 11 times in her History, often similar to the way Joseph used it (extremely anxious, very anxious, unusually anxious) and quotes Hyrum using it once (waiting anxiously). (Lucy also used the terms exceedingly and expectation, but not together with anxiety.)

When we remember that Lucy’s history was also dictated, this is good evidence to support Lucy’s influence on Joseph’s dialect.

6. In consequence. Surprisingly, the term consequence does not appear in the Bible, but it is in the Book of Mormon 4 times (serious consequences, which consequences, awful consequences, and the consequences of sin), the D&C 9 times, and JS-History 3 times. It appears once in The American Revolution (the consequences of thy fall!) but not in the other pseudo books.

Lucy uses it over 20 times.

That’s interesting enough but even more interesting is the odd phrase in consequence. Joseph uses it twice in JS-History.

Joseph Smith—History 1:29 In consequence of these things, I often felt condemned for my weakness and imperfections; 

46 and added a caution to me, telling me that Satan would try to tempt me (in consequence of the indigent circumstances of my father’s family), to get the plates for the purpose of getting rich. 

Every time consequence appears in the D&C, it appears as part of the phrase in consequence. Here are two examples.

Doctrine and Covenants 42:64 And even now, let him that goeth to the east teach them that shall be converted to flee to the west, and this in consequence of that which is coming on the earth, and of secret combinations.

Doctrine and Covenants 56:6 For behold, I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servants Selah J. Griffin and Newel Knight, in consequence of the stiffneckedness of my people which are in Thompson, and their rebellions.

[Note: the term which in verse 6 is supposedly evidence of archaic EME when it appears in the Book of Mormon because more modern usage is who or that.]

Here are some of the 26 instances of this phrase from Lucy’s History. (2 of these are from her father’s biography and 7 of these are from an affidavit by Hyrum Smith, showing that Joseph’s brother also used the phrase as well as Joseph’s grandfather.)

Lucy: In consequence of that which brother Page for the purpose of getting a room for the women and sick children; but returned unsuccessful. (That is lined out in the manuscript which suggests Lucy said it but then revised it–the type of automatic utterance of a phrase we expect in dictation. It’s the identical phrase that I bolded in D&C 42:64.

In consequence of which I took a severe cold

In consequence of which the young man returned without his grain

In consequence of which they were compelled to absent themselves from the city

And in consequence of the injuries which we had received at his hands, suspicion immediately fastened itself upon Joseph

But in consequence of his misfortunes, he was unable to do so, with the property which remained in his hands

Hyrum: That night was a commencement of a fit of sickness from which I have not wholy recovered unto this day, in consequence of my exposure to the inclemency of the weather. Our provision was fresh beef roasted in the fire on a stick; the army having no bread in consequence of mills to grind grain.


That’s more than enough for now!


*Lately there has been an effort to standardize a written form of Morisien. Plus, people use it in social media, so there is a recent written record of it. But for decades, the language remained unwritten. And Morisien is different from the creole spoken on neighboring islands such as La Reunion and the Seychelles.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 6 – Forget EME, except…

The really fun part of my analysis of the translation is seeing how Joseph’s dialect was influenced by his family, but that’s the topic of part 7. We’re going to talk about why lawyers in New Zealand and Africa still wear wigs, and why the Hindus I live among right now line up to buy French baguettes.

Here, though, we’re going to finish up with EME.

The Early Modern English (EME) bandwagon is heading to Provo in September, and although I recommend people attend the event to see for themselves, I’m not recommending that because I think EME is a valid theory, at least not the way it is being developed.

I want people to learn about EME as a case study in how confirmation bias works. 
At the outset I emphasize that all the scholars involved with EME are great people, faithful Latter-day Saints, smart, dedicated, nice in every way. None of my analysis has any reflection on any of the people involved, and I greatly respect and admire their work. This is purely an analysis of data and reasoning.
The bias being confirmed is the idea that the text is so complex it had to have been created by an expert in Early Modern English. When I first read about EME a few years ago, I was fascinated. I was persuaded. But recognizing that a jury is usually persuaded when they hear one side of a case, I looked into it a little more.
Now I think that confirmation bias has taken what started as an important, useful linguistic study* and expanded it to the point where EME has become EME-OT (Early Modern English-Other Translator). EME-OT proponents now claim Joseph didn’t translate the text, which means Joseph, Oliver, and the relevant scriptures are all wrong. As are all the prophets who affirmed that Joseph translated the Book of Mormon.
Now do you see why I’ve been saying EME-OT is becoming what M2C has already become? I.e., it is becoming another way for scholars to repudiate the prophets. 
I realize these faithful scholars think their theory makes the Book of Mormon more miraculous. They seem enthusiastic about the idea that the text is so complex that it had to be translated by someone with expertise, someone with detailed knowledge of linguistics. 
Sure, they acknowledge that Joseph had divine help as a prophet to transmit the text as he read it off the seer stone. But the real work of translation–the hard stuff–was performed by someone with credentials and expertise–someone like them, not an uneducated youth such as Joseph Smith.
Once again, we see the intellectuals trying to persuade us that Joseph knew less about the Book of Mormon than today’s scholars, who have been hired by the prophet to guide the Church pursuant to the 14th Article of Faith.  
By contrast, I think the same evidence supports Joseph’s own claim; i.e., that he translated the Book of Mormon after the manner of his own language.
My disagreement with the EME-OT advocates is simple. I think Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon in his own dialect. The same archaic speech patterns, vocabulary, and syntax are present in the D&C, PofGP, and his mother’s dictated History. There is no need, or even justification, for attributing these elements to another translator.
The essence of my point is that while I agree there are archaic EME elements in the text that statistically distinguish it from the Bible and the pseudo-biblical texts, these elements can be explained by looking at other material dictated by Joseph Smith and his own family. I’ll give lots of examples in part 7.
The first question that struck me as obvious was why didn’t the EME-OT advocates recognize this alternative explanation? 
They do mention Joseph’s dialect, but they dismiss the possibility out of hand because they don’t find evidence of such a dialect in publications indexed in databases such as google books (or at least not sufficient evidence to satisfy their unstated parameters). But that’s a conceptual error so large it’s almost impossible to believe no one asked about it. 
Maybe they address it more completely in the book than they have so far in the literature. I hope so. In the meantime, my analysis is based only on what they’ve already published, and based on that, and the accompanying data, I think the evidence refutes the EME-OT theory.
Here’s how the article summarizes the dialect issue.
As mentioned toward the outset of this study, a number of LDS scholars believe that Joseph Smith’s mind was saturated with biblical language and that on that basis he could have produced the text of the Book of Mormon from a mixture of biblical language and his own dialect 

Opposed to this position is a growing body of descriptive linguistic evidence that there is a substantial amount of archaic vocabulary and syntax in the Book of Mormon that does not match King James idiom. 

The text is archaic and non-biblical in many structural ways. If we accept that Joseph’s mind was saturated with biblical language, then the earliest text’s overall form and structure argue that he did not produce it. 

Ultimately, the descriptive linguistic facts overturn views of Book of Mormon language that depend on his mind being imbued with biblical ways of expression.
I think you already see the twin logical fallacies here. 
First, no one suggests that Joseph’s mind was imbued only with biblical language and ways of expression. Well, somebody may have, but if so, it’s an absurd suggestion. People learn language from their parents and contemporaries. At some point, literate people learn from books, but such input can only add to the mental language bank, not replace what’s already there. No one speaks like a book. We all have dialects, including idioms and patterns that we grew up with.
Second, the “body of descriptive linguistic evidence” consists of printed material. It’s useful, but possibly irrelevant to the question because local dialects are rarely committed to print, even today (although social media is changing that). Efforts to capture idioms, such as Mark Twain’s   Huckleberry Finn, were not common historically. Certainly not throughout the isolated American settlements of the early 1800s. Local communities did not have a resident author or documentarian who recorded every nuance.
Fortunately, in the case of Joseph Smith, we have a good, though not comprehensive, record of his dictation outside of the Book of Mormon text, as well as some important examples from his family and contemporaries, particularly his mother’s dictated history. By examining these sources we can find evidence that the text of the Book of Mormon is an idiomatic translation based on Joseph’s own dialect.
To understand EME-OT, look at these excerpts from Brother Carmack’s article, a precursor to their book, which explain the EME-OT approach to Joseph as translator. (You can read my detailed review of the article here).
– large deviations from both biblical and pseudo biblical patterns that approach attested archaic usage could support the position that Joseph was not its author or English-language translator.

– Careful, thorough investigation of Book of Mormon grammar can therefore go a long way toward telling us whether Joseph could have been the author or English-language translator.

This means that if Joseph Smith was the author or English-language translator of the Book of Mormon, then he must have deliberately produced all this divergent finite syntax that was a best fit with early modern usage, including ditransitive syntax…

There are a number of archaic features of complementation missing from the four pseudo-biblical writings in this domain. This argues against Joseph having been the author or English language translator of the Book of Mormon…

That being the case, Gardner 2011 and Barlow 2013 have effectively ended up arguing (unintentionally) against Joseph’s being the English-language translator or author of the Book of Mormon text. Had he produced the text from his own biblically saturated language, the form and structure of the Book of Mormon would be quite different and much more pseudo-biblical in its structure. 

Theoretically speaking, the profile of the person required for crafting much of the English language of the Book of Mormon was a first-rate, independent philologist — someone extremely knowledgeable in the linguistics and literature of earlier English, but not beholden to following King James patterns.

Because the Book of Mormon has so much extra-biblical vocabulary and syntax, its usage cannot be classified as a biblical–dialectal mixture either. Furthermore, there is plenty of “bad grammar” not attributable to Joseph Smith.

In addition, as shown in a recent paper, Joseph’s 1832 History is different syntactically from the earliest text in three important ways.

Because we now have a critical text and searchable databases of earlier English, the Book of Mormon can be shown to be genuinely archaic. [i.e., not a product of 1829]
I’ll give just two examples of why I think the EME elements in the text are better explained as Joseph’s dialect than as the careful creation of an EME-OT expert.
In his article, Brother Carmack states this: “Complex finite syntax is a strong marker of archaism.”
There is a lot of such technical language in the article, but he gives some examples.
Here is the complete explanation:


This next section mainly focuses on whether the verbal complement following five high-frequency verbs — causecommanddesiremake, and suffer — is infinitival or finite. Also of concern is whether finite cases are simple or complex, and whether a modal auxiliary verb occurs in the complement. As an example, consider the following Book of Mormon excerpt:
3 Nephi 2:3
causing [them]object 1
that they should do great wickedness in the land ]object 2
This is ditransitive or dual-object syntax: the verb cause takes two objects. The first object in the above example is a pronoun and the second object is a clause: a sentence follows the conjunction (or complementizer) that. In this case the following sentence is “they should do great wickedness in the land,” and it contains the modal auxiliary verb should

Modal auxiliary usage is a sign of archaism, especially shall, and the Book of Mormon has plenty of it. The above syntax can also be called a complex finite construction, since an extra constituent occurs before the that-clause. 

Complex finite syntax is a strong marker of archaism.
In other words, the example from 3 Nephi 2:3 is a strong market of archaism; i.e., it is something Joseph Smith would not and could not know about.
And yet, if I understand this correctly, here is a complex finite syntax from March 1829, before any of the current Book of Mormon was translated.

D&C 5:3 “And I have caused you that you should enter into a covenant with me.” 
The current version has been changed from the original. In the 1833 Book of Commandments, this passage read, “I have caused him that he should enter into a covenant with me, that he should not show them…” 

Either way, we can diagram it like 3 Nephi 2:3 above:
D&C 5:3
caused [you]object 1
[that you should enter into a covenant with me]object 2
Again, recall from the article that Complex finite syntax is a strong marker of archaism.” Yet D&C 5 was received in March 1829, before Oliver ever met Joseph and before any of the current Book of Mormon was translated. 

I take both the original and the edited versions of D&C 5:3 as evidence of Joseph’s own syntax even before he translated the Book of Mormon text we have now.

D&C 5 is not a translation of anything, so the EME-OT theory doesn’t explain it. I suppose one could argue that Joseph may have learned EME syntax by transmitting the “other translator’s” translation of the Book of Lehi (the lost 116 pages), and then replicated that syntax when he received D&C 5. Or else the Lord spoke to him in EME syntax for some reason.
But the natural explanation is this is the way Joseph spoke. This is his dialect.
Or, as the Lord said, he spoke to Joseph “in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding.” (D&C 1:24)

Another question about EME-OT. Why would the Lord use another translator to render the original Nephite text into a complex, archaic syntax if the objective was that Joseph and his contemporaries “might come to understanding” as D&C 1:24 says?
The second example is the phrase “more part.”

Brother Carmack’s article explains it this way:

The Book of Mormon’s morepart usage is quite unexpected from a perspective of Joseph generating it from his own biblically-styled language. One must go back in time 250 years to Holinshed’s Chronicles (1577) to encounter a text with the level of usage found in the Book of Mormon.49 
As a result, its morepart profile fits the occasional use found in the first half of the early modern period and no other time. Intimate knowledge of neither the King James Bible nor pseudo-biblical texts would have led to the distinctive and relatively heavy use of the more part found in the Book of Mormon. (emphasis mine)

This is a good argument in favor of EME, but it presents the same problem as the other examples of EME because we have instances of Joseph and his contemporaries using what appears to be EME.
A quick search found several examples of the use of “more part” after the Book of Mormon was published. These include the writings of Parley P. and Orson Pratt and Joseph himself. 

An 1834 letter by Joseph includes this: “I shall proceed first to answer some of the most important items contained in your last communications, the more part which gave us much satisfaction.” Here, of is omitted, but this is a copy of the letter and the line ends at part, so the missing of was likely overlooked during the copying.

Orson Pratt: These teachings of Jesus were engraved upon plates, some of which are contained in the book of Mormon; but the more part are not revealed in that book, but are hereafter to be made manifest to the saints.”

In a letter to O. Cowdery dated Sept. 5, 1836, Orson wrote, “they also began to be divided the more part were determined to hear…”M&A, Oct 1835, p. 397.

Parley P. Pratt: It will be seen, that the more part of the following…”

In the Sept. 15, 1844, trial of Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt said, “they too in the absence of the more part of the quorum of the Twelve…” Times and Seasons, 5:17, pl 651. 

An editorial by Oliver Cowdery in the Messenger and Advocate explained, We are indebted to them for the more part of the information of this kind…” Jan 1835, p. 63.

There are probably many other examples, but these show that the more part was not unusual usage among Joseph’s contemporaries. 

How this evidence should be weighed is up to each individual, but my bias leads me to lean toward a common usage not necessarily reflected in the literature of the day.
As I mentioned above, there is another possibility. Are these subsequent usages of the more part attributable to the EME of the dictated Book of Mormon text?
IOW, did Joseph and his contemporaries learn how to speak in EME when he translated the text?
That seems to me a remote possibility because these other examples do not otherwise mimic Book of Mormon language. 

A remote possibility is not an impossibility, so everyone has to decide the relative probability of these alternatives. I think it is far more likely that Joseph dictated with EME phrases because they were part of the dialect he grew up with, for which we have lots of evidence.
Speaking and dictating are different from writing. Speaking is faster.** Speakers rely on recycled expressions and formulas, with simpler structures and vocabulary. 
This is a good description of the Book of Mormon text. As we’ve seen, phrases and expressions are recycled from the Bible and the pseudo-biblical books, exactly as we would expect from a dictated text. That’s not plagiarism; that’s speech.
The vocabulary is simple; the Book of Mormon contains fewer unique words than the New Testament, even though it contains nearly 100,000 more words. 
Text                       Words   Total words
OT                          10,842   609,233
NT                          6,063     180,380
BofM                     5,672     267,170
D&C                       4,721     111,912
PofGP                   2,411     26,045
In part 7 we’ll look at some of the unique vocabulary and see where Joseph could have picked it up.
The text contains a lot of repetition, which we also expect in a dictated text. The phrase “it came to pass” appears 1,399 times in the text, 1,168 of which begin with “and.” (The rest begin with “for,” “but,” “now,” “wherefore,” or “behold.”) 
Notice I wrote simpler structures. The EME analysis indicates there are complex archaic structures, but another way to interpret the evidence is to notice all the inconsistencies. Rules of grammar and syntax are followed arbitrarily, if at all. This is a common characteristic of the other colloquial evidence we have from Joseph’s other dictated works and the records from his family and associates.
We’ll look at this in part 7.
*EME started as a legitimate response to a potentially serious problem; i.e., critics said that similarities between The Late War and the Book of Mormon showed that Joseph copied The Late War. This caused a sensation among anti-Mormon critics. It became part of the CES Letter and other anti-Mormon sites. The claim was easy to demonstrate and easy to understand, which made it persuasive to many people. 
Plus, Latter-day Saints were unprepared for the similarities. People wondered, “How could such a book, published before the Book of Mormon, look so much like the Book of Mormon?” The Late War generated considerable cognitive dissonance.
FairMormon provided responses that included some good points, observing that many of the similarities were contrived by the critics. But ultimately, FairMormon’s responses were unpersuasive except to those who sought to confirm their bias that the Book of Mormon is true. 
Then Brother Carmack did a statistical analysis that uncovered something surprising: the Book of Mormon contains archaic language not present in the Bible, The Late War, or three other pseudo-biblical texts. He and Brother Skousen collaborated and produced the book that is being launched in September. I think their work is exceptional and definitely shows that Joseph didn’t plagiarize the Bible, The Late War or the other pseudo-Biblical texts. 
The problem is, Brothers Carmack and Skousen convinced themselves that Joseph couldn’t have produced the Book of Mormon, either, because it is too complex. Now they’re claiming that Joseph transmitted, but did not translate, the text.
This means that Joseph and Oliver, and the relevant scriptures, are all wrong.
** One of the notable aspects of the translation is the speed with which it was accomplished. Joseph dictated the entire text in about 3 months. (Oliver was able to write that fast because he was taking dictation, which is much faster than composing.)

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

M2C web part 5 – EME and other influences

Just as President Joseph Fielding Smith warned, people are confused and disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon because of M2C. A similar problem is arising with respect to the translation of the text, which makes this is a very important issue.*

In this post, I’m proposing that Joseph Smith actually translated the plates, and that he did so by drawing upon his own mental language base, which was a product of his environment and his education.

IOW, he didn’t copy or plagiarize anyone else’s work, and he didn’t merely read someone else’s translation into English that appeared on a seer stone.

Instead, he dictated the Book of Mormon in his own dialect, working it out in his mind as the Spirit drew upon his specific mental language base to render the text into English, “after the manner of his language.” (D&C 1:24)

Among the influences we can document are:

1. the Bible (see an excellent article on intertextuality here:

2. The pseudo-biblical texts including The Late War and The First Book of Napoleon (not merely the similar phrases taken out of context and stitched together by critics).

3. The dialect of his parents, siblings, and neighbors, with the primary source being Lucy Mack Smith’s dictated History.

This is what we would naturally expect, since it’s how every human acquires and expresses language. Most if not all of the vocabulary, grammar, patterns and syntax in the Book of Mormon is drawn from these three sources and appear in the other dictated revelations and letters of Joseph Smith, both before and after he translated the Book of Mormon, in the D&C, PofGP, and elsewhere. 

Other possible sources include other books including Christian commentaries, news sources such as the local Palmyra paper, and input from other associates including Emma, Oliver Cowdery, and Martin Harris. These are all more difficult to document.

There is a big difference between the way people talk and the way they write, as anyone who has read trial transcripts knows. One linguist explained that “speed [of speech] has consequences for the kind of language we use and hear. When speaking, we rely on recycled expressions, formulae we use over and over again, and less complex structures [but a lot of unnecessary or shadow pronouns].” The Book of Mormon consists of many, many recycled expressions and formulae. We’ll discuss the structures and pronouns below.

Bottom line, Joseph’s writings, such as the 1832 history, don’t reflect the way he spoke, but his dictated texts do.

Consequently, I think the EME (Early Modern English) theory provides data that is great for disproving plagiarism and copying, but not for proving or even suggesting that Joseph didn’t perform the first translation into English.

There are a lot of LDS scholars jumping on the EME bandwagon, and because that wagon is coming to town in September (well, to Provo, not to Africa), it’s fascinating for me to watch how confirmation bias operates in real time.

I realize this series is too detailed for most readers, but it’s an important issue because EME is being embraced by the same intellectuals who brought us M2C, the idea that Joseph never used the plates, and other gems widely accepted concepts. Despite the detail in these posts, some readers have been reading carefully and commenting to me, which is very helpful. Some are sending me additional material and resources that I am incorporating as I work my way through this issue.

If you don’t have time to read all of these posts now, a version of them will be in my next book. Plus, you can always refer back to them on this blog, at least for a while.

When we consider the translation of the Book of Mormon, there seem to be three possible interpretations, each with various nuances.

1. Joseph (or other contemporaries) wrote the text; i.e., it’s fiction, whether plagiarized or copied or composed with elements from other sources, and Joseph merely read a prepared manuscript to his scribes. The EME evidence demonstrates significant yet subtle differences from contemporary books, thereby tending to disprove the plagiarism issue (unless EME texts were plagiarized/copied).

2. Joseph had no involvement with translation, per se, because he merely read what appeared on a seer stone; i.e., it’s pure revelation, with the translation performed by God directly, or through an unknown spiritual intermediary. This is the gist of the EME theory.

3. Joseph actually translated the plates with the gift of God; i.e., he studied the characters and worked the translation out in his mind, aided by the Nephite interpreters, but he (and the Spirit) rendered the text in his own dialect, drawing on his own mental language base. This is what I think.

It is well-known that Joseph made hundreds of changes to the text after the 1830 edition was published. That seems consistent with alternative 1 and 3, but more difficult to reconcile with alternative 2.

The translation process has also been framed as “tight” or “loose,” a scale describing different levels of flexibility Joseph may have had when he dictated; i.e., was he required to read exactly what appeared on the interpreters, or did he have some input somehow, such as by using his own term (horse) to describe an animal mentioned on the plates (e.g., tapir, using the M2C approach).

Jeff Lindsay provided a nice overview here, with a bonus early introduction to EME as well:


In parts 1-4 we looked at some of the issues involved with The Late War and other pseudo-biblical books published before the Book of Mormon. To recap: Some critics claimed there is evidence that Joseph plagiarized the Book of Mormon from those texts. In response, defenders claim that evidence is wrong, misinterpreted, or not convincing.

The latest response is the theory that the Book of Mormon was translated into Early Modern English (EME), a form allegedly unknown to Joseph Smith. I agree that the data disproves the critics’ plagiarism claim, but I don’t agree that the data shows Joseph didn’t translate the plates into English.

Next month, on September 25, 2018, BYU Studies and the Interpreter Foundation are launching a new book on EME by Royal Skousen and Stanford Carmack titled The Nature of the Original Language of the Book of Mormon (NOL). See the announcement here. I encourage anyone interested to attend or view it remotely, if possible.

Of course, my conclusions are based on what has been published so far. Maybe NOL will address the issues I’m raising here and I’ll change my mind accordingly.

We’ll start by analyzing the NOL announcement (in blue), with my comments in red.

Critics of the text have viewed the nonstandard grammar of the original text (“they was yet wroth” and “in them days”) as an indication of Joseph Smith’s dialect, but Skousen and Carmack argue in GV that the so–called bad grammar of the original text was actually Early Modern English and represents language that appeared in published texts from the 1500s and 1600s. 
I love the work of Brothers Skousen and Carmack, but I think their fundamental assumption about Joseph’s dialect is a mistake. I agree with their data, but not with their premise or conclusion that Joseph didn’t translate in his own language. Because I accept D&C 1:24, I think Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon (and other revelations) in his own dialect; i.e., “after the manner of their language.” I think the evidence supports and corroborates D&C 1:24, not the Skousen/Carmack theory; i.e., “after the manner of centuries-old language.” 
Now in NOL, Skousen (again with the assistance of Carmack) argues that virtually all of the language of the Book of Mormon is found in Early Modern English. 
We would expect this, given the Colonial lag of English in the U.S. More on that below.
Not only is [sic] the vocabulary, phrases, and expressions of the text from Early Modern English, but a good many of them ceased to exist in English prior to 1700 (examples like but if ‘unless’, do away‘to dismiss’, and idleness ‘meaningless words’). 
The earliest British settlers of America arrived in the early 1600s (Jamestown, VA, 1607, Pilgrims in Plymouth, MA, 1620, etc. As contemporaries of Shakespeare (1564-1616), Bacon (1561-1626), Donne (1572-1631), etc., these settlers would have spoken a similar dialect (although settlers came from many parts of England, bringing regional dialects that persisted in their American communities). The theory of “Colonial lag” claims that American English changed slower than British English, such that in some ways American English is still closer than British English to Shakespearean English. 
In all, Skousen identifies about 80 word uses, phrases, and expressions that disappeared from English one to three centuries before Joseph Smith’s time. 

I discussed the ones in his article here: http://interpreterpeerreviews.blogspot.com/2018/08/peer-review-of-early-modern-english.html. When the book is released, we can see whether and how he addressed the issues raised in my peer review and these blogs. I’d be happy to change my views in response to new information and analysis.
Going further, Carmack discusses the syntax of the Book of Mormon and investigates the plural –th ending (“Nephi’s brethren rebelleth”), the periphrastic past–tense did (“they did quake”), and complex finite clausal complements (“he can cause the earth that it shall pass away”). The Book of Mormon’s extensive (and particular) use of this syntax is not found in the King James Bible, nor in Joseph Smith’s writings or in the pseudobiblical writings common to his time. But it was prevalent in the English of the second half of the 1500s.
Early Modern English was both spoken and written, but spoken dialects rarely make it into print. In my peer review I went through the examples from the article and showed they actually reflect Joseph’s own language. All of Joseph’s vocabulary and syntax can be found in the sources for his specific mental language base; i.e., the Bible, the pseudo-Biblical books and other contemporary religious books, the dialect he grew up with (e.g., Lucy Mack Smith’s History), etc., and the same dialect shows up in the pre-and post-Book of Mormon revelations in the D&C and PofGP.
Finally, Skousen argues that the themes of the Book of Mormon — religious, social, and political — do not derive from Joseph Smith’s time, but instead are the prominent issues of the Protestant Reformation, and they date from the 1500s and 1600s rather than the 1800s — examples like burning people at the stake for heresy, standing before the bar of justice, secret combinations to overthrow the government, the rejection of child baptism, the sacrament as symbolic memorial and spiritual renewal, public rather than private confession, no required works of penance, and piety in living and worship.
I don’t think it matters when these issues originated. The question is whether they were still “alive” during Joseph’s lifetime. Which they clearly were. People still discuss them today, except reframed as “deep state,” “fake news,” “organized religion vs individual worship,” etc.


In the next post, I’ll give some specific examples of why I think EME does not explain the text of the Book of Mormon, and why I think the other influences do.

*The translation of the Book of Mormon is an important topic for anyone who doesn’t simply accept the Book of Mormon on faith, which means it’s important for the vast majority of God’s children on Earth. 

People who have the spiritual gift of “exceedingly great faith” (Moroni 10:11) need to realize that many (most) others don’t have that gift. Moroni himself reminded us that there are many spiritual gifts. Those who have a gift of knowledge or wisdom, for example, need facts and reason to discern truth, at least to the point where they can also exercise faith.

Plus, the Title Page explains the Book of Mormon was written to convince people that Jesus is the Christ. That means we need to understand and address any impediments to their fair consideration of the Book of Mormon. While it’s true that facts and logic don’t usually outweigh confirmation bias, clarity about our message, combined with at least plausibility, provides a framework for sincere truth seekers. 

The Gospel Topics Essay on the translation is a helpful start, but doesn’t address the specific issues that many people wonder about, such as the influence of The Late War and other books. You can see my suggestions for that essay here.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Proverbs 18 – a brother offended

Proverbs 18:19 reminds us that “A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.”

Trying to “win” a strong city

I like this imagery a lot. It applies pretty well to discussions of Book of Mormon historicity, where people have different ideas.

The proverb can be taken at least two ways.

1. It could mean that if you want to “win” someone, don’t offend them. 

2. And it could mean that the type of people who get offended are like strong cities.

The adjective “strong” denotes effective protection and defenses. A strong city, like the one in the image on the left here, is designed to prevent outsiders from entering.

As applied to a person, the metaphor of a strong city effectively describes people who get offended. They are inherently defensive, erecting walls against criticism and facts and arguments that contradict their comfortable beliefs.

Hmm, that sounds a lot like the M2C intellectuals I’ve been discussing on this blog…

Another term for such a city is a bubble. A bubble defined by people who get offended, or any of the synonyms: upset, hurt, wounded, injured, insulted, aggrieved, affronted, pained, displeased, distressed, disgruntled, put out, annoyed, angered, angry, cross, exasperated, indignant, irritated, vexed, piqued, irked, stung, galled, nettled, needled, peeved, ruffled, resentful, in a huff, huffy, in high dudgeon, fed up…

I don’t understand the rationale for taking offense anyway. If someone says something that contradicts your self-image or your ideas, it’s either true or not. Either way, how could it be offensive?

Brigham Young reportedly said said that he who takes offense when no offense was intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense was intended is usually a fool.

That’s advice that, had it been added to Proverbs and heeded by Bible readers, would have eliminated untold contention and conflicts in the world–and in the Church.

In the context of academic or scholarly debates over facts and reason and rational argument, the whole idea of taking offense is bewildering. These are conceptual issues that represent different interpretations of reality. Anyone should be able to assess them analytically, particularly in an academic context.

And yet, since I’ve been looking at the issues I address in this blog, I’ve encountered plenty of intellectuals who seem more eager to take offense and claim to be insulted than they are to consider alternative perspectives and discuss them. 

Their utmost priority is censorship of ideas they disagree with.

Which reminds me of another verse from Proverbs 18:13 “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.”

Maybe the strong city considers itself open-minded. The predominant feature of the city is that it is strong; i.e., safe. Not closed-minded, but simply secure.

As evidence, it points to the drawbridge that allows people to come and go. Of course, it’s a draw bridge; it can be drawn up to prevent people from entering if they don’t who fit into the city’s society, as determined by the city’s leaders.

IOW, only people and ideas that confirm the biases of the city’s leaders–in this case, the M2C citation cartel.

Now, look at the proverb from the other perspective; i.e., if you want to “win” someone, don’t offend them. 

This is the ideal scenario. You share a new idea, perspective or set of facts with someone in a loving and respectful way and they promptly accept it. They collaborate with you and you adjust your own thinking as everyone works together to improve our mutual understanding. Everyone reaches consensus. Everyone aligns with the prophets. Everyone is happy and united and moving upward and onward.

Everything is awesome.

Oh, and your colleagues are thrilled to reject everything they’ve written and taught throughout their careers. They explain to donors that they’re reworking everything. They issue an apology to thousands of students for having misled them, albeit with the best of intentions.

And then you awaken from your dream and think, if not for human nature, this could really happen.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars