Very simple

The issue of Book of Mormon geography is very simple. People have different ideas, and there’s nothing wrong with that. People should make informed decisions for themselves. Simple.

One of the strangest arguments I hear is “The Brethren have said the people living in Latin America have the blood of Lehi (or are Lamanites), so the Hill Cumorah cannot be in western New York.”

The logical fallacies in that argument seem so obvious to me that I don’t usually respond to it, but it remains one of the main justifications for M2C, so here goes.

It seems axiomatic that Lehi’s descendants would have spread throughout the Americas regardless of  where Lehi landed around 580 BC.

Regardless of how many were in Lehi’s landing party, or where Zarahemla, Bountiful, Cumorah, etc. were located, people migrate and intermarry. The Book of Mormon tells us less than 1% of the history. In 1,000 years of Nephite history, Lehi’s descendants could have migrated throughout the Americas and beyond.

Even after the Nephite civilization was destroyed at Cumorah, 1400 years passed before Joseph obtained the plates. If Lehi’s descendants hadn’t migrated throughout the Americas before 400 A.D., they could have done so after 400 A.D.

The presence of Lehi’s descendants throughout the Americas today has nothing to do with where the events in the Book of Mormon took place.

We’re left with the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah, which, so far as I know, have never been questioned, repudiated, or replaced by any of the prophets. We’re also left with the teachings of many of those same prophets that we don’t know where the other events took place.

The recent Gospel Topics Essay says the Church takes no position on the location of Book of Mormon events. That’s really the only possible position to take when there are so many different ideas among Church members. The key is, no one should claim prophetic or Church support for their personal views.

I focus on the Cumorah issue because of the teachings of the prophets, and because I think the scientific evidence supports those teachings. Other good, faithful members of the Church don’t believe those teachings, and/or disagree about the evidence, which is fine with me.

I support everything the Brethren have taught, from the beginning through the present.

I respect and admire LDS scholars and intellectuals who have worked on these issues, but I don’t feel any obligation, duty, or even inclination to accept what they teach just because they claim expertise.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

implying either prophetic or Church support

On this topic of Book of Mormon geography/historicity, I understand there is too much information and detail for most people. People are busy, so they tend to pick a side and stick with it. They simply assume someone must know what’s going on, and that’s good enough for them.

With that reality in mind, a preliminary question to ask is, do you pick a side that supports the teachings of the prophets, or a side that claims the prophets support their teachings?

Yesterday we looked at the new Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography, which stated:

Individuals may have their own opinions regarding Book of Mormon geography and other such matters about which the Lord has not spoken. However, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles urge leaders and members not to advocate those personal theories in any setting or manner that would imply either prophetic or Church support for those theories.

According to this policy, Book of Mormon Central and other members of the M2C citation cartel should cease promoting M2C immediately.

They won’t, of course. But until they do, we’ll keep pointing it how directly they are contravening the new policy.

Some people wonder how the M2C advocates are implying either prophetic or Church support for their theories. (Actually, they imply both.)

Today let’s look at Book of Mormon Central, which I call Book of Mormon Central Censor (BOMCC) because they actively promote M2C and censor information that contradicts M2C.

It’s very unfortunate, actually. I like everyone at BOMCC. I think they do a lot of good, and I use their resources all the time. But their focus on M2C taints everything they do. Readers and viewers can never be sure if they are reading/watching accurate information or editorial promotion of M2C. Usually it’s the latter.

Their censorship of other viewpoints is anti-academic, the opposite of inclusive, and a direct violation of the Church’s long-stated policy of neutrality.

They will never change because they’ve convinced themselves their theories are right and that they have prophetic and Church support for their theories.

Every theory of Book of Mormon geography has critics and supporters. I encourage people to believe whatever works for them. But I oppose censorship.

This is where I disagree with BOMCC: I encourage people to make informed decisions by learning all the facts, including the teachings of the prophets along with the various sciences.

I don’t claim prophetic or Church support because the Church, “officially,” is completely neutral on these issues. I censor nothing. I seek input and correction if I ever misstate a fact or misrepresent an opinion or theory. I’m not trying to persuade anyone of anything; instead, I encourage education and comparisons of different ideas. I even encourage people go to the M2C web pages and read their material to see for themselves. In this very post, I’m linking to BOMCC websites. I’ve linked to websites that promote other theories as well, so everyone can see what everyone else thinks.

Now, let’s compare by seeing how BOMCC advocates the M2C theory and claims prophetic and Church support for their theory.

M2C advocacy

First, note that it’s very logo shows it promotes M2C. It features four languages they think are scriptural: Egyptian, Greek, Latin, and Mayan.

BMAF logo showing M2C

Second, BOMCC is merely a legal front for BMAF, the 501(c)(3) organization that donors are actually contributing to. BMAF’s corporate mission is “to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican codex.”

BOMCC promotes M2C through the selection of material it puts in its archive, through its articles called Kno-Whys, through its educational outreach programs, and through its art collection and contests.

I think it’s great when people donate to BOMCC, so long as donors realize they are donating to support the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorah’s theory which teaches that:

1. The events of the Book of Mormon took place entirely in Mesoamerica. The hill in New York where Joseph found the plates is not the Hill Cumorah of the Book of Mormon. That hill is somewhere in southern Mexico.
2. Anyone who disagrees with M2C is naive, uninformed, and wrong.You have to be trained in Mesoamerican studies to completely understand and interpret the Book of Mormon and Church history.
3. Past prophets who taught that Cumorah is in New York were expressing their private opinions and were wrong. Instead of letting Church members know what the prophets have taught, it’s better to focus on the teachings of current M2C intellectuals.
4. It’s important to censor information that contradicts M2C so Church members won’t be confused by other ideas and comparisons. It’s also important to depict M2C in Church media, visitors centers, etc.

Again, I’m fine with people believing all of this–but it should be an informed decision, not the result of viewpoint-enforcing censorship and sophistry.

Among the considerations people should make when deciding whether to accept and support M2C are these:

1. M2C supports the arguments of the critics, such as the CES Letter.
2. No non-LDS Mayan experts see any connection between the Book of Mormon and Mesoamerica or the Mayans.
3. Teaching people that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah can impact faith. Long ago, Elder and President Joseph Fielding Smith warned that the idea of “two Cumorahs” would cause members of the Church to become confused and disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. We should ask whether we see that warning being fulfilled all around us.

There is no stronger advocate of M2C than BOMCC.

Claiming prophetic and Church support

BOMCC doesn’t just imply prophetic and Church support; it outright claims it.

Their entire pitch to donors is based on their claim for prophetic and Church support!

Here’s one of the FAQs on its web page, designed to solicit money from Church members:

Relationship of Book of Mormon Central to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

All BMC executives, board members, and employees are active, faithful, believing members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some of our volunteers are members of Community of Christ or Restoration Branch congregations. BMC receives no funds directly from the Church, only via the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation, and is not controlled in any way by the Church. The semi-official Church News ran an article about BMC in January, 2016. Most of our readership are Latter-day Saints. Church departments have met with us to understand precisely what we are doing. links to and we anticipate more links in the future. Some full-time CES employees volunteer with us. The Church has begun licensing the LDS scriptures to outside entities, and BMC received the first such license so that we can re-publish these sacred texts with engaging enrichment material such as art, music, explanatory notes, etc. We held our 2016 Moroni Day celebration in the Joseph Smith Building on Temple Square. The Church has sent some of their experts to consult with us and help us improve certain technical skills.

BMC is not officially endorsed by the Church, although we are a trusted independent organization. Members of the Twelve and the Seventy have keynoted BMC events. Church leaders and employees work with us both as private individuals and occasionally in official capacities. We hope our efforts help all of the religious organizations within the Restoration Movement who cherish the Book of Mormon. We hope our materials prove useful to missionaries working with investigators. We hope our approach helps many people stay in the boat as Elder Ballard taught in his October, 2014 & October, 2016 General Conference addresses. Our publications ultimately depend on research. Research is inherently exploratory and uncertain. Being completely independent empowers BMC to take calculated risks which the official Church would not be comfortable undertaking. If we are successful, the Church benefits. If we are not successful, the Church is not embarrassed. We support the Church’s mission to help more of God’s children feast upon the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon.

I think it’s great when people donate to BOMCC, just so long as they realize they are contributing to M2C and to an organization that violates the Church policy of neutrality.

More screen captures from

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Great news – revised Gospel Topics Essay

Yesterday an alert reader told me that the Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography had been revised. It’s an important change that will improve the conversation because it discourages people from claiming prophetic and/or Church support for their personal opinions.

That means the M2C citation cartel can no longer claim prophetic and/or Church support for M2C.

Below I’ll show the original and revised versions, compared side to side.

The revised Gospel Topics Essay includes this big change.

Individuals may have their own opinions regarding Book of Mormon geography and other such matters about which the Lord has not spoken. However, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles urge leaders and members not to advocate those personal theories in any setting or manner that would imply either prophetic or Church support for those theories.

M2C intellectuals have long claimed prophetic and Church support for their personal theories. Recently they’ve claimed that they’re hired by the prophets, so they represent the prophets, so their ideas about Book of Mormon geography are immune from analysis and comparison.  

Claiming prophetic and Church support
That’s the justification Book of Mormon Central uses for censoring other ideas, for example. 

Right on their web pages, the M2C promoters claim Church support because links to their organizations and General Authorities have encouraged members to donate to their organizations.

Just yesterday, a prominent M2C intellectual bragged that “My relationship with them [“the Brethren”] has never, I think, been better than it is right now.” 

This comes just a couple of days after the same M2C intellectual mentioned me by name and provided a link to a web site that purports to attack my beliefs.

I hope this latest version of the essay puts an end to the M2C claims of prophetic and Church support for their theories.

There’s a big difference between these two things:

1. claiming one’s ideas have prophetic and Church support, and 

2. seeking to support the prophets. 

Apart from the M2C intellectuals and the revisionist Church historians, I don’t know of anyone who claims his/her ideas have prophetic or Church support. 

Most Church members seek to support the prophets, not the other way around. 

Like me, most Church members are not employed by the Church. We don’t teach at BYU or CES, we don’t prepare Church lesson manuals, we don’t produce Church videos, and we don’t create Church visitors center displays. 

We don’t have “connections” with Church leaders. We don’t meet with Church leaders, go to dinner with them, speak with them on the phone, etc. They don’t ask us for our opinions.

Supporting the prophets
But we, the ordinary members of the Church, all know people, including friends and family members, who have left or are leaving the Church. A big reason is the teachings of intellectuals who claim the prophets are wrong.

We simply love the gospel and we support Church leaders. One way we do this is to find and share evidence that supports their teachings.

For example, before Joseph Smith even obtained the plates, he identified the hill in New York as Cumorah. Every Church leader who has spoken about that issue has affirmed that site. Some are shown in the graphic at the left.

Everything I’ve done since I entered this arena has been an effort to support the teachings of the prophets. I don’t claim prophetic or Church support for my personal views.

By contrast, the M2C intellectuals claim both prophetic and Church support for their personal views, as mentioned above. 

Rather than seek to support the teachings of the prophets, they claim superiority over those teachings.

Rather than placing an exclamation mark after the words of the prophets, they place a question mark.

Maybe this essay will help change that course.

The latest version of the essay says:
The Church does not take a position on the specific geographic locations of Book of Mormon events in the ancient Americas. 
From the beginning, Church leaders have always taught that, apart from Cumorah, we don’t know for sure where the events of the Book of Mormon took place. The essay is consistent with that.
Presumably the Church still takes the position that Moroni, in ancient times, deposited the abridged plates on the hill in New York where the Cumorah Visitors Center is located. That would seem to conflict with the essay, unless the essay is not intended to apply to the teachings about Cumorah. 
It’s possible that the essay is intended to reject the teachings of past prophets, including the ones shown in the graphic. Perhaps it is intended merely to cast doubt on those teachings. Or, perhaps it is intended to indicate that more research is needed to verify what past prophets have taught. 
Several past prophets have taught that we await more revelation regarding Book of Mormon geography. They said that in the context of also saying we know Cumorah is in New York, but we don’t know where the other events took place. 
Unless the essay is further clarified, it seems to represent not a rejection of past prophets, but an openness to new information. As President Nelson has taught, “good inspiration is based upon good information. 
Accordingly, my objective is to continue to assemble and provide good information that supports the teachings of the prophets. Maybe that will also lead to more good information in the future.
Comparison of essays. The original version is shown in the left column in blue. The revisions are in the right in black. My notes throughout are in red. A blank cell indicates the corresponding paragraph in the other version does not exist.

One of the noteworthy changes is the deletion of President Ivins’ quotation. I offer my thoughts on that in the notes below.

My comments on the unchanged portions can be seen here: 
Feb 27
Book of Mormon Geography
The Church takes no position on the specific geographic location of Book of Mormon events in the ancient Americas. Church members are asked not to teach theories about Book of Mormon geography in Church settings but to focus instead on the Book of Mormon’s teachings and testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Comment. It’s not apparent why this overview was deleted, except that it duplicated a later statement in the essay. However, I did note in my comments before that “this policy appears to censor references to or discussion of” the teachings of past prophets and apostles regarding the Hill Cumorah.  
Book of Mormon Geography
The Book of Mormon includes a history of an ancient people who migrated from the Near East to the Americas. This history contains information about the places they lived, including descriptions of landforms, natural features, and the distances and cardinal directions between important points. The internal consistency of these descriptions is one of the striking features of the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon includes a history of an ancient people who migrated from the Near East to the Americas. This history contains information about the places they lived, including descriptions of landforms, natural features, and the distances and cardinal directions between important points. The internal consistency of these descriptions is one of the striking features of the Book of Mormon.
Since the publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830, members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have expressed numerous opinions about the specific locations of the events discussed in the book. Some believe that the history depicted in the Book of Mormon
occurred in North America, while others believe that it occurred in Central America or South America. Although Church members continue to discuss such theories today,
the Church takes no position on the geography of the Book of Mormon except that the events it describes took place in the Americas.
Since the publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830, members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have expressed numerous opinions about the specific locations of the events discussed in the book. Some believe that the history depicted in the Book of Mormon —with the exception of the events in the Near East—
occurred in North America, while others believe that it occurred in Central America or South America. Although Church members continue to discuss such theories today,
the Church’s only position is that the events the Book of Mormon describes took place in the ancient Americas.
This changes the former statement of “no position except” to “only position is.” The terms “Americas” is a recent development. The Church History Department uses it everywhere now to replace what the historical documents actually say. Moroni and Joseph Smith both referred to the aborigines in “this country,” but that causes problems for M2C, so instead we always see “Americas” instead. The same tactic was used in the Saints book to write Cumorah out of Church history.   
The Prophet Joseph Smith himself accepted what he felt was evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations in both North America and Central America. While traveling with Zion’s Camp in 1834, Joseph wrote to his wife Emma that they were “wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls and their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity.”1 In 1842, the Church newspaper Times and Seasons published articles under Joseph Smith’s editorship that identified the ruins of ancient native civilizations in Mexico and Central America as further evidence of the Book of Mormon’s historicity.2
The Prophet Joseph Smith himself accepted what he felt was evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations in both North America and Central America. While traveling with Zion’s Camp in 1834, Joseph wrote to his wife Emma that they were “wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls and their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity.”1 In 1842, the Church newspaper Times and Seasons published articles under Joseph Smith’s editorship that identified the ruins of ancient native civilizations in Mexico and Central America as further evidence of the Book of Mormon’s historicity.2
It’s unfortunate that the serious error in this paragraph was not corrected. The first sentence states as a fact what can only be at most an inference. This undermines the credibility of the essay and suggests it was driven by an agenda.  
Anthony W. Ivins, a Counselor in the First Presidency, stated: “There has never been anything yet set forth that definitely settles that question [of Book of Mormon geography]. So the Church says we are just waiting until we discover the truth.”3
Comment. I pointed out that this quotation, a favorite of FairMormon and other M2C advocates, was taken out of context and modified with a misleading inserted bracket. 
I also pointed out that President Ivins, just the year before in General Conference, gave an entire address about the New York Hill Cumorah, affirming that it is, in fact, the Cumorah of Mormon 6:6. Deleting President Ivins from this essay suggests that the authors did not want people researching President Ivins, who made the clear distinction between the two separate teachings of all the prophets:
1. Cumorah is in New York.
2. We don’t know where the other events took place.
The Church urges local leaders and members not to advocate theories of Book of Mormon geography in official Church settings.
This statement applied to any theories, including the teachings of the prophets, but limited the ban to official Church settings. The revision expands the ban to “any setting or manner.”  
The Church does not take a position on the specific geographic locations of Book of Mormon events in the ancient Americas. President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, reminded members that “the Book of Mormon is not a textbook on topography. Speculation on the geography of the Book of Mormon may mislead instead of enlighten; such a study can be a distraction from its divine purpose.”
This paragraph basically restates the paragraph above about “the Church’s only position.” Again, we see the term “Americas.” 
President Ballard’s quotation replaces President Ivins’ but the authors forgot to provide a footnote.
It’s undoubtedly true that speculation on geography can be a distraction, but isn’t it also a distraction to ignore or, worse, reject the teachings of past prophets? At least the previous version cited President Ivins, who took a firm stand that Cumorah is in New York.  
Individuals may have their own opinions regarding Book of Mormon geography and other such matters about which the Lord has not spoken.
This new sentence raises the question, how do we know when the Lord has spoken? Most members think the Lord speaks through his prophets, every one of whom has affirmed the New York Cumorah (at least, every one who has ever addressed the topic). This includes members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference. Accordingly, this sentence could be interpreted to mean individuals may have their own opinions about geography other than the New York Cumorah. If, on the other hand, the sentence is intended to repudiate the teachings of past prophets, that should be made clear.
However, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles urge leaders and members not to advocate those personal theories in any setting or manner that would imply either prophetic or Church support for those theories.
This sentence is probably the most important in the essay because it should put an end to the practice of the M2C advocates of claiming prophetic or Church support for their theories. We’ll see if they respond on their web sites. But it also raises a question about Church curriculum, media, visitors centers, etc., which advocate M2C. Because the Church now officially has no position on the geography issues, we can expect to see M2C eradicated, or at least balanced with alternative theories.
All parties should strive to avoid contention on these matters.
This is also an important sentence. There’s no reason to contend about any of this, so long as people are enabled to make informed decisions as they choose. There’s no justification for using claims of prophetic or Church support to justify censorship, logical fallacies, etc. Ideally, everyone involved would simply offer facts and analysis for others to consider.
Speaking of the book’s history and geography, President Russell M. Nelson taught: “Interesting as these matters may be, study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental.”4
Speaking of the book’s history and geography, President Russell M. Nelson taught: “Interesting as these matters may be, study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental.”3
Note 1: Letter to Emma Smith, June 4, 1834, in The Joseph Smith Papers, Documents, Volume 4: April 1834–September 1835,ed. Matthew C. Godfrey and others (2016), 57; spelling standardized.
Note 2: “Traits of the Mosaic History, Found among the Azteca Nation,” Times and Seasons, June 15, 1842, 818–20; see also “American Antiquities,” Times and Seasons, July 15, 1842, 858–60. Although it is not clear how involved Joseph Smith was in writing these editorials, he never refuted them.
Note 3: Anthony W. Ivins, Conference Report (April 1929), 16.
Note 4: Russell M. Nelson, “A Testimony of the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 69.
Note 1: Letter to Emma Smith, June 4, 1834, in The Joseph Smith Papers, Documents, Volume 4: April 1834–September 1835,ed. Matthew C. Godfrey and others (2016), 57; spelling standardized.
Note 2: “Traits of the Mosaic History, Found among the Azteca Nation,” Times and Seasons, June 15, 1842, 818–20; see also “American Antiquities,” Times and Seasons, July 15, 1842, 858–60. Although it is not clear how involved Joseph Smith was in writing these editorials, he never refuted them.
Note 3: Russell M. Nelson, “A Testimony of the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 69.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

What is a narrow pass?

One way to reach a “consensus” is to have everyone agree on definitions of terms.

But if the definitions are not required by the text, and especially if they aren’t even likely, any resulting consensus is phony. Such a consensus is merely the result of circular thinking.

M2C intellectuals have reached a “consensus” by agreeing on definitions of terms. For example, they say every usage of the terms narrow pass and narrow passage refers to the same geographical feature that is found within the narrow neck of land, which they say is the same as the narrow neck and the small neck.

I think these terms refer to different features. That’s why they’re different terms.

I’m not saying anyone is “right” or “wrong.” People can interpret the text however they want. Here, I want to give some context for one of these terms: “narrow pass” so you can make your own informed decisions.


The term “narrow” is subject to a variety of interpretations because it is relative; i.e., “narrow” compared with what? As an adjective, the term means “(especially of something that is considerably longer or higher than it is wide) of small width; limited in extent, amount, or scope; restricted.”

As a noun, it means “a narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water,” but in the Book of Mormon it is used as an adjective.

One example of the term suggests a common usage in Joseph Smith’s environment.

In 1779, Caleb Brewster wrote a letter to Benjamin Tallmadge. Brewster was a spy for George Washington in the Revolutionary War. He was reporting his observations from Long Island, New York when he wrote:

Dear Sir. I have returned from the Island this day. Genl. Erskine remains yet at Southampton. He has been reininfoced [sic] to the number of 2500. They have three redoubts at South and East Hampton and are heaving up works at Canoe Place at a narrow pass before you get into South Hampton. They are building a number of flat bottom boats. There went a number of carpenters down last week to South Hampton. It is thought by the inhabitants that they will cross over to New London after the Continental Frigates.

Those familiar with Long Island will recognize these place names (I’ve visited Riverhead, where my grandparents lived, and I have ancestors who lived in New York in the 1600s).

Here’s a map of the area:

The distance from Canoe Place, where the British were “heaving up works” and South Hampton, where they had a redoubt or stronghold, is about 6.4 miles.

The “narrow pass” to which Brewster referred is about 3/4 of a mile wide. This is .75 miles or 1.26 kilometers.

The pass is a little over 3 miles long, depending on where you place the two ends.

“Narrow pass” strikes me as a good description of this geographical feature.

There are lots of features that constitute “narrow passes” throughout the world. On Long Island itself, there are several. That’s why Brewster qualified the term “narrow pass” by referring to Canoe Place and South Hampton so his reader would know the location of the pass.

In the Midwestern U.S. and western New York, there are innumerable features that could be described as a “narrow pass” in relation to water (Great Lakes or seas, lakes, rivers, etc.) and land (mountains, ravines, etc.). It is the large number of features that align with the Book of Mormon description that make it impossible to say, with certainty, which real-world feature corresponds to a particular passage in the Book of Mormon.

But many work well with the New York Cumorah.

from Mormon’s Codex
5 is the narrow pass or passage

Now, for comparison sake, let’s look at how the M2C citation cartel interprets the term “narrow.”

In Mormon’s Codex, Brother Sorenson equates narrow neck of land with narrow neck and small neck. That’s how he derived the well-known hourglass shape.

Important point: The M2C intellectuals have all agreed on definitions that interpret the text of the Book of Mormon to fit Mesoamerica.

That’s all fine. Seriously, I’m not saying they are wrong. The only thing the prophets have taught for sure is that Cumorah is in New York. Everything else is open to discussion and consideration.

BYU fantasy map conflating “narrow” terms
the same way Sorenson’s map does

Still, their interpretation is difficult to fit in the real world.

Hence, the BYU/CES fantasy maps, which apply the M2C definitions to create a mythological fantasy map with the hourglass shape.

This conflation of different terms into one meaning leads Brother Sorenson to make statements such as this: “The adjective narrow is, of course, a subjective term. We cannot establish absolute limits on the basis of such a term alone. The account of Limhi’s exploring party establishes that a party of ‘diligent men’ could pass twice through the “narrow neck” without realize the fact. This clearly says something important about how ‘narrow’ the neck was and was not.” 

The footnote to this sentence reads in part “It would have been possible for Limhi’s explorers to pass through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec without detecting that it was a ‘neck’ at all.

Sorenson claims that “In Alma 22:32 we learn that the width of the narrow neck was ‘a day and a half’s journey for a Nephite… Given such a range of possible travel distances, the Nephite ‘day and a half’s journey’ would not be implausible for the actual distance across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec of about 118 miles.”

While I’m not saying M2C is wrong, we have to recognize that when our best M2C intellectuals reach the conclusion that “narrow” could mean 118 miles across, we might have a problem with credibility.

To be sure, Brother Sorenson identifies a feature within the “narrow neck” as the “narrow pass or passage” (conflating those terms). It is an “elevation” of sandstone and gravel “that runs east-west, often forming a distinct ridge… this feature qualifies in every respect as the narrow pass of the Book of Mormon. When commander Mormon considered this ridge a ‘narrow passage,’ he certainly got it right in saying that if his Nephite army could hold it, the Lamanites from across the river could “not get possession of any of our [northward] lands” (Mormon 3:5).”

This is a reasonable interpretation that could be applied to dozens, or hundreds, of sites in the Western Hemisphere. What makes it fit in Mesoamerica is the separate interpretation of “narrow” meaning 118 miles in width.

IOW, to make the Book of Mormon text “fit” in Mesoamerica, we have Brother Sorenson and CES/BYU using a flexible interpretation of “narrow” that ranges from ridge suitable for foot traffic to an isthmus 118 miles wide.

For decades, I believed what Brother Sorenson and the other members of the M2C citation cartel taught, so I understand how alluring M2C can be.

And, actually, I have no problem with people continuing to believe M2C. People choose to believe what they want and then rationalize it; we’ve just seen how easy it is to persuade oneself that a 118-mile-wide isthmus is “narrow.”

I offer my perspective not to persuade you of anything, but to give you additional information so you can make your own informed decisions.

FWIW, here’s how I approach the text.

I ask myself, does it make more sense for the term “narrow” to apply to a geographical feature less than a mile wide, as Brewster used the term, or to be about 118 miles wide, as Sorenson and CES/BYU use the term?

Does it make more sense to interpret Book of Mormon terminology according to:

(i) the ordinary usage of the terms around the time (1779-1829) and place (New York area) where Joseph used them when he translated the text, or

(ii) the usage supplied by Mesoamerican scholars working in Utah about 180 years after Joseph translated the text?



The phrase “narrow pass” occurs three times in the Book of Mormon, but not in any other scriptures.

Results of search for “narrow pass” on

Old Testament (0)
New Testament (0)
Book of Mormon (3)
Doctrine and Covenants (0)
Pearl of Great Price (0)

If you look carefully at the usage of the phrase (see the verses below), you see that each usage is unique.

1. the narrow pass which led by the sea into the land northward (Alma 50:34) [Note: the qualifier “by the sea” implies there was at least one other “narrow pass” that people were familiar with. Here, the Nephite army headed the people of Morianton who were marching to the borders of the land Desolation.]

2. the narrow pass which led into the land northward (Alma 52:9) [Note: this passage makes no reference to the sea. If it referred to the same pass as the one in 50:34, it wouldn’t make sense; i.e., the 50:34 pass was between two seas. Fortifying the pass would not prevent invasion because the Lamanites could simply use boats to bypass the fortification. Plus, this chapter involved events two years after chapter 50 and doesn’t mention the land Desolation.]

3. the narrow pass which led into the land southward (Mormon 3:5) [Note: this was in a different context and hundreds of years after the Alma references]

I’m not saying it is “right” or “wrong” to interpret these passages are referring to the same feature or to different features. I’m suggesting that we need to ask ourselves these questions and not defer to someone else’s “consensus” interpretations.

Below are the verses in the Book of Mormon containing the term “narrow pass.”

Alma 50:34

34 And it came to pass that they did not head them until they had come to the borders of the land Desolation; and there they did head them, by the narrow pass which led by the sea into the land northward, yea, by the sea, on the west and on the east.

Alma 52:9

And he also sent orders unto him that he should fortify the land Bountiful, and secure the narrow pass which led into the land northward, lest the Lamanites should obtain that point and should have power to harass them on every side.

Mormon 3:5

And it came to pass that I did cause my people that they should gather themselves together at the land Desolation, to a city which was in the borders, by the narrow pass which led into the land southward.

Source: Book of Mormon Concensus

The Keystone of the Book of Mormon

One could find support in past teachings for all kinds of theories about Book of Mormon geography, with one exception: every prophet and apostle who has addressed the topic has affirmed that the Hill Cumorah is in New York. Not one has repudiated his predecessors.

The Hill Cumorah is the keystone of the historicity of the Book of Mormon, just as the Book of Mormon itself is the keystone of our religion.

From BYU Studies

The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. 

In General Conference, President Ezra Taft Benson taught“A keystone is the central stone in an arch. It holds all the other stones in place, and if removed, the arch crumbles. 

There are three ways in which the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. It is the keystone in our witness of Christ. It is the keystone of our doctrine. It is the keystone of testimony… 

Just as the arch crumbles if the keystone is removed, so does all the Church stand or fall with the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. The enemies of the Church understand this clearly. This is why they go to such great lengths to try to disprove the Book of Mormon…

Our beloved brother, President Marion G. Romney, who celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday last month and who knows of himself of the power that resides in this book, testified of the blessings that can come into the lives of those who will read and study the Book of Mormon….

The Hill Cumorah is the keystone of the historicity of the Book of Mormon. 

Cumorah is the intersection of the account of the Nephites, who called it Cumorah, and the account of the Jaredites, who called it Ramah.

As the only specific location unambiguously identified by the prophets, is the touchstone between the Book of Mormon and the real world.

Remove Cumorah, and there is no keystone for the historicity of the Book of Mormon. We’re left with nothing but abstract fantasy maps that portray the Book of Mormon as a myth with no connection to the real world.

In General Conference, President Marion G. Romney taught“In the western part of the state of New York near Palmyra is a prominent hill known as the “hill Cumorah.” (Morm. 6:6.) On July twenty-fifth of this year, as I stood on the crest of that hill admiring with awe the breathtaking panorama which stretched out before me on every hand, my mind reverted to the events which occurred in that vicinity some twenty-five centuries ago—events which brought to an end the great Jaredite nation….

Thus perished at the foot of Cumorah the remnant of the once mighty Jaredite nation, of whom the Lord had said, “There shall be none greater … upon all the face of the earth.” (Ether 1:43.)

As I contemplated this tragic scene from the crest of Cumorah and viewed the beautiful land of the Restoration as it appears today, I cried in my soul, “How could it have happened?”

[The Nephite] civilization came to an end for the same reason, at the same place, and in the same manner as did the Jaredites’….

Now my beloved brethren and sisters everywhere, both members of the Church and nonmembers, I bear you my personal witness that I know that the things I have presented to you today are true—both those pertaining to past events and those pertaining to events yet to come.”

The New York Cumorah is the keystone to the historicity of the Book of Mormon, but it does not determine where the other events in the Book of Mormon took place.

Lots of possible settings with Cumorah in New York

The prophets and apostles have been clear and specific about two things:

1. The Hill Cumorah is in New York.

2. We don’t know where the rest of the events took place.

There are many differences of opinion about the rest of Book of Mormon geography, and that’s fine. These ideas can encourage people to study the text for themselves.

Different theories and different evidence may be meaningful for different people. 

There is no reason to dispute about these. 

People can present their ideas, along with all the relevant information including the teachings of the prophets and the available extrinsic evidence, and then let others make informed decisions for themselves.

But there is no excuse for rejecting the consistent and persistent teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.

When we think about the teachings of the prophets about Cumorah, we could keep in mind something else President Benson said in his talk about the Keystone:

In the Doctrine and Covenants, section 84, verses 54 to 58, we read:

“And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received—

“Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation.

“And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all.

“And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which I have written—

“That they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father’s kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion.” [D&C 84:54–58]”

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

90% of inspiration is information

I read a comment by a BYU professor that rings true to me. It’s akin to President Nelson’s teaching that good inspiration comes from good information.

Sharing a personal philosophy he has applied in his career, his Church service, and his role as a parent, Top said, “90 percent of inspiration is information. So I’ve got to have enough information to know what to take to the Lord and then say guide me and help me to understand this better.”
“I can’t go to the Lord with a superficial pondering of the scriptures and the study questions in ‘Come, Follow Me’ and expect the Lord to pour deep knowledge into my head,” Top continued. “But if I am serious about my studies and I have taken responsibility for my own learning, then I can expect — and I personally know that it happens — that He is going to give me greater knowledge than I got from my own studies. But that’s after you’re willing to pay the price.”–october-2018-general-conference-weigh-in-on-personal-gospel-study-49036


If 90% of inspiration is information, then what are we to make of those who censor information?

In my view, the acceptance of M2C is easily explained by the ongoing censorship practices of the M2C citation cartel.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

"Mosiah first" explanation

There was an excellent “Kno-Why” on Book of Mormon Central last week, except for one glaring problem.

The Kno-Why was titled, “How does the ‘Mosiah-First’ Translation Sequence Strengthen Faith?” You can see it here:

Translation sequence – traditional explanation
the “small plates of Nephi” don’t fit anywhere

After the 116 pages were lost, Joseph did not translate much if anything until Oliver Cowdery arrived in Harmony in April, 1829.

Joseph resumed the translation of the plates by starting with the Book of Mosiah.

The Kno-Why included the illustration to the left, which depicts the timeline of the translation process according to the traditional explanation.

Do you see the problem?

It shows the “Small Plates” after the “Title Page.” But Joseph said the Title Page was the very last leaf of the plates,* not the last leaf before the Small Plates.

This is the problem with the traditional explanation of the translation process and the plates. The “Small Plates” don’t fit anywhere.

This is apparent not only from the order of translation, but also from the Title Page, which describes only three components:

1. Abridged record of the Nephites.
2. Abridged record of the Jaredites.
3. Sealed by Moroni (his original writings).

The Title Page does not mention any original plates. 

This is one of several indications that there were two separate sets of plates.

Translation sequence – “two-sets-of-plates” explanation
the “small plates of Nephi” were never in Moroni’s stone box

The illustration to the left is a revision to the translation chronology chart that explains the setting of the two translations.

You can see that the abridged plates, which I call the “Harmony plates,” were translated in Harmony. The original plates of Nephi, usually called the “small plates,” were translated in Fayette. That’s why I call them the “Fayette plates.”

Joseph also used the term “Original Book of Mormon,” which apparently consisted of the plates Moroni put in the stone box on the Hill Cumorah. This would have been the Book of Lehi through the Book of Moroni–the abridged records described by the Title Page.

After Martin Harris lost the Book of Lehi (the 116 pages), Joseph continued the translation from where he left off; i.e., the Book of Mosiah. Then, when Joseph and Oliver neared the end of the plates, they considered re-translating the Book of Lehi. In D&C 10, the Lord told them not to do this. Instead, they had to translate the engravings on the “plates of Nephi.”

But they didn’t have the “plates of Nephi” yet. 

Before leaving Harmony, Joseph gave the original plates to a divine messenger. On the road to Fayette, he, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer met this messenger. David offered to give him a ride but he declined, saying he was going to “Cumorah.”

David lived in the area but had never heard of “Cumorah.” He asked Joseph what was going on. Joseph said the man was one of the Three Nephites.**

Apparently the messenger was taking the Harmony plates back to the repository of Nephite records in the Hill Cumorah. There, he picked up the plates of Nephi and brought them to Fayette. He showed them (and/or the original plates) to Mary Whitmer, David’s mother, and then gave the plates of Nephi (the “small plates”) to Joseph Smith.

That’s why Joseph and Oliver translated the plates of Nephi in Fayette.

I put more explanation and a complete diagram here:

I have a lot more detail and explanation in my book, Whatever Happened to the Golden Plates?

Available everywhere, including Amazon.

The “two-sets-of-plates” answers lots of questions about Church history that the traditional explanation simply leaves as mysteries, inconsistencies–and, for some, reasons to disbelieve what Joseph, Oliver, David, and others claimed.

* Joseph’s 1839 history explains:

I wish also to mention here, that the Title Page of the Book of Mormon is a literal translation, taken from the very last leaf, on the left hand side of the collection or book of plates, which contained the record which has been translated…. said Title Page is not by any means a modern composition either of mine or of any other man’s who has lived or does live in this generation. Therefore, in order to correct an error which generally exists concerning it, I give below that part of the Title Page of the English Version of the Book of Mormon, which is a genuine and literal translation of the Title Page of the Original Book of Mormon, as recorded on the plates.

**David Whitmer related this account multiple times. Here’s one example, published in the Juvenile Instructor, a magazine published in Utah by George Q. Cannon.

A Visit to David Whitmer.

By. E. Stevenson [Note: ancestor of Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Twelve]

While on the return journey from Palmyra, David noticed a somewhat aged-looking man who approached them on the road. He had a very pleasant face, about which, however, there seemed something peculiar, and he carried a knapsack on his back fastened with straps which crossed his breast. David asked him to take a ride, but he declined, saying: “I am going over to Cumorah,” and then disappeared very suddenly, though there was no chance for him to secrete himself in the open country through which the party was then passing. All felt very strange concerning this personage and the Prophet was besought to inquire of the Lord concerning him. Shortly afterwards, David relates, the Prophet looked very white but with a heavenly appearance and said their visitor was one of the three Nephites to whom the Savior gave the promise of life on earth until He should come in power. After arriving home, David again saw this personage, and Mother Whitmer, who was very kind to Joseph Smith, is said to have seen one only this Nephite, but to have also been shown by him the sealed and unsealed portions of the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Great example of persuasion vs education

Some people wonder where M2C is being taught. They find it difficult to believe that employees at BYU, CES and COB (the Church Office Building) are actively teaching that the prophets were wrong about the New York Cumorah.

I agree, it’s difficult to believe. But I’m not kidding about this. Nor am I trying to persuade. It’s just a fact.

The real question should be, where is M2C not being taught?

Below I’ll give a specific recent example of the M2C rationale, but the teaching that Joseph adopted a false tradition about Cumorah is implicit in every depiction of M2C.

It’s very simple.

BYU’s M2C fantasy map

If they didn’t reject the teachings of the prophets and apostles about the New York Cumorah, the scholars and their followers would agree that the Hill Cumorah is in New York and depict it that way.

Instead, in their books, articles, blogs, and images, they depict Cumorah in Mesoamerica–or in the BYU/CES fantasy world designed to resemble Mesoamerica.

Participants in the M2C citation cartel explain M2C by claiming that Joseph Smith never referred to the hill as Cumorah until “late,” meaning several years after his associates created the “false narrative” that the hill in New York is the same as the hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6.

They claim that when Joseph did refer to Cumorah, such as in D&C 128:20, he was spreading a false tradition started by others.

Here’s the recent example. It’s from a blog post. I don’t identify individuals on this blog because names are irrelevant and I don’t want people coming to this blog by searching for names.

None of this is a personal issue; we’re dealing with facts and reason in the context of persuasion vs. education. It doesn’t matter who wrote it except that he’s a well-known author and active member of the M2C citation cartel.

I’m going to take the time to point out the difference between persuasion and education because I think readers can use this example to analyze everything they read. 

There’s a lot of detail in here, but sophistry is complex and unsuspecting readers don’t recognize the difference between persuasion and education. This is why we have so much fake news and sharp divisions among people, everywhere in the world.

I think that if people were educated about facts vs. opinions and how to recognize logical fallacies, most people would tend to agree on issues (assuming they could overcome their bias confirmation). Most people don’t want to take the time or make the effort; it’s far easier and more comfortable to continue confirming one’s biases.

Nevertheless, I think some Church members, at least, want to make informed decisions.

I re-emphasize that I don’t care what anyone believes. I’m not trying to persuade anyone of anything. I just want everyone interested to make informed decisions, and that means people need to have all the facts and learn to distinguish between persuasion and education.

This M2C author was responding to a post about Letter VII, which he rejects. Original in blue, my comments in red.

Oliver is a second-hand witness. The one person who could have settled this completely, Joseph, did not (until a decade or more later). 

This is an example of persuasion, as opposed to education. Everyone can read, right in the Joseph Smith Papers, that Oliver Cowdery, while Assistant President of the Church, declared it was a fact that the “hill in New York” is the very Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6.   

Of course, the author cannot point to any factual evidence that Oliver did not know, first hand, that the hill in New York was the real Cumorah. There is zero evidence that Oliver ever expressed speculation, doubt or confusion about Cumorah. Nor did anyone else associated with Joseph or Oliver, including family members and both members and nonmembers of the Church who heard them speak and lived among them. 

All our M2C proponent can do is try to persuade people that President Cowdery was lying because he didn’t explain, in Letter VII, how he knew it was a fact. That supposedly makes him a “second-hand witness.”

However, it is a fact that David Whitmer, Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff and Heber C. Kimball all explained that Oliver Cowdery said that on multiple occasions he (Oliver) and Joseph Smith entered the depository of records Mormon mentioned in Mormon 6:6. That alone makes Oliver a first-hand witness, but the M2C advocates also consider this testimony unreliable, so they relegate him to a “second-hand witness” based solely on their mind-reading.

It’s also a fact that Joseph had Letter VII copied into his own history and had it republished multiple times in Church publications during his lifetime, but none of that, in the M2C view, means Joseph settled the matter. 

Needless to say, the author simply censors all these facts. 

We can’t mind-read to know why he censors them, but we can see that the facts contradict they theory he is trying to persuade people to accept. That’s the typical motivation of censors.

Surely he has come up with reasons for rejecting the facts, but it’s easier to just censor them. To the extent he has reasons for rejecting the facts (he has articulated some elsewhere), the reasons are just as problematic as his characterization of Oliver Cowdery as a confused speculator who, as Assistant President of the Church, knowingly misled the Church. 

No matter what Oliver said, you have to deal with the two essential facts: 1) Joseph didn’t make the claim, and adopted it only after it was in common usage, and 2) no leader of the church after Joseph ever suggested that the Book of Mormon lands had been located.

The author knows he is not relating facts; he’s relating his subjective rejection of historical facts.

Readers here know that right in the Joseph Smith papers, we can read that Joseph’s mother quoted Joseph referring to the hill as Cumorah even before he got the plates. When the messenger who had the Harmony plates said he was taking the plates to Cumorah, Joseph identified him as one of the Nephites. (At a minimum, Joseph learned about Cumorah on this occasion, if he didn’t already know it.) Joseph related his experience with Cumorah to early members, such as Joseph Curtis, about which I posted here.

Every prophet and apostle who has ever formally addressed the issue has affirmed that Cumorah is in New York, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference. 

But, because of M2C, this author rejects all of these facts, as well as Letter VII. He not only rejects the teachings of the prophets and apostles; in this post he insists they never even said what the Conference Reports and other materials document. That is pure persuasion.

There is no question that Joseph retrieved the plates from a hill that later came to be known as Cumorah.

See? Because he rejects Lucy Mack Smith’s account, he censors it as if it didn’t exist and claims the hill “later came to be known as Cumorah.” 

It appears historically likely that Oliver was the one to make that association, just as W.W. Phelps was responsible for the shift from seer stone/interpreters to urim and thummin. 

Here is a delightful compound persuasion technique. First, he has Oliver making “that association” based on no evidence, contrary to the evidence we do have about Moroni and the divine messenger taking the Harmony plates to Cumorah. Then he claims Phelps was the one who “was responsible” for the term urim and thummim, which is a common interpretation of an article Phelps wrote but not a fact.

It is also quite clear that Oliver believed that the NY Cumorah was the Book of Mormon Cumorah, so it is unsurprising that anything he said would reflect that belief. Since we are dealing with second-hand information at best, and filtered through Oliver’s understanding, his statement makes sense–without making it true.

Here, he reads President Cowdery’s mind to frame him as a liar because when President Cowdery wrote in Letter VII that it was a fact, he knew it was really only a belief, based on “second-hand information at best.” Do you see how persuasion relies not on facts, but on mind-reading, inference, and unstated rejection of facts?

You will see these same tactics on display throughout the M2C literature.

If feels as though you are not aware of what a second-hand witness is. It means someone who heard the information from someone else. 

One hallmark of persuasion is the persuader gets confused. He’s claiming that Oliver was a “second-hand witness.” Here, he says a “second-hand witness” is “Someone who heard the information from someone else.” 

By this logic, Oliver heard Cumorah from someone else, but the M2C author doesn’t suggest from whom Oliver could have heard it. It’s easy to see why. From whom could Oliver have heard it from if not from Joseph, Moroni, the Lord, or the messenger taking the plates to Cumorah? He doesn’t offer an alternative. He either doesn’t recognize he’s tied his argument into a knot, or he hopes readers don’t realize what just happened here.  

That doesn’t make them unreliable. It means that we usually have to do some verification. If they are generally a good source, they can be accepted for what they are saying. However, if there is evidence that contradicts what they are suggesting, then the strong possibility is that in that thing where we have contradictory evidence, the second-hand witness is not as strong as we would like.

This is all persuasion-speak for saying that President Cowdery was unreliable. As a faithful Latter-day Saint, he knows that’s problematic. After all, President Cowdery was the only witness other than Joseph to the restoration of the Priesthood, the restoration of keys in the Kirtland temple, most of the Book of Mormon translation, and much more. M2C scholars realize they can’t directly call the Three Witnesses liars without undermining the entire foundation of the Restoration, so they couch it in this type of word salad, using terms such as “strong possibility,” “not as strong as we would like,” etc. 

The case for Oliver and the naming of the NY hill as Cumorah is one of those cases. We have it early from Oliver, but not from Joseph–even when Joseph is talking about the same hill. 

See? He keeps censoring Lucy’s account because it contradicts his theory. Persuasion, not education.

That happens for close to a decade, where Joseph didn’t use Cumorah, but Oliver (and increasingly the whole of the community) began using Cumorah. 

This is a very important persuasion technique. He writes “Joseph didn’t use Cumorah” as if that’s a fact, but of course it’s not. It’s pure opinion. The most he can accurately state is “we don’t have a written record of Joseph using the word Cumorah for close to a decade.” 

Here are facts (education) instead of persuasion: (i) Joseph wrote little, (ii) we don’t even have everything Joseph wrote, (iii) very few of Joseph’s words were recorded, and even fewer were recorded verbatim, (iv) some of his words that were recorded identify the hill in New York as Cumorah, (v) Joseph’s associates taught things they learned from Joseph, even when we don’t have Joseph’s words themselves recorded. 

Among these facts are those I related above (Lucy Mack Smith, Brigham Young, etc.) and Letter VII itself.

Another fascinating thing about this argument is that, by this definition, Joseph didn’t “use” the Book of Mormon itself. Oliver wrote it down. So far as we know, Joseph rarely quoted from the text. The only proper nouns found in the Book of Mormon that appear in Joseph’s writings that we do have are Cumorah (in the letter that became D&C 128:20) and Nephites (in his letter to Emma about the plains of the Nephites), although he dictated a few proper nouns in the revelations in the D&C. 

While we don’t have evidence that Joseph dictated Oliver’s eight historical letters, we do have evidence that Joseph helped write them, had them copied into his own history as part of his life story, and had them republished in official Church publications (including by his own brothers William and Don Carlos). 

Readers need to weigh this evidence against zero evidence that Joseph ever disputed, questioned, or rejected the New York Cumorah.   

Since there is no evidence that Oliver received revelation on the topic, we have to look at who his source might have been. The only one who could declare the name from revelation was Joseph–but that would be hard to conclude since Joseph himself didn’t use that name.

More careful persuasion. The author wants readers to think past the sale; i.e., to think that revelation is the only way Oliver could have learned that the hill in New York was the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6, which of course is untrue.  

This argument is like saying that Oliver never had a revelation that Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon. Of course, Oliver didn’t need such a revelation–he experienced it.

We have evidence from credible witnesses that Oliver told people he had been inside the repository of Nephite records in that hill. Personal experience works as well as revelation.

There’s another “think past the sale” persuasion argument here; i.e., the argument that only Joseph could declare the name from revelation. But we already saw evidence that Oliver heard about Cumorah from the divine messenger taking the plates to Cumorah. Oliver also met Moroni during the Three Witnesses experience. We don’t have a record of what Moroni told the witnesses, but both Oliver and David Whitmer taught that the hill in New York was the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6. 

And, of course, the lack of a written record of other revelation doesn’t mean Oliver didn’t receive other revelation, especially when we know he and Joseph had revelations they didn’t record. JS-H 1:73. Plus, Oliver explained that he wrote the letters using documents then in their possession which we no longer have. 

IOW, we have evidence of Oliver receiving revelations for which we have no records, and of Oliver using records we no longer have. Yet this M2C author contradicts that evidence by citing… no evidence! 

So, you are incorrect that I am discounting the validity of everything that Oliver said. 

Finally, a logical, factual statement (assuming that’s what the other author actually wrote). But, if the other author was referring to what Oliver wrote and said about Cumorah, then this M2C author is, actually, “discounting the validity of everything that Oliver said” on that topic.

I am saying that he didn’t get the information from Moroni, and the case for getting it from Joseph is contradicted by Joseph’s avoidance of the name when discussing the hill.

It’s difficult to find a better example of pure persuasion vs. education than this. He’s stating as fact both (i) his inference from a lack of evidence about Moroni (i.e., his own imagination) and (ii) his own rejection of the available facts (i.e., the evidence from when Joseph did use the name)! 

Yes, Oliver said it was Cumorah. No, that doesn’t mean that Joseph did, and the evidence is that he didn’t.

One effective persuasion technique is to combine something that looks logical, but is actually a fallacy, while characterizing a subjective opinion as a fact.

The first part of the sentence looks logical; i.e., it’s true that Oliver saying it was Cumorah doesn’t mean that Joseph did. But it also doesn’t mean that Joseph did not say it was Cumorah! 

It is persuasion to make bare conclusions by simply citing the term “evidence,” (especially after censoring relevant evidence).

It is education to provide the facts, in context, and then assess probabilities based on those facts.

In every other case of Oliver’s writing about facts, he related either 
(i) his own personal experiences or 
(ii) what he learned from Joseph Smith–including in these eight historical essays both before and after Letter VII, including Moroni’s visit, Joseph’s first trip to the hill Cumorah, and the contents of Moroni’s stone box. Those are facts from which we can draw one of two inferences:

1. Like everything else in these letters, Oliver learned the facts about Cumorah from Joseph Smith or his own personal experience.


2. Unlike everything else in these letters, Oliver speculated about Cumorah and falsely claimed it was a fact.

Now, the second part of the sentence is pure opinion, not fact: “the evidence is that he didn’t.” 

There is no evidence that Joseph never called the hill Cumorah, as we saw above. 

But there is evidence that Joseph called it Cumorah before he even got the plates, that he and Oliver visited the depository in the hill. that the messenger took the Harmony plates to Cumorah, that he taught others that the hill was named Cumorah (Joseph Curtis).

In terms of publications, we have Letter VII, republished multiple times in official and unofficial Church publications, including the Times and Seasons.

Opposed to this evidence is the fact that the hill was left unnamed in a history compiled by Joseph’s scribes that was intended for non-members (now JS-H). This history was published once in the Times and Seasons and it contained a serious mistake (substituting Nephi for Moroni), but the M2C advocates consider it so important that it outweighs all the other evidence.
Therefore, it seems to be a name that Oliver applied, and it was picked up. Citing Oliver on the topic does not establish that the hill was Cumorah, only that Oliver called it that by the time he wrote those letters (and I suspect earlier).

After censoring all the evidence that contradicts his theory, this M2C advocate seeks to persuade his readers that Oliver was a liar. 

I hope this has been a helpful exercise to see the difference between persuasion and education. You can do the same exercise whenever you read material published by the M2C citation cartel.

Here are more examples of M2C in print. They all teach that Cumorah cannot be in New York.

M2C map of Mesoamerica

M2C book

M2C book

M2C book

M2C painting

M2C book

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Joseph Smith’s account referring to Cumorah

Here’s an interesting reference to Joseph Smith teaching about the Hill Cumorah in 1835 or 1836.

Joseph Curtis reminiscences and diary, October 1839-March 1881. This passage was recorded no later than October 1839.

In the spring of 1835 Joseph smith in Company with his father & mother & some others came to Michigan & paid us a visit-in a meeting stated the reason he preached the doctrin he did I will state a few things according to my memory-as a revival of some of the secs was going on some of this fathers family joined in with the revival himself being quite young he feeling an anxiety to be religious his mind some what troubled this scripture came to his mind which sayes if a man lack wisdom let him ask of god who giveth liberaly and upbraideth not believing it he went with a determinatio[n] to obtain to enquire of the lord himself after some struggle the Lord manifested to him that the different sects were rong also that the Lord had a great work for him to do-it worried his mind-he told his father-his father told him to do as the Lord manifested – had other manifestations saw an angel with a view of the hill cumorah & the plates of gold had certain instructions got the plates & by the assistance of the urim & Thumin translated them by the gift & power of God also stated he had done nothing except he more than he was commanded to do & for this his name was cast out as evil for this he was persecuted[.]

[Note: some think the visit was October 1834. Joseph could have made multiple visits to Michigan.]

You can see this reference in the Church History library. Search for Joseph Curtis reminiscences and go to page 12/208.

The following link may or may not work:

Source: Letter VII

Persuasion vs. Education

I frequently explain that I’m not trying to persuade anyone of anything, but some people think that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. These are mostly M2C advocates who claim I’m trying to persuade people because (i) I’m presenting facts that contradict M2C and (ii) M2C advocates engage in persuasion, not education. It’s an important distinction.

I don’t think I’ve persuaded anyone of anything anyway, so it’s really a moot point.

Plus, I don’t think people even can be persuaded, except by depriving them of important information.

People only change their minds of their own volition. This graphic is a good example. It depicts upside down plates.

But one plate is right side up, and when you see it, all the others flip right side up.

I can’t persuade you that the plates are right side up. Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

Nothing I can say will enable you to see the plates being right side up. You have to discover the outlier (the fact) and experience the change yourself.

This is a nice metaphor for education. Sometimes one fact can entirely change our understanding of reality. That’s why education about facts is so essential.

In my view, there’s a distinction between persuasion and education. The difference is not a fine line or a grey area. It’s a bright line.

I’m opposed to persuasion. I’m in favor of education. It’s that simple.

I want people to be able to make informed decisions, and that means they need good information.

As President Nelson said, “good inspiration is based upon good information.

Good information is not the product of censorship. It’s not the outcome of sophistry and logical fallacies.

If I was trying to persuade people, I would use the tactics employed by Book of Mormon Central Censor, FairlyMormon, and the rest of the M2C citation cartel. I would censor sources and interpretations that contradict my views. I would use logical fallacies. I would appeal to the authority of my like-minded academic peers. I would use peer-approval instead of peer-review when I publish articles. I would use my position as an employee to imprint the M2C interpretation of the text, to the exclusion of alternative views. Basically, I would use Orwell’s 1984 as my handbook.

Maybe, like some M2C intellectuals lately, I would claim I’d been hired by the prophets so my personal, academic opinions cannot be analyzed, criticized, or disagreed with. 

But I don’t do that. Unlike the M2C citation cartel, I don’t have “credentials” or any position of authority to enforce my views.

Instead, I do research to discover facts, which I then share on this blog and elsewhere. I discuss various interpretations of the facts. Sometimes the facts change the views of those who learn about them, but that’s not me persuading anyone. That’s people learning new facts and making informed decisions for themselves.

A big problem we have in the Church is this: as long as the M2C citation cartel and revisionist historians persist in seeking to persuade by censoring information, using logical fallacies, and appealing to their credentials, their followers cannot make informed decisions.

Education, not persuasion, leads me to discuss factual errors and logical fallacies that I see. To do that, I provide my red-line comments to academic material so everyone can see that I’m not “cherry picking” or hiding anything. I also welcome, even solicit, corrections whenever I mistake or overlook a relevant fact.

None of this is intended to persuade. It’s all intended to educate, so people can make informed decisions on their own.

A good example of this is a recent post about Martin Harris, which you can see here:

In that post, I set out a fact and then explain two alternative explanations. Readers are encouraged to consider the facts and reach their own conclusions. It’s pure education, not persuasion.

One reason I got involved with Church history and Book of Mormon historicity is because several people, including former missionary companions, family members, and business associates, challenged my beliefs in the Book of Mormon, the divinity of the Restoration, etc.

They made some good points, based on (i) facts that I didn’t know and (ii) facts I had known didn’t fit with the prevailing narrative, but that I had “put on the shelf.”

I’ve since resolved what initially appeared to be troublesome facts, but those issues remain troublesome for many people. I think the problem is two-fold.

1. Many aspects of the prevailing narratives (M2C, Church history, Gospel Topics essays) are not credible because they contradict, or don’t explain, important facts.

2. Church employees at BYU, CES and COB don’t teach these important facts, so when people first learn the facts from critics, the critics have more credibility.

I’ll be discussing all of this in upcoming posts and books, but I mention it here because it’s related to my experience that education, not persuasion, is the way to go.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars