Oliver’s Apostolic Blessing

Today’s Come Follow Me lesson included a portion of Oliver Cowdery’s blessing to the original Quorum of the Twelve.

A lot of people haven’t read it, so I’ll post it below.

It was Oliver Cowdery who ordained and blessed the original Twelve. In some cases, the minutes note that Martin Harris and David Whitmer assisted. For other cases, we can infer that all three witnesses participated in the ordination, but the record is not clear.


Traditionally, we’ve all been taught that the Three Witnesses ordained the original Twelve. That’s why everyone’s Priesthood line of authority shows the Three Witnesses. It’s possible that happened, but the record for February 14, 1835, shows that the Three Witnesses ordained (blessed) Lyman Johnson, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball.

The minutes say that on Feb. 15, 1835, “President Cowdery called forwarward [sic] Orson Hyde, David W. Patten and Luke Johnson and proceeded to their ordination & blessing.”

After recording the blessings of these three men, the minutes record the “blessing” of William E. McLellin, John F. Boynton, and William Smith, without explaining who ordained them.

Later, on Feb. 21, Parley P. Pratt was ordained as one of the Twelve by Joseph Smith, David Whitmer, and Oliver Cowdery. Oliver acted as voice and after the ordination, gave Elder Pratt a charge.

The same day Oliver Cowdery “blessed” Thomas B. Marsh. David Whitmer sealed that blessing. Then Orson Pratt was ordained and David Whitmer confirmed the ordination. Following that blessing, Prsident Cowdery gave the charge to the Twelve (below).


The Three Witnesses received their priesthood authority this way:

Oliver Cowdery – Peter, James and John

David Whitmer – ordained a High Priest by Oliver Cowdery on October 25, 1831

Martin Harris – ordained a High Priest by Lyman Wight on June 3, 1831. Wight had been ordained an Elder by Oliver Cowdery on Nov. 20, 1830. [Note: Wight was ordained to the “high Priesthood” by Joseph Smith in June 1831, and then Wight ordained Joseph Smith to the “high Priesthood” at the same meeting.]
https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/john-whitmer-history-1831-circa-1847/32 and


The following Charge was given to the Twelve by President 


Dear Brethren, previously to delivering the charge I shall read a part of a revelation. It is known to you that previous to the organizing of this church in 1830 The Lord gave revelations or the Church could not have been organized. The people of this Church were weak in faith compared with the ancients. Those who embarked in this cause, were desirous to know how the work was to be conducted. They read many things in the Book of Mormon, concerning their duty and the way the great work ought to be done, but the minds of men are so constructed, that they will not believe without a testimony of seeing or hearing. The Lord gave us a revelation, that in process of time there should be Twelve chosen to preach his gospel to Jew & Gentile. Our minds have been on a constant stretch to find who these Twelve were: [p. 158]
When the time should come, we could not tell, but we sought the Lord by fasting and prayer, to have our lives prolonged to see this day, to see you, and to take a retrospect of the difficulties through which we have passed. but, having seen the day, it becomes my duty to deliver to you a charge. And first, a few remarks respecting your ministry. You have many Revelations put into your hands. Revelations to make you acquainted with the nature of your Mission. You will have difficulties by reason of your visiting all the nations of the world. You will need wisdom in a tenfold proportion to what you have ever had. You will have to combat all the prejudices of all nations. 
He then read Revelation, and proceeded to say, Have you desired this ministry with all your hearts. If you have desired it, you are called of God not of man, to go into all the world. 
He read again, from the Revilation, what the Lord said to the 12 Brethren you have your duty presented in this revelation. You have been ordained to the Holy Priesthood, You have received it from those who had their power and authority from an angel.— You are to preach the gospel to every nation. should you in the least degree, come short of your duty, great will be your condemnation, for the greater the calling, the greater the transgression. I, therefore, warn you to cultivate great humility, for I know the pride of the human heart. Beware, lest the flatterers of the world lift you up. Beware lest your affections are captivated by worldly objects. Let your ministry be first. 
Remember the souls of men are committed to your charge, and if you mind your calling you shall always prosper. You have been indebted to other men in the first instance for evidence, on that you have acted. But <​it,​> is necessary that you receive a testimony from Heaven for [p. 159] yourselves, so that you can bear testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon. And that you have seen the face of God: that is more than the testimony of an Angel. When the proper time arrives, you shall be able to bear this testimony to the world. When you bear testimony that you have seen God. This testimony God will never suffer to fall, but will bear you out. Although many will not give heed, yet others will. You will, therefore see the necessity of getting this testimony from Heaven. Never cease striving until you have seen God, face to face. Strengthen your faith, cast off your doubts, your sins and all your unbelief and nothing can prevent you from coming to God. your ordination is not full and complete till God has laid his hand upon you. We require as much to qualify us as did those who have gone before us. God is the same. If the Saviour in former days laid his hands on his deciples. Why not in the latter Days. 
With regard to superiority I must make a few remarks. The ancient Apostles sought to be great. but, brethren lest the seeds of discord be sown in this matter, understand particularly the voice of the spirit on this occasion. God does not love you better or more than others. You are to contend for the faith once deliverd to the saints. Jacob, you know wrestled till he obtained. It was by fervent prayer and diligent search that you have obtained the testimony you are now able to bear. You are as one, you are equal in bearing the keys of the kingdom to all nations. You are called to preach the gospel of the son of God to the nations of the earth. [p. 160]
It is the will of your Heavenly Father that you proclaim his gospel to the ends of the earth. and the Islands of the sea. Be zealous to save souls. The soul of one man is as precious as the soul of another. You are to bear this message to those who consider themselves wise. and such may persecute you, they may seek your life. The adversary has always sought the life of the servants of God. You are, therefore, to be prepared at all times to make a sacrifice of your lives, should God require them in the advancement and building up of his cause. Murmur not at God. Be always prayerful, be always watchful. 
You will bear with me while I relieve the feelings of my heart. We shall not see another day like this. The time has fully come; The voice of the spirit has come to set these men apart. You will see the time when you will desire to see such a day as this, and you will not see it. Every heart wishes you peace & prosperity. but the scene, with you, will inevitably change. Let no man take your bishopric, and beware that you lose not your crowns. It will require your whole souls. It will require courage like Enoch’s. The time is near when you will be in the midst of congregations, who will gnash their teeth upon you. This gospel must roll and will roll till it fill the whole Earth. 
Did I say congregations would gnash upon you, yea I say nations will gnash upon you. You will be considered the worst of Men. Be not discouraged at this, When God pours out his Spirit, the enemy will rage, but. God, remember is on your right hand and on your left. A man, though he may be considered the worst, has joy who is conscious that he pleases God. The lives of those who proclaim the true gospel will be in danger; this has been the case ever since the days of righteous Abel. The same opposition has been manifest whenever [p. 161] men came forward to publish the gospel. The time is coming when you will be considered the worst by many & by some the best of men. The time is coming, when you will be perfectly familiar with the things of God. This testimony will make those who do not believe your testimony, seek your lives. But their there are whole nations, who will receive your testimony. They will call you good men. Be not lifted up when you are called good men. Remember you are young men, and you shall be spared, I include the other three. Bear them in mind in your prayers carry their cases to a throne of grace. Although they are not present, yet you and they are equal. This appointment is calculated to create an affection in you, for each other, stronger than death.
You will travel to other nations, Bear each other in mind. If one or more is cast into prisons, let the others pray for him, and deliver him by their prayers. Your lives shall be in great jeopardy, but the promise of God, is that you shall be delivered. Remember you are not to go to other nations, till you receive your endowment. Tarry at 

 until you are endowed with power from on high. You need a fountain of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence such as you never had. 

Relative to the endowment, I make a remark or two, that there be no mistake. The world cannot receive the things of God. He can endow you without wor[l]dly pomp or great parade. He can give you that wisdom, that intelligence and that power which characterized the ancient Saints and now characterizes the inhabitants of the upper world. The greatness of your commission, consists in this; you are to hold the keys of this ministry. You [p. 162] are to go to the nations afar off; nations that sit in darkness. The [time?] is coming when the work of God must be done. Israel shall be gathered, The seed of Jacob shall be gathered from their long dispersion. There will be a feast to Israel, the elect of God. It is a sorrowful tale but the gospel must be preached and his <​God’s​> ministers be rejected. but where can Israel be found, and receive your testimony, and not rejoice? No where. The Prophecies are full of great things that are to take place in the last days. After the Elect is gathered out, destruction shall come on the inhabitants of the Earth; All nations shall feel the wrath of God, after they have been warned by the saints of the Most High. If you will not warn them others will and you will lose your crowns. 
You must prepare your minds to bid a long farewell to 

. even till the great day come. You will see what you never expected to see. You will need the mind of Enoch or Elijah & the faith of the brother of Jared. You must be prepared to walk by faith, however, appalling the prospect to human view. You, and each of you should feel the force of the imperious mandate, “Son go labor in my vineyard” and cheerfully receive what comes, but in the end you will stand while others will fall. You have read in the Revelation concerning ordination. Beware how you ordain, for all nations are not like this nation. They will willingly receive the ordinances at your hand to put you out of the way. There will be times when nothing but the angels of God can deliver you out of their hand. We appeal to your intelligence, we appeal to your understanding, that we have so far discharged our duty to you. We consider it one of the greatest condescentions of our Heavenly Father in pointing you out to us. You will be steward over this ministry. [p. 163]

We have work to do, that no other man can do. You must proclaim the Gospel in its simplicity and purity. and we commend you to God and the word of his grace. You have our best wishes, you have our most fervent prayers, that you may be able to bear this testimony, that you have seen the face of God. Therefore, call upon him in faith and mighty prayer, till you prevail, for it <​is​> your duty and your privelege to bear such testimony for yourselves. We now exhort you to be faithful to fulfil your calling, there must be no lack here. You must fulfil in all things, and permit is us to repeat, all nations have a claim on you. You are bound together as the three witnesses were. You, notwithstanding can part & meet & meet and part again till your heads are silvered o[v]er with age.
He then took them separately by the hand and said, Do you with full purpose of heart take part in this ministry, to proclaim the gospel with all diligence with these your brethren, according to the tenor and intent of the charge you have received, each of which answered in the affirmative.

Source: Letter VII

Writing to President Nelson – Correlation Department response

A lot of Church members write letters to President Nelson. He receives probably thousands of letters every day. As in any large organization, staffers open his mail and distribute it to appropriate departments for responses.

If you write to him about Book of Mormon geography issues, your letter is routed to the Correlation Department. I discussed this last year in a blog post, here.

I’m sure the anonymous employees at the Correlation Department want to do the right thing. Their form letter includes a personal section that acknowledges any specific circumstances people include in their letter. It’s impressive how the Church works so diligently to serve the needs of the members throughout the world, even to the point of answering thousands of letters.

However, an attachment to the form letter lists statements by Church leaders about Book of Mormon geography. It appears that the Correlation Department employees got their information from the M2C citation cartel, mostly likely from FairlyMormon which uses the same quotations on its web page, also out of context and incomplete.

Consequently, the form letter is yet another exercise in censorship and misdirection, thanks to the M2C citation cartel.

If your only source of information is material approved by the Correlation Department, you will never learn what the prophets have taught about the Hill Cumorah. 

President Nelson has declared that “Good inspiration comes from good information.” 

When the Correlation Department is not sending out good information, what results can we expect?

As always, I urge the well-meaning but apparently uninformed employees in the Church Office Building (COB), at CES, and at BYU to reject the censorship and misdirection foisted on them by the M2C citation cartel. 

It is far better to give members of the Church all the relevant information so they can make informed decisions on their own. That’s the only way to implement the official Church policy of neutrality.

Here is a table that compares what the Correlation Department sends out with what they should send out if they want to exemplify the neutrality position of the Church.

Anonymous Form Letter from the Correlation Department
(original in blue)
Suggested additions/revisions
(comments in black, suggestions in red)
Dear [Brother/Sister X]
Keep unchanged.
We have been asked to respond to your letter to [President Nelson, the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, individual members of that quorum, etc.]
Keep unchanged.
As you are aware, much has been said and written about Book of Mormon geography over the past 180 plus years. Many have invested much time in trying to determine the precise location of sites noted throughout the Book of Mormon.
Keep unchanged.
As part of their research efforts, some have proposed their understanding of specific geography which they feel best matches the Book of Mormon record. However, to date, there is no official Church position as to the precise locations of the noted geography.
Here’s where the problem starts. The letter is confusing two separate, clear teachings of Church leaders. To be accurate, the letter should be revised along these line:
As part of their research efforts, some have proposed their understanding of specific geography which they feel best matches the Book of Mormon record. However, to date, there is no official Church position beyond the clear, consistent teachings of the prophets and apostles that:
1. The Hill Cumorah is in New York.
2. We don’t know for sure where the rest of the events took place.
During your research you may have also discovered that while several have made suggestions as to geographic specificity, neither the First Presidency, nor the Lord, Himself, have definitively revealed the precise locations of the geography and events under consideration.
During your research you may have also discovered that while several have made suggestions as to geographic specificity, neither the First Presidency, nor the Lord, Himself, have definitively revealed the precise locations of the geography and events under consideration, apart from the Hill Cumorah in New York.
In 1980, the entire First Presidency individually and personally endorsed a letter sent from their office which read, “The Church has long maintained, as attested to by references in the writings of General Authorities, that the Hill Cumorah in western New York State is the same as referenced in the Book of Mormon.”
The location of Cumorah was established by Moroni even before Joseph obtained the plates. It was formally published in Letter VII, written by President Oliver Cowdery in 1835 and republished in every official Church newspaper, often at Joseph Smith’s direction, through the Improvement Era. The New York Cumorah is also consistent with D&C 128:20.
The following statement from President George Q. Cannon seems representative. He said: “The First Presidency have often been asked to prepare some suggestive map illustrative of Nephite geography but have never consented to do so” (Gospel Truth, 476-477).
The following statement from President George Q. Cannon seems representative regarding locations other than Cumorah.
He said: “The First Presidency have often been asked to prepare some suggestive map illustrative of Nephite geography but have never consented to do so” (Gospel Truth, 476-477).
Additionally, President Russell M. Nelson spoke about the Book of Mormon saying: “Since President Monson’s challenge six months ago, I have tried to follow his counsel. Among other things, I’ve made lists of what the Book of Mormon is, what it affirms, what it refutes, what it fulfills, what it clarifies, and what it reveals. Looking at the Book of Mormon through these lenses has been an insightful and inspiring exercise! I recommend it to each of you” (Ensign, November 2017).
Keep unchanged.
President Nelson has also said, “I would like to add my testimony of the divinity of this book. I have read it many times. I have also read much that has been written about it. Some authors have focused upon its stories, its people, or its vignettes of history. Others have been intrigued by its language structure or its records of weapons, geography, animal life, techniques of building, or systems of weights and measures. Interesting as these matters may be, study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental” (Ensign, November 1999, 69).
Keep unchanged.
We hope that this emphasis, noted by the prophet, will be a blessing to you as you continue your study of the Book of Mormon. We also hope that the attached document will prove to be helpful as you continue that study.
Keep unchanged.
[inserted note addressing specific personal concerns]
Keep unchanged.
We have copied your stake president on this response and invite you to visit with him further if you have additional questions regarding this or any other matter.
Keep unchanged.
May the Lord bless you in your lives. [unsigned]
Keep unchanged.
Attached document
 Attached document
Prophetic Statements on BOM Geography

President Russell M. Nelson

“I would like to add my testimony of the divinity of this book. I have read it many times. I have also read much that has been written about it. Some authors have focused upon its stories, its people, or its vignettes of history. Others have been intrigued by its language structure or its records of weapons, geography, animal life, techniques of building, or systems of weights and measures.

Interesting as these matters may be, study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental.”  [Ensign, November 1999, 69.]
Keep unchanged.
President Gordon B. Hinckley
The evidence for its [Book of Mormon] truth, for its validity in a world that is prone to demand evidence, lies not in archaeology or anthropology, though these may be helpful to some. It lies not in word research or historical analysis, though these may be confirmatory. The evidence for its truth and validity lies within the covers of the book itself. The test of its truth lies in reading it. It is a book of God. Reasonable men may sincerely question its origin; but those who have read it prayerfully have come to know by a power beyond their natural senses that it is true, that it contains the word of God, that it outlines saving truths of the everlasting gospel, that it came forth by the gift and power of God “to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ.” (Book of Mormon title page.) (Ensign, November 1984, 52)
Keep unchanged.
President Harold B. Lee
Some say the Hill Cumorah was in southern Mexico (and someone pushed it down still farther) and not in western New York. Well, if the Lord wanted us to know where it was or where Zarahemla was, He’d have given us latitude and longitude, don’t you think? And why bother our heads trying to discover with archaeological certainty the geographical locations of the cities of the Book of Mormon like Zarahemla?
The witness of the Book of Mormon is not found in the ruins of Central and South America. They may be outward evidences of a people long since disappeared. The real witness is that which is found in the Book of Mormon itself. [The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, 155- 156.]
This is a favorite quotation from the M2C citation cartel, so it’s not surprising the Correlation Department includes it here. I’m told that this statement is the guiding principle for screening material before it gets to the First Presidency; i.e., anything that involves Book of Mormon geography is diverted before it reaches the First Presidency. 
But as written, the quotation is misleading because it is taken out of context. This was an informal comment to Church educators, warning them against teaching false doctrine. I’ve discussed that here.
Providing the entire context may not be feasible in a short summary; if that’s the case, the passage should be deleted. But if the Department wants to include this obscure passage anyway, and continue to omit the context, they should at least supplement it with another statement by President Lee that summaries the rest of the context of his informal statement to Church educators:
“Hugh Nibley apparently has no patience with the doubters as to the N.Y. Cumorah.”
President Howard W. Hunter
Faith is required for a divine reason. Faith is the assurance of the existence of a truth even though it is not evident or cannot be proved by positive evidence. Suppose that all things could be proven by demonstrative evidence. What then would become of the element of faith? There would be no need for faith and it would be eliminated, giving rise then to this query: If faith is the first step or principle of the gospel and is eliminated, what happens to the gospel plan? The very foundation will crumble. I submit that there is a divine reason why all things cannot be proven by concrete evidence. [Ensign, May 1975, 38.]
Keep unchanged.
President George Q. Cannon 
There is a tendency, strongly manifested . . . among some of the brethren, to study the geography of the Book of Mormon. . . . We are greatly pleased to notice the . . . interest taken by the Saints in this holy book. . . . But valuable as is the Book of Mormon both in doctrine and history, yet it is possible to put this sacred volume to uses for which it was never intended, uses which are detrimental rather than advantageous to the cause of truth, and consequently to the work of the Lord. . . .   

The brethren who lecture on the lands of the Nephites or the geography of the Book of Mormon are not united in their conclusions. No two of them, so far as we have learned, are agreed on all points, and in many cases the variations amount to tens of thousands of miles. These differences of views lead to discussion, contention and perplexity; and we believe more confusion is caused by these divergences than good is done by the truths elicited. 
How is it that there is such a variety of ideas of this subject? Simply because the Book of Mormon is not a geographical primer. It was not written to teach geographical truths. What is told us of the situation of the various lands or cities of the ancient Jaredites, Nephites and Lamanites is usually simply an incidental remark connected with the doctrinal or historical portions of the work and almost invariably only extends to a statement of the relative position of some land or city to contiguous or surrounding places and nowhere gives us the exact situation or boundaries so that it can be definitely located without fear of error.  
It must be remembered that geography as a science, like chronology and other branches of education, was not understood or taught after the manner or by the methods of the moderns. It could not be amongst those peoples who were not acquainted with the size and form of the earth, as was the case with most of the nations of antiquity, though not with the Nephites. Their Seers and Prophets appear to have received divine light on this subject. 
The First Presidency have often been asked to prepare some suggestive map illustrative of Nephite geography but have never consented to do so. Nor are we acquainted with any of the Twelve Apostles who would undertake such a task. The reason is that without further information they are not prepared even to suggest. The word of the Lord or the translation of other ancient records is required to clear up many points now so obscure that, as we have said, no two original investigators agree with regard to them. . . .    

For these reasons we have strong objections to the introduction of maps and their circulation among our people which profess to give the location of the Nephite cities and settlements. As we have said, they have a tendency to mislead instead of enlighten, and they give rise to discussions which will lead to division of sentiment and be very unprofitable. We see no necessity for maps of this character, because, at least, much would be left to the imagination of those who prepare them; and we hope that there will be no attempt made to introduce them or give them general circulation.   

Of course, there can be no harm result from the study of the geography of this continent at the time it was settled by the Nephites, drawing all the information possible from the record which has been translated for our benefit. But beyond this we do not think it necessary, at the present time, to go, because it is plain to be seen, we think, that evils may result therefrom. (Jan. 1, 1890, JI 18-19) (Gospel Truth, 476-477)

Keep unchanged, except include the full quotation, which I posted here. In the portions omitted by the Correlation Department, President Cannon gave specific examples of the problems. None of them involved Cumorah.
Informed readers can tell that President Cannon was clearly referring to speculation about geography beyond the New York Cumorah.
This is evident from his statement that ”The First Presidency have often been asked to prepare some suggestive map illustrative of Nephite geography but have never consented to do so. Nor are we acquainted with any of the Twelve Apostles who would undertake such a task.
Of course, Letter VII originated with the First Presidency in 1835 and ever since, members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve have affirmed the New York Cumorah in writing and in General Conference addresses.
President Cannon notes accurately that none of the Brethren who have reaffirmed the New York Cumorah have undertaken the task of preparing a map of Nephite geography. That’s because they are two separate issues.
The passage should be introduced with an explanation.
President Cannon was aware that members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve had consistently taught that the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is the hill in New York from which Joseph obtained the plates. No members of those quorums has ever questioned or repudiated that teaching. However, members of those quorums, as well as other members of the Church, have entertained different ideas about other aspects of Book of Mormon geography. President Cannon addressed this separate issue with these comments.

There is a tendency, strongly manifested… [etc.]
President Joseph F. Smith
A Book of Mormon geography conference was held at Brigham Young Academy on May 23-24, 1903 President Joseph F. Smith gave the following counsel regarding the discussion on the location of Zarahemla:

“President Smith spoke briefly, and expressed the idea that the situation [location] of the city [of Zarahemla] was one of interest certainly, but if it could not be located the matter was not of vital importance, and if there were differences of opinion on the question it would not affect the salvation of the people; and he advised against students considering it of such vital importance as the principles of the Gospel.” (Deseret Evening News, May 25, 1903, 7)

Note: The present associate editor of The Instructor was one day in the office of the late President Joseph F. Smith when some brethren were asking him to approve a map showing the exact landing place of Lehi and his company. President Smith declined to officially approve the map, saying that the Lord had not yet revealed it, and that if it were officially approved and afterwards found to be in error, it would affect the faith of the people. (George D. Pyper, Associate Editor) [The Instructor, Vol. 73, April, 1938, #4, 160.]
This is another example of the difference between the New York Cumorah and the rest of the geography.
In 1899, nine years after President Cannon published his comment about Book of Mormon geography, President Joseph F. Smith published Letter VII in the Improvement Era. This demonstrates that, from the perspective of the First Presidency, teaching that Cumorah is in New York is consistent with neutrality on the rest of Book of Mormon geography. That position has also been explained by other prophets.
This dichotomy between the New York Cumorah and the rest of Book of Mormon geography has been so well established by so many of the prophets that it is inexcusable to continue to conflate the two separate issues.
While serving as editor of the Improvement Era in 1899, President Joseph F. Smith republished Letter VII in the newspaper, reaffirming that it is a fact that the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is in western New York.

He later reiterated the distinction between Cumorah and other Book of Mormon sites. A Book of Mormon geography conference was held at Brigham Young Academy on May 23-24, 1903 President Joseph F. Smith gave the following counsel regarding the discussion on the location of Zarahemla:
“President Smith spoke briefly, and expressed the idea that the situation [location] of the city [of Zarahemla] was one of interest certainly, but if it could not be located the matter was not of vital importance, and if there were differences of opinion on the question it would not affect the salvation of the people; and he advised against students considering it of such vital importance as the principles of the Gospel.” (Deseret Evening News, May 25, 1903, 7)
Note: The present associate editor of The Instructor was one day in the office of the late President Joseph F. Smith when some brethren were asking him to approve a map showing the exact landing place of Lehi and his company. President Smith declined to officially approve the map, saying that the Lord had not yet revealed it, and that if it were officially approved and afterwards found to be in error, it would affect the faith of the people. (George D. Pyper, Associate Editor) [The Instructor, Vol. 73, April, 1938, #4, 160.]
President Anthony W. Ivins
There is a great deal of talk about the geography of the Book of Mormon. Where was the land of Zarahemla? Where was the City of Zarahemla? and other geographic matters. It does not make any difference to us. There has never been anything yet set forth that definitely settles that question. So, the Church says we are just waiting until we discover the truth. All kinds of theories have been advanced. I have talked with at least half a dozen men that have found the very place where the City of Zarahemla stood, and notwithstanding the fact that they profess to be Book of Mormon students, they vary a thousand miles apart in the places they have located. We do not offer any definite solution. As you study the Book of Mormon keep these things in mind and do not make definite statements concerning things that have not been proven in advance to be true. [Conference Report, April 1929, 15-16.]
This is yet another example of a member of the First Presidency who made a clear delineation between the New York Cumorah and the rest of the geography.
To provide this quotation without also providing President Ivins’ conference address about the New York Cumorah is misleading at best.
President Anthony W. Ivins
Reference has been made by the president to the acquisition by the Church of the spot of ground in the state of New York known as the
Hill Cumorah….
The passages which I have quoted from the Book of Mormon and the more extended discussion of this subject by Elder B. H. Roberts which was published in The Deseret News of March 3 definitely established the following facts:
That the hill Cumorah, and the hill Ramah are identical.
That it was around this hill that the armies of both the Jaredites and Nephites fought their great last battles.
That it was in this hill that Mormon deposited all of the sacred records which had been entrusted to his care by Ammaron, except the abridgment which he had made from the plates of Nephi, which were delivered into the hands of his son, Moroni.
We know positively that it was in this hill that Moroni deposited the abridgment made by his father, and his own abridgment of the record of the Jaredites, and that it was from this hill that Joseph Smith obtained possession of them.
This sealed portion of the record which came into the hands of Joseph Smith but was not translated by him so far as we are aware, with the abridgment made by Mormon, the record of Ether, and the other sacred records which were deposited in the hill Cumorah still lie in their repository, awaiting the time when the Lord shall see fit to bring them forth, that they may be published to the world.
Whether they have been removed from the spot where Mormon deposited them we cannot tell, but this we know, that they are safe under the guardianship of the Lord, and that they will be brought forth at the proper time, as the Lord has declared they should be, for the benefit and blessing of the people of the world, for his word never fails.
All of these incidents to which I have referred, my brethren and sisters, are very closely associated with this particular spot in the state of New York. Therefore I feel, as I said in the beginning of my remarks, that the acquisition of that spot of ground is more than an incident in the history of the Church; it is an epoch—an epoch which in my opinion is fraught with that which may become of greater interest to the Latter-day Saints than that which has already occurred. We know that all of these records, all the sacred records of the Nephite people, were deposited by Mormon in that hill. That incident alone is sufficient to make it the sacred and hallowed spot that it is to us. I thank God that, in a way which seems to have been providential, it has come into the possession of the Church.
I bear witness to you that the words which I have read here, quoted from the Book of Mormon, which refer to the future will be fulfilled. Those additional records will come forth, they will be published to the world, that the children of our Father may be converted to faith in Christ, our Lord and Redeemer, through obedience to the doctrines which he taught. May God our Father hasten that day, is my humble prayer, and I ask it through Jesus Christ. Amen.
(Conference Report, April 1928, 10-15)
There is a great deal of talk about the geography of the Book of Mormon. Where was the land of Zarahemla? Where was the City of Zarahemla? and other geographic matters. It does not make any difference to us. There has never been anything yet set forth that definitely settles that question. So, the Church says we are just waiting until we discover the truth. All kinds of theories have been advanced. I have talked with at least half a dozen men that have found the very place where the City of Zarahemla stood, and notwithstanding the fact that they profess to be Book of Mormon students, they vary a thousand miles apart in the places they have located. We do not offer any definite solution. As you study the Book of Mormon keep these things in mind and do not make definite statements concerning things that have not been proven in advance to be true. [Conference Report, April 1929, 15-16.]
Matthew Cowley
I would like to bear my testimony to you about the book which you are studying in the Relief Society, The Book of Mormon. I know nothing about archaeology. I have not studied the maps which apparently relate to The Book of Mormon, the travels of the Lehites, the Lamanites, and so forth. I know very little about the outside evidences of The Book of Mormon, but I have a testimony of the divinity of this book, and that testimony has come to me from within the two covers of the book itself.      
To me, archaeology, and all that archaeologists discover, which may in a way prove the genuineness of the book-these discoveries are lost in the spirit of the book itself, and if you can’t find a testimony within the covers of this book, there is no need to look elsewhere. (Matthew Cowley Speaks, 110)
Keep unchanged, although it’s not clear why this quotation was chosen, when other quotations about the New York Cumorah are available in books written by Apostles that, unlike Matthew Cowley’s book, were actually published by the Church. These include Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage and A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrand Richards.
Mark E. Petersen
We have had speculation, for instance, on the part of some with respect to Book of Mormon geography, and it is plain, unadulterated speculation and not doctrine. And if a General Authority has speculated on Book of Mormon geography he did not represent the view of the Church while doing so. [“Revelation,” address to religious educators, 24 August 1954. (in charge to religious educators, 2nd ed. 1982, 137]
Elder Petersen specifically taught the New York Cumorah in General Conference in 1978, but the form letter uses this obscure quotation from 1954 against Elder Petersen himself.

Instead of the obscure 1954 quotation, the letter should use this quotation from Elder Petersen made in General Conference: 
Mark E. Petersen
Moroni’s father was commander of the armies of this ancient people, known as Nephites. His name was Mormon. The war of which we speak took place here in America some four hundred years after Christ. As the fighting neared its end, Mormon gathered the remnant of his forces about a hill which they called Cumorah, located in what is now the western part of the state of New York… When finished with his record, Moroni was to hide it up in that same Hill Cumorah which was their battlefield. It would come forth in modern times as the Book of Mormon, named after Moroni’s father, the historian who compiled it.
(“The Last Words of Moroni,” Conference Reports, October 1978)

The quotation from a 1954 private meeting, unless accompanied by Elder Petersen’s General Conference address, leads members of the Church to believe that Elder Petersen himself was engaged in “unadulterated speculation” when he spoke about the New York Cumorah in General Conference in 1978. That is inexcusable. Elder Petersen’s conference address, combined with the 1954 statement, reiterate the persistent, consistent teachings of the prophets that:

1. The Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is in New York.
2. We don’t know for sure where the other events in the Book of Mormon took place.
Any list of prophetic statements on Book of Mormon geography should include President Marion G. Romney’s 1975 General Conference address titled “America’s Destiny.”
President Marion G. Romney
In the western part of the state of New York near Palmyra is a prominent hill known as the “hill Cumorah.” (Morm. 6:6.) On July twenty-fifth of this year, as I stood on the crest of that hill admiring with awe the breathtaking panorama which stretched out before me on every hand, my mind reverted to the events which occurred in that vicinity some twenty-five centuries ago—events which brought to an end the great Jaredite nation.
You who are acquainted with the Book of Mormon will recall that during the final campaign of the fratricidal war between the armies led by Shiz and those led by Coriantumr “nearly two millions” of Coriantumr’s people had been slain by the sword; “two millions of mighty men, and also their wives and their children.” (Ether 15:2.)
As the conflict intensified, all the people who had not been slain—men “with their wives and their children” (Ether 15:15)—gathered about that hill Cumorah (see Ether 15:11)….
Thus perished at the foot of Cumorah the remnant of the once mighty Jaredite nation, of whom the Lord had said, “There shall be none greater … upon all the face of the earth.” (Ether 1:43.)
As I contemplated this tragic scene from the crest of Cumorah and viewed the beautiful land of the Restoration as it appears today, I cried in my soul, “How could it have happened?”…
The tragic fate of the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations is proof positive that the Lord meant it when he said that this “is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.” (Ether 2:9.)”…
I bear you my personal witness that I know that the things I have presented to you today are true—both those pertaining to past events and those pertaining to events yet to come.
(“America’s Destiny,” Conference Reports, October 1975)

I hope this table is useful for the employees at the Correlation Department as well as every member of the Church who wants to make informed decisions about this topic.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Creation of false traditions

We are seeing, right before our eyes, how false traditions arise and spread throughout the Church.

The Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography made a statement of fact that I immediately pointed out was actually nothing more than editorial opinion. This a common drafting error, but it should have been caught by whoever edited the document.

Unless the editorial opinion is agenda-driven, which we all hope is not the case.

Here is the statement:

The Prophet Joseph Smith himself accepted what he felt was evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations in both North America and Central America. 

The statement would have been accurate had it said “It is possible that Joseph…” or “Some believe that Joseph…” Or even, “there is evidence that Joseph…”

But to declare what Joseph accepted and felt is not factual because there is no known document written or dictated by Joseph Smith, nor any recorded statement by Joseph, that supports this statement.*

It is pure mind-reading.

Look at the language in the essay. “Joseph Smith himself accepted.” That is not only mind-reading (no one can say what he accepted when he never articulated such acceptance), but the insertion of “himself” is a rhetorical device used to convey authority for the specific proposition he allegedly “accepted.”

The next mind-reading is here: “what he felt was evidence.”

The footnote at the end of this post discusses the evidence from 1841 and 1842 that M2C intellectuals usually cite for this claim, but as you’ll see, it is merely conjecture, not fact. And that evidence was not cited in the essay anyway.

BTW, I proposed changes to the essay to correct factual errors. Most of my proposals were ignored. Consequently, this and other errors remain in the current version.

Of course, the statement in the Gospel Topics Essay is now being quoted everywhere as the official Church position on what Joseph thought and taught.

But it’s a false tradition. It teaches the youth of the Church (and everyone in the world) that Joseph learned Book of Mormon geography from a popular travel book.

This false tradition exalts academic inquiry (only by those trained in the ministry field) over the teachings of the prophets.

Joseph explicitly claimed that he was informed by Moroni “concerning the aboriginal inhabitants of this country and shown who they were, and from whence they came; a brief sketch of their origin, progress, civilization, laws, governments, of their righteousness and iniquity, and the blessings of God being finally withdrawn from them as a people, was made known unto me.”

[Source: the Wentworth letter, available here: https://www.lds.org/study/ensign/2002/07/the-wentworth-letter?lang=eng. Remember, don’t read the Wentworth letter in the Joseph Smith lesson manual because critical passages were censored by the Correlation Department to accommodate M2C.]

Note that the Wentworth letter was published in the Times and Seasons on March 1, 1842, well after the supposed evidence that he learned the geography from a popular travel book. The M2C intellectuals (and the Gospel Topics Essay) want us to believe that Joseph was more persuaded by the popular travel book than by what Moroni taught him.

Aside from the inherent problem of creating and spreading a false tradition, the application in this case is especially tragic.

The Gospel Topics Essay uses the statement to cast doubt on what the prophets and apostles have always taught about the New York Cumorah.

Let’s say, for sake of argument, that Joseph Smith did actually learn Book of Mormon geography from a travel book in 1841-1842. Let’s even say he thought ruins in Central America were built by the Nephites, despite what Moroni taught him.

That still has nothing to do with what he taught about the New York Cumorah.

Both before and after 1842, Joseph’s own brothers republished Letter VII in official Church newspapers. Don Carlos, at Joseph’s direction, republished Letter VII in early 1841 in the Times and Seasons. Joseph’s brother William, one of the Twelve Apostles, republished Letter VII in 1844 in the Church newspaper in New York City titled The Prophet. Letter VII appeared two days after Joseph was martyred in Carthage.

And, of course, Joseph specifically referred to Cumorah in his September 1842 letter, originally published in the Times and Seasons and now canonized as D&C 128:20.

Consequently, the false tradition established in the Gospel Topics essay still has nothing to say about what Joseph, Oliver, and all the other prophets and apostles have consistently taught about the New York Cumorah.

Nevertheless, M2C intellectuals continue to claim that because Joseph learned Book of Mormon geography from a travel book, he must have also changed his mind about the New York Cumorah. That’s the fundamental premise of M2C.

In the Preface to the second edition of my book Brought to Light, I wrote this observation about what we can say about history:

A friend of mine recently made the point that there is a difference between testifying about the truthfulness of the Gospel and testifying about the truthfulness of historical events. Any individual can experience the Gospel in his/her own life and can then testify about that experience. By contrast, no one can personally experience a historical event that occurred in another time and place. How can anyone living today testify about events that took place in the 1800s? The best we can do is assemble evidence and decide what we think happened, considering all the evidence as well as our own knowledge of human nature.

For that reason, I’m not seeking to convince you of anything. I can’t say I know what happened in 1842—no one can. In my books on Church history and Book of Mormon historicity, I simply present evidence I’ve found and offer explanations that make sense to me. Often the explanations contradict what I’ve been taught and what I’ve read in commentaries, but I suspect we all know that an opinion is not correct just because it has been held for a long time by a lot of people. If that was the case, Joseph never would have gone into the grove.
BTW, I have a new book coming out in about a month (hopefully). Based on early responses, I think it will definitely challenge more false traditions that have arisen over the years. I’m excited about it more than anything else I’ve done because of the insights these discoveries have given me, and I hope you’ll like it, too.
* The Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography cited an anonymous editorial published in the Times and Seasons during 1842 when Joseph Smith was the nominal editor of the newspaper. That year, several such articles that discussed ruins in Central America were published in the paper. People have long assumed that Joseph wrote, edited, or approved of these articles solely because his name was listed on the boilerplate at the end of each issue of the paper. The boilerplate stated that the paper was “edited, published, and printed” by Joseph Smith. (There were two different boilerplates during this era, but both said essentially the same thing.)
The fallacy of attributing everything in the paper to Joseph Smith is obvious: no one believes Joseph Smith personally set type or operated the printing press, even though the boilerplate claimed he “printed” the paper. There is no more reason to assume he personally wrote, edited, or even approved of everything published in the paper.
There are far more detailed reasons, based on historical evidence, to conclude that Joseph had little if anything to do with the paper. For those interested, I wrote three long, detailed books about all of this. (The Lost City of Zarahemla, Brought to Light, and The Editors: Joseph, Don Carlos, and William Smith.)
The other piece of evidence M2C intellectuals rely upon, which fortunately was not cited in the Gospel Topics Essay, is a thank-you letter written to John Bernhisel, the man in New York who gave a copy of the two-volume travel books to Wilford Woodruff to give to Joseph Smith. 
At first glance, the letter looks convincing. It’s understandable why historians long assumed it reflects Joseph’s beliefs (although the letter doesn’t make the specific claim in the Gospel Topics Essay, which may be why it wasn’t cited). It’s even more understandable why the M2C intellectuals rely so heavily on the letter.
But there are factual problems with the assumption.
The letter purports to have been written by Joseph Smith, but it is not in his handwriting and there is no extrinsic evidence that he dictated the letter (or even knew about it). I wrote an article (now an entire chapter in The Lost City of Zarahemla) about this letter, explaining that the historical evidence points to Woodruff as its originator. For example, in his journal, Woodruff mentions he wrote a letter to Bernhisel. The first time he records seeing Joseph was just a few days before the letter was written, which makes it virtually impossible for Joseph to have read the two thick volumes. 
All of this is to say that the evidence is, at best (for M2C intellectuals), ambiguous. By no standard of objective analysis is the evidence strong enough to state, as a fact, that “The Prophet Joseph Smith himself accepted what he felt was evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations in both North America and Central America.” 

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

More on The Next Mormons – reasons for leaving

The Next Mormons book includes the results of surveys of both active and former members of the Church. The table below (11.3) ranks the top 10 “reasons for leaving.”


#1 is the reason why people have rejected the Church (and every religion or philosophy) since the beginning of time. There’s a caveat, though, that I’ll address in my other blog (mentioned below).

Notice that “lack of historical evidence for the Book of Mormon” ranks all the way down to #8. That seems to be a function of how the survey was worded, because reason #2 (“I stopped believing there was one true church”) ultimately represents disbelief in the keystone of our religion–the Book of Mormon.

BYU fantasy/mythology
map of the Book of Mormon

That makes sense, in a way. One can disbelieve the Book of Mormon for reasons other than a lack of historical evidence. (It’s not clear whether, in survey question #8 or in the minds of the respondents, “historical evidence” includes “geographical plausibility.” It’s also unclear whether it was the question or the tabulation that combined the Book of Mormon with the Book of Abraham, which are two separate issues.)

In fact, IMO, the fantasy/mythological maps that CES and BYU are using to teach the Book of Mormon to the youth in the Church around the world will inevitably lead those youth to disbelieve in the divine authenticity of the book, regardless of what one expects from “historical evidence.”

There’s another key point in this survey. Reason #3 is “I did not trust the Church leadership to tell the truth surrounding controversial or historical issues.”

I assume the Gospel Topics Essays were intended to address reason #3. The Saints book was also intended to address this concern by discussing controversial topics such as polygamy. 

But both the Gospel Topics Essays and the Saints book have aggravated the problem instead.

Let’s assume that the keystone of our religion is the Book of Mormon, as the prophets have taught. When the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon was questioned in 1834, how did Joseph and Oliver respond?

They refuted the claim that the Book of Mormon was fiction by declaring it was a fact that the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 was in western New York. That teaching has been reaffirmed by every prophet/apostle who has ever publicly and formally addressed the issue.

Now, both the Gospel Topics Essays and the Saints book reject that teaching.

We’re told that the Church has “no position” regarding Cumorah. “No position” on the explicit teachings of the past prophets and apostles about Cumorah can only mean that they were not telling the truth, that they were wrong, or, maybe worst of all, that we cannot rely on what they taught.

Which is exactly what reason #3 represents.

There’s another key point to consider.

Another table (11.4 below) breaks out the reasons by the respective generations of the respondents. Among Millennials, two reasons tied for #1:

“Felt judged or misunderstood”
“Did not trust the church leadership”

What are millennials to think when the Gospel Topics Essays and the Saints book teach them not to believe what past prophets and apostles have taught about the New York Cumorah?

The New York Cumorah was the one definite touchstone between the Book of Mormon and the real world.

Now, that one touchstone has apparently been jettisoned in favor of a contorted “Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs” (M2C) theory that was developed by scholars who rejected Brigham Young as the successor to Joseph Smith and still relies on illusory correspondences to a Mayan culture that has nothing to do with the teachings in the Book of Mormon.

To be sure, the Gospel Topics Essay and the Saints book don’t tell us we must reject what the prophets and apostles have taught about the New York Cumorah.

But they do tell us not to trust the teachings of past prophets and apostles, even when these teachings originated with the First Presidency, were affirmed by every apostle at the time who addressed the topic, and were related for over 140 years in General Conference by members of the First Presidency.

And, in many cases, it is LDS millennials themselves who are promoting M2C (albeit many of them are employed by Book of Mormon Central Censor, which requires them to promote M2C.)

All this said, the Gospel Topics Essay recognizes that there are different views on this topic, and members of the Church are free to believe whatever they want. We’re allowed to support the prophets, so long as we don’t claim our views have prophetic and/or Church support.

That’s the approach we take on this blog.

We’re saying that two of the top ten reasons people give for leaving the Church are understandable when we’re being told we can’t rely on what past prophets and apostles have taught about the New York Cumorah.

All this said, the answer of Joseph and Oliver to the critics of the Book of Mormon remains the best answer to critics today.

Each of the top 10 reasons in the survey deserves attention.

I have another blog where I am discussing these things. In coming weeks, I’ll discuss each of these “top ten” reasons.

I started with the translation issue.


Source: Book of Mormon Wars

more on "good information"

Yesterday I broke my nose (again) playing basketball. At the doctor’s office, they suggested I get a pneumonia vaccine, which I did.

My arm is still sore, but it’s a reminder that “prevention is better than cure.” It’s an obvious metaphor for how “good information,” even if painful at first, can prevent serious problems later on.

“Good inspiration is based upon
good information.”

I often think about what President Nelson said in April 2018, his first General Conference as President of the Church:

I know that good inspiration is based upon good information.

Let’s consider what is “good information.”

“Good information” is surely “important information” we need to make informed decisions.

One thing we can be sure of: “good information” does not consist of “no information” or “censored information.”

This morning I was reviewing and annotating a letter Joseph Smith wrote to W.W. Phelps in 1832. (This is part of a Church History project I’m working on.) 

Here’s a link: 

In that letter, Joseph wrote this:

the spirit which I possess enjoy, the feeling of my soul enquires does this letter give me the important information which I stood in need of at the present critical moment from your hand concerning yourself your family & business & the faith & fellowship & prosperity of the brethren in zion &c

I find this interesting in today’s world where Church employees and departments are censoring information at various levels. I’ve been informed about instances in which they are even depriving Church leaders and members of important information and perspectives. One example was the first published draft of the Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography.*

In light of all this, and with Joseph’s letter to Phelps in mind, consider this:

We should all ask ourselves, does the information we receive “give us the important information which we stand in need of at the present critical moment?”

If not, we owe it to ourselves to ask why not.

What important information do you need?

We can’t make informed decisions without good information. According to President Nelson, we can’t even get good inspiration without good information.

Joseph Smith himself recognized this when he complained to Phelps for not sending “important information” he needed.

This blog focuses on Book of Mormon geography.

It may surprise some people, but this isn’t a topic I spend a lot of time on. However, I think it’s critically important because it has implications for other topics.

It’s also an area in which we can all observe agenda-driven censorship that deprives us of “good information” and “important information.”

By now, it’s apparent to everyone that the dominant intellectuals in the Church have established and enforced their views through censorship. This is particularly true of the M2C citation cartel** and the Church History Department. Both groups deprive members of the Church of “good information” solely to promote their particular agendas.

Two specific examples are the censorship in the Joseph Smith lesson manual and in the Saints book. (You can click on those links to see more detail.) There are many more examples, only a few of which I’ve shown on this blog and elsewhere.

An easy remedy for the Cumorah issue would be to provide all students in CES and BYU with my proposed BYU packet, which is available here:


Instead, few if any CES/BYU students ever learn about these teachings. Many of their teachers don’t even know about them. 

I’m not saying anyone has to believe or accept these teachings. It’s not a question of prophetic or Church support for anyone’s ideas.

What I’m saying is, no one can make an informed decision without at least considering these teachings.

The M2C intellectuals know about these teachings but they don’t inform their followers about them. To the extent they address these teachings, they dismiss them as unreliable and wrong. Then they conflate them with separate teachings about how we don’t know the specific locations of Book of Mormon locations other than Cumorah, and the even less relevant teachings about the locations of modern Lamanites (which of course has nothing to do with the location of Book of Mormon events).

And that’s all fine. They can put whatever spin they want on the source materials.

But they should let their students and followers make informed decisions by providing this “good information” instead of censoring this “good information” purely to protect their own M2C ideology.

I encourage everyone who has or knows a student in Seminary, Institute, a BYU campus, or even in Gospel Doctrine class to share this “BYU packet” so people can make informed decision based on “good information.”

Who knows? Maybe, as President Nelson taught, some “good inspiration” might come from it.

*The first published draft of the Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography* quoted President Ivins out of context, without also quoting his specific remarks on Cumorah, which I discussed here:


It’s fascinating that the revised essay deleted the President Ivins quotation. I discussed that here:


** The M2C citation cartel is the group of scholars (and their followers and employees) who promote the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory of Book of Mormon geography. The cartel includes BYU Studies, Book of Mormon Central, the Interpreter, FairMormon, Meridian Magazine, many prominent blogs, and others.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Letter IV – Moroni’s visit

The first detailed account of Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith is included in Letter IV. You can read it in Joseph’s own history in the Joseph Smith Papers here:


Recall that Oliver wrote these essays with the assistance of Joseph Smith, using documents then in their possession that we no longer have. Presumably one of these documents was the notebook Oliver kept from the time he first met Joseph Smith in April 1829. He recorded things Joseph told him, which undoubtedly included the first visit of Moroni.

After explaining how Moroni appeared in the night, Oliver recorded what Moroni said. I’ve highlighted important passages in bold type. Original spelling is retained.

Two key points:

1. Moroni gave “a history of the aborigines of this country.” Country refers to a region or territory. This qualifies country; it refers to the region or territory in which he was visiting Joseph (i.e., western New York or the United States, circa 1823).

2. Moroni said the record was “written and deposited” not far from Joseph’s house. It was not written elsewhere and transported thousands of miles to western New York.

The stature of this personage was a little above the common size of men in this age; his garment was perfectly white, and had the appearance of being without seam.

Though fear was banished from his heart, yet his surprise was no less when he heard him declare himself to be a messenger sent by commandment of the Lord, to deliver a special message and to witness to him that his sins were forgiven, and that his prayers were heard; and that the scriptures might be fulfilled, which say— 

“God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, has God chosen; yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things which are that no flesh should glory in his presence. Therefore, says the Lord, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder; the wisdom of their wise shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent shall be hid; for according to his covenant which he made with his ancient saints, his people, the house of Israel must come to a knowledge of the gospel, and own that Messiah whom their fathers rejected, and with them the fulness of the Gentiles be gathered in, to rejoice in one fold under one Shepherd”.

“This cannot be brought about untill first certain preparatory things are accomplished, for so has the Lord purposed in his own mind. He has therefore chosen you as an instrument in his hand to bring to light that which shall perform his act, his strange act, and bring to pass a marvelous work and a wonder. 

Wherever the sound shall go it shall cause the ears of men to tingle, and wherever it shall be proclaimed, the pure in heart shall rejoice, while those who draw near to God with their mouths, and honor him with their lips, while their hearts are far from him, will seek its overthrow, and the destruction of those by whose hands it is carried. 

Therefore, marvle not if your name is made a derission, and had as a by-word among such, if you are the instrument in bringing it, by the gift of God, to the knowledge of the people.”

He then proceeded and gave a general account of the promises made to the fathers, and also gave a history of the aborigenes of this country, and said they were literal descendants of Abraham. 

He represented them as once being an enlightned and intelligent people, possessing a correct knowledge of the gospel, and the plan of restoration and redemption. He said this history
was written and deposited not far from that place, and that it was our brother’s privilege, if obedient to the commandments of the Lord, to obtain and translate the same by the means of the Urim and Thummim, which were deposited for that purpose with the record.

“Yet,” said he, “the scriptures must be fulfilled before it is translated, which says that the words of a book, which were sealed, were presented to the learned; for thus has God determined to leave men without excuse, and show to the meek that his arm is <​not​> shortned that it cannot save.”

A part of the book was sealed, and was not to be opened yet. The sealed part, said he, contains the same revelation which was given to John upon the isles of Patmos, and when the people of the Lord are prepared, and found worthy, then it will be unfolded unto them.

On the subject of bringing to light the unsealed part of this record, it may be proper to say, that our brother was expressly informed, that it must be done with an eye single to the glory of God; if this consideration did not wholly characterize all his procedings in relation to it, the adversary of truth would overcome him, or at least prevent his making that proficiency in this glorious work which he otherwise would.

While describing the place where the record was deposited, he gave a minute relation of it, and the vision of his mind being opened at the same time, he was permitted to view it critically; and previously being acquainted with the place, he was able to follow the direction of the vision, afterward, according to the voice of the angel, and obtain the book.

Source: Letter VII

The Next Mormons by Jana Riess

Jana Riess’ book The Next Mormons has been getting a lot of attention, as it should. There’s a useful review of some aspects of it here:


Because this blog focuses on Book of Mormon issues, I won’t discuss other interesting aspects of the book here (but I will elsewhere).

For now, I’ll mention one of Riess’ findings.

She asked about the degree of certainty people have about specific LDS teachings. In this table, she shows that the percentage of members who are confident that the Book of Mormon is a literal, historical account is declining significantly.

BYU Fantasy/mythology map of
the Book of Mormon

I expect these percentages to continue to decline among younger generations because they are being taught to understand the Book of Mormon by referring to the fantasy/mythology maps developed by CES and BYU.

It’s the same problem missionaries have when they tell investigators/friends that the Book of Mormon is 1,000 years of a real history of real people–except we have no idea where any of it took place.

How do we expect investigators to respond? How would any of us respond?

The explanation of Book of Mormon historicity now being given is a complete reversal of what Joseph and Oliver taught about the one certain connection between the Book of Mormon and the real world: the New York Cumorah.

In the early 1900s, certain RLDS scholars decided the New York Cumorah wasn’t feasible.

They figured Joseph and Oliver (and all their contemporaries and successors) were wrong about Cumorah.

They figured there had to be “two Cumorahs.” The real one was in Mexico, while the hill in New York was falsely labeled “Cumorah” because of tradition. This is the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory (M2C).

Certain LDS scholars adopted the RLDS theories over the objections of Church leaders at the time. They claimed that the prophets who taught the New York Cumorah were merely expressing their private opinions and were wrong.

Building on illusory correspondences with Mesoamerica, these scholars further developed M2C with a series of books and articles published through the M2C citation cartel that censors alternative ideas, including the teachings of the prophets.

M2C has become the de facto standard. Despite the official policy of neutrality, M2C is taught in Church media, visitors centers, and CES/BYU.

To accommodate M2C, the Church History Department censored Cumorah from the book Saints.

To accommodate M2C, the Church Correlation Department censored portions of the Wentworth letter from the lesson manual on Joseph Smith.

Now, no LDS youth is taught what the prophets have consistently and persistently taught about the New York Cumorah.

Now, every LDS youth is taught a combination of M2C and the fantasy/mythology maps.

Now, when an LDS youth discovers, on his/her own (usually through the Internet) what the prophets have taught about the New York Cumorah, their CES/BYU teachers explain that the prophets were wrong.

That leads to a second major issue brought out in The Next Mormons that we’ll discuss in the next blog post.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

Which Cumorah narrative makes sense to you?

In evaluating the Cumorah alternatives, here is a comparison chart to consider. It lists the alternative explanations of well-known accounts in Church history.

Note that “Mesoamerica” is a proxy for every theory that places Cumorah somewhere other than in New York.

As always, I emphasize that people are free to believe whatever they want. The table presents facts about the two alternatives. It is intended to clarify what others think so you can compare your own beliefs and make up your own mind.

Which do you find more compatible with your beliefs? Which is more compatible with the historical evidence? Which is best corroborated by the sciences?

You can print this table and put a check mark in each row for the scenario that makes sense to you. 

Mesoamerica (M2C)
Moroni’s America
1. Mormon and Moroni lived in Mesoamerica.
1. Mormon and Moroni lived in North America.
2. Mormon wrote his abridgment somewhere in Mesoamerica and hid up all the Nephite records in a repository in the Hill Cumorah (Mormon 6:6), a hill somewhere in southern Mexico, before giving “these few plates” to Moroni.
(Note: In #6 below, Moroni told Joseph the record was “written and deposited near” Joseph’s home. https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/history-1834-1836/69)
2. Mormon wrote his abridgment in the vicinity of western New York and hid up all the Nephite records in a repository in in the Hill Cumorah (Mormon 6:6), the hill near Palmyra, New York, before giving “these few plates” to Moroni.
(Note: In #6 below, Moroni told Joseph the record was “written and deposited near” Joseph’s home. 
3. Thinking he would not live long, Moroni adds a couple of chapters to his father’s record.
Then he travels 3,400 miles to New York, and hides the plates in the stone box, thinking he would not live long.
Or, he keeps the plates with him while he roams around Mesoamerica for decades before taking them to New York. 
Or he hides them somewhere else until he is ready to take them 3,400 miles to New York.
3. Thinking he would not live long, Moroni adds a couple of chapters to his father’s record.
Then he hides the plates in the stone box he built in the hill Cumorah in New York, separate from his father’s depository in the same hill. 
4. Later, Moroni retrieves the plates of Ether from the repository in southern Mexico and abridges them. 
He adds the abridgment to his father’s abridgment, along with a sealed portion, and hides the plates again in New York. 
Or, Moroni abridges the plates of Ether right after his father died, and the plates of Ether were among the few his father gave him, and after he abridges them, he returns the original plates to his father’s depository. 
Or the plates of Ether are the sealed portion.
4. Later, Moroni retrieves the plates of Ether from the depository in New York and abridges them. 
He adds this abridgment to his father’s abridgment, along with a sealed portion and his own commentary, and puts this collection of plates into his stone box. He returns the original plates of Ether to the depository in the Hill Cumorah in New York.
5. Later, Moroni returns to the repository in southern Mexico and gets a sermon and letters from his father. He adds this material to his final comments—the Book of Moroni—and returns to New York to put the finished record back in the stone box.
Or, Moroni had his father’s writings with him all along and kept them with him when he died, so they are buried with him.
5. Later, Moroni returns to the depository in New York and gets a sermon and letters from his father. He adds this material to his final comments—the Book of Moroni—and puts his finished record back in the stone box. He returns the source material to the depository.
6. Moroni visits Joseph Smith in 1823 and tells him the record was “written and deposited” not far from Joseph’s home. But this is a mistake because the record was written in Central America and deposited in New York. Either Joseph or Oliver misunderstood, or else Moroni misspoke.
6. Moroni visits Joseph Smith in 1823 and tells him the record was “written and deposited” not far from Joseph’s home. Moroni accurately describes where the record was written.
7. Joseph Smith obtained the abridged record of the Nephites and the Jaredites from Moroni’s stone box. 
He translated part of these plates in Harmony and gave them back to an angel. 
The Lord told him to translate the engravings on the plates of Nephi (D&C 10), even though he had reached the end of the plates (the Title Page) and hadn’t yet found these plates of Nephi.
Or, the Lord told him to translate the engravings on the plates of Nephi but Joseph wasn’t using the plates anyway (they were covered with a cloth) so it didn’t matter whether he had the plates of Nephi in Harmony. 
7. Joseph Smith obtained the abridged record of the Nephites and the Jaredites from Moroni’s stone box. 
He translated these plates in Harmony and gave them back to an angel because he was finished with them. 
The Lord told him to translate the engravings on the plates of Nephi (D&C 10), but he didn’t have those yet.
8. In Harmony, Joseph translated the Title Page from the last leaf of the plates. He had it printed and delivered to the U.S. federal district court in New York as part of his copyright application.
8. In Harmony, Joseph translated the Title Page from the last leaf of the plates. He had it printed and delivered to the U.S. federal district court in New York as part of his copyright application.
9. On the way from Harmony to Fayette, David Whitmer said he, Joseph and Oliver encountered an old man bearing the plates who said he was heading for Cumorah. Joseph said it was one of the three Nephites. 
But David was mistaken because he conflated the false tradition of the New York Cumorah with another unspecified event.
Or David misremembered, intentionally misled, etc.
The Saints book omits David Whitmer’s explanation that this messenger was one of the Three Nephites who took the Harmony plates to Cumorah because David was confused or wrong.
9. On the way from Harmony to Fayette, David Whitmer said he, Joseph and Oliver encountered an old man bearing the plates who said he was heading for Cumorah. Joseph said it was one of the three Nephites. 
This was the messenger who had the Harmony plates and was returning them to the repository because Joseph was finished with them.
David repeated this account several times, and it was included in an official report to the Quorum of the Twelve by Joseph F. Smith, who interviewed David.
The Saints book omits this account because its editors censored all historical accounts about the New York Cumorah to accommodate M2C.
10. In Fayette, a messenger showed the plates to Mary Whitmer. 
Then the messenger returned the Harmony plates to Joseph.
The Saints book claims this was Moroni because Mary’s grandson said his grandmother was mistaken. 
10. In Fayette, a messenger showed the plates to Mary Whitmer.
Then the messenger gave Joseph the small plates of Nephi which came from the repository in Cumorah.
David said the messenger who showed the plates to his mother was the same one who took the plates to Cumorah. Mary Whitmer called him “Brother Nephi.” The 3 Nephites were among the 12 disciples, one of whom was named Nephi.
11. In Fayette, Joseph translated the small plates of Nephi (1 Nephi – Words of Mormon).
11. In Fayette, Joseph translated the small plates of Nephi (1 Nephi – Words of Mormon).
12. Joseph and Oliver Cowdery and others had multiple visions of Mormon’s depository in the “real” Hill Cumorah, which is somewhere in southern Mexico.
12. Joseph and Oliver Cowdery and others actually visited Mormon’s depository in the Hill Cumorah in New York and saw the stacks of plates and other Nephite artifacts.
13. Cumorah cannot be in New York because it is a “clean hill.”
13. Cumorah is in New York because hundreds of artifacts, including weapons of war, have been recovered from the vicinity of the hill.
14. Cumorah cannot be in New York because it is a glacial moraine that cannot contain a natural cave.
14. Cumorah is in New York because an actual room that matches the description given by Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Wilford Woodruff and others has been found there.
15. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery never claimed revelation about the location of Cumorah. They merely speculated. They adopted a false tradition and misled the Church. 
Joseph later changed his mind and, by writing or approving anonymous articles that never mentioned Cumorah, claimed the Book of Mormon took place in Central America and that only scholars could determine where the Book of Mormon took place.
15. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery didn’t need revelation about the location of Cumorah because they visited Mormon’s depository. They may also have had revelations that they didn’t write or even relate. E.g., JS-H 1:73-4. 
They did not mislead the Church. Joseph never changed his mind about the New York CUmorah, and never linked the Book of Mormon to Central America, through anonymous articles or otherwise.
16. All the modern prophets and apostles who have identified the Hill Cumorah as the scene of the final battles were speaking as uninspired men. 
They were speculating, giving their own opinions, and they were wrong. 
This includes members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference.
16. All the modern prophets and apostles who have identified the Hill Cumorah as the scene of the final battles were speaking as their roles as prophets, seers and revelators. 
This includes members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference.
17. The two-Cumorahs theory originated with scholars from the Reorganized Church and was adopted and promoted by LDS scholars because it’s the only explanation that fits their criteria. 
Elder Joseph Fielding Smith was wrong and unqualified when he warned the two-Cumorahs theory would cause members to become confused and disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon.
17. The two-Cumorahs theory originated with scholars from the Reorganized Church and was adopted and promoted by LDS scholars because it’s the only explanation that fits their criteria. 
Elder Joseph Fielding Smith was correct and prescient when he warned the two-Cumorahs theory would cause members to become confused and disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon.
18. The scholars’ two-Cumorah theory is correct because whenever the current Brethren have a question about the Book of Mormon, they consult the scholars at BYU who promote the two-Cumorahs theory.
18. The scholars’ two-Cumorah theory doesn’t fit the historical record, the affirmative declarations of Joseph and Oliver, or the prophetic statements of numerous modern prophets and apostles.

M2C is depicted in the North Visitors’ Center on Temple Square, with Mormon surrounded by Mayan glyphs in one hill, while Moroni is far away burying the plates in New York. 
Contrary to the Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography, advocates of M2C claim prophetic and Church support of their theory because of this display and other visual representations.

The panels at the exhibit include Arnold Friberg’s famous paintings of Book of Mormon scenes in Central America, along with other artwork depicting M2C. 
A photo of “Mormon’s hill” in Mesoamerica can be found on lds.org here.
[Note: It is difficult to reconcile these displays with the Church’s official position of neutrality. Plus, it is problematic in terms of Church history to physically separate the depository of Nephite records from Moroni’s stone box.]
The New York (one Cumorah) setting as described by Orson Pratt:
“The particular place in the hill, where Moroni secreted the book, was revealed by the angel to the Prophet Joseph Smith, to whom the volume was delivered in September, 1827. But the grand depository of all the numerous records of the ancient nations of the western continent, was located in another department of the hill, and its contents under the charge of holy angels, until the day should come for them to be transferred to the sacred temple of Zion.”  
Orson Pratt, “The Hill Cumorah”, Millennial StarVol. 28, July 7, 1866, p. 417

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

The 4 Cumorahs

Yesterday, I listed the 3 Cumorahs, plus the hybrid. Today let’s discuss these four Cumorahs in reverse order.

In this post and all my posts, I don’t claim any prophetic or Church support, and I’m not trying to persuade anyone. I’m merely stating the facts as I see them to help people make informed decisions for themselves.

The Gospel Topics Essay opens up the issue of Book of Mormon Geography like never before. No longer can the M2C intellectuals in the M2C citation cartel claim prophetic or Church support for their theories.

Now is an ideal time to reassess what we know about Cumorah and what alternatives there are.

Now, to the 4 Cumorahs.

Mormonism Unvailed – 1834

#3. Cumorah is nowhere because it is fictional. Critics have long claimed that Joseph Smith, alone or with the help of others, invented the Book of Mormon. An 1834 book, Mormonism Unvailed [sic] claimed Joseph and Sydney Rigdon coped the Book of Mormon from an unpublished book by Solomon Spaulding.

Responding to this book was one of the reasons why Joseph and Oliver Cowdery wrote the eight historical letters that were so widely published during Joseph’s lifetime. Letter VII’s claim that it was a fact that the Hill Cumorah is in New York was a direct response to the allegation that the Book of Mormon was fiction.

More recently, critics say Joseph drew on the King James Bible, The Late War and other pseudo-Biblical books, such as The American Revolution. An article in the Interpreter inadvertently supported that argument, as I discussed here:


Other critics focus on Joseph’s personal and family experience as a source for the Book of Mormon narrative. As such, they claim there was no “Hill Cumorah” in the real world, no Zarahemla, no land of Nephi, etc. According to them, the Book of Mormon is fictional, even if it was created with the intent to bring Christians together.

Some members of the Church also believe this idea that the Book of Mormon is inspired fiction, comparable to a parable that teaches about Christ and the gospel.

I don’t accept the fictional Cumorah; I think the descriptions in the text and related scientific evidence (archaeology, anthropology, etc.) supports the traditional teachings about the New York Cumorah.

However, the fictional Cumorah is undoubtedly the most widespread belief in the world; i.e., most people don’t believe in the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

BYU fantasy map

#2a. Cumorah can best be understood in a fictional setting, but it existed in a real place. This is the approach taken by CES and BYU. It’s a hybrid between #2 and #3, but by de-linking the text to the real world, it leans more toward #3.

Employees at BYU and CES have generated fictional, or fantasy, maps to explain their interpretations of the geographical references found in the text. These show Cumorah in a fictional location on the premise that the prophets and apostles who taught the New York Cumorah were wrong.

Apparently, the employees don’t want to (or have been told not to) teach students a specific setting in the real world. The reason: there is no consensus about any real-world setting among M2C intellectuals because they think the prophets were wrong about the New York Cumorah, and there is no further guidance about any Book of Mormon geography. The intellectuals think their interpretation of the text is the best, but it doesn’t fit anywhere in the real world. The only viable alternative is a fantasy map.

The fantasy maps do impose a particular interpretation on the text, such as teaching that different terms (narrow neck of land, small neck, etc.) refer to the same unique geographical feature instead of different features. The fantasy maps all look a lot like Central America (Mesoamerica) except for the north/south orientation. That’s hardly a coincidence, because most, if not all, of the CES/BYU employees believe in some form of M2C.

I don’t accept the fantasy/mythology approach to Book of Mormon geography because I think it’s a real history that took place in the real world.

In my view, using a fantasy map to teach the Book of Mormon to all the youth in the Church creates deep cognitive dissonance that will have a long-term impact. It frames the text as fiction, comparable to Lord of the Rings or another fantasy book, movie, or video game.

I think in the long term it is psychologically difficult, if not impossible, for someone raised to think of the Book of Mormon in terms of a fantasy map to also think of it as a real-world account of real-world people. 

The current generation of teachers/employees was raised to understand the Book of Mormon in a real-world setting (either or both of the New York Cumorah and Mesoamerican/Latin American settings). For them, it’s possible to entertain the two competing ideas (real world and fantasy) at the same time. The fantasy map is merely an overlay on the literal history they were taught and accepted when they were young.

However, once the current generation, raised on the fantasy maps, becomes the teachers and leaders, I think it’s inevitable that they will lean toward, and ultimately embrace, the fictional Cumorah and deem the entire Book of Mormon to be a myth.

BYU Studies M2C Cumorah

#2. Cumorah is anywhere except in New York, but it somewhere on Earth, and probably in “the Americas.”

As mentioned above, this theory originated in the early 1900s with scholars in the RLDS Church, but some LDS intellectuals embraced it based on anonymous articles in the 1842 Times and Seasons.

They conclude that Joseph Smith actually endorsed a Mesoamerican setting for the Book of Mormon. They reason that New York is too far from Mesoamerica to be the location of the “real” Cumorah of Mormon 6:6.

Although Joseph helped write Letter VII, had it republished multiple times and copied into his personal history, and wrote D&C 128:20, these intellectuals believe and teach that Joseph really didn’t know where the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 was located. Instead, they teach that Joseph adopted a false tradition about the New York Cumorah that was started by other early Saints, probably Oliver Cowdery.

To shade their repudiation of the New York Cumorah, these intellectuals reason that there were, actually, two Hills Cumorah. The one in New York was merely the place where Joseph found the plates. The other one–the location of the final battles and the depository of Nephite records–was elsewhere.

The most popular theory for a non-New York Cumorah is the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory (M2C), which puts the “real” Cumorah in southern Mexico. Other variations use the reasoning behind M2C and apply it to other locations, including the Baja Cumorah (B2C), the Chile Cumorah (C2C), the Panama Cumorah (P2C), etc.

These proponents all claim “the text” is the most important consideration, but in every case, it’s not the text but their interpretation of the text that is the most important consideration for their theories.

If you read their material, you will see it consists of two main components:

1. They all reject the teachings of the prophets and apostles about the New York Cumorah, which frees them to believe whatever they want, so long as they can interpret the text to justify their beliefs.

2. They all rely on circular reasoning and illusory evidence to confirm their bias regarding their preferred setting for Cumorah.

For decades, I accepted M2C because that’s what my Seminary and BYU teachers taught and they convinced me. Like the current employees at Book of Mormon Central Censor, I thought people who disagreed with my M2C professors were ignorant, anti-science, etc. But when I took a more skeptical look at the substance of M2C, as set forth in publications, lectures, videos, etc., it became obvious to me that the whole thing was based on the two components listed above.

#1. Cumorah is in New York.

There record is clear: there is no question that past prophets and apostles have taught, without equivocation, that the Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is in western New York. [A partial list of their teachings is available here.]

No one has to accept those teachings, of course. People can question the reliability and credibility of those prophets and apostles, such as by saying they were unqualified and merely expressing their private opinions.

As a matter of Church history, that approach requires a person to believe that Joseph’s associates, including his mother, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer, had poor memories and/or stated speculation as fact, and thereby misled members of the Church for decades. 

After all, Oliver Cowdery wrote, in Letter VII, that it was a fact that the final battles of the Jaredites and Nephites took place in the mile-wide valley west of the hill in New York where Joseph found the plates. Joseph had Letter VII copied into his personal history and republished in official Church newspapers. He never questioned, let alone rejected, the New York Cumorah. And why would he? His mother reported that he knew the hill was named Cumorah even before he got the plates. He could only have learned this from Moroni himself.

Joseph’s early associates affirmed that Moroni himself said the hill was named Cumorah anciently.

Plus, according to several Church leaders, Joseph and Oliver had personally visited the depository of Nephite records in the same hill. This was no speculation on their part; they had personal experience.

But let’s say, hypothetically, that the M2C intellectuals are right; i.e., all these associates of Joseph Smith, and all the prophets and apostles, were merely speculating (even though they never suggested anything of the sort).

Let’s say they were “merely expressing their opinions.” Does that make them wrong? Does that mean they misled the Church?

Of course not. 

Scientific evidence. If we shift to scientific evidence, the New York hill remains the best real-world candidate for the Cumorah of Mormon 6:6.

When he joined the Church, Heber C. Kimball visited the hill and observed the embankments around it. The area has since been plowed for decades, but detailed topographical maps suggest there may be one residual feature from the ancient embankment left.

Archaeologists and anthropologists have reported that around 300 A.D., the Hopewell civilization in Ohio ceased building sophisticated earthworks and instead built a series of defensive structures. This was about the time when Mormon traveled to Zarahemla and became the military leader of the Nephites. He led them on their wars with the Lamanites, which eventually ended in retreat to Cumorah.

Archaeologists say there was a general Hopewell movement toward western New York. Defensive structures similar to those in Ohio, although rapidly constructed, appear throughout western New York. Heber C. Kimball reported they were common knowledge. There are dozens of sites in western New York that show temporary occupancy of Hopewell people, even though the major Hopewell sites are centered in the Midwest (which Joseph described as the plains of the Nephites, but we’re not relying on that in the scientific examination. He also correctly identified the trade network associated with Zelph, which archaeologists didn’t figure out until much later, but we’re not relying on that, either.)

Populations estimates for Book of Mormon people vary widely, but IMO, the text describes a relatively small population.

When Lachoneus assembled the Nephites in the center of the land to defend against the robbers, they “did march forth by thousands and tens of thousands.” (3 Ne. 3:22). The numbers cited in the text  correlate to the Roman Numeral system of units, tens, hundreds, then thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and so on.

Mormon never gave us a census, but we can infer that some groups who assembled had thousands, while others had “tens of thousands.” However large the number was, “they did dwell in one land, and in one body,” beginning in the latter end of the 17th year. They had “reserved for themselves provisions… that they might subsist for the space of seven years.” We wonder, how many people using A.D. 17 technology could you assemble in one place, together with enough provisions to last for seven years? A million seems highly unlikely. Mormon never used the term “hundreds of thousands.” From that I infer the number was in the tens of thousands, possibly up to two hundred thousand, and was probably lower than that.

Mormon expressed his idea of a “great number of men,” when he added “even to exceed the number of thirty thousand” (Mormon 1:11). The largest enumerated Nephite army was only 42,000 men (Morm. 2:9), assembled after gathering in their people (2:7), while the largest enumerated Lamanite army was only 50,000 men (2:25). This was around 346 AD, only about 40 years before the final conflict at Cumorah.

After years of slaughter and retreat, the Nephites assembled at Cumorah. My reading of Mormon 6 tells me Mormon and Moroni could see the bodies of their 20,000 people lying in the Cumorah valley. The other 21 leaders of their respective ten thousand each were killed elsewhere, either in the wars immediately leading up to the battle at Cumorah or the wars throughout Mormon’s military career. This is also how I read Letter VII.

The physical evidence at Cumorah accommodates these numbers, both in terms of logistics and in terms of the number of arrowheads and other weapons found in the area over the years.

Other people reach other interpretations, of course. For example, some think the text requires volcanoes near Cumorah; when I read the text, I see no mention of Cumorah.

Consequently, the question of Cumorah will probably never be solved.

Unless the day comes, as President Ivins said in General Conference, that the rest of the plates come forth, are translated, and published to the world.

Everyone is free to believe whatever he/she wants to believe. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. I want people to make informed decisions.

And I think that’s what most of us want, as well.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

The 3 Cumorahs

Last week, I suggested that the Hill Cumorah is the keystone of Book of Mormon historicity. According to the Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Geography, the Church has only one position, which is it has no position on the geography.

That leaves us with three Cumorahs to consider.

I’ll outline them briefly here and discuss them in more detail tomorrow.

#1. Cumorah is in New York (teachings of past LDS prophets and apostles)

#2. Cumorah is anywhere except New York, but it is somewhere on Earth (teachings of LDS intellectuals but no LDS prophets or apostles)

#2a. Cumorah can best be understood in a fictional setting, but it existed in a real place somewhere in “the Americas” (teachings of BYU/CES)

#3. Cumorah is nowhere because it is fictional (teachings of some LDS members and most LDS critics)

Okay, I realize I just listed 4 Cumorahs, but #2a is really a hybrid between #2 and #3, so I didn’t count it separately.

I’m reviewing these 3 Cumorahs because, if current trends continue, Cumorah #3 appears destined to prevail not only in the world as a whole, but also among members of the Church.

If I were to rank these different Cumorahs by acceptance rates, #3 is overwhelmingly the favorite in the world.

The percentage of the world’s population that doesn’t think Cumorah is fiction would show up as a thin line on a pie chart.

That’s assuming every member of the Church accepts Cumorah as an actual location in the real world.


Now, let’s consider which Cumorah members of the Church accept.

The conceptual graph to the left shows changes in beliefs over time.

From 1830 to about 1920, no one questioned the New York location of the the Hill Cumorah.

Letter VII was published in the Messenger and Advocate and then republished in the Gospel Reflector, the Millennial Star, the Times and Seasons, the Prophet, and the Improvement Era.

The New York Cumorah was taught in General Conference by members of the First Presidency. It was taught in doctrinal books published by the Church, including Jesus the Christ and A Marvelous Work and a Wonder.

From 1879 to 1920, the New York Cumorah was stated as a fact in the official editions of the Book of Mormon, indicated in a footnote to Mormon 6:6.

In the early 1900s, scholars from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (RLDS) opined that New York was too far from Central America to be the location of Cumorah. They speculated that Cumorah was in Mesoamerica; i.e., M2C.

Some LDS people began accepting this Mexican Cumorah. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith objected, warning that this idea would cause members of the Church to become confused and disturbed in their faith. Elder Smith’s position prevailed until about the late 1950s, when more scholars began dicussing the M2C idea. By the 1970s, it was becoming more widely accepted.

In the 1970s, President Marion G. Romney and Elder Mark E. Petersen both gave General Conference addresses declaring that the Hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 was in New York, but M2C scholars ignored them, deeming their conference talks to be merely personal opinions that were incorrect because M2C was correct.

In 1990, the Office of the First Presidency released a letter stating that “The Church has long maintained, as attested to by references in the writings of General Authorities, that the Hill Cumorah in western New York state is the same as referenced in the Book of Mormon.” The letter had been personally approved by Ezra Taft Benson, Gordon B. Hinckley, and Thomas S. Monson.

Nevertheless, M2C scholars deemed this as unofficial and incorrect. They continued teaching and promoting M2C.

Now, the anonymous Gospel Topics Essay recognizes that “individuals may have their own opinions regarding Book of Mormon geography and other such matters about which the Lord has not spoken.”

The Lord has told us He speaks through his ordained leaders. Every prophet/apostle who has ever addressed the topic has affirmed the New York Cumorah. So far, no Church leaders have officially repudiated the teachings of the prophets and apostles regarding Cumorah.

Nevertheless, the Gospel Topics Essay says the Church doesn’t take a position regarding these teachings about the New York Cumorah, so Cumorah #1 is just one option to consider, along with #2, #2a, and #3.

We can still evaluate the New York Cumorah using purely academic and scientific criteria, as I do in tomorrow’s post.

The trend toward M2C accelerated into the present (2019), accompanied by three developments.

1. CES and BYU stopped teaching students what the prophets have taught about Cumorah.

2. CES and BYU taught people about M2C, which was also supported by Church media, visitors centers, etc.

BYU fantasy map,
depicting Cumorah in a mythical setting

2. CES and BYU began teaching the Book of Mormon using computer-generated “abstract maps” that depicted Book of Mormon events in a fictional fantasy setting.

By now, most youth and young adults have been taught with these fantasy maps.

Going forward, it seems likely that the fantasy maps will become even more widespread, with the consequence that more members of the Church will naturally conclude that Cumorah is entirely fictional.

Tomorrow I’ll discuss the four Cumorahs–in reverse order.

I think in the long term it is psychologically difficult, if not impossible, for someone raised to think of the Book of Mormon in terms of a fantasy map to also think of it as a real-world account of real-world people.

Source: Book of Mormon Wars