Because the M2C citation cartel insists the “real” Cumorah is in Mexico, not New York, they consistently reject every historical account about the New York Cumorah. They also reject all the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.
As we’ve seen, it’s not only the M2C citation cartel but also the revisionist Church historians who are changing Church history to accommodate M2C, such as the Saints book.
BMC logo that incorporates Mayan language to explicitly reject the New York Cumorah |
In this case, we have another M2C no-wise from Book of Mormon Central about the sword of Laban.
The article points out that the sword of Laban was made of steel, a point that critics claimed was impossible. However, a steel sword has been found near Jericho that dates to about 620 B.C., which corroborates the account in the Book of Mormon.
This could be important evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon.
Actually, it is important evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon for those who still believe the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.
But because of M2C, Book of Mormon Central frames the sword of Laban as a purely visionary item!
IOW, they want people to believe that because the “real” Cumorah is in Mexico, David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery must have seen the sword only “in vision.”
As usual, Book of Mormon hands a gift to critics such as the CES Letter.
Here is the link to the no-wise.
I’ve discussed some of the sword of Laban issues before, here:
Let’s look at a portion of the no-wise. Original in blue, my comments in red.
Source: Book of Mormon Wars