This is a considerable cost saving measure and additionally creates a local water resource. One of the fastest growing economies in Africa, Ethiopia, has an ambitious plan to cut a green, sustainable path to becoming a middle-income country by 2025. "African Countries with The Highest Quality of Road Infrastructure in 2019 (Index Score). Annually, more than 100,000 vehicles are imported into the country. And just 800,000km of the total of 2.8m in sub-Saharan Africa are paved, says a report from 2018 by the Export-Import Bank of India. Which African Countries Have the Most Cars on the Road? Economic activity in the region is slowing to 3.3 percent amid global headwinds, including weak global growth and tightening global financial conditions. However, there is a vehicle for every 47 people, quite a low vehicle to people ratio. To date, there are close to 2.8 million registered cars in the country and every year, more than 110,000 vehicles are imported. More specifically, Figure 2 compares the spatial distribution of international aid projects by the World Bank and China, where each circle depicts a project site and the size of the circle represents the projects value with a logarithmic price scale. The Ethiopian Roads Authority plans to build an additional 10,000 kilometres of road at a cost of 41 billion Birr ($1.24 Billion) in the coming year. In 2019, Namibia had the highest road quality infrastructure in Africa, according to business executives' perceptions. Paved streets account for 26,000 km and bicycle lanes 5,000 km. According to the hypothesis, colonial rail infrastructure enticed further transportation infrastructure at the same locations due to the spatial organization of economic activity and urbanization clustered around those rail networks. The author explores several hypotheses to explain why Africas roads are inefficiently placed. Tunisia is third in North Africa, with a car for every seven Tunisians, owing to a relatively lower population. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Rep. Bosnia & Herz. This study's method came up with 90,037 sq km. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. The impact is felt most by rural communities. Road density is the ratio of the length of the country's total road network to the country's land area. The importance of road safety in the developmental agenda of a country cannot be overemphasized. Frank van Steenbergen tidak bekerja, menjadi konsultan, memiliki saham, atau menerima dana dari perusahaan atau organisasi mana pun yang akan mengambil untung dari artikel ini, dan telah mengungkapkan bahwa ia tidak memiliki afiliasi selain yang telah disebut di atas. MWU2ZjE1YzY0ZDI4NjRlMGIzNTk2Yzk5ZTYyN2YzODZlZTJhNzYzMWFhZDYy total: 24,981 km (2013)note: total roadway length has increased significantly and continues to grow due to the recovery of Armenian-held territories and related reconstruction efforts. According to the World Bank, 81.62% of all roads in China are paved.According to the most recent (2005) data. Unpaved roads have only a dynamic monitoring system, while paved roads have static and dynamic monitoring systems for both asphalt and concrete pavement. Register in seconds and access exclusive features. No updated figure is currently available. Macau is the top country by road density in the world. Table 10.1 shows that 79 per cent of the roads in South Africa are gravel roads and only 21 per cent are paved. ZjRmNmM2YjcwODMwMzlhMTkzZjUyZTE4MGMzZTVlNzEyOGMxN2U3ZWUyYmM1 Ethiopia - the second most populous country in Africa - is a one-party state with a planned economy. construct. Must Africans wait for paved roads until they get the leadership they ought rightly to have? Figures of the week: Africas infrastructure paradox, Figures of the week: Africas infrastructure needs are an investment opportunity., Why Africa matters to the United States: Top 5 reasons, The economic significance of intra-African tradegetting the narrative right, The AfCFTA Country Business Index: Understanding private sector involvement in the AfCFTA. The country's State-run roads agency, Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) dreams of paving an additional 4,000km by 2022. Indication of the amount of work that is still required, said the Eastern Capes department of transport/. In 2018, only 40 percent of Africans had access to electricity, 33 percent had access to paved roads, and 5 percent of agricultural land was irrigated. The used car import market in Africa is growing, leading to more cars on the road. Today, it is the most sought after market by car makers, and established Japanese brands like Toyota have worked hard at not falling from the top. African countries with the highest quality of road infrastructure in 2019 (index score) [Graph]. Collaboration and buy-in between local partners from engineers to technicians, farmers, labourers and governments departments is critical. As of January 31, 2022, 75% of the population had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine. These smart roads are increasing resilience to shocks, such as floods because water is being harvested and maintenance costs are reduced. M2ZkYzcyNDM0MDg5OTUyMDkyZjU1N2NkOWQxMDQ3ZTVlMDQ3NTU2MGU2M2E0 Learn more about how Statista can support your business. In 2021, 34 million Americans tested positive for COVID-19, up 70% from 20 million in 2020. Source: Tilman Graff, Spatial Inefficiencies In Africas Trade Network, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series, 2019. The group added that theEastern Cape, Free State, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and the North West in particular are struggling with the maintenance of their respective road networks. Between 85 and 90 percent of all runways at the nation's 3,364 commercial airports are surfaced with asphalt pavement. For more than a decade before 2016, GDP grew at a rate between 8% and 11% annually - one of the fastest growing states among the 188 IMF member countries. The minister of water and sanitation, Senzo Mchunu says that there is an anomaly in South Africa where municipal water services continue to decline despite the department making substantial grant allocations to various projects. NTdmY2I4Yjc2ZDhjNWIwZDk1Mzc4ZTQ1NzY4OTI0NzVhZmQwZjcwM2Y4N2E5 total: 2,700 km (2011)paved: 1,620 km (2011)unpaved: 1,080 km (2011), total: 4,122 km (2010)paved: 3,392 km (2010)unpaved: 730 km (2010), total: 369,105 km (2018)paved: 110,311 km (2018)unpaved: 258,794 km (2018), total: 1,700 km (2015)paved: 1,700 km (2015), total: 118,414 km (2015)paved: 118,414 km (2015) (includes 1,747 km of expressways), total: 3,281 km (2017)paved: 601 km (2017)unpaved: 2,680 km (2017), total: 16,000 km (2006)paved: 1,400 km (2006)unpaved: 14,600 km (2006), total: 447 km (2010)paved: 447 km (2010)note: 225 km public roads; 222 km private roads, total: 12,205 km (2017)urban: 437 km (2017), total: 90,568 km (2017)paved: 9,792 km (2017)unpaved: 80,776 km (2017), total: 22,926 km (2010)paved: 19,426 km (2010) (4,652 km of interurban roads)unpaved: 3,500 km (2010), total: 31,747 km (2017)paved: 9,810 km (2017)unpaved: 21,937 km (2017), total: 2 million km (2018)paved: 246,000 km (2018)unpaved: 1.754 million km (2018), note: short section of paved road between port and airfield on Diego Garcia, total: 2,976 km (2014)paved: 2,559 km (2014)unpaved: 417 km (2014), total: 19,512 km (2011)paved: 19,235 km (2011) (includes 458 km of expressways)unpaved: 277 km (2011)note: does not include Category IV local roads, total: 15,304 km (2014)paved: 3,642 km (2014)unpaved: 11,662 km (2014), total: 157,000 km (2013)paved: 34,700 km (2013)unpaved: 122,300 km (2013), total: 12,322 km (2016)paved: 1,500 km (2016)unpaved: 10,822 km (2016), total: 1,350 km (2013)paved: 932 km (2013)unpaved: 418 km (2013), total: 47,263 km (2013)paved: 12,239 km (2013)unpaved: 35,024 km (2013), total: 77,589 km (2016)paved: 5,133 km (2016)unpaved: 72,456 km (2016), total: 1,042,300 km (2011)paved: 415,600 km (2011) (includes 17,000 km of expressways)unpaved: 626,700 km (2011), total: 24,000 km (2018)paved: 700 km (2018)unpaved: 23,300 km (2018), total: 40,000 km (2018)note: consists of 25,000 km of national and regional roads and 15,000 km of local roads; 206 km of urban roads are paved, total: 5.2 million km (2020)paved: 4.578 million km (2020) (includes 168000 km of expressways)unpaved: 622,000 km (2017), total: 142 km (2011)paved: 32 km (2011)unpaved: 110 km (2011), total: 22 km (2007)paved: 10 km (2007)unpaved: 12 km (2007), total: 880 km (2002)paved: 673 km (2002)unpaved: 207 km (2002), total: 152,373 km (2015)paved: 3,047 km (2015)unpaved: 149,326 km (2015)urban: 7,400 km (2015)non-urban: 144,973 km, total: 23,324 km (2017)paved: 3,111 km (2017)unpaved: 20,213 km (2017)note: road network in Congo is composed of 23,324 km of which 17,000 km are classified as national, departmental, and routes of local interest: 6,324 km are non-classified routes, total: 295 km (2018)paved: 207 km (2018)unpaved: 88 km (2018), total: 81,996 km (2007)paved: 6,502 km (2007)unpaved: 75,494 km (2007)note: includes intercity and urban roads; another 20,000 km of dirt roads are in poor condition and 150,000 km of dirt roads are impassable, total: 26,958 km (2015) (includes 1,416 km of expressways), total: 60,000 km (2015)paved: 20,000 km (2001)unpaved: 40,000 km (2001), total: 12,901 km (2016)government control: 12,901 km (2016) (includes 272 km of expressways)paved: 8,631 km (2016)unpaved: 4,270 km (2016)Turkish Cypriot control: 7,000 km (2011), total: 55,744 km (2019) (includes urban and category I, II, III roads)paved: 55,744 km (2019) (includes 1,252 km of expressways), total: 74,558 km (2017)paved: 74,558 km (2017) (includes 1,205 km of expressways), total: 1,512 km (2018)paved: 762 km (2018)unpaved: 750 km (2018), total: 19,705 km (2002)paved: 9,872 km (2002)unpaved: 9,833 km (2002), total: 43,950 km (2022)paved: 8,895 km (2022)unpaved: 35,055 km (2022), total: 65,050 km (2018)paved: 48,000 km (2018)unpaved: 17,050 km (2018), total: 9,012 km (2017)paved: 5,341 km (2017)unpaved: 3,671 km (2017), total: 16,000 km (2018)paved: 1,600 km (2000)unpaved: 14,400 km (2000), total: 58,412 km (2011) (includes urban roads)paved: 10,427 km (2011) (includes 115 km of expressways)unpaved: 47,985 km (2011), total: 440 km (2008)paved: 50 km (2008)unpaved: 390 km (2008), total: 960 km (2017)paved: 500 km (2017)unpaved: 460 km (2017)note: those islands not connected by roads (bridges or tunnels) are connected by seven different ferry links operated by the nationally owned company SSL; 28 km of tunnels, total: 3,440 km (2011)paved: 1,686 km (2011)unpaved: 1,754 km (2011), total: 454,000 km (2012)highways: 78,000 km (2012) (50,000 paved, including 700 km of expressways; 28,000 unpaved)private and forest roads: 350,000 km (2012)urban: 26,000 km (2012), total: 1,053,215 km (2011)urban: 654,201 km (2011)non-urban: 399,014 km (2011), total: 2,590 km (1999)paved: 1,735 km (1999)unpaved: 855 km (1999), total: 14,300 km (2001)paved: 900 km (2001)unpaved: 13,400 km (2001), total: 2,977 km (2011)paved: 518 km (2011)unpaved: 2,459 km (2011), total: 625,000 km (2017)paved: 625,000 km (2017) (includes 12,996 km of expressways)note: includes local roads, total: 65,725 km (2021)paved: 14,948 km (2021)unpaved: 50,777 km (2021)urban: 28,480 km 27% total paved 73% total unpaved, note: although there are short roads in towns, there are no roads between towns; inter-urban transport is either by sea or by air, total: 1,127 km (2017)paved: 902 km (2017)unpaved: 225 km (2017), total: 17,440 km (2020)paved: 7,458 km (2020)unpaved: 9,982 km (2020) (includes 4,548 km of rural roads), total: 44,301 km (2018)paved: 3,346 km (2018)unpaved: 40,955 km (2018), total: 4,400 km (2018)paved: 453 km (2018)unpaved: 3,947 km (2018), total: 3,995 km (2019)paved: 799 km (2019)unpaved: 3,196 km (2019), total: 4,102 km (2011)paved: 600 km (2011)unpaved: 3,502 km (2011), total: 14,742 km (2012)paved: 3,367 km (2012)unpaved: 11,375 km (2012) (1,543 km summer only)note: an additional 8,951 km of non-official roads used by the coffee industry, total: 2,193 km (2021)paved: 2,193 km (2021), total: 203,601 km (2014)paved: 77,087 km (2014) (includes 1,582 km of expressways)unpaved: 126,514 km (2014), total: 12,898 km (2012)paved/oiled gravel: 5,647 km (2012) (excludes urban roads)unpaved: 7,251 km (2012), total: 6,371,847 km (2021) note: includes 140,995 km of national highways and expressways, 171.039 km of state highways , and 6,059,813 km of other roadsnote: includes 96,214 km of national highways and expressways, 147,800 km of state highways, and 4,455,010 km of other roads, total: 496,607 km (2011)paved: 283,102 km (2011)unpaved: 213,505 km (2011), total: 223,485 km (2018)paved: 195,485 km (2018)unpaved: 28,000 km (2018), total: 59,623 km (2012)paved: 59,623 km (2012) (includes Kurdistan region), total: 99,830 km (2018)paved: 99,830 km (2018) (includes 2,717 km of expressways), total: 19,555 km (2017)paved: 19,555 km (2017) (includes 449 km of expressways), total: 487,700 km (2007)paved: 487,700 km (2007) (includes 6,700 km of expressways), total: 22,121 km (2011) (includes 44 km of expressways)paved: 16,148 km (2011)unpaved: 5,973 km (2011), total: 1,218,772 km (2015)paved: 992,835 km (2015) (includes 8,428 km of expressways)unpaved: 225,937 km (2015), total: 7,203 km (2011)paved: 7,203 km (2011), total: 96,167 km (2021)paved: 83,813 km (2021)unpaved: 12,354 km (2021), total: 161,452 km (2018)paved: 14,420 km (2017) (8,500 km highways, 1,872 urban roads, and 4,048 rural roads)unpaved: 147,032 km (2017), total: 25,554 km (2006)paved: 724 km (2006)unpaved: 24,830 km (2006), total: 100,428 km (2016)paved: 92,795 km (2016) (includes 4,193 km of expressways)unpaved: 7,633 km (2016), total: 2,012 km (2015)paved: 1,921 km (2015) (includes 78 km of expressways)unpaved: 91 km (2015), total: 5,749 km (2018)paved: 4,887 km (2018)unpaved: 862 km (2018), total: 39,586 km (2009)paved: 5,415 km (2009)unpaved: 34,171 km (2009), total: 70,244 km (2018)paved: 15,158 km (2018)unpaved: 55,086 km (2018), total: 5,940 km (2011)paved: 1,069 km (2011)unpaved: 4,871 km (2011), total: 10,600 km (2018)paved: 657 km (2018)unpaved: 9,943 km (2018), total: 37,000 km (2010)paved: 34,000 km (2010)unpaved: 3,000 km (2010), total: 84,166 km (2012)paved: 72,297 km (2012) (includes 312 km of expressways)unpaved: 11,869 km (2012), total: 15,452 km (2015)paved: 4,074 km (2015)unpaved: 11,378 km (2015), total: 144,403 km (2010) (excludes local roads)paved: 116,169 km (2010) (includes 1,821 km of expressways)unpaved: 28,234 km (2010), total: 93 km (2018)paved: 93 km (2018) - 60 km in Male; 16 km on Addu Atolis; 17 km on Laamunote: island roads are mainly compacted coral, total: 3,096 km (2008)paved: 2,704 km (2008)unpaved: 392 km (2008)urban: 1,422 km (2001)non-urban: 832 km (2001), total: 2,028 km (2007)paved: 75 km (2007)unpaved: 1,953 km, total: 12,253 km (2018)paved: 3,988 km (2018)unpaved: 8,265 km (2018), total: 2,428 km (2015)paved: 2,379 km (2015) (includes 99 km of expressways)unpaved: 49 km (2015), total: 704,884 km (2017)paved: 175,526 km (2017) (includes 10,845 km of expressways)unpaved: 529,358 km (2017), note - paved and unpaved circumferential roads, most interior roads are unpaved, total: 9,352 km (2012)paved: 8,835 km (2012)unpaved: 517 km (2012), total: 113,200 km (2017)paved: 10,600 km (2017)unpaved: 102,600 km (2017), total: 7,762 km (2010)paved: 7,141 km (2010)unpaved: 621 km (2010), note: volcanic eruptions that began in 1995 destroyed most of the 227 km road system; a new road infrastructure has been built on the north end of the island, total: 31,083 km (2015)paved: 7,365 km (2015)unpaved: 23,718 km (2015), total: 48,875 km (2018)paved: 7,893 km (2018)unpaved: 40,982 km (2018), total: 30 km (2002)paved: 24 km (2002)unpaved: 6 km (2002), total: 27,990 km (2016)paved: 11,890 km (2016)unpaved: 16,100 km (2016), total: 139,124 km (2016) (includes 3,654 km of expressways), total: 94,000 km (2017)paved: 61,600 km (2017) (includes 199 km of expressways)unpaved: 32,400 km (2017), total: 23,897 km (2014)paved: 3,346 km (2014)unpaved: 20,551 km (2014), total: 18,949 km (2010)paved: 3,912 km (2010)unpaved: 15,037 km (2010), total: 195,000 km (2017)paved: 60,000 km (2017)unpaved: 135,000 km (2017), total: 234 km (2017)paved: 210 km (2017)unpaved: 24 km, total: 80 km (2008)paved: 53 km (2008)unpaved: 27 km (2008), total: 14,182 km (2017) (includes 290 km of expressways)paved: 9,633 km (2017)unpaved: 4,549 km (2017), total: 94,902 km (2018) (includes 455 km of expressways), total: 60,230 km (2012)paved: 29,685 km (2012) (includes 1,943 km of expressways)unpaved: 30,545 km (2012), total: 264,175 km (2021)paved: 185,463 km (2021) (includes 708 km of expressways)unpaved: 78,712 km (2021), total: 125 km (2018)paved: 89 km (2018)unpaved: 36 km (2018), total: 9,349 km (2011)paved: 3,000 km (2011)unpaved: 6,349 km (2011), total: 78,811 km (2020)paved: 8,573 km (2020)unpaved: 70,238 km (2020), total: 18,699 km (2018)paved: 18,699 kmnote: includes 27,109 km of national roads (21,434 km paved), 247,505 km of departmental roads (3,623 km paved), and 113,857 km of local roads (1,858 km paved), total: 216,387 km (2014)paved: 61,093 km (2014)unpaved: 155,294 km (2014), total: 420,000 km (2016)paved: 291,000 km (2016) (includes 1,492 km of expressways, 1,559 of motorways)unpaved: 129,000 km (2016), total: 82,900 km (2008)paved: 71,294 km (2008) (includes 2,613 km of expressways)unpaved: 11,606 km (2008), total: 26,862 km (2012) (includes 454 km of expressways), total: 84,185 km (2012)paved: 49,873 km (2012) (includes 337 km of expressways)unpaved: 34,312 km (2012), total: 1,283,387 km (2012)paved: 927,721 km (2012) (includes 39,143 km of expressways)unpaved: 355,666 km (2012), total: 4,700 km (2012)paved: 1,207 km (2012)unpaved: 3,493 km (2012), total: 198 km (2002) (Saint Helena 138 km, Ascension 40 km, Tristan da Cunha 20 km)paved: 168 km (2002) (Saint Helena 118 km, Ascension 40 km, Tristan da Cunha 10 km)unpaved: 30 km (2002) (Saint Helena 20 km, Tristan da Cunha 10 km), total: 383 km (2002)paved: 163 km (2002)unpaved: 220 km (2002), total: 1,210 km (2011)paved: 847 km (2011)unpaved: 363 km (2011), total: 117 km (2009)paved: 80 km (2009)unpaved: 37 km (2009), total: 1,300 km (2018)paved: 230 km (2018)unpaved: 1,070 km (2018), total: 221,372 km (2006)paved: 47,529 km (2006) (includes 3,891 km of expressways)unpaved: 173,843 km (2006), total: 16,665 km (2017)paved: 6,126 km (2017) (includes 241 km of expressways)unpaved: 10,539 km (2017), total: 44,248 km (2016)paved: 28,000 km (2016) (16,162 km state roads, out of which 741 km highways)unpaved: 16,248 km (2016), total: 526 km (2015)paved: 514 km (2015)unpaved: 12 km (2015), total: 11,701 km (2015)paved: 1,051 km (2015)unpaved: 10,650 km (2015)urban: 3,000 km (2015)non-urban: 8,700 km (2015), total: 3,500 km (2017)paved: 3,500 km (2017) (includes 164 km of expressways), total: 56,926 km (2016) (includes local roads, national roads, and 464 km of highways), total: 38,985 km (2012)paved: 38,985 km (2012) (includes 769 km of expressways), total: 1,390 km (2011)paved: 34 km (2011)unpaved: 1,356 km (2011)note: includes 920 km of private plantation roads, total: 750,000 km (2016)paved: 158,124 km (2016)unpaved: 591,876 km (2016), total: 90,200 km (2019)paved: 300 km (2019)unpaved: 89,900 km (2019)note: most of the road network is unpaved and much of it is in disrepair; the Juba-Nimule highway connecting Juba to the border with Uganda is the main paved road in South Sudan, total: 683,175 km (2011)paved: 683,175 km (2011) (includes 16,205 km of expressways), total: 114,093 km (2010)paved: 16,977 km (2010)unpaved: 97,116 km (2010), total: 31,000 km (2019)paved: 8,000 km (2019)unpaved: 23,000 km (2019)urban: 1,000 km (2019), total: 4,304 km (2003)paved: 1,119 km (2003)unpaved: 3,185 km (2003), total: 573,134 km (2016) (includes 2,050 km of expressways)paved: 140,100 km (2016)unpaved: 433,034 km (2016)note: includes 98,500 km of state roads, 433,034 km of private roads, and 41,600 km of municipal roads, total: 71,557 km (2017)paved: 71,557 km (2017) (includes 1,458 of expressways), total: 69,873 km (2010)paved: 63,060 km (2010)unpaved: 6,813 km (2010), total: 43,206 km (2017)paved: 42,793 km (2017) (includes 1,348 km of highways and 737 km of expressways)unpaved: 413 km (2017), total: 145,203 km (2022)paved: 11,201 km (2022)unpaved: 134,002 km (2022), total: 180,053 km (2006) (includes 450 km of expressways), total: 6,040 km (2008)paved: 2,600 km (2008)unpaved: 3,440 km (2008), total: 9,951 km (2018)paved: 1,794 km (2018)unpaved: 8,157 km (2018)urban: 1,783 km (2018), total: 680 km (2011)paved: 184 km (2011)unpaved: 496 km (2011), total: 67,333 km (2018)paved: 24,082 km (2018) (includes 2,159 km of expressways)unpaved: 43,251 km (2018), total: 58,592 km (2002)paved: 47,577 km (2002)unpaved: 11,015 km (2002), total: 121 km (2003)paved: 24 km (2003)unpaved: 97 km (2003), total: 20,544 km (2017) (excludes local roads)paved: 4,257 km (2017)unpaved: 16,287 km (2017), total: 169,694 km (2012)paved: 166,095 km (2012) (includes 17 km of expressways)unpaved: 3,599 km (2012), total: 4,080 km (2008)paved: 4,080 km (2008) (includes 253 km of expressways), total: 394,428 km (2009)paved: 394,428 km (2009) (includes 3,519 km of expressways), total: 6,586,610 km (2012)paved: 4,304,715 km (2012) (includes 76,334 km of expressways)unpaved: 2,281,895 km (2012), total: 77,732 km (2010)paved: 7,743 km (2010)unpaved: 69,989 km (2010), total: 86,496 km (2000)paved: 75,511 km (2000)unpaved: 10,985 km (2000), total: 1,070 km (2000)paved: 256 km (2000)unpaved: 814 km (2000), total: 195,468 km (2013)paved: 148,338 km (2013)unpaved: 47,130 km (2013), total: 4,686 km (2010)paved: 4,686 km (2010)note: includes Gaza Strip, total: 71,300 km (2005)paved: 6,200 km (2005)unpaved: 65,100 km (2005), total: 67,671 km (2018)paved: 14,888 km (2018)unpaved: 52,783 km (2018), total: 97,267 km (2019)paved: 18,481 km (2019)unpaved: 78,786 km (2019), Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI). 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