valvoline product data sheet

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Datasheet Download Please wait while we process your request. 2695 0 obj <> endobj 9goa*?e1;0nj/8eAZu6u#1Buu3c40)\W)`oO~f_'XO*;_Ho``& 0 VALVOLINE SDS MATERIAL SEARCH Datasheet Download Download by clicking document icon next to the datasheet format (s) listed below. :>dJM(e?|$Mqo:3(EY:bvfSVX )ea"HyPaO)t4n~|?i )PBo~/[`.-si0.m=j`OfNB Universal Unitrac Fluid by Valvoline. And, it cant have been modified with parts not compatible with your engine. endobj 7 g=es@B4TF&I*uLf Its because of this legacy and dedication to innovation that people have trusted Valvoline products in their vehicles, from the Model T to todays newest models. 150 years ago Dr. John Ellis developed a petroleum-based lubricant for steam engines, and ever since, the company he started has worked to repeatedly innovate and bring only the highest quality motor oils, lubricants and cleaners to market. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product identifier 2403 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<15AF344D3C562A479570BD298F8D26ED>]/Index[2387 36]/Info 2386 0 R/Length 92/Prev 335692/Root 2388 0 R/Size 2423/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream xS[k0~W{(&Dvan?&NQ}/k %iTM7"#*pNd%_Qr>t=*'n]O%J3MjP=N z.Z2_pm0h$tm! We will be happy to help you! % Youll need to go through an 18-month initial maintenance period. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. 4 0 obj 2 0 obj To download or print the safety data sheet for . Reference is made to the Safety Data Sheet SECTION 1. ;_.Eq)~B4!URU)Y|A +E%T-gf? Z**4_hv~(^34U4m6#CpYVk5 km7W' zZ@Q!|6* 5q <> <>>> The Mobil Vacuoline 1400 Series oils have been developed to provide an extra margin of machinery protection by satisfying the requirements of hydraulic systems while meeting the stringent demands of the ways. clicking on Submit you agree to terms and conditions and ourprivacy policy. The Shell Gadus range has been developed to deliver best value through enhanced wear protection, long grease life and system efficiency. I agree to the Terms and Privacy*. Mobility in soil Product: No data available . %PDF-1.5 % For a better experience please use a browser other than your current version of Internet Explorer. endstream endobj startxref 2 0 obj (Change) Change Location . ` VO0 hVmo0+_c'T]W4@C!&UI2BUt9[F"(MWJHDApMs $L9M[ %PDh!s!h.\4!ggt\&a6[D1N[-k#I;\*]VD hVQO0+2!N$R:*HmR%a;; <> It is this commitment to innovation that shows in company products that help keep vehicles safely rolling down roads all over the world. Components: No data available Valvoline offers three (3) different levels of protection. Please check your spelling or try another term. @;e+S |6 .02r)3kFHm,L 8P,F !@@{UX_` ;aSC\,moJh}htFj,'ii@qf` Don't see your equipment builder? All rights reserved. HV[O0~G)_3!$.c :PR*A;JosiiM99YP1F,, F_n84a-ET4UD$M|1"j?v" =8f(%B0`CiL6D4e(RcdNv>DyXR z2R(&LW;n$8:kJx 10I[H& DVku%@jAj4mfuCL6-LkX\].nwUpPf'7Q,HmHy+6f(j+H{('@;nu>J$lm>$Q>Aa3@w n;zUhcs~?9HP>Wc^}]Ol5b {i_ 0c@9l=^Kb_\,W0o}K[PaV(gQ(zL[_g^Ol Before you can make a claim, Valvoline ask that people have been active in the program for 18 months. Ze3[4Psd6$l.,qxTB{eXU|lk5a5(V-c:MADSwslu?PHmOP#FN Byi1W?_!\xBApQ *T~xT&&bKC&7ZVoet3NWhr=- If you are looking for a PI Sheet, it can be found by searching the above link or on the corresponding product page. The dual purpose nature does not compromise either hydraulic system performance or the stick-slip or chatter of ways allowing their effective use in both systems while reducing the potential negative effects of cross contamination of lubricants and water or water-based coolants. %PDF-1.5 endobj This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. If you wish to set a specific communication frequency or otherwise update your preferences, please visit the following link to modify your settings: Preference Center. At Valvoline, were proud that Valvoline oils are the first line of defense for your engine. 2387 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 2388 0 obj <>/Metadata 57 0 R/Pages 2385 0 R/StructTreeRoot 66 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2389 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 842.04]/Parent 2385 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2390 0 obj <>stream 3 0 obj Find the right form for you and fill it out: No results. 2 0 obj Valvoline cant guarantee an engine that is poorly designed, built, or maintenanced. H]o0Ja.>i^DYIEw U$Bk>Nz[?;t~^vOLof[o7jkPX")q!i x|ltk&P*dz]3 Pq.Qd* A+sQ5py76sp\ ShNUNR_#lq%AT.>KZ hb```B x vA0;q!xN03r P>v@,^Nf\pYf,%1X\ s`h`Mi0g K!@,`!T$38k=+s5KjX[xWd`)b/,?Aw H3 ;PjqJ)4\#=0kk*Xnr$yNWcg^ZfG %Q8l?+c+m|>e+xm|]6XWkxm|!aj(Ixb8?JpV6z#:)1~'x{TYV)= {]oD!x~'K4,ly{1>gboB2x`C If your vehicle has been on fire, under water, or totaled, Valvoline cant help you out. 01 . Only authorized customers can leave a review on our website. SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 09/23/2016 Print Date: 11/1/2016 SDS Number: R0306034 Premium Blue Heavy Duty Diesel SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil Trademark, Valvoline or its subsidiaries, regisred in various countries 773780 Version: 1.4 1 / 13 29 CFR 1910.1200 (OSHA HazCom 2012) SECTION 1. Specially formulated for the high-performance demands of motorcycles. If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform 2302(C)). For example, stop-and-go driving is not considered normal by the people writing these drain recommendations. All manufacturer names, symbols, and descriptions, used in our images and text are used solely for identification purposes only. There are some simple things you need to know about the program and there are some basic exclusions around the program. How can Valvoline do this? <> Related Content - valvoline starting fluid sds, Related Forms 1 0 obj L~cbZF^6i#nl#Y7 iiD%"8-" 5H@:1l?peW2n,.c[ GGcqI=B#4ki0koMFm':3%c`dyq62h#}i!jI=kD3F=mgVngT>GcXer-c!gV%40qn Contact our help desk or search by application >, In keeping with our privacy policy, we will not share or publish any of your contact information. Both types are here: Your vehicle must have less than 125,000 miles on it. t{V3:b PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product identifier Trade name : PREMIUM BLUE 7800 15W40 API CI-4/SL 200L Details of the supplier of the safety data Emergency telephone number sheet +1-800-VALVOLINE (+1-800-825-8654) PT. It cant be a tractor, lawnmower, or a race car. And Valvoline had to make sure Valvoline werent attracting a bunch of lemons to the program (that should be the manufacturer's responsibility) to offer this guarantee to as many people as Valvoline could, Valvoline needed to make sure that Valvoline were not taking on vehicles with pre-existing conditions.. If you would like to discuss it further, you can contact me directly. or things that have been modified or worked too hard (for example, race cars). Each Valvoline product has an equivalent Product Information Sheet that details the specs and formulas needed in certain vehicles. 3 0 obj endstream endobj 2696 0 obj <>/Metadata 65 0 R/Pages 2693 0 R/StructTreeRoot 73 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2697 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 842.04]/Parent 2693 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2698 0 obj <>stream 1 0 obj kkXm 2.~c8Qp'.J&DCVC'go-9V)y%l-@HL%"Xh{1F-j)L59!P$PB0 .)[SQyOq)* AT %%EOF SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 11/03/2016 Print Date: 12/14/2016 SDS Number: 000000263938 Valvoline COBALT #2 Grease Trademark, Valvoline or its subsidiaries, regisred in various countries 872117 Version: 1.2 1 / 11 29 CFR 1910.1200 (OSHA HazCom 2012) SECTION 1. ?J?n)tV4 sDY# P,>HU%P(,hz%q 'p4L]'V%QYUVU]_}1q%+ejdra Vo%^,,Oc-XU Valvoline Starting Fluid Sds is not the form you're looking for? Select the product families you would like to include in your search. <> This information only applies to products manufactured in the following location(s): Europe Health & Safety This product is not likely to present any significant health or safety hazards when properly used in the recommended application and good standards of personal hygiene are maintained. Note that only the most current version of the datasheet is maintained here. SAFETY DATA SHEET Print Date: 10/05/2020 Valvoline EXTRA STRENGTH STARTING FLUID 602373 MSDS Number: R0340955 Version: 1.0 1 / 20 1. A List valvoline antifreeze coolant sds and more discounts & coupons from A List brand. We will be looking into this with the utmost urgency, The requested file was not found on our document library. About Valvoline Guarantee (or, Whats the Catch?). 1120 Zinc ppm. They are formulated using high quality mineral base oils and a unique additive technology that provides excellent lubricity properties to eliminate stick-slip and chatter of heavily loaded and vertical box ways. hbbd```b``u i3d fE,dX|=X, f_6`@ oX,{#.F~0 XVN If you can't find the SDS that you're looking for, please contact your CSR, sales rep, or Information Products Coupons Shoes Coupons Sports Coupons Men's Coupons Shirts Coupons Women Coupons Bags Coupons Military Coupons Dogs Coupons Parts . Reference is made to the Safety Data Sheet endobj }pwp_ak0h|zt-_cn3R!gDDXFnl,0"qhO4%)&[t@sLe@O x4. K{8=D?BeN26(L1"*Ue&4{KsM 09pee_%)6M){SX.SBo endstream endobj 2394 0 obj <>stream Of course Valvoline set up some rules around the Engine Guarantee, but youll see that theyre pretty obvious. 1 0 obj 2020 Valvoline TM Trademark, Valvoline or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries. It is designed to reduce wet brake and PTO chatter. =m~pr5Ooc|Km,>{a=Wup' = :+z2)~>FuOdk[bWyq\YMY$Jw?%]zXUf(f"`Qoa"LH'liRI)]_f@v&ieq{7"+pm*gYYi&qt^9uqz)nC #x"1"(c,zY)pA5.$a'"7zh#aQN?PB"0?vg=H}N{2N i'9vhr(11n!#|&[bybEf ; x`pa 7 2/g:J'XV\uYn{>oT <>>> 3 x]ms7*HnFTlu+;Y[VX%D!`CVV Fz>/7n-oOW^~q$eMy8H@R)+!K~)XD?HQRf, hb``` 3@9D\ g/Lv$ba)|GXtn2X88z Nn; uP d @f* <0"&Hrb]$w0k13\h>, 'PENXG.d@L``X2@&@ _ <> 2730 0 obj <>stream . % SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 08/01/2019 Print Date: 4/28/2020 SDS Number: R0172170 Valvoline Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Trademark, Valvoline or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries VV616 Version: 1.4 1 / 13 29 CFR 1910.1200 (OSHA HazCom 2012) SECTION 1. this coating as stated in the Typical Properties section. %PDF-1.5 % Cr `5[w]'UYU5}viJk2o Fb=0E]*ym~9!C 5T"vw%jQ0s::B4"!GC $nPZ i4{B) hL.Z^VSPW y"T endobj 4 0 obj 4 0 obj Product code : VV3246 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Recommended use : Lubricant Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Valvoline LLC 100 Valvoline Way Lexington, KY 40509 United States of America (USA) 1-800-TEAMVAL (1-800-832-6825) Emergency telephone number DB(axFD S`+tWh>*z]Xgz "SPSo_,@.? hbbd```b``vu dy f Ifu`v(}NH0{!d9"sjH`)=bu,g`bdv#0 Un For additional information not found on an SDS or PI Sheet, please contact us at 1800 804 658. Automotive Safety Data Sheets. Valvoline Unitrac Fluid is a High Performance, Multi-Purpose All Weather Fluid Designed For Agricultural Tractors And Off highway Equipment. 9683 US GHS Synonyms: Valvoline Product Code 52670453 _____ Page 1 of 8 Revision Date 8/30/12 * * * Section 1 - Product and Company Identification * * * Manufacturer Information. Help on switching browsers can be found online. W8L=ekS6 By signing up for ExxonMobil Lubricants marketing communications using this form, you agree to accept the frequency of communications as deemed appropriate by our campaign manager. 3 0 obj hb```ZB 6u;K|L0 @Y #uL'IL' i%|IEV:Jh!I <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 2422 0 obj <>stream There are other exceptions here, but the basic idea is this Valvoline motor oil can overcome a lot of things, but external (and really bad) forces applied to your engine are completely out of Valvoline control. <> Mobil Vacuoline 1400 Series oils are extra high performance lubricants specifically designed to satisfy the requirements of machine tools that use one oil for both hydraulic systems and way lubrication. Solely for identification purposes only is a High Performance, Multi-Purpose all Fluid. Families you would like to include in your search our website PTO chatter a List brand?.. 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valvoline product data sheet