Big Creek Farm has 2 yearling Belted Galloway bulls available, one dun and one black. ensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. These have a thicker cashmere undercoat which, Doris believes, protects the kids better from the elements. Bill also picked out one tough old, one eyed nanny goat who looked like a wise animal in an attempt to carry out the goat culture and acquired wisdom from living in the wild. The goats are medium-sized, with does weighing in at about 80 lbs and bucks average about 120 lbs at maturity.Syfans herd consists of several groups: three groups of does, one group of bucks, a group of young bucks, and a group of young does. Allison Ranch Discovered Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Allison Ranch.Baylis Foundation Mississippi Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bob Baylis Ranch.Bode Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bode Ranch.Bradshaw Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bradshaw Ranch.Concharty Discovered Texas Herd no longer in production on Herd Ranch.Devils River Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by Marvin Shurley.Kensing Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Kensing and Whitworth Family Ranches.Koy Ranch Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Koy Ranch.Lowcountry Foundation South Carolina Herd that is no longer being produced on the Coastal Island of South Carolina.Middle Valley Established Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Middle Valley Spanish Goat Ranch.Morefield Foundation Ohio Herd that is currently in production on the Morefield Ranch.Pape Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Elgin Pape Ranch.Partin Discovered Florida Herd that is no longer in production on the Doc Partin Ranch.FSG Fullblood Spanish Goat Fullblood Spanish Goat is the bloodline designation given to Herds/Goats that are a result of multiple Fullblood Spanish Goat Bloodline crosses.Sawyer Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Neely-Sawyer and Eddie-Sawyer Ranches.Smoke Ridge Foundation Montana Herd that is currently in production on the Smoke Ridge Ranch.Syfan Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Three Mill Ranch.Valera Foundation Virginia Herd that is currently in production on the Muddy Run Farm.Weinheimer Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Weinheimer Ranch.Wood Foundation Ohio Herd that is no longer in production on the Wood Ranch.Willingham (info only, not Fullblood Spanish) NOT FULLBLOOD SPANISH. These older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid. Darla is an SGR GOLD Certified ~ Lifetime Conservationist Member that can be found on our Breeder Mapout of Buckholts, TX. Salt blocks or loose salt powder are also provided regularly. Call for Price, JANUARY KIDDING- PURE SPANISH kids are now on the ground and will be available in three months, (SOLD) Pure Spanish and Kiko/Spanish Cross Bucklings, (SOLD) Pure Spanish Goat- Baylis - Low Country bloodline, (SOLD)Pure Spanish Goat- Baylis- Low Country bloodline, (SOLD) Spanish - Kiko Cross bucks for sale. The Kensings had just purchased property in Menard, and although they still lived 60 miles away, they put the goats on the new land. They are fairly slow growers but fatten well producing excellent quality meat. Spanish are known for being parasite and disease resistant, promoting longevity. If there isand sometimes there areany goat which needs more frequent trimming, this is done at de-worming or feeding time (when the goats are easier to catch at the feeder). The goats range in weight from 50-200 pounds, with the largest animals representing strains that have been selected over many decades for meat production. The Papes meet this demand: most kidding occurs in January and July, allowing for the availability of young goats throughout the year. Ramses - 1 and 1/2 year old wether. He was a triplet and has beautiful cafe-au-lait colored wool. The dogs are Great Pyrenees, Akbash, and Anatolian, and Syfan asserts that its not necessarily which breed of livestock guardian dog is best, but whether or not the dog itself is effective. Springwood Farm is a high health status farm in Free Union, Virginia operated by two retired veterinarians committed to livestock conservation. August 2020. Important traits also include adaptability, range utility, fertility, longevity, and temperament; although these are more difficult to measure and describe. As a result we have had to upgrade the Spanish Goat Association Resource Website. These bloodline histories were told to us by the breeders themselves where possible. Too request more information / pictures / or place a deposit, call 540-829-5683 or email, Feb / March 2022 A2/A2 heifer calves $2,200 and bull calves $1,500. Nanny kids are weaned about 5-6 months old depending on weather and available forage for the nursing mothers. Some of the Sawyer Bloodline Producers are still raising Sawyers in this way, and other producers are raising them as individual goats. black crows came in at kidding time. The above description of the Koy Ranch Bloodline was written by Koy Adcock in 2009. They have made our yard, surrounding woods and fields into a virtual parkland. "Cornelius", unregistered twin of Chester, available for crossbreeding for your fiber flock. Billy kids that are not good enough quality for breeding are altered. Some areas on the island became impassable over time due to dense brush encroachment or impassable swamp.As time went on, the goats were harvested less frequently, but by then new predators were present: feral hogs. Even his grandfather kept Spanish goats for the family table, and Bode loves goat meat barbecued, baked, and fried. One adult on the island is polled. Their hooves were in great shape and their overall health was excellent. The Kensings do not interfere at kidding time, and if a weak kid cannot make it through with normal care, it is left to its fate. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waverfrom our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anythingthat we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive forimprovement. The goats are kept friendly with occasional very small amounts of corn: about a handful per goat per week is all it takes. Bode can taste the difference between Boer meat and Spanish meat. Rachel - 2 year old ewe. He knew that very often that first generation of crossbreeding is very impressive, but as time goes on the crossbreeds may not prove to be everything hoped. Other Valera goats in the area from Feltners herd have not been found, nor have the original Valeras in Texas, so Muddy Run goats contain a unique bloodline. Three of these are Suri llamas, with beautiful soft straight hair. It will take the Black about 28 weeks to reach marketable weight. The terrain is hilly with limestone rock that would keep the goats?hooves in excellent condition naturally. In the past three years hes caught 120 bobcats, 400 raccoons, and about 100 foxes, which not only benefits kid survival, but is also a fun and profitable hobby. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety ofcolors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test toensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. Howdy Folks ~ the Spanish Goat Association Resource Website that was created back in 2007 by Leslie Edmundson with less than 50 Breeders has grown into a group of 283 committed Pure Spanish Goat Producers (not all choose to be listed) that want to Preserve and Promote the Pure Spanish Goat Breed! Contact Karen at big-creek@msn.comor phone 319-389-9647. The island was used as a rice paddy that was farmed until the 1911. . Our foxes are raised and bred in a TWRA state licensed and USDA federally licensed facilities. Anatolians, Maremmas, and crosses thereof, guard the goats at home or off property at weed projects, at approximately one dog per 100 goats.Nearly one third of the doe herd is Fullblood Spanish, and every few years those does are bred to a Fullblood Spanish buck to make a new batch of mother goats. The entire Smoke Ridge doeherd is sorted into groups of approximately 75 animals, and a single buck is put with each group for three and a half weeks. They are both straight Valera. We believed that word of mouth, customer satisfaction, and reputation were keyto our operation.. Mesquite and Prickly Pear also grow in abundance. Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in Central Virginias soil. They use run-in barns for shelter, and their hooves are checked twice per year, but usually only need trimming once per year. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. Contact Karen or 319-389-9647. Each breeder has provided a basic description of their bloodlines most common characteristics. We do not use any hormones or medicated feed. La Flche are a dual purpose breed, they lay nice sized whitish eggs of good quality. Spanish Goat AssociationBreeder List ~ For Sale Page ~ Bloodline Descriptions, Spanish Goat RegistryBreeder Guidelines ~ List of DNA Registered Goats ~ Registered & Certified Breeder Map, Spanish Goat GatheringEvent details and Auction Catalogs, Spanish Goat RoundupEvent details and Auction Catalogs, FormsRequired Bill of Sale ~ Breeder ID Application ~ DNA Spreadsheet. Silver Rabbits, Show to Pet Quality, Fully Pedigreed, Barbados Blackbelly starter flocks for sale, For sale 6 month old Guernsey bull calf, La Flche Pullets and Cockerels (young hens and roosters), American Milking Devon Heifer and Bull Calves. There were also some from San Angelo. Spanish Goats, LLC has a clear Mission: Safeguarding Genetic Diversity of the Spanish Goat Breed through Preservation and Promotion in Partnership with Spanish Goat Breeders. Anything that is less than perfect is sent to slaughter. Meat is considered tasty and juicy. These goats were raised on the range and, managed as a herd. Silver Rabbits for sale, both non-pedigreed for meat production and pedigreed for show, meat production or pets. Michael worked as the Ranch Manager for Mr. Stallworth. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waver, from our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anything, that we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive for, improvement. Use this link to download a Blank Bill of Sale: BILL OF SALE. When the goats?feed is supplemented, Kensing uses 20% protein grain cubes and shell corn. The average annual rainfall is 20 inches. $250. Keep your eyes on them and keep them separate from your herd for at least 30 to 45 days. The dogs couldnt catch the crows, or keep up with all of them. The goats are put up at night due to the heavy predation of their mountain region of OK. Bills plan was to try to get at least two of each type that seemed to be represented. Thankfully there are still a few isolated herds of Spanish goats running around in the Devils River area of Texas that arent being crossed with other breeds.Shurley would like to state that many of the long-time breeders of Spanish goats listed on this website served as an inspiration to him in his meat goat ventures over the years. Both needed to support and build muscle mass. The genetics are being tracked by bloodline, breeder, region and color among herds across the United States. Some of the Baylis goats were sold by Rob Baylis to conservation breeders. $35.00 each. Hes breeding both Spanish billies, Uno and Eddie, to Boer and Spanish nannies.Shurleys ranch has the same terrain as most hill-country goat ranches, with Live Oaks, Shin Oaks, and fairly dense brush. Starting in 1995, Muddy Run Farm has been breeding Spanish uninterruptedly. Bloodline Genetics:Listed Bloodlines have undergone a thorough investigation and evaluation of herd history, phenotype, and DNA sampling. And theyre still just as thick. Spanish goats are usually horned, and the horns on bucks may be large and twisted. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. He likes large-framed and heavy-boned goats that show no signs of frailty. Pullets and Cockerels (young hens and roosters) now available hatched late April 2022. They dont make those anymore! Bode began to take breeding very seriously in 1987, and added more top bucks to his herd from a few different sources, including some from the Kensing strain.Bode would cull the smaller goats, and preferred greater length and height. Please contact: Julie von Merz at 512-217-7845 or julievonmerz@gmail.comPosted November 7, 2022, Watkins Farm ~ Bridgeport, TX ~ SGR Gold Certified Syfan Breeder ~ Mike Watkins ~ Watkins Farm has Two 1 year old and Two 6 month old males available and Three 6 month old females. The Kensings are fortunate in that they can manage predator problems. The other ranches are in Texas and these producers are working to. Many of our Verified and Certified Pure Spanish Goat Breeders have other breeds of goats on their farms/ranches as well as SPANISH goats that cannot be VERIFIED due to an inability to trace/track their origins/breeder. SGR GOLD Certified Breeder ~ Yolanda Adams has a 2.5 year old Low Country/Baylis Herd Sire Available. Does are prolific, and have great maternal instincts. They occasionally receive supplemental feeding to ease handling, and this has helped to keep the goats very gentle.Weinheimer deworms twice per year: right before the breeding season and when the kids are weaned.Predatation determines whether or not the billies are kept with the nannies year round. We do, however, supply free choice of loose minerals, mineral, and salt blocks to ensure they are getting everything they require. His biggest bucks?backs were waist-high, and Bode enjoys a height of nearly six feet. improve the Sawyer genetics with their styles. They are Baylis/Valera line and they are very entertaining. Lambs were more expensive than goats. Registered with LLSBA. However, he prefers the Great Pyrenees, and finds that the Akbash (as a breed) will run off deer. I have all of the Knapp breeding stock that I am aware of. His herd sported horns that went straight back. A?does are bred to A?bucks, B?bred to B,?C?to C. Barbados Blackbelly rams are hearty survivors that adapt well to a variety of habitats including marginal pasture overrun with brush and invasive plants. Joe Preston & Sarah Neely, Jane Davis-Sawyer, and Edwin Sawyer raised the Sawyer Bloodline Spanish goats for decades behind theiruncle and continued his commitment to the Sawyer Bloodline. (I am keeping one of her lambs, and the other is already sold). Become a Member of The Livestock Conservancy. Spanish Goats often have multiple births in the form of twins, triplets, and occasionally quadruplets. Sparkle Britches is in the SSMA Choctaw Conservation Program. Foundation bloodlines are the original herds that make up the foundation of the Spanish Goat Breed genetics as well as any discovered herds that have been in isolation and show a distinct phenotypical and genetic contribution to the breed. Edwin Sawyer credits Juan L Bonilla, Jr., and Preston Faris for the success of his group ofSawyer Bloodline genetics on his ranch. Photographs and videos can support the Verification process but SGLLC is committed to legitimate tracking of breeder to seller in order to ensure the purity of the goats genetics. Weather plays a large role in the Kensings?operation. By no means is this a complete list of all the available bloodlines of Spanish goats. I am happy to show you around and help you with your goat needs. Many Texans lease their land to deer hunters, and Syfan is among them, so the Akbash is not his first choice. This means the nannies had to have only two sound teats, with good utter structure, kid andraise the kids on the range, and the nannies were not culled until they lost their soundness aroundten years. Does are given shelter at kidding time, but usually take refuge in the shelter of the oaks. Does are prolific, and have great maternal instincts. During Syfans travels to destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, and Europe, he kept searching for the better breed of goat. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. In the spring, we collect eggs from our breeding stock. But when visitors come to the house, their eyes are riveted on the gigantic 1860s old oak post barn. Shipping is stressful for goats and their immune systems. Muddy Run Farm, set in the historic Virginia Piedmont, is home to goats, llamas, donkeys and horses. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. SGR GOLD Certified Breeder ~ Owen Lyon.940-736-8548 ~ circle3livestock@gmail.comFacebook Ranch PagePosted June 2, 2022, Wayne, WV: Rocky Hollow Farm has a DNA Registered Syfan Herd Available. We keep nannies until they can no longer raise their kids. They focused on deep, big boned billies and feminine nannies. We aspire to Promote, Protect & Preserve the Spanish Goat. Hair coats are usually short, but many grow profuse cashmere in the winter. 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