Knowing now whats in the chemtrails makes me cringe when I see them spraying. Chemtrails and Morgellons Its Worse than you Thought! Furthermore, drenching the population with toxic metals has the added benefit of making millions of people sick, which is the way pharmaceutical corporations grew to be the second largest industry in the world, second only to oil. At Shelter and Food For Everyone we have the solutions however the powers that are in control have paid TRILLIONS & planned this? It is obvious they He said indeed the spraying was quite toxic and he had been present at a confrontation by I believe the Navaho nation and the EPA The EPA contended everything was ok until the Navahos presented their evidence to the contrary which was quite compelling. eric. In a nutshell the way I see part of our dilemma, many of these synthetic clouds are nano tech polymers pre-programmed with certain geometric assembly functions to look like real clouds. Contrails happen all over the country, even over the oceans. After the dust settles there won't be much left to be concerned with. The HAARP Why are you being vague?? When youre looking at contrails from the ground, youre seeing the results of aircraft flying at 30,000+. Using spectroscopy and pH tests to prove his hypothesis, Carnicom warned that his findings have major implications for both the chemistry and biology of the nation and the globe. Carnicom also shrewdly discovered that in 1997, U.S. officials altered national visibility standards, indicating anticipation of an aircraft aerosol operation to be conducted over large geographic regions. Over the past few months a new infection appears to be culturing in our noses. This particular towns water supply is drawn from the lake, which can only mean they are getting a double dose, not just their air but their water too. Allan Buckman, a biologist with the department of fish and game for 38-years, discusses the damage to trees and plants extensively in a videoexposing chemtrails. Your time would be better spent digging a bunker for when the nukes start flying. Our government will pursue such a policy. By 1998, this policy became rudely conspicuous. Congressman Louis T. McFadden 10 June 1932. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Got a hit on your article, so thought I'd drop a comment. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. But its still inside too. Trees harvested during thinning may be sold as logs if they are still in good condition, or used for firewood. This creature / thing has no discernable biology as we know it and appears made of perhaps silicone only. The web should be old and dirty to some extent but neednt be real dirty. This stuff has become so saturated in our atmosphere, at least here in the White Mountains that quite often sunlight can be seen streaking to the ground through it when cloudy, much like when sunlight streaks in through ones window blinds when cooking smoke or other smoke is present inside. How do we stop something that they continue to deny is even exists. This is why normal contrails disappear after a few seconds, the condensation created by the hot engine in a cold environment dissipates quickly, it is absorbed by the low humidity environment. Why is it that on low humidity days there are no chemtrails, but on high humidity days there are chemtrails?? Does that look like a normal contrail or cloud, if not youre probably breathing that!!! 320 Lactantius,c. Such official prevarication only adds to public frustration and mistrust. Many more photographs on file. [Meta] Sticky Comment. Are the trees dying of . He immediately recognized some of the aircraft in the photos as C-130 cargo planes. The apple trees are not the only trees with this chemical burn look. Theyll set a coffee cup down and forget its whereabouts 10 sec later, theyll work on stuff for the field and leave the office without it. Confirmation of what these fibers were came on April 18 2007, when a Goldenhead nano sensor was isolated. It popped I guess and created a bag of sorts. (My air collector can be made for about $35) For the most part I no longer photograph morgellons fibers in spider webs, they are far too frequent and no longer a surprise. As you may have noticed, cons are extremely visible. Trees: our life savers are dying Bloodline Elite Using Man Made Disasters As Weapons Of Mass Destruction To Destroy America Weather Warfare: Beware the US Militarys Experiments with Climatic Warfare CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED) Heathrow Bound Pilots Made Dizzy By Unexplained Smell. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite. Drought, prolonged or repeated, flooding for periods longer than normal, excessive cold or heat, root damage, bark damage can all affect the vitality of the tree. CHEMTRAILS AND MORGELLONS ITS WORSE THAN YOU THOUGHT. This is not candy floss, this is seriously so wrong, EVERYONE needs to shake a tree, shake a cage and starting asking questions.As you will see in the video, i mention what people power can do, now ask yourself, \"ARE YOU GOING TO SIT BACK, WATCH THINGS BE DESTROYED, INCLUDING YOUR OWN HEALTH?? Near bottom of the industrial nations. I had a friend recently diagnosed with what was described as a rare form of blood cancer. A new and quite disturbing observation / possibility about our current situation is as follows: According to testimony given by those infected, a hive mentality has been observed by those afflicted. January 13, 2023. 236 Hippolytus of Rome,c. so stfu with your sheep baaing bullshit you lazy sob.. youre the reason why its allowed to happen. Investigators found area rainwater contained seven times the allowable limit for aluminum exposure, as people complained of neck pain, breathing problems, headaches, burning eyes and dry coughs. You wouldnt !!! An opinion piece like this is used to direct a gullible audiences own opinion in order to help garner future support for the writer or media outlet. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N. HAARPs can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. Oh wait it already happened at Waco (watch rules of engagement, the true story of Waco!) Starlings fall from the sky without explanation: "The sky was raining starlings. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! This article was edited by Bridget Conroy and Mike Caraway. The air will not hold any humidity at these temperatures. But in the spring, I started to notice problems and now it is not doing well at all (dying and curled, brown/black leaves). Good. You said they settle to the ground. The din from the bees could be heard inside. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Geometric crystal growths, snowflake designs, Morgellons fiber growth, mold looking fibril growth with sporulations. The opportunity to quit my job came up and an offer of a substantial increase in pay was refused. Some of that water vapor comes from the air around the plane; and, some is added by the exhaust of the aircraft. My conclusion: detox works if you can get away from the toxic stuff but may be detrimental otherwise. Bengel,1735 Thomas Pyle,1729 Th. The tree started the year perfectly - and began to bloom. What do you think happens when you stick a .5 watt microwave cell phone next to your 70% water 30% cholesterol brain with about 2-4% of some type of exotic metal flowing through it, micro-sparks would be a good guess. course, blocking of the sun is not the only attack on plant life. FighterSweep Exclusive Report: Chemtrails are real, and theyre a danger to us all. In drought-like conditions, some trees will shed leaves to combat drought stress. How this is possible I dont know but its neither a delusion nor illusion as I still have and observe them frequently. With the fire risk hovering over Queensland \u0026 of course other parts of Australia, THIS INFORMATION IS CRITICAL. The combination of fungal growth and insect infestation has killed untold numbers of trees in California. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle. RecPak is a meal replacement for the outdoors that saves you weight, space and time in the most challenging environments, just add water. Geoengineering, often referred to as Chemtrails, exists as a global nuisance for the primary purposes of causing severe bodily injury and premature death with malice aforethought. Synthetically-manufactured chem-clouds desiccate the air and very effectively block the sun. We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. Its been proven that plants extract most of their mineral content from the air not from the soil as once was believed. Because I understand science. The only way to treat a chemtrail overdose is to do the following: Feel better now? To this day you cant get them to tangle up. 10 years ago trainees could be given three or four tasks at one time and remember them all, now they can only handle one at a time at best, very spooky. Two-lined chestnut borer, another flatheaded borer, attacks beech family trees including chestnuts, oaks, and beeches. I had gone in the water to retrieve a lure about up to my knee cap. once or twice a week (at best). While some people continue to deny that chemtrails exist, evidence of them being sprayed is everywhere. The highly reliable Wikipedia defines Chemtrails as long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft that are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Prestodoodoo is more than likely a internet government troll being paid to spread misinformation and create doubt in the minds of those still on the fence. Morse, scientist, inventor, American P War and Emergency Powers Acts, Executive Order More Congressional Proofs of Constitutional Subver Council Foreign Relations manages puppets for Rome. He seemed concerned and vowed to investigate, then left. Likewise, over-watered leaves can turn yellow and fall off. I believe if he had listened to the Rense audio files, his reaction wouldve been different. It remains logical to assume microscopic fibers that collect / conduct electrical current are growing in our brains and slowly shorting out our neurons IE memory, or Alzheimers. Not much out there on net, almost nothing to be exact. Laboratory tests on that sample reportedly confirmed that the effluent contained both aluminum and barium. Chemtrails suspect once again. Jewish Chinese restaurant Christmas. take a guess. Spider webs have the same effect. Source . Youll notice that jet routes crisscross over every major city, because thats where the navigation equipment lives (although GPS is modifying that slightly). That the chemicals removed by me, found in our air / blood, water and urine is providing an enriched environment for the accelerated growth of these synthetic model organisms. I discovered quite by accident that a cheap hot melt glue stick gun, is good for sealing microscope slides as it preserves the specimen and is like a lint brush for Morgellons fibers. Chemtrails are actual powdered or liquid chemicals being sprayed out of nozzles into the atmosphere from these planes. Since they were such a pain, I figure most folks haven't missed them yet--if this situation is not just a local (East TN) thing. Much to my amazement Fred slowly freed himself from this mess which I watched for about 3-5 days. Anyone who has studied smart dust, a military 3D modeling satellite system, knows that for years they been dumping nano-tech stuff on us and everyone else. The animals or the trees affected getting diseased and dying. I panicked a little but drove to work anyway kind of stunned. I have read highly classified briefings that give the reasoning behind chemtrails. Yeah Right What ever. During all this I decided to try and detox from these metals and did the ionic foot detox bath which was quite the experience. Since the skin constantly sheds from the inside outward, and the skin completely regenerates itself every seven years, my guess is that it took about ten years to surface as photographed. Its continued to get thicker not expand as one would expect and thickens slowly to this day. (Revelation 18:1-8) KJV BibleDuring the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist1522 Martin Luther,1536 Jean Calvin,1543 Phillip Melanchthon,1545 Andreas Osiander,1554 Nicolaus von Amsdorf,1558 Johann Funck,1560 Virgil Solis,1570 Georg Nigrinus,1572 David Chytraeus,1530 Johann Oecolampadius,1557 Heinrich Bullinger,1550 William Tyndale,1545 George Joye,1554 Nicholas Ridley,1553 Hugh Latimer,1582 Thomas Cranmer,1550 John Bale,1562 John Jewel,1587 John Foxe,1547 John Knox,1593 John Napier,1614 Thomas Brightman,1618 David Pareus :-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn -- PapacyAfter the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist1798 Richard Valpy,1798 Joseph Galloway,1798 Edward King,1797 David Simpson,1796 Christian Thube,1795 George Bell,1794 Joseph Priestly,1793 James Bicheno,1768 Johann Ph. I laid it sticky side skyward and left it outside overnight. Find out how chemtrails adversely affect your health. 2023 - All Rights Reserved. What can be done you ask, anything? These Con-cowards also invariably report that NOAA, the Air Force and the Department of Health and Human Services deny knowledge and responsibility for unusual aerosol activity. The Story, Preliminary Conclusions and Observations: This article was edited by Bridget Conroy and Mike Caraway. there are literally millions of credible sources available. Developed By, Why Less Than 1% Of Obese Individuals Will Reach Normal Weight, Study Links GMOs to over 22 Different Diseases, Exposure to Toxic Perfluorinated Compounds in Womb Linked to Low Birth Weight & Future Obesity, 5 Important Vitamin Combinations for Optimum Health, EWG Report: Your Tap Water is Contaminated with Toxic Forever Chemicals, Is Non-Toxic Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? (6500 ft elev.) I can now scarcely bring . I had shown the other office the chemical poisoning also, but not the biological stuff. This suggests A.I. By hiding in plain sight, we spray chemicals that can change breeding patterns, eating patterns, and even thought patterns. This is also evidenced by my camera ,whose flash operates now in the morning way more than it use to, and at times lights at the park that are on photo sensitive switches (and cars) turn on during the day or turn on way before dusk, very concerning. 1310 Dante Alighieri,c. These examples are what Orwell coined as doublethink, the ability to hold two contrary notions in ones head and believe them both. I spent the entire month of May studying this bizarre growth, the fibers and doing other tests. Think again for your survival and most importantly others. Think of those firefighters out there, maybe trying to save your house, your property and your surrounds. 10, How many days can a rat survive on just water? I saw a neighbor who cuts a lot of lawns in the neighborhood the other day and asked if he'd seen any this year. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. Why? Whats their solution? They??? of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. Chemtrails are the medium GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium directed energy is the method. They can retain this programming down to the nano-tech level as they degrade. The Aspens also are being attacked by bugs, mites, and they have a disease or two, can't think of the names off hand, That crap from the chemtrails is every where. Pinhead size skin eruptions which develop quite quickly then take weeks to heal have been found and photographed. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets. She said her small town back east was experiencing this memory dysfunction after heavy spraying, and she apologized for having to read notes she had made for the program, as she too was having short term memory problems. If you arent disturbed by anything above there is something seriously wrong with or perhaps controlling you!!. First, you make much less RP from playing anything including with premium time and vehicles. Ive recently noticed that when the sky is an azure blue, like it should be, the planes will not be long off to seal the hole I guess. At any rate I set up another testing station and decided to run this one for two weeks and not electrolyze the water. US Corporations' September 30th fiscal payment deadline Sep 30, 2023 USA Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. Meh! The truth remains, every single time I look at new stuff it gets worse and worse. Chemtrail damaged soil also means that important microbes and bacteria that keep our trees healthy are killed. The first time I looked at my blood it took me weeks to get over it and look again. In 1974, persons associated with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obtained patent US3813875 for using barium to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere. They have poison ivy there which I always watch out for. Use a microscope slide and ultra clear packing tape to seal the web to your slide. Adams County, Ohio, offers the site of the Great Serpent Mount, considered by archaeologists and historians to be the most dynamic and mysterious effigy mount in the United States. Since I can observe that we live now in an energized electrical bath provided by the miracle grow stuff (metal particulates) added with the ever increasing microwave towers, cell phone towers, radio towers, satellite transmissions, electric lines, wi-fi systems etc., couple that with the ever pervasive presence of plastic water pipes, plastic plants, plastic clouds, food wrapping, car interiors, plastic clothing, plastic x-mas trees etc., there would appear plenty of plastic components with which to work, if this is possible. FYI 'Adya Clarity' 3 to 5 tbsp in a bath pulls toxins and heavy metals out through one's skin. Then again youve made it apparent you have no ability to use logic and reason when making a conclusion. 4. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. enhance and carry their signals. Ive read reports that at full power these transmitters can cook all life within 1/4 mile. Chemtrails are not real you dopes. Highly unusual that early, rarely seen three accidents in a month. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. Ive not known Natural Society to be a big conspiracy site. See all the above. I have to admit, though, were not always perfect. I ask on the home page when you last took a good look at the sky and the substances in it. By doing Oddly enough the more truth one seeks, the more truth ones sent, or at least thats my story. birds and animals have been dying in record numbers. You may remember the fires a couple years ago and also very recently, in Russia and Spain, these fires were enormous, with EXTREME, FEROCIOUS, UNCONTROLLABLE FIRES, now the thing that has not been mentioned on mainstream media, is what was found in the bark of these trees, especially in the Californian fires. The bottom line is; why should we all be guinea pigs for chemical companies, and/or the US government for our food, our drinking water, and the air we breath? 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