subst command persistent

You might be able to use \localhost\C$\ to access everything, but I had some trouble with that here (although it's worked for me elsewhere). ForFolder do not press Browse but Instead enter the following into the text box using your own arguments: Using just Localhostshould be fine for most users. directly. preventing 260-char-limit). Great information! My hat's off to you; I've spent my time in the batch scripting trenches, and I know how painful it is. Mapping folders to drive letters can save you a lot of time and Visual Subst makes adding virtual drives easy. Double-quotes aren't always required, but to avoid problems with folder names containing spaces it's recommended to use them. Overall, mapping a folder to a drive letter is a great way to access a very deep folder quickly and easily. Availability Subst syntax Subst examples Availability Subst is an external command that is available for the following Microsoft operating systems as subst.exe. Usage is quite simple, open a Command Prompt (press Start and type cmd). You can easily make your own batch script with just a couple of lines but this ready made script called Psubst is more Advanced. Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. How do I concatenate strings and variables in PowerShell? Double-click the shortcut to start the program. Hey, that's nice! Which of the above methods did you use to map the drive? Type Subst and as an argument supply the drive letter you want to map the folder to, then add the full path to the folder. Now go ahead and read my post on how to use psubst to map a folder to a drive letter. If you want to remove the mapping for a folder, open Visual Subst again and select the virtual drive from the list. When you double click the computer name, you'll see a list of shares including the folder you just shared. Please help, \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices], \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run], DR DOS 6.0 User Guide Optimisation and Configuration Tips, "FreeDOS 1.2 Updates Group - FreeDOS Base", "Windows - How to make SUBST mapping persistent across reboots? Open an unelevated cmd window as the current user, and paste in the adapted line. The problem with the SUBST command (and its solution). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. (Basically Dog-people). This next method has a couple of advantages over the Subst command. Well, in keeping with my Persistent Subst command, I'll rename it to @psubst and add in support for whether a drive is SUBST'ed, Persistently SUBST'ed, or neither. Or maybe there is an alternative to the subst command? Help Desk Geek is part of the AK Internet Consulting publishing family. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Strange, it doesn't work for, when I run the script. Although it uses the same API as Subst, the mappings created in Visual Subst are not visible when using Subst on the command line. devenv.exe). Would Marx consider salary workers to be members of the proleteriat? Contents 1 Overview 2 Syntax 2.1 Parameters 3 Examples 3.1 Mapping a drive 3.2 Unmapping a drive 4 Custom label 5 Persisting across reboots Typing the /P or /PF argument you run the tool with the extended features to work with persistent virtual disks: Print all virtual persistent drives (read from the registry). Forgot about the subst command, haven't used it in 10+ years! Its not persistent! If you get error "invalid parameter" it just means there is no visible subst in place. Adding a mapping with /P will only add its entry to the registry which will take effect on the next reboot. (If prompted for a password, type the password and click Allow) Type "sfc /scannow" and hit Enter. Purpose: Substitutes a virtual drive letter for a path designation. But what to do, when the disk is required on early steps of the startup? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Since the original PSubst has some limitations and seems to be concluded by the author, I had to code a new version for my needs, fixing some problems and adding functionality and flexibility. However, labels created for SUBST drives in this manner are overridden by the label of the host drive/partition: the custom labels are only used if the host drive has no label. When you have a lot of files it is really important that everything is stored in awell ordered directory structure so files can be found more easily. Select a desired drive letter from the drop-down list. Method 3: Use a Graphical Tool. The Net Use command has an advantage over Subst because it doesnt constantly try to connect if the folder is not available. You can do this in PowerShell as well. Windows has included a command to substitute a folder for a drive letter since the days of Windows NT in the early 1990s. Seems like something I would need. A disk can be created after startup. SUBST is useful to give a short path to access a set of files. Backslashes for the inner double-quotes that surround the path argument, and carets for the environment variable's percentage signs. Did not find an equivalent in command prompt. Open the Start menu and enter "cmd.exe" (without the quotes) in the Search programs and files box. Then it came more difficult, so changed to virtualdrive 2000, and then using daemon tools or nero image drive. This is the command syntax in Windows XP to associate a path with a drive letter: This means that, for example, to map C:'s root to X:, the following command would be used at the command-line interface: Upon doing this, a new drive called X: would appear under the My Computer virtual folder in Windows Explorer. But what to do, when a disk is He began blogging in 2007 and quit his job in 2010 to blog full-time. Go ahead and drop the psubst.bat fileinto your C:\Windows\System32 folder so that you can run it from anywhere at the command prompt. The value should be the path in one of the following NT Object Manager forms: There are tools available to make the necessary changes for the user, including psubst. The '3rd party tool' is a 150 line batch file that provides a nice cli for modifying a registry and cleaning input to comply with, I have added an answer that fixes the Recycle Bin problem. Right clickon Run > New > String Value. It wont work otherwise. The arguments are virtually the same as Subst. Why is water leaking from this hole under the sink? One thing can be done over the original code - some cosmetic changes to simplifing the code and improve readability. When the setup is completed, click Close. Answer is yes! vSubst is a small, portable tool weighing in at only 18KB in size. Specifies the physical drive and path that you want to assign to a virtual drive. Open the Start menu and enter cmd.exe (without the quotes) in the Search programs and files box. Great tip!! Psubst X: D:\downloads\work\myfiles /P). Usage: PSUBST works like the Windows SUBST command, but the drive substitution is persistent (i.e., when the machine is restarted). Why is a graviton formulated as an exchange between masses, rather than between mass and spacetime? Have been working in dos for long time but never knew about it. The syntax for using psubst is as follows: Create a disk: psubst drive1: drive2:path Delete a disk: psubst drive1: /D List of existing disks: psubst This will use the standard subst command to create virtual drives. Or use PSUBST instead, in an elevated shell. What to do? :::: Example: However, with creative use of network paths, its easy to map a local folder to a drive letter from the Map Network Drive window. It does this by adding an entry to Dos devices in the registry. It'll immediately create a virtual drive H: which will represent the "Wallpapers" folder: Before using subst command: Can you run it multiple times in one shell? subst m: c:\foo. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? deleted files go to the recycle bin. Creating a persistent virtual drive in Windows using psubstis very easy. devenv.exe). [4] The command is also available in FreeDOS[5] and PTS-DOS. Download the archive following by the download link, unpack it or checkout the source and put the single file to comfortable place in your hard disk. It is also mounted automatically on each boot. When SUBST is used against a local shared folder, it will create Stick it in a logon or startup script then, and it'll be happily persistent. I was having the exact same issue, and my workaround - note I am using version 3 - is to call Get-PSDrive before going into newly mapped drive: I can replicate the exact same behaviour as you, even to the point where in one Powershell window I can't even cd to the drive it's created, but if I open a brand new window I can cd to it just fine. Specifies the virtual drive to which you want to assign a path. Use this same process to assign different drive letters to all your frequently used directories. [7] In Windows NT, SUBST uses DefineDosDevice() to create the disk mappings. Drop a batch file in your Startup folder that does all the SUBSTs that you want to do. A couple of examples would be: \\MyDesktopPC\C$\users\raymondcc\desktop\myfiles\downloads\apps. By experiment, I found that Visual Subst utility (free download off the internet) adds 64-bit drive mapping in Windows 2012. how to change the Volume of a virtual drive created by subst? We will discuss three ways to map folders to drive letters. Technician / Consultant D . Associates a path with a drive letter. I tried using a powershell drive, but it doesn't work with other windows programs (e.g. Thanks for trying it. Thanks for contributing an answer to Server Fault! The syntax for using psubst is as follows: This will use the standard subst command to create virtual drives. Time ago I was asked to publish the tool as the Chocolatey package (see issue 14). So you can associate paths with drive letters using subst. Add a new REG_SZ value and name it X: where X is your drive letter and . If you decide to create a .REG file to add or edit Dos devices, add a secondbackslash to every backslash in the folder path. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Is there a shortcut command in Windows command prompt to get to the current user's home directory like there is in Linux? Please, saying "A" say "B". In Windows Vista or 7 open Explorer, press Alt and go to Tools > Map network drive. The new mapping will immediately appear in the substituted folders list. What to do? If there are folders that you access frequently, this post shows you how to quickly access these folders in Windows Explorer without having to enter the full path to the folder. rev2023.1.18.43176. Add a string (REG_SZ) value to: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices. There are: This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Add more virtual drives by selecting a drive letter and a corresponding folder and adding it to the list as described above. If you only have one such mapped drive, then you can get away with the GUID {9147E464-33A6-48E2-A3C9-361EFD417DEF}. It only takes a minute to sign up. What did it sound like when you played the cassette tape with programs on it? Checking the box at the bottom will silently run Visual Subst during startup to assign the drive letters. 18. each backslash in the path is doubled. How to mount a shared folder in Windows Server 2008? Simply append /P:yes to make the drive persistent and force reconnect at logon. The SUBST command can be used to map a drive letter to a LOCAL folder on the same machine. ",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing cleanup from January 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. An alternative is using PSProviders and more accuratly PSDrives (have a look to get-help about_providers) : The trouble is that these drives can't be used with the shell explorer.exe. The batch script was developed to cover problems described earlier. To select a folder to map to the selected drive letter, click the Browse button to the right of the edit box. We will never spam you, unsubscribe at any time. That is, create a new string variable named "Z:" (without the quotes) and set the value to the string shown above except with single backslashes. The Subst command is pretty much unchanged in how it works and is still present in the latest versions of Windows 10. This can be very useful in many different situations, especially when working with paths that are longer than 256 characters. We will never spam you, unsubscribe at any time. The user must log off and back on or the service must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Click the red X button on the button bar. However restart of a system destroys a virtual disk. Most probably I need have a look to your development closer. Right click and choose "share with" You can choose your homegroup or specific people. On the Browse For Folder dialog box, navigate to the folder you want to map, select it, and click OK. To map the selected folder to the selected drive letter, click the green plus button on the button bar to the left of the drive letter drop-down list. When the next system starting, the virtual disk will be established. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Specifies a physical drive and path you want to assign to a virtual drive. For example, if you want to have a logical drive P: mapped to a local folder on your computer, say c:\temp, you can simply use the following command to make it. The vSubst executable will be copied to the Windows folder so make sure to run vSubst as administrator or the copy to Windows might fail. After launching vSubst, select the desired drive letter to map the folder to, then click Add. NOTE: If there are spaces in the path name, be sure to put quotes around the full path. The main Visual Subst window displays. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This is not preferred, as the mapping only appears at the end of user logon. Read Aseem's Full Bio. In the Pern series, what are the "zebeedees"? The SUBST command works in Windows 7 but the substituted drive is only visible in the same privilege level. Log in. Anyone else have that problem? A disk can be created after startup. It is visible to the file system, and it is visible to the local file system -- it's marked as a network drive, just as some drives are marked as removeable drives. Be sure to choose read/write options as appropriate. Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of tech tips from trusted tech experts. Rex Conn JP Software - Windows command prompt and batch file tools. On the other hand, psubst is not abandoned. Mount Remote CIFS/SMB Share as a Folder not a Drive Letter. Its not possible to map a local folder in this window by using the browse button because it only displays network locations. This is not preferred, as the mapping only appears at the end of bootup. Our articles have been read over 275 million times since we launched in 2007. This can be done via the registry. I thought I could get around the problem by creating a folder C:\V and using Subst V: C:\V This works if I enter the Subst command after each login. As not everyone is a Windows expert, i figured the automatic admin elevation with error handling would help, based on coments I read through the web. Edit the registry to run the built-in subst command during computer startup or user logon by leveraging the appropriate Run registry key. :), +1 for showing a very elegant way to automagically do it without a batch in the startup folder. The subst command lets you substitute a virtual drive letter for another drive letter on your computer. The RECYCLER is not removed when the drive substitution Right click Computer/This PC > Properties or press Win+Pause. 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subst command persistent