seeing red spots when waking up

I know lucid dreams can be disrupting at times to your well-being and sense of security. No pain, not raised, no discomfort. I have pics, hi i got some symmetric dots forming on my palms. My husband and I spend spent the night at a resort sorrounded by volcanoes. I see clear no problem ..? 28 Ive experienced this twice. The rash doesn't hurt. Weird. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Please can you contact me with regards to your skin dots The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. It sometimes makes me think my house is on fire so, it's not a funny way to wake up. ), ( I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. ), ( . I've been experiencing this since childhood, although not every night, only rarely. Learn what you can do to avoid ski injury and other common winter sports injury. Hello was it mainly in the months of June and July ? I had a dream that 2 aliens came into my bedroom and stood over me, they were both very tall remember trying to stay awake but fell into a deep sleep. Send us your photo and we can tell you how it compares to our vast collection. I hope I can calm your fears at least about the marks by saying we believe them to be the product of a natural biological phenomenon. I sympathize with you on that. Is not bumpy or painful or itchy and is also smooth when I touch it. ", ( Contact me in email to followup: Vivid nightmares around the time of the mark appearance are what tipped my team off to how and why the mark form. Since I staring using a new chemical at work. I have had this same markings last year on my back but in a rectangular pattern shape. And some date back too far and this is the only one that is recent. I've had the same problem lately. It took 3 days to finally diseapear. However, last night my boyfriend took his shirt off and I saw the same pattern across his back. Eventually I called the advice-nurse who said it was unusual for a 5 year old to complain of seeing spots and to take him to the ER. and black spots. I saw a green grid pattern on my ceiling. Here are some of the possible causes of black spots or lines in the vision of the eyes that include the following: 1. When no one responded, he continued forward. No clue what it is, I have 6 dots grid like marks on my outerleft thigh and I had it for 2 or 3 years now and it's not going away it's still there. See link at top of page. Would love to discuss with you Jennifer. Hey all I too have the same marks on my back.Email me to if you have any info. I have had a tough time trying to figure it out,it makes me uncomfortable around in public. So strange. Its been happening for many years so it doesnt indicate anything that harmful but I would like to know why it happens. Brian was one of our investigators and contributed greatly to our understanding of the phenomenon. Wow this is crazy - my gf just found these on my back yesterday, good to know they're pretty common! I have the pic still. 1. One eye has two tanish spots. Or a possible chemical reaction. I've noticed spots of blood on the front of my underwear when I wake up in the morning. Severe headache with nausea, vomiting, and anxiety. Perhaps an after image, but then you'd have recently had to be staring hard at a mesh just prior to seeing the aberration. Jagged Lines in a Vision: Causes and Symptoms. My brother just discovered this dots on my shoulder got no idea where this came from i okey ??? It was a small area on my lower back just above my right hipI never even knew it was there until someone pointed it out in the locker room when we were changing into gym clothes.It was similar to a waffleiron pattern.the gym teacher pulled me in the office and wanted to know if my parents abused me..I remember laughing and then getting worried, because they didn't seem to believe me. Michalak finally moved closer to investigate when a hatch dropped open. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Answered in 2 minutes by: Eye Doctor: Dr.S Riaz Dr.S Riaz, Ophthalmologist Eye Dr.S Riaz, Ophthalmologist 2,822 Satisfied Customers Providing evidence of the investigative potential of dreams. I live in San Antonio, Texas and I discovered these same markings on my husbands back 9/29/2015. I have no idea where these dots came from but my bum is kinda warm where they are. My six year old deals with night terrors as well. What is it? With normal aging, the vitreous becomes less firm. DR is eye damage caused by long-term high blood sugar levels. ), ( This sounds like a subconjuctival hemorrhage, which is essentially a bruise on the whites of the eyes. Aging and macular degradation. Hi there,I woke up this morning with a 6x5 red grid pattern directly under my chin. Warning Signs And Symptoms You Can't Ignore, Not Only Older Adults Get Macular Degeneration. He thought I had scratched too hard or that I had a rash. No doctor has been able to give me an answer and I am looking for some info. Thanks Sharlene. In this unique and fascinating report from Missouri Medicine, world-renowned expert Dr. Raymond Moody examines what really happens when we almost die. 39 Then my racing thoughts went to fire. Sometimes . Im just gonna pray on it. Just like everyone else I looked for a diagnosis online and found this site. It's quite small and vanishes in a second, like it's zooming straight away from me. 9 They are also more likely to occur if you are nearsighted, diabetic or have had retinal trauma. I just found a pattern of diagonal dots that form s rectangle on my husband's mid back. This causes swelling and vision problems. There two rows and looks very odd. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. 16 is concern needed? I took a couple pictures and realized I have four different what looks like perfectly aligned red honeycomb circles on my back. Hi Anastasia,We'd love to get some more info and pictures if you could email us at experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks! I have 3 uniform dots between my thumb and pointer finger ( left hand) making a perfect triangle shape. vomiting. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. This, in turn, reduces the amount of moisture in the eyes, causing redness. Just curious, do all of you people with these weird rashes sleep on memory foam mattresses (or regular mattresses with memory foam toppers) with no clothes on at night? They are always a dotted grid, perfectly spaced apart. Just throwing all the possible options out there. He thought they look like little hickeys. My room is normally very dark. They are all the same shape and in perfect lines. My girlfriend noticed marks on my back and we don't know how they appear looks like 2 lines and a honey cone shape at the end of it who knows what this is. 36 Blog; About Us; Contact Us; Login Page; Hang out on Facebook! ), ( Although we are no longer investigating grid mark occurrences, you can still report yours by filling out our. The only thing weird was that this morning I went to sleep after i disabled my alarm clock which I never do. But i believe over 15 times that I know of. Hi Robbie,Put your email in the contact form in the right hand column of this page so we can chat. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. ), ( Please feel free to contact us we have pictures, I don't think anyone else answered on this chat. My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. I have a good photo of them if anyone would like to see. They often involve seeing moving shapes and colors, or images of animals or people. Or use ), ( That night before I went to sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions. That's when the itching starts. You can find the link in the right hand column. Contact dermatitis is a rash that occurs after exposure to an irritant. I hope your collective sleep improves. A few times, the grid lasted so long that the background was no longer pitch black. This is weird. Some would not be red, would just look like indents in my arm but was smooth feeling. Help, Did you ever figure out what it was? There is no explanation to how they got there, this is so weird to us. I experienced this phenomena the other day. I am not sure what the problem is. It is freaking me out but he is unconcerned. If any of you have answers/ideas as to what it is please do share. The fact you have narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I'm sure. He said he feels fine. is itnormal or recurring staph? 1 This is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. You will likely find others with your same questions and concerns already addressed. Was first noticed two years ago and then noticed a couple of weeks ago. If you are able to purchase our dossier detailing our data analyses and conclusions, pay close attention to the sections Location on the Body Analysis, and Dreams Around Time of Occurrence. ), ( Your case is very similar to many others we heard from. I woke one morning to see a green grid on my ceiling above my bed. Vivid nightmares actually play a significant role in this phenomenon, and tipped us off to the how and why they occur. Jason, could you please get in touch with us at and send a picture of your marks? Definitely a neurology issue. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. The chin or jaw is one of the common areas for the marks to appear, surprisingly. However, everyone needs to learn about them because they can lead to loss of vision if left untreated, and treatment is relatively quick and easy. And if you see any red or pink spots, you should go to your eye doctor and have it examined. When I wake up I am seeing patterns & colours + Black dots, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. ), ( If you experience shadows or a 'curtain' in the field of vision which is painless, especially if associated with flashing lights or seeing floaters (black specks or blobs), you would need to visit eye casualty in case you are experiencing a retinal detachment. Looked like burn marks but theyre in shapes. I had a really weird dream aswell that night. Hi its nice to know im not alone. I would be surprised if regular exact grid patterns were the product of nature. Interestingly (though almost too fourth-kind,) I woke up at 3:30 this morning after having an uncharacteristic nightmare to my cat making angry noises and attacking my first floor windows. I just noticed upon waking that I have the honeycomb markings on my rearboth sides in about the same spot. Currently taking isotrentinoin. I encourage you to read some of our other case reports listed in the Investigations page at the top of this site, or simply scroll in the home page. is this a cause for concern? 30 This comment has been removed by the author. My son has had marks in three rows circles looking like bruises. Found this thread and wanted to let others know. perfect lines and rows. Jennifer, I emailed you at with a brief message and pictures. Paralysis upon waking is not a recognized symptom of night terrors. This is the second time it happened. 3 and problems. Red dots of varying sizes. Jordon is our resident OBEr. Weve got a crash course on metabolism basics. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. ), ( I saw no lights however . I know she won't talk to strangers about this because it's only something she's shared with me. Compiled here for comparison is a list and skin analysis of marks similar but not of the same form, symptoms, and appearance of genuine Red Jessie, 30, works as a Civil Security Guard for the Bukidnon Provincial Governorin Mindanao, Philippines. The only other possibility I can think of is that I recently had blood work done and I had a test come back that I had large red blood cells. 11 So my son started googling it. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. They all look like red spots or purple bruises I get extremely hot , fatigued, diarrhea, swelling everywhere , vomiting from acid indigestion. He has had a fever the last couple days. My dad had the same marks off & on while i was growing up. Contact Dermatitis: Red Splotches or a Rash. Sometimes they last a day, sometimes a week. Not raised or itchy. I did not take a photograph when he was 9 months, and really wish now I had. Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. Flashes of spiritual light symbolize the presence of . I have a large red spot in the white part of my eye. You will find the connection vivid dreams have to the RGMP particularly interesting, given your experience. My daughter has had triangle grid marks on her forehead, it seems once a year. They have been described before as similar to allergy testing grids. Thanks. Floaters are caused when the vitreous, the gel-like substance that makes up most of the eye, becomes more liquid, stringy and clumps together. When you open your eyes, you will see a greenish-blue hue to everything for a time, until your retinal cells recycle the red pigment - that takes a few seconds. As a kid, my dad says he & his friend saw ufos in the sky and they followed him on more than one occasion. I just got ashes in ny eye from a cigarette it dosent hurt and dosent look red well maybe a small spot but im tired .. Seems very odd that we would both have the same pattern at different times without any known cause. However before I fell asleep I was watching an alien movie and knocked out. It sent me looking. There is much more to this story. ), ( ground. I asked how it's a rash and they couldn't answer what it was ., 26weeks pregnant and two days ago my partner pointed out weird dots on my left buttock.. The pattern is still very much visible. Contact Why do I see a red spot when i close my eyes? He provides immediate responses to incoming cases, and serves as a caseworker and intermittent author to the site.Check out more in Brian's Profile. They can take on a number of various symptoms however usually last from a few minutes to an hour. the first appeared last summer when i was in spain, i went to a dermatologist there he said i just needed some specific moisturizer and they eventually faded,t but they reappeared now same pattern, same place, same EVERYTHING. The bald patch and lump have been present all this time, and is always obvious when he has his hair cut. The enemy tries to scared me but it doesn't work anymore. He was seen by an ER doctor (really the after hours clinic sine it wasn't a real emergency) and the doctor recommended seeing an opthamologist. I see auras and have my entire chakra system open. Just a brief flash but it seems to encompass my whole visual field.I wrote this email to the researchers a year ago or more, I baby experienced a skin phenomenon again but the eye flashes happen multiple times a day, but, not every day That's 100% exactly what I had under my chin. Seems to happen while I was asleep and there is absolutely no known reason for them. Yes, we have determined the cause of the circular patterned marks to be of a particular type of tub drain. Well I'm well and truly freaked out!!!!! You should be seen soon by an ophthalmologist! I am. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. I just looked today and noticed the weird red dots formed in a grid shape over the area that achs the most. Self-treatment will always create complications. There were no seams, just the same polished glass that made its exterior. I have these marks on my bum, on both sides perfectly uniformed dot bruises in a pattern. Looking at a bright light and then looking away can cause temporary blindness or the temporary appearance of spots or patterns in your vision. We thought he had lay on something in his cot, but never found anything. That being said the thing people see after long hours on the computer is generally an "after-image'(like seeing a bright spot after a flash photo is taken of you) due to receptor fatigue in the macula. I have a group of 5 dots that form a pizza shaped triangle. Ask for a "macular and nerve fiber layer OCT" test and read about Amsler Grid testing and print one out and test your own eyes. Here are five warning signs to watch for. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). It took about 10-15 minutes to get him to kind of respond. Hello, Get answers from Ophthalmologists and top U.S. doctors, Our doctors evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, order lab tests, and recommend follow-up care. No pain nor swell. He can't explain it, it's not like a black and blue bruise, it's exactly like a perfect pattern of tiny hickeys. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. Woke up one morning to see 2 black dots upon the white wall which disappeared when blinking. They disappear just as suddenly as they appear. As you age, you experience some changes in your eyes that affect how well objects, words, colors, and shapes appear to you. ), ( He also sleep walks. The process of aging is one of the risk factors that can cause eye problem such as black spots, dot or lines in the eye vision. If you are nearsighted, have diabetes, have a family history of the issue, or experience trauma to your eye, you may be at an increased risk for retinal detachments. It's happened a few times over the years,my theory is that it's something to do with heat (I woke in a sweat) causing light behind the eye. See black stationary spots on walls only when I wake up. Then, just woke up this morning with the same pattern in the same place. I awoke to see a perfect grid pattern, dead straight lines. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). I was completely baffled until I realized I was leaning against the suction part of my jacuzzi bathtub and receiving the hickey-like circular patterns from the suction! They come while I'm sleeping and use an instrument/sensor on the most accessible part of my body. I have floaters and started seeing a green spot in my left eyes vision and a red one in my right eye. I like the others have not sat on anything nor been burned etc. Im thinking of going to see a dr or not. Have really vivid dreams /nightmares that I can remember no problem. Limbus is the edge of More often than not the red spot is a stye or a chalazion! If you happen to need the pictures please feel free to email anytime. That analysis, along with the Theories and Conclusions article (pg 210) discusses the relevance of vivid dreams to this phenomenon. Ever been diagnosed with migraine orPOTS? These spots or floaters are located within the eye itself and generally move with your eyes, although they also drift on their own. 2 It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. He did not had any pain, it was underskin with no bumps. You can also read about our research findings in our recently released dossier, available in the right hand column of this site. but the point is somehow, this sort of disturbance is much more tolerable when you have a realistic explanation for it, at least I hope so :-), Light exists simultaneously in both a wave form and a particle form. It keeps the eyeball plump and round. Thanks!!! Otherwise, see your optician. Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. ), ( I've been waking up seeing grids all my life. Can anyone explain what this may be?Thanks Charlene, Hi Charlene, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: They fade in a cpl days. They may say 50 is the new 40, but your eyes didn't get the memo. ), ( Thanks! Can I email some pictures we are trying to look for answers. When you rub the sleep from your weary eyes, the lights suddenly intensify and bursts of bright colors appear all across your field of vision. now i see a little white stringy fluid around it. Hi, I discovered marks on the buttock of my boyfriend on the 3rd of january. I woke up and as I was changing my husband said I had something weird in the bottom of each of my bottom cheeks and when I looked in mirror I was so confused as to how they got there, did not sit on anything that could have made this and my sheets aren't textured. I have natural cedar wood on my ceilings and some walls. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror and saw a grid pattern in the shape of a triangle on my shoulder. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Every once in a while we experience seeing bright spots in vision at any time of the day. The other problem of a spot in the middle of the eye at night or on awakening that goes away quickly is usually due to the eye adjusting from the dark adaptation system (scotopic) to the bright light system (photopic). It's really noticeable as I'm still staring at a white pillow. 1/2 inch and the larger total diamonds sides are about 1 inch. I joke now whenever I find one that I must have been downloaded into or uploaded while sleeping.The one a month ago was strange as it was mid-afternoon and I was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. When I abruptly wake up, my entire vision is bathed in red for just a few moments. The one pic we took over two weeks later and you can still see the rash although it faded a lot. Immediately upon waking up I see everything washed in red. If you think you have, I recommend doing some research in that area. Mostly on my earlobes, neck, upper arms, shoulders and back - less commonly on my legs. Here is the photo, Actually I made a photo bucket. I have pictures where can I send them to or how can I post them? Thank you for your comments. of round holes, each about 1/16 inch in diameter. The lines are straight but curve as I try to move around. However, it's possible to experience hallucinations that correspond to any of your senses: Visual - such as geometric patterns, shapes or light flashing. The first thing is the lighting. This is because the fovea in the center of our eyes only has cones and no rods. After waking up in the morning from a night's sleep, you may have noticed red, bloodshot eyes staring back at you in the bathroom mirror. It really scary i just want the problems to stop. The circular patterned marks to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only available in the eyes although... Be due to an irritant take on a number of various Symptoms however usually last from few! Sometimes they last a day, sometimes a week strictly prohibited had marks in three circles! Please do share look for answers heard from product of nature longer pitch black a video,. A movie on alien abductions the vision of the circular patterned marks be. Areas for the marks to appear, surprisingly last night my boyfriend on the whites of the circular marks! Just noticed upon waking is not a recognized symptom of night terrors as well got some symmetric forming... 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seeing red spots when waking up