Amado worked in the DFS for five years, not two. The guy whos interrogating you has a breaking point and if you reach it, if you provoke him to the point of getting there, he will kill you. Salvador Osuna Nava; Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo; I know that everyone hates him; but he was like; fun to watch; Summary. During the investigation, federal authorities obtained a tape in which Gutierrez Rebollo agreed with Amado Carrillo the payments he would receive in exchange for ignoring the Juarez Cartel's activities. DFS director Salvador Osuna Nava had close ties to several leading criminal figures such as Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno and Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo during the 1980s. In its first chapter, Narcos: Mexico 3 shows Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez, a well-known PRI politician of that time, in a meeting with members of the Jurez Cartel, Rafael Aguilar Guajardo and Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Sanchez Ley says that, among the documents, it is written that Aburto's cousins retracted their original statements, mentioning that the Judicial Police told them that "if they did not declare that their cousin had shown them the gun a month before, they were going to put them in a hole.". He was involved in corrupt dealings with the Guadalajara Cartel and the Nicaraguan Contras, and he was murdered by drug lord Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo in 1985. In 2011, several media outlets revealed that it was Javier Arellano Felix, the leader of the Tijuana Cartel, who had ordered the journalist's murder. He spent most of his life taking care of it and he doesn't regret it one bit. La serie Narcos. El Azul was arrested in March 1986, and therefore would've been in jail for most of the season. According to Hernandez's book, Amado Carrillo felt reassured after El Gero told him that El Chapo did not murder Cardinal Posadas. A series that has gained the interest of audiences especially since it seemed to tell the true story behind drug trafficking in Mexico, does not present a version that even resembles the truth. It could have been a nice place but the heavy exterior walls, the armed guards and the barbed wired served as a reminder of the price the boss had to pay for his bravado. This event has been personified in different series and movies, such as Narcos: Mexico, over the years. La ahora desaparecida DFS era una corporacin equivalente a la CIA en Mxico y estuvo al frente de la lucha contra el Crtel de Jalisco. El personaje muestra a un polica corrupto y ambicioso. Later, Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, lawyer for the Archbishop of Guadalajara, accused General Jorge Carrillo Olea, future Governor of Morelos, of leading the state operation that killed Cardinal Posadas, which would imply that neither the Tijuana Cartel, nor El Chapo Guzman, nor Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez, had anything to do with the assassination, as the series suggests. Pablo did not spend his last days with his father. The existence of a third group formed by members of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police that directly attacked Cardinal Posadas. Trending. Salvador Osuna Nava was the rude Director-General of the DFS and associate of the Gudalajara cartel in Narcos: Mexico. What's more, his alleged ties to the Juarez Cartel seem to be groundless. It wasn't Pea, but another DEA agent named Joe Toft who revealed the corruption in Colombia, and called the country a 'narco-democracy'. Furious, The Lord of the Skies began to investigate the facts. La ahora desaparecida DFS era una corporacin equivalente a la CIA en Mxico y estuvo al frente de la lucha contra el Crtel de Jalisco. He was also one of those few agents who saw the boss during his ugly moments, when he shot lamps or other shit to unwind or worse. Osuna Nava then gets in contact with smuggler Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, and decides to eliminate Pedro Avils and make the young Felix Gallardo the leader of the new organization, creating the Guadalajara cartel. Aprende cmo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios, Desesperados los de Morena, pues no saben cmo llevar a la Marcha de la Venganza a tanto acarreado. At first glance, it seems that the image portrayed of General Rebollo by the series is not so far from reality. Snap, tough, & flex cases created by independent artists. (TV Episode 2018) Ernesto Alterio as Salvador Osuna Nava. Salvador Osuna Nava es el jefe de la Direccin Federal de Seguridad (DFS), que se pone del lado de la organizacin de Miguel ngel para que domine el mercado ilegal de las drogas. There are those who claim that Cardinal Posadas was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that his death was nothing more than a sad accident. Xalapa, Veracruz It is worth mentioning that La Rana has been one of the only people arrested in connection with the assassination of Cardinal Posadas. Journalist Sanchez Ley declared that while analyzing the file she realized that there were "many contradictions" and that, in any case, it would be better to ask "what was the real story?, Aburto still has not officially spoken to the press and it is rumored that he is waiting to publish his own book in which he will tell his version of events. According to Flores, during this meeting, Posadas confessed to him that he had attended a lunch at Los Pinos, the Mexican presidential house, where he received "indecent proposals", telling him not to get involved in the Tijuana-Guadalajara corridor, in prostitution or in "other things" that happened there, promising him in exchange "whatever he wanted" for his ministry. However, the idea that it was PRI politician Carlos Hank Gonzalez seems to be one of the least credible, since there is neither data nor evidence that would make him responsible for the candidate's death. He didnt need History to be kind to him. Almost 30 years have passed since the Cardinal's murder and the case is still open with no one sentenced for this crime. Unique Salvador Osuna Nava stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. The murder of Hctor Flix Miranda, El Gato, founder of the Zeta Weekly, The death of Cardinal Posadas: accident or assassination? Jose de Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo was a Mexican military officer who reached the rank of Major General and commanded for 7 years the Fifth Military Region (Aguascalientes, Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit and Zacatecas) based in Jalisco. He remained there until he was transferred to a federal prison in Tepic. According to BBVA data, the group was the leading financial institution in the Texas-Mexico border region, with a market share of almost 23%. Negotiations for the NAFTA began in 1990 and not 1989, and it was ratified in 1994. According to La Rana, the Cardinal used the church where he offered mass to hide the arms sales. Salva al capo de ser ejecutado y le ofrece seguridad. It will focus on two rival characters who face off in the war on drugs. In that position, he gained access to investigations, wiretaps, interdiction programs, anti-drug operations, informants and to all the Mexican intelligence on drug trafficking, in addition to having the privilege of knowing the information provided by the U.S. government and its specialized agencies. Osuna Nava treated the young leader with contempt and disdain, and frequently got into conflict with the other smugglers of the cartel, going as far as eliminating a few for not receiving adequate payment. However, there is not a single version that proves that the leaders of the Tijuana Cartel escaped on a TAESA plane. On May 24, 1993, shortly before 4 pm, Cardinal Posadas arrived at Guadalajara International Airport to meet the Vatican's representative in Mexico, Girolamo Prigione. Sobre su preparacin para entrar en la piel de Salvador Osuna, Alterio asegur fue todo un trabajo con una coach encontrar realmente esa manera de hablar, con qu determinados fonemas y de qu manera manejar el cuerpo. Although the PGR insists that the Cardinal died at the hands of hitmen of the Tijuana Cartel, mistaking him for El Chapo, the Mexican Catholic Church assures that he was the victim of a State crime and, together with the Vatican, has expressed its disagreement with the investigation and continues to press for justice in the case. Tras empezar su carrera actoral, entabl amistad con los actores Nathalie Poza, Guillermo Toledo y Alberto San Juan, con quienes despus fundara la compaa actoral Racin de Oreja. The official version that Mexican authorities continue to defend to this day is that one of "the lone assassin" thesis, according to which Mario Aburto fired two shots at Colosio, one of them in the head that caused his death, during the Lomas Taurinas rally in Tijuana on March 23, 1994. He initially showed interest in Gallardo's activities when DFS Commander "El-Azul" informed him about the young Sinaloan ex-cop who looked to unify all drug traffickers into one organized network. FOTO: NETFLIX, Libertad Bajo Palabra - Noticias de Veracruz, somos un ejercicio periodstico donde la libertad de expresin se instrumenta de la palabra. Despite his long-time familiarity with violence and death, when the car hits a pothole and Navas head bounces against the car door making a loud wet noise, Azul cant help but cringe internally: the thought of blood and brain matter leaking on the upholstery isnt exactly pleasant. In February 2011, Gutierrez Rebollo had an interview with journalist Isabel Arvide, in which he stated: I was in Cervantes Aguirre's way thats the reason of everything, that's why he wanted to kill me. Their mother was a fervent devotee of the Cardinal and would never forgive her children for committing the crime. One of his greatest achievements against drug trafficking was the capture of Hctor Luis Palma Salazar, better known as El Gero Palma, in 1995. Her first name is Manuela, but none of the members of family knew her last name. cv bravo osuna raquel.pdf cv bribiesca montes carlos eduardo (1).pdf cv bribiesca montes carlos eduardo.pdf cv bujanda loya alfonso.pdf cv bustamante ruisanchez juan francisco.pdf cv bustamantes acosta lluvia vanessa.pdf cv bustillos velazquez fernando alberto.pdf cv caballero ramirez salvador.pdf cv calderon jurado david.pdf According to Coello Trejo's own statements: "obviously the damned corruption, a magistrate, one Holy Wednesday, at six o'clock in the afternoon, let him out; when we arrived at the prison, he was already gone". General Riviello used to tell me: you go too deep, you know [and you will face the consequences]. With this purchase, Carlos Hank Rohn became the majority shareholder of the group. He didnt need History to remember his as a saint nor a good man. However, they never managed to meet because the Cardinal was assassinated before getting out of his car, where he was shot 14 times between his legs and chest. At the beginning of this season, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who at the time was the leader of the Juarez Cartel and is otherwise known as The Lord of the Skies, can be seen flying a small plane filled to the brim with cocaine. When Walt Breslin arrives to confront the General, he sees the military burning documents, destroying evidence and virtually dismantling the Mexican government's anti-drug offices in Tijuana. Upon Miguel Angel's return, he met Osuna Nava and confronted him about the incident, and Osuna Nava said that it was a reminder of Miguel Angel's place; he warned him that, next time he asked him to get on his knees, Miguel Angel's only response should be to ask "how long?" Osuna Nava and several high-ranking DFS officials (including his deputy Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno)were deeply involved in corrupt dealings with drug traffickers and "plaza bosses"; in 1978, he personally executed cartel boss Pedro Aviles Perez for refusing to go along with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo's plan to unite the Mexican plaza bosses under the umbrella of the Guadalajara Cartel, which became very wealthy and powerful with the support of the DFS. In fact, Laredo National Bancshares was founded in 1892 by two banks, Laredo National Bank and South Texas National Bank, as well as by the mortgage company, Homeowners Loan Corporation. He's responsible for founding the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s and for later becoming the majority leader of almost all the drug-trafficking corridors along the U.S.-Mexico border. La serie Narcos. Salvador Osuna Nava was Director-General of the DFS, the Mexican government's secret police force, which dedicated itself to putting down threats to the ruling PRI regime and to fighting communist agitation in the country amid the Cold War. In her book The Lords of the Narco, journalist Anabel Hernndez mentions that the Cardinal's death "powerfully called" the attention of Amado Carrillo, who could not believe that his people were involved in the murder. Salvador Osuna Nava - Works | Archive of Our Own A violent and light love by Anonymous Narcos: Mexico (TV), Narcos (TV) Explicit Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings M/M Complete Work 09 Oct 2022 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Salvador Osuna Nava/Tomas Morlet Salvador Osuna Nava Tomas Morlet Borquez Anal Sex Anal Fingering Although the story presented by Narcos: Mexico seems appealing and worthy of a series, the reality of General Gutierrez Rebollo's capture is very different when contrasted with verified sources of information. The Argentine-Spanish actor will play Nava, one of the leading DFS agents (essentially the CIA in the U.S.) who led the battle against the Jalisco Cartel. Information found in the media indicates that soldiers tortured Amado Carrillo Fuentes so much that he could not breathe well, which lead to Deputy Attorney General Coello Trejo opting to transfer him to the Federal Attorney General's Office, where he ordered that a cell be adapted as an intensive care unit to save Carrilos life. As in several other chapters of the third season of Narcos: Mexico, the question remains: who is telling the truth about the arrest of General Gutierrez Rebollo? The decision makes Amado Carrillo Fuentes so angry that he decides to killed Aguilar Guajardo at point-blank range. (Or, a remake of a story I made that follows Narcos: Mexico but with Jyn and Cassian falling in love and fucking shit up). In 1984, Osuna Navaforced Miguel Angel and Amado Carrillo Fuentes to smuggle arms to the Contras in Nicaraguafor Secretary of Defense Juan Arevalo Gardoqui in exchange for sparing Rafael Caro Quintero (who was subjected to a manhunt for kidnapping Sara Cosio). It was originally intended to be the fourth season of the Netflix series Narcos, but it was ultimately developed as a companion series. In 2007, he was sentenced to a new 40-year prison term, and a fine of US$2,263,446. Narcos: Mexico is an American-Mexican crime drama streaming television series created and produced by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard, and Doug Miro that premiered on Netflix on November 16, 2018. So, who really murdered Hctor Flix, El Gato, the founder of the Zeta Weekly? No matter how useful or powerful you are: you will die. Con ms de 20 aos de carrera, Ernesto Alterio ha formado parte de ms de 30 producciones entre televisin y cine. Or have you already forgotten that I grabbed El Gero Palma? Pues del futuro director de la CFE. Cervantes declared that "Gutierrez Rebollo had betrayed the military institution and had undermined national security by providing protection, for several years, to one of the main drug lords. The cocaine bust at a warehouse in Sylmar, California happened on 28 September, 1989; nearly five months after Flix Gallardo's arrest, and hence it could be assumed that Flix Gallardo had nothing to do with the raid in real life. In chapter 10 of Narcos: Mexico, La Voz (The Voice) journalist Andrea Nuez explains how, after Anti-Drug Czar General Gutierrez Rebollo is arrested, Amado Carrillo disappears and becomes the most wanted fugitives in Mexico and the United States. A month earlier, Gutierrez Rebollo was part of the Mexican delegation that attended a meeting with high-level U.S. officials at the White House. He didnt expect it to be. Well teach you how to do it. Ernesto Alterio, actor argentino, da vida al director de la Direccin Federal de Seguridad (DFS). Sobre el asesinato del periodista Manuel Buenda, Zorrilla Prez siempre aleg su inocencia, aunque en algn momento sugiri que l slo segua rdenes. Salvador Nava Martnez (April 7, 1914 - May 18, 1992) was a Mexican physician, politician and activist. The car received 57 bullet impacts. When Agent Breslin asks the General if the accusations against him are true, Rebollo simply replies that their countries - Mexico and the United States - don't really want to fight the war on drugs, but only to pretend they do. Using cellphones, fax machines and men on the outside, he maintained control over all the new cartels till he was transferred to a maximum-security prison in 1991. The truth is that Colosio's assassination is surrounded by doubts and inconsistencies, perhaps now more than ever. I was equally against one or the other. Felix Gallardo successfully made Colombians pay them 50% cut of the cocaine they transported from Colombia. Biographical Information Nickname (s) El Cubano Status Deceased Birth 1945 Cuba Death 1984 Tijuana, Mexico Cause of death Shot in the head by the police Nationality Cuban Fictional? Part 2, The truth behind the assassination of Cardinal Posadas. In December 1996, Gutirrez Rebollo was named head of the National Institute for the Fight against Drugs, earning him the nickname "Anti-Drug Czar". The break-up of the Guadalajara cartel depicted on the show is incorrect. Almost 30 years after his death, many questions remain unanswered: Who killed the Cardinal? De modo que Osuna Nava es Zorrilla Prez, el mismo que asesin a Manuel Buenda y cuyo jefe directo en aquel entonces era Manuel Bartlett Daz, secretario de Gobernacin y hoy futuro director de la Comisin Federal de Electricidad. First of all, Rafael Aguilar Guajardo was not associated with Amado Carrillo Fuentes. In the same chapter, La Voz newspaper reporters find that Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez erased his tracks by disappearing El Paso Savings and Loans Bank in Texas, which was allegedly used to launder drug money. 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Almost at midnight, a select group of members of the Armys elite corps arrested Gutierrez Rebollo. He was known for being "tough and incorruptible," with great leadership skills and a seemingly impeccable military career. According to the series, Professor Hank wishes to purchase from the Cartel some land on the border of Chihuahua to expand Grupo Hank business since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was about to begin, however Aguilar Guajardo refused to sale the land to Hank Gonzalez. Ties to the Juarez cartel seem to be kind to him ties to the Juarez cartel seem to be to. Last days salvador osuna nava his father Zeta Weekly now more than ever the White House, Hank. Was originally intended to be the fourth season of the prison spend his last days with father. By independent artists featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists prison,... Skills and a fine of US $ 2,263,446 high-level U.S. officials at the House! 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