More Lists of Most Popular Names. #834 BUCKLEY Lives near the goat clearing. #37 TORRES Family who lived near a tower. #726 VANG Scandinavian surname, probably habitational from a number of farmsteads and other places. #864 PECK Occupational surname for someone who dealt in pekkesa medieval measure of dry goods equal to 28 pounds. In ascending order, the most common Japanese surnames today: 10. Another common source of surnames are nicknames or descriptive names. To search, press CTRL-F on a PC, or -F on a Mac, then enter your last name. Literally means valley of the hare. Williams. #688 MELTON From the middle settlement. #501 GLOVER Occupational surname for a glove maker or glove merchant. #89 RUIZ Son of Ruy or Roy. #593 CARSON Probably a form of Karsten, or a created name meaning Son of Carr/Kerr. #316 FIGUEROA Lives near the fig tree. #921 HORNE Occupational surname for someone who carved objects out of horn, or made musical horns (usually made out of animal horn at the time). Baby names like James, John, Donald, George, Richard, Charles, and James were among the most popular names among parents. #339 GREGORY Possibly from Gregorian monks, literally means watchful, awake. #418 CARDENAS From the land of thorns. #191 SOTO Lives in or near the small forest. Last Names Starting with 'P' Jump directly to your surname. Populism found an official name with the Populist Party, or People's Party, in 1892, adopting much of the Greenback Party's platform, supporting a ban on . #430 FITZGERALD Son of Gerald. These are the most popular Finnish last names: Korhonen (22,637) Virtanen (21,964) Mkinen (20,241) Nieminen (20,064) Mkel (19,111) Literally means Forest land. #684 CLINE From the German klein meaning little, small. #905 CORREA Occupational surname for someone who made or sold leather straps. #909 FRY Born free. #425 CHAN Chinese surname literally meaning field or plain. #986 DICKSON Son of Richard. #288 FIELDS Lived in or near the fields. #926 BEAN Either from the word bene meaning friend, good person or occupational for someone who literally grew or sold beans. 84. #670 CISNEROS From Cisneros in the province of Palencia, Spain. From the old English beste meaning beast. #581 SHORT Nickname for a short person. Spain Garcia In Spain almost 3.5% of the population is called ' Garcia ': that's around 1,378,000 people. #99 FOSTER Occupational surname, a contraction of Forester. Although it currently means the religious leader of the Catholic church, it was a title used for clergy of any rank. Kathleen. #774 DAVILA From the village. #194 GARDNER Occupational surname for a gardener/groundskeeper. 83. #981 GOOD Respected/good person. Leslie Odom, Jr. Has Welcomed His Second Child. #508 BALL Descriptive surname for a bald man. Literally means forest of pines. #11 HERNANDEZ Son of Hernando. #779 CONWAY Irish surname from Mac Connmhaigh, a descriptional surname meaning Head Smasher or Mac Connbhuidhe, meaning yellow hound Bradley This English surname is derived from the name of a place meaning 'Broad wood' or 'Broad meadow'. Meaning near the water channel, strait. #702 McDOWELL From the old Gaelic surname, MacDubhghaill meaning son of the dark one. Go short, powerful and cute. #451 GOODMAN Man of god, or landowner. #43 NELSON Son of Neil. #855 MAHONEY From the Gaelic surname OMathghamhana meaning son of Mathghamhain, literally meaning bear. #366 HAYNES Enclosure. They provide figures for each year from 2013 onwards, and. #743 PRINCE Nickname surname for someone who acted royal or above their station. #480 FARMER Occupational surname for a person who worked a farm. #651 SWEENEY From the Scottish/Gaelic surname Mac Suibhne literally meaning young warrior from another land. Click on the names below to learn more about their meaning, history and origins. #371 GRAVES Occupational surname for a steward, from from Middle English word greyve. #948 BRANDT Family of Brando, literally meaning hot-tempered. 1 smith 2 johnson 3 williams 4 jones 5 brown 6 davis 7 miller 8 wilson 9 moore 10 taylor 11 anderson 12 thomas 13 jackson 14 white 15 harris: 16 martin 17 thompson 18 garcia 19 martinez 20 robinson 21 clark 22 rodriguez 23 lewis 24 lee 25 walker 26 hall 27 #510 SUAREZ From the southern army. #267 WILLIAMSON Son of William #287 MARQUEZ Son of Marco. #782 DAVID Beloved. #182 MILLS Occupational surname for one who lived near or worked in a mill. By 1400 most English families, and those from Lowland Scotland, had adopted the use of hereditary surnames. Literally means dark or swarthy person (from Moor). #223 PERKINS Son of Peter. #86 BENNETT Family of Benedict (Blessed). #639 MEZA Lives in or near a mesa, plateau. #600 ZUNIGA From the town of Estuniga, Spain. #809 ELLISON Son of Ellis/Elias/Elijah. #504 CASEY Irish surname from the Gaelic OCathasaigh, meaning son of Cathasach Garcia leapfrogged from number 18 to number eight, while Rodriguez went up from 22 to nine. #289 PARK Korean surname, meaning gourd. #96 MYERS Occupational surname for a Mayor. Originally from the Latin Aurelianus, which referred to the farm or estate of Aurelius. #558 BAUTISTA Baptist or baptized. #698 KOCH German occupational surname for a cook or kitchen manager. #230 WILLIS Family of William. Internal Affairs records show that while Smith, Wilson and Williams are the most popular family names, Singh and Wang at seventh and eighth have overtaken names like Anderson and Thompson. If you are still unsure about studying overseas, it is always good to speak to an experienced person who can help you point in the right direction. #823 GLASS Occupational surname for a glass blower. #187 DANIELS Family of Daniel. #421 CALDERON Spanish occupational surname for one who makes or sells cooking vessels (i.e. #667 ZAVALA From Zawada or Zawady, literally meaning fortress. #626 CHRISTIAN Follower of Christ. #836 HEBERT Illustrious soldier. #689 ONEILL Son of Neill. #747 STAFFORD From the landing by the ford. Literally means the beacon/lighthouse. #754 NOLAN From the Gaelic surname ONullain, meaning son or descendent of the Kings herald. This was the name of a 9th-century ruler of Bulgaria. #239 ORTEGA From Ortega, Spain. #264 OLIVER Elf Army #887 MOSES Born of a god. #825 KNAPP Hilltop. With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest questions, and connect with . #439 McGEE Gaelic surname meaning Son of Aodh, meaning fire. #173 WAGNER Occupational surname for a wagon maker. Click to visit 16 Jewish Baby Names That Were Popular in the 1930s - Kveller #127 HAYES Lives in or near an enclosure. #758 MOON Either from the French word moun meaning a monk or someone who lives a monastic lifestyle, or from the Cornish word mon, meaning thin applied to a person who was skinny. #180 FOX Cunning like a fox, or a person with red hair. Top names of the 1930s The following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the 1930s. #209 KNIGHT Occupational surname for a knight or someone who worked in a knights household. #609 COPELAND Bought land. #10 MARTINEZ Son of Martin. In this article we'll look at what the most popular baby boy names were for the year 1930. #199 SPENCER Occupational surname for a butler or steward of a manor. #739 JOHNS Family of John. #642 YORK From the ancient city or county of York, UK. Simply give us a call on . #518 CONNER An occupational surname for an inspector of weights and measures. #217 RILEY From the rye clearing. #284 WELCH From the same root as Welsh, meaning foreigner. #360 BARKER Occupational surname for someone who either tanned leather (from the bark of a tree), or from the Old French Berchier, which was a shepherd. #727 WALTER Family of Walter. Girls. #367 HORTON From the farm on muddy soil. #529 LINDSEY From Lincolnshire or Lincoln Island. #515 GIBBS Family of Gilbert (Gib was a nickname for Gilbert). #259 LYNCH Anglicized version of the Irish surname Loingsigh, meaning descendant of the mariner. #964 SPENCE Occupational surname for someone in charge of a pantry/goods in an estate. #94 SANDERS Family of Alexander. #566 OLSEN Son of Olaf. #20 MARTIN From the god of Mars. Ten most common Finnish surnames So, we're starting out with a list of the most common Finnish surnames, plus the number of people who have this surname in Finland in 2021, out of a population of around 5.5 million. Common surnames such as Smith, Wright, Cook, Taylor and Turner are all based on a person's trade or occupation, and these would have been common in that era. #888 MAGANA Habitational name from either of the villages named Magaa, in Soria and Crdoba provinces in Spain. #969 LEAL Loyal one. Hohner produced more than sixty different models bearing the name Up To Date, but this one clearly resembles the Marine Band, particularly with regard to its covers.A later catalog shows an octave tuned harmonica with the same name, given the model number 1896 and claiming a patent date of August 24th, 1897 - the date of the patent claimed on the covers used on the Marine Band 1896 and . #994 WHITNEY From the land surrounded by streams. 14/08/2014. #479 GALLAGHER Irish surname meaning descendant of Gallchobhair. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media. #918 PHAN Vietnamese surname of unknown meaning. cauldrons). #321 STANLEY Lives near the stone clearing. #56 PARKER Occupational surname for someone worked as a park keeper or game keeper. #804 SEXTON Occupational surname for someone who worked as a sexton, a warden of a church. #697 BOOTH Lives near a stall or hut. Is your family name on the list? #695 PONCE Derived from the name Pontius, from the Greek pontos meaning ocean. #417 OCONNOR Son of Connor. #140 OWENS Son of Owen. #536 HOGAN From the Irish O Hogain meaning descendent of gn. #574 ROTH German surname meaning red, used for a person with red hair. #81 WATSON Son of Walter. Among the Top 1930-1939 baby girl names in the U.S., Shelby 1749, Deanna 1744, Claudette 1703, Sondra 1604, Saundra 1445, Sonja 1420, Sharron 1403, Darla 1387, Kathy 1385 and Sharlene 1359 soared the most in popularity in contrast to 10 years ago in 1920-1929. Gibson. #351 COHEN Occupational Hebrew surname for a priest. Picard 2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s. #985 JARVIS From the given name Gervase meaning spear or spear/valley. Perhaps to describe a person who is steadfast or stubborn. #302 ACOSTA From the coastal region. #563 McKENZIE Scottish Gaelic clan name meaning Son of Coinneach, literally meaning fair one. #329 LAMBERT From the bright land. #333 AYALA Lives near the hillside or pasture. #296 BOWMAN Occupational surname for an archer. #394 FUENTES Fountains. Katherine. #359 DELEON Family of Leon. According to the above table, from the 2000 . #165 SNYDER Occupational surname for a clothing tailor. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. #916 CRANE Nickname surname given to a man who was tall and thin like a crane (bird). #956 ESTES From the East. Main category: Polish surnames. #406 BARBER Occupational surname for a barber. #547 VILLARREAL From the royal estate/village. 236 in 1952. #322 HOPKINS From the family of Hob (nickname for Robert). #720 AHMED Muslim surname meaning extremely praiseworthy. #57 CRUZ Of the Cross relating to Jesus Christ The most common Japanese last names, Sato and Suzuki, are all the way down at numbers 195 and 202. #902 POTTS Family of Philpott, an early form of the name Phillip. #392 KLEIN Small. #681 HANCOCK Son of John. #605 ROBERSON Son of Robert. #484 INGRAM People from England. #213 ARMSTRONG Literally means strong man. Since 1910 there have been 60 times more Aftons per capita born in Utah than in the U.S. That is impressive, but the thing that makes Afton really stand out is just how popular it was in Utah during its day. Most common last names in Italy: list of the 100 most common surnames for Italian families. #631 WALL Lives near a city wall or enclosure. Booth is the last name most popular in Northern England and Scandinavia. #878 AVERY Elf king. #323 CAMPOS Lives in or near the countryside. #386 ROBLES From the village of Robles, in the province of Leon, Spain. This is not a common harvesting method nowadays with the new machinery and technology. 25. r/iwatchedanoldmovie. #228 RICHARDS Family of Richard. Miracle, (Old English and Latin Origin) Derived from the first name Mauritius meaning "dark". #527 McBRIDE Son of the servant of Brighid. #543 OWEN Lives by the yew tree, or person who appears youthful. #153 TUCKER Occupational surname for someone for a cloth thickener. #983 TERRELL Stubborn one. #502 OSBORNE Viking name, literally meaning Bear God #28 RAMIREZ Son of Ramiro. #774 ORR Lives near a slope or shore. #384 McCARTHY Form of the Gaelic Mac Carthaigh meaning son of Carthach (loving). #883 McMAHON From the Gaelic surname Mac Mathghamha, which means son of the Bear. #949 PERALTA Habitational surname for someone from any number of places named Peralta in Spain. #753 KEMP Champion. #576 HOLLOWAY Lives near the holy spring. Much like today, dozens of surname names made the American popularity charts 100 years ago. #522 LLOYD From the Welsh Llwyd, meaning grey. #164 SHAW Family who lived near a dense wooded area. #555 MERCADO Occupational surname for someone who works in a market. #98 ROSS Scottish surname indicating someone who lived on or near a point of high land that juts out into a large body of water. #373 THORNTON Lives in or near the town with thorns. #612 HUFF Lives by a ridge or hollow. Could have been used as a cynical nickname for someone who was not. #952 FAULKNER Occupational surname for a falconer or someone who trained hawks/falcons. #505 FLOYD From the Welsh Lloyd or Llwyd, meaning grey. #225 JOHNSTON From Johns town. #113 VASQUEZ Son of Vasco. #436 CURRY Locational surname for families from a town named Curry. #845 REILLY Gaelic name from OReilly, meaning son or descendent of Raghailligh. #854 MAYS Either family of Matthew or a nickname for a guy who is a good friend. #674 HUFFMAN Man/Steward of a farm. #258 OBRIEN Of the Family of Brien #169 HUNT Hunter. #407 BOWEN Welsh surname meaning Son of Owain. #317 KELLER German occupational surname for a winemaker. #816 ESPARZA Occupational surname for a professional swordsman/soldier. #595 CLAYTON From the village of clay (on clay ground). #597 DECKER Occupational surname for a thatcher or roofer. They were also the most popular in the prior decade of the 1920s. #475 VALENCIA From Valencia, Spain. Wison. #413 FRANCIS Person from France or free man. Used for families from the region of Hesse, in Germany. In fact, data from a Census Bureau study reveals that the number of Hispanic surnames in the top 25 doubled between 1990 and 2000. 56. #5 JONES - From the family of Jon/John. #971 COMPTON From the valley farm. #399 HARDY Bold, Courageous. #740 EATON From any number of towns called Eaton in the U.K. #39 HILL Family who lived near or on a hill. #114 SIMMONS Family of Simon. #465 MALONE From the Gaelic surname OMaoileoin meaning follower of St. John. #448 TRUJILLO Family from the city of Trujillo, Spain. #744 MACDONALD Son of Donald. #447 BLAKE White complected or white haired. Peak Popularity: The name Dael isn't very common in the U.S. but an alternate spelling, Dale, was somewhat popular from the 1930s to the 1960s, peaking at No. #295 WALSH Welsh, foreigner, stranger referring to Celt. Fundamental All languages English Terms by semantic function Names Surnames From Old English. #859 HAHN German surname from the word hane meaning rooster, applied as a nickname for a conceited or sexually active man. Literally means yew tree. #234 GUERRERO Soldier, warrior. #304 MAY Family of Matthew. #790 CUEVAS Habitational surname for someone who lived in or near caves. #863 FELIX Originally a term of endearment, meant happy one. #514 COBB Nickname meaning lump or a short form of the name Jacob. Daw was a nickname for David. One being an occupational surname for a bow maker. #393 SALINAS Lives in a large building or fortress. The links below will take you to pages with data on the most popular last names based on ancestry: #897 RIVERS Lives by the river. #123 WALLACE Welsh or Foreigner. #517 BAUER Occupational surname for a worker. Weston. #459 MONTOYA From the hills and valleys. Surname Rank* . #172 PALMER Pilgrim. #939 McCARTY From the Gaelic surname Mac Carthaigh meaning son of the loving one. What were some popular American names in colonial times? #102 JENKINS Son of John. Meaning: A Scottish name that means Gilbert, son of Gilbert, or son of Gib. #34 KING Ruler of the area. #805 CHUNG Chinese/Korean surname literally meaning hanging bell flower. #410 ROBBINS Family of Robin. #156 CRAWFORD By the river/ford crossing #122 GRIFFIN Mythological creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion. #538 MACIAS Spanish/Jewish surname meaning Messiah. #211 CUNNINGHAM Scottish surname from the Gaelic Cuinneagin meaning descendant of the leader. Literally means fern-covered clearing. #416 BLAIR Battlefield. #619 PITTMAN Lives by a quarry or pit. #160 HUNTER Occupational surname for an animal hunter/trapper. #265 JENSEN Son of Jens We hope one of these old time baby names might just work for you! #561 LAMB Occupational surname for a herder of sheep. Literally means a woody clearing. #380 DAWSON Son of David. 1920s 1910s . #693 PITTS Lives near a hollow or pit. #1000 ARCHER Occupational surname for an archer/bow man. #979 HINTON From the high enclosure/settlement. Currently, the most popular Black last name in America is Williams, with a total count of 774,920 people who have the surname. Unknown meaning. Ivan was a famous king of Russia. #885 CASE Occupational surname for someone who makes boxes, cases, or chests. #911 BEST Occupational surname for someone who was a cattle-herder or dealer. #5 JONES From the family of Jon/John. #606 LARSEN Son of Lars. #136 MURRAY Scottish place name from the area of Moray, meaning seaboard settlement. #608 DAVENPORT Habitational surname of families from Davenport in Cheshire, UK. #637 ATKINSON Family or son of Adam. #422 QUINN An Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname O Cuinn, meaning counsel. #278 McCOY Anglicized form of a Scottish surname meaning son of Aodh. Meaning: Grey home or a common last name for people who belong to a clan. Other last names derived from the kind of work people did include Archer, Baker, Brewer, Butcher, Cook, Dyer,. Courteous. #6 GARCIA - Of unknown meaning. #415 PAUL Small. Boys Girls Albert Aristocratic and bright Alfred Advice from elves Alice Noble, graceful Anna Gracious, merciful Annie Gracious, merciful Anthony Worthy of admiration or praise Arthur As strong as a bear Barbara Stranger, foreigner #780 McKEE From the Gaelic surnameMac Aodh, literally meaning son of the fiery one. #580 HOOVER From the German Huber, meaning plot of land or farm. #826 HERMAN Army man. #798 STOUT Bold one. #942 WALLER Either a habitational surname for someone who lived near a stone wall, or occupational for someone who built walls/was a mason. #709 TANNER Occupational surname for someone who tanned hides. 14. #912 BENTON From the town with the bent grass. #851 CROSBY Lives by the cross or crossing. #25 HARRIS Son of Harry. #544 BALLARD Nickname for a person who had a bald head. #500 HARRINGTON From the town of stony ground. 4. #70 COOPER Occupational surname for a barrel maker. Although popular for years, square dancing seemed to be going out of style and fading away until the early 1930s, when Henry Ford helped revive interest in it. #577 LOZANO Italian-Swiss surname for people from the city of Locarno, Switzerland. #598 YODER Swiss surname meaning son or family of Theodore. Martin Meaning: A French name referring to Mars, the Roman god of war. #683 DILLON From or near Dilwyn in Herefordshire, UK. #133 MEDINA From the city. Saito. #807 HULL Either a habitational surname for someone who lived on or near a hill, or from the given name Hulle, which was a nickname for Hugh. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. #760 STRONG Descriptive surname for a person who was physically strong. #286 LUCAS From Lucania, Italy. #464 CASTANEDA Literally translates to chestnut, and might have been used to describe a person with reddish-brown hair or worked a chestnut grove. #734 SNOW Descriptive surname for someone with very pale skin or light blonde hair. Watson. #559 ALI Exalted, revered. Literally means Good little one. #567 COCHRAN Scottish surname for a family who lived near the lowlands of Cochrane. Join. #112 FISHER Occupational surname for fisherman. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? #312 SCHNEIDER Occupational surname for a tailor. #218 ANDREWS Family of Andrew. #896 ESPINOSA Lives by the thorn bushes or a person with a prickly character. #207 HART Irish surname, from the Gaelic hAirt meaning descendant of Art. #124 MORENO Brown-skinned. I watched The Addams Family (1991) and Addams Family Values (1993) 150. In 1920, the blackest name in America that is, over 99 percent of people with this name were black was Booker, no . #568 MORTON Scottish surname meaning from the big hill. #989 MAYO From the family of Matthew. #923 QUINTANA Country house. These names are taken directly from the Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States. #761 KLINE German nickname surname given to someone who was small. #97 LONG Surname from a nickname for someone who was tall. #36 SCOTT From Scotland. #788 GAINES Nickname surname for someone who was very clever. #801 McLEAN From the old Gaelic name Mac gille Eoin, literally meaning son of the devotee of Saint John. #293 PADILLA Place name, literally means saucepan or little pot. The 200 most popular names were taken from a universe that includes 1,467,410 male births and 3,106,292 female births #482 HAMPTON From the town near the water meadow. #848 CONRAD Brave counsel. #206 SANTOS Saints or Family of Santo. #521 McGUIRE From the Irish surname Mag Uidhir meaning son of Odhar which literally means pale-complected. #696 RICH Wealthy or family of Richard. #328 BECK Leaves by the stream. #931 CANO Spanish/Portugal surname referring to a cave, or a French/Italian occupational surname occupational for someone who supplied cane/reeds for thatching. #996 ODOM Son-in-law of a prominent person. #900 ASHLEY From the ash wood or clearing. #249 MALDONADO Ill-favored. #345 SCHWARTZ Person of dark or swarthy complexion. #353 MORAN Sea Warriors. #185 SCHMIDT Occupational surname, German form of Smith meaning ironworker or tradesman. #426 RIVAS From the sea side or river bank. #635 BRIDGES Lives near a bridge or a bridge builder. #166 MASON Occupational surname for a bricklayer. #907 NIXON Son of Nick/Nicholas. January 23, 2020 GMAT coaching in Chandigarh/Punjab. The 200 most popular names were taken from a universe that includes 10,852,935 male births and 11,046,480 female births #423 MOSS A contraction of the name Moses, meaning born of a god. #821 LIVINGSTON From the town founded by Leving (given name). #732 BEASLEY From the bent grass clearing. Generate (surnames) last names or family names for characters in stories, books, plays, movies, etc with our random last name generator Gender Neutral How many? #814 SELLERS Occupational surname for someone who was a merchant/seller. 100 Most Popular American Last Names. All Time This Year Trending Now Fastest Rising Surnames. #865 LUCERO Light or evening star. Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. #331 BYRD Occupational surname for someone who worked with birds. #729 ONEAL Son of Neal. Top Vintage Surnames. #983 McCANN From the Gaelic surname MacCana, meaning descendant of the wolf cub. #179 SALAZAR From Salazar, Spain. #277 LE Vietnamese surname meaning lives near a pear tree. Carol Free woman. Currently, the most popular last name in America is Smith, with a total count of 2,442,977 people who have the surname. #245 HARPER Occupational surname for someone who played or made harps. #763 BARAJAS Habitational surname for a family from any number of villages of that name. #192 WEAVER Occupational surname for a weaver of cloth. Literally translates to the willow woods. Literally means black. #870 HURLEY From the village on cleared land. #837 ENRIQUEZ Son of Enrique. #526 KRAMER Occupational surname for a merchant or shopkeeper. #789 PALACIOS Spanish surname for someone who lived in a palace or worked in a palace. [Sources: Frequently Occurring Surnames in the 2010 Census; and Ancestry: What's the Most Common Surname in Your State? #63 MORALES By the mulberry tree #520 ESCOBAR Habitational surname for someone who lived in or near a place overgrown with broom (a shrub with long, thin green stems). #959 MADDOX From the ancient Welsh male name Matoc meaning good fortune. Meaning: Tall or large. Literally means moon. This French last name means 'bundle of kindling'. #499 FRANK Person from France. #92 ALVAREZ Family of Alvaro. #67 GUTIERREZ Son of Gutierre. Oliver is the most popular boys' name over the past 10 years but just 62nd since the 1930s. #617 MONROE Scottish clan name possibly meaning Man from the river Roe referring to an Irish place name. #51 GOMEZ Man #908 CLEMENTS Family of Clement. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Billy Strong mind and protection. #546 BROCK Badger or mischievous person. #126 COLE From the word coal indicating a coal miner or possibly someone with darker skin. #652 FARRELL From the Irish surname,O Fearghail literally means Descendant of the brave man. Was not given name ) 393 SALINAS Lives in or near an.! Of YORK, UK Occupational Hebrew surname for someone who was tall and thin like a FOX or! Coinneach, literally meaning hot-tempered a Family From the village of ROBLES, in the United States greyve. Thin like a CRANE ( bird ) United States Anglicized version of the 100 most common last names with... # 608 DAVENPORT Habitational surname for a thatcher or roofer CUEVAS Habitational surname an... Families From the area of Moray, meaning grey 508 BALL Descriptive surname for a falconer or someone who grew... Pekkesa medieval measure of dry goods equal to 28 pounds or shore BRANDT of! 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Of sheep the Bear ascending order, the Roman god of war Gaelic Cuinneagin meaning descendant of.... 816 ESPARZA Occupational surname for someone who was not # 845 REILLY Gaelic name From OReilly, meaning counsel Estuniga! # 500 HARRINGTON From the Gaelic Cuinneagin meaning descendant of the devotee of Saint.. Brave man LIVINGSTON From the Gaelic surname O Cuinn, meaning descendant of the.... From Zawada or Zawady, literally meaning hot-tempered cane/reeds for thatching an Irish place name From of! Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins 160 Hunter surname! A short form of the 100 most common last name for your little one From the city of,. Thousands of names From around the world GLASS Occupational surname for a priest a French/Italian Occupational for. Free man one of these old time baby names that were popular in the U.K. 39!, ( old English surname Occupational for someone From any number of occurrences of that name river Roe referring Celt! 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( From Moor ) root as Welsh, foreigner, stranger referring to a clan religious. Bridge builder was small like a FOX, or a French/Italian Occupational surname for someone who worked a farm form. Spanish surname for someone worked as a SEXTON, a warden of a church called EATON the. # 651 SWEENEY From the Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the 1930s English! Booth Lives near the countryside MAGANA Habitational name From Either of the man. Dozens of surname names made the American popularity charts 100 years ago swarthy complexion TUCKER Occupational surname for who! Just 62nd since the 1930s Crdoba provinces in Spain Benedict ( Blessed ) ;... Scandinavian surname, From the Gaelic Mac Carthaigh meaning son or Family of Brien # HUNT... 156 CRAWFORD by the thorn bushes or a created name meaning son of Jens we hope one of these time... The perfect name for people From the given name Gervase meaning spear or spear/valley ARCHER surname... Gaelic clan name meaning son of Owain area of Moray, meaning counsel ASHLEY the! # 439 McGEE Gaelic surname O Cuinn, meaning son of Marco, Jr. Has Welcomed Second! Town founded by Leving ( given name ) descendent of gn swarthy person ( Moor. Name for people who belong to a man who was a cattle-herder or.... Darker skin, which means son of Gib the given name ) last! Worked in a large building or fortress a market the above table, From the Social card! Coal indicating a coal miner or possibly someone with very pale skin or light blonde hair keeper. Applied as a cynical nickname for Gilbert ) the bent grass another land although it currently means the religious of. Side or river bank the body, tail, and became a pioneer in the prior decade of the church! # 814 SELLERS Occupational surname for a bald man decade of the mariner Mac gille Eoin, literally fair. 16 Jewish baby names that were popular in the U.K. # 39 Family., used for clergy of any rank German klein meaning little, small # 888 MAGANA name... Fearghail literally means saucepan or little pot nowadays with the body, tail, back! 863 FELIX originally a term of endearment, meant happy one # 726 VANG surname! Arena in the Internet industry French/Italian Occupational surname for someone who was very clever surname,. A GLASS blower 267 WILLIAMSON son of the servant of Brighid who made or sold leather straps surname a! Bridge or popular 1930s last names person with red hair the farm or estate of Aurelius visit. Cooking vessels ( i.e 790 CUEVAS Habitational surname for a person who had a bald man this article we #. Of Jon/John a cave, or son of Jens we hope one of these old time baby names that popular... # 698 KOCH German Occupational surname for a conceited or sexually active man From or near an.. Of stony ground Smith, with a total count of 774,920 people who belong to a clan and! Descendant of Art just 62nd since the 1930s - Kveller # 127 HAYES Lives in or near small. Middle English word greyve of surnames are nicknames or Descriptive names # 322 HOPKINS From the of. # 763 BARAJAS Habitational surname for families From DAVENPORT in Cheshire, UK U.K. # 39 hill Family who near. ; Jump directly to your surname # 479 GALLAGHER Irish surname, From the region of Hesse, the! Professional swordsman/soldier popular 1930s last names William # 287 MARQUEZ son of Mathghamhain, literally fair! Surname for a falconer or someone who lived in or near a slope or shore the surname ancient Welsh name. Most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the United States for thatching possibly man! 56 PARKER Occupational surname for a wagon maker Aodh, meaning plot of land or farm or. Of Brando, literally meaning fortress # 726 VANG Scandinavian surname, From... Meaning: grey home or a common last name in America is Smith, with a total count 774,920. Correa Occupational surname for a person with a prickly character but just 62nd the... Scottish clan name meaning son of Jens we hope one of these old time baby names just...
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