Nous, franais, semblons plus terre--terre. L'avenir est une preocupation plus importante pour les francais? I believe that the American responses would be somewhat different. Historically, the incomplete sentence method is related most closely to the word association test. French students do not necessarily expect success, and instead worry about the future. failing myself, disappointing my parents, regretting. 4. Le commentaire de Zachary concernant la formulation de la phrase en franais et en anglais est intressant car la formulation franais laisse le champ libre toutes les proccupations, quelles soient politiques, religieuses, socitales, etcmais elle n'est pas oriente spcifiquement vers sa situation personnelle. Use the following lines or your own sheet of paper to write six sentences that practice each basic sentence pattern. Example from the Hansard archive. something I try not to think about? @Antoine - Intressant. That's what annoys me when women think Tomas is an arsehole. Divorce is very common in the United States -- somewhere nearing half of all marriages end in divorce. is that I will not be able to figure out what I really want to do after graduating. These words are often used together. Christian, I think it's not that American responses are less altruistic, it's the mindset in which Americans are more into developing their self and they are obsessed with their success and failure. . Je pense que pour beaucoup de monde le bonheur passe par la russite sociale, et par sociale je pense large : famille, amis, collgue. B) believe the greatest worry . You can write anything you like provided it makes a. complete sentence." Writing Speed (using Sentences . It took a few moments on the air before Mr. Scarborough realized he had spoken the obscenity out loud, at which point he said: "Great apologies if I said the word instead of the letter. Or do you feel that we students are ACTUALLY less worried about studies. Not only does this relieve some of the stress about students deciding what they wish to do with their lives, it also means that employers will go to specific subsets of students to look for employees, meaning less, more concentrated competition for the jobs pertinent to your studies. living away from my parents and not being able to take care of them. c'est diffrent pour ceux qui n'en n'ont pas du tout mais en france nous avons des tudes que nous appellons des tudes professionnelles, des "bac pro" qui permet aux tudiant d'tudier l'cole tout en apprenant un mtier : 2 semaines en entreprise, 2 semaines l'cole.. etc. I agree with Laura's comment about how the French responses are more concerned with larger, global issues than the American responses. (222) I'm not worried about it. 143 My greatest worry is that he'll do something stupid. It's interesting that the Americans (ourselves) wrote these responses and then are noticing the differences! In fact, it may comfort you to know that many of us tend to worry about the same issues. is that people are turning into consumers instead of creators. And even greater apologies to those I have left in. As you said Meera, most of the American responses were mainly concerned with themselves, while many of the French responses concerned family, friends, and others. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. est ma capacit prouver mes comptences pour trouver de bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi. This makes me wonder; is it common for French students to find work right after graduation? It makes sense that the responses would change if you sampled students versus single mothers versus children. Using the word opinion, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Translations of the phrase GREAT WORRY from english to spanish and examples of the use of "GREAT WORRY" in a sentence with their translations: It's been a great worry to us both. When I think of things that worry me, I could also say that I am fearful of those things too. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Those areas which are not in the profitable areas are the, Testing at the age of seven seems to be the, I may say that this is a matter which is causing me the, If it is wrongly fixed, it will cause the greatest inconvenience and the, Given his own recognition of the tremendous value of our universities and the high international standards that they set, that must be a cause for the, We have heard again since that time that the company's, Many inmates have told me that they become far more accomplished criminals during their term of internmentand this is my. To respond to you Emmanuel, divorces are fairly common in the United States. I am interested in another thing though. I wonder what other American students associate with the word "worry"as opposed to another word such as "concern" or "fear". I expected MIT students to be very worried about "mes etudes", but it seems that French students think about it more! to lose my family. is that I won't find the situation/lifestyle later on that makes me the most happy. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available. Simply copy your paper, paste the content into the editing tool and get the results in a flash. Many of the American responses talk about finding the right job and the right balance between work and family. Actually, when I took a closer look I saw that the Americans also have their family mentioned, it is just not at the beginning of the answer. On the other hand, from a brief glimpse of one of the contraband forums on the bottom of the page, the responses to "my greatest fear" from the French were also more to do with their interactions with other people than with their personal success: for example, being alone. This page requires JavaScript. It will be the greatest privilege. To me it seemed that the French students were actually worried about the global problems, while MIT students were more so worried about their role in future. These words are often used together. Directions: Write a brief answer (one to three complete sentences) to each of the questions. Why is that so? Considering other responses in other forums that seem to suggest that French people have a stronger, more cohesive sense of national and cultural identity, is it possible that French people think more about issues that affect the whole community because they value the group more and feel a stronger sense of belonging? In your most intimate moments, do you really think about the the diminuation of liberties / individual rights / etc. The Guardian - Sport. This forum is the most popular so far. to have nothing to do. ship to the. . That said, I think everyone in the US genuinely fears the larger and universal things like inequality, war, and poverty, but without the means for direct control, we choose to push those worries to the back of our minds and focus on the tasks at hand. I agree with you, Amina. Or maybe these issues are more widely discussed in France or people keep up with the news more; I hardly ever read the news, so I feel that my concerns are mostly about me, not the society as a whole. I think this word comes back to the idea of context, since, as students, our responses logically relate to our future/careers. This message conveys that and extends your sentiments to them as well. Learn how to use in my greatest in a sentence and make better sentences with `in my greatest` by reading in my greatest sentence examples. to die without fulfilling my dreams, never to be happy, to not have a family, tre pris pour aller Chicago Ensuite, heureusement en France nous avons la CAF, le RSA, la scurit sociale, l'allocation chmage (for our american friends : those are benefits), etc qui permettent de s'en sortir quand on n'a pas de travail, mais aux US je pense que la vie n'est pas facile quand on n'a pas de travail pendant des priodes prolonges, me trompes-je ? worry: [noun] mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated : anxiety. ma copine. being far away from my family and friends. It seems that American students expect to succeed and thus worry about the possibility of failure. En france mme si les tudes effectues sont bassent, il y a toujours moyen de gagner sa vie en travaillant, il y aura toujours du travail pour les personnes qui ont peu de dipmes. And now arises the greatest difficulty of all. It's daunting to know that I am expected to work for 45 years after college! Aquarium plants and fish I don't have to worry about. Et c'est pour a qu' mon avis les gens sont procupp par leur avenir professionnel parce que c'est la source de cet argent. I find many of the answers above very interesting. Long-term marriages don't just happen. This may go back to another Forum discussion, which mainly said that our responses could be skewed, since MIT students have a slightly different perspective on work/jobs than Americans in general. The Guardian - Film. I am worried about my health. If you worry often, you're far from alone. To French students, why in particular are you worried about "mes etudes"? The mastiff was the greatest of all the dogs at the park. But Activison and IW won't have to worry about me, they already fool over 10 million idiots a year. Instead, we MIT students worry about failure and dissatisfaction in the longer term, although certainly this concerns studies as well. You will only have to worry about food, drinks, sunscreen, and having fun. :). Le fait est qu'aujourd'hui, dans notre socit, pour fonder une famille il faut de l'argent. Je pense que le Franais en rgle gnral veut que son avenir et celui de ses enfants soient meilleur ainsi il se bat pour, dfit les autorits, grves, boudent un peu: c'est tout fait normal. "Je suppose que pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer par le sien ?". comme l'a dit samin le systme amricain est plus restrictif, il est plus dur de se faire une place dans le monde du travail sans bonnes tudes. (1819) don't worry your pretty little head about it. It would be interesting to ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are. ( 2016) They said their main worry was that their fields might be scorched. Il est amusant de voir les diffrences entre les tudiants du MIT et les tudiants de l'ENSEIRB. Or. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. The Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test (Forer, 1957) is also published in a manual format with a structured scoring procedure. Les divorces ne sont pas trs frquents, mais ils ne sont non plus inexistants. Only on the american side we can see things like "not realizing my full potential, not accomplishing everything, not saving the world," which I thing stems from the high expectation of MIT students. thing that comes into your head. is that I will take my good fortune for granted and not take advantage of the things I have. The Americans put their worries in negatives--they were more concerned about what they might "not" be or might "not" do. However, I would still like to know if the first thing that comes to your mind when asked what worries you the most is related to you, or to the world around you? Cependant, quelques tudiants (amricains et franais) ont fait abstraction de leur personne et sont plus proccups par l'avenir de leur pays, de la socit dans laquelle ils vivent ou bien mme de l'humanit. People go to MIT to be game-changers, whether in industry, academia, medicine, business, etc., and there is a notion of meeting personal criteria. that I will die young. Johanna to answer Elodie's question, I agree that vocational schools/community colleges may offer something similar to those who aren't getting college degrees. Et je pense que tous les humains soient Franais, Americain ou autres se ressemblent dans beaucoup de points et se diversent sur d'autres, et cela en ce qui concerne tous ce qui est ct sentiment comme la peur. Qu'en est il des divorces aux USA ? It's a bit comforting to know you're not the only one who worries - it's pretty much all the same for everyone. @Virgile, I think it's only natural that everybody focused on their own life. not knowing what to do when I wake up the next day. So the big dreams thing is really important here because we I've in the land of opportunities where it is possible for big dreams to come true. This is a very small sample size, but I wonder if the difference between the French and American responses would be true if a large group had responded to these questions. So, it appears to me that things are not actually THAT different between the American and French side. Very specific worries, while the French responses were more general topics. (223) I was worried about this. . de l'avenir de notre pays / la plante / etc que nos amis tatsuniens. My greatest worry is the responsibility. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. Do you think this might be because Americans worry more and are afraid to fail? "The greatest worry is the unknown". A collocation is two or more words that often go together. Some of the French students are afraid for the future in particular for the period after they graduate from the university. ( 2016) If you are worried about intense feelings that overwhelm you all the time, then talk to your GP. While the French responses worried about their future, a mention of failure was rare. mon avenir. Je vourdrais savoir porqui est-ce que le concept du temps n'est pas plus mentionee? That could be worrying. The greatest confusion and bewilderment prevailed. Most women are hopelessly sentimental. He will consider it the greatest honour. Bien que la crise conomique que nous traversons actuellement soit trs importante, je suis quand mme tonne voire mme inquite que le bonheur passe tout d'abord par l'emploi pour un grand nombre de personnes. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Throughout the US, i don't belive that the majority of the answeres would match the MIT students' responses. For example, it seems a lot of Americans get their news not through reading the newspaper, but online. Hence, a lot of the American responses involve their failure, or their lack of happiness in their future. 76 32 He held the ruler of the greatest kingdom at his mercy! Children's parties are the greatest worry. It seems like the most common American response is a fear of failure. Don't worry about me holding up your table though, because I won't be back. I am sure LOTS of Americans are worried about their jobs in general right now, not necessarily being happy with that job. On the American side, we responded with long-term concerns and the French responded with short-term concerns. A women's greatest asset is her beauty. I think that these survey responses just indicate that we Americans and the French understood this question differently and chose to look at two very different time scales. (plural worries) Idioms [uncountable] the state of worrying about something synonym anxiety The threat of losing their jobs is a constant source of worry to them. As a country, do you feel that most people in your age range have similar worries? Malgr tout, ce qui me surprends c'est que les gens se sont concentrs soit sur leur avenir individuel, soit sur l'avenir une chelle bien plus globale. Les proccupations court terme ne sont pas trs prsentes.. Je trouve que les franais insistent plus sur les ingalits dans le monde, le respect d'autrui, alors que les rponses amricaines sont moins altruistes. I will marry someone who I'm not in love with, The Guardian. You don't need to worry about me anymore. ", the answer is usually something like "wow, oh my god, I have so much work to do, how am I going to finish it! Vous semblez lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous. The New Yorker. I feel that it would be interesting to see a larger group of people of our age from both countries compleate this survery. I would have no one to turn to. de valider mon semestre, d'avoir un salaire me permettant de voyager rgulirement, de savoir que mes proches vont bien. I wonder if this possibly caused some discrepancies between the responses. SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST 'Write in your neatest writing, as though you are doing an exam but write down the first. Hart (1986 . The negative byproduct may be an introverted disregard of the problems of others, who may be viewed as hindrances or competitors. Je pense que c'est trs clairement l'avenir qui inquite tout le monde - ce qui est plutt logique. So yes, Don't worry is a full and complete sentence. I completely agree with you Johanna that there are sentiments for the fear of failure and not succeeding in the U.S. is that my life will pass to fast for me to fully enjoy it. It is however looked down upon in written communications to use contractions. :P. As Laurence stated, we are concerned with the future and success because we are students looking to enter into the world. Although the future is a predominant worry in both the French and the American answers, the American answers focus more on work and marriage. As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. is that I won't find a job that I like. I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. As Jamie mentioned, individualism and self-reliance plays a huge role in the American psyche. We weren't just worried about "my future", but we were worried that "I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends," or that "I will take my good fortune for granted." -- The Americans posed a lot of pessimistic situations - that "I will not/won't ___". The extremely broad social issues that ENSEIRB students said they were most worried about is confusing to me. Q: Would you say french people are more/less ambitious than their american counterparts? l'argent, le sexe, devenir clbre avec mon groupe Phonema. Effectivement, nos proccupations portent sur des points prcis : vies professionnelle, sentimentale, familliale.Tandis que vous, ne parlez surtout que de choses vagues : "to fail", "won't succeed" "that I won't be happy". Des deux cts, les proccupations des tudiants sont trs gocentrs et concernent principalement les tudes et le parcours professionnel. I was surprised by the number of responses mainly revolving around self-centered things, such as "failure" and disappointing friends and family. In fact, I think the last statistic I heard was that between 10 and 30% of marriages end up in divorce. with worry to be frantic with worry The American love affair with bagels gets stronger every year. In response to Emilie's comment, we talked about this in class and it seems that the wording does change the response a lot. We have the ability to be successful, so if we don't reach this success we feel a sort of failure. I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends," or that ", I will take my good fortune for granted." I think some answers such as ending up homeless is really reflective of today's economic situation, and while the French mention economic woes, no one seems to think that they'll ever be homeless. Etes-vous d'accord? 1. SCHOOLS. Perhaps Americans find difficulty in establishing a national identity, given the immense diversity of peoples, opinions, and backgrounds, whereas that doesn't seem to be the case in France. Is that not as relative in France because the French culture is already more balanced than the American culture so they are less worried about finding a job? @Anahid : dj, tout le monde n'a pas forcment de famille sur qui il pourra compter quand il n'aura pas d'emploi. Also, is it French culture to put others first? But I would think that the French are blunt as well. And how common are divorces? Est-ce que vous avez une allocation chmage si vous n'tes pas assurs contre le chmage? Is Paris known to the French as the place to go to fall in love and get married or is that just for movies? Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.1. Click on the links below to explore the meanings. Maybe that's why the French side is not so worried. However, while the French also mentioned these to some extent, I felt they mentioned global and national issues more than us. But a litany of wars, inquisitions, and purges show that for almost everyone, this promise is a lie. I just wish he would have been a little more supportive in my greatest time of need. Pour les employeurs, si par exemple nous passons plusieurs annes sans emploi, notre diplme n'aura plus, ou que trs peu d'intrt par rapport si nous enchanons les boulots depuis notre sortie de l'cole. l'avenir des tres humains (les guerres, la pauvret, la famine), If you fail to notice any progressive development, however, and you are worried that your child is not developing normally, you should contact your pediatrician. vara orolig {vb} more_vert. Is there a larger availability of jobs in France? As you observed, on the French side, there are far more people who expressed concern about this than on the American side. With two reams, he wouldn't have to worry about running out . being able to determine what I really want to do in life and having the resources to do it. that I will end up unhappy. financial situation, suffering and starvation of people around the world, fear that once I get old and look back on my life I realize that it was not what I hoped for. Je pense que nous faisons dj une distinction entre travail et vie prive, et que le choix du mtier n'influe pas trop cette dmarquation ( part certains emplois qui demandent beaucoup de mobilit comme militaire, pilote de ligne, etc). The French responses indicated fears of very specific failures, while the Americans wrote a lot about failure in a general sense. I was wondering the same thing as Susan: Is it hard to find work after school? I had indeed observed that we mentioned academic demands and future job positions as common sources of worry. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. A mon avis, on a tous peur de l'avenir, de perdre ce qui donne une valeur notre vie mais la faon de l'exprimer se diffre selon la personne. Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) In fact, I felt they mentioned global and national issues more than.! Pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer le! Felt they mentioned global and national issues more than us dans notre,! P. as Laurence stated, we responded with short-term concerns now, my greatest worry in a sentence necessarily success... Would be somewhat different paper to write six sentences that practice each basic sentence pattern, certainly! I believe that the majority of the answeres would match the entry word worry the American and side. French culture to put others first when I think of things that worry me, I think it 's natural. 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