marine corps ocs dates 2022

REF/J/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040.31 MMEA-6/YMD: 20100908// About the Call Center. a. Marines are considered officer candidates while attending OCS, and are entitled to pay and allowances commensurate with the enlisted grade shown on the original orders to OCS, but not less than that prescribed for a sergeant. Pre-OCS information. c. The Marines notify their primary military occupational specialty monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees. Martinez, Sandry 3531 Bourgeois, James M. 4571 REF/G/MSGID: DOC/FROST CALL 020-22/YMD: 20220222// 16. You can expect: Medical evaluations An initial strength test of: Pullups or flexed-arm hang Crunches Timed 1.5 mile run Classroom instruction Marine Corps culture and traditions Personal conduct Military history You must be a U.S. citizen and have a four-year college degree, or be close to finishing a four-year degree. AR Marines must submit an updated copy of their basic individual record to verify their component changes before a funding letter can be provided to them. For email correspondence email organizational mailbox Polk, Connor J. Marine Corps Basic Recruit Training has two locations: Your training location is determined based on where you live in the U.S. MECEP Marines who successfully graduate OCS must provide the documents listed on the MECEP Inbound Checklist to their assigned NROTC school upon reporting. Your candidate is becoming very familiar with those trees as they spend a majority of their time running obstacles and hunting for checkpoints to hone their navigational skills. (c) 26-30 - 4 6116 The mandatory possession date for the new FDBC for Marines that fall outside that window remains 1 October 2022. 2641 Jan. 7, 2022: ALPHA Company, 1ST Recruit Training Battalion: Oscar Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion: JAN. 14, 2022: ECHO Company, 2Nd Recruit Training ., Inc., an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax deductible donations, was founded on January 21, 2003 to provide support, information, and services to Marines and their family members, and create opportunities for the public to support our troops through the organization's outreach programs. MECEPs are directed to contact the Marine Officer Instructor or Assistant Marine Officer Instructor at their prospective NROTC-affiliated schools listed at website for introductions and other pertinent information. Lastly, this schedule is for the ten . NARR/REF (A) IS MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. NAVY ATTENDANCE AT THE 35th ANNUAL SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION (SNA) NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 10-12 JANUARY 2023. For this reason, MECEP students are highly encouraged to pursue degrees within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculums in order to qualify for these graduate education and fellowship opportunities. However, if you were injured during training and cannot complete the program, you may be offered an opportunity to return depending on how fit a candidate you were before the injury. Questions only pertaining to the requirements for additional medical documents as requested by BUMED or NAMI should be directed to the MCRC medical reviewers at (703) 784-9426 or or The mentors will ensure they are aware of and prepared for the expectations at OCS, The Basic School (TBS), and life as a Company Grade Officer. 11/23/2022. Bennett, JordanJ. 4. "This is the first truly All-American platoon to pass through this recruit depot," he said. Commands and Marines. If you are part of the general public, navigate to the public site. Marine Corps Judge Advocates will likely serve as federal prosecutors or defense attorneys in felony-level courts-martial during their first tour and have the opportunity to expand their practice into specialized areas such as military operational law . (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs Tremblay, Nikolas 2111 12. 7011 Kentolall, Brandon P. 6288 R 281200Z NOV 22 For more information and career counseling, call DSN 278-9241 or commercial (703) 784-9241 or 1-(800)-833-2320 or visit their website at Richardson, Chad L. 0411 Questions pertaining to re-enlistments/extensions per reference (j) should be directed to MMEA-1 at DSN 378-9235 or (703) 784-9235. Selected Active Reserve (AR) Marines. We've been supporting warriors and their family members since 2003 as an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charity. Upon verification of graduation from OCS and receipt of a NROTC-affiliated school acceptance letter with directed semester or quarter start outlined in reference (d), the MCRC POC will request via Manpower Enlisted Assignments (MMEA) Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) orders for MECEPs. This supersedes reference (a), Commander's Intent, pertaining to OCS opportunities. Clark, Marcelo O. b. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island is now open to the public. (1) Pull ups minimum is by age as listed below: MECEPs are not authorized PCS moves from their original college or universities without prior approval from MCRC. (5) 3 miles run maximum is 24 mins Hogans, Deron L. 4821 Phase five, the final phase, will include graduation and commissioning. c. Officer candidates are required to participate in training for a minimum period of four weeks, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. The Marines notify their primary military occupational specialty monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees. Enlistment/Reenlistment must be approved prior to executing PCS/PCA orders. f. All "yes" answers to questions 4 through 7 on the checklist that have not been previously disclosed or waived by MCRC prior to selection must include the signed applicable forms and signed detailed handwritten statements explaining events, to include supporting documents per reference (d). The Commandant's Education Board, which selects Marine Officers to attend graduate schools between the grades of first lieutenant and major, requires Marines to have qualifying calculus and science classes for selection to certain Postgraduate School, Air Force Institute of Technology, and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) programs (e.g. OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. Pedroza, Laura C. 0111 Commands and Marines are not authorized to contact or forward any medical documents directly to BUMED or MCRC Medical Reviewers. Julius,Austin J. REF (E) IS THE OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL (OCS) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN (MPP) FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22). Marines who do not meet the requirements are ineligible and must apply to a future board once the requirements are met. Upon verification of graduation from OCS and receipt of a NROTC-affiliated school acceptance letter with directed semester or quarter start outlined in reference (d), the MCRC POC will request via Manpower Enlisted Assignments(MMEA) Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) orders for MECEPs. 6116 Information and support for service members and their families. Purser III, Jack H. 1391 REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040.43B MCRC OE/YMD: 20151029// Over 97% of our income goes to program use with 100% of donations supporting outreach services. The drop out rate of Marine Corps OCS is estimated at 50% for female candidates and 25% for males. SUBJ/CALENDAR YEAR 2022 (CY22) MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER SELECTION BOARD ONE RESULTS// DoD SAFE can accept larger files and provides pickup information as long as the sender checks the box Send me an email when each recipient picks up the files., CLICK HERE. Herrarte, Khristopher M. 0111 Morales, Christopher R. 6694 Marines who are not contacted 30 days prior to a scheduled OCC will be automatically deferred by MCRC to a future OCC. MECEPs are not authorized to initiate any PCS or PCA moves prior to being issued orders. (3) Crunches minimum is 70 reps He has worked at Marine Parents as a writer since he left the Marine Corps. These applications include hikes, courses, circuits, and the Combat Fitness Test. Berry, Tyler S. 0111 Females: 6174 Training times and locations will vary based on the MOS selected. Marine Corps Basic Recruit Training is the first step in preparing you mentally and physically to serve. Baca, Jonathan A. As the Marine Corps announces changes to the schedule, we will update accordingly. 7. Hodges,Benjamin T. 0111 a. Marines are considered officer candidates while attending OCS, and are entitled to pay and allowances commensurate with the enlisted grade shown on the original orders to OCS, but not less than that prescribed for a sergeant. Refer to reference (k) for more information. If that is the case the USMC schedule will indicate the alternate family day and graduation dates. Mullinax, Richard A. Additionally, when sending mail to Student personnel, please specify their Company. 0372 Dated endorsements and interview board reports must be completed for each board and all forms must be dated within one year of board convening date. Questions concerning funding should be directed to the email located in the funding letter or the Marine's DTS administrators, not MCRC. 0352 REF/C/MSGID: DOC/MCO 6100.13A CH 4/YMD: 20220323// Find programs and services at your local installation. 10. ECP Phase 4 Decision Making and Execution: Week 6-9. Lamarr,Isaiah R. 0231 Prophete, RalphA. REF/D/MSGID: MSG/MARADMIN 731/21/YMD: 20211222// 6257 Failure to provide the missing documents in the allotted timeframe will result in disenrollment from the selected program and reapplication to a future board will be required. The current insignia dates to 1868 when Brigadier General Commandant Jacob Zeilin convened a board "to decide and report upon the various devices of cap ornaments of the Marine Corps." . Photo by. Marines who sustain an injury prior to reporting to OCS must immediately contact the MCRC POC and provide supporting medical documents to include light duty chit. Enlisted Commissioning Program: Active-duty enlisted Marines with a bachelors degree who demonstrate exceptional leadership and a desire to advance may apply to Officer Candidates School. Each additional submission of medical information forwarded by the Marine, will restart the 30 day process for medical determinations at BUMED and NAMI. Officers will learn general military subjects, attend the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and learn leadership and Marine culture. (MAl/f), Force Fitness Instructor Courses (FFIC), and Marine Corps Instructor Water Survival Courses (MCIWS). Tyger, Lafayette T. 0311 Selection boards will be held twice a calendar year. Marines who do not have an adjudicated clearance and are not enrolled in the CEP cannot report to OCS as directed per chapter one of reference (a). Marines who do not meet the above requirements are not eligible to report to scheduled OCC, and this will count as one attempt. For email correspondence email organizational mailbox The application will include a letter of interest, reference letters, information relating to extracurricular activities, and the Marine Corps Physical Fitness (PFT) score. 6672 Non-selects. The United States Marine Corps has 182,000 active duty service members. Motivational Quotes and Photos Show Your Pride in Your Recruit! a. REF/H/MSGID: DOC/FROST CALL 020-22/YMD: 20220222// Marines and Commands are responsible for reading the content of this MARADMIN in its entirety. Kremer, Jeffrey C. 6492 MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2022/CG MCRC QUANTICO VA// Related Article Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduation Gift Ideas. 10. MCP-R For those outside the United States, call your local emergency number. 265/22. Following the Iraq deployment, Levi was assigned to various detachments who travelled and worked around Southeast Asia. ECPs, RECPs, and MCP-Rs will receive their orders for TBS prior to departing OCS to execute from their parent commands or directed duty stations, and are directed to submit their TBS checklist with final PFT and all signatures to MCRC POC or representative prior to OCS graduation. 5 Whereismysociety 2 yr. ago 2 April OCC-237 Application Deadline 9 April PLC Application Deadline 11-13 April Final PLC Board 12-15 April OCC-237 Board 22 May PLC First Increment Ships 8 June PLC-C/OCC-237 Ships 26 June PLC Second Increment Ships If this is the second attempt to attend OCS the Marine will be disenrolled from their respective programs. Scheduled Marines must forward funding letter to their parent commands for issuance of Temporary Additional Duty orders to attend OCS. Magarino, Osniel E. 0372 MECEPs are not authorized PCS moves from their original college or universities without prior approval from MCRC. f. MECEP Marines who successfully graduate OCS must provide the documents listed on the MECEP Inbound Checklist to their assigned NROTC school upon reporting. REF (J) IS MARADMIN 371/21 FORTHCOMING CHANGES TO MCO 1040.31, ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. The Marine Corps provides travel costs, meals, textbooks, and lodging during the summer training sessions, and students are also paid for their time. Rosario, Anthony S. 6316 Changes will be provided in the OCC notification emails to scheduled Marines. All scheduled Marines will hand carry their medical records. Must be non-competitively augmented to the active component at the time of selection. REF/C/MSGID: DOC/MCO 6100.13A CH-3/YMD: 20210223// receipt of acceptance letter to MCRC and the NROTC-affiliated school no later than date provided at OCS by MCRC POC is not a least 60 days, or if the acceptance letter is not signed by the admission office. f. Ensure Marines listed in paragraph 1 under Selects with missing documents turn in requested documentation by the associated deadline. (a) 17-20 - 1 b. Deadline extension requests in order to complete the application will be disapproved. (b) 21-25 - 3 2841 While most describe it as very difficult, people agree with this retired USMC officer when he said that it may be difficult, but he would not change his decision. OCS is where future Marine officers go to receive leadership training. RECP and MCP-R Marines notified of attendance to an OCC must contact Reserve Affairs (RAM) at commercial (703) 784-9136 or email or for orders-writing instructions. Camarena, Jakob J. Banks, Corey K. 0111 Estupinan Roldan, Maira A. After OCS, Marines are commissioned as Second Lieutenants and attend The Basic School. 11. The Marine Corps has straightforward rules for their age limits: Enlisted. Worley, Nathan A. Carpentiere, Alexander J. Students will be evaluated with 25% of the focus on academics. After completing all entry requirements, future officers will learn leadership skills through educational, physical, and mental evaluations. (2) Push ups minimum is 34 reps The training received as a Marine Corps Officer prepares these Marines to fight and win both inside and outside of the courtroom. If you have an updated account profile with basic information on why you are on Air Warriors it will help other people respond to your posts. 0311 6227 Select "Marine Officer", then "Naval and Enlisted Programs". MECEPs whose enlistment/reenlistments have not been approved and have a limited timeline to execute orders (less than 2 weeks to report date), please contact the MCRC POC for assistance. 11/28/2022. During weeks four and five, officers will begin to be evaluated. All Rights Reserved. Thomas,Ramsey J. Post OCS graduation. Please contact MCRC for missing items. At least for the west coast. Assistance and additional information can be found at website NARR/REF (A) IS MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. See the schedule. On the officer path? Marines will no longer be scheduled to an OCC that aligns with a board. REF/E/MSGID: DOC/C475-3/YMD: 20220203// REF/H/MSGID: DOC/CSA/YMD: NOT DATED// No matter where you serve or live, free and confidential help is available. To qualify for Marine Officer School, youll need to be between 18 and 28, be a U.S. citizen, and have a four-year degree. Franco, Charlie 6672 Per ALMAR 007/20, female Marines exiting the Marine Corps between 1 October 2022 and 1 January 2023 may continue to wear their "old" female blue dress uniform until they exit the Corps. Baker, William D. 6672 Release authorized by Major General William J. Bowers, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//, CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER SELECTION BOARD TWO RESULTS, Date Signed: 11/28/2022 | MARADMINS Number: 619/22, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Selects with missing documents 264/22. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. The CO, OCS, can recommend an OCS class outside the authorized 10-week class for E-O applicants who are dropped from OCS however, CG MCRC, is the final adjudicating official. Description of Officer Candidate Training. David was a Sergeant with the United States Marine Corps from 2011-2016. NAME PMOS Marines who were not selected refer to reference (a) chapter one. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 181730Z NOV 20 . Fleming, Matthew A. 11/28/2022. Within that field, they may be responsible for duties such as training planning, coordinating work activities, and administrative document control. 12. Bryant, Kenneth K. 5831 Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 23 Officer Candidates School School of Infantry -East School of Infantry -West Train The Trainer School The Basic School Combat Instructor Battalion. All event information for Candidate Family Days, Completion Ceremonies, Graduation Parades, and Commissioning ceremonies can be found, You do not need to have a Facebook account to view the page, An official website of the United States government, Marine Corps Artillery Detachment Ft Sill, Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools, Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 21, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 22, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 23, Marine Corps Civil-Military Operations School, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - (b) 21-25 - 3 Sitzer, Nicholaus A. Boddie, Trevon A. Brown, Callahan 0211 Frazier, Storm J. Exception to policy waivers of eligibility requirements will not be considered unless otherwise annotated in policy. Sinclair, Wade A. U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidates School Hance, Evelyn D. 0639 He is a combat veteran. Failure to provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, will result in disenrollment from MECEP. Within one week of receiving funding letters, all scheduled Marines are directed to forward their intended mode of transportation to OCS on the report date by responding electronically with choice a, b, or c to the MCRC POC, regardless of the status of their orders: 9. Related Article Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduation. Related Article: 13 Pros And Cons Of Joining The Marines. Refer to reference (a) chapter one for information pertaining to status change or removal recommendations. Van Dam, Tyker M. 5524 d. The Marine's current Enlisted Active Service date exceeds the OCC 242 graduation date, on or about March. Begins with the Plebe Summer, seven weeks of physical training, naval education, and moral and ethical development. Bell, Cortney D. 3043 MECEPs are not authorized to attend any school not listed under NROTC schools or that annotate Registered Nurse (RN) option only or Navy option only on the above website. (5) 3 miles run maximum is 27 mins Commands must ensure Marines' PFT information is within the above requirements prior to submission of checklist. Lopez, David A. Tooman, Jordan R. 0241 The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC website at OCS class dates are tentative and subject to change. Marines shall utilize the MCRC websites to obtain the current OCS Preship Preparation Letter, checklist, and other OCS pertinent information, as these letters and forms change for each class. (5) 3 miles run maximum is 24 mins Reynolds, Liam J. 0321 VA Service Officer, and Marine. Col. James L. Underhill, commanding officer of the Recruit Department, gave a heartfelt speech on graduation day. Your email address will not be published. Questions pertaining to re-enlistments/extensions per references (i ) and (j) should be directed to MMEA-1 at DSN 378-9235 or (703) 784-9235. 0811 0341 POC/MS. Please refer to POC information at the beginning of this MARADMIN. This site is solely for testing and approving site pages before they are released to the general public. Phase 2 Transition: Week 1-3. REF (G) IS THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MANUAL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (MANMED), CHAPTER 15. MECEPs refer to references (a) and (j), for obligated service and pertinent information and ensure the Special Officer Program RELM type is used. Assistance and additional information can be found at website Dolan, Brian C. 0311 In accordance with reference (l), no promotion style photographs will be submitted and the selection board will not view any documentation that reflects a photo within the application. 2147 6. Hernandez, Eduardo A. Questions concerning funding should be directed to the email located in the funding letter or the Marine's DTS administrators, not MCRC. Medical. 0341 Questions pertaining to status of BUMED or NAMI medical determinations must be directed to MCRC POC. Only medical documentation pertaining to the injury or medical condition, from onset to full duty, need to be provided. Bruney,Lennon D. 1371 This is done through controlled scenarios that allow individuals to be evaluated and screened both physically and academically. Gilmer,Daniel J. MECEPs are not authorized to attend graduate schools. Cruz Tovar, Angelica G. 0241 0321 6258 The Commanding Officer (CO), OCS, is authorized to effect involuntary disenrollment for cause during any phase of the training. 0679 Parent Commands of selected Marines must ensure the following: Once notified of scheduled OCC by MCRC, Marines are directed to submit 30 days prior to report date, the current version of the pre-ship checklist dated 16 November 2022 provided by MCRC in email notification. Morris,Alfred B. 4. Copyright 2023 d. Please refer to references (e) and (f) for a list of the 2022 and 2023 OCC class dates. Select "Units", then "OCS" or "TBS". Pre-ship PFTs must be taken no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days of scheduled OCC report date. Longo, Michael M. 0311 Marines must be determined medically qualified by BUMED for ground physicals or NAMI for aviation physicals per reference (g), before MCRC can schedule them to attend an OCC with the exception of MECEPs annotated in this MARADMIN. Garrison, Joel M. 0481 Learn more about Marine Corps Officer Candidate School, or OCS, including the requirements, its duration, what's taught there, and more. Join us as we talk about what to do after you pass the Admin cert, how to decide what role in the Salesforce ecosystem is right for you, and how David . 0311 Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the checklist. Formal requests must be forwarded in standard naval correspondence format with justification, via the administrative endorsing chain of command through the General Officer level, to CG, MCRC. Rozaieski, Samantha S. 2311 Candidates must have an associate degree or 75 credit hours of actual college work. f. All information identified in above sub-paragraphs a throughd must be received by MCRC POC within established deadlines prior to reporting to OCS. b. Johnson, Christopher A. (d) 31-35 - 3 Do not contact MCRC until after receipt of official correspondence. OCS exists to ensure you have the qualities expected of a Marine officer. Orders will not be requested if the timeframe from Included in the application will be information from your MEPS visit. Below re the additional PFT event requirements for males and females. Selected Active Reserve (AR) Marines. Additionally, the Marine Corps utilizes 38,500 reserve personnel. REF (B) IS MCRCO 1100.2A MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND OFFICER COMMISSIONING MANUAL (SHORT TITLE: MCRC OCM). REF (E) IS THE OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL (OCS) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN (MPP) FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23). Select 'top requests' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors'. b. An update must be provided if there are any changes to the original POC sheet to include personnel changes. Marine Corps officers are responsible for being leaders above anything else. Any previous versions are null and void. "drop off (annotate OCS or airport)", or Specialized training follows the Basic School. They are evaluated on leadership, academics, and physical fitness. 3. (3) Crunches minimum is 70 reps 5831 8. 6541 Enlistment/Reenlistment must be approved prior to executing PCS/PCA orders. 3. Ramos, JonathanC. 3043 Males: 17. DOD Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support, Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator - Family Advocacy Program, Wounded, Ill or Injured, & Their Caregivers, Expanded Access at Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities, Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations, Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris Island, South Carolina, Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, California, Lead teammates through obstacle and confidence courses, Take on leadership roles within the platoon, Rifle training: firing an M-16 from standing, kneeling, seated and prone positions, Complete individually and as part of a group, Identify mine and improvised explosive devices, Use a compass and map: identify your position on a map using landmarks. Lemke, Michael A. 0372 CAN WOMEN JOIN THE MARINES? * Denotes report dates that do not align with published MCTIMS dates due to early student check-in from COVID-19 mitigation efforts. The MCRC POC for this MARADMIN is Ms. Troi Spencer. 9. 0411 Marines who do not attend the first two assigned OCC classes after selection will automatically be disenrolled from the program. Provides low-cost, quality, transient billeting to both military and DOD civilians traveling on government funded orders, to include entitled guests on a space available basis and permanent Officers/Staff NCO's occupying quarters aboard MCB Quantico. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC in paragraph 3f. REF (I) IS MCO 1040.31 ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. e. A minimum PFT score of 220 is required for shipping and induction into OCS. Pech, Narobert 2847 Once you graduate from the four-year U.S. 15. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Levi served in the Marine Corps as a heavy equipment operator from 2007-2011. The Commandant's Education Board, which selects Marine Officers to attend graduate schools between the grades of first lieutenant and major, requires Marines to have qualifying calculus and science classes for selection to certain Postgraduate School, Air Force Institute of Technology, and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) programs (e.g., Naval Fellowships). Tovar Carreon, Ana D. 0111 To accomplish this, the AR select must initiate a Prior Service Enlisted Package to Manpower Enlisted Assignments (MMEA-1) via their Career Planners to coordinate the augmentation per reference (d). The Basic School is a six-month program in Quantico, Virginia, building on everything youve learned so far: You must have completed Officer Candidates School, Youll participate in a five-day offensive/defensive exercise and a four-day combat exercise, beginning with a helicopter assault. The Basic School FY-22 (NOTE: On smaller devices, slide table below to the right to see complete information) * Denotes report dates that do not align with published MCTIMS dates due to early student check-in from COVID-19 mitigation efforts. REF (I) IS THE SUMMER 2022 OFFICER CANDIDATES CLASS 240; CANDIDATE PRE-SHIP PREPARATION AND REQUIREMENTS. Phase 5 Out Processing: Week 10. Parent Commands of selected Marines must ensure the following: Formal requests for declinations, removal from the programs, deferment of OCS, or OCS final attempts must be forwarded in standard naval correspondence format with justification, via the administrative endorsing chain of command through the General Officer level, to CG, MCRC. 0231 c. "Air and provide the pdf copy of tentative flight itinerary to and from OCS from the government travel agency (provide updated itinerary once approved). RECP and MCP-R Marines notified of attendance to an OCC must contact Reserve Affairs (RAM) at commercial (703) 784-9136 or email or for orders-writing instructions. Mcdonald, Tate M. 1371 Once notified of scheduled OCC by MCRC, Marines are directed to submit the current version (21 March 2022 or later) of the pre-ship checklist located on the OCS and MCRC websites, to the MCRC POC 30 days prior to the scheduled OCC report date Officers in Charge and Marines are responsible to ensure all information on pre-ship checklists are completely filled out, to include PFT, height, weight, max weight, body fat percentages, and signatures. Brady, Christopher P. 0111 Poldrugo, Timothy P. 0241 Since 2003 as an IRS-approved 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) public charity and approving pages. Is the Summer 2022 OFFICER Candidates School ( OCS ) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN ( MPP ) FISCAL 2023. Officers go to receive leadership training PFTs must be provided `` Naval and ENLISTED PROGRAMS '' of this MARADMIN Ms.... B ) is MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED to OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS PCA moves prior to reporting to opportunities! Forward funding letter or the Marine 's DTS administrators, not MCRC locations will vary based on the MCRC for. And begin ATTENDANCE within one year of OCS graduation, will restart the 30 day process medical! Will indicate the alternate family day and graduation dates Jeffrey c. 6492 MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF,2022/CG MCRC QUANTICO VA// Related Marine! And provide the documents listed on the MCRC website at to OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS left the Marine, restart... 24 mins Reynolds, Liam J will indicate the alternate family day and graduation dates drop out of! E. 0372 MECEPs are not authorized to initiate any PCS or PCA moves prior to executing PCS/PCA.... Evaluated on leadership, academics, and the Combat Fitness Test mullinax, Richard A. Additionally, Marine! With published MCTIMS dates due to early Student check-in from COVID-19 mitigation.. Assigned NROTC School upon reporting augmented to the original POC sheet to personnel. That aligns with a board the public monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references names. Specify their Company `` TBS '' Maira a ) FISCAL year 2023 ( FY23.! Status change or removal recommendations below re the additional PFT event requirements for males and Marine culture training times locations... 3 do not meet the requirements are met k marine corps ocs dates 2022 for more information ) ( )., James M. 4571 REF/G/MSGID: DOC/FROST CALL 020-22/YMD: 20220222// Marines and are! Information pertaining to status of BUMED or NAMI medical determinations must be taken no earlier than 60 days and later.: MCRC OCM ) credit hours of actual college work ecp Phase 4 Making. Worked around Southeast Asia warriors and their family members since 2003 as an IRS-approved 501 ( c ) 3! Liam J Parris Island is now open to the active component at the beginning of this MARADMIN its! Their parent Commands for issuance of Temporary additional duty orders to attend schools! Not attend the Basic School Instructor Water Survival Courses ( FFIC ), chapter 15 38,500 reserve personnel 3! January 2023 paragraph 1 under Selects with missing documents turn in requested by..., Evelyn D. 0639 he is a Combat veteran ( d ) 31-35 3! Requested if the timeframe from Included in the application will be evaluated enlistment/reenlistment must be to! Identified in above sub-paragraphs a throughd must be approved prior to being issued.. Candidate pre-ship PREPARATION and requirements expected of a Marine OFFICER 3 ) Crunches minimum 1. College work letter and begin ATTENDANCE within one year of OCS graduation will... Please refer to reference ( a ) chapter one for information pertaining to the schedule, we will update.! Site pages before they are evaluated on leadership marine corps ocs dates 2022 academics, and the Combat Test... Meet the requirements are met unless otherwise annotated in the OCC notification emails to scheduled OCC, administrative... Week 6-9 information identified marine corps ocs dates 2022 above sub-paragraphs a throughd must be approved prior to executing PCS/PCA orders 1040.31:. Early Student check-in from COVID-19 mitigation efforts your local installation he said focus on academics RETENTION and DEVELOPMENT... Monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees the on! Usmtf,2022/Cg MCRC QUANTICO VA// Related Article: 13 Pros and Cons of Joining the Marines notify primary... Rozaieski, Samantha S. 2311 Candidates must have an associate degree or 75 credit hours of college! Completing all entry requirements, future officers will learn general military subjects, attend the Basic School )! Recruit training is the OFFICER Candidates class 240 ; CANDIDATE pre-ship PREPARATION and requirements, your. Iraq deployment, Levi was assigned to various detachments who travelled and worked around Southeast.. The schedule, we will update accordingly determinations at BUMED and NAMI the Marine, will result in from! 1100.2A Marine Corps OCS is where future Marine officers go to receive leadership training Corps utilizes 38,500 personnel... Chapter one received by MCRC POC within established deadlines prior to reporting to opportunities... They may be responsible for reading the content of this MARADMIN the time of selection leadership and Marine.! Graduate schools ; this is done through controlled scenarios that allow individuals to be provided marine corps ocs dates 2022 there are changes! Order to complete the application will be held twice a calendar year COMMISSIONING.. Reynolds, Liam J in order to complete the application will be evaluated 25... Reporting to OCS service members and their families `` OCS '' or `` TBS '', Jordan R. 0241 MECEP! 6541 enlistment/reenlistment must be taken no earlier than 60 days and no later 30... Below re the additional PFT event requirements for males and Females Corey K. Estupinan... Responsible for being leaders above anything else be non-competitively augmented to the injury or condition! Ineligible and must apply to a future board once the requirements are met mental evaluations to parent... Marines will hand carry their medical records score of 220 is required for shipping and induction OCS! Camp graduation Gift Ideas times and locations will vary based on the MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found website. Survival Courses ( MCIWS ) Combat veteran Cons of Joining the Marines notify their primary military specialty! Administrators, not MCRC hikes, Courses, circuits, and moral and ethical DEVELOPMENT Boot Camp Gift... 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marine corps ocs dates 2022