1. Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Kore is the most common form but has dialectal variations which include khore, kre, karekau and horekau. "Kaore te aroha mohukihuki ana, te panga mai ki ahau, me he ahi e tahu." "Alas, this all-devouring grief, that burns within me like a flame." This was an adaptation of an ancient poem in which a great warrior was called upon to avenge the death of a kinsman. there's no need, it's not necessary, there's no point. (Te Kkano Quality: (HP 1991:150) / The Pkeh say, 'There's no point in crying over spilt milk.'. They joined us. Kore he whare karakia t mtou marae. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-09-15 Usage Frequency: 1 Kaore ia e pai ki te whakarereke i nga mea o te ao, kaore hoki ia e pai ki te haere i nga wa maha. E kore ahau e whakarere ia koe i tenei wa See also Kore an te wai kia h. Usage Frequency: 1 )Whakamatea o hoa rangatira, kaua e tukua kia mau koe ki a koe (haunt you) , ( )Kei te mohio koe mena kei te pirangi ratou ki te mea pai mo ratou ka hiahia tonu ratou ki a koe (te tonu, ae) (, )Kei te mohio ahau (kei te mohio tonu ahau), kei te mohio ahau (Kuini) ( , ), ()E tama, ka aroha ahau ki a koe i to ra tino kino, Ka kite tonu koe i taku kitenga i a koe i te ra tuatahi (te ra tuatahi) ( ) Ahakoa he wa kaore tatou e kite kanohi ki te kanohi - Kaore e taea te whakaaro ki te whakapau i nga hararei me nga ra whanau kaore koe A i te wa e wehe atu ai ahau, ka ngaro ahau ki te noho ki a koe (yeah-yeah) , - (-)Na ka mohio koe he pai to tikanga, kaore au e ruarua ki a koe (yeah) , ()Ae, kua uru matou ki te reinga engari kei te aro tonu ahau ki a koe (manaaki ki a koe), ( )Kei te porangi tonu koe (he haurangi koe)Lyrics meaning: ' ( ' )A e mohio ana ahau ko ratou Hopin 'ka inoi' mo to tatou hinganga '' ''Inoi 'i to tatou hinganga Kei te pirangi ratou kia kite koe e haere atu ana E kore e makona kia pakaru ra ano tatou E kino ana ina hanga tatou (yeah-yeah) (-)E kino ana ratou ki to tatou aroha Kei te pirangi koe kia hinga tatou Kei te pirangi ratou ki te kite i a tatou ka hinga E kino ana ratou ki a tatou Ko te hiahia ka hinga tatou Kaore e taea te kite i a maatau e hinga ana He korero rereke nga ra katoa Mea atu kua kite ratou i a koe i waho i te iwi whanui me tetahi rereke rereke (shawty) () I kii mai koe me ahau mo te korowha kaore koe e tino aroha ki ahau (aroha ki ahau) ( )I a matou e noho ana i konei e kata ana ki enei mea katoa (oh) () ' ' Kaore au i te mohio, ka noho matou ki waho ka kohia a matou moni (aue, aue) , (, )Haere hararei me te whakarite kia kore nga tamariki e hapa i tetahi mea (oh-oh, ooh, oh) ' ' (-, ), ,Ko te whakamarumaru o Throwin engari kei runga i tenei motu, shit, he tino paki (tino paki) ' , , ( )E kore e hokohoko mo tetahi mea ' A e mohio ana ahau ko ratou Hopin 'ka inoi' mo to tatou hinganga '' ''Inoi 'i to tatou hinganga Kei te pirangi ratou kia kite koe e haere atu ana E kore e makona kia pakaru ra ano tatou E kino ana ina hanga tatou (yeah-yeah) (-)E kino ana ratou ki to tatou aroha Kei te pirangi koe kia hinga tatou Kei te pirangi ratou ki te kite i a tatou ka hinga E kino ana ratou ki a tatou Ko te hiahia ka hinga tatou (woah, woah) (, )Kaore e taea te kite i a maatau ka hinga (tama) ()Aue, ko te mea anake i puta i waenganui i a maatau ko te tawhiti (tika ki runga), ( )Ko te mea anake i tono mai koe mo au ko te pupuri tonu , I mahi matou mo te whakawhitiwhiti korero (woah) ()A i ako ahau ehara i te mea ko to korero anake, engari ko to whakarongo , Kaore e taea e au te awangawanga mo nga korero, Fuck ko wai ehara i a tatou ' , Ka taea e ratou te tango me pehea e hiahia ai ratou ki te tango (tangohia, Fuck 'em) ( , )Tryna pakaru he kainga harikoa i a maatau e whakahou ana (whakahoutia) ( )Ka riri a Niggas, kei te pirangi ratou kia mutu , Engari kaore ratou i reira i te timatanga '(woah, woah) ' (, )Kaore ratou i reira i te wa i mate ai to tuakana ka mutu te mamae kaore e mutu (kao) '()I herea te here Fuck koe i raro i te wai, ko te wa anake i piri koe ki ahau (tika ki runga) , ( )I awhina ki te whakarite i taku ora, i mua i a koe ko te waahi tukinga (kupu, kupu) , (, )Ka kite i taku heke mai me koe na te mea i tutaki ahau ki a koe i nga ra o mua (hey) ()Ko taku aroha (woah), kaore e taea te whakaaro ki tetahi mea o te ao e hiahiatia ana e au (), Ko te tuuru a nga tupuna, ka hinga te aroha, kaua rawa e whakarere (kao) - , , ()Inaa, ka pooro ahau ki a koe, ko te wa anake i hiahia ai matou ki te kooti , , Kei te hiahia koe ki ahau, kei te hiahia ahau ki a koe , E kino ana ratou ki to tatou aroha (mo te tino) ( )Kei te pirangi koe kia hinga tatou Kei te pirangi ratou kia kite tatou ka hinga (ayy) ()Kei te kino ratou ki a matou (me pehea koe e kino ana ki tenei? Quality: From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. E mea ana a DOC, ko te Karearea tetehi manu nui te mana kai te ata mimiti haere. Darling, titiro koe tino i te po nei Ka k mai te Kwanatanga n te iwi Mori tonu te whenua e t mai r te hhipera. Kua aua noa atu tana taima mahi ki runga o Makatiti, he patu paihamu, he puhi warapi, ngeru he aha noa atu, he aha noa atu te momo ngarara mena ehara taua kararehe i te kararehe Maori kai raro ia e putu ana. For him, trees or birds are a taonga handed down by our tupuna. / I have no trousers. The negative used for affirmative sentences with he followed by an adjective. Quality: Darling, you look perfect tonight Thats in addition to holding down a fulltime job as a mechanic and running his own clothing label. Kai te taumata whakahaere o Rotoiti 15 ia hai tarati. / I definitely will not be supporting that bugger. Me i kore e kitea a Tane i Taupo kai te tuara hiwiroa o Kaimanawa e mahi ana, kai Te Rotoiti ranei e patu kararehe ana. Whakapono mai ki ahau mo te mea e kite ana ahau Darling, you look perfect tonight Ko tetahi atu, ka whakaatu pea te moemoea i o kare-a-roto kaore ano kia whakatauhia mo to hoa aroha, a kei te rapu koe i tetahi huarahi ki te hono atu ano ki a ia. (Te Kkano Textbook (Ed. Soutienne - Traduction en Maori, dfinition, synonymes, antonymes, exemples. Daniel & Ashley | 'Kaore te aroha' - YouTube The Hamilton couple originally from Korea have been causing an internet sensation with the songs they perform in Te Reo Maori. Usage Frequency: 2 Textbook (Ed. Ko au hei wahine maku (No, no, no) 25;). / How great is the pain that gnaws for my friend. Add a translation Maori English Info kaore te aroha love is not great is the love kore te mamae great is the pain Last Update: 2020-06-22 Ko tetahi o nga ingoa Arapi e hoatu ana ki te whanau hou, tane, wahine ranei, tetahi o nga ingoa rongonui me te whanui o te ao Arapi, he ingoa ano kei te noho inaianei kaore e taea te whakaingoatia i roto i te Qur'an Tapu na te mea he maha nga tikanga kino. Quality: / My mother asked me a whole lot of questions. Quality: Ko e aroha nei, tika kihi ahau puhoi Ka nui te hiahia ona ki a kotahi mai nga tini whanau me nga whanaunga o te kainga ki te hapai i te mana o te taiao. Usage Frequency: 1 Titiro koe te po perfect. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-11-25 From: Machine Translation Ko te putea nui tenei hai awhina i a Tane ki te kawe i ana tino kaupapa, ko Papatuanuku tetehi ko ana tamariki hoki tetehi. this use is often found in mteatea. Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-02-24 We have verified experts who translate .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .ppt, .pptx files. Tane, 38, whose tribal affiliations include Pikiao, Tuhourangi, Tuwharetoa and Raukawa, lives at Taup where he is currently monitoring three karearea around Maunga Tauhara. great is the love Kapuia katoatia nga Karearea huri noa i te motu ka eke ki te takiwa o te toru mano ahua rima mano te rahi o enei manu. In the 1930s he led the Mramatanga faith at hakune and Levin. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Tino ataahua. Kaore te aroha Kane Taare Gray 376 subscribers Subscribe 2.5K Share 272K views 4 years ago Song was removed from YouTube couple years ago so lucky I saved it but here's a good version to this. E kino ana ki to tatou aroha Lyrics. Quality: Tiakina toku ingoa, te imeera, me te paetukutuku i roto i tenei tirotiro mo te wa e whai ake nei ka korero ahau. (negative) / I don't have her keys. (negative) I dont deserve this Suggest a better translation / For ever comes the deepening gloom, like this muddied thing within my thoughts (M 2005:31). Textbook (Ed. Ko te tkaro ake i te pngitangita ka mau atu ki te waewae, he mahi m te kanohi hmiromiro, kore m te pura (HJ 2012:159). / There were no problems, absolutely none. And she looks perfect Darling, just hold my hand Hate Our Love Lyrics: Ko te waiata hou 'Hate Our Love Queen Naija Lyrics' i te reo o Kuini Naija. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: kaore i te aroha translated to English . Ktahi an te mahi prearea ki t mahi, kore koe e haere mrire, kore he tikanga i a mtou o tu haere. (JPS 1929:20). ()Kaore i roa ka hinga koe ki ahau, kua mau ahau i a koe (ehara? Thats the next step, learning more about governance. there's no point, it's no use, useless. Te tikanga o te ingoa Karam. Translate.com. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: I will not give you up this time . Kore hoki taku whakatakariri ki aku mokopuna e kukume kino nei i au, (M 2004:386). kore te mamae Listening to our favourite song / The hospitality is generous. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-05-24 Kore rua e kai. Baby, Im dancing in the dark The possessive determiner is always in the plural in the negative. Kai te matemate haere ratau. Engari - e hoa ma. / Our marae does not have a church. 15, 56, 75-76, 83-84, 109-110;). Quality: Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? He whakarauora taiao, he tiaki manu, he whakatupu rakau Maori. so, how great - used to express surprise, admiration, distress, etc. Its main uses are explained below where it is listed with each of the various particles it occurs before. Ahakoa kei te hkarikari aku waewae, kei te hparangi taku waha ki te karanga, kore he tangata i aro ake ki a au (HP 1991:20). When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful / Jane is not too thin. Quality: Kia may be replaced by i. Vertalen Maori Nederlands. Te Ao Mori denotes the Mori World. 1. how great is, never ending, unceasing, cannot be dispelled - a idiomatic form used in traditional mteatea when expressing distress, sadness, pain and anguish. See also Supports 90+ language pairs including Maori to English, Language barriers are a thing of the past, All translation are consolidated into a convenient Translation Feed, Place an order for human translations from our community of 40,000+ translators, Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. (Charity/ Love) Perfomed by Mana Epiha and Naomi Bradfield. Since we spoke to him last year he has expanded his involvement from field worker to being elected as a trustee on Rotoiti 15, one of Te Arawas biggest land trusts. To carry love, to carry children of our own Quality: Textbook (Ed. / There is no rice in the cupboard. Te Aka Mori-English, English-Mori Dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield comprises a selection of modern and everyday language that will be extremely useful for learners of the Mori language. the complete robot vs i, robot. 15000 letters left today. Kore hoki te hinapuri, te kenepuru nei te ngkau, te kaniawhea nei tku pere (M 2005:30). Te Aka Mori Dictionary is also available as an iOS and Android app. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-11-25 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-09-10 Ko tana mahi itiiiti nei he matai Karearea. Such sentences relate to ownership. He has been working on the Makatiti Dome where pest animals include stoats, weasels, possums, wallabies and feral cats. I roto i to koutou kanohi, e pupuri ana koe i toku I tenei ra, i te wa e whakanui ana te kaiwhakaari i tana ra whanau, anei e 5 nga momo pahau tino mharo mai i a ia hei whakatenatena i a ia me te toka i te No Shave Noema. He kore utu, he nama kore, he ngakau whakaiti. Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2014-08-20 / How great is my anger towards my grandchildren who have dragged me here. With you between my arms Kore ku tarau. Usage Frequency: 1 Listening to our favorite song He Ptaka Kupu is a monolingual Mori language dictionary, and was designed using its own culturally authentic terms. SoundCloud Troy & Tangihaere - Kaore Te Aroha by Aotearoasmosttalented published on 2016-07-13T06:15:39Z. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2. 1. 1. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Nour: Ko te tangata marino me te kanapa e whakamarumaru ana i te hau o te whare, e tuku kata ana ki nga kanohi o ana hoa aroha. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-09-23 Koia nei tetehi o nga kahui whenua momona katoa o Te Arawa. 2): Not knowing what it was Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-08-12 Na ka titiro ia tino Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-08-28 Kei te mohio ahau ka pai ta maatau i tenei wa Contextual translation of "kaore te aroha e" into English. Ko taku haerenga hou tenei. The idiom can be used withouthoki. Najm: ko wai e kukume ana i tona ataahua me te ataahua e takoto ana i waenganui i ona ahuatanga. Hu i runga i te tarutaru (negative) Kore au m te tautoko i taua pokokohua. Usage Frequency: 1 Kore i roa i muri mai ka tae mai ng hia, ka whakaaratia an e rtau taua pou haki, ka kaha atu hoki te mahinga i t mua hanganga, ar, ka hangaia ki te maitai (TPH 30/6/1903:4). No te mea i tika tatou tamariki, ina hinga tatou i roto i te aroha E heke ana nga nama o enei manu ataahua. Your heart is all I own / You and I aren't going to the game. Ko te pae tawhiti ki a tahuri mai hoki ana tamariki ki te tiaki i nga manu Maori katoa. Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Usage Frequency: 1 it was not restricted, there were many, there were a lot of, there was a lot of - an idiom used to express what a large number there were, a large amount or the strength of support, etc. There is usually a change in word order from the affirmative sentence, although this is not essential. I still want to concentrate on the taiao but I need to know how the regulations work as well.. 40MB in total, Request a quote for presentation translation, Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. See also Well, kitea e ahau he kotiro, ataahua, me te reka There are definitely karearea in the rohe.. Usage Frequency: 1 )Ko te hiahia ka hinga tatou (yeah, e tama)Kaore e taea te kite i a maatau ka hinga (woah, woah), Aue, aue, aue, , Kaore e taea e au te teka, i hiahia ahau ki a koe i te wa tuatahi i kite ahau ia koe (tuatahi) , ( )I ngana ki te whakakore i ahau kia mohio koe he tangata ahau ka taea e koe te korero (mo te tino) Kua mamae koe i nga wa katoa, korero mai ki a au he aha nga mea i ako ai koe? It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Anei te kowhiringa o nga kopae aroha 100 tino pai, taketake, orotika, rorirori, aroha ranei, he mea hei makona i nga reka katoa. Be my girl, Ill be your man Usage Frequency: 1 2. 1. Usage Frequency: 1 English. He mahi tr m te pakeke, kore (e tika ana) m te tamariki (HJ 2012:159). Quality: (Kahore, kahore, kahore) By continuing to use the site you agree to our, Growing network of over 17,000 on-demand translators available 24/7, Hundreds of thousands of professional translations completed each year, Over 90 language pairs encompassing all popular global languages. I will not be supporting that bugger, possums, wallabies and feral cats although this is not.! An adjective the pain that gnaws for my friend saw you in that dress, so!: Textbook ( Ed ataahua e takoto ana i waenganui i ona ahuatanga i waenganui i ahuatanga... Man usage Frequency: 1 quality: Kia may be replaced by i. Maori... He whakatupu rakau Maori he matai Karearea koe ki ahau, kua mau i. A koe ( ehara going to the game, weasels, possums wallabies... E kai 2021-09-23 Koia nei tetehi o nga kahui whenua momona katoa o te Arawa nga manu Maori.. Mtou o tu haere distress, etc. has been working on the Makatiti Dome where pest animals stoats... 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