There is currently no known treatment or eradication method for CWD, so preventing the introduction of the the disease into new areas is of utmost importance to the health of local deer herds. Muzzleloader either-species/either-sex deer. However, Kansas has an excellent walk-in access program all throughout the state that allows hunters looking to hunt big and small game access to thousands of acres of private land. Hunter must first have a resident deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, unless purchased after Dec. 30: Resident Antlerless White-tailed Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull), White-tailed Antlerless Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull). However, the process for nonresident deer tags in Kansas is more complicated. Joan Finneys signature. Any rack that has been altered will automatically be disqualified. To check-in or check-out of Public Lands visit, To purchase your Kansas hunting and fishing licenses, permits and boat registrationsvisit, OTC nonresident archery tags cost $285. Resident any deer firearms permit draw: application period May 10 to June 10, 2022. Become an Insider member to gain access to this article, plus all of GOHUNT's research and mapping tools. In counties with an A bonus quota, the youth hunter is limited to taking one antlerless deer. Hunter comments received during the 2018-19 Post-season Deer Harvest Survey. Permit valid for any white-tailed or mule deer only on land owned or operated by landowner or tenant during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. Availableatvendor locationsor online August2 - Dec. 31. The credit card provided will be used to pay for the total price of the award permits at the time of the draw if this application is selected as a winner for the hunt. These giants are produced year after year on well-managed private land. 6630 Arroyo Springs St., Suite 1200 Open the Go Outdoors KS App and on the home screen, select "Harvest Reporting". If unsuccessful in the Mule Deer Stamp Draw, hunter will be issued the White-tailed Deer Archery or Muzzleloader Draw Permit for the successful draw unit. Schedule B - Choices for Nonresident Deer Permits 2022 Draw Only Permits NONRESIDENT DEER PERMIT APPLICATION PERIOD: April 1 - April 28, 2023 Applicants must apply online or by phone, 1-833-587-2164 All fees listed below will have an internet convenience fee added at time of applying online for a permit or preference point. research The first applicant in the group to apply wouldselect the create group option on this question. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You must apply online at if you want to hunt deer in Kansas in the fall of 2015. Cousins, uncles, or nieces are NOT lineal family members. Included with White-tailed Deer Permit). Nonresident deer permit draw: application period April 1 to 29, 2022. Comments are provided as written by the survey respondent, save that personal information and vulgarities have been removed. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". A nonresident hunter who does not want to hunt in the current season can purchase a preference point that will count toward a white-tailed deer permit in a future drawing. Electronic deer check-ins are available in many states, including the KDWPT, and can be accessed via a smartphone app. If applicant fails to make at least one application or purchase one point within five consecutive years, all earned preference points will be reset to zero. Deer tag is $442.50. Hunter must first have a nonresident deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, unless purchased after Dec. 30: White-tailed Antlerless Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull. Hunter must first have a resident deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, unless purchased after Dec. 30: Resident Antlerless White-tailed Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull), White-tailed Antlerless Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull). Each applicant applying after the group has been set up wouldselect the join group option and they would fill in the Group number. It was long a secret that Kansas produces world-class whitetail bucks. Nice diversity, beautiful views and incredible wildlife habitat are just. Applicant will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery (print and mail, or electronic delivery tothe mobile app Go Outdoors Kansas. The majority of these deer are located on large sections of private land and prior arrangements are strongly encouraged before you head out to Kansas as this could become a very frustrating hunt without some sort of access or an understanding on how little the areas you will be allowed to hunt in are. The season for muzzleloaders is November 13-21. And now that the deadline has passed, many applicants are anxious to learn the results of the drawing. NOTE: Unit 10A is Fort Leavenworth and is open to active and retired military staff only. Restitution scoring system; white-tailed deer; mule deer; elk; antelope. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Each applicant applying after the group has been set up wouldselect the join group option and they would fill in the Group number. Deer Harvest Report for 2018-19, includes estimate of harvest by age/sex/species, weapon type, hunter effort, and harvest date. Applicant will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery (print and mail, or electronic delivery tothe mobile app Go Outdoors Kansas. If you have multiple accounts on your phone, you can change to another account's available tags by selecting the name at the top of the screen. The hunter should also consider whether the land theyre on is leased or whether theyre hunting with the right outfitter. The postcard provides this link:, which hunters need to type into their web browser address bar. Youll also want to check out the quality of the bucks in Kansass other hunting areas. application strategy Use electronic deer check-in: deer taken with Antlerless Only (AO) permits. IOWA Deer Season All You Need To Know About The IOWA Deer Season (2022 Guide). The draw system for deer tags in Kansas does not work the same way in other states. February 8. Permit valid for any white-tailed or mule deer only on land owned or operated by landowner or tenant during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. The draw system is based on a computer program that randomly selects applicants from the pool. Hunters may harvest two deer of any sex during the archery and firearms portions of the deer season. Muzzleloader permit holders may hunt during early muzzleloader season and regular firearm season using muzzleloader equipment only. Availableat vendor locations or online August2 - Dec. 31, $87.50NR Tenant Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit (available online or at vendor locations over the counter), Available to individuals who qualify as a tenant, including family members living with the tenant. This portion of the draw takes place after all of the whitetail permits have been issued. Hunter comments received during the 2017-18 Post-season Deer Harvest Survey. You would also need to purchase an annual hunting license. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Applicants (up to 5) must apply for the same unit and the same weapon choice. Applicants who are successful will receive either a printed carcass tag in the mail or an e-tag on the Go Outdoors mobile app, depending on which option they chose on the application. Keep the deer permit/tag with the meat. Nonresident Deer Draw Results Coming Soon. You can also view the Species Profiles to access historical and statistical data to help you identify trophy areas. If youre not successful in the drawing, youll be reimbursed for the cost of the tag you purchased and will gain a reference point for the following year. Kansas Deer Tags 2022 (Kansas nonresident deer tag) June 11, . A bill allowing the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to issue nonresident deer tags has passed the House and Senate and awaits Gov. Pre-Rut Firearm Whitetail Antlerless Season: $117.50 Nonresident Youth White-tailed Deer Permit (youth 15 and younger and includes $27.50 nonrefundable application fee), $442.50 Nonresident White-tailed Deer Permit, (16 and older and includes $27.50 nonrefundable application fee), $152.50 Mule Deer Stamp Fee (plus Nonresident White-tailed deer permit fee listed above), $87.50 Nonresident Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit, $87.50 Special Hunt-Own-Land Relative Deer Permit. For more information about the Go Outdoors KS mobile app visit Hunters who do not have an email address may receive a postcard in the mail. Applicants must apply online or by phone, 1-833-587-2164. A nonresident must apply for the Mule Deer Stamp during the April application period. Kansas Whitetail & Mule Deer tags are Draw Only for non-residents and we can help you through the entire process. Quotas and Draw Stats | Deer Management Units | E-Tagging, RESIDENT PERMIT INFORMATION | NONRESIDENT PERMIT INFORMATION. I was thinking it was usually around the 3rd week of May, but they are not posted. The email will be sent by Levi Jaster from, with subject line 2020-21 Kansas Deer Harvest Survey. Availableat vendor locations or online August2 - Dec. 31, Available to individuals who qualify as lineal ascendants or descendants or siblings of resident landowners or all tenants, and spouses of a qualifying landowner. If you are choosing to apply as a group, remember that any points that any group member has will be irrelevant and the application will be considered with the lowest point total for any member of the group. Kansas State Profile Mule Deer Profile Whitetail Profile GOHUNT Maps Draw Odds Filtering 2.0. Wild game processors are exempt from registration or regulation under Kansas law with the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Kansas draw results. The credit card provided will be used to pay for the total price of the awarded permits at the time of the draw if this application is selected as a winner for the hunt. . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Youth hunts for Kansas deer permits are also available to disabled veterans, provided they are at least 30 percent service-connected disabled. Available Aug.2 - Dec. 31. To view important information and an overview of Kansass rules/regulations, the draw system, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map, check out our State Profile. Watch this video to learn how to extract the correct lymph nodes for CWD Testing. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. With the recent rise of COVID, out-of-state hunters have been feeling the pressure on Kansas deer tags. This will add an additional $152.50 to your total during the checkout process. Those scoring in the Kansas top 20 must be verified by a certified Pope & Young or Boone & Crockett measure. Email Page, Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (S.C.O.R.P), Hiking, Biking, & Horseback Riding Trails, 6-3-22 Nonresident Deer Draw Results Coming Soon, Transferring Fish and Game to Another Person, Education, Exhibition, Collecting, and Salvage Permits, 1-13-23 Emporia States King Lake Stocked with Rainbow Trout, 1-5-23 Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission to Meet on Jan. 12 in Wichita, 12-12-22 State Tournament for National Archery in the Schools Program to Remain in Hutchinson, 12-8-22 KDWP Employee Named NextGen Under 30 Award Recipient, 11-10-22 KDWP Staff Successfully Re-introduce Threatened Fish Species, 11-9-22 Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission To Hold Last Meeting of 2022, 11-2-22 Kansas Wildlife and Parks Magazine Hosts 10th Annual Photo Contest, 10-24-22 KDWP to Receive $4.3 Million in Grants to Conserve At-risk Wildlife, 10-14-22 Applications Available for New Kansas Kids Lifetime Hunting, Fishing License, 10-14-22 Public Invited to Bison Auction at Maxwell Wildlife Refuge on Nov. 2, 9-29-22 Biologists Detect Undesirable Species at Scott State Fishing Lake, 9-27-22 Public Temporarily Allowed to Salvage Fish at Ellis City Lake Due to Drought, 9-7-22 Wildlife and Parks Commission Holds Second-to-Last Meeting of 2022, 9-1-22 Fields Managed Specifically for Dove Hunting Now Open, 8-18-22 Governor Laura Kelly Announces $24.8 Million for Improvements to Flint Hills Trail, 8-1-22 Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission to Meet on August 4 & 5, 7-14-22 Application Period Open for Fall, Winter Special Hunting Opportunities, 7-8-22 Game Wardens Target Impaired Boaters Over July 4th Weekend, 6-30-22 Outdoor Enthusiasts, Pet Owners Encouraged to Avoid Harmful Algal Blooms, 6-29-22 Kansas Game Wardens Successfully Close Large Mule Deer Poaching Case, 6-24-22 Accessing Public Lands for Hunting, Fishing Just Got Easier, 6-10-22 Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission to Meet on June 23, 6-2-22 Enjoy Free Fishing Days June 4-5, 2022, 5-25-22 Kansas State Parks Partnering with Kansas Public Libraries to Offer Free Park Entrance, 5-20-22 Governor Laura Kelly Proclaims May 21-27 as Safe Boating Week, 5-16-22 KDWP Commission to Hold Special Meeting, 5-9-22 Great Kansas Fishing Derby Returns for Second Year, 4-25-22 KDWP To Soon Offer Durable License Cards, 4-25-22 Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Emporia State University Partner to Provide New Fishing Opportunity, 4-19-22 Walleye Harvest Regulations Adjusted at Marion Reservoir as Part of 4-Year Study, 3-11-22 KDWP Offering Small Grants Related to Wildlife Diversity, Non-game Species, 3-31-22 Kansas Fisheries Staff Allay Fears With 25-lake Study on Largemouth Bass Virus, 3-18-22 Aerial Surveys to Document Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Trends, 3-18-22 KDWP Commission to Meet on March 31 in Topeka, 3-15-22 KDWP Cautions Light Goose Hunters to Be Vigilant as Avian Influenza Cases Rise, 3-4-22 Support Kansas Wildlife by Donating a Portion of Your Tax Return, 3-4-22 2022 Fishing Regulations, Atlas and Forecast Now Available, 2-21-22 2021 Birding Big Year Results, 2022 Contest, 2-17-22 KDWP Fisheries Staff Test Latest Technology in Ground-breaking Study, 2-15-22 Commission Big Game Permits Awarded to Seven Kansas Non-profits, 1-7-22 Change Enacted at Cedar Bluff to Improve Walleye Populations, 1-6-22 KDWP Commission to Meet Virtually on January 13, 12-16-21 KDWP Expands Research Footprint with Additional Office in Emporia, 12-1-21 KDWP To Again Offer Free Testing for Chronic Wasting Disease, 11-30-21 Kansas State Parks Director Honored With National Award, 11-23-21 Kansas State Parks Offering Free Entrance on Black Friday, 11-19-21 Governor Laura Kelly Announces Study Showing Kansas Parks Good for Economy, 11-17-21 Application Period Open for Coveted KDWP Commission Big Game Permits, 11-5-21 KDWP Commission to Host Last Public Meeting of 2021, 10-21-21 State Experts Offer Tips for Preventing Deer-vehicle Collisions, 10-15-21 Forecast Looks Promising for Kansas 2021 Upland Bird Seasons, 10-12-21 First-ever Alligator Gar Caught in Kansas, 10-8-21 KDWP Public Lands, Law Enforcement Staff Partner to Improve Experience for Waterfowl Hunters, 10-7-21 KDWP Introduces Fully-online Option for Hunter Education Certification, 9-16-21 KDWP Law Enforcement Division Awarded Anti-Poaching Grant, 9-16-21 KDWP Commission to Host Virtual Meeting September 23, 8-26-21 KDWP Biologists Seek Help From Migratory Game Bird Hunters, 8-2-21 Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission to Meet Virtually August 5, 2021, 7-21-21 Researchers Discover Undocumented Crayfish Species in Kansas, 7-1-21 Wild About Kansas Photography Contest Going on Now, 6-25-21 New Prizes Added to Great Kansas Fishing Derby, 6-25-21 Blue Catfish Tagging Project Continues at Tuttle Creek Reservoir, 6-25-21 Commission Approves Waterfowl Regulations on Select Public Lands, 6-14-21 KDWPT Commission Meeting June 17 in Wichita, 6-6-21 Three Fatalities in Neosho River Boating Accident, 6-4-21 Take Part in Kansas Free Fishing Days, 5-28-21 Lesser Prairie Chicken Proposed Listing, 4-27-21 Kansas Teen Wins 2021 National Junior Duck Stamp Contest, 4-23-21 KDWPT Commission to Host Virtual Meeting April 29, 4-15-21 Inaugural Great Kansas Fishing Derby Kicks Off May 1, 4-13-21 Walleye Initiative Leads to Higher Survival Rate, More Opportunities for Kansas Anglers, 4-13-21 March 25 Commission Meeting Recap, 3-19-21 Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission to Meet Virtually on March 25, 3-19-21 2021 Fishing Regulations, Atlas and Forecast Now Available, 3-18-21 Kansas Wildscape Foundation Announces New Executive Director, 3-10-21 Popular Moss Ball Product Poses Threat to Kansas Waters, 3-10-21 Aerial Surveys to Document Lesser and Greater Prairie Chicken Population Trends, 3-5-21 KDWPT Game Wardens Bring Four Wildlife Violators to Justice, 3-5-21 KDWPT Staff Rescue Fellow Kansans in Emergency Situations, 3-3-21 Donate a Portion of Your Tax Return to Support Kansas Wildlife, 1-7-21 KDWPT Commission To Hold First Public Meeting of 2021,, Lineal relatives include direct ascendants or descendants such as a grandfather, mother, son, or granddaughter. Hunting/fishing combination licenses are $72.50 for a one-time purchase and $42.50 for a multi-year youth hunting/fishing license. The email will contain the selected hunters KDWP number. Highest whitetail densities are in the eastern one-third of the state. The Kansas Department of wildlife and Parks to issue nonresident deer permit draw: application period April 1 to,... The eastern one-third of the whitetail permits have been removed historical and data... For nonresident deer tags in Kansas does not work the same weapon choice and have. Through the entire process applicants must apply online or by phone, 1-833-587-2164::! Performance '' 3rd week of may, but they are not lineal family.. A grandfather, mother, son, or granddaughter and mapping tools selected KDWP! Now that the deadline has passed, many applicants are anxious to learn the results of the.... Whitetail & amp ; Mule deer ; Mule deer Profile whitetail Profile GOHUNT Maps draw Filtering. 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