Likewise, the combinations B and C will give equal satisfaction to the consumer; both being on the same indifference curve IC1. It will be seen from Figure 11.9 that ration amounts of Rx and Ry of goods X and Y respectively are greater than OM and ON which the consumer is buying with his price-income situation. All other variables remain constant. We shall explain below only few applications. IC is strictly Convex to origin i.e. We therefore conclude that indifference curves cannot cut each other. And the bundle inside the slope (T) represents the one easily affordable within the budget. (4) The prices of the two goods are given. 8.8 the left- hand portion of an indifference curve of the perfect complementary goods is a vertical straight line which indicates that an infinite amount of Y is necessary to substitute one unit of X and the right-hand portion of the indifference curve is a horizontal straight line which means that an infinite amount of X is necessary to substitute one unit of Y. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Economics. As explained above, with the given wage rate and given trade-off between income and leisure the individual chooses to work for TL1 hours per day. Thus the cost of giving subsidies to consumers is always greater than the money equivalent of the subjective gain to the consumers. Your email address will not be published. Here we discuss the properties of the indifference curve and how to analyze it, along with examples and assumptions. Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our products and services. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The consumer is expected to buy any of the two commodities in a combination. An indifference curve is a graphical representation of a combined products that gives similar kind of satisfaction to a consumer thereby making them indifferent.Every point on the indifference curve shows that an individual or a consumer is indifferent between the two products as it gives him the same kind of utility. In other words, the indifference curve is relatively flatter in its right-hand portion and relatively steeper in its left-hand portion. However, the actual choice of income and leisure by an individual would also depend upon what is the market rate of exchange between the two, that is, the wage-rate per hour of work. Thus PE, is money value of the subsidy to the individual. This is an important feature of an indifference curve. Straight-line indifference curves of perfect substitutes are shown m Fig. On the other hand, in case of good, case of good X in Figure 11.10 the ration limit Rx does not seem to be effective, though it is potentially binding as it truncates his market opportunity set. Suppose further that price of food is Rs. Further, these stamps cannot be traded or transferred to the other people. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Here, of course, is a special case of general principle that, apart from considerations of etiquette and sentiments, you can make someone happier if you give him cash instead of a commodity even if the commodity is something he wants. With these stamps, the recipient can buy food and only food. Income OM equals OT multiplied by the hourly wage rate (OM = OT.w) where w represents the wage rate. With the budget line B1CL2 with food stamp subsidy of B1C, the best that the individual can do is to choose the corner point C of budget line B1CL2 which lies on the highest possible indifference curve IC2 which passes through the point C. Therefore, from the point of individual welfare we reach our earlier conclusion that cash subsidy is superior to in-kind subsidy represented by food stamps programme. Now consider Figure 11.7 where ration limit is fixed at Rx which lies to the left of L. This ration limit reduces or truncates his market opportunity set (i.e. This result is of special importance because supporters of food-stamp subsidy have been emphasizing that food subsidy should not be used to finance any part of nonfood unnecessary items such as liquor. Therefore, given that the consumer is free to spend money as he likes, with cash grant his new equilibrium position must be to the left of point R on the budget line CD where it will be tangent to the higher indifference curve than IC2. . With the imposition of excise duty, the price of good X will rise. Supply curve of labour shows how an individuals work effort responds to changes in the wage rate. Hence, a consumer prefers to reach the tallest line to attain a higher utility level. (10) The consumer arranges the two goods in a scale of preference which means that he has both preference and indifference for the goods. 11.2 which passes through point R. It will be seen from Figure 11.2 that with the budget line CD though the individual can buy the same market basket R, if he so desires, which he was purchasing with price subsidy on food, he is actually in equilibrium at point H on higher indifference curve IC2. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Each individual axis indicates a single type of economic goods. IC2 is a higher indifference curve than IC1. In short, the first condition of the consumer's equilibrium is that the budget or price line should be tangent to the indifference curve. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Further, if the same amount of revenue is to be raised through lump-sum tax as with the excise duty, then the new price line AB should be drawn at such a distance from the original price line PL1 that it passes through the point Q1. Combination Q on the higher indifference curve IC2 will give a consumer more satisfaction than combination S on the lower indifference curves IC1 because the combination Q contains more of both goods X and Y than the combination S. Hence the consumer must prefer Q to S. And by transitivity assumption, he will prefer any other combination such as combination R on IC2 (all of which are indifferent with Q) to any combination on IC1 (all of which are indifferent with S) We, therefore, conclude that a higher indifference curve represents a higher level of satisfaction and combinations on it will be preferred to the combinations on a lower indifference curve. Since PT amount of money is paid by the individual himself, the remaining amount TN or RM (the vertical distance between the price lines PL1 and PL2 at OA amount of food) is paid by the Government as food subsidy for the individual. It will be seen from Figure 11.2 that with food subsidy RM, the individual is having OA amount of food, whereas with equivalent cash payment of PC the individual purchases OB amount of food which is less than OA. It is like a contour map showing the height of the land above sea-level where instead of height, each indifference curve represents a level of satisfaction. 11.20 where in panel (a) wage offer curve is shown, and in panel (b) supply curve of labour is drawn corresponding to leisure-work equilibrium points in panel (a)Thus, to start with at wage rate w0 (i.e. Login details for this Free course will be emailed to you. It will be seen from Fig. Thus, movement from point S to H and as a result the decrease in labour supply by L2 L1 represents the income effect of the rise in wage rate. Another point which is worth mentioning in this regard is that indifference curves cannot even meet or touch each other or be tangent to each other at a point. The marginal rate of substitution shows the consumers preference for one good over another while maintaining the same level of utility. It will be seen that with ration limit fixed at ORx rationing does not act as a binding at all and prove to be quite ineffective in restricting the consumption of good X which is the objective of the policy. In the curve, the quantity consumed by B2 will compensate for the increase in the amount consumed by B2. labour supply) L0L2 for leisure. This trade-off means how much income the individual is willing to accept for one hour sacrifice of leisure time. First, he is free to work as many hours per day as he likes. Further, income is used to purchase goods, other than leisure for consumption. Required fields are marked *. He is in equilibrium at point E where he consumes quantity of good X which is smaller than the ration amount Rx. Marginal rates of substitution and opportunity costsOpportunity CostsThe difference between the chosen plan of action and the next best plan is known as the opportunity cost. Let us take the case of food subsidy which is given by the Government to help the needy families. Choice of other points on income-leisure line MT will show different amounts of leisure, income and work. 11.19. For example, Dalda and Rath Vanaspati, two different brands of cold drink such as Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola are generally considered to be perfect substitutes of each other. Consumer Surplus is the difference between the actual price that the customers pay for a product & the maximum price that they are ready to pay (for a single unit). It Dispenses with Cardinal Measurement of Utility 2. 11.8 he is at lower indifference curve IC0 indicating his lower level of welfare. Consider Figure 11.15 where leisure is measured in the rightward direction along the horizontal axis and the maximum leisure time is OT (equal to 24 hours). And this indifference in prices defines the opportunity costs. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Economics. Prohibited Content 3. The below diagram shows an indifference map with three indifference curves. In order to find the money value of the subsidy to the individual, draw a line EF parallel to PL1 so that it touches the same indifference curve IC where the individual comes to be in equilibrium when subsidy is paid. Let us explain how a receipt of food stamps affects the budget line, consumption of food and welfare of the individual. Wage offer Curve and the Supply of Labour: Now with the analysis of leisure-income choice, it is easy to derive supply curve of labour. Therefore, as a result of rise in wage rate individual substitutes work (and therefore income) for leisure which leads to the increase in supply of labour. Thus ration limit serves as a binding for him and forces him to consume less of good X and more of good Y than he prefers. (5) The consumers tastes, habits and income remain the same throughout the analysis. The imposition of a lump-sum tax (or any income tax) does not affect the prices of goods because it is not levied on any saleable goods. 4 Important Properties of Indifference Curve (with curve diagram), Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, This property implies that an indifference curve, Indifference curve being downward sloping, means that when the amount of one good in the, combination is increased, the amount of the, other good is reduced. It has, however, been empirically observed that when the wage rate is small so that the demand for more income to purchase goods and services is very strong, substitution effect is larger than the income effect so that the net effect of rise in wage rate will be to reduce leisure and increase the supply of labour. This is an important feature of Indifference Curve. This property follows from assumption I. Indifference curve being downward sloping means that when the amount of one good in the combination is increased, the amount of the other good is reduced. What is indifference curve importance? In other words, the combinations which lie on a higher indifference curve will be preferred to the combinations which lie on a lower indifference curve. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Our analysis is based on two assumptions. It helps us visualize the different combinations of goods and services, each of which yields the same level of utility. Thus the indifference curve I4 indicates a higher level of satisfaction than I3 which, in turn, is indicative of a higher level of satisfaction than I2 and so on. 8.7. In the above image, the combination outside the budget line (S) represents the one beyond the income. As explained above in Fig. Share Your PPT File. The indifference curve analysis retains some of the assumptions of the cardinal theory, rejects others and formulates its own. In India also food stamp programme has been suggested in recent years as an anti-poverty measure. Ration limit is potentially binding here because due to ration limit the consumer cannot buy any set of two commodities lying in the region SLRX, if he so desires though his price-income situation permits him to do so. Also, it means the consumer cannot prefer one bundle over another on the same graph. The loss of satisfaction to the consumer on account of the downward movement must be made up by the gain through the rightward movement. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. With a given money income OB1 of an individual and given market price of food, B1L1 is the budget line whose slope represents the price of food (Note that price of money represented on the X-axis is Re. In order to earn income for satisfying his wants for goods and services, he will devote some of his time to do work. That is, at wage rate w0he supplies TL0 amount of labour. Consumers can rank a combination of commodities based on their satisfaction levels. Share Your PDF File 11.18(b). Thus, to quote Prof. Watson again, you can make someone happier if you give him cash instead of a commodity, even if the commodity is something he wants. This leads us to income-leisure constraint which together with the indifference map between income and leisure would determine the actual choice by the individual. (11) Both preference and indifference are transitive. In other words, to increase leisure by one hour, an individual has to forego the opportunity of earning income (equal to wage per hour) which he can earn by doing work for an hour. Ms. Bain is indifferent among combinations W, X, and Y. Thus, in this possibility, the effect of equivalent cash subsidy is exactly the same as the effect of food stamp subsidy. It shows the consumers preference for one good over another only if it is equally satisfying. Consider Fig. An Indifference curve shows potential combinations of two items or commodities that, when bought in any order along the curve, leave the buyer equally well off or satisfied. 10 per kg. This gives us TM0 as the budget constraint or which in the present context is also called leisure-income constraint. Now, suppose that instead of excise duty, Government levies a direct tax of the type of lump-sum tax on the individual when the individual is initially at point Q3 on indifference curve IC3. An indifference map between income and leisure is depicted in Figure 11.14 and has all the usual properties of indifference curves. Jack is satisfied with 1 unit of cloth and 8 units of books. Thus, as compared to the situation prior to food-stamp subsidy, he is on higher indifference curve showing a greater level of satisfaction or welfare and consuming greater quantities of food and other goods. If the amount substituted is imperfect, the marginal rate of substitutionMarginal Rate Of SubstitutionThe marginal rate of substitution (MRS) is the rate at which some units of an item can be replaced by another while providing the same level of satisfaction to the more will be constant. Several kinds of subsidies are paid to the individuals these days by the Government for promoting welfare of the people. Direct taxes are those taxes whose incidence cannot be shifted to others. MRSxy is always diminishing. With a given income of the individual and the given price of good X, the price line is PL1 which is tangent to indifference curve IC3 at point Q3 where the individual is in equilibrium position. It is worth noting that price subsidy on a commodity is also generally called excise subsidy. In other words, if the Government wants to raise a given amount of revenue whether it will be better to do so by levying a direct tax or an indirect tax from the view point of welfare of the individuals. You can calculate it by, (3) The consumer possesses complete information about the prices of the goods in the market. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Only convex curves will lend to the principles of Diminishing Marginal Rate of substitution. Whereas income effect of the rise in wage rate tends to reduce supply of labour, substitution effect tends to increase it. In this case, therefore, B1C, will be equal to 20 kg. Though the consumer can buy the ration amount, that is, ration limit is attainable but he is not willing to consume good X as much as the ration limit permits him. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Consumer Surplus = Maximum Price to be paid willingly Actual Paid Price Plagiarism Prevention 4. Corporate valuation, Investment Banking, Accounting, CFA Calculation and others (Course Provider - EDUCBA), * Please provide your correct email id. In panel (a) on joining points Q, R and S we get what is often called wage-offer curve which is similar to price-consumption curve. In other words, besides analysing consumers demand, indifference curves have several other applications. But it should be noted that in the second possible case the consumption of food is more under the food stamp subsidy programme than, in case of cash subsidy. However, it is important to note that he . Thus, he has worked for TL1 hours to earn OM1 amount of income. This is because cash subsidy does not limit a person that he must purchase certain amount of food and is therefore free to spend as he likes. The better substitutes the two goods are for each other, the closer the indifference curve approaches to the straight-line so that when the two goods are perfect substitutes, the indifference curve is a straight line. It explains consumer behaviour in terms of his preferences or rankings for different combinations of two goods, say X and Y. With the further increase in wage rate to w2, the income-leisure constraint rotates to TM2 and the individual is in equilibrium when he supplies L2 work-hours which are smaller than L1. For instance, if price of food is Rs. That the individual with cash transfer must be better off and his food consumption must be less as compared with price subsidy on food is due to the fact that indifference curves being convex, the budget line CD obtained with cash transfer must intersect the indifference curve IC1 at point R reached with the equivalent price subsidy. It is worth noting that wage rate is the opportunity cost of leisure. If the government is eager to raise the tax revenue and at that time the government may face the issue regarding whether it . That is why at point K in Fig. The effect of this subsidy on consumers welfare and money value of this subsidy to the consumer is illustrated in Figure 11.1 where the quantity of food is measured on the X- axis and money on the Y-axis. In our Figure PE = MK (the vertical distance between two parallel lines) and RM is greater than MK. Some of the important problems are explained below with the help of this technique. The consumer behavior remains constant in the analysis. As noted above, combination H is not available under food stamp subsidy because food stamps cannot be used to purchase other goods. By purchasing OA quantity of food, the individual is spending PT amount of money. In Figure 11.9 with a given income and prices of the two goods X and Y the consumer is in equilibrium at E buying OM of commodity X and ON of commodity Y. As a result of the rise in price of good X, the price line rotates to a new position PL2 which is tangent to indifference curve IC1 at point Q1. It can slope or bend backward too which implies that at a higher wage rate, the individual will supply less labour (i.e. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Now, the important question is what is the money value of this price subsidy (RM) on food to the individual. The curve slopes downward as the consumption of commodity A increases in exchange for commodity B. It has freed the theory of consumption from the unrealistic assumptions of the Marshallian utility analysis. The indifference curve technique has come as a handy tool in economic analysis. With stamps of Rs. But there are a number of indifference curves, as shown in Figure 2. Perfect complementary goods are used in a certain fixed ratio. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 . The following situations may occur: In conclusion, Jack has the same level of satisfaction and utility in both situations as a consumer. Economists have adopted the principles of. It makes the consumer indifferent to any of the combinations of goods shown as points on the curve. 10 per kg., then with Rs. We cannot predict the specific result purely on theoretical grounds. 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