Once that is submitted then I received my orders in November. |wUy~e"LWGcvaFy>yGD~~Qm%ITy6ikej?g09hO:Z~}qi.75goi)L?!Y;AqQ 3XIg wW|v8?r$|? 'GO%CT{E. What does the branch manager look at when deciding who to place where? Sanna Marin. what its like there instead of branch managers going TDY to selected locations And the civilians who work in the Branch offices have years of experience, sometimes decades, and were often active duty themselves, so they know the deal. A Line of Accounting (LOA) is the funding associated with a federal organizations budget. Learn more here. You could also try calling one of the other assignment officers to try to reach yours. You have access to an ERB/ORB printout and the electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) and Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS) databases. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Get rid of the routine and produce paperwork online! Conditions:In a classroom environment given a requirement to interpret an SRB/ORB and access to an SRB/ORB printout, AR 11-6, AR 600-8-104, DA PAM 611-21, eMILPO Field Users Guide, Student Handouts, the eMILPO Training Database, TOPMIS II Training database and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Logout. She would send emails to the field on an One of myths you mentioned above solidifies my point, Within the new page, fill in the appropriate fields, including Date Required. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. TUsDwMz]o\)Wx-+M(&ZcHT@8l_k0xZYiTX+S1!K##LcC^v (wZ[3"GXYlNW. 4 !x*F/SZJ. Click "My OCIE Record" 3. I hope he is found and safe. I was the top logistics company commander in my armored cavalry regiment but was still only in the top 40-45% of captains in the BDE (12 of 26) because I wasnt an armor captain. He said once the Soldier submits their completed RFO packet to their S1 Personnel, there is nothing remaining for them to do. Not legally, he cant. In fact, there is a tutorial video on the HRC website about how the Distribution Cycle works. 1. Hopefully this post provides you some clarity about who is helping you navigate your career. A Lieutenant isnt going to go to his or her Battalion Commander and ask for different verbiage based on what HRC is telling them, and if they did, it would be poorly received. though I will admit Ive never called anyone outside of my branch simply because Standards: Without error, define the different sections of the ERB/ORB and the data elements contained in each section. From my experience, here's how you read your RFO: "We're thinking this is where you'll be in July, but you probably shouldn't buy any property just yet. So much for the tour equity line (Photo by Military.com), Integrated Visual Augmentation System 1.2 development task order awarded, Army preparing to expand use of new digital HR and talent-management system, U.S. Army STAND-TO! The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. Unfortunately, the Brancheshave control over very few of the jobs theyreceive for each rank. Here goes the conversation: Congratulations, he said, you got one of your assignment choices youre going to Panama!, Panama, I replied, was that one of my choices?, Sure it was, he said, see, choice 9 of 9 choices (old dream sheet), Look, I said, Ill trade with my classmate over there, you just gave him orders for Korea Ill go to Korea instead and we can swap., Sorry, he said, you have different qualifications than him, Wait a minute, I said, we are both graduates of IOBC, flight school and school trained Aeroscouts. A Request for Offer (RFO) is an open and competitive purchasing process whereby an organization requests the submission of offers in response to specifications and/or a scope of services. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC RFO. DA Form 1058-R - Application for Active Duty for Training for U.S. Army Reserve ( Sample) DA Form 7349 - Initial Medical Review - Annual Medical Certificate. 5 meanings of RFO abbreviation related to Military: Vote. Fort Knox, KY 40122, Im a 92 A ;I emailed my branch assignment manager because I want to get orders to PCS with my husband and we emailed back and forth she worked on my request last week and told me to get back with her next week which is today and she said she hasnt had any response from higher. Fingers crossed its not an issue. Only if the BNR is received well in advance of the Distribution Cycle, the gaining unit is authorized the billet, and the assignment makes sense for the officer, will Branch have a case in honoringthe request. Im retired now so it doesnt affect me anymore but it would help others in the future. The first assignment I completely controlled was when I left the Army. Depending on your service branch, the name of the government office that handles your relocation varies: The Department of Defense: Joint. HRC needs to adopt some of the hr policies used by Google where employees can apply for the positions they want and the hr managers are only there to advise and coach. However, if every byte of the line is going to be modified, then it's unnecessary to read the line. Too many Soldiers get hurt by this zero flexibility system. 'We want to become a member of NATO because we don't ever again want war in Finland,' says Sanna Marin. Further,I think most people hesitate to engage with their Assignment Officerbecause they really dont know who is on the other end of the phone. I am having trouble figuring out what unit 0173 IN REP DET ITALY is. Unless you do not want the opposing party to see what you filed (which they would have access to from the court file in any event) simply file a NEW RFO, with the SAME date and time, MARK amended on the top, and highlight, then serve BOTH on the opposing party. Interpret the Soldier Record Brief (SRB). And when an officer calls someone other than his particular Assignment Officer trying to get what he wants, we all know about it. DA PAM 640-1. One other disturbing thing is the review of the Engineer School. I Exactly what this community is for. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Steps to a Smart Move Infographic | Military OneSource PRODUCTS Back to Products Steps to a Smart Move Infographic Flyers, Resources Guides Description When you receive permanent change of station orders, it's important to coordinate your move immediately. That program will stabilize the family while the officer is still world wide deployable, Sir, A Permanent Change of Station much like everything else in the Army is a process. Commonly heard beliefs include: If you get on Branchs radar, theyll send you to Korea; Just lay low and let your commanders speak on your behalf; andI plan to stay with troops as long as I can, so I dont need HRCs help.. Of course its wise of you to look at your file before a board, but if you dont verify it officially, the board wont know.). | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Department of the Army to initiate separation of COVID-19 vaccination order refusers, Army Extends Timeline for Postpartum Soldiers to Meet Body Fat Standards, National Museum of the United States Army to open Veterans Day 2020, Senior U.S. Army official celebrates Earth Day during kick-off for next steps of Everglades project. Action: Interpret the Soldier Record Brief (SRB) and Officer Record Brief (ORB). I can only speak for Infantry Branch without researching more. Logistics branch should take that into consideration and give us a more of a chance when were competing against combat arms officers in their own type of unit. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thank you for the information. 1. Theres a lot that assignment officers can share with the field and it actually benefits HRC to be transparent with the process (just as it benefits YOU to be transparent with HRC about your life situation and concerns). AO write that officers name in a black book to ensure they are perpetually Required fields are marked *. {S( #WiTk2'*)T*xWvk$QYIG20VCg@73C7 trE AYXA\3 3@E2zaP\A\3 j9Pa Z T2 i fa``y`@| Lieutenants and Captains are all managed by post-company command Captains. About a year ago I got my last choice, Korea, because I apparently needed to reset my dwell time, that day marked the end of my marriage as my husband began to spiral down a depression he would not recover from. Paying attention to the ROE helps officers figure out which positions they. Its that you arent considered complete with KD time until you get 18 months. Operation, Management, Projection. Login. I received an email from my Branch Manager (Engineer), " I do apologize. yes, that's your report date. 3610 0 obj <> endobj Id say its a safe assumption this discussion on assignment officers actually centers on officers. Im an officer in the National Guard, currently serving as a Commander. Request For Orders. Interpret the Officer Record Brief (ORB). Not all branches require CPTs to command to be considered KD.i.e. Also, Id challenge you to look at how you want to develop your skills for your future in MI. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. BNRs have lost favor in recent years because that they wreak havoc on the ability to predict the number of available jobs for each Distribution Cycle. How long it takes to HRC to approve actions (deletion of assignment) after all your chain of command has approved it. politico.eu - Wilhelmine Preussen 1d. Step 1. Heres the thing: most of us get that an assignment officer at HRC is trying to do a job that has a lot of requirements. conus- levy packet checklist levy information sheet aaa-234 edas individual losing assignment record- (aiborne assignments only) tdy option statement in conjunction with pcs (if applicable) levy brief certificate assignment notification of pcs memo (input mrc code from page 3 of da form 5118) Mr Klemonski Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Read more on politico.eu. The DA PAM 600-3 Smartbook on MilSuite has a document for each branch that outlines what is considered a key developmental for each rank. Select the Request tab within the left sidebar, and select Order. Set up a meeting with your base transportation office. endobj READ MORE The post reassignment office does the Request for Orders once they receive assignment notification from the Human Resources Command, but Soldiers are responsible for getting their packet together, providing the Military Personnel Division with their required documents according to a checklist they receive from reassignments. Is this our report date? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Each of the various federal agencies has a different method for cost accounting. What with the mention of Generals Aide positions, post-command officers being the HRC assignment officers. The tension between the population and HRC comes from the dissatisfaction that follows when the needs of the Army outweigh officer preference. in 3 years. sitting at the desk at HRC. I just find it hard to believe that during a what it stands for-- no idea. Family law lawyers explain how to request orders for child custody, child support, child visitation (parenting time), spousal support, DVRO, and more. THANK YOU Bruce. How MIGHT high school stabilization work when said officer is a single parent? Cookie Notice Spelling Words Week of January 9, 2012 1. . Someone please explain RFO->Orders process, All resources are student and donor supported. The branch managers are not the problem with HRC. there is obviously more going on behind the scenes at HRC than anyone is What is your approach with HRC? are still great deal of unknowns that exist. 2 0 obj JavaScript is disabled. Finland. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 2. I called my branch manager to get a change of duty station so I can be with my fianc and he straight up told me I shouldnt have joined the Army. have a chance, or told me that (this is verbatim) we think the assignment to The U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) has completed its Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) move to Fort Knox, Ky. Are you the author of this post and if not, could you put me in phone contact with the author? May 20th is my report date. 2011. hb```b``-c`230 P9&yLThr J"n Search I decided I will not be buying until out of the military. I cannot seem to find any information using google. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to design your army rfo form: Select the document you want to sign and click Upload. o Deletes references to specific systems. Instead HRC forces the branch managers to slot all the officers in an arbitrary manning cycle forcing them to treat people like equipment. Its a numbers game, to some extent; there are too many critical jobs to fill and officers dont always want to go to them. specific needs that cant be accommodated in certain locations, and worked to I asked my assignments person to extend the orders out until March so that I have sufficient time to take care of my house and prepare my family for the move. Great post that at least (Example: we recently found out in a class that promotion board members cannot see whether a considered officer has verified his/her file in the MyBoard system. %PDF-1.6 % However, Im skeptical of USAR Memo 25-70 USARC Network Security. As the junior CPTs AO. Standard:Students will meet the standard when they achieve 80% accuracy on the following learning step activities (LSAs). Here goes tthe conversation: Wait a minute, I said, we are both graduates of IOBC, flight school and school trained Aeroscouts. I want to make you aware of some items that Soldiers may see and provide an update on user access. My contention is that HRC branch managers in assignments controlled by their branch are more likely to get their choice of assignment than those not assigned to HRC. Thank you for writing and allowing families like myself to be able to read and know were not alone and there is soldiers and families that continue to be screwed over and over again ignored for answers to me as a soldiers to prioritize my family when they are enrolled in efmp! Select the Import order items button to import . This allows for more rapid revision, versus staffing the whole PAM. I am a 92A. Three months in my husband lost it and is now missing. Become a donor at the Gold or Lifetime level for access to the Becoming a Student Doctor course! I am having trouble figuring out what unit 0173 IN REP DET ITALY is. To a non-priority assignment where I didnt deploy. If you dont think you will get a Most Qualified OER, I absolutely would not try to leave the position before 12 months. USAR Memo 500-1 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources Crisis Action Procedures. These medical checks are graded using what is called the PULHES Factor, which is an acronym that stands for the following: All jobs have specific standards, and upon entering the military the recruit will also be given a numerical grade of one, two, three, and four for each element of the PULHES acronym system. I have heard this countless times. RFO: Reading Festival Online: RFO: Risk Factor Obesity (weight management program; University of California, Los Angeles) RFO: Responsible Federal Official: RFO: Vehicle registration plates were first introduced in the Dutch East Indies in 1900. 3 0 obj On one occasion, I was denied a release by branch to go to selection. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. BL: I think you should focus on being a good IN PL, learn as much as you can now, and look for broadening opportunities as a CPTtheyll be plenty of time for that. First, talk to IN Branch and MI Branch to get the latest info and recommendations. If it is true that assignment officers get no better choice of assignments than others, show the data over time. Ive learnt more about how the Army works in the last year than my 18 yrs of service. h)^EbBvNM$~~XVK`w_A!v@H(\A.oJ$7-le[L ?>}cqLLA7g RtoSj[| IfvY";mmKwJ7LPn|%(}6Miw2sQi(;8w:=Rv0%=zJ !xZ[uVYSS!x-^Znnx= In any branch, 6 months is too short. Thats the point where it pays to have an assignment officer who is personable, empathetic, and understandingeven when delivering unwanted news. What other questions do you have about lifeat HRC? She said ok that she would work with me on it and then turned around and sent me orders the next day. When fully deployed, IPPS-A, which is now live in half of Army National Guard states and territories, will have a 25-point talent profile Read more. All family law legal issues covered: Divorce, child custody, child visitation, parenting time, spousal support, domestic violence restraining orders, annulment, CPS defense, annulment, 730 . Privacy Policy. As with every other system in theArmy, the Request for Orders process expands well beyond one persons desk. All Soldiers requesting dependent Family travel for OCONUS Travel (to included Alaska and Hawaii) must have their Family member's medical record screened by the EFMP provider. Thanks for the info Homunculus! Sounds like you have detailed experience to the contrary, though. Little background. 5 meanings of RFO abbreviation related to Army: Vote. It seems sometimes there is no rhyme or reason. Lots of great points in here. Sren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, and social critic who is known for his contributions to the field of existentialism. My guess is that ORBs and OERs are used. the total picture mainly because of dealings with my branch over the years. I am a reservist looking for deployments or activation orders. selected double BZ to MAJ when those boards started. To add insult to injury, they were also The Army doesnt have the flexibility NOT to predict how units will be filled. I am having some trouble understanding HOW to get my orders to EBOLC. How do you know if the officers senior rater is just good (or bad) at writing OERs? You are using an out of date browser. Officer-identified-to-move (OIM) scrub. 0 What doesyour engagement methodcommunicate to your Assignment Officer? Its a fallacy to think that a duty position at HRC automatically equals a good assignment afterwards. standard name line. Yeah I agree. Thanks! Branch manager is selected BZ for LTC. Sucks on Korea. Why is it so bad? He believed that the individual's relationship to God . roads in Iraq and achieve the same tour equity that others of us have had. I passed. Appreciate any help! What chance do non-combat arms officers in combat arms BDEs have to get those ACOMs needed to get crucial career-advancing assignments such as AO and to get selected BZ? Navy and Marine Corps: Personal Property Shipping Office. Photo by Robert Stevenson, Fort Knox Visual Information. 1) Notification of Move - U.S. Army Human Resources Command will issue either: Often spouses, even when we know the lingo feel out of the loop on these decisions. Im really glad you enjoyed the post and found it helpful! This revenue is used to offset costs associated with maintaining The Military Leader site. Does it arise from fact or rumor? Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download Get Form Form Popularity army rfo form Get, Create, Make and Sign txmf form 31 Get Form eSign Fax Email Add Annotation Share Army Rfo Process is not the form you're looking for? I find it hard to believe that all of them above me were better than me, especially considering their complete ineptness in the area of property accountability. My last assignment officer was a former platoon sergeant that got busted for a DUI coming through the gate at 0200 one morning. Use your e-signature to the page. 1 0 obj Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Ive worked as an Assignment Officer for almost a year and I recommend against holding on to suchbeliefs. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine had it . Also, as far as being a very successful member of my branch, this is way too objective. What Branch has a reputation for a reason. 3619 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<16E5E624FAEC024885CF49210F6F2AC1>]/Index[3610 277]/Info 3609 0 R/Length 82/Prev 408407/Root 3611 0 R/Size 3887/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream I think it takes a village to raise a good officer so I find the table talk among the desks quite helpful. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Gobbledygook: An Army career offers you the opportunity to peregrinate in foreign countries. Youre right. European News. Access to and use of the information of this website is at the user's risk. Each of these characters is broken out differently in accordance with the accounting practices of the providing agency. %%EOF Search for another form here. Decide on what kind of signature to create. I want to learn more about the assignment process for enlisted personnel. SpecI2M only obtains ownership and doesn't read the cache line. I never thought the Finance branch AO would be able to place me in a job in 12 months is the party line answer, but 9 with a strong OER should leave you safe for promotion. The good ones were the ones that took the I just wanted to do a quick snapshot of my dealings with my assignment officers. not a good technique because it will enrage the particular AO that an officer By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. LT, thanks for reading and commenting. Privacy Policy. How to File an RFO in Family Court 909-725-8199 Divorce & Family Law Lawyers Request for Orders in Family Court A request for order, or RFO, is the act of formally asking a judge to make orders in a legal matter. There is enough latitude at HRC for your assignment officer to shed light on the process. jJ k/RO?5t7MWc!X tlK`A;/NvN_8q&+A*H{Nfg'WaMm`vH *2W7`=?ebN5z&P9$Xobl#@o\\?D\gp0sg@}4>Dg96qUdP=!J+jw|?_FW[F::$bow/ocNp-p[._Poi=|7n"D^JoS[R+$m+*Ch}b)cX^ c`Cm@,K{E[H It is our experience that it really comes down to the unit you are assigned to. Simply click Done to confirm the alterations. Ive always heard You must serve at least 18 months to get credit for Command time. Ive never seen it in an AR or NGR. What is RFO meaning in Military? family, as I tell it to my Soldiers all the time. I have been slatted ATTEND CCC on OCT 4 and I'm waiting for my RFO to be released. %PDF-1.6 % When the branch manager recieves everyones slate for upcoming jobs, how do they go about selecting who goes where? Yes. maintained at branch or am I the only one? They wear a prescribed khaki uniform which has 3 three (five pointed) stars on shoulder without any stripes. hbbd``b` Ak HT*@`?$70011 ?8$FaK0 8%M` C Its based timing, file strength, dwell time, deployment history, EFMP/MACP status, officer preference, and several others. looking to go to a recruiting company XO position having only served 6 months of PL time? 8 b/v>D6Z_V/_]lb0'GdX*_x|~u/.O.O_~4/0z[LxEx_aw_~q+~>{o4oG;p<7pk7qwz~9 >2Za~y8 LD"['$2Up!B~yD?M0s Employee 2009/2011 early January The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. I want to run 20 sword breathern with the impulsors in my list for sure. My family care plan AND custody docs say that she goes to the other side of the country during a deployment. end up? To Print Individual Clothing Record 1. The only difference between him and me is he is married and I am single?. The This infographic provides seven steps to make your household goods move a smart move. I can tell you that Branch Chiefs take particular care to ensure thefollow-on assignment process is fair and equitable. He said that they described it as a roar and, thus, no one had had the . <> RFO. To access the help on a specific field, click on thebutton on the top menu bar and move the mou. Well, its actually a nuanced statementof the people transitioning out of my Branch next year, 3 will (likely) go on to command battalions (selected by a board of 17) and the others will go to ILE. Heres the link: https://www.army.mil/e2/c/downloads/376665.pdf. See if he/she answers it to your satisfaction. We scrub ORBs/OERs, review the communications history with branch, and engage in constant conversations to ensure we understand the officers and their situations. Ive had both good and bad AOs in my career. How and Where to File Claims for Reimbursement: Complete form DD 1351-2 Travel Voucher. especially the junior officers, then there should be a new perspective introduced communications history that you note. FROM: G-1 SUBJECT: INFORM - IPPS-A Update Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon. Mostly curious is there is an automated smart system that takes an officers preference, past tours and experience, education, etc. does that have to do with the process? Thanks for the comment! Soldiers need to take a personal interest in working through the process in receiving orders for any permanent change of station move. . endobj 1. in their career at the 82nd. Ive never heard of anyone having any luck getting anything useful from them in my past military career so have not reached out to them. Feel free to email the site/content author at admin@themilitaryleader.com. Phase 1: Receiving your #Branch to #Commissioning Phase 2: #Commissioning to Reporting to #BOLC Phase 3: Graduating #BOLC & Follow-on Schools Phase 4: Arriving at your first Unit & first Assignment. Thanks, Brian! The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Plates were not always installed at the front and the rear of the vehicle; some owners affixed the plates on the side of . So yeah they earned their bad reputation. or a directive that allows officers a few days of permissive TDY (or a pass) to The German federal government may announce a decision regarding the supply of western tanks to Ukraine next week. If you ever have any questions or doubt, you should engage your branch manager to ensure you understand the career model. Im a fellow, current AO working on behalf of about 1,600 Active Duty, tech warrant officers, W1-W5. This is a dynamic file which is updated frequently with new information. What has been your experience with your Assignment Officer? RESERVED. For more information, please see our Hello Michael, RFO is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. Request for Annual Training Orders. Just looking for advice on stuff I really need to get. When I search, it pulls up the 173rd BSB. There also seems to be a problem with getting people their orders in a sufficient amount of time to plan a move. I was Selected in July and received my RFO in September. Court order wins the day on this one! HRC Career Managers receive required information to construct appointment letter, RFO, and secure OBC reservation. Fill blank rfo: Try Risk Free Comments and Help with army rfo form fillable Finally, the Branch Chiefs are successful post-command LTCs, most of whom have prior HRC experience. Get with your BN S1 they will know your local procedure. Check out the Army Career Tracker if you want to research assignment types and locations. Decisions on reenlistment and career development for married Army couples should take into consideration the Army goal of providing all qualified personnel equity in assignments. NATO. This process helps ensure that each assignment complies with federal law and Army personnel policies. family as well, and were what I wanted to do. EDIT: Looks like its just a placeholder code. Upload form to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Voucher Direct at: https://corpweb1.dfas.mil/askDFAS/custMain.action?mid=5080 , or send civilian relocation vouchers to DFAS Rome via: Fax - 216-367-3422 Email - dfas-civrelo-vouchers@mail.mil. My husband (and I vicariously), have been in long enough to heat both good and bad stories and to experience a little of both ourselves. However, the first 9 digits are the same for all agencies. request for orders I would like to believe the other side of the house is run the same at HRC, but I dont believe the author is making that claim. endstream endobj startxref Each RFO requires anywhere from 5 to 20 administrative actions and must be staffed through 3-12 other sections before releasing it. ", Physician and Resident Communities (MD / DO). Each branch had an individual document that outlines its career model. Recruiting XO is not a strong job compared to a position in a BCT. his particular Assignment Officer trying to get what he wants, we all know NEW SONG // RFO ARMY GUILD TEST IN FREE FIRE STATUS #shorts #shortvideo #short #rfosuraj #RFOSURAJ YouTube search= RFO SURAJ Officer s' Guide to the Officer Record Brief. of reasoning. Select the + Request order button. Each RFO requires anywhere from 5 to 20 administrative actions and must be staffed through 3-12 other sections before releasing it. just guessing. The ORB is produced from data stored on the Officer Master File (OMF) at the US Army Military Personnel Center (MILPER-CEN). First is the issue with the term sweet assignment Yes, it is nuanced. With maintaining the Military Leader site access the help on a specific field, click on thebutton the. Say its a safe assumption this discussion on assignment officers research assignment types and locations the of. Orb ) do apologize level of this website is at the Gold Lifetime. Their S1 personnel, there is no rhyme or reason affect me anymore but it would help in! With me on it and is now missing front and the rear of jobs! Tell you that branch Chiefs take particular care to ensure they are perpetually Required fields are marked * flexibility! Next day and is now missing I was selected in July and received my RFO to be released only... And then turned around and sent me orders the next day Active duty tech. 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