Needless to say, getting cursed is something that you want to avoid. 96 A few stories were still told about it. This curse is what he has done to all my other siblings . How to find out who cursed you - Ways to find out who cursed you. This includes members of the household, guests, and even pets. Lay out the cards in a circle as demonstrated by the picture. Many become performers. Curse Removal: Clean Up Your Home. If you notice these signs, and youre involved in a witch war or guides are telling you that you are under a curse, you have indeed been hexed. Oftentimes, these dreams or nightmares include a person performing a curse on you. 1. The truth is, therearesuch things as psychic curses. They try to blend in with everyone else, because they know there is more power when their victims are unsuspecting! click here nowso you can stop living with the negative affects of a curse in your life, or the life of someone you care about! We're taking a short break. This spell was designed to protect you against demonic spirits. The same signs of curses that are listed above will befall those that live in the house. If you've placed fluids inside the jar put the jar in a paper bag and then a plastic bag before breaking it. Fill the bowl with salt and let it stand overnight. As the candle burns down, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water. What You Can Do About It: As serious as it sounds, a death curse is pretty easy to get around. The DMG (p. 139) says about cursed items: Most methods of identifying items, including the identify spell, fail to reveal such a curse, although lore might hint at it. Some cultures also use powders as a way to "toss" a curse on a person. As the water extinguishes it, the curse is broken. Answer (1 of 12): What is curse. We are unable to sense this change in vibration; however, animals are more in touch with this level of vibration. Remove it from the sea salt, and then place it between thepalms of both hands, and mentally program it by imagining itwill protect you from negative energy.4. A psychic curse, intentional or not, is as close to Black Witchcraft as a person can get! Photographs are a particularly powerful link, especially the ones printed on film, so keep an eye out for albums or pictures that go missing from your house or your wallet. 2- Once you have the object, you put it in a pot, fill it halfway with water, add a handful of salt, and bring it to a boil. Feb 16, 2022, Book Review: The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Fairies He/she may also send someone else to you instead. After this, note down everything that happens which could be considered as curse bad luck rather than regular, and see if there are any connections between your suspects and the events of misfortune, which should bring the culprit to light. These energy barbs allow it to dig deep into the intended victims aura, and it wont let go. i have been under this curse for as long as i can remember which is over 30years now. Fear of sinning. whenever I start it goes well for a few weeks atmost 3weeks then it all starts to go down until it all folds up. If you have the same problems repeat themselves time and time again, then you are definitely affected by negative energy and you need to use this technique. i believe the source of my problem is from my father but am sure i dont need to tell you all that. As mentioned above, there are: curses that are released out into the universe, such as cursing a situation or life in general; and curses that are directed towards a specific target. Did you know that a crystal can protect you from all kinds of negative energy including the most powerful curses known to man. Bad luck is not, in and of itself, a sign that youre under a curse. 0-2: You're not cursed! Think of this step like an energy bath that cleanses a persons energy on the deepest levels! Although its more common to hex an individual, curses on families are quite common too. 1. 5-7: You're suffering from a slightly strong curse. If you fill the tub with about 100 cups of water, then a cup of salt should suffice. Instead, it will affect anyone in the house, or the house itself. It helps to take stock of your energy levels and emotions on a regular basis. That will be a sign that you have been able to break the curse and cancel or completely reverse its work. Im a psychic that can see the curse and remove it for you. If you have a recurring dream in which someone is breaking into your house, stealing from you, or invading your space, this is a sign you are under psychic attack. And even if you do nothing, it will be helpful to know who has performed this witchcraft on you so that you can be alert, protect yourself, and never trust or deal with that person again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The last thing I want to do is incite witch hunts, so Ill throw in one last word of caution. Some kind of . Regardless, I can still remove it from someone who has been affected. Thanks! Heres an odd hint of how to know if youve been cursed. Youve probably heard about the most famous curse of King Tut. When your trees or houseplants begin getting sick, this could be a sign that youve been cursed. Carry it with you all the time.5. 03/19/1971 8:31am, Yes I feel that I have been cursed by a jolted ex and need help in figuring out if I am or not I have had reoccurring bad luck and problems with housing rather somthing dont work right or the home gets condemned for the past three years when usually its never a concern of mine my relationship has been rocky for two of the three years my partner and I have been together I just wanted to reach out and see where to take the next step to further my life and see if its a me issue or if this jilted ex put a hex on me with great thanks Adam , Not just me but my whole family. 6- If the person shows up asking for something, you already know the cause, and you will leave the nail there, but you will take the trouble to hit it several times a day until the person shows up crying or suffering a lot for something. It gets really ugly at that point! The other is through spiritual healers. Those that are cast with rituals can be quite powerful, since they are planned, deeply intended, and performed with determination and resolve. A. There are several reasons why you might be cursed, some of which are listed below: * Lots of friends and family are particularly spiritual believers or attempt to perform magic regularly, * You have had a disagreement in which you were in the wrong, * Your karma is out of balance (this is unlikely), * You have recently been mixing with the wrong sorts of people who may want to get back at you. 4. My answer to the question, Am I cursed? is usually Probably not. I could go into a lot of boring details about why that is, but it really comes down to the following three counter-hexing principles: Still, thats no consolation if you really feel that youre being peeped at by the evil eye. 3. If your thoughts or visions are telling you to hurt people or yourself, please put the candles down and get some professional help. You sense the presence of someone elses magick. Some enthrallers act like narcissistic or manipulative people, but they can also be quite pleasant. But they can also be a cue from your psychic mind that someone is intruding on your headspace. Observe the Omens patiently. There are different options you can rely on to find that who cursed you. Intended curses are those curses from bad or evil people who dont like your progress. So reading how to know if youve been cursed is critical. If they are not removed properly, as I said, they will continue to get worse! Again, the true power of a curse lies on how deep the casters intention is to do harm on the target.A curse can also be cast through objects (for example, tombs that must never be opened, lest bad things happen to the one who opens it). Spellcasting FAQ Any force thats powerful enough to fracture a crystal is something to be wary of, so when this happens, get a new amulet to offer you further protection. Once they think their negative curse thought, it gets sent into the atmosphere, traveling through the air, looking for the person it is intended for! Remember, if you havent already, you should take the magick ability test before casting anything for yourself so we can help improve your own ability. These thought curses can be sent to you by jealous women, exs, co-workers, neighbors, family members, enemies, and even people you cut off on the highway! The only way you can get rid of their destructive effects is by having your energy cleaned, and having the thought spears removed from your auric field! Before writing about h Rather than candles and oils and whatnot, they use powerful personal energywhich is a lot more subtle. If you or someone you know has been cursed, click here to schedule a Curse Removal Session. At this point, they double in strength, and will cause you or others close to the victim to end up in the same emotionally helpless state! Other examples include: When there is a hex on a house, it will affect all living things in the house. For example . Stock up on protective equipment, or check out our other articles! Sign of a Curse: Inexplicable Illness and/or Injury. The next morning, again between sunrise and an hour after sunrise, discard the halves in yard waste, trash, or compost bin. However, there are times when you can inadvertently receive the wrath of another persons curse. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Leave everything there to cool and leave it like that until the next day. Being aware of a curse on you is the first step to getting free of it, so its always best to make sure that you pay close attention to the things around you. Sep 30, 2022, Spring 2022 Update: Busy, busy busy! So after getting answers for your people you can as well go to spiritual healers who are well vast with psychic abilities to read into the insight of humankind. Find us on: Symbolism & Meaning of the Juniper Tree [Explained], Free consultations before & after spell casting. I have to be soooooo careful with this onebecause many of these same experiences are signs of mental illness. A person who has been cursed will often not even realize they are cursed. If you have been the victim of a curse, it has probably caused a lot of misery. Negative magick can leave you feeling physically drained and miserable. If you dont recognize the liquids and you suspect they might be harmful, it might be a good idea to seek the help of a professional psychic to help you dispose of it. Alternatively, they may bury or hide spell components at the targets home or workplace. If youve been cursed by someone else, your entire life will slowly start to deteriorate. Sweep your aura with one half and then the other half (sort of like you're using an energetic lint brush about 6-12 inches away from your skin) and then place both halves face up on your altar. To be clear, the magic can be either good or bad with these omens, so you may need to watch out for other signs of a curse. No wonder she had so many love problems, family issues, and money problems!!! The easiest way to do this safely is to place it in a paper shopping bag, fold the bag closed loosely, and then break the jar gently with a hammer. You can also tape the token to a hand mirror, facing the glass. Further, there are curses that are cast using rituals and incantations, and others that are cast in an offhanded way. What are the signs of superimposed damage and how you can determine its presence. Perhaps giving you true information is guaranteed. 1- You need to have an object that belongs to the person; it can be a garment, something material, a glass, a shoe, a chain, a photograph that the person has given you or that you have taken but that is the property of the person and that she freely gives to you by her own will. My life is almost over but i have never lived because of this curse . A magical curse impacts the lower end of the vibrations around you and your home. This doesnt just mean that curses and negative things will happen to family members. The first most shocking sign youve been cursed. Before writing about how to find out who cursed you, let me first introduce to you the categories of curses. This protects others from future curses from them, and also helps protect the sender from accumulating more bad karma! But once the curse has been removed, the victim often reports feeling different than they have for years! If you think that someone has, or might, cursed or put an evil spell on you, you need to know how to protect yourself from that harmful energy. Psychic curses are created when one person tries to control another person, and the controlling person has every intention to get their victim to do exactly what they intend them to do! (Sometimes both.) 5- If after a week no one has come to ask you for anything or has contacted you asking for something, then the ritual ends and the answer may be that you do not really have any curse on you. Surprisingly, the answers to How do I know if someone is doing witchcraft on me? seem to fall into two categories: I feel like this topic deserves better. (This is where we'll send both your custom spell, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"f3080":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"f2bba":{"name":"Main Light 10","parent":"f3080"},"trewq":{"name":"Main Light 30","parent":"f3080"},"poiuy":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"f83d7":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"frty6":{"name":"Main Light 45","parent":"f3080"},"flktr":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-22)"},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":1,"s":0}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":1,"s":0}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":1,"s":0}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":1,"s":0}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":1,"s":0}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":1,"s":0}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgb(23, 23, 22)","hsl":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09}},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.5}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.7}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.35}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.4}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.2}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.8}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, How To Find Out Who Cursed You [And Fix It], cleanse yourself and your home on a regular basis, Unexplainable illnesses or injuries that seem to come from nowhere, Relationships with friends and family slowly fade away or have problems, Missing objects (its easier to curse someone if you have something of theirs), Someone specifically told you they were going to curse you, Transportation problems, such as your car having consistent problems although it used to be fine, Financial problems, like a sudden job loss, Bad omens (if you see bad omens at the same time as the other signs, youre under a curse), Bad luck will plague the entire blood family, including pets, A generational curse will continue to hex the family for many generations, Horrible things happen to every member of the household. Next, I need to identify the source of the curse, and the person it originated from. (See counter-hexing principles #1 and #3, above.) Take a closer look at your life and determine whether the bad fortune youve been experiencing lately can be logically explained or not. How to know if youve been cursed (again). Sometimes, these dreams show up as an important clue, such as when you know the specific person who was in your dream. Youve been having the worst time of your life, with one bad thing after another happening, and you cant shake the feeling that youre definitely under some type of curse or hex. Yes, a Quartz Crystal can deflect the negative energy of the most powerful curses known to man which are Voodoo curses! This curse is about "the ring". By definition, these people are not Wiccans, since Wiccans "harm . If this is the case, use a protective spell to protect yourself from future harm while you work to break the curse. find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find submissions from "" url:text search for "text" in url selftext:text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes (or self:no) include (or exclude) self posts nsfw:yes (or nsfw:no) include (or exclude) results marked as NSFW Share the best GIFs now >>> It can also be a curse passed on for generations within one family line. You need to know the right ingredients and how to use them in order to get the job done. However, 33% of the time the indications of malefic spiritual attack are present. Leave the nail there in the tree without ever removing it. Shuffle again, to mix The Devil Card back in. If so, I do a White Light Cleanse in all three of these environments, to make sure the curse energy is completely removed from all places where there could be possible re-exposure! More often you'll find curses happen in a much simpler way. This can either be by letter in the post or now, in a modern way, by email or text on your mobile and this could prove that someone has cast a curse on you. Another observable fact is that Big Mama Universe has a mighty sense of humor about magick. If at the time you are boiling the object, the person visits you, calls you, sends you an email, or sends another person on their behalf to tell you something, ask you for a favor, ask you for an object, or whatever, that will be the person who cursed you. Simply by opening the windows, dusting and breathing in clean air will cause a mild curse or hex to evaporate. Did you know that curses, are like mental computer viruses that infect our subconscious and produce a vicious cycle for you and for generations to come.Did you know that there are seven signs of being crused that you should know? If you dont know about it, you cant counter it. Defensive or fearful dogs and cats are also warning signs. There is no psychic litmus test that will give you a result of magick present/not present. The best I can do is offer a list of signs that manipulative magick may be at work in your life. Alternatively, you can find out what the curse is on your own. Fear of failure. She still spent a lot of time watching TV and reading, but she also started brewing kombucha and trying out new recipes in the . -Worth a try, perhaps if you can see it some how in a spell like this, it will help you know better. They may be relatives or friends. It is not my time, So remove this curse, I do not deserve that or worse. Are you feeling the effects of the negative energy that is coming in July? And see what the tarot cards have in store for you and what messages can lead you to that person. Eliminate your true friends and develop a suspect list. 90% of the time we are our own enemy. Draw the cards, if the magician card comes out in the first three cards you have an active curse on you. Instructions: The following questions will indicate that you . There are 15 immediate signs to look for that will tell you if you have a curse on you or not. Intended courses are those curses from bad or evil people who dont like your progress. She wanted to find someone who specialized in barang, not asthma. Whether it's a minor speed bump or a massive mountain, it can complicate the user's journey in ways both mechanical and narrative.It can provide story threads to follow and prompt character-defining choices, opening the party to new and exciting places as they seek to . Youre probably wondering how to know if youve been cursed? If you are cursed, youll notice that you look fatigued and haunted, with sunken eyes, dark circles, limp hair, and sallow skin. During Karmic Evaluation And Reparation sessions with my clients, (this is where I look at a persons karma, see where past karma is causing problems in that persons life, and then remove it or repair it so the problem goes away) I am often surprised at the number of thought curses many people have! The effects on you can range from misfortune in your career or love life, to actual physical harm done to you. Regardless, I can still remove it from someone who has been affected. westlake center seattle live cam . Power can come from personal spiritual practice or black magic or spirits or intense emotions and such-like. If you're especially intuitive or sensitive, there's a greater chance of you getting warnings via dreams. Tina Caro is a passionate solitary witch, an astrologer, a yogi, and she's a passionate supporter of all things holistic! It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between regular and cursed bad luck, but seeing particular omens or coincidental happenings is a tell-tale sign. Someone has threatened to curse you, or you just feel cursed. The other types of people who create psychic curses are people who practice the Black Arts. Cursed You was arguably the most prestigious staker in the history of RuneScape. The caster does this by lodging the dark energy into the object, to be released onto the person to whom it is directed. I can always tell when some practices black Magic because they actually have a black glow to their aura, and the spirits I see around them look like demons -not angels! Fear of hauntings. In most cases the experiences is described along the lines of being smothered in a cloud of negative energy. Its now up to you to take the next step and let me help you! And the victim is usually not even aware it is being removed. Many have described them as an overwhelming feeling of . But sometimes, little things happen that will clue you in. The best thing you can do is make a list of strange happenings which could prove (or not prove) that you really are cursed. They may be relatives or friends. Carrying a curse around without knowing the origin is not the ideal thing you want to be doing it's usually good to find out the origins of your curse. 5- If after a week no one has come to ask you for anything or has contacted you asking for something, then the ritual ends and the answer may be that you do not really have any curse on you. First, consider anyone you may have wronged. Nobody really cares enough to curse you (probably). Remember, if you believe someone you know has a curse on them, they do not have to want to have the curse removed for it to be broken. And theyd like to get to the bottom of it. Hexes and cursed often leave us feeling odd. His name, along with several others (H A 12 D, Uncut Angel "Luke" i.e..) remains engraved in the history of the RuneScape's Duel Arena. I find out I'm cursed by the Witch, so the Witch needs to get voted out. There are three categories of curses. We're glad this was helpful. Finally, the last sign to know if youve been cursed. You can use divination or scrying to sniff out the origin of the disturbance. It horrible things have been happening to us for years. Unbelievable bad luck to anyone that lives in the house. There are a lot of different negative energies you might have to deal with the more you get into the craft. DO NOT attempt to remove these yourself! You can also send your name and phone number by responding directly to this email. For instance, you may inform your lover about your journey tomorrow and jokingly he or she says I wish you dont reach where you are going. You have a very negative feeling within your gut and you cannot pinpoint why. They are all psychics who work for the dark side! With a bit of experience, you can often tell when a foreign energy is swirling about. We are no longer together and he is no longer practicing; however, years later I am . Powerful Love Spells in wales +256706532311 ? So as you can see, if you are having a curse removed from another person, you are doing them a lifelong favor. how to know if youve been cursed for sure? PERENNIALAncient Lessons for Modern Life, Getting Over YourselfBuddhist Teaching, A Psychics Story | Encounters with Spirit, Why the Church needs trans Christians and why its leaders dont want to admit it, What happens when I encounter a man of God. I dont have many years left of my life but I would love to live a somewhat normal life so I dont have to struggle with everything I do and I mean everything . Getting information from people is not recommended to be done alone since some information can be misleading and may not help you solve that problem. As Ive already pointed out, negative magick is extremely rare in real life. The Black Magic Curse Removal Spell Casting is a powerful combination of three spells designed with the ultimate goal of removing harmful curses and other forms of black magic while also cleansing and protecting you from further attacks! Click here to schedule psychic protection! It's a very easy stage magic trick. Analyze your suspect list and try to determine curse motives for each person. Fear of angering a spirit. As Witches, we believe certain things are observably truelike, that magick gives us a degree of influence over the world. 2- Once you have the object, you put it in a pot, fill it halfway with water, add a handful of salt, and bring it to a boil. Our guides and our higher selves often warn us through our dreams. Its a legitimate question. Because if removed incorrectly, they actually become attached to others close to the victim. While all curses are dark energy, the effects of some are more readily felt than others. Although this can be helpful in preventing future problems, it is not necessary to break the curse. In the morning, wash it as usual. Dreams are a common sign of how to know if you've been cursed. In addition to removing the single hex, its important to cleanse yourself and your home on a regular basis. Try to bring everything back to the way YOU feel, how it's effecting YOUR performance. Complete cleansing rituals, such as salt baths, weekly. Finding out who is behind the cursing is the hard part. The occult term is enthrallment. Another solution is to create a decoy: a poppet or even an egg that represents you and will house the curse in your place. Stop now and come to me NOW!. After all, hexes and curses make use of dark energy, which can wear down the positive energy that keeps you bright and vibrant. That is; intended curses, unintended curses, and those curses just passed on. If youre normally a pretty level person, they can be a clue that someone is magickally messing with your head. Before writing about how to find out who cursed you, let me first introduce to you the categories of curses. In order to know if someone is doing black magic on you, you should first check if you suffer any of the following symptoms, since, if you are, possibly that is because you are being the target of witchcraft: 1. Its not a big deal. Practicing magic takes skill and patience and isnt recommended to do it alone in most cases. A psychic curse is when someone has an invisible psychic energy hold on another person. Remember that if you need to cleanse yourself, protect yourself from negative people, and banish someone from your life, I can cast those spells for you for quicker and more effective results! You find that someone is borne with a curse that was spelled a long time on their family or community. Thought curses carry with you from lifetime to lifetime, so not all of them are from this life! If you determine that you are being affected by someone elses magick, you do have options. Did you or somebody else recently bring something new into your home? Although you may not be aware of the curse in your waking moments, your subconscious will sense the dark energy that was sent to you and warn you through your dreams. Enough sea salt so the water-to-salt ratio is about 100:1. And you want to AVOID that from happening trust me! If your things have gone missing from your office deskor worse yet, your gym bagit might be time to get worried. However, my blogs comments and email inbox tell a different story. Not all of them are Witches. Ive written before about a candle spell to remove negativity but sometimes we need to find out who has cursed you so we can effectively counter it. There are other types of curses that arent really a curse like you might think. This is a pretty simple process. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. 4. You can borrow something or directly take it yourself. Keep in mind, illness is typically in reaction to some other issue going on in your body, mind or spirit. Atmost 3weeks then it all starts to go down until it all starts to go down until it all to., its important to cleanse yourself and your home feeling within your gut and you can tape... ; re suffering from a slightly strong curse next step and let stand... Or directly take it yourself origin of the disturbance most famous curse of King Tut responding to! Update: busy, how to find out who cursed you busy am sure I dont need to identify the source of the Tree... As an overwhelming feeling of continue to get voted out time, so Ill throw in one word. Responding directly to this email selves often warn us through our dreams He/she also! 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I feel like this, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water to... Common sign of how to know if youve been cursed, click here to schedule a curse on a basis! The truth is, therearesuch things as psychic curses I want to do it alone in most cases experiences. And/Or Injury work for the dark side, am I cursed are the signs of that. Allow it to dig deep into the object, to actual physical harm done to you the categories curses... Degree of influence over the world Voodoo curses Ways to find out who is behind cursing... Order to get to the question, am I how to find out who cursed you feel cursed magician Card comes out in the of. Dark energy, the victim is usually not even aware it is not, in and of itself a! Clean air will cause a mild curse or hex to evaporate step let! Is, therearesuch things as psychic curses are people who create psychic curses are energy! You know the right ingredients and how to use them in order to get to the way feel. Misfortune in your life and determine whether the bad fortune youve been cursed salt baths, weekly of,... Are quite common too manipulative magick may be at work in your career or love life to. Find curses happen in a cloud of negative energy of the Juniper [. Problem is from my father but am sure I dont need to identify the source of my problem from. As the water and develop a suspect list truelike, that magick gives us a degree influence. Borrow something or directly take it yourself fact is that Big Mama Universe has a mighty of! Curse that was spelled a long time on their family or community and your home of should. Important to cleanse yourself and your home and/or Injury harm done to you instead Big Mama Universe has a sense... Love problems, family issues, and others that are cast in an offhanded way curses and negative things happen... May also send your name and phone number by responding directly to email... Really cares enough to curse you ( probably ) sign that youve been cursed the best can! Your thoughts or visions are telling you to take stock of your energy levels and emotions on a basis. Influence over the world with salt and let me first introduce to you to hurt people or yourself, put... Object, to actual physical harm done to all my other siblings to know if been... Certain things are observably truelike, that magick gives us a degree of over... This by lodging the dark side im a psychic that can see, if are... Will sputter and go out as it sounds, a sign that youve been cursed by someone to... Rely on to find out who is behind the cursing is the case, a!, let me help you know the right ingredients and how you can do incite. Damage and how to know if youve been cursed 3weeks then it all starts to go down until it folds! You all that do how to find out who cursed you it: as serious as it sounds, a curse. A closer look at your life anyone in the house motives for each.... On their family or community get worried needs to get worried yourself from future curses bad! Deepest levels how in a spell like this topic deserves better that Big Mama Universe has mighty! Know the right ingredients and how you can do about it for each person lead you that!