Klaus arrives and tries to intervene but the witches pin him to the wall using their powers. Often she pairs soft, feminine pieces such as fashionable dresses and skirts with leather or denim, such as belts, boots, or jeans. In Le Grand Guignol, Hayley holds Cleste captive in the bayou. Elijah appears on a balcony where Hayley is and confirms that her family is safe, Hayley thanks him and hugs him affectionately. He tells they needs to talk about a ritual to save Hope and to stop the Hollow. Hayley calls Klaus and tells him that something has happened to Elijah since he was to be a decoy and has vanished. Hayley finds out Eva has escaped and Vincent joined up with her, she, Marcel and Elijah wonder what to do next. She makes it clear that she won't allow him to do anything wrong to her people. As Cami is putting the files away, Hayley notices she has large pin-pricks going down her spine and asks what's on her back. In The River in Reverse, Hayley is seen to be taking care of a sick Elijah, who was bitten by Klaus in the previous episode. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, Hayley and Jackson were captured by the Strix and taken to Tristan. Hayley and Freya talk about her talisman. Hayley Marshall-Kenner (born Andrea Labonair) . She then gets in her bed with Hope sleeping next to her. She says Klaus is afraid of trusting anyone and she then decides to tell him about Hope. When questioned further, rather than reveal his secrets, Shen chose to kill himself, removing his daylight ring and burning to death in the sunlight. Hayley joins Freya as she does a spell to find Elijah. Hayley is angry and says since it doesn't want to be Alpha, she'll rescue Oliver herself. The Harvest Girls do their spell and Klaus and Hayley wake up in the Ancestral Plane. She receives a call from Rebekah and is told by her to make her brother's sacrifice count. In They All Asked For You, Hayley agrees with Klaus that they need to send the wolves to find Finn and Freya. After he found out about her and Hope, he drifted away and Ansel found him and taught him the old ways of being a werewolf. Hayley sighs in relief that Freya is okay. leaving Josh and Kol behind. As of that episode, Hayley regained custody of her baby and moved out to live outside the compound with Hope and Jackson, just in eyesight and earshot of Klaus. He then says to take care of her and leaves. After the two found her coffin, they received a call from Elijah who told them that Freya must break the circle which is keeping Davina's spirit safe, in order to draw power from the Ancestral Plane and finally kill Lucien once and for all. They talk about Hope and that she is okay. The vampire hisses it was a bad move coming to the quarter- as werewolves were chased away by Marcel- and she huffs she is sick and tired of vampire's telling her what to do before throwing the cup into his face. She was the last Labonair and that could have been leveraged for the vampires, but instead, he brought her to Father Kieran. When Elijah discovers that Rebekah is missing they are going to find her. Hayley Marshall-Kenner (born Andrea Labonair) is a main character in The Originals.She was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as a werewolf who later on became a hybrid in The Originals.She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective".She is the wife of Jackson Kenner and is one of the alphas of the Crescent Wolf Pack, co-ruling with Alex Gilbert. They go inside to see Hope sleeping, she asks Klaus if he wants her to wake up Hope. Andrea Labonair was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on June 6, 1991, into the Labonair Family. She then picks a branch and uses it as a torch, and leads Kayla through the woods to show her something. After they finish talking, Hope stopped crying and is sleeping. She has become stronger and more reliable, especially to her fellow werewolves. She tells Mary everything she does is for Hope. Freya apologizes for not telling Hayley that Keelin was still hanging around the Mikaelsons. Marcel is the one who ultimately saves the baby. After they get through the river, they arrive at a road and a werewolf drives up with a car ready, and they load up on the truck. Jackson complies and tells her that he will meet her back home. In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Hayley sees a photo album, specifically a photo of her parents when her mother was pregnant with her. Sometime later, Hayley finds Sofya, who's possessed by the Hollow. She tells her that Lara got caught up in the cult and killed herself because she couldn't get out of it. And the witches that tried to kill my babythey're worth nothing more than food.Hayley. She tells Mary that she is there to talk about the massacre the night before. They walk through the door and when the receptionist calls some guards, she and Klaus fight them off. As Hayley and Freya talk. Klaus tells her that this is who they are. She is also the wife of Jackson Kenner and the Queen of the Crescent Wolf Pack. She tells him about Keelin and he tells her to release her as it'll just keep being in her mind if she doesn't. When Elijah is alone with her he tells her that went far too easy and that she shouldn't trust any of them. But the spell keeping him there is too strong and Hayley offers to help Freya break the spell, allowing her to be channeled. A member tells her she's no a member anymore, and she shows her claws and gold eyes, and tells them that she is still a wolf. Hayley howls and begs Tyler to spare her daughter and to help her to hide the baby from Klaus. He knows that Elijah's soul is in her talisman and begs for Freya to bring him back. Then she goes to The Abattoir to see her daughter. She tells him that he's the threat since he has a thousand enemies and that he's so paranoid he can't see that the wedding could actually bring Hope to them. When Rebekah is about to leave, she apologizes to Hayley about the things she said when she was insane. Klaus says he thought Hayley and Elijah were together the night before. Klaus asks Hayley if she knows any of Katherine's allies, and she responds teasingly that she might know a couple and she might even tell him about them. When Purist vampires come to attack New Orleans, kidnap Hayley, and then kidnap her daughter, they reunite briefly. He hands her a robe and after she puts it on, she hugs him. He then grabs her and she fights back, realizing that The Hollow is controlling her dream, she rips out Jackson's heart killing him, she finally wakes up still bound to a chair. He asks what's wrong and Hayley says Elijah called and said Klaus is gone and they don't know where he went. After Hope tells her she wants to stay and keep her company, Hayley shows her she's not alone as they see Jackson, and that both her parents and Mary are there as well. He tells her he will leave her alone and that they still love each other, and then kiss. When Hayley hears the tune Dahlia is humming she becomes terrified. At the feast a group of men appears, they bring a message from Marcel and they cut their wrist. He wants to talk with the werewolves about their alliance with Klaus. He tells her that she's tough like her dad. After the attacks are over, Hayley tells him that the attacks are just going to get worse and they need to get married as soon as possible. Her wolf form is grey and brown and has yellow/gold glowing eyes. Two Strix members attack Hayley, before Marcel rips their hearts out. Klaus demands to know what happened with Elijah's soul and her talisman. She goes through the files Kieran has on werewolf rituals and ceremonies, and concludes it sounds more like folklore and fables. Hayley tells Klaus to stay and take care of Hope, Elijah then gives her a warning about meeting with Marcel and then she leaves. Freya offers to use Jackson to trace her magic to locate her and Hayley tells her to do it. Hayley is the third main character to be a. Hayley looks down and quickly admits "just a little one". Hayley finds it's going be a girl and Sabine goes into psychic fit chatting in a strange language. : 31 years old Zodiac sign : Cancer Date of birth : July 12, 1989, in Sydney Place of birth : New South Wales, Australia Birthday : July 12th Phoebe Tonkin's body measurements Body measurements : 34-24-34 inches (86-61-86cm) Height / how tall is he? He then tells her that the whole time they were together she still wanted and loved Elijah. Mary tells her that Jackson is depressed, drinking whisky and shooting arrows at the The Bayou. Hayley is too overwhelmed and leaves St. Anne's church. Jackson thinks that she deserves to know and he tells her that they have made an alliance with Klaus. In The Originals, Hayley's personality is further explored. In Crescent City, Rebekah takes Hayley to the plantation house to keep her safe from witches. She was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as a werewolf who later on became a hybrid in The Originals. In Beautiful Mistake, Hayley along with Marcel, a vampire of notable skill and power, were both easily overpowered and defeated by Shen Min, a non-Original vampire who was over 800 years old and suffering from Hayley's bite, both would have most definitely been killed by him if it had not been for Elijah's intervention. Hayley tells Jackson and Marcel to get the rest of the Alphas to the cabin to protect them from the vampires. Hayley is the first hybrid to fall under the Crescent curse. And asks him for his help on going through her parent's things. He took her, protecting her (following his rules about kids). Hope says no, she is scared, she doesn't want the Hollow to hurt Hayley. Hayley reveals she invited Josh to the funeral and after he says his goodbyes to Aiden, she gives Josh a hug. She is the first parent to be turned into a vampire/hybrid by her child. She tells her she knows where her parents were killed and she wants her to do a reading. When she awakes she shows the ability to know where her baby is, even if she is hidden from her by a powerful spell. She tries to get her to stay, but it is interrupted by Rebekah. Klaus came closer and asked "How is our Littlest Wolf today? They have grown closer after she decided to her move to the bayou. Upset that she had miss Hope's milestones and after a heavily heated fight with Klaus as she threatens Klaus with a custody battle if needed. In An Old Friend Calls, Hayley is at the compound looking at a piece of paper with a list of names on it. Hayley Marshall-Kenner (born Andrea Labonair) was a main character of The Originals. He then says it's why he loves her and she tells him that she loves him too. She introduces him to Hope and Klaus, who mistakes Klaus as her husband. He responds that it shouldn't matter to her as long as her people benefit from it. She is not dating anyone. To tell him he was right. Enough with the charade, Hayley demands the Hollow to return her daughter back to her. Klaus assumes that Tyler and Hayley had a fling, which Hayley does not deny. She then tells Klaus that being kind doesn't make him weak and then leaves. Towards the end of her pregnancy, she wears a lot of dresses. Hayley holds hands with Freya while she begins her spell. She fights back against Elijah and runs. After Freya leaves Hayley stays behind and continues to go through her family stuff. Rebekah warns her she should've left the moment Elijah disappeared and Hayley responds that she can't as she isn't able to leave New Orleans due to the spell binding her to Sophie. When Hayley, Jackson and a few other werewolves are sitting at a campfire she feels her baby kick for the first time on screen. She confesses to him that she read his journals to find Celeste's body, because Sophie could help her family with their curse. Later on, she and Elijah talk outside the house and he tells her that she doesn't have the Mikaelson heart and that there's too much good in her. Once she showed up at Tyler's house, Klaus immediately suspected Tyler's secrecy about Hayley was born of him cheating on Caroline with her. As another werewolf, Hayley earned Tyler's trust and helped him turn over and over again until he finally broke the sire bond. While they are in the tunnel they find Klaus. Hayley is nervous and asks Freya if she is capable of getting Elijah back. She asks him if he's worried about Marcel and he tells her he can suffer. Marcel tells her that he bought her life with that heart. She uses a tourniquet on one of the wolves, Eve asks her where she learned that. She tells him the wolves don't want to fight, they just want a better life. They try to come up with their own to save Elijah. Hayley seems annoyed by this, but quickly forgives him. She tells him he chose him and married him. Genevieve and Monique reveal that they will sacrifice her baby. She has a private talk with Klaus to ask him where Elijah is. While Hope goes to the garden, she and Klaus talk about her and tells him he has a lot to live up to. When Elijah arrives at the warehouse where Hayley is at, she swings an ax at the female vampire in the chair and decapitates her, splattering blood on herself in the process. Caroline and Klaus see Hayley and Tyler arrive, which seems to upset Caroline. After Rebekah and Klaus argue over Klaus' "friendship" with Marcel and Elijah's sudden disappearance, Hayley is seen sitting upon the stairs, seemingly watching and listening to the two siblings arguing. Jackson tells her to keep letting it out and when she attacks him, she apologizes and he tells her he's not going anywhere. As Freya recites a spell, the Mikaelsons become lifeless and Hayley stands alone. Oliver suggests that vampires are responsible for this. They are honest with each other and are currently working together to protect their child as well as protecting each other. Hayley talks with Rebekah about her relationship with Elijah. She thanks Klaus for his help on keeping Hope safe. He tells her could feel Dahlia and that she was nothing but darkness. In New Orleans, Hayley is told by Jane-Anne that in the bayou the wolves were named "Roux-Ga-Roux", Jane-Anne shows her an area on a map to go saying it'll give her what she's looking for. Hayley tells them Marcel is right behind them, and that they need to keep moving. Before the series began, it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant with Klaus' baby from their one night stand. how old was hayley marshall when she died the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger summary Ranel "Rae" Marshall died on July 4, 2021, after being shot sitting in a car in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. She also told to Klaus that she will never find peace and her pain will not fade until she can hold Hope in her arms again. In Always and Forever, Sophie tells Elijah about Hayley and her pregnancy, and she has her coven bring her out to Elijah. They find the unit they are looking for and Hayley takes the key and unlocks it. She puts Jackson's hand on her belly so that he can feel it too. This quote is the fundamental moral of how Hayley, and eventually Klaus, looks at family and parenthood. She was born as Andrea Labonair in New Orleans into one of the two ruling families of the Crescent Wolf Clan, but her mother and father were killed by Richard Xavier Dumas. Hayley assassins Kara Nguyen and kills 11 other witches as result of being witnesses. Worried about changing the plan, Hayley texts Shane about having problems, but he merely tells her to fix it. Later, they become enemies when Tyler tries to take her life and her then-unborn daughter's life away from each other. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Hayley joins Klaus on his journey to find Rebekah's body, which Klaus buried somewhere in the Bayou. Their friendship effectively ended when Hayley revealed to him her part in the massacre of his pack. She lunges at Eva to get away from Hope and before she can check on her, Eva telekinetically throws her back into the bedroom. While Klaus goes to find Agnes, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool as Sophie makes a potion and gives it to Hayley until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease, saving Hayley of losing her child. She doesn't say a word to him and walks away. Hayley recovers from her snapped neck and she arrives just in time to save Jackson. She can be somewhat of a tomboy, in that she doesn't buy into the usual expectations held for teenage girls; she scoffs at high school pretenses, doesn't seem to get on well with other girls, and holds her own against her male counterparts. He cryptically tells her that its far from over and that they are just the beginning. Ansel refuses to let any werewolves die to save one, but tells her he'll hold them off while she takes Oliver. Hayley tells him the plan is to walk into the coven house and stop the desiring spell. Jackson tells her he was angry all the time and that when he took over as Alpha, it calmed him down a little bit. How old is hope in season 4 Legacies? When he tells her that they kept giving the vampire werewolf venom over and over again, until the last shot was so powerful it killed her. When she puts an infliction spell on both her and Klaus, he puts his claws into her thigh and Eva jumps out the window, and both Klaus and Hayley check on Hope. Jackson asks about Klaus and Hayley says she can handle him, and they entwine their fingers and hold their hands up, and then kiss. In A Closer Walk With Thee, while she was investigating about Francesca Guerrera's involvement in the Bayou attack Hayley was hexed by Monique who wanted to kill her child. After Hollis gets done talking on the phone, he asks the two to turn it down a bit and tells her about Kayla McInnis. She tells them about the unification ceremony and if she and Jackson get married, they all would inherit her abilities and not have to use the rings anymore. They open the door and see a bunch of people chained up and attached to IV drips. Gia tries to calm her down, but Hayley will have none of it. Hayley gets off the phone from Mary who is at her apartment wanting to talk to her. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Hayley heads to the The Compound after Elijah texted her to help him. Marcel does not trust Lucien because he ran away with Aurora the first chance he got, however, Hayley is still mad at Marcel for handing over her Jackson's heart to The Strix. She tells him she is trying to get The Hollow out of Hope. In Sanctuary, Hayley and Jackson talk and she says she knows she has to divulge her great secrets, but she can't and she can't even tell why either. Hayley smiles widely, thrilled by this gift, and Davina smiles back at her as happily as Hayley is. Hayley says she will handle Marcel. While she's driving she calls Elijah, she tells him that she's fine and asks him to take care of the pack. Marcel Gerard was able to get her out of town after her parents' death. Unfortunately, Oliver starts coughing up blood and Hayley says that the witches gave him until midnight. which will discuss all of Rick Riordan's projects, new and old. Klaus then takes Hayley to his mansion, where he plays the hospitable host in order to glean information about Katherine. As a baby, she was betrothed to Jackson, the heir of the second family of royalty in order to unite the two bloodlines which had grown apart due to in-fighting. She and Camille were also killed by major female antagonists. Sophie reveals more details about the spell Jane-Anne had cast before Marcel killed her. Whole time they were together the night before to use Jackson to trace her magic to locate her tells. 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