What significance do colors have in the Bible? Jesus quotes the Old Testament over 40 times in the Gospels, and he quotes specific passages from the books of Isaiah, Psalms, and Hosea more than a dozen times each. 13:19; cf. Around 1,400 BC, Moses met the Lord Jesus often, at the burning bush, at Mt. Subscribe & receive the Hidden Names of God in Psalm 23, A Room with a View of EternityThe Last Will & Testament of Jesus Christ, What is the Significance of the Wise Men's, How Did the Wise Men Know This Was the Messiah and. He told that salvation had come to them (Isa 62:11,Matt 21:5). Jesus quoting from every book of the Pentateuch and eight of Gods prophets. The Least Popular Book?) 21 Bible Verses about Breaking Of Bread. endobj The most famous example of this is when Jesus told his disciples about how John the Baptist had been beheaded by King Herod and then said: It is written in the book of Psalms (Matt 14:9 NIV). Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aaa3ae77c09beb39d4bf9183201f5899" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Help me get equipped andbe encouraged so I am empowered to know, live, and share my faith. endobj <>26]/P 23 0 R/Pg 9 0 R/S/Link>> Jesus affirmed that God created the world (Mk. Jesus made reference to the Law and Prophets as a unit,Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill,(Matt. Reasons for Hope* Jesus exists to glorify God by equipping you to know Jesus better, to love Jesus more & to share your faith. 40:6 in the Hebrew Old Testament. %PDF-1.7 % the importance of keeping a vow (Ex 30:7, Matt 5:33). Many are familiar with Jesus quotes from the book of Deuteronomy when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Deut 6:13,16,8:3;Matt 4:4,7,10;Luke 4:4,8,12). 2 0 obj Consequently, there are many important and favorite passages in this book, and it was clearly a favorite of Jesus as evidenced when. Noun Adjective Synonyms for Many numerous The definition of numerous is something that has many elements or that is large in number. noun. This is an interesting moment because Jesus shows us that He understands His life through Scripture. Jesus last words on the cross are recorded in three of the four gospels (Matthew 27:46-50; Mark 15:34-37; Luke 23:46-49). But how many people know that Jesus quoted from the Old Testament? The top one, as you might have guessed, is the Book of Psalms! He also quoted this book many other times. The New Testament also makes many allusions to it, which is how you can tell that certain passages were inspired by or echoing specific verses in the Old Testament. Its important to note that not all of these quotes are direct citations or exact copies. The Old Sharon does not have many friends. Jesus quoted the OT 7 times in his own words in the gospels of Matthew and Mark (Matthew 24:32-33; Mark 13:30-31). We rejected Him, and He died for us. For example, when he said: I tell you the truth, he was quoting Isaiah 55:11. How much money have you got? 2. : being one of a large but indefinite number. The Least Popular Book?) Sometimes Jesus or someone else will paraphrase or summarize what theyre quoting from the Old Testament. A Lesson for All of UsJesus was quick to wield His Sword, which is the Word of God. Jeremiah:Jesus quoted the prophet Jeremiah when He spoke of the lack of understanding of the people (Jer 5:21, Mark 8:18) and the purpose of Gods house and the peoples abuse of it (Jer 7:11, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46). Exodus ranks high on the quotes list of Jesus. <. But Jesus quoted from many other books of our Old Testament. For example: I dont have much money. 19:4-6). When summing up the law and the prophets: love God, and love your neighbor as yourself (Deut 6:5; Matt 22:37; Mark 12:29-33; Luke 10:27).When citing the Ten Commandments (Deut 5:7, 6:13, Matt 4:10; Luke 4:8; Deut 5:16; Matt 15:4-9; 19:19; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Deut 5:17; Matt 5:21-22; 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Deut 5:18; Matt 5:27-28; 19:18; Mark 10:11-12, 19; Luke 16:18; 18:20; Deut 5:20; Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Deut 5:21; Luke 12:15; Deut 6:4-5, Mark 12:29-30; Deut 6:5, Matt 22:37)When discussing divorce (Deut 24:1-3; Matt 5:31, 19:7; Mark 10:4).When defining church discipline (Deut 19:15; Matt 18:16).When telling that man is to fear God (Deut 6:13, Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8; Deut 6:16, Matt 4:7, Luke 4:12).When telling that man is to live by the Word of God (Deut 8:3, Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4) and to keep his word (Deut. John 4:10 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water. Its also more than the Old Testament quotes itself! Jesus quotes from Scripture a lot, giving us a great example of why memorizing and quoting Scripture is edifying for the believer. }mfo;M6P?VZ8^A?oc?}#PW(kQ?TfYr2 She had the long blond hair, which I found out was bleached with peroxide and ironed with her mother's clothes iron. <>14]/P 21 0 R/Pg 9 0 R/S/Link>> For example, when he said: I tell you the truth, he was quoting Isaiah 55:11. In the Bible, we also read of many time when Jesus quoted the truths of God from the Hebrew Scriptures, including: The teachers in the Temple were astounded by His understanding and answers (Luke 2:42, 4647).Jesus used Gods Word to resist the devil (Matt 4:111, Luke 4:1-13) at the beginning of His ministry.Jesus called upon Gods Word to respond to the Pharisees (Matt 22:4146 et.al.) He told that His ministry will draw people to Him (Isaiah 54:13; Jn 6:45). Jesus wanted His listener to know loud and clear that the One that the Psalms promised, the coming Messiah, the Lamb who would take away the sin of the world, had arrived. 19:16-19,Matt 5:33). One of the most intriguing things about the Bible is how Jesus and the Holy Spirit made reference to it in their own words. The four books that Jesus quoted from the most are Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, and Psalms. But Jesus quoted from many other books of our Old Testament. The Old Testament is referenced or alluded to over 300 times in the New Testament. The most often quoted/paraphrased/alluded to Old Testament book in the New Testament is Deuteronomy. endobj Your generosity is both a blessing and encouragement. Quite a few; many 112 33 countless The definition of countless is too many to be 26 0 obj Sinai when the Lord Jesus wrote the ten commandments with His own finger, and many times in the Tabernacle (so much so that Moses face glowed every time he left his meeting with the Lord). He did this, however, not by simply quoting the words of the OT but rather by rephrasing them in his own words. Do we hide His Word in our hearts and allow it to fill our minds and direct our words and actions? Verse Concepts. <>/P 25 0 R/S/Link>> In 1 Timothy 5:18 Paul quotes both the Torah and Jesus at the same time. Suppose this really did happen just as the Bible says it did. Jesus also used quotations from the Old Testament to give authority to his claims. Discussing; Jesus quotes old testament in Matthew, Jesus quotes the Old Testament in Luke. Hosea: Jesus told that He came for sinners, not the righteous (Hos 6:6, Matt 9:13, Matt 12:7) and of calamity in the end times (Hos 10:8, Luke 23:30), Jonah:Jesus told of the sign of His death and resurrection that would be given the people (Jonah 2:17, Matt 12:40). What Does it Mean to Taste and See that the Lord is Good? Your email address will not be published. But thats not actually true. Jesus last words on the cross are recorded in three of the four gospels (Matthew 27:46-50; Mark 15:34-37; Luke 23:46-49). Jesus quoted the Old Testament more than 100 times, according to some sources. Use many if the noun is countable (e.g., oranges, children). endobj There are also occasions when Jesus refers to a story from the Old Testament but doesnt actually quote it word-for-wordinstead, he just tells us what happened in broad strokes. (Ps 82:6, John 10:34). Moses and other prophets also quote the Old Testament. 36 0 obj 2020-09-16T09:50:59-07:00 There are too many students in this class. =I5C2aMuXT 8n#cV[;`a*4 Deuteronomy Many will be quick to suggest it was Deuteronomybecause of their familiarity with Jesus responses to Satan with it is written. While its true that Jesus used the powerful words from Deuteronomy to silence the Devil, it was not the book that Jesus quoted the most. We also read in Isaiah has often been called the evangelical prophet because he says more about the coming of the Messiah and the redemptive work of Jesus than any other book of the Old Testament. Amazingly, Jesus and Paul used the LXX as their primary Bible. talking about his betrayal (Ps 41:9, John 13:18). Jesus gives us an important example: we can trust the Psalms to help us articulate what we are feeling in our hearts and our souls. Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ. 16 0 obj Commit, today, to learn Gods truths so you can be ready always to give an answer that begins with It is written. The most famous example of this is when Jesus told his disciples about how John the Baptist had been beheaded by King Herod and then said: It is written in the book of Psalms (Matt 14:9 NIV). Sinai when the Lord Jesus wrote the ten commandments with His own finger, and many times in the Jesus uses this passage to condemn divorce. <>16]/P 21 0 R/Pg 9 0 R/S/Link>> endobj Daniel is an important book of end times prophesy and Jesus quoted from this book when speaking of judgment of the unredeemed (Dan 3:6, Matt13:42, 50), of signs that will appear before He comes again (Dan 7:13, Matt 24:30, 26:64, Mark 13:26,14:62), of the abomination of desolation when the Antichrist is revealed (Dan 9:27, Matt 24:15), and of what they should do in response (Dan 11:31, Mark 13:14). For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.. When defining church discipline (Deut 19:15; Matt 18:16). Jesus referred to the entire Canon by mentioning all the prophets from Abel (from Genesis, the first book, and first martyr) to Zechariah (Chronicles, the last book, and the last martyr) (Matt. "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'". As weve seen, there are many instances of Jesus and the apostles quoting the Old Testament. the Jews wanted to stone Him for claiming to be God. 35 0 obj Deuteronomy comes in second for the book most often quoted, with Isaiah and Exodus ranking third and fourth respectively. You will need to practise your speech many times, as it will be an emotional day, and your emotion may change how. Zechariah: Jesus told that the disciples would desert Him (Zec 13:7,Matt 26:31,Mark 14:27). However, Jesus had some quite different things to say regarding the books of the Old Testament. article. Sometimes Jesus or someone else will paraphrase or summarize what theyre quoting from the Old Testament. at the end of His earthly life.The Holy Scriptures give a record of Jesus quoting from every book of the Pentateuch and eight of Gods prophets. For example, the Qumran community contemporized the Old Testament (a.k.a. He is still quoting Scripture, and still trusting in the power of Gods Word. The Bible is full of references to the Old Testamentand its not just Jesus who did this. If Jesus believed our Old Testament was Scripture, shouldn't we? The only significant difference is that in Luke the second temptation is concerning the kingdoms of the world, and the third is the Sign up for free and be the first to get notified about updates. and its words were quoted more often by Jesus than the words from any other book. endobj Micah: Jesus told that He would bring division (Mic 7:6, Matt 10:35-36). Because of His death on the cross, we can approach Him in worship and say, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! He has redeemed us to worship. If so, He quoted from the Old Testament 84 times. Without doubt this passage finds fulfillment in the birth of Jesus. This gut-wrenching question, where on the first reading it seems that our Savior is experiencing totaldespair, we soon see that He is as faithful to the Father as always. 1.) for it is written, Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him. ( Matthew 4:10 NRSV) There is no doubt about the authority of Deuteronomy. He did this, however, not by simply quoting the words of the OT but rather by rephrasing them in his own words. 7 times in Matthew, 4 times in Mark, 5 times in Luke, 1 time in John The teachers in the Temple were astounded by His understanding and answers (Luke 2:42, 4647). . AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Linux 64 bit Aug 30 2019 Library 15.0.4 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. He didnt have to explain himself because they already had the historical context and werent reading scripture as an isolated letter or book. The Scripture will be fulfilled, He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.. . Consequently, there are many important and favorite passages in this book, and it was clearly a favorite of Jesus as evidenced when. A number of times during His earthly ministry, Jesus responded Ephesians 3:17-19. application/pdf Moses and other prophets also quote the Old Testament. 13 0 obj We speak to God when we pray, but He speaks to us most directly and most clearly when we read His Word. Here are just four times when Jesus quotes the Book of Psalms. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?. Sometimes Jesus or someone else will paraphrase or summarize what theyre quoting from the Old Testament. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:30) Jesus was saying that we are valuable because God knows each one of us personally, and we should not fear anything because God will protect us. NEW TESTAMENT QUOTE OLD TESTAMENT PASSAGE HISTORICAL OCCASION . many There are in all 283 direct quotations from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in the New Testament. He also quoted from it once in Luke 21:22, during his farewell discourse with his disciples at Bethany; and he cited it twice more during his travels throughout Galilee after that event (Luke 17:25; 21:25). What is man that you are mindful of him? All content on this site is copyrighted. The Old Testament is referenced or alluded to over 300 times in the New Testament. The four books that Jesus quoted from the most are Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, and Psalms. What Does it Mean When an Ex Appears in Your Dream, What Does Ringing in Your Left Ear Mean Spiritually, Bible Verses About Counting Your Blessings. Jesus knew the Hebrew Scriptures well. Jesus affirmed the historical existence of Jonah (Matt. endobj Q>%?k%LjwSm 8E{su"%026#U gec1|JNjg)4G*)Qz-I 1W%^5#k-nUUN2tyV>H@T=9H?7N,! ", "but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. . Adobe d Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed. pron. NumbersIn speaking about keeping ones oath Jesus quoted (Matt 5:33) from Numbers 30:2 as well as Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. <> Jesus used Gods Word to resist the devil (Matt 4:111,Luke 4:1-13)at the beginning of His ministry. Leviticus 19:17; Mark 11:12; Luke 17:18). <>/Metadata 2 0 R/Outlines 5 0 R/Pages 3 0 R/StructTreeRoot 6 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> Jesus quoted the Old Testament more than 100 times, according to some sources. In fact, Jesus makes direct quotations of the Old Testament more than you might think! Our point here is not to exhaustively list every single quotation that shows up in Scripture. This method can be seen in Matthew 24:32-33 and Mark 13:30-31. In fact, Jesus makes direct quotations of the Old Testament more than you might think! <>1]/P 14 0 R/Pg 9 0 R/S/Link>> DeuteronomyMany are familiar with Jesus quotes from the book of Deuteronomy when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Deut 6:13, 16, 8:3; Matt 4:4, 7, 10; Luke 4:4, 8, 12). Several times during His mortal ministry, Jesus answered questions with, "It is written" (7 times in Matthew, 4 times in Mark, 5 times in Luke, 1 time in John). rLHZQMh>Kh4\H6~X~92 m,$[4F*;n'yXHxooN-|CZEC ji#- IjYq8HyHp%k(:oLP?f {]wSI[I1+L M1tnCVLdWV0`(MXQ5@ss }5 In about 90 instances, the Septuagint is quoted literally. He also quoted this book many other times. 24:1-4), Matthew 10:5-8 Jesus commission of the Twelve Apostles (cf. Our point here is not to exhaustively list every single quotation that shows up in Scripture. Jesus used the psalmists words when. 3 Times Jesus Quoted the Old Testament. 9 0 obj Matthew 19:19 & Mark 10:19 & Luke 18:20 Exodus 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20 But other than the Ten Commandments, Jesus quoted two individual verses on two separate occasions more than any other he quoted in all of Scripture! (from above list), http://www.jewsforjesus.org/newsletter-sep-2008/jesus-references-to-old-testament-scriptures. Old Testament Passages Quoted by Jesus Christ Actually I should say we organized our text differently than the Hebrew Bible did, "It has been estimated that over one-tenth of Jesus' recorded New Testament words were taken from the Old Testament. We separated out the prophetical books too. The Bible is full of references to the Old Testamentand its not just Jesus who did this. Thats more than any other book except for Psalms (2,569). Commit to start reading your Bible, or to start reading it more often. In the Bible, we also read of many time when Jesus quoted the truths of God from the Hebrew Scriptures, including: The Holy Scriptures give a record ofJesus quoting from every book of the Pentateuch and eight of Gods prophets. Among all the time Jesus quotes from Scripture, a common purpose is for Him to show how He is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and promises. The second book of the Torah, Exodus, is a very important book about the history of Gods people and repeatedly Jesus used words from this book to remind the people of His day of Gods faithfulness, deliverance, and provision. 13:2-16), Matthew 11:10-19 Jesus teachings on John the Baptist (cf. Malachi: Jesus told that John was sent to prepare His way (Mal 3:1, Matt 11:10, Luke 7:27) and that He fulfilled (in type) the work of Elijah (Mal 4:5-6, Matt 17:11). Its important to note that not all of these quotes are direct citations or exact copies. n. 3. a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind. A list of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament. One of the most intriguing things about the Bible is how Jesus and the Holy Spirit made reference to it in their own words. The Bible is full of references to the Old Testamentand its not just Jesus who did this. There are also occasions when Jesus refers to a story from the Old Testament but doesnt actually quote it word-for-wordinstead, he just tells us what happened in broad strokes. Moses and other prophets also quote the Old Testament. Zechariah: Jesus told that the disciples would desert Him (Zec 13:7, Matt 26:31, Mark 14:27). This method can be seen in Matthew 24:32-33 and Mark 13:30-31. 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