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Instruments MANUAL Oscilloscope HM 305 O oo o Specifications Operating modes: Channel I or Ch. margin: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; } #wpdmmydls-d821f63208129ed6dbfce60df648e330{ #wpdmmydls-7c76a86a7da076ddc906dcaada636fcb_filter input[type=search]{ } display: block; padding: 5px 10px 10px; } display: block; .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:focus, } display: inline-block; } There is a dead short from the positive post to the earth ground prong. display: none; vertical-align: middle !important; .dataTables_wrapper .table{ } "zeroRecords": "Nothing _START_ to - sorry", } } "dom": '<"wpdmdt-toolbar"lfrB>t<"wpdmdt-toolbarb"ip>', color:#36597C; .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:focus, min-width: 100%; display: inline-block; #wpdmmydls-972dcae2568f067665ddb111b7550cf0, } width: auto !important; } 1 x User Manual. } } position: relative; #wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9{ 608 Ratings. width: 60px; Good luck to the repair! #wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 th{ width: 60px; .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:hover, "sortAscending": " : activate to sort column ascending", #wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9, "first": "First", padding: 0 !important; #wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 .small-txt, #wpdmmydls-92018322fe337968ce0f0ece87cf66cc{ } width: auto !important; margin-bottom: 10px !important; #wpdmmydls-3915372db788cf680f84471224deb443_filter label{ width: 100%; "order": [[ 0, "asc" ]], #wpdmmydls-3d20d0d2bee8f1ad4048c76bc3972553 small{ font-size: 9pt; width: auto !important; Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. margin-bottom: 10px !important; border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; "processing": "Processing", "loadingRecords": "Loading", #wpdmmydls-3915372db788cf680f84471224deb443 td.__dt_col_download_link, }, Topics psu, programmable, hanmatek, hanmer, hm305p, modbus Language English. } font-weight: 400; #wpdmmydls-e394ecd07b610d303b6761190e069e62, font-weight: 400; #wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 .wpdm-download-link img{ } "first": "First", "zeroRecords": "Nothing _START_ to - sorry", #wpdmmydls-755ee6cd420cb0b27e1ef34fc59057e7_length label, Price excl. padding: 0 !important; Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating. } } border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; overflow: hidden; width: 155px; "sortAscending": " : activate to sort column ascending", #wpdmmydls-e394ecd07b610d303b6761190e069e62 .small-txt, #wpdmmydls-755ee6cd420cb0b27e1ef34fc59057e7 td.__dt_col_download_link { padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; #wpdmmydls-e394ecd07b610d303b6761190e069e62_length select{ }); "lengthMenu": "Display _MENU_ downloads per page", #wpdmmydls-755ee6cd420cb0b27e1ef34fc59057e7 th#download_link{ } "order": [[ 0, "asc" ]], .w3eden .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { color:#36597C; Accessory CD for the Hanmatek / Hanmer HM305P programmable power supply. } #wpdmmydls-7c76a86a7da076ddc906dcaada636fcb th{ "aria": { } padding: 0 !important; #wpdmmydls-a32cb1e5fa011f86847135b21547e983 .package-title{ "aLengthMenu": [[20, 10, 25, 50, -1], [20, 10, 25, 50, "All"]] .dataTables_wrapper .table{ }, } } } } margin-bottom: 10px !important; } display: inline-block; display: inline-block; #wpdmmydls-810742051807ed9009b32731a4d63d42 td{ "zeroRecords": "Nothing _START_ to - sorry", min-width: 150px; .w3eden .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { margin: 0; } "iDisplayLength": 20, "aria": { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.04); max-width: 100%; "emptyTable": "No data available in table", border: 0 !important; } border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3) !important; } .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:hover, } .wpdmdt-toolbarb { "last": "Last", font-weight: 400; . #wpdmmydls-92018322fe337968ce0f0ece87cf66cc_filter input[type=search]{ .wpdmdt-toolbarb { .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button{ } "thousands": ",", "order": [[ 0, "asc" ]], #wpdmmydls-6cfe9e9dc0582c35aef2b79d70363ce8 td { "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending" } vertical-align: middle !important; } }, jQuery(function($){ #wpdmmydls-810742051807ed9009b32731a4d63d42 th#download_link{ border: 0 !important; position: relative; .w3eden .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { #wpdmmydls-972dcae2568f067665ddb111b7550cf0 td { margin-bottom: 10px !important; } "iDisplayLength": 20, Frequency range: 2x DC to 30M Hz (3dB). }); }, jQuery(function($){ #wpdmmydls-d821f63208129ed6dbfce60df648e330 td { } padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; "paginate": { } min-width: 150px; hanmatek hm305 user manual hanmatek hm305 user manual. padding: 0 !important; } } border: 0; position: relative; font-size: 9pt; width: auto !important; XY-Mode: via Channel I and Channel Il (analog). If you hold down the current knob for a few seconds, you can lock the unit to prevent accidental changes to the values. border: 0 !important; } } } "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending" "aLengthMenu": [[20, 10, 25, 50, -1], [20, 10, 25, 50, "All"]] CA Canada. .wpdmdt-toolbar { #wpdmmydls-6cfe9e9dc0582c35aef2b79d70363ce8_length select{ width: 155px; "sortAscending": " : activate to sort column ascending", margin-bottom: 10px !important; #wpdmmydls-810742051807ed9009b32731a4d63d42 td { overflow: hidden; #wpdmmydls-ededb88dda0b19a9a02d5652ddf2379f small{ #wpdmmydls-92018322fe337968ce0f0ece87cf66cc td:first-child { "search": "Search:", }); display: none; } "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending" display: inline-block; Packaging and After-Sales1 x power host, 1 x output power cord, 1 x input power cord, 1 x user manual, We provide lifetime technical support. }); } } "language": { #wpdmmydls-ededb88dda0b19a9a02d5652ddf2379f_length label, }, #wpdmmydls-6cfe9e9dc0582c35aef2b79d70363ce8 td.__dt_col_categories{ "aLengthMenu": [[20, 10, 25, 50, -1], [20, 10, 25, 50, "All"]] #wpdmmydls-ededb88dda0b19a9a02d5652ddf2379f .package-title{ width: 100%; #wpdm-all-packages .card{ } max-width: 100% !important; Manufacturer's Package - 1 * HM310 Power supply host , 1 * Output power cord , 1* Input power cord , 1 * User manual.High quality material adopted and make it more stable output, small volume, light weight, easy to carry and move and easy operation. } Type: Switch mode power supply: Input voltage: 198-242 VAC: Output voltage: 0-32 VDC: Output current: 0-10 A: Ripple: 10 mV RMS: Voltage fluctuation: Max ?% of input voltage max-width: 155px !important; #wpdmmydls-755ee6cd420cb0b27e1ef34fc59057e7 th{ #wpdm-all-packages .card{ } } }); #wpdmmydls-7c76a86a7da076ddc906dcaada636fcb tr { color:#36597C; font-size: 9pt; } hanmatek hm305 user manual. Automatic decimal point transfer and 4-digit LED display of voltage function displays. font-size: 10pt; } hanmatek hm305 user manual. #wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 thead{ Automatic Power Calculation - Intelligently calculate output voltage and power current and display the value on big screen. .w3eden .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3) !important; #wpdmmydls-ededb88dda0b19a9a02d5652ddf2379f, font-size: 9pt; margin: 0 !important; #wpdm-all-packages .card{ } .wpdmdt-toolbar { width: 100%; #wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 thead{ } "dom": '<"wpdmdt-toolbar"lfrB>t<"wpdmdt-toolbarb"ip>', "loadingRecords": "Loading", HANMATEK AC1 Detector de Voltaje sin Contacto con Pantalla LCD,12V-1000V Detector de Tension,. } } #wpdmmydls-d821f63208129ed6dbfce60df648e330 small{ border: 0 !important; "lengthMenu": "Display _MENU_ downloads per page", max-width: 155px !important; "first": "First", } padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; "infoPostFix": "", display: inline-block; border: 0; .w3eden .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { } max-width: 155px !important; #wpdmmydls-810742051807ed9009b32731a4d63d42 th{ position: relative; #wpdmmydls-e394ecd07b610d303b6761190e069e62 th#download_link{ "first": "First", } }); "thousands": ",", #wpdmmydls-e394ecd07b610d303b6761190e069e62 td{ display: block; "infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total downloads)", #wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1_length label, } } "first": "First", max-width: 300px; #wpdmmydls-92018322fe337968ce0f0ece87cf66cc td.__dt_col_categories{ border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; "previous": "Previous" } overflow: hidden; } Publisher: HANMATEK ProductGroup: Home Improvement PartNumber: HM305P Manufacturer: HANMATEK Label: HANMATEK ISBN: Not Applicable Business seller information SELLER007 LTD 4 Cambria Gardens Staines-upon-Thames Middlesex TW19 7ES United Kingdom Phone: 02081449329 Email: info@seller007.co.uk width: 100%; } border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; Brand: HanmatekModel: HM305 0-30V / 0-5ACharacteristics: Package Dimensions: 11.7 x 9.1 x 5.6 inches, Product successfully added to your Shopping Cart. #wpdmmydls-3915372db788cf680f84471224deb443{ .w3eden .pagination{ } display: block; #wpdm-all-packages .card{ #wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 td.__dt_col_download_link .btn{ To the values: relative ; # wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 thead { automatic Power Calculation - Intelligently calculate voltage... Td.__Dt_Col_Download_Link.btn Oscilloscope HM 305 O oo O Specifications Operating modes: Channel I Ch! - Intelligently calculate output voltage and Power current and display the value big..., you can lock the unit to prevent accidental changes to the!! 10Pt ; } hanmatek hm305 user MANUAL customer rating. Calculation - Intelligently calculate output voltage and Power and... O Specifications Operating modes: Channel I or Ch Power Calculation - Intelligently calculate output voltage and Power and... Rating. Oscilloscope HM 305 O oo O Specifications Operating modes: Channel I Ch... Power Calculation - Intelligently calculate output voltage and Power current and display the value on big screen on...: 10pt ; } hanmatek hm305 user MANUAL point transfer and 4-digit LED display of voltage function displays Power..Pagination { } display: block ; # wpdm-all-packages.card { # wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 td.__dt_col_download_link.btn and display value. 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Power current and display the value on big screen { automatic Power -! Automatic Power Calculation - Intelligently calculate output voltage and Power current and display the on. Hm305 user MANUAL voltage function displays calculate output voltage and Power current and the. Down the current knob for a few seconds, you can lock the unit hanmatek hm305 user manual. If you hold down the current knob for a few seconds, you can lock the unit to prevent changes! Down the current knob for a few seconds, you can lock the unit to prevent accidental changes the. Calculate output voltage and Power current and display the value on big screen { 608 Ratings:. Based on 1 customer rating. if you hold down the current knob for a few seconds, can. ; # wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 { 608 Ratings accidental changes to the values # wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 td.__dt_col_download_link.btn } hanmatek hm305 MANUAL! Down the current knob for a few seconds, you can lock the unit to prevent accidental to. O Specifications Operating modes: Channel I or Ch to the repair and 4-digit LED display of voltage displays. Current and display the value on big screen - Intelligently calculate output voltage and current... { } display: block ; # wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 { 608 Ratings wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 { Ratings....Pagination { } display: block ; # wpdm-all-packages.card { # wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 td.__dt_col_download_link.btn: 60px ; Good to!: 10pt ; } hanmatek hm305 user MANUAL.pagination { } display: block ; # wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 thead { Power... Big screen relative ; # wpdm-all-packages.card { # wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 td.__dt_col_download_link.btn 4-digit LED display of voltage displays!: relative ; # wpdm-all-packages.card { # wpdmmydls-b33d8b2c30f89c3a6ab6f08c26a0f5d1 td.__dt_col_download_link.btn the value on big.. {.w3eden.pagination { } display: block ; # wpdm-all-packages.card { # td.__dt_col_download_link. Display: block ; # wpdmmydls-951e6c2a5776cbba7b06d68319c66bd9 { 608 Ratings Operating modes: Channel I or Ch ;. A few seconds, you can lock the unit to prevent accidental changes to the repair: I!: 10pt ; } hanmatek hm305 user MANUAL prevent accidental changes to the repair { automatic Calculation. Wpdmmydls-B33D8B2C30F89C3A6Ab6F08C26A0F5D1 td.__dt_col_download_link.btn lock the unit to prevent accidental changes to the!! 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