ethical dilemmas for classroom discussion

Watch British ethics education expert Professor Michael Reiss reflect on Introducing ethics in teaching, Reaching ethical consensus and Ethics and religion. Say nothing and just wait to see what happens? Say nothing; your job is to be supportive and participate in your friend's happiness. Discussion Prompts Staff Morale Spark Up Teacher Guides Response Cards In Writing Printable Cards Description Speaking Discussion Activity: This resource is sure to get even your most reluctant students speaking. 8) Never disclose personal information about any students to anyone. You are failing a class you were required to take but totally hate. It does reflect a sense of honesty and personal responsibility. 2. Here are 10. These situations are very real and are, changed monthly. Most of the discussions followed a simple format. Analyze the ethical decisions made by the characters in this film to determine whether or not you would come to the same conclusion using the analysis of principled decision-making described above or in the Ethical Decision-Making Model suggested by the Josephson Institute of Ethics. Ethical Dilemma Questions Ethics are defined as moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity (Oxford Dictionary). A logger proposing to clear-cut a forest values the ability to earn a living. What if you suspect your neighbour of child abuse? We need to learn the facts as best we can, check assumptions, and forecast consequences. Even though many teachers believe that they dont have a choice when it comes to certain situations, the truth is that theres always more than one option. iii. (We have come to believe that true morality always has a spiritual component. Still others want to be respected. As he handed her the phone, he told, her how easy it would be for this guy to take everything he knew about her and, use it against her. . The Golden Rule (How would I like it if someone did it to me? or Do unto others as you would have others do unto you); B. Violation of the standards may lead to disciplinary sanctions. However, your new friend is not attractive and very loud. A few days later, you read in the paper that someone has been arrested for your friends crime. Accepted principles of ethical conduct, for example, the Ten Commandments or the Six Pillars of Character; C. The Rule of Universality (How would it be if everyone did it?); D. The Rule of Disclosure (How would I feel if the whole world knew what I was doing or going to do, especially my family and school or business associates?). E. A logger proposing to clear-cut a forest values the ability to earn a living. See disclaimer. Nobody sees you. Dinosaur fossils capture the interest of students and the public, but their study, collection, and disposition often engender signficant highly-publicized controversy. This process involves applying three time-tested principles for deciding ethical dilemmas: Ends-based: In considering the greatest good for the greatest number, Jennifer concedes that Sally's behavior is detrimental to the larger group's achievement. As such, ethical dilemmas emerge around fossil discoveries in the realms of scientific research, including professional and personal conduct, educational and economic . This is an unethical practice because a teacher should not show favoritism to anyone, and grades are supposed to be given objectively. Or should Jennifer try to find some alternative for her? v. I was just doing it for you; They should also return all academic work to the student promptly; never wait until the end of the semester or after the summer break to do so! Which of The Six Pillars of Character, if any, are involved in the plot of this film? If a student breaks a moral rulefor example, by hitting or insulting another studentdont just say, Thats against the rules. It doesnt hurt to remind students that behaviors like these contradict classroom or school rules (if they do), but its also important to reiterate why there are rules about these kinds of thingsnamely, because they hurt people. Cheating on a Test: Cheating on tests is frequently not effective because education is usually cumulative and a student who cheats will often have trouble when he or she advances to the next level of difficulty. Never give out extra credit just because a student asks, do so on your own time, and be sure to keep track of the grade. Ethical Dilemmas for Classroom Discussion THE DAILY DILEMMA by Charis Denison This is #27 of an ongoing series of moral and ethical discussion starters from the case files of Charis Denison. If so, how did the characters make their decisions and did they follow the analysis of principled decision-making described above or in the Josephson Institute Decision-Making Model? An ethical dilemma is a situation that presents us with the choice of whether or not to follow our personal moral code, regardless of what others expect. over the years. 40 printable cards with different "ethical dilemmas" A Powerpoint version for whole class discussions A worksheet for students to consider the pros and cons of their decision. What will be the Effect of our Actions on What We Value? One very engaging way to get students thinking about ethics is through giving them other ethical dilemmas. Science Center What were the causes of this change? 6. These are some approaches: Methods for Bringing Ethics to the Classroom. In the first case study, middle schools teachers debate whether to allow a failing eighth grade student to graduate, knowing that she's both unprepared for ninth-grade coursework but also likely to drop out if she's held . 23 New Years Eve Party Games and Ideas to Celebrate 2023! Ethical Dilemmas in the College Classroom: A Casebook for Inclusive Teaching Rosette Cirillo 2022, Ethical Dilemmas in the College Classroom: A Casebook for Inclusive Teaching The Ethical Dilemmas Casebook offers seven fictional cases and accompanying resources to help promote conversations about inclusive practices in a university setting. Influence total school climate to enhance the teaching and learning goals. Decide you want no part of this deal, as you trust your instinct that the offer is shady and you might even get in legal trouble? If we analyze the process of making principled decisions, well improve the chances of making effective decisions that will satisfy our needs and stand the test of time. From the GGSC to your bookshelf: 30 science-backed tools for well-being. A discussion of the appropriate use of the lesson, and the ethics/values issues that the lesson is designed to explore. Never disclose personal information about a student to anyone without the parents permission and always keep track of all keys you have. 9. Experience, logic and imagination are needed for this task. Why is Acting Ethically an Important Value? As a starting point, establish basic rules of respect -- and model them. It promotes student creativity, teamwork, and allows for revising/consolidating using second conditional and language of speculation. Clearly, any school in a pluralistic society wants to include all its constituencies as it seeks to understand how core values fit into academic achievement. Tattling presents an ethical challenge for teachers because many would prefer to ignore the tattler rather than address minor annoyances. There is no particular order in which the questions are addressed. A bright child, well-meaning and engaging, Sally had limited social skills. Who wants to live with people who are dishonest and think only about themselves? This is one reason why moral development is important: When students learn to understand and balance different considerations that play into moral issues, they can make better decisions and work with others on resolving problems in more fair and caring ways. Whatever value the killer might be satisfying, self-defense is the only excuse for killing. 4) Be honest about any mistakes you have made as a teacher, if the mistake is something that can be fixed then do so immediately. This category discusses various issues that affect teachers well-being. A common conceptualisation of ethical dilemmas is that they are spurred by a critical incident that creates a situation that forces the participants to make choices according to competing alternatives (Flett & Wallace, 2005 ). This is an ethical dilemma that you would need to figure out while teaching. as their values, religious and cultural beliefs and finances (Figure 8.3). For example, if your school does not allow teachers to discipline students in any way but verbally, you are stuck with no choice but to follow their rules. Suitable for levels intermediate - advanced, adults and older teenagers. Where are we going to go if we spoil the Earth? They must also maintain a formal tone throughout the conversation. Providing space for young people to explore their spirituality may benefit everyone. Please try them out with your students and share your results with us. An honest man may not be able to make himself take the risk of jumping into the water. Ethical Dilemma: Counselors Engaging in Relations with Clients They should keep a boundary in the way they relate to the clients to ensure that their relationship with the client does no harm or pose potential harm to the clients. These rules will ensure both teachers and students maintain professional relationships while also setting clear expectations between each party involved. A moral dilemma is a conflict in which a person must choose between two or more actions, all of which they have the ability to do. You cannot control any student other than those in your classroom, so never discipline another teachers students for bad behavior on school grounds. As an affiliate, we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. A Discussion of the Issues Expressed in . J. H. 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We could build a powerful moral case for both sides of Jennifer's individual-versus-community dilemma. C. A decision to kill someone, unless it is in self-defense, is not a principled decision. From this, it is pretty clear that stealing is not an ethical thing to do. However, now that Ive been teaching for three years, my students know what to expect from me when they make a mistake and are more likely to succeed in my classroom. They explain that they are having trouble sleeping at night and feel you are the only one they can trust with their confession. Patricia L. Born has been a contributor to Educational Leadership. Is including Sally the caring thing to do no matter what the consequences are for others? In support of this approach, research indicates that teaching with attention to the different social domains of academic content helps develop students capacities for critical moral reflection. Camden, ME: The Institute for Global Ethics. People usually intuitively answer these questions. On the other hand, the environment will suffer by losing the forest (to that extent all mankind and other living creatures suffer a loss) and the animals who live in the forest whose habitat will be destroyed and who may die, value their homes and lives. 2023 The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. 4. The Problem of Ethical Issues in Education. 5) Be transparent with the school, parents, and students about your background and qualifications for teaching a certain subject or students of a certain age group. Ethical dilemmas presentation 1 of 16 Ethical dilemmas presentation Jun. Quite the contrary: They arise because we have values, two of which are pitted against each other. T he recent civic unrest in the United States following the death of George Floyd has elevated the urgency to recognize and study issues of diversity and the needs of underrepresented groups in all aspects of public life.. Business schoolsand educational institutions across the spectrumare no exception. For each major character describe how they complied with or violated the ethical principles of The Six Pillars of Character and describe how the outcome would have changed had they acted differently. All Bridget knew was that he lived in Oregon. Such issues are covered by ethics on all fronts. Consistent actions are joyful and we can focus our full energies on what we are doing. She challenged students with two classic ethical dilemmas and a set of questions for group discussion. Read the dilemmas, and discuss how you would address the issues. Tell your supervisor you have neither asked for nor received any additional petty cash and that you suspect. Second, they were intended to help students who were interested in a career in the health sciences determine whether or not medicine is their correct calling. Can selfish people who have no principles establish strong and loving relationships with others? True, it's not a matter of right versus wrong, which is one way most dictionaries define ethical issues. There were many people whose ethical choices contributed to the outcome shown in the film. [Some of this analysis has been adapted from Making Ethical Decisions by Character Counts. 1. Who were the stakeholders for each major ethical choice made in the film? feeling of dissatisfaction with what traditional ethical theories can contribute to professional practice. These are just synopses. However, some of the common ethical issues in education faced by stakeholders in the education sector are as follows: Choice of Instructor /or Teacher One of the commonest ethical issues in education is the choice of teacher a particular child or set of children will have in the following year. One of the most common ones is that teachers always have a choice. Every person or animal affected by a decision that we make, including ourselves, is called a stakeholder. It may be easiest to imagine incorporating this kind of discussion in a subject like social studies, but domain lenses could be applied in many other subjects, as well, such as science and technology, language arts, foreign languages, or even P.E. Inspired by the philosophy of Charles Taylor,46 Espen Schjetne et al. Grading students on their academic progress poses an ethical dilemma for some teachers. When it comes to grading, teachers should always consider their students. It presents a variety of age-appropriate, real-life examples of ethical dilemmas to ignite intense student discussions. George is concerned at the lack of ethical decisions being made that impact student achievement. With so much influence it can be easy to take advantage of that situation. A range of classroom activities can be used to facilitate the development of students' ethical thinking skills. In some cases, withholding information from a parent can lead to anger, frustration and disappointment when small problems turn into larger issues. (Increasingly, a middle course is available. In one study, conducted in eighth-grade English and American history classes, teachers either framed everything as moral, treated all topics as conventional, or incorporated both perspectives as appropriate. When faced with an ethical dilemma, a person is faced with having to select an option that doesn't align with an established code of ethics or societal norms, such as codes of law and religious teachings, or with their internal moral perceptions of right and wrong. Experience has shown that if we apply the following ethical tests to our actions well know how a proposed action will affect our relations with others, animals and the Earth. Rule-based: Jennifer asks herself, "What if every teacher in the world, in this situation, were to do what I am about to do?" Quite the contrary: They arise because we. Minor ethical lapses can have major impacts. For some values, we dont even know that we have them until something happens that brings the value to our attention. The questions requiring a more sophisticated analysis, 5 10, should be introduced after children have experience responding to the earlier questions. Give him the $500, deciding if you dont know how he is making it, youre in the clear? They should never let a student off the hook if they have committed plagiarism because its a very serious offense. How should we think and talk about these kind of issues with our students? While many products are topical, plastic surgery is probably the ultimate game-changer. Be sure to keep track of all your classroom keys and have them ready at hand if needed. In other words, students can tell something is off if a teacher indicates that it is morally wrong to break a conventional norm, or that it is wrong to hurt someone simply because it is against the rules. A logger focusing on the economic issues decides to go ahead and cut, an environmentalist focusing on the injury to the animals and the injury to the forest, applies the personal values of respect and caring to the situation and comes to a different conclusion. You are at a party or out on the town with. The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. The couple finish their meal and leave without seeing you. In this article, well discuss the 10 benefits of applying learning theories when developing teaching strategies. great work. Please try them out with your students and share your results with us. Evaluate the questions carefully to make sure that they apply to the film being studied. Kidder, R. M. (1994).Shared values for a troubled world: Conversations with men and women of conscience. It is in a part of town you rarely visit. xi. These norms - interpersonal, professional, institutional, social conformity, and self-protection - can lead to ethical dilemmas as they conflict with one another in the activities of teachers. Do nothing as you cannot imagine living with yourself if you terminate your Dads life? Emily J. Campbell, Ph.D., completed her doctorate in Human Development and Education at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education in December 2019. Teachers often face ethical dilemmas in their elementary classrooms, so they must use their best judgment to resolve conflicts and address academic concerns. Ethical issues are the ones that make us stay up at night. If people are prioritizing different domains in regard to the same issue, it may be hard for them to agree or even communicate. What Do We Value in Life? She has learned a powerful teaching tool for working with dilemmas that occur throughout all aspects of her professional practice. 3. You receive a package at your home that was delivered to the wrong address. Your lunch keeps missing at work. The last ethical issue that will be covered is grading policies and procedures. Ethical Dilemmas for Class Discussion More Ethical Dilemmas Below are two dilemmas to think about with a partner in the classroom and not on IM, MySpace, or In cooperative activities, she lapsed into willful, manipulative behaviors. It involves accurately forecasting what will occur, a clear understanding of what we and others value, the ranking of those values, and balancing the possible good against the possible harm. You think they are into drugs, maybe even dealing. Am I falling into one of the common rationalizations used to justify ignoring ethical values? If so, then this blog post is for you. 207 Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers [2022], Games + Carols, 26 Great Dance Games & Activities (For Kids, Teens & Adults), 140 Marvel Trivia Questions and Answers [Easy & Hard]. So, setting the right example is likely to have trickle-down effects throughout the organization. Asking students to participate in discussions Another ethical dilemma that you might face as a teacher would be asking and pointing out students when a group activity, such as group discussion, is going on. Doing so helps to develop different ways of thinking about the issue, alternative ways of behaving, and ultimately helps an individual come up with a decision or action. To one extent or another, everyone values acting ethically towards people, animals and the environment (for example, The Six Pillars of Character). Teachers should always keep in mind that education is more than grades and test scores; its helping future generations grow into adults who will positively influence the world. Your neighbour leaves their dog out in all kinds of weather. x. I deserve it; A sullen rebellion seemed to be brewing. 180 Ethics Topics & Ethical Questions to Debate. Let no subject be off limits. For example, I have heard stories where teachers have shown favoritism towards certain children or given them better grades, etc. Never tell other teachers or parents about a students progress or problems without the parents permission. A friend gives you a gift for your birthday. Many people believe that a Supreme Being has prescribed ethical rules of conduct. Its detrimental to the values of all stakeholders except perhaps the thief. The stakes are no less than the future of the world, where personal responsibility will be essential to surviving the challenges of the 21st century. Acting ethically, also affirms our relationships with our loved ones, coworkers, and friends. Summary. Students and teachers both are often associated very closely with such ethical issues in schools. The first ethical dilemma is known as "organ transplant" and it supposes that you are a doctor with five patients in need of various organ transplants. You are pretty sure you know who is taking it each day. 5. How so? When school starts, you are embarrassed by the way your friend acts. See Making Ethical Decisions*. If a student wants to be called by his or her first name, then let them choose the appropriate time and place for this to happen. This website provided as a service to educators by, Character Education, Mindfulness, Social-Emotional Learning, and Life Skills Resources for Grades K-12. Teaching assistants, student interns, and adult volunteers were scarce. The New York Times has a great column called, The Ethicist, in which people send the columnist ethical dilemmas they are facing in their own lives and the writer responds. One group even avoided working with Sally, and others were ready to follow suit. Your teenage daughter often gets bored on your getaways, so you make plans to take your niece along. 10) Be very careful when setting up a lesson plan, do not leave it in an obvious location where students can access it. Work with your class to develop a language for moral inquiry. How do you maintain control without resorting to intimidation or physical force? The public values a secure society. We call this the test of effectiveness.. The mind often skips several questions, especially when the answer to one clearly shows that a course of conduct leads to results we cannot accept. Confidentiality is also an ethical concern when discussing student assessment . Some companies and professional organizations (e.g., CFA) adhere to their own codes of conduct and ethical standards. ii. First, Stra used interview data to analyze, via the experiences . 10. Of course, it is not enough to understand that right-versus-right dilemmas are difficult to resolve or that they may be analyzed in an organized manner. And remember, you may think of a better choice than those presented. Yet what Jennifer faced is a classic ethical dilemmaamenable to resolution not so much through competing theories of learning as through the principles of moral philosophy. 2. 3. There are many theories about behavioral management; however, fundamentally each of them operates on the school's foundation of a common belief set. Consider the subject matter youre teaching through the lenses of the different domains. You have the same interest, like the same music and movies, and have had a great deal of fun. 3) Be very clear with your students about what behaviors will result in consequences and what those consequences may entail. Engaging EFL Online Lessons. What makes this a genuine dilemma is that these two values are so exquisitely balanced. Any theory or system of moral ideals or principles can also be included under this umbrella phrase. If you dont, there will likely be consequences that could affect the rest of your career. How can this framework be applied in the classroom, to help foster social and moral development, and to sort out conflicts and misbehavior? Framing ethics to highlight prevention. Class action movie ethical issues Rating: 9,3/10 667 reviews A class action movie is a type of film that involves a group of individuals who come together to take legal action against a common adversary. When making a purchase at a local store, you are given too much change. Connect with a partner through empathy and understanding. You can see advertisements everywhere urging you to buy products that will supposedly enhance your appearance. You are not sure if they have a fit-throwing kid or if something is really wrong. It has been said that a persons primary duty is to live a fulfilled life. 07, 2011 89 likes 78,127 views Education mansine Follow Advertisement Recommended Ethical principles law_and_cultural_diversity Espirituanna 3.1k views 76 slides Ch 1health ethics 2 AramHanz 100 views 20 slides Introduction To Ethics & Ethical Principles 1. If a student is struggling with an assignment, the teacher should review the reasons why the student might be having trouble completing it before making any final judgments. In the long run, people who are nurturing and who act in loving, responsible and trustworthy ways, will sever or restrict their associations with people who are deceptive or selfish. Even though most teachers have a school handbook and established classroom guidelines to follow, there are times when they must veer from normal practices to address specific issues. Ethical Dilemmas In Business Some ethical dilemmas are applicable to certain industries only, but most are . Rushworth M. Kidder has been a contributor to Educational Leadership. It will also discuss what constitutes appropriate discipline techniques in different school settings. The wrong address party Games and Ideas to Celebrate 2023 were many people whose ethical choices contributed to the shown! Other ethical dilemmas deciding if you terminate your Dads life very loud friend & # x27 s. Of Jennifer 's individual-versus-community dilemma and friends watch British ethics education expert Professor Michael Reiss reflect Introducing... 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ethical dilemmas for classroom discussion