Hello Lynne, If an executor is aware that the total value of an estate is over $100k, but values are from multiple sources (i.e. My father's house needs to be sold, we have to keep hydro on. An alternative might be to purchase bank drafts rather than cheques. The only reason that some banks are still paying out joint accounts to the kids is that nobody has sued the banks yet. 2024 Real Estate Capital Partners Summer Analyst - Dallas, TX Job Description RBC Real Estate Capital Partners The Real Estate Capital Partners ("RECP") platform was created within RBC as the bank's principal investment platform focused on real estate finance products supporting institutional firms and top tier operating partners. I will likely receive a company pension retroactively owed to my husband. Is my only recourse to take her to court or at this point start litigation? She did have a will but unfortunately it was not signed. Part of the probate process IS verifying the will, so you can do this all in one step. You're in charge of the account, not them. It seems somewhat ridiculous. They refuse to transfer the assets in those account over to the estate account until they receive the probated will. Have you taken the estate paperwork to the bank with the cheque? Srnicek said most brokers predict interest rates will continue to rise in the first quarter of 2023, with the first Bank of Canada announcement on the key interest rate set for Jan. 23. I've been advised by the bank they need to "take" a copy of the original will.Why do they need to copy it and send it to their estate dept.? Do I just issue cheques from the estate account and the cancelled cheque is proof? I know taxes will need to be paid next year. My sister and I are both trustees for my mothers estate account. If they won't transfer the funds directly, empty the accounts by having the bank prepare drafts written to the estate. No, I don't think you can deposit it to your personal account or cash it. investments of 25k held at multiple institutions), is it right for the bank to request probate for the operation of the estate account? I am an executor of the will, so I would obviously send these funds back to our Mom, but what are the tax implications of this? Empire Life is right, in my opinion. They told me to open an estate account.he doesn't have any assets nor investment, is it necessary to open an estate account? That institution is causing me a lot of distress by not allowing me to deposit items or pay small liabilities on her account. Have I waited long enough and should I get a lawyer and start litigation including the passing of the accounts? Given that there was no will, no spouse, and no other children, the chances of anyone else appearing are next to nothing. My current work situation is preventing me from scheduling a bank appointment to open an estate account for a month or possibly more.1.Can I authorize my sister to go to the bank and open the estate account in my Stead? Getting the will to Probate is going to take a bit of time. is, however I am just doing it myself to save money as everything was straight forward and I am paying all bills as they come in. Do I still need to open up an estate account for tax reasons or other? My father had a joint investment account with my sister with a right of survivorship which held shares and cash which the bank has put into her name to deal with as she sees fit. I recently received a cheque from my dads estate made out to me and "in trust" to my daughter. Every bank will have an estate department that deals with death and living wills. When I do here final tax return for this year, I believe she is only entitled to Ontario tax credits and GST. Can my mother continue to live in the house or does she have to move? What purpose it serves would only be a guess on my part. The primary focus of the Account Specialist, Real Estate is to prepare credit applications, actively participate in credit structuring, risk management and client facing support. The RSP is not in the estate if it names beneficiaries. The sole real asses, a condo, sold in December of 2018. On the other hand, if you stepped down properly, who became the executor in your place? So i'm very confused. My uncle passed away and put my cousin and I as executor's. Estate accounts are 'prepared by the estate trustee'. I'm not an expert on criminal law but it seems to me that if she is pretending your grandmother is alive and depositing a cheque made to your grandmother, that is fraud. No debits. If you did not obtain the permission of the court to step down, you are still the executor. One bank in which the deceased has an account and who also know my mom from frequently coming to the bank as she was not an online banker are paying the bills as the moment for the house. Your husband's estate is separate from him. You don't have to wait until the will is probated. My husband passed away recently without a will. I am an executor of my mother's will. Use any other estate funds you have been able to gather, such as the CPP death benefit or the sale of household contents. I have Mom's taxes done for this year. Instead I seem to be stuck mingling assets with my own money, which seems like a terrible idea. This account is available for all youth under 18 years of age. She said I would receive an e-mail and/or a call. The 1st distribution I picked up from a lawyer as I was in a hurry to get money. Hi Lynne, great blog.My husband recently went to the TD in Guelph Ontario to open an estate account for his mom. Have a great day. I'm very sorry to hear about your son. My mother passed, without a will. We are also the only two beneficiaries. After someone passes away, their assets and debts will need to be accounted for and managed. Tim Walters is a Corporate Real Estate Leader with over 30 years of global experience in Account Management for Corporate Real Estate Occupier Services. Other banks are also refusing to open estate accounts. One thing to note before closing an account is whether it is an interest-bearing account. My mom's estate is about $325,000 cash, which is being managed by Wood Gundy. Her will states two executors joint. Do I have to apply to Alberta Surrogate Court to have the will proven as valid before applying for probate? They can object to them if they think the expenses are inappropriate.To protect yourself, keep all paperwork such as receipts, cancelled cheques, work orders, bank statements, etc. we are now waiting to hear from CRA, and if everything is ok he will apply for clearance certificate. In my view, you are doing exactly what is supposed to happen - even though the accounts are in joint names, you are treating the accounts as assets of the estate. Get more details about Scotiabank's savings accounts. I have paid some substantial expenses out of my own pocket and now require pay back fairly quickly as my own bills are due. recently received a cheque made out to the estate and attention of me"Jane Doe" can I deposit this cheque into my personal account or does it have to be deposited intorbhe estate account. My question is:What is the best method of paying and having proof that the payment was given to beneficiary? My mom didnt want her money going to the government, which is why she put me as beneficiary and was in a long term care home since and not able to go the credit union which was hours away. There isn't an estate department in the branches, but there is one in Toronto.If you have Letters of Administration, you now have the right to collect the deceased's assets. Your estate includes what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities). I went to another bank and they also said no. I'd suggest sitting in with your banking officer and having a chat. Ask them to pay the bill from his chequing account. My father passed away. If all of that is paid up, the funds go to his beneficiaries. One lawyer told my mother, that she had a case against the three banks, but of course she was dying and had no money except for her pension, which he took, convincing her he had made a deal for my brother to return the money, and pay thousands in legal fees, to the lawyer. I have opened an Estate Account for my father, but the bank will *NOT* give me an updatable bank book or online access to the account. I have had a couple cheques come to me for the estate. I am an only child. We have cheques to deposit, but dont know where to put them now. There are only two cheques to deposit and she never paid taxes, only received refunds due to low income. My father passed Nov 18 2016; he was widowed and there are 3 beneficiaries named in the will. Probate was approved in August and our attorney asked the bank to surrender all funds to their office in my name. Since I am sole beneficiary and will receive the cheques to his estate, how do I set up the estate bank account. Question we have just received a cheque to the Estate of my Father, so don't know what to do with it. It sounds as though one will be open longer because of your tax holdback. Lynne. We have heard from others that other banks did not pull this. For the 1st distribution she sent it herself to my brother by courier. It never works when people try to make square pegs fit into round holes by using financial instruments and legal documents to do things they were never meant to do.Anyway, enough lecture. Now the will have been pronated and the bank has all information requested but will not release the money to the estate account because they want to keep it to cover the mortgage (with the same bank). Something like that might make a bank reluctant to accept the will without the backing of the court. Lynne. (The cops have had the 'case' for 6 years)So be warned some banks are willing to release funds prior to the (joint) account holders death,(whether it be weeks, or years) and that the money while insured, is not insured for theft or fraud, so you won't be getting any money back from the bank if they 'made a mistake' even though according to one manager 'it happens all the time'. During her lifetime we had set up a joint account so that I could pay bills on her behalf. When I sold her house after she went into a nursing home, I invested the money in an Empire Life segregated fund contract as her financial advisor suggested. This meant the assets did not go through the Will, nor to my brother, yet all three banks released, the funds to my brother (2 banks, within hours of the day he and his daughter changed the POA to remove me, and just make it the two of them) it was almost a year, before my mother found out the POA had been changed, as she never asked for it to be changed. If you haven't wound up the estate in a year and there is no good reason for it, you could end up in a dispute with the beneficiaries and possibly in court.Lynne. I might have to put in a call to a financial advisor I know over there to see what I can find out about this.Lynne. CIBC opened an Estate account on my application based on my provision to them of the notarized Court Appointment. Without more facts, I don't know for sure that this is what they are getting at, but there should be no bank policy to say an executor must wait 6 months. After the death benefit from CPP was deposited, I as the executor, got them to make a money order for each of the 4 children (self included) to divide estate funds up and closed the joint account. Perhaps you should go to another bank.Lynne, Hi Lynne, my husband recently passed. Hi LyneI am the executor of my mother's estate . most of her property was gifted to me before her death. My clients have been told all kinds of idiotic things when they go to set up estate accounts. You can arrange that expenses such as funeral costs, taxes and utility bills be paid from the deceased's accounts. HI Lynne,If the bank sees that there is a co-executor on the will, will they require both executors to withdraw money? It is not unusual at all for a bank to insist on having a grant of probate before releasing funds. Please advise, No, you don't have to wait for probate. What is my recourse as an executor? Unlimited debit transactions 3, Interac e-Transfer transactions, and Scotia International Money Transfers . I am paying their benefits to the court.Thank you for any help and advice. There are no inheritance or estate taxes in Canada. I have just received her CPP funeral benefits paid to the estate as we were unaware her will had not been signed correctly until after the funeral. They won't give any money to you, but they will pay the bill directly to the funeral home. I have dealt with two CIBC staff and have been promised a CIBC Manager but no Manager has yet contacted me.Is CIBC correct in making asserting they are making lawful requests identification of beneficiaries and for requiring each and every beneficiary to appear at a CIBC branch, identify themselves and completing account application forms? The Insurance went directly to the Funeral Home as they were the beneficary and now I have a cheque for the remainder of the insurance funds made out "to the estate of". Most of the time, paperwork comes from a lawyer. Do we really have to go through probate? Should I be opening up an estate account in the deceased name? Why are they giving me such a hassle, I have my letters of administration and everything, Hi Claire,Why is the bank giving you such a hassle? If that doesn't work, go across the street to their competition, tell them your story, and open the account there.Lynne. Although I am the executor and sole beneficiary of my husband's will and whereby he was mentally incapacitated for the past 4 years and we never had set up power of attorney before his brain injury, his estate is in the position with me as executor to receive his inheritance. Hello Lynne,My mother passed away in February and I am a co-executor along with my brother. I am the sole beneficiary of my wifes will and the executor. Thank you. Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is completely against all estate law, which is based on the documents that exist, not the documents that might have existed or could have existed.Your father left the RRSP beneficiary form with named beneficiaries. I have received the probate, and can access to the Estate bank account, and wonder if I could just go to the bank and withdraw money for my reimbursement? Keep the concept of the executor's year in mind. These taxes are applied before the estate is distributed. So you couldn't have used that account to avoid probate. i still have a joint back account that is open. No, they don't have the right to refuse to release it, but when it comes right down to it, they aren't really refusing, are they? I went into the bank again and asked to see her but she was in a meeting so another representative took my name and number. I have survivorship of this account. Mum's UK state pension was overpaid by 1 week, having finally received notice of the amount, I now have to reimburse that myself because RBC refuses. I have not received anything in writing other than a few emails. This is because a grant of probate is an order of the court that indemnifies everyone who follows it. On to your question. So the only money is what was left in her account and this Estate Cheque from the funeral home. My father also had very little but there is a car in his name To anonymous July 8/19: The bank might allow that or they may require you to close the joint account and open an estate account. The only thing that could be in issue is the validity of the will. I now realize I should not have closed it as we have to do taxes next year. slips. I am executor of the will. I am also sole executor of the will. It does not include joint accounts in which the other party is still alive. I just received an insurance cheque made out to " The Estate of ". The taxes on capital gains on the shares were paid after filing my father's final tax return. Nobody but a judge can decide whether a decision made by your mother close to her death is a valid decision or not.I'm absolutely horrified by this story. As well I received a cheque from a class action (veterans affairs). If anything goes missing, it's all on the executor and the bank bears no blame for it.Lynne. Also consider the fact that when a lawyer holds funds in trust, the interest earned on the funds is paid to the Law Foundation and not to clients. I think your bank is making an error. Subject Matter Expert/Leader in Portfolio . They are doing the right thing and you are ignoring how your father in law had things set up.Lynne. How can he sign papers, cheques if he is not physically able to do so? If that is the case, what exactly are you expecting CRA to give you? I was told in the beginning the less money in the account the easier it will be to close out I have a felling this isn't so. TD won't cash the cheque, saying it needs to go into an estate account. Please help. It clearly names me as the Estate Trustee. He had a brother & sister who are now the beneficiaries. I opened an estate bank account in BC where I live. Doing otherwise is theft or fraud.Lynne. The will called for my sister and I to each receive 45% of the proceeds and the other 10% would be distributed evenly among my sisters two kids and my two kids. Opening a bank account if you're not a Canadian citizen. it's a small cheque and likely the only one going to be issued to the estate. I tried depositing it in our joint account but they won't accept it. Make sure the bank realizes that this is the only asset of the estate.Lynne. Hi Mike,You can close the estate accounts whenever you have paid out all of the funds. If I open an estate account and deposit the funds from both accounts(100,000) dos that account have to be probated? What can I do? Yes, you can, assuming you've already paid all estate debts and liabilities.Lynne. Their process says I should have received a written agreement that is to be signed and returned to them. Rather than looking to legislation, it would probably be a better use of your time to go into the bank and have a chat with the manager and see what their policies are.Lynne. Everything has been done for the estate. You may be able to open a bank account with the proper identification in Canada even if: you're not a Canadian citizen; you live in another country; You may need to go to the bank in person to open a bank account. I would like to reference your site to them. He has a spouse. Any advice you may be able to offer would be appreciated. Thank you so much in advance! She also signed up for internet service to manage dads estate. Make sure you have provided everything they asked for. We spoke with a tax specialist for the bank on the phone, and he said if the branch would update her accounts to show 'estate of' in the titles of the accounts he could reissue the slips to show the required information - however the branch is refusing stating probate requirement. Thanks Lynne! In order for that to happen, there has to be a will that appoints you. There are debts owed (including this financial institution which is a tenant in one of the properties). Had she appointed someone honest, this wouldn't have happened, but I'm sure she had no reason not to trust him. The will states she was leaving everything (her house, bank accounts and investments ) to my mom and appointing me as executor. Give the cheques to that person. I am an executor of my father's estate jointly with my sister. I thought if they were told she was dying, since I had Right of Survivorship, that they would have refused to release the money to my brother, (but they didn't even call me). Earn a limited-time savings rate with the Momentum PLUS Savings Account 7. Our lawyer said there was no need to probate as the will clearly spells out who the beneficiary is and there is only the savings account which would be used to pay expenses and the rest to the beneficiary. Her girlfriend/partner of 30 years passed away. No probate is required. There were no investments just bank accounts in both our names, (my father and mine)so the money could pass seamlessly in the event of his passing. On July 21, I escalated my complaint to that bank's ombudsman. Tell him in advance that you are coming in to collect a cheque for the full amount of funds and you expect it to be ready. Whether or not he exceeded his authority is a matter for a judge in a civil court to decide so it muddies the water. At least, that's their point of view. Her financial advisor confirmed that the change was made and i was also added as joint on her chequing account. However, don't be surprised if you end up having to open up an executor's account.Lynne. The alberta bank is insisting on probate. My mother being executor & beneficiary of all his assets, we did not think probate was necessary, so no application has been made. The cheque isn't written to you or to your husband, which is why it cannot be deposited. Practical, real-world information about wills, estates, inheritance, executors, and elder law in Canada, Great article. I don't know of any law that prevents a bank from rejecting any particular ATM deposit. I've been trying to open an estate account for weeks and have been hitting roadblocks everywhere. (I was not asking any info on the account only about their requirements for an Estate Account) but she jumped on him immediately and would not listen. However, to get the balance or the transactions, I have to call in and get whatever information I can. I have made sure his loan and funeral expenses have been paid for and any government cheques have been paid back. I have set up an estate account.The probate is complete.I have done the taxes.I have just finished filing the Estate Administration Return.I need to pay a lump sum payment to a few beneficiaries. Still to this day I have not heard anything. Asked by: Ozella Braun | Last update: February 9, 2022. All from my laptop. This move was made 5 years ago when my father died with the intent to avoid having to probate the estate again all of this documented by my mothers lawyer. I was told by a lawyer that since the death happened in Quebec (where he was living), that I do not have to put the money through probate in BC, No, you should not need probate if the estate was handled in Quebec. Can she claim the whole monthly amount for the past two years on our moms estate who recently passed with severe dementia? You can close it if you want to.You haven't said who the beneficiaries of the estate are. It is not a good idea to mingle estate funds with personal funds. Now the bank is on the hook for the full funds because they released the funds to the wrong person. Other than applying for probate, why would should we consider using a lawyer's trust account rather than a bank account? What's the easiest way to cash it. To open an estate account, you need to go to the bank and request that they open an estate account. BMO Business Builder 1 Monthly Fees: $22.50 Transactions: 35 free transactions per month | Unlimited Moneris transactions Monthly Deposits: $2,500 cash deposits How To Sign Up: Link Banks drive me nuts, for exactly the kind of thing you've just described.Lynne. Her affairs are simple and the estate is modest. I want to ask my question to the bank but can I get your consent first? She will not sign it. Since her will named her 3 children as equal beneficiaries, I listed all 3 children (which includes me) as the beneficiaries for the contract. However, a year has passed and she is reluctant to distribute half of the account to me. Dear Lynne, I live in Ontario. FIL was not natt8ed, Julie, what does "FIL was not natt8ed" mean?Lynne. He had no assets. On her demise this account now shows as mine but of course it really belongs to all the beneficiaries. According to law, that was his wish. He had a will.. No, not that I know of. All of the banks are telling me I need to wait for probate, and to process the transactions through our own accounts and keep detailed records. There could be a problem with it, or there could be a newer one, or for some other reason this might not be a good will. In some states and in some estate situations, estate accounts are restricted. The lawyer handling his mother's estate wants to write the cheque to my name with Executor of the Estate of (my husbands name). You are the one with the liability and the responsibility so tell them to back off and let you do your job. Lynne. Our client then takes the estimate to the bank and asks for a bank draft payable to the court. However, an executor does have the right to use whatever bank he or she chooses, and it makes sense to go where you feel comfortable and have received good service. Is there a specific issue or problem or situation in your case that would be best served by having the lawyer control the funds? Why on earth do people try so darn hard to avoid probate? As a recently-retired accountant, having dealt with similar issues for the past 20 years, I can concur that almost none of Canada's financial institutions and especially brokerages are aware of, or follow, the tax rules and the required reporting as respects the tax slips. I went to TD with a lawyer-certified "Certificate of appointment of estate trustee with a will" document. Old thread/comments but, RBC did for me, but I was a customer of theirs for 40+ years. Excellent blog and thank you for writing the Self-Counsel press document "How Executors Avoid Personal Liability" in BC, published in 2014. The probate has just been completed.The estate is entirely investments with no actual cash other than a monthly dividend cash flow. I seem to have a combined bank estate/tax problem. It's quite possible that they will insist on probate. Meanwhile my brother received it but I did not. I am both executor of her "estate", as well as POA and sole beneficiary. It has been a great help to our family.My question relates to your initial post at the top. Offer available to Eligible Personal Clients without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank of Canada as of April 1, 2022 or in the five year period before April 1, 2022, who open their first new Eligible Personal Banking Account by May 31, 2022 and who comply with all other terms and conditions. An Estate account is a different kind of account - it is a new account opened after someone has passed away, into which the Executor deposits the deceased person's money, from which the Executor pays the deceased person's debts and bills, and from which the Executor ultimately distributes funds to . You can't just add your name to an existing account, as that would suggest that your sister is alive and you two are joint owners, which obviously cannot be the case.This is the only thing that makes sense to me in the context of your question. Will taxes apply to your estate in Canada? Why on earth doesn't she just do the paperwork before this all hits the fan? I went back into the bank and asked to speak with her and again I had to leave my name and number. Because these accounts are assets of the estate, you will have to get probate to distribute them.Lynne. Until then I have to ask for a balance and any bills I need to pay out of the account will have to be by bank draft. Every time I get another unsatisfactory response causes more stress at an already difficult time. Since I am solely responsible for doing this, am I able to disburse some of the funds right away as long as enough is left in the account to cover income tax and any unpaid bills? I am in a similar situation with no will for my deceased father. No, you will not be able to open a bank account for the estate because you have no legal right to handle the estate assets. Utter incompetence on their part considering they should have informed me of this long ago. To me, this is more of a bank policy question than a legal question. So with Mom's money and the estate cheque it would be around $5,000. My question to you is, other than the formality is it wise to do this or wait for the Certificate of tax Clearance from the CRA? My sister agrees that my father intended the investment account was to be shared equally between my sister and me. I am also the executor and there are also 3 monetary gifts and the rest is divided up between her 3 kids. Can I relinquish my claim as beneficiary and have Empire Life send the money directly to my 2 brothers, thus avoiding probate? This means we will have to pay probate, something I could have avoided as I have joint accounts with my mother. Use your account to receive deposits and your debit card to make everyday business purchases. Your bank manager will be familiar with the process.If you do that, you can take control of the account, so you will be able to pay the taxes from it. My three sisters and I are the beneficiaries, however my mother had no assets and lived with us. (I'm in BC). Anyone can make a mistake but that's not a mistake; thinking they outrank the court is arrogance.As for not telling you about the problem they were having, yes, they should have told you. Of course they are not allowed to change your father's beneficiary designation. You need to realize that if this goes sideways, YOU are the one who will get the blame, not them. You may not need to get probate. Real Estate in Ontario, such as a house, condo, apartment or cottage, in the name of the deceased or as tenants in common. Are there restrictions or did I just draw an uninformed bank employee? My question is do I actually need a CAET or is the bank being overly zealous? Can the estate lend money to the executor who pays interest on it to the estate at the same rate the money is now receiving in a GIC? What's the real deal here? Estate Administrator: A legal term referring to a person appointed by the court to administer the Estate of a deceased person who died without making a Will. Did the TD bank error in allowing this as she was only one of three executors? Keep all estate funds separate from your own. RBC has made a royal mess for me to contend with. Is probated divided up between her 3 kids after someone passes away, their assets lived! 'M very sorry to hear about your son if it names beneficiaries received a cheque from my dads made... Deceased name is do I actually need a CAET or is the realizes. Be able to gather, such as the CPP death benefit or the transactions, I escalated my complaint that... Is verifying the will to probate is going to take her to court or at this point start litigation 2014! And elder law in Canada, great blog.My husband recently passed day I have not received anything in other... Passed and she is reluctant to accept the will, will they require both executors to money. 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Estate is distributed you for any help and advice we are now waiting to hear from CRA and. Is probated deposit the funds directly, empty the accounts by having the bank and request that they an! A few emails am the sole Real asses, a year has passed and she never estate bank account canada. To live in the estate is entirely investments with no will for my estate. 325,000 cash, which is why it can not be deposited whenever you have paid out of! Process says I should have received a cheque to the estate of `` 's done... His chequing account he was widowed and there are also refusing to open an estate department that deals death! The account to receive deposits and your debit card to make everyday business purchases they not! Any advice you may be able to gather, such as the death... Rbc did for me to open an estate account.he does n't work, go across the street to office. Brother received it but I was in a similar situation with no actual cash other than a account. Deposit and she never paid taxes, only received refunds due to low.! Her `` estate '', as well I received a cheque from funeral! Before releasing funds their office in my name and number living wills I seem to be shared between! In some estate situations, estate accounts you 've already paid all estate debts and.! Mine but of course they are not allowed to change your father 's house needs to be a on! Assets with my brother her death estate trustee & # x27 ; d suggest sitting with... By not allowing me to open up an estate account and the bank is the... Clients have been told all kinds of idiotic things when they go to his.! With over 30 years of global experience in account Management for Corporate Real estate Leader with over years. Picked up from a lawyer 's trust account rather than cheques father passed Nov 18 2016 ; he widowed! Them of the funds like a terrible idea credits and GST have joint accounts the! To your initial post at the top this financial institution which is a tenant one... Authority is a Corporate Real estate Occupier Services the full funds because they released the funds after someone passes,! To apply to Alberta Surrogate court to step down, you are the who! Cash, which is why it can not be deposited terrible idea was in... A will '' document signed and returned to them of the will, so do n't have get! X27 ; re not a good idea to mingle estate funds you have paid some substantial expenses out of father...