do great pyrenees get along with other dogs

What is the personality of a Great Pyrenees? These are crucial parts of your Great Pyrenees personality that you should consider before getting another dog. The Great Pyrenees can quickly become attached to their owners to the point of developing attachment anxiety. The Great Pyrenees become attached to their owners easily, but they can be left alone for about 4 to 8 hours a day because of their independence. However, because they are such large dogs, it is important to carefully introduce them to other dogs, and to make sure that both dogs are comfortable with each other before leaving them alone together. Although this breed wouldnt be considered the playful type, he is driven by independence and his devotion to protecting others and will take the role of watching over them. They provide extra traction and stability when a dog is running or climbing. What Small Dogs Are Good With Great Pyrenees? She loves our family and her job as a livestock guardian dog! The key is to socialize them from a young age so that they learn to respect each others space and boundaries. 2. Here are seven dog breeds that might be good for your pup: Great Pyrenees dogs have always liked to live independently and do things their way. Are Great Pyrenees Good With Other Small Dogs? Another thing to consider is that the Great Pyrenees is known for being very protective of its family and home. Accessed 10 May 2021,,dog%20to%20an%20outside%20dog, The herding instinct is strong in the Great Pyrenees and they will instinctively try to herd other animals, including dogs. The breed is gentle and loving with family but may be aloof with strangers. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You, as their owner, should act as the leader of your pack. The Great Pyrenees is a gentle giant, and as such, they typically get along very well with other dogs. This also extends to how well trained the other dog is. It is crucial to train them as early as possible for these reasons. If everything goes well, let them sniff each other and then give them some time to explore together. Others try to find another dog of a similar Without a purpose, Great Pyrenees can become bored and destructive. This way, you can intervene if necessary and make sure everyone is staying safe. It is important not to expose your dog to other dogs that are not well-trained or aggressive. There are a few things you can do to help your Great Pyrenees deal with jealousy. Companionship has been proven to improve moods and decrease stress in both humans and animals. The most probable way for the two to get along would be to socialize them at a young age. What they do during down time when the family is relaxing, What noise level they are comfortable with, Can ease separation anxiety in your Great Pyrenees, Creates a secure pack environment for your dogs, Helps deal with loneliness in your Pyrenees, Double the costs for food, toys, and medical needs, Your Pyrenees may pick up or teach bad habits, Extra time and care is required to properly introduce two dogs. They also have a low energy level, which means they wont wear each other out too much during playtime. If they have their own beds and toys, theyll be less likely to fight over them. Start with supervised playdates in neutral territory. Its also twice the love for your family to enjoy, especially during walks and at playtime. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'juniperpets_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_8',174,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-juniperpets_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); How does this behavior extend toward other animals? An effective way of encouraging your pup to get along with other dogs is by introducing them to other dogs in neutral places. There are many different things to consider about both your human and animal family before adding a second dog. Yes, a Great Pyrenees can live with a small dog, but there are some things to consider before making this decision. The Surprising Truth. 4. Its normal for dogs to be jealous of each other. Are they friendly or aggressive? 2021, Do Great Pyrenees get along with Miniature Pinscher? Originating in the Pyrenees Mountains on the border of Spain and France,shepherds and farmers bredthese fluffy and majestic dogs to protect sheep and other livestock from predators such as wolves and bears. Other factors to consider in your Pyrenees personality include: Before adding another dog to your home, youll want to expose your Great Pyrenees to situations where other dogs are present to get a feel for how their personality plays out. Make sure each dog gets plenty of space to breathe and do their own thing even during a play date. There are several reasons why Great Pyrenees make great companions for other dogs, even though they were initially bred as guard dogs. Some Great Pyrenees, however, thrive by themselves and prefer to do their own routine rather than be with other dogs. The pros and cons of adding a friend for your Great Pyrenees to your household is a long list. For centuries, the Great Pyrenees have been known to have an intuitive sense of protection for smaller animals. One such breed is the English Bulldog. I know personally of two; separate tragic incidents where Copyright 2023 PetsAvis | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Some Great Pyrenees are not safe with cats. This canine breed was historically well-known for serving as livestock guards, making it protective of the pets it watches over. While Great Pyrenees are strong and protective dogs, they are known for having affectionate temperaments and a calm demeanor. Many factors can contribute to your Great Pyrenees not getting along with other dogs. This can be anything from guarding your home to being your hiking buddy. Anatolian Shepherd is a mastiff-type breed that is known for its strength and its guarding instincts. This loneliness may lead to acting out and bad behavior. WebDo German Shepherd dogs get along with Great Pyrenees dogs? (Answered!). She told her daughter about the dos and don'ts of dating. A dog park or your backyard may be ideal for the initial meeting. Theyre also good choices for people who live in suburban settings since they dont require a ton of space. They are also good with other animals, including small dogs. Are the Great Pyrenees Good with Other Animals? This means that the owners should be nearby and the first meeting should ideally be in a place thats neutral to both dogs, such as the park or at a friends house. Great Pyrenees get along best with other dogs of their breed. However, there are some factors to consider when introducing them. However, they are not so compatible with adult dogs of the same sex. To start, make sure each dog gets their own space. A small yard or apartment is not going to cut it for this breed. Yes . When looking for a dog, it is important to consider the temperament of the breed. Furthermore, they are very gentle towards the ones he loves. Can Great Pyrenees Get Along With Other Dogs? If you decide to get a new dog to live with your Great Pyrenees, you will want to make sure they first have a proper introduction. Make sure both dogs are getting plenty of attention so that nobody feels left out. Finally, make sure you supervise all interactions between the two dogs. Webdo a play 11 : to treat unfairly especially : cheat did him out of his inheritance 12 : to treat or deal with in any way typically with the sense of preparation or with that of care or attention: This could be due to their attentive nature, in which they may consider an unknown canine to be a predator. When a Great Pyrenees refuses to listen and is Educating yourself about the responsibilities and preferred ways to introduce a second dog to befriend your Great Pyrenees is the best way to find the answer for you. Just be prepared to give them the time and attention they deserve and youll have a loyal friend for life. Its also important to remember that the Great Pyrenees is a very protective breed and may see the Pomeranian as something to be guarded. [count] informal. Yes, Great Pyrenees and Pugs can get along very well. Can they be alone for long periods? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. When your pup grows older, health conditions and behavioral changes may increase the possibility of separation anxiety. They are gentle, loving, and patient dogs that make great family pets. How much time per day can you devote to playing and walking two dogs? If you do not adequately train them, their protection instincts can come out, and they can be aloof or even aggressive towards strangers and animals they do not know well. If you have a Great Pyrenees that is very calm and laid back, then they will likely get along just fine with a Jack Russell. Great Pyrenees are not aggressive by nature, but they can be if they feel their family is threatened. Owners can take advantage of this by making sure to treat all their animals as an equal part of the family. The Great Pyrenees is not the right dog for every family. They are giant dogs that shed constantly, bark a lot, and need lots of space and not all owners are prepared for the commitment. If you adopt the Great Pyrenees from a rescue charity, there is a good chance they will take care of the neutering or spaying for you at no charge to you. Your email address will not be published. To excel in obedience, you want to show them that you are their pack leader. Required fields are marked *. WebGreat Pyrenees are very intelligent dogs. Although this breed is patient and protective of children, they like to sit back and enjoy a peaceful atmosphere. The most important part of introducing your Great Pyrenees to another dog is having patience. Although they get along with dogs of their own breed better, Great Pyrenees dogs also get along with other breeds. There are a number of dog breeds that weigh 80-100+ pounds. However, since we are assuming, they live with you, and maybe in a household, they shouldnt be left alone. Great Pyrenees dogs have a higher energy level than other dog breeds. Can It Work? Continue with Recommended Cookies. If your pup is only attached to you and is not very familiar with things in the neighborhood, it will be prone to having separation anxiety each time she realizes that you are leaving. Yes, I think the Great Pyrenees are good with other dogs. Like people, Great Pyrenees have different personalities, which will determine whether they can live with other dogs or if they should be the only dog in a household. They can usually get along with other dogs, and if a dog wants to provoke a Great Pyr, they will more than likely pay them no attention or fight if they have to. This is especially true if youre choosing a rescue dog instead of a puppy. Obedience training is a must for dogs, but you may find it a difficult task for this dog breed. Great Pyrenees dogs need a companion to maintain positive energy even when youre not around. The Great Pyrenees can get along with other pets, but its important to socialize them from an early age. Assuming you would like tips on introducing a Great Pyrenees to a small dog, here are a few things to keep in mind. If youre choosing a breed that is smaller on average than Great Pyrenees dogs, youll want to choose one of the larger puppies from the litter. If he is properly trained in obedience and socialization, he will likely tolerate a smaller dog. Great Pyrenees Temperament Learn More About This Big Breed. The Happy Puppy Site, 11 Mar. When a Great Pyrenees dog grows with a companion or companions, from a younger age, they also consider them as family and will be protective and caring. Great Pyrenees can get along with other dogs as long as they have a sweet temperament and are properly trained and socialized with other dogs from a young age. While all dogs have their own unique personality, these breeds are generally considered to be more laid back and calm than other dog breeds. The Great Pyrenees is a large breed of dog and can weigh up to 100 pounds.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'allaboutmysmalldog_com-banner-1','ezslot_29',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allaboutmysmalldog_com-banner-1-0'); They were originally bred to be working dogs, and as such, they have a lot of energy and need plenty of exercise. . If your Great Pyrenees has had negative interactions or experiences with other animals before, it could lead them to be aggressive or hostile toward new pets that they meet. Make sure you research the daycare and classes and that they have a positive reputation and good reviews from other dog owners. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 9 Best Dog Harness For Small Dogs (Expert Reviewed 2023). Even your Great Pyrenees needs friends! While not every point will be relevant for your family, consider the following carefully if you are stuck on the decision. They are also usually very good with children and other pets. This may be due to its serious and somewhat stubborn personality. Siberian Huskies are a working dog breed that is known for their intelligence and stamina. Every dog is unique in its own way. Also, consider if your job or free time will be changing as well. Many believe its essential for them to have another pup to play around with. Your email address will not be published. If you wont have the time in your schedule to care for two dogs a year from now, its not responsible to add another dog to your family, even if your Pyrenees would benefit from it. Answered! Are Great Pyrenees good with small dogs? Accessed 10 May 2021, Team, Happy Puppy. Which dog is best for first time owners: German Shepherd vs Great Pyrenees? Some of these include . They only live peacefully with those they want to live with, and stubbornly protest if they dont want a companion. When first introducing a Great Pyrenees to a Chihuahua, its important to do so in a neutral environment not somewhere that either dog feels territorial. Do Great Pyrenees and Cocker Spaniels get along? Altogether, they are friendly, loving, and playful amongst their furry friends. However, if a Great Pyrenees dog has not been well-socialized or well-bred, there is a tendency that other animals will be perceived as rivals and the Great Pyrenees can become aggressive and dominant. Leaning is a common behavior in Great Pyrs, and they will do this to show their connection towards you. Yes, Great Pyrenees and Dachshunds can get along. How To Introduce Your Great Pyrenees To Another Dog, Shiba Inu vs Basenji: A Complete Comparison. Learn more. A dog used to long walks on a hiking trail may not have nearly as fun at a crowded dog park. Once they seem to be getting along well, you can leave them alone together more often. They are also known for being protectors of their family and home. You may find it easier for them to get along with children if hes a puppy. However, if your Great Pyrenees is full of energy and tends to be more dominant, then they may not do as well with a Jack Russell. If youre getting a dog-friend for your pup, make sure you treat the new friend as family. Related Post: Are Alaskan Malamutes Good With Small Dogs? Great Pyrenees dogs are well-known for their unwavering strong will. Giving them a lot of attention and being patient with them. It will whine, howl, and bark in sadness and anxiety. They can weigh up to 100 pounds and stand 30 inches tall at the shoulder. We get commissions for purchases made through links on this website from Amazon and other third parties. The size, age, and gender of a dog can also affect your Great Pyrenees attitude toward them. Forcing socialization can result in negative associations that will be difficult to break. In this case, your pup might try destructive things. Their overall temperament lends itself to treating other long-term dogs and animals as part of the family. Having a companion dog also helps them to reduce stress and boredom. Stability when a dog used to long walks on a hiking trail may not have nearly as fun at crowded. Before getting another dog, Shiba Inu vs Basenji: a Complete Comparison not.! Them alone together More often More about this Big breed make Great companions for other dogs reviews. In mind low energy level, which means they wont wear each other out much. Some Great Pyrenees are good with other dogs is by introducing them to reduce stress and boredom and... 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do great pyrenees get along with other dogs