cornell university summer internship program for high school students

The New York City Watershed Agricultural Program works closely with over 200 farms on implementing best management practices. The following projects, offered though by OEI, were carried out during thesummer of 2020 by Cornell students through the CCE Summer Internship Program. This project will support youth mental health and social emotional learning by creating sustainable 4-H experiences for youth who attend Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School in Rochester, New York. Summer 2023, NYP will be offering several 10-week paid internship opportunities for qualified graduate students from leading university programs. Our testing platform incorporates noninvasive scalp electroencephalography (EEG), head motion, electrocardiography (ECG), and measurements of galvanic skin response (GSR), blood pressure, and body temperature, along with integrated video recording of participant behaviors. Internship Location: City of Cortland and CCE Cortland County, Faculty: Sarah Giroux, Global Development. Internship Location: Work will be conducted primarily in the 10 county region of the NWNY CCE Team. Focus groups will be conducted with agricultural stakeholders to review the data gathered and identify actions to stabilize and strengthen agricultural businesses in the county. The county collaborator and 4-H educator will guide the student through the data collection process, and both county and campus mentors will provide advice and feedback on material development. Advancing Cornell Career Experiences for Science Students (ACCESS) The ACCESS Summer Internship Program at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences plans to run an in-person program from June 5th to August 4th, 2023.While we are excited to welcome students to campus next summer, the safety and security of the WCGS community is our highest priority and we may need to adjust to a . Students who participate in this hybrid internship will have the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most eminent researchers in the world in the field of biomedical research. The intern will help us develop a survey, recruit community groups and give them a survey measuring memory for presented information and other knowledge and attitude tests, plus fuzzy trace theory concepts. Internship Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County. Harvard's Pre-Med Academy gives high school students passionate about medicine a thorough introduction to pre-med curriculum (Level 1) and emergency room patient care (Level 2). This program, open to all Cornell students who have completed at least the freshman year, allows students to spend a fall or spring semester in Washington, DC. The property currently contains a one acre leach field, two barns, and an archery range. Second, the analysis will be used to produce an extension bulletin on "new methods for fighting poverty in your local community. . This project involves measuring the production and economic impacts of implementing our proposed protocol on 4 NYS commercial dairy farms. There is some evidence that improved office designs can alleviate these effects, promoting greater worker health, satisfaction, and productivity. The study is designed to document how parental beliefs about learning during play may contribute to cognitive outcomes and later academic achievement. The student would similarly conduct an online search for contact, programs and resources that could be made accessible to SHINE participants in a shared online database. The Gayogohn are members of the Hodinohs:nih Confederacy, an alliance of six sovereign Nations with a historic and contemporary presence on this land. The goal of our summer project is to help Orange County evaluate the success of these efforts. The intended outcome for the student is to work with the team to ensure a successful benefits program season for the most extensive Farmers Market Nutrition Program in the country. Participation in the programs below may provide eligibility for a Cornell Graduate School application fee waiver. The goal of this internship is to further educational and applied research activities consistent with the CCE Plant-Rich Eating plan of work. but have been accepted into an accredited college or university program for the fall semester. The CCE intern will help plan, conduct, analyze, and evaluate on-farm research with the team and participate in farmer education events focused on use of cover crops, nutrient management, and integrated pest management in field crop rotations. Enrollment is open to allfrom undergrads to high school students*, professionals, alumni, and any interested adult. This project will fill a perceived need that CCE Suffolk has in parent education programming. NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) paid internships allow high school and college-level students to contribute to agency . Summer findings and experiences are presented in the fall semester at the CCE Summer Internship Reception with campus and CCE association leaders, faculty and CCE Extension Administration staff in attendance. Thisproject aims to learn from children and youth living in New York City and across New York State about how they feel about climate change. A particular focus will be nine-spotted ladybug, our New York state insect that is listed as a species of greatest conservation concern by the NYDEC. When farm operators fail to plan for the transfer of business assets and management to the next generation, it exposes their business to human, financial and legal risks that can threaten farm viability. NYS Dept. Read more about the Empowering Parents Through Play project and check out Katherine Urena's summer internship blog! In addition to release of ladybugs, best practices for attracting and sustaining ladybugs through provision of preferred plant species, and the utilization of ladybug food and ladybug houses will be evaluated. Internship Location: Project is statewide. Summer Research Internships for Undergraduates Summer research opportunity programs are designed to introduce eligible undergraduates to leading scholars at the nation's top research universities. While 4-H has always had a strong presence in rural areas, it has not had much of a presence within the countys largest city-Cortland. Flus and Floods: Getting the Gist of Natural Disaster Risks project and check out Jennifer Lee's summer internship blog! The purpose of the internship is to utilize a newly developed 4-H Viticulture curriculum in the 4-H program in NYS, directly connect 4-H to CCE regional viticulture, generate a database of viticulture network and educational resources specifically for youth, and build a model for 4-H programming. This is the second year of the continuing "Playful Plants" project, whose objective is to provide resources and awareness to encourage childrens engagement with nature in both playspaces and public gardens. The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2020by CHEstudents through the CCE Summer Internship Program. We will work with the Cooperative Extension system to conduct applied research and develop interventions around family estrangement, building around other CE program experience around stressful family relationships. The program will include basic horticulture education, utilizing our outdoor classroom area, and hands-on experiential learning from prepping vegetable beds, planting seeds and starter plants, maintaining those plants, building compost in our compost bins, harvesting produce, and sowing cover crops as we put the farm to bed for the winter Read more about the GROWS project and check out Nika Coley's summer internship blog! Internship Location: Cornell University with focus on community resources in Tompkins County and surrounding regions. During the summer of 2022, in addition to training and supporting the teen leaders, we wish to focus on further building the capacity of agency leaders to support the CHAT project at their sites by strengthening their knowledge about CHFFF and CHAT, providing orientation sessions for the site leaders, and engaging the CHE intern in the process of developing strategies to support this goal. The purpose of the internship is to work with Cornell's Agricultural Weed ID Network to develop training and outreach materials on weed identification and management for 4-H youth and families. The goal is to increase opportunities for growth to youth populations who may not be familiar with, or have access to, traditional 4-H. Weeds are a growing problem for New York farmers, particularly with the arrival of two aggressive herbicide-resistant weeds, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. We are interested in developing training opportunities for equine volunteers to strengthen our volunteer base and enhance community participation. The Student Resource Navigator Program will deploy students as navigators in health care settings to initiate and track referrals to community resources that improve health and well-being. of Human Development. Participate in a field trip to food industries. Read more about theFlus and Floods: Getting the Gist of Natural Disaster Risks project and check out Jennifer Lee's summer internship blog! Read more about theChoose Health Action Teens (CHAT): Community-Extension Collaboration with Cornell Students Engaged as Teen Mentors project and check out Samantha Heller's summer internship blog! This project will address the growing Interest in gardening throughout New York working through CCE to explore the most innovative avenues through which to educate and inspire citizens. Faculty: Rebecca Seguin, PhD, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Internship Location: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Animal Industry, Albany, NY, Internship Location: CCE Madison County (Morrisville, NY), Internship Location: CCE Chemung County and CCE Tioga County, Internship Location: CCE Nassau County, Horticulture Center Demonstration & Community Gardens at East Meadow Farm, Internship Location: CCE Saratoga County/ CapMo PRISM, Internship Location: CCE Nassau Dorthy P. Flint 4-H Camp, Long Island Horticulture Research and Extension Center, Faculty: Dr. Anu Rangarajan and Dr. Mark Bridgen. Read more about theDeveloping Commercial Guidelines for Pawpaw, a Novel Commercial Tree Fruit project and check out Griffin Erich's summer internship blog! Passed in 2019, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) mandates 100% economy-wide net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Summer research opportunity programs are designed to introduce eligible undergraduates to leading scholars at the nations top research universities. Internship Location: CCE Cortland County, CCE Albany County, CCE Jefferson County, Internship Location: Mainly Ithaca, with work in Watkins Glen (4-H Camp Hidden Valley), CCE Schuyler County and CCE Tompkins County, Internship Location: CCE Madison County and CCE Wayne County offices, Internship Location: CCE Jefferson County, Internship Location: New York City, CUCE-NYC Office, The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Deans Inclusive Excellence Seminar Series. The 4-H Geospatial team in Section of Soil and Crop Sciences is partnering with Natural Resources and Biological and Environmental Engineering Departments to develop a 4-H curriculum consisting of activities that will culminate in local roadside ditch maps. The Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is a federal nutrition program administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) with the goals to 1) increase access to select New York State (local) produce items by eligible seniors and participants of the Women Infants and Children supplemental nutrition program (WIC) and 2) expand awareness and use of farmers markets. The project will create evidence-based programs for overcoming estrangement, which in turn is likely to reduce the suffering of affected relatives and contribute to building stronger families in NYS and nationwide. The CCE Delaware Team has been collaborating with the Nutrient Management Spear Program at Cornell for several years collecting whole farm Nutrient Mass Balance (NMB) data. Summer Session 2023 will feature In-person, on-campus courses in Ithaca Online classes Hike, swim, sail, picnic, enjoy a sunset concert on the Arts Quad, and check off #31 on the list of "161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do": Spend a summer here! Cornell Career Services provides extensive services to students engaged in a job search, whether for a summer position, a job during the academic year, or a full-time position after graduation. For many years, the 4-H Program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cortland County has been based primarily on the traditional rural 4-H club model. Farmers Market Nutrition Program project and check out Cole Hempel's summer internship blog! Our mobile wearable technology will streamline the process of obtaining more rigorous human-response data, and will thus support stronger scientific approaches in the field of design evaluation. Faculty and staff from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and the College of Human Ecology (CHE) along with extension educators from Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) local offices engage undergraduate students in extension projects in New York state communities. The project has two goals. Incoming interns will work closely with senior management and participate in achieving our strategic initiatives in Culture, Access, Engagement, Health & Wellbeing, Value, and High Reliability. The 2019 internship allows the student to learn about field-crop based precision agriculture in general, understand yield monitoring equipment, data collection, and data cleaning, and learn about and implement educational approaches that facilitate learning for students and certified crop advisors. We will conduct two studies to investigate human responses to common design variables such as different workstation layout conditions (Study A) and different lighting and window view conditions (Study B). Developing Commercial Guidelines for Pawpaw, a Novel Commercial Tree Fruit project and check out Griffin Erich's summer internship blog! Three- or six-week sessions Study in Ithaca, New York or Rome, Italy Classes in sculpture, drawing, transmedia, painting, and printmaking College students: Register now High school students: Apply now Contact Department of Art 224 Tjaden Hall Phone: (607) 255-6730 Fax: (607) 255-3462 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The qualitative interviews and surveys will be executed June 1 through July 31, 2020. Internship Location: New York Sea Grant; Stony Brook University, Suffolk County. New York States targets for emissions reductions are ambitious and fast-approaching. Using Mobile Brain-Body Imaging to Develop an Evidence-based Cognitive Agent Framework (EBCAF) for Computational Spatial Navigation Simulation project and check out Hira Mirza's summer internship blog! Two-Generation Program "PS: It Works!" We are interested in developing a master plan on how best to use the property to enhance the educational programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County. This project involves collecting additional NMBs for farms in the watershed, and evaluating if trends in soil test phosphorus results and field manure management records, align with NMB data. Read more about theDigital Agriculture Exploration for 4-H Youth: Geospatial Connections project and check out Stephanie Gallent's summer internship blog! Choose from hundreds of Cornell classes on campus, online, and abroad. This data will be summarized along with historical information about agricultures contribution to Wyoming County. Finally, the intern will share the results of the approach through diverse documentation which will include a web-based success story, to be distributed through CCE News and the Cornell Garden-Based Learning Blog; and potentially host a regional workshop to share with other CCE educators. Other associative programs include food preservation and cooking classes, with an emphasis on hands-on techniques that can empower people to safely store and consume their produce. Read more about the 4-H Viticulture Program Development project and check out Sadia Kantorczyk's summer internship blog! Faculty: Thomas A Hirschl, Global Development. - Develop briefs to help CCE educators across New York (and beyond) increase their ability to critically assess parenting education programs through a lens of cultural humility. Read more about theFamily Support: Educational Resources for Families of Gender Diverse Children project and check out Adelaide Graham's summer internship blog! The broad objectives of this project will be to work with a summer intern to develop and disseminate a diverse set of tools for gardeners, that will help them effectively release, and/or attract and sustain beneficial insects, especially one key group of predators, ladybugs. . If you choose to stay on campus, summer in Ithaca is the perfect time to take advantage of the area's stunningly beautiful gorges, waterfalls, lakes, and parks. An internship typically allows students to perform entry-level work and to better understand the structure and dynamics of different types of organizations. Read more about theNetZero: Dairy Sustainability Key Performance Indicators project and check out Will Salamone's summer internship blog! Normally the lambs are left with the ewes until they are 100 days old, but infection with internal parasites often slows growth or causes severe anemia unless the lambs are dewormed frequently. However, as is the case with nearly all architectural design research, the evidence for these findings rests primarily on small-scale studies using methods of self-reporting through surveys and interviews. This internship option is offered in the summer. More specifically, the CHE-CCE intern would help stakeholders evaluate. The interns will analyze data for the eleven study counties, including interviews gathered by eleven CCE associations, including Chemung, Tioga, Steuben, Tompkins, Cortland, Columbia-Greene, Hamilton, Jefferson, Suffolk, Wayne, and Monroe. The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2019 by CHE students through the CCE Summer Internship Program. If you think your business qualifies for this funding please contact Debra Moesch at 607-254-2802 ( Summer Internships provide entrepreneurial students with opportunities to gain essential experience in small to mid-sized businesses. The 4-H Geospatial Science and Technology Program trains educators and youth leaders to use tools of mapmaking: GPS collected data, Geographic Information System software and remotely sensed aerial and satellite images. The deadline to submit applications is March 1, 2022. plant, maintain, and assess a ladybug habitat at the CCE Schuyler Teaching Garden. Internship Location: Work may be undertaken anywhere, with site visits to selected County offices such as Chenango, Broome, Tioga, Schoharie and Allegany. Support: educational resources for Families of Gender Diverse Children project and check out Sadia Kantorczyk 's summer internship!! Research universities research opportunity programs are designed to document how parental beliefs about learning play. States targets for emissions reductions are ambitious and fast-approaching qualitative interviews and surveys will be summarized along historical... 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cornell university summer internship program for high school students